peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
September 29th, Twin Peaks
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Warning: Contains spoilers through episode 13.
We know that a lot of the scenes in Twin Peaks: The Return, especially those taking place within the town of Twin Peaks it’s self, are being shown to us outside of chronological order. Today I wanted to focus on September 29th. I do this for two reasons: 1) This is one of two specific dates that we have been given so far (or one of four, if you count the dates on the note its self), and therefore gives us a reference point on which to hang other events; 2) This is a significant date because we know that in two days time the events at Jackrabbit’s Palace are to take place. It is my personal speculation that we will not actually see the events at Jackrabbit’s Palace until the final two episodes.
September 29th
1. Day
    Part 9: Lucy and Andy argue over the color of a chair they are ordering.
    This is referenced in a later scene which suggests that this scene does in fact take place upon the same day.
2. Day
    Part 9: Bobby, Hawk and Sheriff Truman visit Betty Briggs and get the tube with info from Major Briggs, which has been hidden in a Chair.
    We can assume from the continuing scene at the sheriff’s office that this takes place the same day.
3. Day
    Part 9: The crew returns to the Sheriff’s station, where Bobby opens the tube.
    This is where we get the dates of October 1st and 2nd, which Truman says are the day after tomorrow and the day after that. So we know this is taking place on September 29th.
4. Night
    Part 11: Truman and Hawk go over their maps at the Sheriff’s station.
    Hawk says that the date they are going up is the day after tomorrow, which means it is the same day despite several apparent days which we have since seen transpire in Twin Peaks according to the Day-to-Night-to-Day sequences we have seen.
    When The Log Lady calls, Lucy references the fact that she and Andy are worrying over what furniture to buy, referencing the earlier scene and suggesting that it does take place on the same day.
    We see Jesse at the scene where the kid in the van has shot the gun, then cut to this scene at the sheriff’s station where Jesse shows up and asks Truman if he wants to see Jesse’s new car. The fact that Jesse appears to be in two places at once further suggests that the two scenes are not taking place on the same night.
5. Night
    Part 11: Bobby has dinner at the Double R, where he talks with Ed and Norma.
    In this scene Bobby refers to the fact that they found the information from his father “today,” so we know it is the same day – September 29th.
Note: There are other scenes we have already seen which may or may not take place on September 29th, but we do not yet have a clear reference to place them on this day for certain.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 11
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Air Date: 7/23/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     Buckhorn, South Dakota
     Las Vegas, Nevada
So Miriam is alive after all. Bad news for Richard Horne.
Now we have confirmation that Bobby is Becky’s father. I had basically assumed that, but it is nice to have confirmation.
Okay, so now we must definitely classify Diane as evil, though I really did not want to do so. The fact that she sees the “woodsman” approaching, does nothing about it but turn her head and lets it kill Hastings says that she is beyond just being played or duped. Perhaps this was a result of whatever happened between her and Evil Coop that night at her place that changed her.
2240 Sycamore is where The Zone is located in Buckhorn.
He’s Dead.
Loving Bobby more and more as we see how he treats his daughter.
Don’t know what to say about the sick girl in the car. It looked as if she were somehow drowning in water. Yrev, very strange.
Given the night to day to night sequences we have witnessed in the Town of Twin Peaks in Part 10, it should have already been September 1st and we should have seen the crew head out to Jack Rabbit’s Palace this week. The fact that we do not suggests that scenes are being shown out of order here. Given that deputy Jesse is at the crime scene and shows up at the Sheriff ’s station at nearly the same time to ask Truman if he wants to see his new car, again suggests that we are being shown events out of sequence. Since Hawk says here that it is still the day after tomorrow before they go to Jack Rabbit’s Palace, as it was the day that we saw them open the tube in Part 9, this definitely suggest that it is the events shown on the 29th that are the ones being shown early and out of sequence.
Cole’s hand shaking reminds us of the hands of several people shaking during the original series.
“Dirty, Bearded Men in a Room”
Went back and re-watched the scene at Lucky 7 Insurance in Part 5. Apparently I was wrong. My apologies. They refer to the arson case there as the “Littlefield” case rather than the “Mitchum” case. The fact that they were both arson cases must have linked them in my mind. There’s that confusion cleared up, then.
That Dougie squeezes at his face as he repeats “Dead,” recalls Evil Coop squeezing Jack’s face before killing him.
Don’t like the fact that Rodney’s “Candie Cut” is healed. This suggests that what we are seeing is all a dream, and I will be heavily annoyed if they say it is all a dream. This would mean that all of these people and events we have been heavily invested in all this time was for nothing.
Cherrie pie!
Thought for a moment that the piano player was starting to play Laura’s Theme.
Dougie sounded like the real Coop for a second there when he said that the pie was “Damn Good.”
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 10
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Air Date: 7/16/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     Las Vegas, Nevada
     Buckhorn, South  Dakota
Deeply disappointed in the scene in which Candy hit Rodney. The moment she appeared chasing the fly, I thought she would hit Rodney. The moment they showed the remote, before she even reached down to pick it up, I knew that the remote was what she would hit him with. It was all obvious, cliché and telegraphed so much ahead of time that there was no element of surprise and thus no sense of humor left in the moment.
On a related note, it felt to me like Candy reacted way too quickly for it to be an accident. Like she knew what she was doing and how she should react to cover up her true motivations. Perhaps she is rebelling against her Bosses in the only way she knows how in order to get back at them for how they treat her, Sandy and Mandy.
I already knew that everything would show up fine for Cooper in a physical. He was always portrayed as a great specimen of health. What I expected was for the doctor to order an MRI, or at least a CAT scan, in order to look at “Dougie’s” his brain.
Although Cooper flapping his arms was hilarious, and the smile on his face was priceless, this whole scene left me feeling queasy and uneasy. Although she is supposedly his wife, it felt like she was taking advantage of someone who was, at least temporarily, mentally challenged and unable to give informed consent.
When Chad stole the letter, I purposefully looked at the name on the letter in order to compare it to the name in the end credits. Because I was watching it live the first time around, however, I did not have the time to write it down. By the time I got to the credits I thought that the last name was wrong, but could not tell for sure without going back. Before I had the chance to watch it for a second time, other eagle eyed viewers on the internet had already confirmed that the name was not the same. What made me wonder was the idea that a letter would be delivered the same day that it was mailed. I have lived in small towns and have actually witnessed local mail delivered in a day or two, but it still has to be processed through the station.
Duncan said to Anthony that the two of them had conspired to deny the Mitchum brothers their insurance money. But it was Anthony who, in Part 5, told his boss “Bud” that it was not arson and that they would have to pay it out. This makes me wonder if Anthony was going behind Duncan’s back to somehow pocket the insurance money for himself. My other thought at this moment was that he may be a double agent working with the Mitchum brothers as well, but a later scene in this Part does not at least appear to support this idea at this time.
As much as I wanted it, I had not been sure that Constance was available for Albert. We already knew that she had kids who were in principle Hastings’ school. I had not noticed her wearing a ring, though I had not purposefully looked for it, but that is the type of job where you would not wear your ring anyhow for health and safety concerns. It was interesting then that in this scene with Albert and Constance at dinner that she lifts her left hand up towards the camera while they are talking as if to purposefully show the audience that she is not wearing a wedding ring.
The way that Tammy and Cole were hanging all over each other as they witness Albert and Constance (after appearing to have been at dinner together themselves), there is little doubt left in my mind. The two are indeed involved. This makes me think back to the scene in Part 6 when Cole calls Albert, who is in his car on his way to go find Diane. Is that Tammy who was with Cole as he was enjoying his fine Bordeaux?
Candy appeared to continue to be purposefully messing with Rodney and Bradley there in the scene at the Silver Mustang casino when Anthony visited, continuing to hide her motivations behind the cliché of a vapid or ditsy blond. I like this idea that, rather than using the cliché at face value, they seem to actually be subverting the cliché.
Not sure yet what to make of Cole’s vision of Laura (from a scene in Fire Walk With Me). This does confirm that Cole is touched, which we have not seen confirmed before. The moment, unlike the scene with Candy earlier that was highly telegraphed, came out of nowhere and truly startled me.
Still having a hard time believing that Diane is working with Evil Coop. One of my problems before was that there seemed to be absolutely no indications in the earlier scenes with Diane that had suggested to me, looking back, that something was up between her and Evil Coop. The fact that Cole said here that he had felt it in her hug, which I had interpreted before just as awkwardness, does show that there was indeed some sign earlier that there was something going on. This still does not indicate, however, that it is Evil Coop that she is directly involved with.
Remember that the message came from a server in Mexico. This may prove important later.
There has been some talk of the slow motion approach of Tammy to Cole’s hotel room. My instinctive reaction was that this was just shot from her point of view, and as she is going to see her lover (though she has important information to deliver) her mind is in a kind of slow motion, dream-like space. Then her hopes are dashed because Albert is there. There certainly does appear to be some awkward glancing when she sees that Albert is present. After re-watching it, however, I am less certain of this. It seems like the background sounds are more ominous and foreboding, perhaps just preparing us for the information to come.
That we see Evil Coop in the picture at the Glass Box suggests two possibilities. The first is that Evil Coop was indeed the mysterious billionaire, and that he was instructing the other man on how the box works and how to handle it. The other possibility is that the other man is the mysterious billionaire who is getting information from Evil Coop on how it works. In either case, Evil Coop would not involve himself unless it directly benefits him. Perhaps the box was meant to trap Coop, but the cow jumped over the moon. So he had to fall back on his second plan with “Dougie” and Cooper’s assassination.
Rebekah Del Rio’s voice had blown me away in Mulholland Drive, and it did so again here. No Stars, written by Lynch, was truly beautiful.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 9
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Air Date: 7/9/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     A Farm, South Dakota
     In the Air, over South Dakota
     Las Vegas, Nevada
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     Buckhorn, South Dakota
As Ray is heading to “The Farm,” and Coop arrives at a farm, I was expecting Ray to be there and for there to be a confrontation. It seems, however, that this a different farm than the one discussed by Ray and Evil Coop in the previous episode.
So it is Evil Coop, after all, who is working with Mr. Todd. I had become convinced it was Phillip Jeffries after Loraine had texted the black box in Argentina. Of course Evil Coop had also called this box. So is Jeffries working both with and against Evil Coop? It seems he wants both Evil Coop and the real Cooper dead. Why does he want the real Cooper dead? We still do not know for sure, of course, if the real Phillip Jeffries is out there. I still have a sneaking suspicion, based on the “blue” conversation with Cole, and the fact that the voice of the imposter Evil Coop talk to really sounds like Miguel Ferrer, that Albert may in fact be the imposter Jeffries.
It seems that Duncan Todd is not long for this world. Of course there are other possibilities as to who Evil Coop is talking about with the Double Header. It just felt likely that he was talking about Mr. Todd, as he just hung up with him and seems fed up with him.
We now get a rough time-line for Dougie. It seems that he was created in 1997, which gives him plenty of time to meet and marry Janey. He gets into a car accident shortly before going to work at the insurance company in 2002, assuming that this story is taking place 25 years after the events original series which took place in 1989. The car accident and “lingering effects” also explain why people seem to be tolerating Coopers (as Dougie) unusual behavior. Given Sunny Jims age, they must have had him after Dougie went to work at the insurance agency twelve years ago. So Janey does indeed to appear to be a real person and Sunny Jim does appear to be Dougies legitimate son.
So now they have Cooper’s finger prints to connect him with the FBI.
Cooper looks yrev, very close to coming back to full consciousness now.
Who is J.T.?
It really does feel like Lucy and Andy are supposed to represent the ignorant masses going about their daily lives and dealing with unimportant issues such as what color chair to buy, while unaware of what is actually going on. This would have worked fine for the original series, but does not make sense here given what the two have witnessed – especially Andy who was present with Truman at Glastonbury Grove.
The original idea was that Johnny Horne’s mental problems (perhaps an emotional coping mechanism) started after Audrey Horne had knocked him down the stairs as a child, although the scene explaining that ended up never airing in the original series. If a blow from falling down the stairs started his problems, could this blow from running into the wall bring him back?
Major Briggs’ apparent time travel, his knowledge of future events, and his leaving clues, further suggest that it may well have been him that left the diary pages in the Sherriff’s Station bathroom and not Leland, as Hawk had conjectured.
I am having a really hard time believing that Diane is really in cahoots with Evil Coop, as the text message suggests. The events at the jail just seemed too real and too raw to have been faked by Diane. There are no clues there to the contrary. Perhaps the text was forwarded to her by Jeffries? Just a thought.
