i mean he’s got a great range that’s for sure
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Ziri’s first crush she does not hide it well.
idk the situation she’s helping this dude with Ash people chores while the Sully’s visit and she just think he looks neat.
I was too lazy to finish last 2 panels but yeah my plan is she is blunt and confesses her love on the spot.
Pey’am face palms somewhere.
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“Gentle, Ziri, gentle.”
Momma Tsireya and Baby Ziri who’s baby look was heavily inspired by this monkey meme:
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I've been absent for a bit just cuz life is busy. But this shit is my mindless guilty pleasure and it is HEALING.
Tsireya and baby Ziri coming up feat. Ilu.
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Mommy Neytiri 🫶🏻
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valentine doodles, hope yours was better than the colonel's!
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This just made me laugh so fucking hard for no reason
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RECOMe again?
The reader must navigate interacting with their fellow recoms despite having betrayed them as a human! Does anyone know their secret?
A shorter one to get us started!
This is a multiship fic be prepared to get passed around a lil :3c
Chapter 1
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Notes: Y/N (Your name), Y/LN (Your last name), na'vi dialogue in bold, fic will contain swearing, nsfw scenes in later chapters (I will warn specifically which ones), violence.
If there are any specific triggers people would like warned for let me know (^・ω・^ )
Tag list: @buzzing-honeybee
Everything seemed off when you peeled your eyes open. Beside the stinging and slight blur from the overhead light, something wasn't right. The ceiling seemed closer and almost bowed? Like a fish eye lens but subtler. When the two doctors hovered over, their voices too distant to distinguish words, they felt somehow far way, despite how close close presence felt.
You groaned trying to sit upright, you felt their... finger tips? The pressure pushing you down felt so small, isolated to tiny spots on your abdomen. You looked down and felt your world shift. Tiny hands, these doctors where absolutely tiny. You felt a sudden flush of embarrassment, like when you'd accidentally told your friend Jake Sully to 'get it himself' when the item in question was on the top shelf. Only these doctors weren't just short or people with dwarfism.
It only really made sense when your vision finally cleared enough for you to see your reflection in the mirror that covered the length of the room. You stared, unwilling to move from the bed, both doctors attention now shifted elsewhere in the room.
Yup. There it was. Your features distorted across a na'vi face. You felt suddenly off, sick, it felt like you'd been stretched out. Your arms and legs long and thin, your torso pulled like taffy, stretched into this new shape. You'd certainly had your fair share of image issues growing up but this was a new level of body horror. As your anxiety grew you heard a thumping at your hip and adding to your horror you saw your tail. You let out a squeak, feeling your new ears twitch.
You remembered it now. You'd gone down to the lab with several other important members of the military team. You'd played along, Max assuring you the whole time that this wouldn't blow your cover, that he'd take care of everything. You thought he'd meant destroying your file somehow so that the RDA would never figure it out.
You'd turned sides, helped them escape and agreed to pass on in-tell from the inside. You remembered all of this and were terrified at how much the RDA knew. You cast your mind back but at no point in the process had anyone really explained how they went about the memory implanting. Had anyone reviewed your memories? Maybe not, it'd surely be a long and wasted task to go through that with everyone's memories? Though if they'd ever suspected you, maybe they'd make that effort.
You realized that Zdinarsik was having something of a melt down at the other side of the room. This was buying you a lot of thinking time. You really couldn't remember anything further then the spinning tube, which made sense. It really dawned on you then, you were a copy, a half clone of Y/N mixed with Na'vi DNA. The real you was dead. You wondered how it'd happened, had someone found you out and put you down. Maybe even Zdinarsik, you cast worried eyes to her. She was hyperventilating but seemed to be calming down, she made eye contact, smiling shakily at you. You supposed for now it didn't matter, she was a copy too, none of the clones here would remember if anything had happened after that day. You smiled back, your lip catching your fangs and nipping the flesh open.
You were brought through into a locker room with a now put together Zdinarsik. Three others were already in the room, changing into their military issued clothing.
"Think I might have gone up a few sizes now eh Y/N?" Zdog knocked into your elbow. She'd definitely collected herself somewhat but her smile hadn't reached her eyes yet. You grinned back, she'd been a friend before your betrayal, though in her mind this likely had never changed.
