pannnacottamoo · 11 months
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Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 - 2003)
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pannnacottamoo · 11 months
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hey netizens! i'm not sure how many people are aware, but youtube's been slowly rolling out a new anti-adblock policy that can't be bypassed with the usual software like uBlock Origin and Pi-Hole out of the gate
BUT, if you're a uBlock Origin user (or use an adblocker with a similar cosmetics modifier), you can add these commands in the uBlock dashboard (under My Filters) to get rid of it!
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)
reblog to help keep the internet less annoying and to tell corporations that try shit like this to go fuck themselves <3
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
“People who love themselves, don’t hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer.”
— Dan Pearce
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
Mercury archetype through the houses ⚕️
- Mercury archetype:
· Mercury rules Gemini, Virgo, the 3rd and the 6th astral houses. It's called this way because of the Roman god of communication, he was known as the messenger of the gods, in Greek mythology is called Hermes.
· Mercury is a personal panet, it rules our intellect and mental world. Mercury shows us how we process our thoughts and ideas and how we communicate them with others.
· This planet shows us our intellectual skills and where our minds works more efficiently, is also related to our talents so our Mercury placement can tells us in which career area we are going to excel.
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Mercury in the 1st: These are very intelligent people with a huge self awareness, they emanate this intellectual vibe. These natives usually have a joyful and curious personality, they tend to be aware about what is going on in their surroundings what gives them a powerful intuition. They are very talented with words and tend to have a very rich and wide vocabulary to express their ideas. They can seem as anxious or too rational people, depending on Mercury's aspects it can idicate issues separating other people's ideas from their own. Mercurial qualities can also be perceived physically by a younger appearance, long fingers, arms and legs and quick eye contacts.
Mercury in the 2nd: Very talented people to make money with natural resources, they are very in tune with earth's cycles what makes them sensitive to seasonal changes, these natives also tend to be very protective of nature. They usually are very rigid and stubborn when it comes to their ideas, they tend to need time and space alone to process intense experiences, they also need to have a more flexible mindset to gain mental peace. They know how to enjoy and be grateful for the little and basic pleassures of life, they are calmed and logical people, they usually are great counselors.
Mercury in the 3rd: Lovers of random facts and weird knowledge, these natives have always an interesting thing to bring to the table and make a conversation very interesting. They have a sharp mind, they are curious and have a great sense of humor. These natives usually get interest in many topics and loves to share what they have found out with others what makes them very talkative, the only thing they should be careful with is overthinking and being inconsistent with their projects. If Mercury is well aspected they tend to be very good at debates and exposing, also they are very good learning languages.
Mercury in the 4th: This placement usually indicates a childhood where knowledge and intellectual skills were highly important. These natives tend to rationalize instead of feeling their emotions but they still have a 6th sense to catch lies. Their home, family or mother figure usually are a source of wisdom and understanding, they are usually very protective and compassionate of their beloved ones, the only thing to keep in mind is they can take some things too personal or be easilly offended if they don't get along with their emotions. From a young age they develop flexibility and understanding of their enviroment, they also tend to be very aware of other people's emotional states.
Mercury in the 5th: These natives have an infinite overflowing creative spirit, they tend to feel attracted to scenic arts or strategy games, anything they feel as a challenge. They are competitive and passionate when they set a goal, they enjoy winning and receiving the recognition but must be careful of taking bad decitions in the name of ambition. They normally look charming and magnetic to others what makes them highly seductive, people like them easilly and tend to orbitate around these natives. They are warm and close in their way of talk, they also have an strong voice and laugh but they are also terrible when they are angry, they can take their passion to the extremes but is part of their charm.
Mercury in the 6th: This natives are very attached to their routines for the mental peace it gives them, their mind tend to flow more smoothly in organized and clean spaces and usually their are sensitive to loud noises. Also clean places with lighter colors seem to help them with overthinking and intrusive thoughts. They have a big awareness over their health and wellbeing, these natives also usually end up working in healing enviroments like therapist, doctors or even reiki healers. They are very crafty with their hands and have a major gift to find solutions where other people can't find them. These natives have a big hability to deal and create bonds with animals, they are also great plan parents.
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Mercury in the 7th: Naturally extroverted people who recharges energies through social interactions, these natives are elegant and polite when they express their ideas, they tend to be very charming in the eyes of others. They usually gain mental clarity by spending time with other people and leisure time but they can have a hard time dealing with solitude. They are highly visual and aesthetically sensitive so it's important for them to have an armonious enviroment to not feel overstimulated. Very charismatic people with very good taste, usually have an alluring and very attractive voice, they also tend to feel attracted to arts and fashion.
Mercury in the 8th: The authentic human lie detectors, besides Mercury in 12th, these natives have a radar to know what's going on in other people's minds, they rarely are wrong when they don't like someone so listen when an 8th house mercury warns you about somebody else's intentions. They are not usually very talkative and when they are is because they trully trust you, they prefer meaningful and deep conversations so they tend to dissociate when a conversation becomes superficial or boring. These natives are awesome detectives, they can see in places other can barely reach, they are reserved but when you get to know them they are very interesting people with a lot of knowledge to share. Something I've noticed about this placement is that they have a really hypnotic voice, like really seducing.
Mercury in the 9th: The true philosophers who enjoy finding the meaning and 'why' of everything. They are friendly and very open with their ideas, they enjoy exposing their thoughts with others and they mostly prefer to learn by experience instead of listening what other's have to say about an specific topic. These natives are very curious and enjoy feeding their mind and expanding their knowledge, they have their own criterion and prefer to see things from a wider perspective to understand better a situation, they can seem dettached or lean on too much on their belief system and take their perspective as the only true. They are awesome speakers and teachers, they are the tipical teacher all students like and love.
Mercury in the 10th: CEO mentality, this people are focused, driven and with very clear goals in life, they are highly ambitious too. When they set a goal they don't rest until they get it and, they always get it, they enjoy challenges for the feeling of outdoing themselves. They usually have good memory and focus but they are also extremely stubborn and can easilly get absorved by work and unattend other areas of their lives.