Addition: The text that Evil Coop sends is all lower case. The text that Diane receives is all upper case.
We now understand what was meant when they talked about Jack wiring Betty’s car. He was wiring it to explode. I had been under the impression that she was still alive before tonight.
I was really looking foreword to the interaction between the Buckhorn Coroner and Albert, and I was not disappointed. Very well underplayed.
I mentioned before that I had gotten the impression that Jerry Horne had been abducted in the woods. I am now guessing that his foot is where he had been branded, like the marks on the Log Lady and Major Briggs, and this is his drug-addled brain’s way of recognizing that there is something different about his foot. Of course you never know with Lynch, and his foot may very well be possessed.
It is interesting to see the remains of the old lumber mill behind Bobby as he opens the tube.
We see the same image on this note from Briggs that Evil Coop had said he was looking for on his card when he told Darya that he was looking for coordinates. This suggests that the coordinates just might lead him back to Twin Peaks.
two-five-three, over and over again. This is the number that the Evolution of the Arm gave Cooper in the Red Room/Waiting Room. It is the time that Evil Coop was called back to the Lodge and Cooper escaped. Now we see it both as a time and a measure of distance on this note from Briggs.
10/1, 10/2. These are the dates listed on the note from Briggs. Truman says that they are two and three days away, making it currently September 29th. This will become important later.
Bobby says that Jack-Rabbit’s Palace was a place of make-believe where they made up stories. But what if these childhood memories were real and not just stories after all?
The piece of paper behind the note is obviously the same one Briggs showed to Cooper in season two. We see that the third Cooper is cut in half, so they do not recognize it as a word but just more randomness. This leads Hawk to mention “Two Coopers,” but we know that there were actually three on the original paper.
It appears that Cole and Diane had a past relationship. They used to smoke together way back when. Tammy’s reactions further suggest that there may indeed be a relationship between her and Cole, as Denise had suggested.
People seem to be praising Mathew Lillard’s performance in Part 9, but I just don’t get it. I thought his performances in Parts one and two were award worthy. His performance in Part nine, in contrast, seemed awkward, overblown and unrealistic. I just did not believe it. The one bright spot was when his voice changed when he began talking about Ruth and going to the Bahamas.
Why would they suddenly have asked Bill who his wife was? This part of the story just doesn’t make sense to me. They may have wanted to get to her after the fact, but in the moment it just does not play as a reasonable thing for them to do.
I have had a hard time getting the scenes from the Twin Peaks story thread to line up with the other story threads. The night performances at the Roadhouse do not line up with the nights as they are portrayed. The key would also have ended up arriving at The Great Northern the day after Jade had placed them in the mail, which is almost impossible. All of the other story threads are intimately connected and they portray events which show that they clearly take place one day after another. The only connection to the Twin Peaks thread so far, however, are those keys which arrive too quickly for comfort. Now when Bill Hastings signs and dates the picture of the Major, he writes and mutters 9/20. Yet in the earlier scene in Twin Peaks, it was 9/29. So now we see that the events in Twin Peaks are actually taking place nine days later than the events in the other inter-connected threads. This now makes sense of the discrepancies.
If Briggs had said “Cooper” three times, I would have suggested that maybe it was this event that had been broadcast back in time to the moment when he picked up the message discussed in season two. That Hastings says that he only says it twice, however, negates this possibility.
So it appears that Major Briggs was not killed. According to Hastings, his head just disappeared. This makes me wonder just what the coroner found. She says that the death is caused because the head is missing, but she does not explain how it became severed from the body. Albert, who is present at the Hastings questioning, may be able to somehow confirm this story.
The “Fruitcake” comment by Albert did feel completely out of place here. It would have fit in during the original series, but given what he knows now you would think he knows how real this might be.
The hum in The Great Northern really does sound like a meditation bowl.
We get further confirmation that Ben really has changed his ways.
Icicles do not fold on paper shelves. The shelves themselves may fold, though I’d think they would more likely soak and tear through, but the icicles definitely would not fold as the song suggests.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Some questionable theories about Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 8
Warning: Contains Spoilers
Is the egg/moth-frog in Part 8 meant to be either Bob or Laura?
 1) Laura
When we see the experiment vomit out the gelatinous mass, this mass is filled with these speckled eggs. For this reason alone, we can clearly see that the eggs come from this source of “evil” and they have nothing to do with the Laura image which is in the form of a golden ball that comes from the “good” giant. They are clearly two separate things which emanate from two completely different sources.
2) BoB
When we see the image of Bob in this gelatinous vomit, it is clearly different (separate from, larger than and in a different shape) than the speckled eggs. In fact, this semi-translucent blob with the image of Bob in it is the exact same semi-translucent blob that we see an image of Bob in when he appears to be drawn out of Evil Coop in an earlier scene. If Lynch had wanted to suggest that this egg was Bob, then he would have had no problem focusing in on one of the (same sized) eggs, had the shell turn translucent to reveal the image of Bob within it, then fade back onto the hard outer shell of the egg. As it sits, the eggs and the semi-translucent blob that is Bob are clearly two separate things and not intended to be confused with one another.
Are the two kids in 1956 Leland and Sarah Palmer?
According to my original Star Pic trading cards, Leland was born on February 26, 1944 and Sarah was born on March 3, 1946. So the ages of these two characters and their apparent age differences both fall into the realm of this being a reasonable possibility. Tradition would dictate that, if this were the case, the credits would list them as “Young Leland Palmer” and “Young Sarah Palmer” (or Novack, her maiden name). The credits simply list them as “Boy (1956)” and “Girl (1956).” This would seem to argue that they are not Leland and Sarah. In a traditional film, however, we get the whole story and see how everything relates to one another before we get the credits. Here we do not. In fact, we know that Lynch and Frost have purposely messed with the credits in order to keep information hidden. While Woodsmen apparently appear in two prior Parts, the name does not appear in the credits until Part 8 - or, if there is only one character called the Woodsman and the others are called something else, then we still have not gotten a credit to tell us what they are. The Giant is also listed as “???????,” which we now have reason to believe (based on the soundtrack) that he may be called “The Fireman” in this season. So it is possible that they are just being listed as Boy and Girl to obfuscate who they actually are. All of this is to say that, while it remains plausible that either or both of these characters are Leland and Sarah, we simply do not have enough information as of yet to say whether they definitively are or are not.
1) Leland
In season 2, Leland explains that he knew Bob from his grandfather’s summer house on Pearl Lakes in Washington where he used to go every summer. This does not mean that he lived near Pearl Lakes as a child, or that his family did not (at least briefly) move to New Mexico - we do learn that the boy lives by the school in Part 8. So it is at least still possible that this boy was Leland. What is interesting is that Leland was 12 years old in 1956. This is the end of his childhood, starting his teenage years. This means that if Leland was possessed by Bob as a child at Pearl Lakes, and this boy is Leland Palmer, then he was already possessed by Bob in this scene from Part 8.
2) Sarah
As far as I am aware, though my knowledge is admittedly not complete, we do not know for sure where Sarah was born or raised. The first verified reference that I am aware of is that she and Leland went to college together at the University of Washington. So it is still possible that she was in New Mexico in 1956, or even that she and Leland had known each other back then before re-uniting at college.
If Sarah was born on March 3rd of 1946, this places the time of her conception right around the time that the bomb was being tested and the golden ball containing the essence or energetic frequency that is symbolized by the homecoming picture of Laura Palmer came to earth. If you go nine months back from her birth, it would actually place the moment of her conception about a month before the blast, but the actual length of an individual pregnancy can not accurately be pinned down. It is even possible that she could have been born a month pre-mature, we simply do not have the information to go on. Suffice it to say that it is possible that the golden Laura ball could have entered Sarah, if not at the moment of her conception, then, at least within the first month of her development as a fetus. In fact, this Laura energy frequency could have been responsible for a quicker than normal development that resulted, once again, in a premature birth. If this girl is Sarah, then the presence of this energy could explain how she knew that the boy lived by the school as well as the psychic abilities that Sarah later possesses. It would then make sense that when the evil Moth-Frog enters her, it disrupts the development of her abilities. Thus these energy frequencies are passed down to her child (Laura), who has the ability to resist letting Bob enter her.
Who are the Woodsmen?
We do not know for sure that all of these figures being referred to as Woodsmen are actually Woodsmen. They could be something else entirely as there is only one being referred to as the Woodsman in the credits. This may simply be because he is the only one with a speaking role. Not only is he the only one who speaks, however, but he is also the only one that we see descend from the sky. The others just fade into existence already on the ground. This ability to speak, and the descent from the sky, suggests that the Woodsman may be different than the other beings. For all we know he may be the only intelligent one capable of independent thought and action. The others may just be workers doing what he tells them to do as their leader. At this point, we do not have conclusive evidence one way or the other. What we have experienced so far, however, suggests that this may be the case.
Before Part 8, I was leaning towards the idea that the being we see in the jail cell near Bill Hastings and the one we see later in the Morgue, may be victims of the fire described in The Secret History of Twin Peaks when there was the huge log jam on the river. This was mainly based on the idea that they appeared to be covered in soot, as if from a fire. Since Part 8, I have heard others espouse this theory. It was Part 8, however, which changed my mind on this issue.
I do not have the original interview to back this up, but when I saw the nuclear blast in Part 8 I remembered hearing that Robert Engle had said that when he and David Lynch were discussing what would become Fire Walk With Me, they talked about how entities from the Lodge were created when a nuclear blast struck some insects. When we go inside the blast, we see these white specks moving around that do resemble Nat-like insects, as well as some other indefinable insect like specks. Now it could be that this is all just bits of debris. The part of Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima that plays during this series of images, however, sounds very much like insects swarming and seems to back up this possibility. Next we see these little individual bursts or eruptions of color within the cloud. This my mind automatically read as moments of creation, which could be interpreted as the reactions taking place with individual insects that were caught in the blast. Then we see these so called “woodsmen” fluttering around the convenience store like insects. All of this, with the fact that Engle discussed this concept with Lynch himself, leads me to believe that these beings were indeed created by the forces of the Black Lodge using the nuclear energy to transform the insects into human-like entities. They are basically worker bees doing the bidding of the greater Lodge entities under the supervision of the Woodsman. The soot could just as easily be remnants of the nuclear blast as remnants of the fire.
Is the Palace Fortress (where the Giant and Senorita Dido reside) the White Lodge?
Yes, the outside of this Palace Fortress is indeed white. I have strong reason to believe, however, that this is not the White Lodge. Here is why:
1) In the original series, when Phillip Gerard is off his Haloperidol and speaking as Mike, when speaking of the Giant he says that they are aware of him. This suggests that the Giant is not one of the Lodge Entities. He is something different and thus resides somewhere else.
2) In the original series when Major Briggs is speaking of his abduction to the White Lodge, we get the image of him sitting on a throne-like seat surrounded in vegetation. This suggests that the white lodge is colorful, lush and full of vegetation. The Palace Fortress, on the other hand, is dark, grey and gloomy and I do not see any signs of vegetation either within or without the Fortress.
In the final episode of the original series, we do see the Giant in the Red Room/Waiting Room. This does not mean that he resides there, however. He could just be visiting Cooper.
 on a related issue, is the Power Station from Part 3 a part of the Palace Fortress in Part 8?
I personally do not believe so, as the ocean appears much closer from the balcony of the Power Station than the Palace Fortress - which is high up on a mountain. I do believe, however, that the two exist on the same ocean of consciousness.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 8
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Air Date: 6/25/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
    On the Road, South Dakota
    Twin Peaks, Washington
    White Sands, New Mexico
    Unknown, Another Place
    Palace Fortress, Another Place
So it seems that Ray made a deal with Warden Murphy to take out Evil Coop. There is no opportunity for him to switch the guns himself, which means that it had to be arranged ahead of time.
So there are multiple Woodsmen. Good to know.
Has Bob now been removed from Evil Coop? He was pulled out of his belly, but was he returned?
The impression that I got is that Nine Inch Nails did not really perform at the Roadhouse. My impression was that this was some sort of representation of the chaos going on in Evil Coop’s mind as he was being worked on and healed, as the music suddenly stopped when he suddenly became conscious and sat up.
Within the Nuclear cloud, we see what appears to be tiny Nat-like insects swarming around, as well as a series of other swarm-like particles. They are all in a blurred flurry of motion, so that it is hard to tell what exactly they are. It is possible that they could just be pieces of debris. The accompanying music, however, strongly suggests the swarming of insects.
