paul7santa-blog · 11 years
Dental Detection Goes Beyond Healthy Teeth
Teeth are an important part of everyone’s life, and without the teeth, chewing and eating food would be very difficult. However, what people fail to realize is that the condition of the teeth can actually tell a lot more about a person’s overall health in addition to their oral hygiene habits. Read More: http://www.highqcontent.com/2013/03/15/dental-detection-goes-beyond-healthy-teeth/
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paul7santa-blog · 11 years
How To Prevent Gum Disease
Proper oral hygiene is all about taking care of your teeth and preventing bad things from happening in the future. In essence, it is about avoiding disease from spreading in your mouth. Taking care of yourself is an important part of life and your mouth is no exception.
Read More: http://snipsly.com/2013/03/18/how-to-prevent-gum-disease/
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paul7santa-blog · 11 years
Visiting A Dentist Regularly Keep Dental Problems At Bay
Are you one of those who keep neglecting their dental health? There are many people who dread the routine teeth cleaning and they actually feel that visiting a dentist when they don’t have any tooth or jaw pain is a waste of time. Well, let me tell you that the best time to visit a dentist is when you are not having any issues because this allows the professional to make sure that you do not have any issues in the first place. Read More http://www.strategiesonline.net/visiting-dentist-regularly-dental-problems-bay/
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paul7santa-blog · 11 years
How To Find A Dentist In Valley Stream?
Have you recently moved to Valley Stream? Living in a new city and making new friends may sound exciting but there are several difficult tasks that you need to take care of and one of them is finding a reliable dentist in your area. Read More http://www.twistbook.com/find-dentist-valley-stream/
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paul7santa-blog · 11 years
Teeth Whitening Can Help You Attain That Bright Smile You Have Always Wanted
There are a variety of ways to whiten your teeth from over the counter products to having your teeth whitened professionally by a dentist. Teeth Whitening can provide professional teeth whitening that is safe and long lasting. Over the counter products to whiten your teeth can help but they may put your mouth tissue and gums at risk. Also it is important to know that not everyone should attempt to whiten their teeth. Teeth whitening work best for individuals who possess healthy teeth and little or no dental fillings or restorations. The professionals at Teeth Whitening can help determine if lightening the color of your teeth is right for you. Over The Counter Products If you go to the drug store and look at the dental hygiene products you will be amazed at the different products that exist to whiten your teeth. There are strips, gels, toothpastes with whitening elements, and dental rinses. Toothpastes that promise white teeth generally contain abrasives and mild chemicals that can help to remove slight stains on the surface of your teeth. Whitening products such as gels, rinses, strips or whitening trays contain some type of a bleaching agent either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide which bleach the color of the teeth. The use of gels or strips will result in visible whitening in a couple of days and that whitening usually lasts approximately four months. Suggested use for dental rinses is usually twice a day and takes approximately four months for there to be a visible change due to the short length of time the product is against the teeth. These dental rinses generally also contain ingredients to help clean the mouth, and reduce gum disease and freshen breath. Professional Teeth Whitening If you want your teeth whitened quickly and effectively it makes sense to use a dentist that provides Teeth Whitening Long Island as a service. Having your teeth professionally whitened generally only takes one visit and teeth can be lightened up to eight shades lighter. The dentist may also send you home with products to use at home to maintain the effect. Sometimes dentists combine in office bleaching with laser or heat to speed up the process.Dentists will also ensure that your gums and the rest of your mouth are protected from the bleaching agents. The lightening of the teeth if done professionally can last up to a year. If you continue to drink coffee or tea or smoke or eat foods that stain the teeth you might need additional treatments after a month.
To learn more, please visit the following website: Teeth Whitening Long Island
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paul7santa-blog · 11 years
How Sedation Dentistry Can Make Going To The Dentist A Snap
Many people are afraid of going to the dentist either from a bad experience at the dentist or through the development of a dental phobia based on the fear of pain. Now dentists offer a variety of methods to help patients feel comfortable during dental exams and procedures. Sedation Dentistry can make any dental procedure from a checkup or cleaning to more invasive procedures much less anxiety producing. Statistics indicate that as much as 15% of the American public has anxiety over going to the dentist. True dental phobia occurs in a smaller percentage of people but is agonizing for those that are afflicted with the phobia. Individuals with severe dental phobia may often cross the street to avoid even seeing a dentist’s office. The real problem with both dental phobia and the milder dental anxiety is that individuals will not go to the dentist for regular care and only show up when a dental problem is so severe that more invasive procedures are required. It is important that to protect one’sgeneral health that regular dental care is part of one’s regular health care plan. Dental problems such as infections, tooth decay and gum disease canresult in tooth loss, bone loss and is now being linked to other general health problems such as dementia and heart disease. From Mild Sedation To Deep Sedation Now dentists are recognizing that they need to offer ways for patients to be relaxed during dental visits. Sedation Dentistry can help anxious dentalpatients with sedation dentistry. A dentist can use sedation such as nitrous oxide, oral sedation without specialized training. If more generalsedation is required dentists must have completed training with the Commission on Dental Accreditation program known as CODA to be able to administerdeep sedation. Some dental practices now offer a dental anesthesiologist in order provide more options in terms of sedation. For individuals who suffer from dental phobia or have severe anxiety when visiting a dentist sedation is a real opportunity to be able to get dentalcare without fear.  Sedation is also appropriate for individuals with a very strong gag reflex, those that find dental procedures extremely painful,people who are physically unable to sit in a dentist’s chair for any length of time, and anyone going through major dental procedures.
Sedation Dentistry Long Island can provide you with answers to your questions about whether sedation is appropriate or required for you.  Your dentist will also be happy to discuss any dental anxiety you have about receiving dental care.
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