Mercury in the 11th: These natives are very intelligent, humanitarian and commited with the common good. They tend to feel an strong connection with social movements, representative groups or simply their close group of friends, they really enjoy making other people's lives better. These natives have a radar to be aware of the conditions of the enviroment what gives them a really good intuition to know what others are needing in order of their wellbeing. Sometimes they can feel emotionally dettached or misunderstood by others because their mind is so wide that it can be hard for them to express all they have flowing in their head. They are not emotional but knows how to connect with other people circumstances, they have excentric ideas but they are well intentioned. I've also noticed that this placement is really good at science and maths.
Mercury in the 12th: These natives have a natural conection with the collective unconscious, they have a wide and vivid imagination, if they train enough they are great manifestors by visualization. These are creative and artistic people, they are empathic and very wise with topics related to mental health and psychology. They are energetic sponges too, so it's important and sometimes very necessary for them to move in places that gives them peace and comfort, for some they'll prefer to isolate from other people to gain back their energies. They have a radar to know the emotional state of others but they can get confused between their own emotional world and what they have absorved from other people, is important something that helps them protect their energies.
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
Generation: Death of the Soul
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Older millennials born between the late 80s and early 90s struggle with the fear of not having permission/peer and authority approval to go after their dreams. Neptune and Uranus feel restricted in Capricorn. It represents them being systemically told, "No, this is too much. You're much better off doing A, B, C, or D. It's not stable."
And if they were born at the tail end of Uranus in Sag? Add that, but also include them over-extending themselves because they have to 'compete' with the previous generation of late Gen X managing to get high-paid jobs and corporate dream-realities. The enthusiasm will be there, initially, but they'll burn out and turn dejected and suffer in silence through comparison. If any have Pluto in Libra, they'll be told that they're selfish if they think too much about themselves. They have pills for that, right? Think of your immigrant family. Your grand parents didn't used to complain like this. Serve the greater good via collective suppression.
Some will excel, but when they approach or pass 30 a bit, they'll start wondering what life would've been like if they took Route 3 instead of the first one they were told would help them mirror the success of the generations before them. Things looked bleak after the financial crash and many of them were struck with a very REAL fear and reacted to it and forced themselves into places in a puzzle where they didn't belong.
Squares tried to fit into Triangles. Circles fit into Rectangles by slicing off their sides. Many of them are filled with regrets. With their Plutos in Scorpio or (early) Sagittarius, at their darkest and most insecure, they can transform their personalities into perfect duplicates of what they THINK they need to be or allow external stimulus (familial pressure, job insecurity, etc) to force them to adapt to experiences they DON'T want.
Younger millennials and Gen Z born towards and after 2000 struggle over having confidence to pursue their desires and are often terrified of the unknown because they were conditioned to believe they needed a map instead of relying on their own natural instincts and intuition. While in Aquarius, Neptune finds resources to complement its faith and Uranus revels and burns its tires on tough gravel, creating paths on roads only visible to them. While Pluto in Scorpio for those born by the mid 90s formed (successfully destructive) sextiles to their outer Capricorn planets, Pluto in Sag also assists its outer Aquarius planets by making it easier to maximize potential by only fulfilling other people's ideas of what success is.
Gifted children, creative prodigies, and precocious children who are told they have limitless potential who burn out and turn inward and writhe and scrape when they're gripped with anxiety and depression when the greater system sucks the soul out of them and presents the with 'working tools' that only contribute to greater self harm is what many of them endure. Learn to manage your mental illness so you can show up to work tomorrow. Don't worry! Just stay positive! You don't wanna ruin the vibe of the work room. There's affordable therapy now! Wait, what do you mean you can't fit it in your budget? Jesus, it seems like all you can do is come up with EXCUSES.
They often don't believe in themselves because opposed to being told they can rely on their own resources through accumulated experiences (Pluto in Sag), they're told they still need permission from a system which is past its prime and is rotting and putrid. The child that still longs for approval that used to be called special, gifted, etc, or who was told had such potential wants to know if their dreams 'should' be chased. There's a conditioned sense of fear that grips them before they take the first step; What if I DON'T know what I'm actually doing? What if I look like a fucking fool??
But if time in this system's taught us anything, it's that it's time to be foolish. In tarot, nothing can change (The World: final arcana) unless we risk being fools (The Fool: first arcana).
Be a fool.
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
Tarot Card Meanings Masterlist
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***Masterlist of tarot card meanings. I want to support my fellow tarot readers with this post! Always keep in mind that these usually combine online sources with UPG. I am using tarot guidebooks and UPG, but still, always interpret based on your intuition, first and foremost. I hope someone finds this helpful!***
Major Arcana
The Fool - 0 - Upright: A free-spirited person, a foolish person, naivety, carefree, fun, childlike wonder, a beginner, a student, freedom, faith, laughter, curiosity, learning, new beginnings || Reversed: Foolishness, being too serious, need for childhood comforts, rigidity, recklessness, risk-taking, holding back, faithlessness, needing a plan, feeling lost, aimlessness
The Magician - 1 - Upright: A jack of all trades, an entrepreneur, a people person, resourcefulness, cunning, wit, ambition, inspired action, potential, intelligence, possibilities, the elements, opportunities || Reversed: A con-man, a cheater, a liar, trickery, manipulation, lost passion, too ambitious, poor-planning, untapped potential, lack of inspiration/motivation, lack of energy, feeling disconnected from life