"Really? I think I've slimmed down somewhat." You sucked your cheeks in, posing dramatically. Zdog's laughter was joined by the others who'd shifted over to greet you two.
"Wow Y/N? Zdog? Gonna need name stickers at this rate." It took you a moment to recognize Fike but something in his smile made it click.
"Dunno Fike, I'd know that big bald head anywhere!" You shouted over to Lyle Wainfleet, his head whipped up, huge grin plastered to it. He stalked over leaning down to your face.
"All those height genes and they still barely got you past 6ft huh?" You gently pushed his arm, exaggerating a frown.
"How dare you! I'll have you know they measured me in at 8'2!"
"Still over a foot shorter! Midget! Come on, they want us all in when they wake the Colonel." You all saluted, before you and Zdog went to your lockers.
Colonel Miles Quartich. You'd hoped you'd have seen the last of him but fate really had it in for you. Brought back in enemy territory, surrounded by your past and with little idea when the other shoe would drop. You'd had a terrible plan to get some time away from him, time to deliver intel to Jake and the others. It was going to be extremely embarrassing but highly effective, you were somewhat glad you didn't remember how it had gone down.
See since your first days at RDA you'd had something of a strange relationship with the Colonel. Having made quite an impression by first tripping and falling right into him, causing him to have to catch you and then shooting down a viperwolf in the field that had jumped your group. You'd become something of a favourite of his and in those early days that'd only made your little crush on the man grow. It was a silly thing, he was about 25 years your senior at the time but you'd by lying if you said you didn't find him incredibly attractive. Too bad life had pulled you both in very different directions. You spent more and more time with the scientists you'd been escorting and had come to really love the forest that surrounded you. When Jake and the others had finally gone too far and got locked up, it only felt right to help them and when Jake asked you to stay you couldn't refuse.
So you'd planned to 'confess' to the Colonel. It was a ruse, he'd let you down or maybe even call for your dismissal. Either way you could use your broken heart or leave to excuse yourself from duty and run off to assist Norm and Jake.
You wondered how it'd worked, or if you'd even gone through with the plan, as you dressed. You ended up asking for Zdog's help as you'd tangled your tail up down a trouser leg and were having some trouble getting it through the tail hole. She laughed at you, showing off how she'd managed just fine. She came forward regardless, gripping your hips to still you there. She popped her bubble gum in your face smirking as she gripped the base of your tail and tugged. You hissed, Jake had told you they were sensitive.
"Ow!" You complained, pouting up at her. She'd been taller than you before and still had more than half a foot on you.
"Don't be such a baby, see all sorted." She took a step back watching as you swished your tail.
"This is so weird." You couldn't get used to it. You felt like you never would, like a whole extra limb with a mind of its own. Norm and Jake had both talked to you about what it'd been like, entering their new bodies for the first time. Both had been ecstatic, loving every new experience they'd had, though you supposed they had wanted this. You'd never planned for this.
"Yeah you said it, come one we're late!" Zdog touched your arm, gesturing you to jog after her. You weren't late, the Colonel was still unconscious as you joined Wainfleet, Fisk and now Prager in the room. The doctors administered something into his IV drip and he began to stir.
It was strange seeing him like this. You hadn't really noticed with the others but you were all younger now. You must have all been grown around the same time during the trip out. So Quaritch now looked closer to his mid twenties. You admitted to yourself he looked good, even with the more Na'vi features.
You were too lost in your admiring to really catch what happened. Lyle had come forward as he woke and it kicked off from there. Quaritch swung knocking him onto his ass as the rest of you rushed forward. Wainfleet recollected himself and began ushering the doctors out the room. Quaritch dropped Prager and threw something at Zdog.
"Sir please! Colonel." You stepped forward with your hands raised, trying to calm him down. He struck you across the cheek, flinging you back against the mirrored wall. Your head hit it and you stayed dazed on the floor as the rest of the team struggled to restrain him. He continued to fight them off, hissing and backing up before they managed to finally still him. He recognized Lyle first, who smiled through bloodied lips, before looking shocked at the others who restrained him.
"I'm alright" he drawled out. They let him go and he began to examine himself, pushing past Wainfleet to look in the mirror. He stood above you, baring his teeth and touching his fangs. You felt your heart race at his towering form.