Next we get a series of bursts of colored light within the cloud that my mind automatically interprets as moments of creation.
Then we see the Woodsmen fluttering around the Gas Station/Convenience Store like insects.
I do not know where the origin of this idea came from, but I have heard talk of the Lodge being formed when the radiation of a nuclear explosion strikes some insects and turns them into lodge entities. Well, we know that the Lodge has been around since before the times of Lewis and Clark, so we are certainly not witnessing the creation of the Lodge here. I also do not believe that it was something as simple as mutation from radiation that turned insects into the Lodge beings. I do, however, feel that the energy of the Nuclear bomb allowed beings of the Black Lodge to manipulate the life energies of the insects in such a way as to give rise to these Woodsmen. In essence they are the drones, or the worker bees, of the Black Lodge. They have been created with just enough consciousness to allow them to do the bidding of the Black Lodge entities.
I don’t know for sure that we are literally seeing the creation of Bob here in this bubble of vomit from this creature (is it “Mother?”), or if we are just seeing the explosion allowing him access to our dimension of reality.
The Palace Fortress appears to be on the same waters of consciousness as the Power Station from Part 3. I do not believe that this Palace Fortress is the White Lodge. First, because the image we see of the White Lodge in the vision of Major Briggs in the original series is of a lush and colorful environment. Second is because when Cooper spoke of the Giant in the original series he was told that We know of Him. This suggests that he is not from the Lodges, but somewhere else. Of course he did show up in The Waiting Room in the final episode of the Original Series.
Yes the Palace Fortress appears to be the place where we saw the Giant talking to Cooper at the beginning of this season.
The image of Laura was in a golden ball and Bob was in a translucent bubble, so no, that thing that came out of the egg was neither Bob nor Laura. There were a large number of these eggs in the vomit that had held the bubble of Bob, so we know that the egg is something different though it also appears, by association, to be of a dark nature.
“This is the Water,
And this is the Well.
Drink full and Descend.”
Sounds to me like a hypnotic suggestion drawing a person down into his or her subconscious.
“The horse is the white of the eyes
and dark within.”
Sounds like more hypnotic suggestion drawing someone towards sleep, which is exactly what happens to those who hear it.
So here is my theory, for what it is worth:
The girl we see in 1956 is Sarah Palmer. Sarah was born March 3rd of 1946, so this would make her about the right age. Furthermore, this puts the time of her conception right around the time that the Bomb was tested in 1945 and the Golden Ball was sent to earth. So I think that the golden ball, which contained the blueprint of a savior from Bob, was a part of Sarah’s conception. When the flying frog insect from the egg entered into her, however, it prevented her from fulfilling that role of savior. So the role was passed down into her child, Laura Palmer. I do not see the image of Laura in the ball as literally Laura, but of the image of the savior who ends up being Laura.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 7
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Air Date: 6/18/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     Buckhorn, South Dakota
     Arlington, Virginia
     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
     Sioux City, South Dakota
     Las Vegas, Nevada
Jerry is wearing the same clothes as he was when he was in the woods listening to Dr. Amp. Does this mean that he has been lost in the woods this whole time?  People have been known to disappear for a day or two in those woods without knowing how much time has passed. Has Jerry had one of those experiences? We shall have to see if any strange markings have appeared on him, as with the Log Lady and Major Briggs.
Hawk says that the 3 pages are definitively from the Secret Diary of Laura Palmer that Harold Smith had. He also suggests that it was Leland who had stashed them in the door of the men’s room stall, perhaps when they had brought him in for Jacque Renault’s death. Here is the problem: In Fire Walk with Me, we do see Leland/Bob tear some pages out of Laura’s diary. We previously assumed that these were the four pages that were missing. When Laura discovers these pages have been torn out, she takes the diary to Harold for safe keeping. Later, after she has taken the diary to Harold, she has the dream about Annie that is described on these pages that Hawk has found. This means that the pages we saw Leland/Bob tear out of the diary earlier can not be the ones that discuss the dream about Annie. That dream came later. Right away here, this makes a second problem. It means that if these pages were missing as well, then there are more than a total of four pages altogether torn out and missing from Laura’s diary. Even if Leland/Bob had somehow gone to Harold’s and torn out those pages later, there would be more than four pages missing. From Leland’s look when he was told about the Secret Diary at Harold’s in the original series, however, it was pretty obvious that he had known nothing about this “second” diary. The pages he had torn out earlier in Fire Walk with Me were the ones he showed Laura in the train car and said that he thought she had already known. Now it is possible that Laura had written about the dream of Annie in her other, non-secret, diary and that Leland had torn out those pages and stashed them. Hawk is pretty adamant that these pages came from the Secret Diary at Harold’s, however. This is also information that she would not likely write in the non-private diary, as these pages also contained the fact that she now knew who Bob really was and she would not want Leland/Bob to find that information.
So now we have two problems. The first is that, with these found pages along with the ones Leland/Bob had already ripped out, there should be more than four pages missing from the diary. On a side note, Hawk says here that there were four pages that were ripped out of Laura’s diary and the fourth one is still missing. Well we know from the original series that Harold had ripped out a page and left it for Donna. So would this not be the so called “fourth” page that had been ripped out? Cooper had been with Donna when she received it, so why would it be still considered missing? Did Cooper not tell anyone about this page? Or, again, are there actually more than four pages missing? The second problem is that Leland/Bob could not have been the one to stash them if he did not know about the diary being at Harold’s and therefore could not have them to begin with.
Now it could be argued that the Annie scene in Fire Walk with Me was shown out of sequence and that it had actually happened before we saw Leland/Bob rip the pages out of the book. I will have to go back and re-watch the movie to see if there are any other problems with that interpretation. Now if that scene was shot in this third season, I could see a precedent for that argument as we have already had a number of scenes shown out of sequence during this season. From everything we know, however, every other scene in that film was shown in sequence. It just makes no sense from that perspective that Lynch would have chosen to show this one scene out of sequence. It would also serve no purpose to the telling of the story.
The Giant had mentioned four-three zero to Dale in Part one. The farmer and Andy arrange to meet at 4:30. Right now, this does not appear to be related at all. There is a question, however, of what happened to the Farmer. Could something significant have happened at 4:30 that we are just not aware of yet?
I know that Lynch and Frost had wanted to show Warren Frost on screen. It is even more significant as this Part was shown on Father’s day and Warren Frost was Mark Frost’s father. This is probably why the first four episodes were released in twos. But they really could have found a way to make it serve the story. Now don’t get me wrong here, I loved seeing Doc Hayward, but there was no reason for Frank to talk to him on Skype when he already had him on the phone. It was not like Frank had something that he wanted to show the Doc. Everything that they discussed could have been done right there over the phone. This scene did disappoint me a little as a result.
Absolutely loved the wood paneled computer screen in Frank’s desk, though.
Evil Cooper could have been visiting Annie (I don’t know if she would have been in the ICU, though), or even retrieving the ring from the nurse that had stolen it from Annie (according to the Missing Pieces). The fact that Doc Hayward specifically mentions Audrey in her Coma, however, suggests the one thing that I did not want to think about. I had previously heard the theories that Richard was the product of a sexual relationship between Audrey and Evil Coop, and I had previously said that the only way that could have happened was if Evil Coop had taken advantage of her when she was in the hospital. That she was in a coma somehow makes this even worse to me, though it could be argued that at least she did not have to be awake for it. We do not know how long she was in the coma for. Perhaps she had the child while she was still in the coma and it had been given away to be raised. Who knows? From her point of view, however, she would have to think that the child was actually John Justice Wheeler’s.
What I would love to see, if Richard really is Audrey’s son, is for Audrey to just rip into him and chew him out for his behavior.
Because the body was around 40 years old and had only died five or six days ago, there are only two possibilities that I can come up with. First of all we know that Briggs could not just have been in the Lodge for all this time as we see that others, such as Cooper, do still age in the Lodge.
1) There is time-travel involved. Now we already know that real time travel does exist in this universe as Cooper had traveled through time when he went into the glass box (see my previous notes for further discussion of this). We also remember that in the original series Major Briggs had shown up in an old war-time flight outfit, which suggests that he may have gone back in time.
2) This body is not that of the original Major Briggs, but was manufactured. This gives further credence to the theory that Evil Coop had stolen the body’s little gold ball and replaced it with the original Dougie’s gold wedding ring so that he could manufacture the new Dougie.
Hmmm . . . the Woodsman shows up again, but we do not learn anything more about him.
I’m glad that they explained the reversed lettering along with the reversed fingerprints.
It was also nice for Cole to reference the backwards word spoken by Evil Coop, and tied in to the finger, which he had hinted about when he had told Albert that Cooper had not greeted him correctly.
HA! The girl from Ipanema. I wonder if Albert took her dancing.
So it seems that Evil Coop may have had his way with Diane as well as Audrey. Did Diane have a child as well? Is Linda her child? Two birds with one stone.
So now we have a Joe McClusky to go along with Mr. Strawberry. Unfortunately it appears that no one will hear about Joe McClusky or the late Mr. Strawberry again.
A part of me had wanted to see Cooper’s instinct kick in when Ike came after him, and I’m glad to have seen it, but a part of me also wanted to see Battleing Bud punch Ike out when he came after Cooper. Ike is still out there, though, so it could still happen.
Why does the arm show up here and tell Cooper to squeeze Ike’s hand off? Very strange for the arm to show up outside the Lodge.
Odd that we had the little circle of light area around the piece of flesh being taken off the handle of the gun. It was almost as if it were being shot by one of the news crew, though it really did not feel like it.
My first thought is that the sound was coming from the hidden passageway behind the walls. Because the sound seems to move, however, I’m wondering if it isn’t Josie still trapped in the wood of The Great Northern.
The key to room 315 returning to The Great Northern Hotel through the mail is in fact the final Key, the Lynch Pin if you will, in the puzzle that links all of the story lines to the same time period. There are still individual scenes that are shown out of order, but all of the events of the story now appear indeed to be happening in the same year.
We saw Ben trying to turn over a new leaf in the second season of the original series and it seems that he is still trying to fight his urges and to be a good man. He obviously senses Beverly’s attraction, but does not give in to the temptation. Good for him. We’ll just see if it lasts.
Yes, Lynch is known for his long, drawn out scenes. The sweeping scene in the Roadhouse, however, seems to go on for so long that it really feels as if they are stalling for time because they do not want to get into other information that fits better in the next Part. This is the first time that I have actually skipped ahead on re-watch. He did, however, have the presence of mind to film all of that in the first place.
Speaking of the Roadhouse, it is nice to finally have someone refer to it by name in this season and officially put an end to the idea that it is called the Bang Bang Bar.
We must remember that Ray is still under orders to kill Evil Coop, and that Evil Coop knows this.
Additional: I had not caught this one myself, but some of the customers at the counter of the RR actually change between the time when Bing pokes his head in through the door and he asks if anyone has seen Billy. Shelly actually shakes her head as if she senses that something is off, although she may just supposed to be reacting to Bing.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 6
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Air Date: 6/11/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     Las Vegas, Nevada
     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
     Twin Peaks, Washington
It is the same as with the Images of the Lodge over the slot machines at the casino and the green flash on Tony’s face: are the little dots of light that appear on the pages of the case files signs that the Lodge is helping Cooper, or are these simply visual cues of Cooper’s innate abilities at work? I’m still of the opinion that they are Cooper’s own abilities.
As pretty much everyone expected, Diane is being portrayed by Laura Dern. No real surprise there.
The drug deal scene between Red and Richard does not have the usual surreal feel of Lynch/Twin Peaks. If anything, it just seems kind of awkward - especially the kung-fu moves of Red.
My impression is that the scene is being portrayed from the point of view of Richard, who is high. So a lot of what we are witnessing is not really happening, but just in Richard’s head.
What is Mary Ann’s?
It does seem that Shelly still has a thing for guys who are no good for her.
In Fire Walk with Me, the Fat Trout Trailer Park (where Theresa Banks lived) was located in or around Dear Meadows, Washington, not far from Portland. Carl Rodd ran the place. Now it appears to have been moved to the Twin Peaks area as Carl gets a ride into Twin Peaks from the Trailer Park. We do not yet know if he is still running it. I am hoping we will get at least some explanation for this change.
