parulian2017-blog · 6 years
My story for 21 years in service and more with XL
XL sudah bersamaku sampai hari ini, 30 November 2017, sepanjang 21 tahun 4 bulan, dan 29 hari, mendahului hadir 3 bulan sebelum kelahirannya pada 8 Oktober 1996. Segala kegembiraan, kesenangan, kebahagiaan dan persahabatan.
Awal berdiri saya di rekrut oleh team Head Hunter jaman dulu, namanya Cooper's and Lybrand sekitar akhir bulan Mei 1996. Hasil interview lumayan lama menunggu dengan meninggalkan Nomor Pager ID8xxxx. Pager ketika itu adalah alat komunikasi wireless yang WAJIB dimiliki, untuk kemudahan menyampaikan dan menerima pesan text atau pesan suara, yang disampaikan melalui operator Pager ketika itu.
Akhir dari penantian, adalah menerima panggilan untuk datang ke Kantor di Excelcomindo Pratama di Gedung Setiabudi Building menandatangani Perjanjian Kerja dan Penawaran yang diterima ketika itu, lengkap dengan Gaji Pokok, Tunjangan Transport dan Jabatan. Hanya itu saja tidak ada yang lain, dan dinyatakan resmi bekerja masuk kerja tanggal 1 Juli 1996 sebagai bagian team Sales & Marketing dengan fokus kepada Pelanggan Perusahaan Besar atau dinamakan Major Account.
Saya berpikir, akan ada di Setiabudi Building, ternyata Kantor Pusat ada di Gedung GKBI dengan lantai mulai lantai 5 meletakkan BSc dan MSC , 6 tempat MSC, 10 tempat banyak server IT, 23 tempat Sales & Marketing , 33 tempat para Direksi. Kantor Network sebagai penyelenggara utama Telekomunikasi, bukan di gedung mewah seperti GKBI, atau Setiabudi Building, tetapi sebuah gudang super besar berlantai 2, dan tempat para karyawan ada di lantai 2, di jalan Panca Marga 1/ No 8. Alamat resmi yang dipakai adalah Panca Marga 1 No 8, yang berada di jalan sempit Bendungan Hilir. PT Excelcomindo Pratama saham dari Rajawali Group, Nynex dari Bell Atlantic US sebelum dibeli oleh Verizon.
Bersama team dari Nynex Bell Atlantic US, dimulai bukan dari gedung yang bangunan mewah inilah mengatur semua rencana dan strategy serta memikirkan mendapatkan budget untuk suatu project besar mulai dari BTS GSM XL 900Mhz, Langsung Kriiiing, Micro Cell SCBD, BTS GSM 1800 Mhz. Berkat bekerja di XL d/h dulu bernama PT. Excelcomindo Pratama, maka saya sudah pernah mengalami banyak hal tantangan dan jenis pekerjaan, seperti menangani bidang Sales & Marketing tahun 1996, sebagai Major Account, Joint Promo Coordinator, termasuk mengembangkan Go To Market (GTM) dari setiap kegiatan Joint Promo (nama Go To Market belum di kenal saat itu), membuat formulir permohonan sebagai Pelanggan XL, saat itu hanya ada Post Paid saja,..
 Saya mendapatkan kesempatan oleh Paul J Hennessy superior GM saya dan Alfred Boschulte seorang Managing Director, mengajak saya masuk dalam Divisi Marketing Planning and Strategy tahun 1997 khusus menangani Coverage Network Planning, Marketing & Competitor Intelligence, Pricing termasuk Numbering Plan, Product Marketing, Audit Marketing. Tahun 2004, masuk ke team Corporate Strategy and Business Development khusus menangani Regional Planning termasuk Coverage Network Planning dan Sales & Marketing, termasuk dalam proses mendapatkan licensing 3G melalui proses panel di pemerintahan dan pembangunan 3G ini kembali lagi ke awal sekali tahun 1997 saat di Marketing Planning & Strategy.. sd tahun 2007. Tahun 2007 – 2010, menjadi team Region West (Sumatera) dengan tantangan lebih Kompleks lagi khusus mengurusi segala hal End to End yang ada di Region, Planning, Controlling and Monitoring yang waktu itu Sumatera dengan Kantor Region Sumatera di Medan. Tahun 2010 – 2017 saat ini bulan November 2017, sudah 7 tahun di Jakarta, menggeluti bidang Channel Management & Strategy, yaitu bidang Core Business Sales and  Distribution. Sepanjang tahun 1996 - 2010 adalah Core Business dalam bidang Teknologi, Telekomunikasi baik secara khusus yaitu pembangunan network / Roll Out Projects dan secara umum dalam bidang Marketing and Sales Strategy and Analysis.
