panthvons · 4 years
setting. a shoreline somewhere in the caribbean, early morning. 1562. 
rules , about jack
FOR A PIRATE, jack was someone who get seasick rather quickly. then again, the term ‘ pirate ‘ might be stretching it a bit. with no end in sight, he was still on cabin boy duty; in charge of nothing more than mopping the brig, and cooking for men who inhaled their food in two bites. like animals. 
he’d woken up to hurl again sometime during the night, and found himself relieved when he saw the ship docking against the rocks of a nondescript shoreline. it was early, just before the sun had kissed morning sky. that was good news. it meant fewer pirates were awake to rag on him for throwing up yet again.
jack sat against the rocks, the sea lapping up the ends of his rolled up trousers, idly strumming a lute. 
“ — i’m AFRAID i’m not a talented enough musician to have such an audience.” he says suddenly, halting his fingers dancing across the strings. “it’s just a little sea ballad, to keep the waves calm. or so they say.”
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panthvons · 4 years
it was not often that willow got sick, especially this sick. it had been days since she had left her bed, a crippling pain burning throughout her entire body. there had been many suggestions thrown around: menstrual cramps, a bad piece of mutton, poison. healer after healer had visited the castle of eden, kneeling over the bedside of the beloved princess as she writhed in pain, unable to even open her eyes for most of the duration of the day. she was given tonics and potions, pastes were rubbed on her chest and herbs were crushed in her tea but nothing seemed to be working.
it was torture for the princess; unable to leave the castle, or even move more than an inch for that matter. she longed to be out in the sunshine, tending to her gardens around the castle and interacting with her people. she hadn’t seen the marketplace in over a week now and was starting to feel the effects of it.
on the third day of seeing his adopted daughter in unbearable pain, the king called upon his most trusted healer - if anyone were able to help willow, it would be him. so she was surprised when an unfamiliar voice called out, voice laced with what sounded like disgust. a single eyelid lifted, sight slightly obscured by the damp cloth that lay across her forehead. 
“ my father called for him, yes. ” she croaked, just able to make out the features of a boy she had seen around the kingdom since she was a child. she knew of danny and his distaste for royal blood, and could not help but be surprised that he had shown up to her aide. “ he is not available? ” she questioned, heart beating a little faster as she realized this may not be the hopeful visit she was anticipating. 
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“unfortunately not.” he said flatly. “percy had prior business to tend to this evening, but naturally he refused to be more specific than that.” that more than likely meant he was feeling under the weather, and was too proud to admit it. not even the best healers in eden could aid the byproducts of old age. if danny could, he would in an instant for percy. 
“hence, my presence here.” there was no use in denying it. everyone who had ears and lived in the kingdom knew of danny and his resentment for the royal family. certainly even the royals themselves knew that. 
but for all of the riots incited at his hand, willow was a different case for the people of eden. she was loved, even by those in similar shoes to danny’s. he was no stranger to the talk — of her kindness, her grace. but ever the cynic, he refused to buy into it.
“he didn’t inform me of your problem though.” the sooner he could get willow in and out the better. 
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panthvons · 4 years
setting. the royal medicinal wing
it thrilled danny, to see the riots unravel on the cobblestone right outside of his house. the people were growing tired of an idle king; one stuck in his war against magic, and generally idle to the suffering of his people. times like this danny resented belonging to such useless royals altogether. he would’ve left the kingdom gates a long time ago, if it weren’t for the people he would leave in his wake. and the fact that it was his own hand, that incited so many of the protests. 
today though, his own moral spine has taken a backseat to do a favor for a friend. old percy crawford: the royal healer, and a close friend to both he and the royal family somehow. normally he wouldn’t associate with anyone that would so willfully aid the king and queen, but percy had been an old friend of his parents long ago. danny saw extensions of them in the old bag every day that they spoke. for him and for him alone, he would make the exception.
percy was sick, and therefore danny was here as a substitute. apparently there were appointments he couldn’t miss today, but percy had refused to be any more specific than that. 
now, seeing the princess laid before him, danny understood why. “you’re here for percival?” he asks, making no attempt to hide his own distaste.
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panthvons · 4 years
tag dump for danny!
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panthvons · 4 years
tag dump for keys!
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panthvons · 4 years
tag dump for alice!
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panthvons · 4 years
tag dump for ares!
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panthvons · 4 years
tag dump for achilles!
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panthvons · 4 years
tag dump for jack!
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