Harry Dean Stanton’s performance of Carl Rodd was my absolute favorite part of Fire Walk with Me, so I was excited to see that he was returning. The performance so far, however, is disappointing. I think this is mainly because there was so much suggested about the character in Fire Walk with Me just from a few words and gestures and in this version, so far, Harry Dean Stanton has not been given that opportunity. His character has been pretty straight forward. What you see is what you get.
We now have a reference to a Linda: “Richard and Linda. Two birds with one stone.” Is this that Linda? She appears to have suffered in the war (Iran? Afghanistan?) and is now in an electric wheelchair.
We appear to have been given the scene of the woman eating pie at the RR Diner so that she is memorable when we see her identify Richard.
My first guess as to why Carl could see the boy’s spirit leaving his body was that he himself was not long for the world. Some are suggesting, however, that it could have something to do with his abduction along with the Log Lady when he was younger, as described in The Secret History of Twin Peaks. I can’t argue against that possibility.
The numbers on the utility pole in the Fat Trout Trailer Park back in Dear Meadows, in Fire Walk with Me, are the exact same as the numbers on the utility pole here in Twin Peaks at the scene of the accident: 324810, along with a large 6 underneath them. Obviously there is the connection with electricity. Is there another significance to these numbers?
Where does the Red Square on Duncan (Mr.) Todd’s screen come from? I’m starting to wonder if Philip Jeffries is now be a being of pure energy living through all things electrical. This square obviously tells him to retrieve and deliver the envelope with the black dot to killer Ike.
Is there more significance to the number 119 that the drug addict continues to yell than it just being 911 backwards? This seemed appropriate when the hit-men were afoot and up to no good. Why would she be calling for help (911) when it is the police who are the ones who are there, though?
What information does Cooper’s doodles link together on the case files? Most likely it has to do with fraud being perpetrated by Tony.
As is the case of the time spent on the woman with the pies earlier, we again spend significant time here on the boxing poster. This suggests to me that Dougie’s boss may be punching out killer Ike when he shows up at the office to take out Dougie (Cooper).
Considering all of the money that Cooper had won, and that Janey herself had told Dougie (Cooper) to give them all of the money that they owed the day before, it seems an extremely odd choice for her to not give them all of the money now. If she were worried about keeping her family, especially her son, safe, it would be better to just give them what they asked for since they have it to give anyway. Not giving them all the money makes it extremely likely that they will actually retaliate and do something horrible to her and her family. Why risk that when you have the money to give?
i assume that the police will notice that parts of the truck grill have been cleaned. Richard will have to do much better than that.
What is missing has now been found by Hawk. What is on the papers found in the stall door? The most obvious answer is that they are the missing pages from Laura’s diary, which include the message from Annie about Cooper being stuck in the Lodge. If that is the case, then at least they will have to address the Annie issue in this series.
Frank Truman’s son, a soldier, committed suicide. Linda was also a soldier. Did the two of them experience some element of the Lodge while in the war that caused Truman’s son to commit suicide? Or were the two of them part of some military group exploring the Lodges, like Major Briggs had been?
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Time ambiguities in Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 5
Warning: Contains Spoilers
In the opening sequence of part 5, in the establishing shot of Las Vegas, it goes from full night to early dawn. Then it cuts back to night again. This says to me that it has been two nights since we last checked in with the first characters that we see. These characters are the hit-men who are trying to kill Dougie. The last time we saw them was the day that one of them aimed the shotgun at Jade’s jeep and the other one put the bomb on Dougie’s car. The first night was the night that Cooper as Dougie came home from the casino. The second night would be the night after that, which is actually after the events we later see of “Dougie’s” first day back to work at the insurance agency.
Here’s why we know this:
1) In the morning scene in part 4, we know that it is the morning after Cooper as Dougie came home from the casino. We know this because as Janey is dressing him, she notes that he has lost weight and that the suit he was wearing “last night” fit him.
2) Except for the addition of a light sweater on Janey, all three of them (Cooper, Janey and Sonny Jim) are all wearing the same clothes when they come out of the house as they were wearing in the morning-after breakfast scene that we saw in Part 4. So it is obviously the same morning as the morning in Part 4.
One of the hit-men in this opening scene is talking to a woman named Loraine on the phone. After Loraine hangs up, she then uses a Blackberry to dial the number of the electric black box that we later find out is in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At this point, although it is shown before we see the black box implode into a little nugget after Evil Coop calls it, it would at first glance seem that the box is whole again after it has imploded.
The first thing we need to do, therefore, is to determine from events when it is that Evil Coop calls the box. Now we know that Evil Coop has not yet gotten his phone call when he has been visited by Cole, Albert and Tamara the morning after they got the call that he was arrested. We also know that they tell Cole they can only hold Evil Coop for two more days without charging him. Presuming that he has not been charged, we can determine that the phone call takes place within these two days. Presuming that Evil Coop was arrested sometime after 2:53pm on the same day that Cooper replaced Dougie, it is therefore possible that the call Evil Coop made was still after the call that Loraine made.
Here are some other things to consider:
1) We already know that we are not getting all of the scenes in this series in chronological order. Consider how we saw Cooper appear in the glass box in Part 2 before Sam Colby and Tracy Barberato are killed, but after we have already seen them killed back in Part 1. So it is possible that when we cut to the black box, in association with either Loraine or Evil Coop, we are not seeing the black box in the same time as these scenes. The way the scenes are cut, however, strongly suggests that they are in fact related to the scenes that come before them in each case. We can assume that the black box does not actually implode after Loraine’s call, and we are just seeing a delay of this same scene, as the camera lingers on the box after the lights flash for a longer period of time after the Loraine scene than it takes for the box to implode after the lights flash after the Evil Coop scene.
2) When the hit-man talks to Loraine on the phone, she says that it was supposed to have been taken care of yesterday. If it is indeed the night of the day after they set the charge on his car, then this is consistent. It would indeed have been yesterday. The problem is that when it cuts from the establishing shot of night in Las  Vegas to the Rancho Rosa sign, it looks like the sky might be lightening again towards a second morning. It also looks like the building behind the hit-men in the car might be catching some golden rays from a rising sun. If this is the case, then it would be the second morning after they put the charge on Dougie’s car. They would then have not set the charge yesterday, but two days ago. Now it is certainly possible that they were supposed to have had it done yesterday even though it was two days ago that they set the charge. It is also possible that she is speaking in vernacular, such as when someone says “I want it done yesterday.”
It is also possible that cutting back to night after the sky had lightened towards dawn was a continuity error and it was in fact supposed to be the morning after they set the charge. In this case, the scene would still be out of sequence in time as it was just starting to lighten towards morning and yet in the breakfast scene we already had in Part 4 it was already full light out.
These little inconsistencies lead to an ambiguity, at least for now, as to when exactly these scenes are meant to be taking place.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 5
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Air Date: 6/4/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     Las Vegas, Nevada
     Buenos Aires, Argentina
     Buckhorn, South Dakota
     Yankton, South Dakota
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     Arlington, Virginia
     Philadelphia, Pensylvania
Who is Lorraine, the woman the hit-man talks to on the phone? Is this the one that Mr. Todd says to tell she has the job? Who is she calling? Phillip Jeffries?
What is the black box she reaches?
I did note previously that the only ring on Dougie’s wedding ring finger was the Owl ring. Now we see what happened to his Wedding Ring.
Why was Dougie’s wedding ring in Major Briggs’ stomach?
This threw me off at first as I began to wonder if the body was that of the original Dougie and when he was replaced with the other Cooper, they somehow messed with people’s minds so that they did not realize it. The scene later at the Pentagon, however, re-confirmed for me that this is indeed the body of Major Briggs.
Interesting that Evil Coop seems to be studying the workings of the prison (now food is coming) as if he’s hatching a plan.
CONFIRMATION! Bob is still inside of Evil Coop (though clearly it is the Doppelganger who has main control).
If they had just mentioned that Harry Truman was sick and moved on, that would have been one thing, but it keeps coming up again and again. This time Frank is talking to Harry on the phone. This leads me to believe that we may just yet get a cameo.
Frank’s conversation with his wife Doris was all too frighteningly realistic.
Addition: Some people have suggested that this interaction between Frank and Doris is all code. If it was something with Gordon Cole, like Lil in Fire Walk with Me, I could believe it. With Frank and Doris, I doubt it. If you go back and watch with this in mind, however, you can totally see why her words and gestures could be interpreted as code.
Why does Sunny Jim seem so sad?
$425,000 means that after paying the $50,000 they owe, they would still have $375,000!
I’m sure this means absolutely nothing to the story, but when I saw that statue I immediately thought of it as a statue of Roland (The Gunslinger) from Stephen King’s Dark Tower series. Here it is most certainly meant as a reference to law enforcement that helps in kick-starting Cooper’s memories. (Of course Roland is a Law man as well).
What is up with the Red Balloons? They keep popping up: at the drug addict’s, at Dougie’s from Sunny Jim’s birthday party, now on that white sculpture by the statue.
Totally missed the mark on that one. I thought with that jacket, and being in the house that is for sale with Jade, that Dougie was a real-estate agent. Turns out he was actually an insurance agent. This makes his choice of jacket actually strange.
Cooper seeing the flash of green on Tony’s face and automatically knowing that he is lying is further evidence of Cooper’s natural psychic tendencies showing through and furthers my suggestion that it may have been this, and not direct manipulation from the Lodge, that was responsible for his winnings.
Addition: The rims on Dougie’s car are completely different after it blows up than they are before it blows up.
When The Great Northern gets that Key, it will constitute the first hard evidence of the real Cooper.
Love the overhead shot of Becky smiling. Totally made me think of Laura.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens with those Golden Shovels Jacoby is selling. You just know that eventually someone is going to get whacked with one. Maybe Ed from Nadine.
We now know that the Ruth Davenport murder sequence actually does take place 25 years after the original series (and Briggs’ “death”). The sixteen hits over 25 years further my suspicions that Brigg’s did not actually die in that fire.
I knew there was a reason I didn’t like Deputy Chad.
Strange to think of that iconic image from Fire Walk with Me of the Cigarette butts all over the floor after the night with Laura, Ronette and Donna, then see No Smoking at the Road House. The Pink Room was over the border in Canada of course. It is true that No Smoking in public buildings is now a law in Washington.
How is Richard Horne related to the rest of the Hornes? Is Richard Horne half of the Richard and Linda that the Giant warned Cooper about?
Addition: Some people are theorizing that Richard is the result of a relationship between Audrey and Evil Coop after he comes out of the lodge. After that bomb in the Bank, however, Audrey is in no condition to be having any kind of relationship before Evil Coop disappears. The only possible way would be if Evil Coop forced himself on her in her hospital room. Although I could see Bob doing that, I just don’t think that this idea has any merit given the info we have at this time.
Are Evil Coop’s finger prints backwards? That’s how it appeared. but would the database really find it a match if the prints were identical but reversed? I don’t know.
Who is Mr. Strawberry? Warden Murphy seems to know who Evil Coop is talking about. That he is not taking calls suggests to me that he is dead (and Murphy probably had something to do with it).
It now appears that Evil Coop was not just retrieving info on Yankton Prison, but setting up something that he could trigger remotely through the phone.
When he first dials a number, you hear computer sounds, then he enters a code which triggers the computer program.
What’s up with that black box with the two red lights in Buenos Aires? At first I wondered if maybe it had shriveled into that little hunk after the woman at the beginning of the show called it, but we were just seeing it happen at the end. Upon re-watching, however, they lingered on the box longer that first time than it took to shrivel up after the lights flashed this time.
Of course Buenos Aires brings immediate thoughts of Phillip Jeffries in Fire Walk with Me. One suspects they are somehow connected.
Poor Coop misses his shoes.
I had not realized from what we had seen that Becky and Steven were actually married, but they both have the last name of Burnett in the credits. This conjures memories of Leo and Shelly and history repeating it’s self.
Sad to see that Toad (Marv Rosand) had passed away.
0 notes
peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
A Chronology of the Events of Twin Peaks: The Return
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Warning: Contains Spoilers
Note: this is a work in progress and will continue to be updated with information from future Parts. This Chronology is currently up to date with: Parts 1-10
  Not all of the scenes in Twin Peaks: The Return are being shown to us in the correct order. We know that we see Agent Cooper appear in the Glass Box in Part 2 before Sam Colby and Tracy Barberato are killed, but after we see them killed in the scene in Part 1, for example. Thanks to the Dates provided in part 9, we are also aware that the events in Twin Peaks have been taking place at a later time than the other events with which they have been showing them. This resolves the inconsistencies I had previously been experiencing. The Nightly performances at the Roadhouse had not appeared to be lining up with the nights being shown. With this new date, the performances fall into place. Before these dates were provided, it also appeared as if Cooper’s room key had arrived at The Great Northern the day after it had been dropped into the mail by Jade. This was so unlikely in the extreme as to be ludicrous. Now we see that 10 days actually pass between the day it is mailed and the day we first see it at The Great Northern. This time difference will also allow us to see the scene which explains why the boy who had gone into the Roadhouse with James (in Part 2) was wearing a large green hand.