The High Priestess - 2 - Upright: A wise person, a spiritual person, intuition, spiritual wisdom, the subconscious mind, spirituality, divine messages, trusting oneself, divinity, mystery, stillness, passivity, going with the flow || Reversed: Overthinking, emotional discomfort, unrest, ignoring intuition, needing to trust oneself, relying on the wisdom of others, ignoring emotions, secrets, withdrawal, silence
The Empress - 3 - Upright: A motherly person, an empath, generosity, compassion, nature, nurturing, harmony, femininity, sensuality, abundance, comfort, emotional support || Reversed: Overbearing, overprotective, lacking assertiveness, giving too much of yourself, needing self-love/self-care, a creative block, lacking empathy, emotional discord
The Emperor - 4 - Upright: A fatherly person, a confident person, tough love, protection, assertiveness, authority, structure, masculinity, establishment, personal power, hard-work || Reversed: A corrupt leader, ruling with an iron fist, taking advantage of others, power hungry, lacking confidence, lacking boundaries, rigidity, stoicism, greed, selfishness
The Hierophant - 5 - Upright: A teacher, a religious leader, religion, religious structure, tradition, conformity, marriage, union, sharing knowledge, education, institution, practicality || Reversed: A controlling person, rigid beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo, personal beliefs, refusing change, fear of the unknown, needing change, needing to research
The Lovers - 6 - Upright: A hopeless romantic, major decisions, humanity, mutual union, love, relationships, harmony, value alignments, young love, dependency, coexistence || Reversed: A selfish lover, needing self-love, disharmony, imbalance, disagreements, superficial relationships, indecisions, confusion, feeling torn, emotional discord, codependency
The Chariot - 7 - Upright: Boldness, impatience, success, determination, willpower, control, movement, taking action, major events, passion, confidence, moving forward || Reversed: Stagnation, impulsivity, aimlessness, opposition, self-discipline, slow goings, lacking control, burnout, anxiety, doubt, lack of passion, needing to take action
Strength - 8 - Upright: Strength, personal power, self-respect, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion, self-control, resilience || Reversed: Inner strength, needing to find strength in oneself, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion, anger, hidden weaknesses
The Hermit - 9 - Upright: An independent person, an introvert, time alone, meditation, self-reflection, wisdom, self-awareness, mindfulness, self-discovery, introspection || Reversed: A recluse, loneliness, withdrawal, isolation, feeling lost, a depressive period, negative thoughts, deep introspection
The Wheel of Fortune - 10 - Upright: Good luck, destiny, life cycles, a turning point, resolution, change, riding the waves of life, opportunities, taking a chance, repeating old cycles || Reversed: Bad luck, resistance to change, needing to submit to fate, need for control, resisting the flow of life, needing to take a chance, refusing to let go, breaking cycles
Justice - 11 - Upright: Justice, fairness, truth, law, morality, cause and effect, equality, fair decisions, balance, accountability, responsibility, honesty, consequences || Reversed: Dishonesty, injustice, unfairness, taking responsibility, lawlessness, unfavorable outcomes, scorn, falsity, fallacy
The Hanged Man - 12 - Upright: An enlightened person, new perspectives, changing perspectives, an unusual outlook, pause, surrender, letting go, enlightenment, reflection || Reversed: Indecision, lacking drive, unwise decisions, delays, being stuck, stalling, refusing personal growth, being misled, needing a perspective shift
Death - 13 - Upright: Shedding what no longer serves you, letting go of the old to make way for the new, transitions, transformation, changes, endings, rebirth, release, self-awareness || Reversed: Clinging to what no longer serves you, resistance to change, personal growth, inner purging, refusing to move on, living in the past, avoiding an ending
Temperance - 14 - Upright: Moderation, balance, patience, understanding, purpose, grounding, neutrality, living in the present || Reversed: Impatience, imbalance, excess, indulgence, self-healing, realignment, needing to ground, feeling out of place
The Devil - 15 - Upright: A cunning person, sexuality, boldness, sternness, addiction, attachment, control, indulgence, deception, self-acceptance, selfishness, pride in oneself || Reversed: An abuser, a manipulator, need for open-mindedness, needing freedom, exploring oneself, detachment, toxic relationships, selfishness, need for self-acceptance
The Tower - 16 - Upright: Major changes, unexpected change, upheaval, revelation, chaos, ruin, intense emotions, awakening || Reversed: Personal transformation, fear of change, delaying the inevitable, averting disaster, ignoring the truth of a situation
The Star - 17 - Upright: Hope, faith, wish fulfillment, good fortune, renewal, abundance, spirituality, spiritual guidance, a wish, trust || Reversed: Discontent, self-trust, poverty, disconnection, having hope despite it all, holding on, trying one's best
The Moon - 18 - Upright: Misunderstanding, illusion, dreams, the subconscious mind, important choices, intuition, risk, delusion, loss of clarity, confusion, deception, secrets || Reversed: Self-deception, inner confusion, overcoming fear, repressed emotions, finding the truth, gaining clarity, this confusion is a phase, release, magic, listen to one's intuition
The Sun - 19 - Upright: Happiness, abundance, success, positivity, fun, warmth, vitality, impulsivity, a period of harmony, inspiration || Reversed: Pessimism, being too bold, intense emotions, a depressive period, clouded clarity, hidden factors, cold energies, hostility
Judgement - 20 - Upright: Judgement, rebirth, awakening, absolution, inner calling, dynamic new beginnings, rising up, major choices || Reversed: Feeling down, harshly judging oneself, fearlessness, self-doubt, lost momentum, feeling purposeless, clouded judgement, spiritual blockages
The World - 21 - Upright: Completion, open-mindedness, integration, accomplishment, travel, union, happiness || Reversed: Seeking personal closure, short-cuts, delays, close-mindedness, expectations, feeling incomplete, feeling out of place
Minor Arcana
The Suit of Swords:
Ace of Swords - Upright: New ideas, mental clarity, breakthroughs, success, innovation || Reversed: Inner clarity, rethinking an idea, clouded judgement, creative blockages, impulsivity
Two of Swords - Upright: Difficult decisions, weighing your options, an impasse, avoidance || Reversed: Indecision, confusion, information overload, stalemate, obstacles
Three of Swords - Upright: Anguish, heartbreak, turmoil, sorrow, grief, need for healing || Reversed: Negative self-talk, releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness, recovery, moving on
Four of Swords - Upright: Rest, discontent, meditation, contemplation, recuperation || Reversed: Exhaustion, burnout, deep contemplation, stagnation, needing self-reflection, needing unwanted rest
