paperspub · 5 years
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paperspub · 5 years
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Black women something amazing 
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paperspub · 5 years
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paperspub · 5 years
it was also truly laughable that they made dany seem like she was paranoid when people legitimately were plotting to depose her and varys was poisoning her food. ooohhh look she’s paranoid and crazy. like these mother fuckers weren’t talking about how to control her, how to put jon on the throne, and literally trying TO KILL HER. 
men apparently: believe what i say not what i do, or you’re fucking insane.  
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paperspub · 5 years
i don’t know if i can articulate this correctly, but i’ll try
Dany always represented radical change - she was the one who was going to break the wheel, to overthrow tyrants, to liberate people (as she said in her final speech to the Dothraki and Unsullied). And as Tyrion said in this final episode, we rightfully cheered her for that.
But season 8 took that message of radical change and equated it with genocide, violence, and needless slaughter. Suddenly, Dany is “revealed” to be a power-hungry villain who can’t tell right from wrong, who needs to be “put down” by the sensible male hero because she’s too dangerous, and she’s a “threat” to the world of men (and boy, was that a telling line).
What kind of message does that send to the characters? Of course they go back to the old way of doing things: other than their Monarchy Lite™ that they create with Bran, things are basically the same - Grey Worm, the Dothraki, and the Unsullied conveniently leave Westeros, so the white people don’t have to deal with assimilating or reconciling with them; the Wildlings also conveniently go back to the other side of the wall, so the Westerners don’t have to try to live alongside them; and the woman who promised radical change - who promised liberation and freedom for oppressed people - conveniently goes crazy and is killed/overthrown, so the lords of Westeros don’t need to worry about changing their ways or having a threat to their power. No radical change, because radical change is dangerous. So, for the white, male, artistocratic characters in Westeros, the status quo is maintained for their benefit when Dany is killed (both literally and figuratively, with her character development).
So what message does this send to the audience? Dany represents radical, liberalizing change, and the creators of GOT are “pulling back” that mask and showing that, oh no, the activists who are pushing for deep, institutional changes for the voiceless, for the vulnerable, for the estranged? They are actually the evil, genocidal maniacs. We can’t trust them - so we should stick with the system we have and just fix it a little bit. Put a band-aid over the problem and it’ll go away, right? The plebians will be happy with a temporary fix, right?
And what does this message say to the members of the audience who are a part of villified and vulnerable communities, and who rightfully want radical change, and who fight for monarchs (*cough* candidates *cough*) that want radical change, like Grey Worm? It says that you are evil, and inherently violent, and that you should “go away” and live in your own, ~inferior~ society. These people are depicted as evil for cheering Dany’s destruction of their oppressors, because…they’re the evil ones for killing oppressive men? Come the fuck on.
This is why I hated D&D’s interviews in the post-show of the Bells, when they said they wanted to focus on the ~real people~ of King’s Landing who were suffering from Dany’s attack. D&D don’t care about the real people - if they did, they would have considered how it would look to have the ONLY champion of the common people (Dany) be torn down as a “tyrant” herself, only to be replaced by the exact same, flawed and aristocratic system that she wanted to overthrow.
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paperspub · 5 years
can we just talk about how in season three, daenerys was willing to endure misogynistic humiliation at the hands of master kraznyz and then that second sons dude (the titan’s bastard) because she wanted them to think that she’s just a stupid, airheaded little girl so that she could take them by surprise later on. like she had to listen to these grown men make incredibly degrading and objectifying comments about her because she wanted to bide her time.
the notion that dany is entitled or impatient or impulsive or too emotional or not smart is simply not true and has never, ever been true. she even calmed jorah and grey worm down when they threatened the titan’s bastard. that’s not the sign of someone’s maDNess bEING forEshadoWED. 