September 2010 – November 2017, menangani bidang Channel, Distribution, Sales Clustering adalah hal yang paling sensitive, karena berhubungan dengan Dealer, Retail Outlets, Sales team Internal, Sales team External, Owner Dealer, Owner Retail Outlets dan Masyarakat pengguna baik yang puas maupun tidak puas, serta Mitra lainnya, seperti Direct Sales Force Partner baik yang berhubungan dengan pendapatan, penjualan, komisi, insensitive, harga jual, margin yang semua itu urusan hidup dan mati, lulus dan tidak lulus, sesuai standard atau tidak sesuai standard, memberi reward dan memberi hukuman atau peringatan.
 Semua yang saya sebutkan adalah Warisan ketika bekerja di XL sejak awal, termasuk project tahun 2016 yaitu pembangunan 4GLTE dan U900 (UMTS 900), yaitu BTS 900 Mhz yang ditingkatkan menjadi bisa Internetan melalui peningkatan ke UMTS 900.
Saat ini sejak 2016 bulan November, saya membidangi untuk Direct Sales Force Partner untuk MBB - Mobile Broadband, dengan produk XL Go berupa MiFI dengan bundling Paket Data MiFI XL dan XL Home berupa Router dengan bundling Paket Data Router XL.
Semoga XL ke depan makin jaya, makin kuat, makin di sukai dan di minati banyak orang, baik kalangan anak Sekolah SD, SMP, SMU maupun Pemuda/ Pemudi baik sebagai Mahasiswa/I maupun kalangan kaum pekerja dan intelektual muda, Dewasa Muda baik yang sudah menikah atau yang belum menikah, dalam bidang professional masing-masing serta orang Tua. Semuaaaaaa itu berkat kerja keras, kerja cerdas, kerja sama, kerja trampil, dan kerja iklas, tulus dan hanya ingin memberikan yang terbaik buat XL dan stakeholders XL.
Saya dengan latar belakang pendidikan Hukum yang sudah menjelajah wilayah Indonesia sebanyak 3/4 bagian Indonesia, kecuali NTT, Ambon, dan Papua, sangat mencintai Indonesia dan keberagamannya serta bangga bahwa bekerja di XL Axiata, Tbk (nama saat ini dikenal) menjadikan Indonesia maju dalam bidang Telekomunikasi, untuk meningkatkan ekonomi dan taraf hidup masyarakat banyak.
Saya bangga, karena Tuhan yang menempatkan saya khusus masuk dalam bidang Telekomunikasi untuk pembangunan bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Saya bersyukur karena itu semua dan anugerahNya yang sangat dahsyat boleh saya dan keluarga terima dan rasakan.
Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus, Terima kasih atas KasihMu, Terima kasih atas segalanya, berkat, perlindungan dan kesehatan.
God Bless XL Axiata Forever,
 Sampai jumpa kembali pada kesempatan lain....
Terima kasih kepada :
Pak David Arcelus Oses, Pak Okie  - Octavia Kurniwan, Mas Junius Khoestadi, Mbak Ratih Wulan Utoyo, Mbak Desy Sari Dewi, Mas R. Wicaksono, Librita Arifiani, Afandi Abrar, teman-teman  Commerce and Channel Management, teman-teman Commerce Region, teman-teman SME Trad Region team
Jajaran Direksi : Ibu Dian Siswarini, Pak Allan Bonke, Ibu Yessie Yossie Yoestya, Pak Mohamed Adlan bin Ahmad Tajudin.