Five of Swords - Upright: Conflict, disagreement, competition, defeat, winning at all costs || Reversed: Reconciliation, making amends, past resentment, compromise, contempt
Six of Swords - Upright: Transition, change, rite of passage, releasing baggage, moving on || Reversed: Personal transition, resistaning change, unfinished business, reluctance to move on, needing to let go
Seven fo Swords - Upright: Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically, thievery || Reversed: Imposter syndrome, self-deceit, keeping secrets, getting caught, trust issues
Eight of Swords - Upright: Negative thoughts, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment, victim mentality, rigidity, refusing to face the truth || Reversed: Self-limiting beliefs, inner critic, releasing negative thoughts, open-mindedness, needing change
Nine of Swords - Upright: Anxiety, nightmares, fear, worry, catastrophic thoughts, assuming the worst || Reversed: Inner turmoil, deep-seated fears, secrets, releasing worry, needing a break
Ten of Swords - Upright: Painful endings, deep emotional wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis || Reversed: Recovery, regeneration, resilience, resisting an inevitable end, unresolved traumas
Page of Swords - Upright: Talkative, lively, intellectual, new ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, communication, exchanging information, trustworthy, eager || Reversed: Self-expression, all talk and no action, haphazard action, haste, too ambitious, fear of learning, obliviousness
Knight of Swords - Upright: Ambition, boldness, action, drive, quick-thinking, bravery, vigor || Reversed: An adversary, restlessness, lack of focus, impulsivity, burn-out, needing action
Queen of Swords - Upright: Calculated, concentrated, independence, unbiased judgement, clear boundaries, direct communication, focus || Reversed: A cutthroat person, cold, being overly emotional, bitchiness, cold-heartedness, being easily influenced, lacking concentration
King of Swords - Upright: Disciplined, resilient, mental clarity, intellectual power, authority, truth, assertiveness || Reversed: Restrictive, authoritative, quiet power, inner truth, abuse of power, manipulation, lack of empathy
The Suit of Wands:
Ace of Wands - Upright: Inspiration, new beginnings, potential, growth, new opportunities || Reversed: An emerging idea, lack of direction, lack of inspiration, distractions, delays
Two of Wands - Upright: Future planning, progress, discovery, decisions, making long-term goals || Reversed: Personal goals, inner alignment, fear of the unknown, lack of planning, self-discovery
Three of Wands - Upright: Progress, expansion, foresight, overseas opportunities, motivation, leaving the past behind, moving on || Reversed: Lack of foresight, unexpected delays, procrastination, needing motivation, refusing to let go, stalls in personal healing
Four of Wands - Upright: Celebration, domestic harmony, peace, joy, relaxation, homecoming, invitation || Reversed: Personal celebration, inner harmony, conflict with others, transition, needing relaxation
Five of Wands - Upright: Disagreement, tension, conflict, friendly competition, struggle, misunderstandings, miscommunications || Reversed: Inner conflict, conflict avoidance, tension release, an unsatisfactory compromise, agreeing to disagree
Six of Wands - Upright: Public recognition, progress, victory, self-confidence, rewards for your labors, outer validation || Reversed: Inner validation, needing to celebrate oneself, egotism, disrepute, lack of confidence, falling from grace, being overshadowed
Seven of Wands - Upright: Challenge, opposition, perseverance, self-protection, unfriendly competition, arguments, paranoia || Reversed: Exhaustion, giving up, being overwhelmed, being overprotective, trust issues, losing a competition or opportunity, needing rest
Eight of Wands - Upright: Speed, air travel, swift change, action, movement, passion, drive || Reversed: Delays, frustration, internal alignment, stalling, resisting change
Nine of Wands - Upright: Courage, resilience, persistence, test of faith, boundaries, hard-work || Reversed: Inner resources, struggle, feeling overwhelmed, being defensive, paranoia
Ten of Wands - Upright: Uphill climb, burden, extra responsibility, too much work, completion, labor || Reversed: Delegation, release, doing it all, carrying the burden, feeling overwhelmed, putting too much in to something, little or no reward for one's efforts
Page of Wands - Upright: Enthusiasm, free-spirited, inspiration, discovery, ideas, exploration, limitless potential || Reversed: Directionless, a hopeless optimist, redirecting energy, newly-formed ideas, self-limiting beliefs, a spiritual path, needing enthusiasm
Knight of Wands - Upright: Passion, drive, motivated, energy, vigor, adventure, inspired action, pushing forward || Reversed: Impulsive, shortsighted, haste, delays, scattered energy, struggling to move forward, spiritual blockages, lacking inspiration, feeling unmotivated
Queen of Wands - Upright: Vibrant, determined, exuberance, courage, confidence, a social butterfly || Reversed: Demanding, codependency, self-respect, self-confidence, introversion, reclusion, connecting to one's inner self
King of Wands - Upright: A natural leader, an entrepreneur, vision, honor, leadership, resourcefulness, refinement || Reversed: Perfectionist, ruthless, haste, impulsivity, self-reliance, high expectations, needing to listen to intuition
The Suit of Cups:
Ace of Cups - Upright: Abundance, love, new relationships, compassion, creativity || Reversed: Self-love, intuition, repressed emotions, needing to open up, deprivation of love
Two of Cups - Upright: Unified love, partnership, a healthy relationship, mutual attraction, genuine love, expressing love || Reversed: Self-love, breaks-ups, disharmony, distrust, unreciprocated love, an unhealthy relationship, an imbalanced relationship/partnership
Three of Cups - Upright: Celebration, friendship, collaborations, creativity, fun, trust, making new friends, enjoying oneself || Reversed: Independence, hardcore partying, alone time, loneliness, "three's a crowd", mistrust, betrayal in friendships, cutting people off, gossip
Four of Cups - Upright: Apathy, meditation, contemplation, reevaluation, self-reflection, refusing help || Reversed: Retreat, withdrawal, independence, needing self-reflection, rethinking alignment, anhedonia
Five of Cups - Upright: Regret, failure, disappointment, discontent, pessimism, focusing on what you no longer have rather than what you do have || Reversed: Personal setbacks, self-forgiveness, moving on, needing optimism, needing to let go
Six of Cups - Upright: Revisiting the past, childhood memories, innocence, joy, childishness, "the good old days" || Reversed: Living in the past, forgiveness, lacking playfulness, naivety, needing familial connection, nostalgia
Seven of Cups - Upright: Opportunities, wishful thinking, choices, illusion, materialism || Reversed: Alignment, personal values, greed, overwhelmed by choices, indecision
Eight of Cups - Upright: Disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal, escapism, an unsatisfying resolution, moving on, healing from trauma || Reversed: Trying one more time, indecision, aimless drifting, walking away, moving on, unresolved trauma