"Well, ain't this a bitch." At this moment he noticed you, still dazed on the floor. "Private Y/LN?" You offered a weak salute, he reached down pulling you up by your elbows. You caught your reflection, he'd cracked you pretty good, your nose was bleeding and some swelling was already forming under your left you. You let out a light chuckled turning to your commanding officer.
"I'd say those motor control tests are obsolete, Sir." Quaritch straightened, dropping his hands. Had he been reaching for you again? A doctor returned now, with another officer who commanded your unit to follow.
If being awoken into a new body wasn't strange enough, now you had to endure the last week of space travel. The zero gravity had always turned your stomach, even the novelty of floating around the room wore off and you were happy to be called into the areas of the ship with working gravity. You watched the video log provided, a short clip of your human self explaining the Recombinant program and soul drive to you, shortly after having exited the machine. It was odd to watch, these clips were past the memories you had, this you was a different you now. It hurt your head to think about it, you focused on her expressions instead. She seemed calm, collected, you were still in the clear here.
Every time you were called upon or came face to face with higher ups you were sure it was all gonna be over. You'd be found out, it was only a matter of when.
To add to your anxiety you'd been made to join the others in a na'vi physiology 101 course. Tail and ear reflexes, body language reading, don't touch your queue and worst of the worst new instincts. You felt 13 again and were flushing like it was sex ed. You kept face by joking with Zdog and Prager, giggling in the back about how these animal instincts were gonna take over. Prager doing a werewolf impersonation that ended with you all being scowled at by an exasperated scientist.
It was true what she'd said however. You'd began noticing the scents of your colleagues, tiny little changes in their smells that you were sure you'd figure out the meaning behind. You feared what this would mean for your cover, you'd been a decent liar as a human. You were sharp, could stick to your story and didn't crack under pressure. Now however you had to worry about your ears and tail giving you away.
You figured you could lightly test it, come up with a little scenario to lie in to see if you could get away with it. Opportunity struck the day before you reached Pandora. Mansk had requested sunglasses be added to his regular kit and it had been approved. He however was in the gym with the others when they arrived, giving you an opportunity to hide them. It needed to be a little inconsequential prank, something the others wouldn't think much of if uncovered but that could be played off as an accident if not.
You sat relaxed on a bench, you'd found that your tail followed you breathing. If you could keep a handle on that then the tail wouldn't thrash around. So it stayed still when the group entered from the showers and headed to their respective lockers. You continued pretending to read as you kept an eye on Mansk. He'd been expecting them and was told they'd be there by now, so when his locker remained empty he grumbled. He turned seeing you and began coming over. Perfect, you thought. You looked up when he got close, you'd positioned yourself where you could catch your reflection in a long locker mirror. Your ears had perked up at his approach but this was normal.
"You see anyone come in with a package?" He asked, his tone wasn't accusatory yet just curious.
"Nope, been here most the day." You lied. You kept eyes on him, feeling for any changes. Nothing in the tail and ears felt relaxed. He grumbled kicking his feet.
"You sure." He looked at you again. You felt the slightest twitch of your ear, pulling back a touch.
"Nope, maybe I missed 'em but I don't remember anyone." You kept your face neutral, uninterested. You tail felt tight, the muscles straining to twitch but you kept it still. Mansk just grumbled again before stalking back to get his clothes. You glanced to the mirror, you looked calm, no swishing or twitching. It worked, if you would maintain calm like before then there would be no tell.
You stood to leave, turning and bumping right into a broad wet chest. You glanced up to meet Quaritch's quirked eyebrow.
"Oh, uh sorry sir!" You felt your ears pin back now, tail swishing behind you. You were not calm anymore, your heart having jumped its way into your throat.
"At ease" Quaritch stepped around you, walking off to his own locker. His broad back dripping, you followed a trail down to his narrow hips and gulped. There was an odd musk to the room now and you decided it best to scamper off before your odd behavior could be remarked upon.
So it seemed being snapped back in age and given a new body had reignited something of your old crush. Even in your human memories you'd remained nervous in front of the guy, so maybe you'd just been lying to yourself about being over it.
Even now sat amongst the other recoms awaiting Quaritch's commands you felt on edge. Though you could easily blame that on the tension of being caught. Maybe this was the moment, he'd been informed of your past self's crimes and they were going to rip you limb from limb.