Teman Pertama saya di XL 20 tahun yang lalu: Elvina Sidabutar
Teman-teman lainnya di luar team Commerce and Channel Management : Waqas Malik, Amit Panda,  
English Version:
I spent most of my time with all my friends, especially Commerce and Channel Management since joining 7 years ago ...... Exactly  on September 2010, I moved from West Region as Specialist Regional Planning and Monitoring West Region, and went back to HQ in the Commerce and Channel Management team. The first task in Commerce and Channel Mangement is to form ICS - Intelligent Canvasser System in collaboration with vendors that have been appointed by the Management at that time. The first time how Canvasser lives in the realm of "Living in Real Live". Anything Canvasser does is right or wrong, we are in real live knowing all, even where it often gathers to form "community".
Assignment after assignment has been passed by likes and likes, no grief, ... yes, ... yes happy to do new things, ... though continue as a Specialist, ....
 The last assignment is as a sales person SME market and also Direct Sales Management, meaning back to the initial assignment in XL over 20 years ago as a Sales person who also in charge of Major Account (Account Large Company). The initial and final assignments are the same type of assignment I get. Assignment for Coverage planning, BTS development, Capex calculation, calculate Profitability Analysis of each Project Coverage, RO depth anywhere with productivity level in priority scale, productive BTS distribution anywhere, as well as share assignment to FOC team for priority scale grant, Project Management Roll Out BTS, Project Management ReRad (Repeater Radio), Project Management Pico Cell, Micro Cell Project Management, Fiber Optics Project Management, U900 Project Management (2G BTS become internet enabled), Project Management LTE 4G, Project Management XL cluster sales from 164 clusters, to 150 clusters and the last being 56 clusters, which previously split the region into smaller micro clusters .. all of which became filler assignments from start to finish.
 Finally it is time that separates life for over 20 years With XL, pursuing dreams and hopes of becoming successful people outside XL. Hopefully friendship, cooperation and mutual greeting are not lost in time sweep, but make us all the more familiar yes, ... well I have become XL alumni and friends all who work for XL.
 XL is moving forward, leading the way and leading the cellular market in digital and telematics that to this day, this market provides enormous opportunities, especially as part of the change from "Disruptive Market and Business Capabilities" to create a new society that relies on technology to speed up the process in all areas.
   My story for 21 years in service and more 
I have been with XL until this day, November 30, 2017, 21 years and 4 months and 29 days, ahead of the 3 months before XL launching on October 8, 1996. All joy, fun, happiness and friendship.
I was recruited by the old Head Hunter team, his name was Cooper's and Lybrand around the end of May 1996. The interviewed result was quite long waiting by leaving the ID8xxxx Pager Number. Paging when it is a wireless communication tool MUST owned, for ease of delivering and receiving text messages or voice messages, delivered through the Pager operator at that time.
Finally after waiting more than 2 months, had to receive a call to come to the Office at Excelcomindo Pratama in Setiabudi Building Building to sign the Work Agreement and the Bid received at that time, complete with Basic Salary, Transport Allowance and Position. That's all there was simply no one else, and declared officially working to work on July 1, 1996 as part of the Sales & Marketing team with a focus on the Big Company's Customers or called Major Account.
I think, there will be at Setiabudi Building, it turns out that the Head Office is in GKBI Building with the 5th floor for BSCs and MSC, 6th floor for  MSCs places, 10th floor for  IT servers, 23rd floor Sales & Marketing, 33rd floor for the Board of Directors. Network Office as the main organizer of Telecommunication, not in luxury building like GKBI, or Setiabudi Building, but simple building large 2 floors like warehouse, and where the employees were on the 2nd floor, on Panca Marga street 1 / No 8. The official address used by  Panca Marga 1 No. 8, which was on the narrow road of Bendungan Hilir. PT Excelcomindo Pratama shares from Rajawali Group, Nynex of Bell Atlantic US before it was taking over by Verizon.