PAST: 1945
The first Nuclear bomb test at Trinity on July 16, 1945. (Part 8) – Morning (5:29am mountain time).
     (Out of Sequence)
     Shown in Part 8, but labeled 1945.
We move through the Explosion. (Part 8) – Morning.
     (In Sequence with the previous scene)
The Woodsmen at the Gas Station/Convenience Store. (Part 8) – Morning.
     (In Sequence)
The Experiment vomits a gelatin of eggs and BoB. (Part 8) – Morning by association.
     (In Sequence)
The vomit explodes and forms a liquid gold bubble. (Part 8) – Morning by association.
      (In Sequence)
The Palace Fortress on an island in the ocean of consciousness. (Part 8) – Morning by association.
     (In Sequence)
Senorita Dido listens to music on the gramophone. (Part 8) – Morning by association.
     (In Sequence)
The alarm bell sounds, the giant emerges and stares at us, then shuts it off. (Part 8) – Morning by association.
     (In Sequence)
The Giant watches the events that we have just witnessed unfold on a theater screen, then levitates in the air. (Part 8) – Morning by association.
Senorita Dido joins the Giant. (Part 8) – Morning by association.
The Giant births a golden sphere, Senorita Dido kisses it and sends it off to earth. (Part 8) – Morning by association.
     (In Sequence)
PAST: 1956
An egg hatches in the New Mexico desert, August 1956. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
A boy and girl are walking and she finds a penny. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
The Woodsmen descend, and one asks a couple on the road for a light. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
The girl gets a kiss. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
The Woodsman kills the receptionist at the radio station. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
The Woodsman takes over the broadcast. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
People listening to the broadcast pass out. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
The frog-moth crawls into the girl’s mouth. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
The Woodsman kills the DJ and walks off into the night to the sound of horses. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
PAST: 1989
Montage of Laura’s High School in Twin Peeks (Part 1)
     In this montage is the scene of a girl running through the schoolyard after hearing the news of the death of Laura Palmer, which was in the Pilot of the original series.
Laura Tells Cooper she will see him again in 25 years. Meanwhile … she makes a hand gesture that looks like a tree. (Part 1)
     This is a flashback to the final episode of the original series.
Cooper’s Doppelganger with Bob in the Red Room/Waiting Room. (Parts 2 and 5)
     This is another flashback to the final episode of the original series, which occurs after Laura Says “Meanwhile…”
Evil Cooper (with the reflection of Bob in the mirror) smashes his head into the mirror. (Part 5)
     This is a flashback to the final scene in the last episode of the original series.
The Giant (or ???????, as the credits call him) speaks to Cooper in an unknown location that is shot in black and white. (Part 1)
     We do not have a direct reference in any other scenes so far as to when this scene relates to other scenes in Twin Peaks: The Return. Is it future, or is it past? The Giant has clearly aged here from when we see him in 1945 in Part 8.
September 13th
Sam Colby gets a coffee delivery from Tracey Barberato. (Part 1) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
     This takes place the night before Cooper appears in the Glass Box, when Tracy returns for a second coffee delivery.
 Coop at Beulla’s. (Part 1) –Night.
     (In Sequence)
     Because the following cut between days goes from Night to Night, this scene could either take place at the end of this day, or as the first scene on the next day, and still remain in sequence.
September 14th
Goes from Night to Night, but we know it is a different night because Tracy comes back with a new coffee delivery. She said she would come back the next night.
  Tracey Returns to deliver more coffee to Sam Colby and the guard is not present. (Parts 1 and 2) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper lands on the Glass box, is absorbed into it and is then expelled. (Part 2) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence) Although this is later played out in sequence with the previous scene.
     Just before Cooper is cast into the non-exist-ent, he looks through the curtains at Evil Coop driving in South Dakota. It is daylight then, and we know from future scenes that it is approaching 2:53pm South Dakota time (according to the clock in his car). As such, it can not yet be full night in New York. Yet in the glass box scenes, we see that it is indeed full night in New York. Therefore, time travel must have occurred. This explains why the scene is originally shown out of sequence.
Cooper continues falling through the non-exist-ent. (Parts 2 and 3) - Unknown
     In sequence with the previous scene.
Sam and Tracey get hot and heavy in the room with the glass box… (Part 1) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
September 15th
Goes from Night to Day. Scenes remain in order shown.
  Marjorie Green smells an odor coming from Ruth Davenport’s apartment… (Part 1) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Hank talks to Harvey on the phone. (Part 1) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Police investigate the Murder scene in Ruth Davenport’s Apartment. (Part 1) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Buckhorn police discover the fingerprints of Bill Hastings. (Part 1) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Police arrest Bill Hastings. (Part 1) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Bill Hastings is interrogated. (Part 1) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The warrant is delivered and Hastings’ home and car are searched. (Part 1) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Phyllis visits Bill Hastings in jail. (Part 2) – Evening.
     (In Sequence)
Phyllis comes home to find Evil Coop … (Part 2) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Mr. Todd talks with Roger. (Part 2) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Train Crossing. (Part 2) –Night.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop in the Restaurant with Jack, Ray and Darya. (Part 2) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
September 16th
Goes from Night to Day. In the restaurant (yesterday) it was two days till Evil Coop gets called back to the Lodge. In the scene with Darya (Today), this will take place tomorrow. Scenes remain in order shown.
  Evil Coop and Jack at the storage unit. (Part 2) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop in the Hotel with Darya … and then next door with Chantal. (Part 2) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
     In this scene Evil Coop says that he killed Jack two hours ago, so we know it is the same day. Evil Coop & Darya also refer to the event (returning to the Lodge) as taking place the next day, while in the restaurant scene they refer to it as taking place in 2 days. So we know it is the day after the restaurant scene.
September 17th
Goes from Night to Day. Cooper looks out on Evil Coop driving, which takes place the day after the Motel scene with Darya.
  Cooper in the Red Room/Waiting Room - Gerard (Mike), Laura, the Horse, Gerard again, they meet the evolution of The Arm. (Part 2) –Day by association.
     (Out of Sequence)
     Although this scene was shown in Part 2, we know (by association) that it takes place during the day being shown in Part 3.
Cooper in the Red Room/Waiting Room still - The Arm, Leland Palmer, alternate Red Room/Waiting Room, the Arm’s Doppelganger. (Part 2) –Day by association.
     In sequence with the previous scene.
Evil Coop Driving. (Part 2) –Day.
     In sequence with the previous scene.
     Cooper looks out of the curtains in the Red Room/Waiting Room and sees this taking place.
Cooper falling through the non-exist-ent. (Parts 2 and 3) – Unknown
     (In Sequence)
Cooper at the Power Station, both on a balcony and then inside with Naido. (Part 3) – Unknown
     (In Sequence)
Cooper on the Broadcast Station with Naido and the face of Major Briggs. (Part 3) - Unknown
     (In Sequence)
Cooper in the Power Station with the American Girl. (Part 3) - Unknown
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop is feeling the effects of the Lodge as he continues to drive through South Dakota. (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper goes into the large Power outlet in the Power Station. (Part 3) - Unknown
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop crashes in South  Dakota. (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Dougie and Jade at the House in Rancho Rosa. (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop Vomits Garmonbozia and Motor Oil… (Part 3) – Day (about 2:53pm).
     (In Sequence)
Dougie in the Red Room/Waiting Room. (Part 3) – Day by association.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper arrives at the House in Rancho Rosa. (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Jade gives Dougie a second ride. (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The hit-men are after Dougie. (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
A Drug addict shouts “one, one, nine.” (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Police arrive at the scene of Evil Coops accident. (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper at the Silver Mustang Casino. (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cole, Albert and Tamara in Philadelphia. (Part 3) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper at the Silver Mustang Casino. (Part 4) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper takes a Limo ride. (Part 4) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper at Dougie’s home. (Part 4) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Cole visits Denise. (Part 4) –Night.
     (In Sequence)
September 18th
Goes from Night to Day. Loraine refers to the fact that the hit should have been done yesterday, which it is safe to assume is the day that they set the explosive on Dougie’s car. Janey-E refers to the suit that Cooper was wearing the night before (when he came home from the casino). Cole, Albert and Tammy go to Yankton prison, which they said the night before that they would do first thing in the morning.
  The hit-man talks to Loraine. (Part 5) – Morning.
     (Out of Sequence)
     The establishing shot of Las Vegas goes from night to dawn, then it cuts back to night. This suggests that it has been two nights since we have checked in with the first characters we see – which are the hit-men. Cutting back to night, however appears to have been a continuity error.
     When it switches from the Vegas sky line to the Rancho Rosa sign, the sky appears to be lightening towards dawn. There also appears to be the golden rays of early morning sunlight catching the edge of buildings behind the hit-men in the car. All of this suggests that it is early morning.
     Loraine tells the hit-man over the phone that the hit was supposed to have been done yesterday. If we presume that yesterday was the day that the one man had pointed his gun at Jade’s vehicle and the other set the charge on Dougie’s car, then this must be the morning after (not two mornings after as the shifting skyline earlier had suggested).
Loraine calls the black electronic box in Buenos Airies on her blackberry. (Part 5) – Morning.
     (Out of Sequence, but in Sequence with the previous scene)
Cooper in the morning … going to the bathroom … getting dressed … having breakfast and drinking coffee. (Part 4) – Morning.
     (In Sequence)
     His wife mentions the suit he was wearing the night before, so we know it is the morning after he came “home.” It is already light out, so we know that is after the early morning phone conversation between the hit-man and Loraine.
Cooper (as Dougie), Janey-E and Sunny Jim exit their house in the morning. (Part 5) – Morning.
     (Out of Sequence)
     They all appear to be wearing the same clothes as the previous breakfast scene, so we assume that this is a continuation of that morning. Janey-E also fixes his tie. He has not been back to work yet since those events and she asks him to contact whomever they owe the money to. All of this further suggests it is a continuation of the same morning.
Cole, Albert and Tamara in the car on the way to visit Cooper (Evil Coop) in prison. (Part 4) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cole, Albert and Evil Coop at the prison. (Part 4) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cole and Albert outside the Restaurant. (Part 4) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop gets food delivered to his cell. (Part 5) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The Hit-men and the Car Thieves both check out Dougie’s car. (Part 5) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper (as Dougie) at work. (Part 5) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
In the Silver Mustang Casino Observation Room. (Part 5) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Dougie’s car explodes. (Part 5) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Jade at the Car wash. (Part 5) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper (as Dougie) leaving work. (Part 5) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Tamara is checking fingerprints. (Part 5) – Unknown.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop gets his phone call. (Part 5) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The black electrical box in Buenos Aires implodes. (Part 5) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper at the statue. (Part 5) – Evening.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper still at the statue. (Part 6) – Late Evening/Early night.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper is driven home. (Part 6) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper and Janey have a sandwich. (Part 6) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper says goodnight to Sonny Jim. (Part 6) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Janey sees the picture of Jade / the Money collectors call. (Part 6) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Gerard (mike) appears to Cooper. (Part 6) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper works on the case files. (Part 6) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Albert visits the bar and finds Diane. (Part 6) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
September 19th
Goes from night to day. Janey-E talks to the money collectors in the park at “noon-thirty,” which she set up the night before. Cooper brings back the files he was asked to bring back the next day. Albert tells Cole about his experience with Diane the previous night. Scenes remain in order shown.
  Duncan Todd get’s notice to deliver the envelope. (Part 6) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The police gather up the parts of Dougie’s burned car. (Part 6) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Ike gets the envelope from Duncan Todd delivered to his motel room. (Part 6) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The fingerprints of the John Doe come back classified by the military. (Part 4) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence)
     It only makes sense that the day the fingerprints are tagged as classified is the same day Knox will inform Davis later.
Cooper at the insurance agency. (Part 6) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
     He arrives with the case files, which his boss had said to bring back the next day, and his boss calls him in to discuss these case files, so we know that it is the morning after he brought them home and worked on them.