Nine of Cups - Upright: Contentment, abundance, gratitude, satisfaction, wish come true, gratification || Reversed: Inner happiness, dissatisfaction, overindulgence, materialism, ingratitude
Ten of Cups - Upright: Divine love, marriage, blissful relationships, harmony, alignment || Reversed: Disconnection, divorce, struggling relationships, misaligned values, disharmony
Page of Cups - Upright: Playful, mischievous, creative opportunities, intuitive messages, curiosity, possibility, youthfulness || Reversed: Childish, misleading, new ideas, doubting intuition, creative blockages, emotional immaturity, needing creative expression
Knight of Cups - Upright: Romantic, charming, generous, creativity, imagination, beauty, romance, charisma || Reversed: Ulterior motives, self-serving, overactive imagination, jealousy, moodiness, being unrealistic, selfishness
Queen of Cups - Upright: Calm, compassionate, emotional stability, intuition, going with the flow, care, empathy || Reversed: Giving in to one's emotions, insecurities, inner feelings, self-care, self-love, co-dependency, being overly emotional
King of Cups - Upright: Compassionate, compromising, emotional balance, diplomacy, understanding, communication, agreement || Reversed: Temperamental, impressionable, moodiness, self-compassion, inner feelings, emotional manipulation, emotional abuse
The Suit of Pentacles:
Ace of Pentacles - Upright: A new financial or career opportunity, manifestation, abundance, wealth, success || Reversed: Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight, financial instability, failure, career loss
Two of Pentacles - Upright: Balance, adaptability, time management, responsibilities, prioritization || Reversed: Over-committment, flakiness, disorganization, reprioritization, irresponsibility
Three of Pentacles - Upright: Hard work, collaboration, teamwork, learning, implementation || Reversed: Disharmony, disputes, disalignment, working alone, needing teamwork
Four of Pentacles - Upright: Saving money, conservatism, security, scarcity, control || Reversed: Over-spending, greed, self-protection, financial instability, needing self-control
Five of Pentacles - Upright: Financial loss, worry, poverty, isolation, a lacking mindset || Reversed: Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty, lack of faith, trust issues, self-reliance
Six of Pentacles - Upright: Giving, receiving, sharing wealth, generosity, charity || Reversed: Stinginess, self-care, unpaid debt, one-sided charity, needing to accept help
Seven of Pentacles - Upright: Vision, perseverance, sustainable results, investment, and looking at the bigger picture || Reversed: Short-sightedness, limited success, poor investment, lack of vision, needing long-term goals
Eight of Pentacles - Upright: Apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, refinement, mastery, skill development || Reversed: Self-development, perfectionism, misdirected activity, lack of skill, needing refinement
Nine of Pentacles - Upright: Abundance, gratitude, self-sufficiency, culmination, luxury || Reversed: Self-worth, overinvesting in work, hustling, ingratitude, needing self-reliance
Ten of Pentacles - Upright: Wealth, inheritance, retirement, financial stability, long-term success, family || Reversed: Corrupted wealth, financial failure, delayed retirement, familial disconnection, long-term failure
Page of Pentacles - Upright: Carefree, optimistic, manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development, financial freedom, needing to watch spending || Reversed: Careless, wasteful, lack of progress, procrastination, learning from failure, wasted potential, missed opportunity
Knight of Pentacles - Upright: Persistent, hopeful, drive for success, hard work, routine, productivity, conservatism, rigidity || Reversed: Opportunistic, selfish, self-discipline, feeling stuck, boredom, perfectionism, high expectations
Queen of Pentacles - Upright: A motherly figure, practical, nurturing, providing financially, being a working parent, struggling with time management, working hard || Reversed: Issues with prioritization, struggles with commitments, financial independence, self-care, work-home conflicts, needing to relax, needing to reevaluate priorities
King of Pentacles - Upright: A natural leader, considerate, wealth, financial security, business success, discipline, abundance || Reversed: Obsessive, stubborn, financially inept, greedy, envious, power hungry, needing to reevaluate personal values
***I apologize for any typos and hope this is helpful to someone! Take care of yourselves, and have a great day.❤️***
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
| people with 4H, 8H, 12H placements
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344 notes · View notes
pannnacottamoo · 1 year
being the otherwoman without knowledge. libra placements.
• people with aries and capricorn in their big 3 are besties with their siblings
• virgo/6th house placements and their damn pooping problems 😭
• what is up with women with libra placements and being cheated on/being the “other woman”
• pisces moons are very naïve
• aquarius mars just don’t gaf
• pisces mercuries enjoy reading and it’s probably because it’s one of the easiest ways to escape reality. they also have unique voices
• underdeveloped leo suns are very disrespectful and think that being mean is edgy and cool
• venus in 12th house natives get people obsessing over them really quickly
• it’s really true when people say that sag venus natives are attracted to people outside of their race
• aquarius placements love dancing . think of j-hope from bts
• sagittarius suns/venus/risings have boxy smiles
• cancer placements look good in white
• 2nd house placements gain weight really easily
(these are all purely based on MY observations and it doesn’t mean that it applies to you)
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
Missed this tidbit. In love, again.
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I am in gay hell and I can never escape.
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
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You fucking killed him too. You’re the one who did it. You just— And you did. You drained the life out of him. You dragged this thing out for six fucking months, and then you bring us out here now. You couldn’t wait like a few days. You actually couldn’t do that for us. No idea, huh?
SUCCESSION — 4.05: Kill List.
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
“I’d love to think here was a reason as to why we met. And that is to teach us how to let go of someone no mater how much we wanted to hold on. Then, after all of this, we’ll be a much better version of ourselves. Stronger, braver and whole.”
— Jasmin
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pannnacottamoo · 1 year
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old xian’s #19天# 干掉它。(#19days# Fuck it.)
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pannnacottamoo · 2 years
Hello 😊
How to know through astrology when one is going to marry?