His speech mirrored the one he'd given on your first day on Pandora. While they might not have been about to tear you apart you still felt your face pale, though you kept your expression neutral. You were all here to hunt down and kill Jake Sully, along with any other rebels and former RDA. So you were technically on the kill list.
The others cheered, clapping shoulders and getting excited. You smelt the change in the air, you recognized this scent change now, anticipation/excitement. You were still working on a catalogue of these, they'd be invaluable tells if you could pin point them.
Zdog gripped you, her scent was especially strong, mixed with something else. A musky smell you'd caught on her before, though you still couldn't place it yet. You gripped her other hand, playing along with the team, hoping no one else was picking up the scents as well as you. You must reek of anxiety.
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“Were you lonely, Uncle Payakan?”
“I was. I’m not anymore.”
Ziri and Pey Pey learn why Payakan lives with them and was outcast. 🥹🥹🥹
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bad kitty
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same energy ✧
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Why so blue?
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Prologue, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
tag list: @luciddasher @seashelldom @goblinerrant @belos-simp69 @d4rno @fandom-garbage
Chapter nine
A Spider POV? Its more likely than you think. Well its an everyone POV kind chap
Also first time writing smut so sorry if it's kinda awkward. We're only one chapter left of this one lads! Second fic in the works too but there will be a new tag list for that one if folk are keen.
Warnings: Unwanted attention, catcalling, uhh smut, no gender specified but penetration occurs, no protection (be safe irl!)
Spider rose with the sun. The tendrils that connected him last night were like spiderweb. They were dull and lifeless, snapping off and crumbling away as he sat. He groaned rubbing his hands through his hair, looking over he saw you and Miles. Your hand was reached out to hold his own but the rest of you was tangled in Quaritch's limbs. You head rested on his bicep, his other arm slung other your waist. One of his legs was between yours, even his tail had wrapped around your thigh.
Spider laughed a little before a feeling of weakness overtook him, he slumped back down. He wasn't surprised that Quaritch had finally made a proper move on you. He'd watched him pine since day one, even if the man wouldn't have admitted that himself. It wasn't until you seemed to reciprocate his feelings that Spider changed his tune. He'd have been content to mock this clone for his little crush but your feelings mattered greatly to him. So if he could push him into being a man deserving of you? Hell he'd give it his all but if Quaritch couldn't change, well he'd break your heart.
He knew you well enough to see your true feelings even if you thought you were being sly, you weren't. He'd felt it confirmed through your own mind last night. Barely holding on to consciousness, he'd felt the cold air rush over him, he'd felt you smear stinging medicine onto him, tasted the fluid you'd forced him to drink, then the oddest pin prick sensation at his neck.
Then bliss. He'd known real, true peace in that moment. Comfort from the great mother of all things, he never thought he could be deserving of that. He was a human, an outsider, he never truly believed anyone other than you would really accept him as one of them. Here however Eywa herself had claimed him as her own, he'd felt her all around him, in him, it was beyond words. In the cacophony of voices he'd heard your own, you'd connected, to feel him there, to make sure he knew his way home. He'd seen you more clearly then than he'd ever with his own eyes. When you left you're voice had been replaced by others. Two women, he took to be family, they felt that way and somehow he just knew it. They'd accepted him with thankful hearts, carving a space in their souls for him. Thinking back on it now Spider felt tears brimming. You spoke seldom of your first home. It was so painful he wouldn't push but when you did it had been with such love for those people, he knew them instantly.
When you began to stir he squeezed your hand. You shot up immediately, he let you coo at him, hugging him in close as you shifted to cursing him for worrying you like that. Quaritch's hand gripped his shoulder, he looked up into the other man's eyes. His smile was gentle, thankful, he didn't need to say anything and he probably wouldn't but Spider knew he was glad he was okay. Okay was all he was however, his legs shook as he stood and he ended up leaning against you as he walked. He felt weak and light-headed, the poison obviously having done a number on him.
Miles supposed it was too much to expect a miracle from the glowing tree. He expected that all that really had been done was the medical attention you'd given. The tendril business seemed to have done nothing but excited you and Spider. He gathered you both back to Cupcake to regroup with his squad. He was disappointed you'd changed back into your previous apparel, more so that you seemed to be leaving the other clothes behind. Ceremonial or not surely a change of clothes would be nice? Though maybe it'd be no bad thing to not have the others see you in it, he could be selfish and keep that sight to himself.