Janey-E talks to the money collectors in the park. (Part 6) – Day (12:30)
     (In Sequence)
     She told them on the phone the night before that she would meet them here the next day at “noon-thirty.”
Loraine is killed by Ike. (Part 6) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cole and Albert Discuss Diane in the office. (Part 7) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cole and Albert at Diane’s house. (Part 7) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The ring is found in the headless body from Ruth Davenport’s bed. (Part 5) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence)
     This scene plays out between the two other scenes in Buckhorn that we now know happen on this day, so it is assumed this scene happens on the same day as well.
On the Plane to South Dakota. (Part 7) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Diane talks with Evil Coop in prison. (Part 7) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cole and Diane talk outside the prison. (Part 7) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop asks to talk to the Warden. (Part 7) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop talks to the warden in his office. (Part 7) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper gets a visit from the Fusco brothers at the insurance agency. (Part 7) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Ike attacks Cooper. (Part 7) – Day into Late Evening/Early Night.
     (In Sequence)
At the Pentagon, Knox informs Davis of Briggs’ prints. (Part 5) – Night (in another time zone).
     (Out of Sequence)
     Knox informs Davis that she is heading to Buckhorn and we now know that she arrives at the Morgue the next morning on the 20th.
Evil Cooper and Ray leave the prison. (Part 7) – Night (1:00am).
     (In Sequence)
Evil Cooper and Ray Driving. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Ray Takes a Leak, gets the draw on Evil Coop. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
The Woodmen perform a ritual on Evil Coop. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Ray talks to Phillip. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop sits up. (Part 8) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
September 20th
Goes from Night to Day. Evil Coop is wounded and covered in blood from the events of the night before. Dougie and Janey-E were asked to come to the police station the next morning, which they do here. Cole gets a call from Warden Murphy that Evil Coop escaped the night before. Scenes remain in order shown.
Lieutenant Knox visits the Body in Buckhorn. (Part 7) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence)
     Colonel Davis makes the call to Cole on the 20th, right after hanging up with Lieutenant Knox here.  
Evil Coop approaches a farm on foot. (Part 9) – Morning.
     (In Sequence)
Colonel Davis Calls the FBI. (Part 7) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence)
     Cole receives this call when it is patched through to him on the plane.
Cole gets the call from Colonel Davis. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop meets Hutch and Chantal at a Farm. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cole talks Diane into stopping in Buckhorn, and Warden Murphy calls. (Part9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop sends a text, and calls Duncan Todd. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Evil Coop sends Hutch and Chantal after Warden Murphy. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Bud is interviewed by the Fusco Brothers. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Bud gives Dougie the day off. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The Fuscos get Dougie’s finger prints and learn about Ike. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cooper reacts to the flag, red shoes and a wall socket. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The Fusco brothers admire a tail-light in the Police parking lot. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Ike calls J.T. from his Motel room. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The Police arrive at the Motel. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Ike the Spike gets arrested. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Cole, Albert, Tammy and Diane arrive at the Morgue. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Diane receives a very special text. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The FBI crew gets the lowdown on Hastings. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
The crew visits Briggs’ body. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Smoke break outside the Buckhorn Jail. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Tammy interviews Bill Hastings. (Part 9) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Candy swats a fly. (Part 10) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
Dougie visits the doctor. (Part 10) – Day.
     (In Sequence)
     Janey-E had told Bud earlier that she was going to take him to the doctor that day after he gave Dougie the day off.
Rodney and Bradley watch the News. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Janey-E “seduces” Cooper. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Janey-E and Cooper have sex. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Janey-E tells “Dougie” she loves him. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Duncan Todd talks to Anthony. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Albert and Constance have dinner. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Anthony visits the Silver Mustang. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Rodney and Bradley discuss Dougie. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Cole draws a picture and has a vision of Laura. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
Albert tells Cole about Diane’s text. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
     Albert says Diane got the text “this morning,” so we know it is the same day.
Tammy shows Cole and Albert the picture of Evil Coop at the Glass Box. (Part 10) – Night.
     (In Sequence)
September 21st
Goes from night to day. Janey-E talks to Dougie about the events of the night before.
Janey-E, Dougie and Sunny Jim leave the house in the morning. (Part 10) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence)
     Janey-E pulls Cooper aside and talks about the time they had “Last Night,” so we know it is the next day.
September 22nd
Start of the Twin Peaks Timeline. Scenes are in the order shown.
Jacoby receives a delivery of shovels. (Part 1) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Benjamin Horne, in his office, takes care of an issue with Mrs. Houseman and receives a visit from his brother Jerry. (Part 1) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Lucy gets a visit at the Sheriff’s Station in Twin Peaks from someone looking to talk with Sheriff Truman about insurance. (Part 1) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
The Log Lady speaks with Hawk and delivers The Log’s message. (Part 1) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
September 23rd
Goes from Night to Day. Hawk reacts to the message from the log lady the previous night. Scenes remain in order shown.
Hawk starts bringing out case files of the Laura Palmer investigation. (Part 1) – Day/Evening.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Hawk visits Glastonbury Grove. (Part 2) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Sarah Palmer watches a nature program on the Television. (Part 2) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Shelly and James are both in the Roadhouse while The Chromatics perform. (Part 2) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
September 24th
Goes from Night to Day. Lucy and Andy start going through the files Hawk told them the previous evening to finish bringing out the next morning. Scenes remain in order shown.
The Chocolate Bunny Incident (Part 3) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Jacoby sprays the shovels gold. (Part 3) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
The Cactus Blossoms perform at the Roadhouse. (Part 3) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
September 25th
Goes from night to night, so it could be read as the same night except for the fact that there is a new performance at the Roadhouse. Scenes remain in order shown.
We meet Frank Truman … Bobby … Hawk’s investigation … Wally. (Part 4) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Au Revoir Simone performs at the Roadhouse. (Part 4) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
September 26th
Goes from Night to Day. Scenes remain in order shown.
Mike Nelson berates Steven Burnett. (Part 5) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Frank Truman gets a visit from his wife Doris at the station. (Part 5) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Norma, Shelly and Becky at the Diner. (Part 5) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Becky and Steven in the Car. (Part 5) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Hawk and Andy are going over case files. (Part 5) – Evening.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Jacoby does his broadcast. (Part 5) – Night (7:00pm).
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Richard Smoking at the Roadhouse while Trouble performs. (Part 5) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
The stoplight at Sparkwood and 21 crackles with electricity. (Part 6) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
September 27th
Goes from Night to Day. Scenes remain in order shown.
The drug deal between Red and Richard. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Richard drives while high. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Carl Rodd gets a ride from the Fat Trout Trailer Park into Twin Peaks. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Heidi, Shelly and Miriam at the RR. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Carl Rodd in the park. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Richard runs over the kid. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Miriam sees Richard driving after he has just hit the kid. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Carl consoles the mother. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Richard wipes blood off of the grill. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Hawk finds the pages in the restroom stall door. (Part 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Doris visits Truman at the station again. (Pat 6) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Sharon Van Etten Performs at the Roadhouse. (Part 6) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
September 28th
Goes from Night to Day. Hawk and Truman discuss the pages found the day before. The truck from the accident the day before is being investigated.
Jerry is Lost in the woods and calls Ben. (Part 7) – Day. 
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Hawk and Frank Truman discuss the diary pages (Part 7) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Frank calls Harry about the pages. (Part 7) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Andy talks with the Farmer about his truck. (Part 7) – Day(about 2:30pm)
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Frank talks with Doc. Hayward. (Part 7) – Day.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Andy waits for the Farmer by the side of the road. (Part 7) – Day (5:05pm)
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Ben and Beverly search for the source of the hum and discus the key to 215. (Part 7) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Beverly argues with her ill husband at home. (Part 7) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Bing looks for Billy at the Double R. (Part 7) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
     The crowd at the Double R, even with the strange changes, simply does not look like the crowd of an after hours rush. It seems more likely, therefore, that it is actually a late dinner crowd even though the scene is shown after the Roadhouse sweeping scene.
“The” Nine Inch Nails perform at the Roadhouse. (Part 8) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Sweeping at the Roadhouse. (Part 7) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
     It is clear that the Roadhouse is closed and they are sweeping up after the performance of the night. So the performance has to occur before this takes place.
September 29th
Goes from Night to Day. Ben and Beverly discuss the hum and that the people he had told her to check it the next morning could not find it. Scenes remain in order shown.
Lucy and Andy decide on a chair. (Part 9) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Johnny Horne knocks himself unconscious. (Part 9) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Bobby, Hawk and Truman see Betty about a chair and have coffee. (Part 9) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Jerry’s foot is not his foot. (Part 9) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Lunch at the Twin Peaks Sherriff’s Station. (Part 9) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Bobby opens the tube. . . (Part 9) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Ben and Beverly continue to search for the source of the hum. (Part 9) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Apparent Meth-Heads talk at the Roadhouse while Hudson Mohawke plays. (Part 9) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Au Revoir Simone has another performance at the Roadhouse. (Part 9) – Night.
     (Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
September 30th
Goes from Night to Day. Follows the day in which we learn it is the 29th.
Richard Horne visits Miriam. (Part 10) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Carl Sings Red River Valley. (Part 10) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Steve and Becky Argue. (Part 10) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Jerry’s been here before. (Part 10) – Day.
(Out of Sequence)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Chad talks to Lucy and intercepts a letter. (Part 10) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Richard visits Sylvia and Johnny. (Part 10) – Day.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Dr. Amp does another broadcast while Nadine watches from her Drape Runner store. (Part 10) – Night.
(Out of Sequence)
     This scene has been moved because it takes place at night and the scene shown after it takes place during the day. If that were the next day then the crew would have gone to Jack Rabbit’s palace, which they do not do before it goes back to night.
Ben Horne get’s a call from Sylvia. (Part 10) – Night.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
The Log Lady tells Hawk Laura is the One. (Part 10) – Night.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
Rebekah Del Rio performs at the Roadhouse. (Part 10) – Night.
(Out of Sequence, but in order)
     Adjusted according to the dates provided in Part 9
To be continued and updated…
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, 3:1-4 Supplemental (unknown people/beings)
Warning: Contains Spoilers
as yet unknown people/beings referenced in Parts 1-4:
Richard and Linda
    The giant mentions these names, then says “two birds with one stone.”
 Mrs. Houseman
    Mrs. Houseman wants a refund from The Great Northern Hotel over an issue with a skunk. Ben says that she and her New York friends keep their spa running, suggesting that she is a wealthy woman. Could she be the Billionaire who owns the building where the Glass Box experiment is going on in New York? That this scene is placed right after the first scene with the box suggests that there might be a connection.
 Anonymous Billionaire
    Sam Colby says that he heard the building housing the Glass Box was owned by an anonymous billionaire.
    Manager of the apartment complex at 1349  Arrowhead Road in Buckhorn, South Dakota. He is in the Hospital (but not the regular Hospital).
    The brother of Barney, who appears to be involved in criminal activity with Hank Fillmore (the maintenance man).
    Harvey has apparently been involved in criminal activity in the past with Hank Fillmore and Chip, and he is looking for a cut of their current haul.
    Bill Hasting’s assistant/secretary is named Betty. Could she in fact be Betty Briggs?
 the woman who has the job
    Mr. Todd gives Roger a stack of money and says to tell her she has the job.
    Mr. Todd’s “Boss.” An unknown, but apparently dangerous, being.
 Impersonator of Philip Jeffries
    We do not know who this is, but he speaks with Evil Coop over an electronic box of some sort.
     The American Girl in the Power Station tells Cooper he’d better go because her Mother is coming.
    Whomever Dougie and his wife can now afford to pay back.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 4
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Preview Date: 5/22/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     Las Vegas, Nevada
     Philadelphia?, Pennsylvania?
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     Yankton, South Dakota
The Silver Mustang Casino
The Silver Mustang Casino is intended to conjure up images of old style Ls Vegas, most notably the Horseshoe casino (now Binions) and its iconic Horseshoe image.
something about Slot Machines
There are many issues surrounding the operation of slot machines both here and in Part 3 where these scenes began. One of the most glaring is that slot machines no longer pay out in tokens or coins. They now print out receipt slips that you can either move to other machines to keep playing with or cash out. Instead of the coin payout, when you get a big win the machines typically produce a digital display of coins flashing across the screen accompanied by the sounds of coins jangling. Watching the coins pour out of the machines can be more dynamic visually, as well as be a clearer indication to the audience of winning on the machine, however, so I can forgive Frost and Lynch for that little discrepancy.