Hello! I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for asking! 🤍
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 ✧
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Astrology does not tell you exactly when you will get married. The future is not set in stone. However, there are indicators in Astrology that cover this aspect. We will tackle some of them in this post. I will be using Tropical Astrology for this since I know next to nothing about Sidereal.
The following information is a combination of research and personal opinion.
The 7th House represents marriage and committed relationships. That said, the planets and signs that occupy the 7th House may tell you something about the marriage.
I used m.timesofindia.com as a reference for some of this.
Indicators of Early Marriage:
(Benefic Planets)
Moon in the 7th House
Mercury in the 7th House
Venus in the 7th House
Jupiter in the 7th House
Indicators of Having Delays in Marriage:
(Malefic Planets)
Sun in the 7th House
Saturn in the 7th House
Mars in the 7th House
** If there are no planets in the 7th House, you can look at the sign where it's at and the planet it rules. I prefer the Whole Sign house system for this, but you can use whichever you deem comfortable.
Sun - Leo
Moon - Cancer
Mercury - Gemini and Virgo
Venus - Taurus and Libra
Mars - Aries and Scorpio
Saturn - Capricorn and Aquarius
Jupiter - Sagittarius and Pisces
Jupiter is the planet of marriage and husbands, whereas Venus rules love and relationships.
Venus-Jupiter Aspects (especially conjunction)
Jupiter and/or Venus transit the 7th House or the 7th House Lord
Jupiter and/or Venus transit the 5th House or the 5th House Lord (5th House represents romance and love affairs)
Jupiter and/or Venus transit the 4th House or the 4th House Lord (4th House represents home and family)
Venus-Juno and/or Jupiter-Juno Aspects (especially conjunction), Juno transits the 4th, 5th, and 7th Houses or their Lords (Asteroid Juno is the asteroid responsible for marriage)
Some people also look at Saturn because it represents commitment, but since Saturn is a malefic planet, it all depends on how you take it.
You can also look at you and your significant other's Composite, Solar Return, and Progressed Charts for more insights.
Some astrologers consider the 9th House as the house of second marriage. Do as you wish with that information.
I hope it helps. Have a great day/night! 🖤
The photos are taken from Pinterest. Credit goes to the rightful owners.
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pannnacottamoo · 2 years
Pac - Your future love story through a dream
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𓄼ꕤ༘ Pick-a-card reading 𓄼ꕤ༘
➳ In this reading, I will be looking at your love story but will rather explain it as to how it might happen in a dream. The dream will be described in scenes (scene 1, scene 2 and scene 3) wherein I'll channel the major adorable moments which might take place between you and your person.
➳ How to pick a pile : imagine that these are the cards laying out in front of you. You flip each card and the one which has your picture beneath it, has your message.
➳ Please note that none of my readings are gender specific. I have mentioned energies and not genders.
➳ This is for entertainment purposes only. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
➳ Credit to pinterest for these pictures.
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৫Pile 1
➪ Scene 1 - TW : nsfw messages, cuss words
Vision : a couple dancing very passionately, possibly latin or salsa. It looks like a theater/cinema/stage. The masculine is twirling the feminine around. The huge black curtains in the background fall. It looks like the masculine energy is showing something grand to their partner. The feminine here, looks very surprised, almost as if they are in awe. They turn to look back at masculine, and gives them a very sweet smile. It'll almost make the other person blush a little. In return the masculine person gives the feminine a very shy smile. I am also hearing "I'll never forget the way you look tonight".
Your partner really wants to make you happy. They are gonna adore you so much. They'll be proud to have you by their side. I am also sensing adoration and gentleness flowing in waves through this person. They are just so happy to be there with you, to spend time with you. I heard someone whisper "I love you". This person would be ready to give it their all. Oh my god I also heard "I am making moves like I'm in a movie" lmfao please, so they got a sense of humor. This person is a no bullshit person for sure. They barely give a fuck about people except the ones they actually care about. They can easily access people. But if they are interested, they put efforts and that is what will happen with you too!
I also feel like this person is all up for the spice. Y'all gonna get down and dirty for sure. You'll love how intense their stare is gonna be. Remember the dancing part? It was hot ngl. I am seeing hands on the hips, and grinding on each other too. They are gonna love your chest/breasts. They might be the type to get horny while looking at you dancing at some party and then looking for a place to have sex. They can be an exhibitionist. I am also hearing "country flavor". Oh well. They can have a really good voice too. Also rich. Also getting a good physique. Man, they got it all.
You or your person could be going through a change or some sort of a transformation when this happens. There will be a lot of eyes on your person. Since I am channeling messages as to what will happen during this particular moment, this could also mean that this will be the first time they said "I love you" to you in front of people. Or the people saw a glimpse of what you two are like together. I am sensing that this will happen late at night. Someone will be making plans to move out or they'll be leaving the place they are currently staying in. There is some nervousness/anxiety around this particular area tho. You'll both create a perfect balance. There will be a lot of unity and attraction between the two of you. I honestly love this union sm.
Things which might resonate - kisses on the knuckles/hand, eye contact, red and black colors, fancy, longing passionate stares, soft smiles. I am also seeing brown curly hair and a very charming smile.
➪ Scene 2
Vision : a couple is cuddling on the beach. It looks like a small picnic, probably some local area. They are both clicking goofy pictures. Kicking the sand and walking along the beach while holding hands. Hot blazing sun. Looking at the waves while breeze brushes the feminine's hair. Chasing each other around the beach and then getting piggy back rides.
This moment is more sweet and shy than the last one. I heard "hoping someday you'll be mine" and "holding on to this moment instead". You both see each other as equals. The major emphasis here is on being side by side, walking side by side. Your person would think of you as someone who is very precious. Simple soft touches, they are gonna create so much emotional bonding between the two of you. It's like a hug after a long tiring day. It's a simple gesture but it creates a huge impact on the other person. The feminine energy here is gonna be bubbling with joy, it'll just be that evident on their face. You'll both be each other's escape when you need to be. In this particular moment, there is courage and strength in your togetherness.