Quaritch let you help Spider walk to his banshee, he thought the kid would think he had something to prove and push himself to far if he tried assisting. Miles hoped he'd recover fully soon, his heart ached watching him limp weakly.
You hoisted Spider up in front of him, before jumping up and wrapping your arms around his waist. Miles worried when he woke, he'd been so relieved to see Spider with his eyes open that it'd taken a moment to catch his quizzical expression. He did not want to have a conversation about you with him, he prayed it'd be a while before he'd be alone with the kid.
He began to think of strategies for his return as he flew. If the others noticed your changed behavior he needed something to say. Zdog wouldn't likely question it to deeply, you'd already warmed up to her, and Mansk seemed to be keeping his head down about everything these days, so no issue there. Really Lyle was the only one that presented a problem, he could accuse him of getting sidetracked or distracted from the mission. Maybe even bring it up the chain before Miles was ready to try bribe for your place in his life. He'd hoped a job well done and continued service might be enough to keep you around but it'd be a delicate negotiation and not one he wanted Lyle messing up. So his options were limited, lie to Lyle about it being a ploy for your loyalty or threaten him well enough that he'd fear his retaliation more than whatever gain snitchin' would get him.
The squad was a buzz on their return. Mansk quickly coming up with a flashing data pad.
"We got an unidentified chopper, headed out past the coast to the Islands. Got to be them right?" He was pulling up figures and maps, sure enough, it showed as he said. The first real clue to Jake Sully's location thus far.
"Outstanding!" Miles was elated, this was just the news he needed right now. His life seemed to have been getting more and more complicated recently but this simplified things again. Kill Jake, keep his new family, find a place in this strange new life for him.
The news distressed you. You'd be flying out again with Spider still recovering, which would be bad enough but they'd found a lead. You hoped it wasn't true, that Norm had taken that flight out for some other reason. You'd go investigate the waters and find nothing but you didn't believe that.
Though they'd made a point of not letting anyone know where they were heading, supposedly for your own safety, you knew them. If they wanted to try hide out, in the varied and many clans of the reef would be an excellent place, especially with younger children. You'd have taken to the nomads, that would've been hard with Spider but not impossible. That'd be no place for Tuk however, and you could see Neytiri's stubborn ways not gelling with the ever changing ideals of the nomad clans.
Miles took Spider with him, wanting to keep him close while he recovered you guessed. You felt the same, wishing you'd learned to ride so you could keep watch on him. You climbed behind Zdog, gripping onto her sides as she showed off the skills she'd been developing. The Ikran had certainly alleviated that fear of heights, which you were glad for.
You knew of the reef clans through stories. Your Tsahìk had lived as a nomad through her early years and had seen many peoples. She told you fondly of her time drifting through those many small clans. As you followed the river out to the sea, you felt in awe as soon as you laid you eyes on the ocean. Her words had not done justice to the jeweled tones of the water. Zdog flew down close, letting you reach an arm out to feel it pass through your finger tips. You whooped, calling out happily. Lyle and Mansk had flew lower too and were using their Ikrans wings to spray water up at one another. Zdog laughed loudly before diving quick between the two, soaking both in one move.
She took you both up higher again. You watched across at Spider and Miles. Spider had chosen to continue his language lessons with an exasperated Miles. You smiled at them, catching Spider's attention as you got closer and waving to him. Your mood soured when you saw the ugly greys of the boat you'd be landing on.
You kept back, slightly obscuring yourself behind Zdog and Miles when they landed. Spider stood stronger than before but still lent against the railing as Miles spoke to the humans. You followed the group inside, play along, you kept it repeating as a mantra in your head. If you could walk with the recoms then you hoped the humans would treat you as one, and with so many guns around you were fearful of being the outsider.
Miles approached, standing close, he placed a breathing mask over your head and adjusted it around your neck. Each recom had their own, you noted Spider removing his. You'd used these before, when in the labs with Norm or Max, but Miles seemed concerned that you'd not understand and become faint. You dutifully listened to his explanation, nodding and taking a puff to put him at ease. His arms dropped from you before marching to the head of the group. You hoped you'd have a moment alone with him again, you were still uncertain what was happening with you two.