Together with the team from Nynex Bell Atlantic US, were started not from this luxury building that organizes all the plans and strategies and think about getting budget for a big project starting from GSM XL 900Mhz BTS, Direct Kriiiing, Micro Cell SCBD, GSM 1800 Mhz BTS. Thanks to work at XL d / h used to be named PT. Excelcomindo Pratama, I have experienced many challenges and types of work, such as handling Sales & Marketing field in 1996, as Major Account, Joint Promo Coordinator, including developing Go To Market (GTM) from every Joint Promo activities (Go To Market name not known at the time), making the application form as XL Customer, then only Post Paid, ..
 I got a chance by Paul J Hennessy my superior GM and Alfred Boschulte a Managing Director, invites me to enter the Marketing Planning and Strategy Division of 1997 specializing in Coverage Network Planning, Marketing & Competitor Intelligence, Pricing including Numbering Plan, Product Marketing, Marketing Audit. In 2004, the Corporate Strategy and Business Development team specializes in handling Regional Planning including Coverage Network Planning and Sales & Marketing, including in the process of getting licensing 3G through a government panel process and the development of this 3G back to the beginning once in 1997 when in Marketing Planning & Strategy .. sd year 2007. Year 2007 - 2010, become team Region West (Sumatra) with more challenge Complex again special take care of all things End to End in Region, Planning, Controlling and Monitoring that time Sumatra with Office Region Sumatra in Medan. The year 2010 - 2017 currently November 2017, already 7 years in Jakarta, cultivate the field of Channel Management & Strategy, namely the field of Business Sales and Distribution. Throughout the years 1996 - 2010 is Core Business in Technology, Telecommunications specifically in particular the development of network / Roll Out Projects and generally in the field of Marketing and Sales Strategy and Analysis.
 September 2010 - November 2017, handling Channel, Distribution, Sales Clustering is the most sensitive thing, since it deals with Dealers, Retail Outlets, Internal Sales Team, External Sales Team, Owner Dealer, Owner Retail Outlets and Community users who are satisfied or not satisfied, as well as other Partners, such as Direct Sales Force Partners whether related to revenue, sales, commissions, insensitive, selling price, margin that all affair and death, pass and not pass, as per standard or not standard, give reward and give punishment or warning.
 All I mentioned are inheritance while working at XL from the beginning, including the 2016 project of 4GLTE and U900 (UMTS 900) development, the upgraded BTS 900 Mhz being able to connect via UMTS 900.
Currently since 2016 November, I am in charge of Direct Sales Force Partner for MBB - Mobile Broadband, with XL Go product of MiFI with bundling of Data Package of MiFI XL and XL Home in the form of Router with bundling of XL Data Router Package.
Hopefully XL in the future will be more glorious, stronger, more interested and in the interest of many people, both among elementary school students, junior high, high school and youth as well as among young workers and intellectuals, young adults both already married or unmarried, in the professional field of each and the parents. Allaaaaa is thanks to hard work, smart work, cooperation, skilled work, and sleek work, sincere and just want to give the best for XL and XL stakeholders.
I am with a legal education background that has traveled the Indonesian territory as much as 3/4 parts of Indonesia, except NTT, Ambon, and Papua, loves Indonesia and its diversity and is proud that working at XL Axiata, Tbk (the current name is known) field of Telecommunications, to improve the economy and living standard of many people.
I am proud, because God put me specifically in the field of Telecommunications for the development of the nation and state of Indonesia. I am grateful for it all and His great grace may be my family and I receive and feel.
Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank You for Your Love, Thank you for everything, blessing, protection and health.
God Bless XL Axiata Forever,
 See you again in another opportunity
 see you till meet again
Thanks to :
Mr. David Arcelus Oses, Mr. Okie - Octavia Kurniwan, Mas Junius Khoestadi, Mbak Ratih Wulan Utoyo, Mbak Desy Sari Dewi, Mas R. Wicaksono, Librita Arifiani, Afandi Abrar, Friends of Commerce and Channel Management, Friends of Commerce Region, friends SME Trad Region team
Board of Directors: Mrs. Dian Siswarini, Mr. Allan Bonke, Mrs. Yessie Yossie Yoestya, Pak Mohamed Adlan bin Ahmad Tajudin.
My First Friend at XL 20 years ago: Elvina Sidabutar
Other friends outside the Commerce and Channel Management team: Waqas Malik, Amit Panda,
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