The energy is cheerful and very open. While you're at it, I think you guys decided to visit the beach just for a break. You could even be celebrating something! I feel like you'll have many nicknames for each other. I heard "I don't wanna leave yet". One or both of you could have physical touch as their love language because in scene two, the major emphasis was on touch itself. Whenever this happens, I think this will be the time when you'll be willing to move forward with this relationship. This will be decided mutually, of course. From this moment, things might turn a bit more intimate + stronger feelings than before. Things will get serious and this is something you won't see coming because it will be very unexpected.
Things which might resonate - blonde hair, blue sheets, goggles, camera, a dimple, strawberries, stars and dreams, stealing glances, the color white, the letter 'H', piggy back rides, laughing loudly.
➪ Scene 3
Vision : the masculine is standing alone in a room, reading something like a journal. The feminine walks rushes in. The feelings are very intense and emotional. They both embrace each other tightly. It looks like this happened either after a fight or after a period of separation. Probably because of some misunderstanding. Teary eyes. A soft yet passionate kiss to the lips, and then they both walk out of the door.
I feel like both of you are very adventurous. And if that's not the case then you certainly do feel so when you are with each other. This scene felt emotional and tense. I heard "talk to me. There is nothing which can't be fixed with some honesty". I also feel like the feminine was angry at something which left the masculine sad and disappointed. Their energy is more melancholic. Although I also feel like its gonna be sorted when the person with feminine energy understands what the deal really was because I do see them approaching the other person first and then clearing out whatever doubts they had. I think the masculine energy was almost gonna cry tbh. But your touch would comfort them. I heard "i know i can be complicated" (feminine energy).
I honestly feel that you'll both only grow after this happens between the two of you. I heard "we're right here". You are extremely important to your person. Yes, I was asked to put emphasis on this. I feel like this can happen due to communication issues. I feel like the masculine wasn't able to pick up the feminine's calls or couldn't devote them any time, which could be why they got mad at the first place. I heard "we only have one conversation a week". You both are each other's secure place, emotionally too. I am sensing that it'll all start falling into place again and that will bring you immense satisfaction. It will be a journey of joy after grief. Almost as if you've overcome another milestone together. I heard "do you want me?". You and your person both could feel very sad and heartbroken whenever this happens.
Things which might resonate : the color yellow, blinds, bright street lights, black/white, yin and yang, november, "I'll call you tomorrow", "my eyes were open¿", drums, beats, dreams, westside, noon-night, sparks and stars.
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৫Pile 2
➪ Scene 1
Vision : the feminine energy is very bubbly here. I am seeing two people walking on the street, passing through a cafe. The feminine is literally pulling the masculine after them (in a very cute way). They reach a tourist place, and the person with feminine energy points towards a mountain, some place high up in there, sort of like showing the masculine that particular area and telling them more about it. Their energy is so cheery, I'm literally seeing them jumping up and down. The person with the masculine energy is gonna follow them around with a shake of head and a chuckle following through. The feminine here, is the type to make faces while drinking boba and the masculine just laughs along with them. I am also hearing "this is love".
You both could be opposites in some way. I am hearing violins playing, I feel like this union will be as romantic and cliche as a k-drama lol. "Living life" is being emphasized here. I am also hearing "there's nobody here except us". I am sensing that you could show each other your comfort places and just spend time together without bothering about who is there and who is not. You'll both feel extremely joyful and happy with each other. It's like a two melodies mingling together, creating a symphony. The moto here is to have fun and enjoy to its fullest. I am also hearing "I can't lose you".
You will be a very positive influence in your person's life. As lighthearted your energy is, your person's energy is rather heavy. Not in a negative way tho. Another thing I'm getting here is that you'll love to kiss each other. I heard "like warm hands and gloves". I feel like you'll both fit perfectly together in a frame. I am seeing seasons passing by, while there's you two sticking together. I heard "will you be here when I wake up?", the other person replies "I promise" and they go back to sleep. This is so adorable. I am also being shown a rose here.
Your person could be very good with their words and I don't just mean this romantically but also otherwise ykwim? They are good at arguing (not with you, in general). Talk about cliche, bad boy-goofy good girl shi. They own up to their words. They have a cut-clear sharp view of the world which might be very opposite to that of yours. You'll approach each other is a calm and compassionate way. The energy here is also very comforting. In this moment/scene, you will feel at peace in all ways, whether it is emotionally, mentally or even physically. You two make the other person feel comfortable and that is what really matters. You two could be friends before you get into a relationship. All those times you've spent wishing for your person, they'll feel like a reward to you when you actually meet them. I also feel like one of you faces a hard time while letting go of the past but the other partner will immensely help them in doing so.
Things that might resonate - chemical formulas, I saw their outfits too -the feminine wore a black overcoat with a red scarf and masculine wore a sweater with blue jeans, New York, walking away from toxicity, lovely weather.
➪ Scene 2
Vision : the feminine is standing in front of a huge jewelry store staring at some items through a glass window. While they're at it, the masculine energy holds their hands and takes them inside. They are ready to buy the feminine anything, literally. Sincerely because they want to do so. I am also seeing them randomly picking out flowers to give them to the feminine person, who is still in shock. And in that very moment, the masculine person gives their partner a forehead kiss. I am hearing "you are so much more than gorgeous".
I am also hearing "nightmares turned into dreams". Something this person possibly stayed away from, or was scared of, you made them get over it. They appreciate you so much. Probably more than you can imagine. They will be willing to listen to you all the time. I am hearing "am I crazy for waiting". There is so much desire here. You make each other feel special. I am hearing "I am just trying to get close to you". They would want to get you everything. They want to see you happy, and if gifts (according to them) can do so, they'll do it without wasting any time. Someone here is a foodie, this person is gonna buy you yummy food too aww lol. This could also mean that gift giving is one of their love languages.
I am sensing that your person could've faced some serious family issues, which is why seeing you being the way you are made them so happy. This person is very secure financially tho. They move very practically. They have accomplished a good ton of things in their life but with that, they also feel burdened because of the responsibilities which comes with it. I am hearing "moon and some fine wine". You are like a relaxing day after days of labour to them. Someone who almost feels like a dream, or a mirage. I also feel like they are gonna hype you up so much, literally all the time. I love this!