You felt this connection to him, drawn together like magnets. You found yourself drifting to his side, wanting to stay out of the focus of the humans but feeling safest close to him. On the 'bridge' you found a balance, not at the glowing table where plans were being made but close. A human male studied you as he approached from another room. You'd heard him speak, he was the scientist of this group. Studying the people and fauna of this region.
"Where pray tell did a specimen like you come from?" You didn't like the tone he used, like you were some exotic bird not a thinking, feeling person like him. You didn't think you needed to entertain answering him, the other humans seemed disrespectful of him so ignoring him shouldn't cause too much offense.
"Thicker built than the tree clans... short tail... green hue..." You wanted to get Miles' attention, some part of you felt he'd step in, protect you from his creep. Even Mansk or hell even Lyle would be better than nothing. You stared desperately at the group but all attention was on Miles and the human leader.
"Quiet a looker too. Nice ass." At this you turned to scowl at him baring your teeth in a silent hiss, he spooked, turning to pacing back to the table quickly. Still the rest of the time spent there, you'd catch his eyes trailing your form. You shuddered under his gaze, feeling exposed and realizing your forgotten shawl.
Whatever plans were made and Miles took you to recoms quarters. They'd been given an area of the deck where they would turn off whatever made the air breathable for humans. Just a couple of rooms but it meant they could rest without the masks on. You were to stay in Miles quarters specifically. He'd not taken the cuffs out again but he'd made it clear you were not to wander around without him or an escort.
You wished to be up on the deck, under the sky and near the water but squirreled away at least kept you from the humans. Spider stayed with you for now, he was already improving physically. He jumped up onto a table you'd bent to fit at.
"Come on we have a moment now, my stripes, please!" He pouted holding your bag under his chin. You smiled widely at him, taking your bag and fishing out his blue dye. You'd pack the biggest jar of it you had before you'd set off from camp. So much changed since that day you could hardly believe it. Spider had spoke with you about his first communion, shedding tears with you as he spoke of what he saw and felt.
You worked on his arms, his legs, his chest and then while at his back you spoke.
"What is it ma Spider? You normally have so much to share but here I paint in silence. Do you not even have a song for me?" You jested but you felt real concern, it was unlike him to stay silent so long.
"I just worry about you and Miles." Your hand stilled. You knew he'd seen you at the tree, resting in the arms of a man you should hate with all your heart. You knew this conversation had been coming, though you'd be lying if you said it hadn't filled you with dread.
"I want you to be happy and it's not you I promise. It's him, he's not changed enough. You don't really know what he's like, he was a monster and I want more than anything to believe he's different now but he's still hunting for Jake!" Spider turned round to face you, taking your hands in his, letting the stain smudge into his palms.
"I don't want to see you get hurt." He was right, you knew he was. You cupped a hand against his breathing mask, wishing you could feel his cheek.
"He is changed Spider, I think it's already happening, he just hasn't realized yet. We'll be here when he does and we'll escape together." You smiled gently to him but his face remained stoic. He was uncertain, you understood but a moment would come soon where Miles would have to give up on his hunt or loose you both.
Zdog came down after Spider had left to fetch someone. You'd found yourself in a foul mood and wanted to go stretch your legs. Spiraling thoughts had given you quite the headache. You were pleased for her company, she linked your arm in hers and marched you up deck.
"It is both my pleasure and my duty to introduce to you the most coveted and secret recipes of my clan." Zdog had made air quotes around that last word. She led you into a large metallic room, a few human sat scattered around the low metal tables that filled the space. You suddenly felt very uneasy and so it seemed did the humans, who subtly touched weapons strapped to belts.
Zdog paid them no mind, marching on ahead to a kitchen area. You eased up slightly seeing Spider already sat cross legged on a counter. He held a mug in his hands already and seemed engrossed in its contents.
"You have been denied too long. You shall not live another moment in pain however as I am proud to serve you, your first hot chocolate!" She produced two more mugs from behind her passing the steaming beverage to you.
"Ahh! hot chocolate! Yes, Spider we had this at Max's hanukkah celebration did we not?" Zdogs face fell, she turned to Spider incredulous, he smirked back. You'd remembered it, a strange chemically hot beverage you'd sipped politely while Max and Norm had shared this human celebration with you. You enjoyed the hand made foods better, but they had little to work with to make the celebration more like it had been on Earth.