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paperspub · 5 years
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paperspub · 5 years
People talking about how Daenery getting the throne in the end would have been “boring” and “predictable” yet in the same breath talk about how her going mad was foreshadowed and how unfair it is that Jon isn’t king…
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paperspub · 5 years
me when dany forces people to hear all of her titles which are essentially victories she’s won in her very hard climb from the bottom to where she is now: 
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paperspub · 5 years
Robert Baratheon: Is happy with and justifies the rape-murder of Elia Martell and the murder of Elia’s infant children because those children are “dragonspawn”; rapes and abuse Cersei; slaps her in front of Ned; constantly cheats on Cersei because he is obsessive about Lyanna Stark; GRRM literally calls his hatred of the Targaryens a “madness” Tywin Lannister: Engineers the red wedding; abuses his children, especially Tyrion and Cersei, their whole lives; executes every man, woman, and child in House Reyne for its revolt against him; Orders the gang-rape of Tyrion’s first wife, Tysha, and orders him to join; Orders Gregor Clegane to rape and murder Elia and to murder her children; forcefully marries Sansa to Tyrion and has no regard for Sansa’s safety and basically tells Tyrion to get a child in her one way or another, which means he’s sanctioning rape yet again 
Jaime Lannister: Pushes an 8-year old child out of a tower to hide his affair with his sister Cersei and justifies it as the things he does for love; does quite a few other horrible things for Cersei’s sake 
Khal Drogo: Marries a 13 year old and keeps her as his sex slave, keeps other slaves in his Khalasar and destroys villages, rapes his wife every night until she is nearly driven to suicide 
Roose Bolton: Practices the tradition of the first night, in which a lord can have sex with any of his serf’s wives. Upon finding out that a miller married a washerwoman without telling him, he hangs the miller and then brutally rapes the washerwoman under the same tree from which her husband was hanging. A year later, when the woman shows up with Ramsay, his son, he considers having her whipped and killing the child until he realizes that it actually is his son. Theon notes that he is actually more cruel than Ramsay, even though Roose is more outwardly calm. 
Randyll Tartly: Is violently abusive and fatphobic and forces his son and heir, Samwell, to join the Night’s Watch because he believes Sam is too fat and soft to be a “real man” and to wield Heartsbane, the Valyrian Steel sword that is passed down in their family from generation to generation. Tells Sam that if he does not join the Night’s Watch, he will hunt Sam down and kill him, and tell his mother that he died on a hunting accident. On the show, even though he is a sworn bannerman of House Tyrell, he and his son and his soldiers betray the Tyrells and participate in the sack of Highgarden and the execution of all the remaining Tyrells. 
Jeor Mormont: Cooperates with Craster, a man who forcefully marries and rapes his daughters and then gives his sons to White Walkers, because Craster is one of the few resources beyond the wall that the men of the night’s watch can utilize 
Jon Snow: On the show, executes a child who was manipulated by grown men into killing him, a child that was angry because his parents were murdered by Wildlings 
Tyrion Lannister: Uses stores of wildfire to blow up the Stannis Baratheon’s ships and many people die in the process, so that he can protect his family and King’s Landing 
Saintly, his holy highness Ned Stark: Fights for Robert in spite of his own anger at Robert’s lack of honor toward Elia and her children, because he swore an oath and stands by his oaths; would have told Robert the truth about Cersei and her children, knowing that Robert would’ve most likely murdered all of them 
The absolutely braindead, violently misogynistic, useless worthless amalgamation of fans in the got/asoiaf fandom: The same bullshit useless fucking banalities about how the asoiaf characters are morally grey 
The same braindead, violently misogynistic, useless, worthless amalgamation of fans in the got/asoiaf fandom when Daenerys does literally anything: HER MADNESS AND TYRANNY WERE FORESHADOWED 
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paperspub · 5 years
the ceo of disney, studying the multi-film, multi-million dollar contract he just gave david benioff and d. b. weiss:
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953 notes · View notes
paperspub · 5 years
Can’t wait for the northmen to start starving because there’s no food left and no one wants to trade with the isolationist kingdom that has done nothing for anyone else and welcomes no one into their land.
Can’t wait for the Dornish and Iron Islands to ally with each other and start a rebellion for their own independence because they don’t want to be ruled by a Stark boy.
Can’t wait for Bronn to run the Westerosi economy into the ground because he can’t do basic math.
Can’t wait for Bran to try and enforce any of his policies or fight back against rebellions without any proper military forces.
Can’t wait for a new power vacuum and game of thrones to begin once Bran gets old and dies because suddenly everyone can claw and fight for the spot.
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paperspub · 5 years
I can’t stop thinking how Emilia said she cried and questioned her own character she’d played for nearly a decade and literally turned to alcohol as a depressant I literally want to set d&d’s house on fire
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paperspub · 5 years
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I’m loving all these they kinda forgot memes on freefolk
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paperspub · 5 years
I like to imagine that Drogon will start his own tradition of letting them rebuild WF and KL in peace only to be back once a year to burn it down again lol
and it’s a different time every year so they can’t even anticipate it, living their lives in constant anxiety for when their day of reckoning arrives to purge the land of their sins.
it’s what they deserve.
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paperspub · 5 years
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paperspub · 5 years
Me @ Daenerys after the writers completely destroyed her character
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