How does Cooper win all those Mega-Jackpots?
The first thing to note is that Cooper sees this triangular image of the Lodge floating above the Machines that pay out, whether he himself plays them or not. Many people assume, therefore, that positive powers in the Lodge are guiding Cooper to winning machines.
Later, when Cooper/Dogie’s wife discovers the money, she says “there’s enough here to pay them back,” and looks relieved. This suggests that there are dire financial situations occurring in the Dougie family household. Looking back at the scene in Part 3, where hired hit-men are looking to take Cooper/Dougie out, this suggests that they may owe money to a dangerous and irreputable source.
It may be, therefore, that positive powers within the Lodge are leading Cooper to win in order to protect him by getting the hit-men off his back.
There is, however, another Possibility.
Cooper, you see, has always been a sensitive. In the original series he used the Tibetan Rock Throwing technique to gain insight into information involved with Laura’s death. He gathered clues from his dreams and his psychic abilities allowed him to have contact with other entities, such as the Giant, to gain further clues about Laura’s murder. It could be that Cooper’s mind, especially with his consciousness pretty much out of the way, may be intuitively using his own psychic abilities. It may be, in what is basically a deep meditative state, that through his psychic abilities his mind is aware of the dangers that he faces from the financial situation of Dougie. The image of the lodge, which only he can see, may simply be his own mind telling him what machines can pay out.
But wait, there’s more:
The thing about slot machines is that, in order to win the big jackpots you must pay the highest amount of coins on that spin. Cooper only ever pays a single coin on any one machine, therefore he should not be able to win the Mega-Jackpots. Yet he wins every time. Admittedly, this may just be another conceit by Frost and Lynch. There is another possibility, however.
Slot machines, you see, are operated through electricity. Now Cooper has just had a rather profound experience with electricity. It may be that, simply pointing at the machines is enough to give them an electrical nudge to pay out the mega-jackpot when they are in the right position within their normal payout cycle.
What is the Lodges role in Cooper’s winnings?
It may just be, as we see above, that the Lodge had no direct roll in Cooper’s winning spree at all. It may be that Cooper was responsible through it all in his hyper-meditative state. This is all conjecture, however, and without definitive proof one way or the other we are just left to speculate.
Why does Cooper gasp when the Limo has stopped in front of his house?
My first thought was that this was just an very odd choice for Cooper’s reaction to the approaching Limo driver. If you watch the scene, however, where Cooper is looking is not where the Limo Driver is approaching from when we cut back to the outside of the vehicle. Now this could simply be the case of a continuity error. It plays so off, however, that I can not help but suspect that something was cut out of this scene. This may go towards explaining why Cooper seemed so reluctant to get out of the Limo, though it may just be the case that he had to be moved like when Jade pushes him out of her own vehicle.
Now that we know that Dougie had a wife, it is important to note that in Part 3 Dougie only had the Owl Ring on his wedding finger,
What is the purpose of the scene with Denise?
Although I was glad to see Denise again, I was highly disappointed with this scene when I first watched it. It felt like the scene did not serve the story in any way, but was just provided to give fans a glimpse of Denise. Upon repeated viewing, however, I saw that there is a possibility that this scene could be setting up a future relationship or harassment issue between Cole and Tammy. This also harkens back to the involvement of Cole with Shelly in the original series. Finally there seems to be the undertone of a threat to Denise if she does anything when Cole tells her that he had enough dirt on her to fill the Grand Canyon.
What is up with the picture on Lucy’s desk?
There is a picture that appears to have the faces of Lucy, Andy and Wally pasted over another family. Is this just Lucy trying to be creative, or is there some deeper meaning behind it?
What about Bobby’s reaction to the picture of Laura Palmer?
Bobby’s first reaction to the picture, along with the music from the original series swelling, took me back to his reaction to Major Brigg’s story of his dream in the original series. But then his reaction goes on and on, getting weirder and weirder and feeling more and more fake until it turned into a mockery of it’s self and comes off as false.
I absolutely hate the idea, but after these scenes from Part 4 here in the town of Twin Peaks, I am starting to wonder if there is some truth to the speculation that what we are seeing in Twin Peaks is entirely fake, such as a constructed world much like Dougie himself was constructed. This would go a long way towards explaining why so much of it feels off. It is almost like we are watching a hyper soap opera version of Twin Peaks, which already had a strong soap opera element to the original series.
Here’s the thing: There is absolutely nothing within the entire universe of Twin Peaks that counters the idea that the entire series is a dream. In fact there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the entire thing has been a dream. In Fire Walk with Me, agent Jeffries even proclaims that we are all living inside a dream. If this is all true in the minds of Frost and Lynch, then that is fine. They can tell themselves anything they want if it allows them to create a show like this. What they absolutely can not do, however, is to tell their audience that everything they have been watching, all of these lives that they have been invested in for over twenty-five years, never happened. It would be a complete and utter disaster. To the audience, Twin Peaks must remain an absolutely real world.
Spoiler for the film Boxing Helena:
This was my exact problem with the film Boxing Helena, which was directed by David Lynch’s daughter Jennifer Lynch. I absolutely loved the film up until the end. When it told me that everything I had been watching was a lie and never happened, I became enraged, absolutely livid. I have despised that film from the core of my being ever since. Think how much worse that anger would be when people have invested over 25 years of their lives in that reality.
Did Major Briggs die in that fire like Bobby says he did?
That body in Ruth Davenports bed looks like it could have had a little fire damage. Just saying.
  Despite the awkwardness of Andy and Lucy in the scene, I have to say that I absolutely loved Michael Cera as Wally imitating Marlon Brando. It was absolute perfection.
What is up with the Military classifying the fingerprints of the John Doe in Ruth Davenport’s bed?
It is this scene, apart from the fact that body looks like it could have belonged to him, that makes me strongly suspect that the body in Ruth Davenport’s bed was indeed that of Major Briggs.
Now here’s the thing: there is ample evidence throughout these first four parts that we are not being told this story in a linear fashion. The most obvious example of this is when we see Cooper appear in the Glass Box in Part 2, before Sam Colby and Tracy Barberato are killed by the creature but after we see them killed by the creature back in Part 1.Without direct information in one scene linking it to another, we really have no reference for the time in which one scene takes place in comparison to another scene. At this time, therefore, we do not know exactly when in the over all story that Ruth Davenport was killed. It is possible that she was killed many, many years ago and Major Brigg’s body was brought fairly fresh from his own death in the fire. It is also possible that his body had been preserved somehow and for some unknown reason and was brought to the scene years later. Another possibility is that Major Briggs did not die in that fire. He may have been kidnapped, imprisoned and tortured for the information for years before Evil Coop finally gave up and killed him years later where he then put the body in the bed of Ruth Davenport. It is also possible that Major Briggs was taken to the White Lodge again, only to emerge years later where he was killed and his body was placed in Ruth Davenport’s bed. 
We learn from the restaurant scene in Part 2 that Evil Coop wants information from Hasting’s secretary. In the interrogation scene in Part 1, we learn that Hasting’s assistant (read secretary) is named Betty. Could it be that Hasting’s secretary is in fact Betty Briggs, Major Brigg’s wife?
What is happening to Evil Coop when he speaks with Cole at the prison?
It is obvious that something is off here. Not only does he not behave like Dale Cooper, which Cole and Albert notice, he does not even behave like the Evil Coop we have been watching so far.There are two main possibilities:
1) Something has happened to Evil Coop as a result of them trying to pull him back into the Lodge. Perhaps it was the fact that the Garmonbozia, possibly the source of his power, was drawn out of him in the form of vomit. So he is a weakened and robotic form of the Doppelganger.
2)) We know that Evil Coop wants to get information from Ray. We know that Ray is in the same prison. We know that Evil Coop had already downloaded the schematics of the prison. Perhaps Evil Cop is intentionally behaving strangely so that Cole will not pull him out and he will have the time to find Ray and do whatever he plans to do.
What is going on between Albert and Cole:
After Albert tells Cole about the incident involving the agent in Columbia, Cole says “Albert, Albert, Albert,” and stares deeply into Albert’s eyes for a long time. My read of this is that Cole is trying to read Albert to decide if he can still trust him. My guess is that he doesn’t. He adjusts the conversation and tells Albert that he doesn’t know what is going on so that Albert thinks that he is confiding in him and still trusts him.
Who is Albert?
In Part 2, Evil Coop speaks to a man he first thinks is Phillip Jeffries over some sort of electronic box. To me, this voice sounds like Migual Ferrer, who plays Albert. Has Albert been compromised or possessed? Is he even who he claims to be? Cole seems to have seen something in his eyes to make him not trust Albert.
Who is the woman that Cole wants to see Cooper (Evil Coop)?
Upon first viewing my first thought was Annie, even though I know that Heather Grahm (who played Annie in both the original series and the movie) was not listed as a cast member for the new season. Other suggestions have been either Audrey or Diane. I would lean more towards Diane than Audrey. There is just something about the fact that Albert says he knows where she drinks that makes me feel that Annie is the perfect choice. I just like the fact that she was in a convent and now seems to be an alcoholic. We shall probably see for sure who it is in the next part.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 3
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Preview Date: 5/22/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     The non-exist-ent, Another Place
     The Power Station, Another Place
     The Broadcast Station, Another Place
     Las Vegas, Nevada
     The Red Room/Waiting Room, Another Place
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
It was in the third installment of the original series that Twin Peaks completely melted my mind with the Red Room dream sequence and officially made me a life long Twin Peaks fan. Of course this sequence was actually filmed for the ending of the European release of the Pilot, but it was the third installment where it ended up as part of the series and where I first witnessed it on television way back in 1990. I think it no coincidence that they have done it again in the third installment of Twin Peaks: The Return with the scene in what I am now referring to as The Power Station. I call it a Power Station because, not only do we have the large, high power, outlet within the room it’s self, but from the outside it looks like a large Dam on the water. And Dams are used for generating electricity.
The Style of the Power Station scene is reminiscent of David Lynch’s first feature film Eraserhead and his short film The Grandmother.
Who is Naido?
     Although we do not get her name in the course of the show, the woman without eyes in the Power Station is played by the actress Nae Yuuki, who is listed in the credits as playing the character of Naido.
What is pounding on the door of the Power Station? Is it “Mother” who is referred to by the American Girl, and what exactly is she?
The number above the large outlet on the wall of the Power Station first reads 15. Later, after the switch is pulled by Naido on the Broadcast Station, the number reads 3, The number 315 is the room number that Agent Cooper had at The Great Northern Hotel in Twin Peaks. We later see this reintroduced on the key chain that Cooper still has in his pocket for the hotel. The fact that the numbers here are reversed (first 15, then 3), are consistent with the backwards motif throughout both the series (old and new) and Fire Walk With Me.
Another thing which I myself did not catch, but was pointed out, is that when the number reads 15, the outlet is a large circular hole like the cigarette lighter in Evil Coop’s car. When the number is changed to 3, it is a 2 pronged outlet like the wall socket in the house that Dougie occupies. The significance of this is that it means Naido is in cahoots with Evil Coop as she prevents Cooper from approaching the outlet when it links to Evil Coop’s car and then herself switches it to link with Dougie’s location.
I went back to view this scene for myself only to discover that i had been misinformed. The outlet in the Power Station is always for a two pronged plug, whether the number is 15 or 3. At no time does it turn into a round outlet like the lighter plug in Evil Coop’s car. To me this is good news, because I never got the vibe that Naido was in any way a negative being, It seems to me that she kept Cooper from the outlet when it said fifteen because the current was not right and something bad would have happened. Then she went up to the Broadcast Station and flipped the switch, risking hr own well being, so that the current would be right and Cooper could use it to escape.
When Cooper is atop the Broadcast Station he sees the face of Major Briggs, from the original series, float past and say “Blue Rose.” The Blue Rose is a reference to Fire Walk With Me. Lil wears a Blue Rose, signifying that the Theresa Banks murder investigation is one of Cole’s Blue Rose cases. A Blue Rose is code for a supernatural case.
Some are arguing that the fact that Briggs is a disembodied head here makes a case for the argument that the body in Ruth Davenport;s bed is that of Major Briggs. While there is a compelling argument for this to be true, which I will discuss with Part 4, I do not think that this floating head is a strong argument for that case. More than likely, this passing head is just a means for Lynch and Frost to pay homage to Don Davis, who had played Major Briggs. This episode is dedicated to the memory of both Don Davis and Miguel Ferrer, who have both passed on. Part 1 was dedicated to the memory of Catherine Coulson (the log lady) and Part 2 was dedicated to the memory of Frank Sylva (killer bob).