"Nope! not like this y/n, freeze dried preserved powder stuff has nothing on this!" Spider proclaimed before gulping the last of his. Zdog perked back up, returning to look expectantly at you. You looked down, a swirl of white cloud like substance sat floating on top the liquid, with several coloured shapes embedded. You brought it to your lips, testing the temperature before taking a sip.
You'd never had hot chocolate before this moment. This beverage was sweet and warm and it's taste like nothing you'd experienced. You moaned, wishing it was cooler so you could gulp more. Zdog whooped, raising both fists into the air in triumph.
"This is incredible!" You smiled widely to her. She puffed out her chest, taking a sip of her own beverage before handing the rest off to a pouting Spider.
"Tasted better in my memory but maybe it's this tongue, everything tastes off now. Still my Dad's recipe still hits the spot." Her smile softened as she watched Spider enjoy her mug. You stood around the kitchen, hearing her stories as you sipped together. She'd had it made for her when she was sad, her father would scoop her up in a cuddle and sit hot chocolate with her until she could tell him what was wrong. It had continued right up until the day she left for Pandora.
When the drinks were finished Zdog escorted you back to Miles room. You passed the human scientist, Zdog was several meters ahead with Spider chatting in her ear.
"I could study every inch of you." Your head snapped to him, his eyes traveling your legs before staying at your chest. You flushed with anger, storming off the catch up with Zdog. You wanted to strike him, scream at him, anything but there were high tensions on board this boat. Zdog had frowned at your change in mood, quirking an eyebrow at you when you caught up. You said nothing and she didn't pry.
Back in Miles room you stewed. Spider and Zdog were gone so there was no distraction from your anger. You caught yourself in a mirror, stooping to see your whole reflection. It shouldn't be on you to do anything, he should be dealt with not you. Still, you didn't want to risk guns drawn over this. Miles had changed at some point and his used clothes lay on the bed. You scooped up his vest top, bringing it to your nose you smelt his scent. It felt to comforting, even the old and faded, it brought you some peace. You slipped your own top off and put his vest on. It hung more loosely on your frame, lacking the muscles he filled it out with. it also came low, bunching up around your tail but falling forward at the front. It's low neck did little more to cover your chest, you sighed. Trying his trousers on next, they sat better at your waist but fell so long that they bunched up at your ankles. You felt stupid, it wasn't just that they fit so poorly but that they were human style clothing. It felt wrong even with his scent surrounding you so pleasingly. You stared at yourself, even with your hair beads and jewellery, you didn't look yourself.
Miles came in behind you then, pausing to watch you at the mirror.
"That's my shirt y'know?" He smirked at you closing the door behind him. You pouted a little, looking to the floor. You wished he hadn't caught you still feeling so down, it was hard to hide anything from him now. He stalked over to stand inches from you. He tipped your chin up to face him.
"If you wanted in my pants so bad you could've asked." He pulled you even closer by your hips. You wanted to enjoy being near to him like this again but the scientists words made your skin crawl.
"What's the matter sweetheart?" He lent down kissing at your neck. You shuddered, you mind drifting from the human. You trailed your hands up Miles sides, slipping them under his shirt to feel his skin against yours.
"Nothing important." You whispered out, he pulled back from your neck.
"If it's got you bothered it's important." His face was stern now.
"It's nothing really." You pushed forward, resting your head against his chest.
"Who was it? Is it Lyle?" His arms circled around you now, holding you tight against him.
"No! no it's nothing I swear it's not Lyle, just leave it." You buried your face further in his chest, rubbing your cheeks against him.
"If one of those scumbags out there..." His tone rose in anger, muscles twitching for a fight.
"Please ma Miles." You reached up to tug his face down to you. "I swear if it's important I'll tell you, just drop it for now." He let out a shaky breath closing his eyes, still angry. You rubbed the frown on his brow, trying to smooth out the skin. He relaxed into your touch.
"I'm 'ma Miles' now huh?" he smirked eyes closed. He bumped his forehead to yours. You flushed with a blush, you hadn't really meant to call him that. You'd been so careful not to around the others.