Things which might resonate - slow music, confidence, the color white-mixed with pink and red, skirts and dresses, lipsticks, attention, simp (cute).
➪ Scene 3
Vision : it's looks like a carnival. The couple are eating cotton candy together. They take a few rides and giggle at little things. The feminine has their hand wrapped around masculine's arm. They see a small boy passing by. They softly smile at each other and the feminine keeps their head on the other partner's shoulder.
I feel like this will happen when you're both either married or are extremely serious about each other. One of you could have their love language as spending quality time together. I am hearing "you make me feel pretty from the inside" awwww. There is so much to love and cherish here. It can almost feel like a dream to you. Stares filled with love is gonna be a thing for you. I am sensing that many of you like long drives, especially on the starry nights. Your union will move at a slow pace but it will feel so fulfilling.
I am hearing "you can see my soul". Its possible that you'll already know that they are gonna be your person and vice versa, which is why it would genuinely feel so secure and stable. I am also getting that you or your person could both love each other's eyes. I feel like you'll both put equal efforts to make this relationship work. You would want to make it work. You'll create so many sweet memories together. This connection will be immensely healing for the both of you. This could also be a past lifes/soulmate connection. You might even feel like you already know each other. A very supportive and a nurturing union!
Things which might resonate - red hair, melody (as a name), emrald eyes, home, racing hearts - calm thoughts, happy memories, balloons, blue skies.
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৫Pile 3
➪ Scene 1
Vision : the couple are in their home. For some of you, y'all are making clay pots and for others, y'all are making food together. The energy is very playful here. There is gonna be a lot of mess around you. For clay pots, I am seeing that you'll be literally rubbing clay on each other, in a playful way. I am specifically seeing the masculine pouring clay on the feminine's head while they laugh and squirm but can't do anything about it. It looks like a scene straight out of a rom-com lol.
I am hearing "you feel like a warm hug to me". Your connection seems to be the type where you start talking with eyes, if that makes any sense. It holds a lot of depth. You'll both be willingly sinking into it. I am seeing happiness overpowering melancholy from your lives. It's a type of union you crave. The feminine energy here either likes dancing or is good at dancing without knowing it. I am also seeing a very pretty smile here. I am hearing "I never felt so alive". I think many of you like to keep things private too since I ain't honestly getting much here. In this scene, this playfulness will be very much needed in your lives because this will happen after a period of exhaustion.
You might think that things are going downhill and you need a break from things in general. Your person is very responsible when it comes to the people who are close to them. They are efficent and a hardworker. I am also sensing that they are a loyal, but a stubborn partner. During this moment, you will be working on your long term goals/career and so will they. You might experience something new when this happens, like a spark or a new feeling ignited from a scratch.
Things which might resonate - messy buns, loose tshirts, warm hugs, white tops, rainbows, "catch me", loud laughs, reliable and stable.
➪ Scene 2
Vision : they are sitting on something which looks close to a cliff? The energy is again playful and sweet here. The couple are trying to annoy each other a little. They get up and the place changes. I feel like you'll be on a vacation when this will happen. I am seeing y'all travelling and changing vehicles. Clicking aesthetic + goofy pictures together. Honestly, it looks like you'll be having fun during this moment. Both the feminine and the masculine energies look very lively.
I feel like if one person refuses to do something adventurous, their partner will push them forward and make them do it just for experience. There can be some drinking involved too, but everything will be lighthearted and comfortable. Someone here likes motorcycle/bike rides? This could be both of you too. Y'all are my adventurous couple pile, fr. I am sensing that as soon as you wake up, you'll be up and ready to go about your day. Might have a huge itenary. You are your person can like to take breaks in between the journey. It can also be a road trip, or a world tour! I also feel like your person likes to really take care of you. Getting you flowers, treating you with some wine, and then leaving you dirty little notes. They are the type to hold the door open for you. This can take place some time in summer.
Like I said, I feel like you both were trying to make fun of each other and it only made the other partner laugh harder than before. Y'ALL THIS IS SO CUTE, I just heard "faking apology after a fight". So if you guys have small arguments or something, you and your person aren't the type to stretch the shit out of the conversation. Instead, you'll just say sorry, kiss and make up. Your person seems to be very kind and patient, but also fun loving. They can pull off both the serious as well as the 'having fun' look. OH I got a thing of how you'll annoy each other¿ I saw the feminine lying on the bed, asking the masculine to turn off the lights but the masculine energy person keeps switching the lights on and off which annoys the feminine energy person and they end up throwing pillows at the masculine till they turn off the lights. Although this can also turn into a pillow fight ngl.
You two could also mirror each other in some way. Okay I am seeing smth more-yall stop omg
"You're good" *sips coffee/drink*
"You're good, dumbass" *flicks the other person's forehead"
Things which might resonate - icecream, stereo, mirrors, 11:30, clubs, Vietnam, boats, fog, long skirts, thin white cardigans, braveheart, *brings out nerf guns*
➪ Scene 3
Vision : it looks like a cruise. I am seeing the couple about to dive into the ocean. One of them takes a deep breath, and then they both proceed to jump. Once they rise up again, they laugh but the expression soon changes to staring off at a distance, and then a smile.
A lot of emotions are being reflected here. I feel like you'll be trying many things with this person which you didn't before. I am hearing "your eyes opened mine". With you both, it's the little actions which reflect love and affection. There's so much you two will gain and learn together in this union. This is also the only pile I got the lovers for :3
This connection will be divinely guided. Your energies are complimentary to each other. It might look complex to others, it's just the way people will view the two of you. But you'll fit perfectly together. Even when things go south, your commitment towards each other gives y'all a choice to bloom or doom further. If one of you is curious about something, you won't hesitate to hide your curiosity. There won't be any need of that. I am also hearing "blessings". This union will bring you warmth and healing. It's like the wounds remain, but they turn into pretty scars instead of hurtful memories, if that makes any sense. Comfort is also being emphasized here.
Things which might resonate - cobalt blue, subtle, echos, morning light, guitar, laptop screens, past nourishing the future, "I will love you like I do".
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