Why is Ronette Pulaski in the Power Station? Ronette was never taken into the Lodge, and as far as we last knew she was still alive.
Well, the truth is that it is not Ronette in the Power Station. While the character is played by the same actress who played Ronette (Phoebe Augustine), the character is listed in the credits as American Girl. Still, it does seem a bit odd that such a familiar face from the original series would be used for this role.
In Part 2, The Arm gives the number 2-5-3. When the American Girl’s watch turns to 2:53, the outlet starts to hum and precipitates the events with Evil Coop and Dougie which ultimately lead to the return of Cooper to the real world. 2:53 is the designated time to call Evil Coop back to the Lodge.
What is up with the Creamed Corn?
Garmonbozia is Lynch and Frost’s version of Loosh, an energy created by negative emotions which is consumed like food by dark entities. In Fire Walk With Me, Garmonbozia is defined as Pain and Sorrow. Throughout both the original series and the film, Garmonbozia is represented by Creamed Corn. Both Dougie and Evil Coop vomit up what appears to be a mixture of Creamed Corn (Garmonbozia) and Motor Oil. In the original series there is scorched motor oil at the crime scene of Laura’s death, remembered later by Ronette Pulaski, and smelled by Dr. Jacoby when Leland/Bob kills Jaque Renault. Scorched motor oil is also used as a tool to open the door to the Lodge.
Who created Dougie?
We learn from Philip Gerard (Mike) that Dougie had been created for a purpose. It seems apparent that this is what Evil Coop was referring to when he said that he had a plan to escape from being taken back to the Lodge. He created Dougie to take his place and get sucked back into the Lodge instead of himself. There are those, however, who argue that Dougie was created by good forces in the Lodge as a means of allowing Cooper to be able to get out of the Lodge and take care of Evil Coop. This, however, seems unlikely to me for several reasons. The first is that those in the Lodge appear to believe that Evil Coop will return, and appear to have been unaware of the evil Arm’s attempt to get rid of Cooper until it occured, so why would they have created Dougie in the fist place? Second, Gerard seems confounded by Dougie, what he is, and his sudden appearance in the lodge.
What is up with the Owl Ring?
It is the Owl Ring that appears to hold Dougie together while he is in the real world. As soon as he gets to the Lodge, however, he begins to shrivel up and the ring falls off. As soon as the ring is absent, he quickly comes apart.
The symbol of the Owl Ring first appears in the Original series in Owl Cave. The ring it’s self appears in Fire Walk With Me. There seems to be an uncertainty from the scenes about whether the ring is ultimately good or bad, although it seems to be a tool of the dark forces. When Theresa Banks wears the ring it makes her arm go numb, just as it does with Dougie. Agent Chet Desmond disappears when reaching for the ring where it rests on a pile of dirt under the Chalfont’s trailer. The Arm has the ring in the scene above the convenience store. All of this makes it seem to be dark. Yet when Laura puts on the ring it prevents Bob from being able to possess her, leading him to ultimately kill her instead.
Dougie’s head bursting is again reminiscent of Eraserhead, when his own head pops off.
What is the cause of Cooper’s mental issues?
Upon returning to the world, Cooper seems barely able to function or process information. Some have suggested that this is a result of having spent 25 years in the Lodge. I, however, disagree with this hypothesis:
When we see Cooper in the Lodge, he seems to have retained his mental faculties even after spending 25 years there, if he actually has been there that long. He continues to appear to retain them later while in the Power Station. It is only after he has been zapped and pulled through the electrical outlet that he appears to have problems. Cooper’s loss of faculties must, therefore, be the result of the electricity scrambling the electrical pathways and functions of his mind.
What is the significance of Cooper’s shoes?
Now we are getting more into symbolism. When Cooper goes through the outlet he loses his shoes and must then put on Dougie’s shoes. This represents the fact that he is in effect taking over Dougie’s identity, at least for a time. He is literally wearing someone else’s  shoes.
Who is after Cooper/Dougie and why?
We see that there are two men attempting to assassinate Cooper. My assumption upon seeing this was that Evil Coop had sent them to kill Cooper when he got out of the Lodge. After all, they say that one of them must die. There is a hint in Part 4, however, that suggests that there may be another reason that they are after Cooper.
When the assassin goes to put what appears to be some sort of explosive on Dougie’s car, a drug addict in the house across the street begins to repeat “one, one, nine!” We assume that this means 911, the number for the police. That it is being said in reverse continues the backwards motif in Twin Peaks.
What’s up with Andy and Lucy?
As part of creating an arch for the characters, it had been my hope that Andy had been allowed to grow as a character. After seeing the things he had seen and becoming a father, I had hoped that Andy would have become a strong and confident figure rather than the bumbling and crying comic relief character that he was in the original series. Instead, Lynch and Frost seem to have doubled down on the characters of Andy and Lucy, making them ridiculous caricatures of the original characters. When Lucy noted the missing chocolate bunny, it was the first time we saw even a glimpse of the Lucy that we had known and loved from the original series. Although I had wanted to see them grow, I now miss the old Andy and Lucy by comparison.
Of course there remains the possibility that what Lynch and Frost are saying is that the dark forces are effecting the minds of average people like Andy, Lucy and Ruth Davenport’s neighbor in Buckhorn and making their minds unable to function properly.
Is it about the Bunny?
The chocolate bunnies are a reference to the pilot of the original series where Cooper says into his recorder, “Diane I’m holding on my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies.”
When Hawk says “It’s not about the Bunny! Is it about the Bunny?” it is a call back to Fire Walk With Me when, after Bobby shoots the drug dealer, Laura says that he killed Mike. Bobby says “This isn’t f_cking Mike! Is this Mike?”
What is Jacoby up to with the gold shovels?
Gold shovels are traditionally used for ground breaking ceremonies. With Lynch, however, you never know. We shall just have to wait and see.
Why didn’t the FBI find the image of Cooper on the images from the Glass Box in New York?
This does seem a bit odd. They do say, however, that only one camera picked up the image of the weird creature that killed Sam and Tracy, and then only briefly. So it is possible that none of the cameras managed to pick up he image of Cooper.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 2
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Air Date: 5/21/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     Buckhorn, South Dakota
     Las Vegas, Nevada
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     The Red Room/Waiting Room, Another Place
     The non-exist-ent, Another Place
     New York, New York
Bill Hastings tells his wife he dreamed of being at Ruth Davenport’s, suggesting that he may have been possessed (like Leland/Bob) and only some part of him was aware of what was happening. On the other hand, the way his wife Phyllis reacts, he may have been set up and perhaps the dream was projected into his mind.
We now know that Bill Hastings had an affair with Ruth Davenport (which may be the reason his fingerprints were all over her apartment). His wife Phyllis is having an affair with their Lawyer George “and maybe somebody else too.” Evil Cooper, perhaps?
Phyllis appears to know Evil Cooper when he shows up at her house, and her reaction when she sees him further suggests a possible romantic relationship.
The question is Why is Evil Coop involved with this murder? Obviously Hastings and his secretary know the coordinates that Evil Coop is after, but why does he want to kill Ruth Davenport? Is it just to get to Hastings? Past motivations for killing with Bob include Theresa Banks trying to blackmail Leland Palmer and Laura refusing to allow Bob to enter her. There must be a motivation. It is not just some random killing.
What the heck was that “man” in the jail cell who faded away as his face floated up into the air?
Who is the woman who has the job, and what is it?
Who does Mr. Todd work for?
What are the coordinates Evil Coop is after, and why do Hastings and his secretary have them? What do these two know?
Why is Cooper suddenly allowed to leave the Lodge? Does it simply have to do with the timing/aligning of the planets opening the door or is there another reason?
Why do we hear the word “Whisper” after Laura kisses Cooper and before she whispers in his ear. And yes, though I did hear it, it was also included in the closed captioning I had on when I watched so as not to miss anything.
What is the white horse? In the series it appears as a kind of protective spirit to Sarah Palmer whenever Leland drugs her and Bob comes forward. Here its purpose seems a bit more ambiguouse.
The Arm makes a different noise than the sort of Native American whooping that it used to make. Why has what The Arm sounds like changed? Is it simply because of the evolution? And why is it evolving? Is it simply because of the known problems with the actor, or is there another purpose within the story?
What is the Dog? symbol on the ace of spades that Evil Cooper says he is after (and is presumably why he wants the coordinates)? To me It brought back the “the black dog runs at night” line from Fire Walk With Me.
Who is masquerading as Philip Jeffries?
Where is the “certain area” that Evil Coop wants Chantal and Hutch? Does this have to do with the coordinates he is after?
The Arm: “Two, Five, Three. Time and again.” Another number that we need to keep track of.
What was up with the green hand on the guy who arrives at The Roadhouse with James? I assume we will learn more about this in a scene later, suggesting that the story is not being told in a sequential order.
Did Donna die in the motorcycle accident that James had, and is that why he’s quiet now? We already know that neither Lara Flynn Boyle (from the series) or Moira Kelly (from Fire Walk With Me) appear in the released cast list.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 1
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Air Date: 5/21/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     The Red Room/Waiting Room, Another Place & Time
     (unknown), Another Place
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     New York, New York
     Buckhorn, South Dakota
Where are the Giant and Agent Cooper speaking? It is not what we traditionally know as The Red Room/Waiting Room. The Floor, Walls and Chairs are different and it is in Black and White.
The Giant: “Listen to the sounds (scratching noise). It is in our house now.”
     1) What is the scratching noise?
     2) What is it?
     3) What house is he referring to? Does he mean The White Lodge, or someplace else?
The Giant says to remember “Four, Three, Zero.” Is this a number (430) or a series of numbers (four-three-zero), perhaps referring to something like a combination or something else?
Who are Richard and Linda? The Giant says “two birds with one stone,” conjuring up the saying to kill 2 birds with one stone. Does that mean Richard and Linda must be killed? or Are Richard and Linda themselves 2 birds with one stone (suggesting perhaps a split personality or a possession)?
Personal note: It is odd to see the Giant older, as I never thought of the spirits as aging but rather timeless entities. Of course the actor is older and that can’t be helped. Spoiler: Perhaps he is reaching a state of evolution, like the arm. Spoiler: It is different seeing Phillip Gerard older, as he had a physical body outside the Lodge as does Cooper.
Who is responsible for/financing the Glass Box Experiment?
Who is Beulla? Is she just the head figure of a corrupt family, or more? Does she know anything about the Lodges/Bob/etc.? If so, how much does she know?
What is The Creature that appears in the glass box, breaks out and kills? Spoiler: It almost looks like the new head of The Arm (or its doppelganger) on the body of a female (Ruth Davenport’s body?).
Whose body is in Ruth Davenport’s bed, why, and where is Ruth Davenport’s body?
The Apartment building where Ruth Davenport lives is at 1349 Arrowhead Road. This may not be important, but you never know - especially with Lynch.
Who is Harvey and what does Hank Fillmore have in the bag?
What is Missing? Is this going to be the through-line, like who killed Laura Palmer?
Why was the The Giant referred to as ??????? in the end credits?
When the show started off with a series of short, almost random, scenes, I did wonder if the general audience would stick around. Then I thought of Pulp Fiction and how it had basically trained the minds of the general population to be able to sit through this kind of broken story telling style and wait around for the pay-off.
The acting performances did seem a bit wooden at first in places. Ben Horne saying “R-E-S-P-E-C-T, respect,” for instance, did not feel at all to be a believable performance to me.
Lucy at the reception desk felt almost robotic at times (spoiler: almost like Evil Coop when he was talking to Cole and Albert in the prison), although I feel this was more at the deliberate direction of Lynch rather than just a poor performance. It felt like she wasn’t all there, and not just ditzy like in the original series. Her mind has been somehow beclouded. Then there was the forgetful neighbor to Ruth Davenport in Buckhorn, who also seemed to have had her mind befuddled. It feels strange to say this about a lynch work, but that performance would have felt more convincing if she had slowed down, as if straining to draw out her thoughts.
I did notice at times it seemed as if people were speaking with an unnatural jerking and pausing rhythm, like they do as a result of having to speak backwards in Red Room scenes. When Otis says “Mr. C., Mr. C.” at evil Coop before he leaves the shack, it felt as if this should have been spoken backwards in the Red Room.
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