pastelpagangirl · 2 days
legitimately so scary that i just made a doctors appointment for 2025. you mean the far distant sci fi future 2025? you mean the pacific rim 2025? you mean i have to go to the doctor while giant robots are fighting the fucking kaiju? fuck all the way offfffffff
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pastelpagangirl · 2 days
Disabled trauma is political
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pastelpagangirl · 2 days
you know disabled rights include the rights of disabled people to have children. regardless if those children are also disabled. any mesure to restrict disabled people from having children is simple eugenics
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pastelpagangirl · 2 days
Don't know who needs to read this, but stop stressing about who you'll be in the future and start honoring how phenomenal you are in the present.
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pastelpagangirl · 2 days
Thoughts on autism?
From my point of view, it's both my super powers and it's my kryptonite. Your mileage (as they say sensibly) may vary.
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pastelpagangirl · 2 days
sometimes it is straight up impossible accommodate some disabled people in a particular event. someone's dietary needs are too restrictive for anything provided to be edible for them. sometimes your house or apartment has unavoidable stairs that your landlord refuses to have adjusted. sometimes a deadly allergen is going to have to exist in a workplace (for example a company that makes peanut butter is not going to be able to have a peanut free workplace).
the solution is not to deny this. the solution is to be upfront about it and let us make our own decisions and cost/benefit analysis about whether to attend.
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pastelpagangirl · 2 days
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i forgot to post this comic about bakugo's sweat and deku's incessant need to keep tabs on everyone
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pastelpagangirl · 2 days
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He is fighting a war. Just got his arms back. Has been fighting for his life so intensely that even we as the audience are unaware of the passage of time. And still has time to fanboy.
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pastelpagangirl · 4 days
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pastelpagangirl · 5 days
And don't kid yourself into thinking that you're helping "real" disabled people by viciously attacking people you think might be faking their disabilities. The best thing you can do for disabled people is taking our words for who we are and what we need. Creating an environment where you constantly have to defend and explain yourself against accusations of faking will in fact harm the "real" disabled people you claim to support
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pastelpagangirl · 6 days
"don't let your disability stop you from reaching your goals!" i have no choice but to let my disability put obstacles between me and my goals, you think i just pick and choose when i can/can't do something? it's the literal definition of a disability, it disables you from doing things. how hard is that to understand?
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pastelpagangirl · 6 days
yes, there are that many really disabled people on the internet actually
When I was less sick I used to think, "It seems like such a large portion of people on the internet are disabled, it can't possibly be that large of a percentage of the population" and then let my ableism demons tell me it was because they were faking (the same ones that told me I was faking, until I made myself really ill.)
But now that I'm sicker and wiser I realize I was logically just wrong because
The internet is disabled people's lifeline. There are more disabled people on the internet because OF COURSE. People who aren't disabled can be less chronically online because they don't have to be. This is textbook selection bias!
But actually also I was almost right, because there are way more disabled people in society than you would think! They're just systematically hidden and excluded from public spaces for abled peoples' convenience! 🙃
Anyway maybe this will help you understand and/or explain to abled friends and family.
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pastelpagangirl · 7 days
fuck medical gaslighting all my homies hate medical gaslighting
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pastelpagangirl · 7 days
disabled people who are lifelong, permanent dependents, i love you. you are my friends and my lovers and my siblings and you are me and i am you and i love you.
i'm really despondent sometimes over the ways society sees us. how conservatives see us as burdens and drains on society, yes, and also how liberals mock our lives, how the idea of being an adult dependent is seen solely as the result of poor life choices, how everyone all across the political spectrum sees things like "getting an allowance from your spouse" and "relying on one person for housing" as cause for mockery, jokes to make, nothing but a conceptual stick with which to beat people into performing well in work and school. still others see us as childish, as pitiable, perhaps not as worthy of mockery but definitely not as worthy of being treated as a social equal, never someone you could invite into your social spheres and make an effort to include--they're just not independent, no offense to them, it just makes them so childish, i can't have an adult friendship with them.
but we persist anyway. we're here. i'm lucky to love the people i'm dependent on, i'm lucky that they respect me as a person and would never leverage their power over me, i'm lucky that they're willing to constantly self-check to make sure they're not accidentally using that power. i hope to g-d you're lucky in the same ways, because i love you. and if you're not, i love you. i'm holding your hand and i'm standing with you and i'm going to try to make a better world for both of us.
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pastelpagangirl · 10 days
the frustrating thing about discussions of kink for me is that it’s like the gom jabbar test for pulling reactionary sex politics out of people. you’ll see people bringing up (real and worth discussing!) issues of abusive people using the cover of being a dom or liking servant/master dynamics and then they’ll conclude this is why we have to treat kink like nuclear waste, rather than pointing to other issues of consent, power imbalances, lack of communication, respect, or negotiation. (not to mention how the existence of predatory/abusive subs is basically handwaved away because it’s inconvenient to their narrative..) like the problem of shitty guys pushing 50 shades wannabe stuff on their girlfriends lies with their misogyny and lack of respect for their partners wants, not with an idea of them being ontologically evil for enjoying sadism. further stigmatization and demonization just make discussing safe practices and safe communities for informed and healthy kink harder
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pastelpagangirl · 10 days
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Saying that to TOUYA, the kid who got discarded because his quirk wasn't strong enough... The boy that very much died over it...
Yeah, a totally justified reaction:
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pastelpagangirl · 10 days
“face deformity” ≠ body horror. scars, burns, face differences, etc. are not body horror. sure the face the person in that drawing has might look “scary” to you but you really do have to get over it when it’s a face like the faces some actual people in real life have lmao. ugly laws were only fully repealed in 1974 and also the fact that they existed in the first place should really make you think about this. i thought we were all about weirdos and freaks on this website but people are just so so fucking bad about extending the love to people who look “weird” or “scary”. shut the fuck up and let disabled people exist without a trigger warning
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