"Well I'm 'sweetheart' aren't I?" You admittedly didn't know what this nickname meant either but it felt affectionate when he used it. He just hummed, tilting his head to capture your lips.
You didn't think you could ever get used to the intensity in which he kissed you. It was all consuming, every sense filled with him. He lifted you up, carrying you to the bed. Unlike before he placed you down, crawling on top and hovering above you. He smirked down at you, the necklace he wore dangling down onto your chest.
"I like you in my vest, I think I'd like you only in my vest." He tugged the waist band of his trousers lower on you. You quickly tugged them down further, shimmying them as low as you could. Miles leaned back, kneeing on either side of you, he pulled them off you tossing them other his shoulder. He stayed up from you, hand trailing down you leg to your knee. He held it up, looking right into your eyes, before turning to kiss high on your inner thigh.
You forgot how to breath, his kisses started light but as he made his way down your thigh they became sloppier. Open mouthed and once he was close to your core, he even sucked the skin, nipping with his fangs. You couldn't help the noises that passed your lips, embarrassed you clamped a hand over you mouth.
Miles rose, pulling your hand away by the wrist.
"No, no. I wanna hear every note out that pretty mouth." Your lip quivered and you just nodded.
"Want me to keep going?" He already moved to leave open mouthed kisses down you neck and onto your collar bone.
"Yes..." Your voice shook.
"Yes?" Miles questioned, raising his head again to look up at you through his lashes.
"Please" You pleaded, desperate to feel him against you again.
"Yes mam" He dove back down, pushing the hem of his vest up and roaming around your chest. He pinched your nipple, inciting a gasp. He pulled away, you sat up with him, reaching out to him tugging his top up, he took your lead removing the garment, before unbuckling his belt and removing his trousers too. You could see his bulge tenting his pants. Given his general size you thought you'd guessed his size, but he was bigger than you anticipated.
He lay back between your legs again, kissing down your stomach. You could feel his length hard against your leg as he went. You reached out to his head, massaging into his scalp like you'd done so at the tree. You tugged his hair, remembering his response to it before. He groaned into you, continuing his trail until he was between your legs. You felt suddenly bashful at this but didn't have much time to dwell before his mouth was on you. You gripped his hair, causing him to groan into you, sending vibrations through you.
You moaned, wanting to cover your mouth again but obeying his command from before. You let your hand grip him instead, whatever lustful sounds escaping you. You felt yourself wind up, pleasure building up inside you.
"Miles, Miles please, I feel..." You chanted unable to think anymore.
"'s okay baby, I got you" he mumbled, continuing his mouthing, licking and sucking, hands squeezing your ass. Your release came, your body shuddering under him, you calling his name as he continued through your orgasm. You tugged him up, holding his face in your hands.
You kissed him, tasting yourself on his tongue. Your muscles still quivering from your high.
"I got you sweetheart." He continued to kiss you. His own untouched member twitching against your stomach. You reached down between you both, tracing the outline through his pants. Miles stilled, shuddering a little against you. You liked seeing him like this now, seemingly at your mercy. You reached in, wrapping your hand around his girth. He grunted, rutting slightly in your hand. You began to pump him gently, swiping the precum from his head and exploring his length. His head lulled back and you kissed his exposed neck. You kissed the scar left by your bite, right at his pulse, before sucking the skin in. His breathing was becoming ragged.
"Baby, please." He stuttered out. Your own arousal increasing again, you wanted him.
"Please I need to feel you." Your own words surprised you somewhat, not their contents but more the directness. He caught your meaning immediately, shifting himself, removing his pants. His member bobbed slightly in the air, thick, veined, purple at the tip. A line of hair trailed from his lower stomach to a patch above it's base. You imagined following that trail yourself, mouthing him but that would have to come later. He gripped your hips so he could line himself up. He was thick and long and for a moment you felt unsure you could manage but the feeling of him as he pushed inside you quelled any fears, you would take it. The sensation as he stretched you was overwhelming and you cried out.
"Your doing so well baby. just a little more, your so good to me." praises tumbled out Miles as he struggled to be slow with you. His hands gripping into your hips. He stilled a moment looking down to admire his length fully tucked away inside you. You moaned, shifting your hips to try create some friction.
"Eager huh? I'll give you what you want, gonna fill you up so good." He moved his hips bringing himself out slowly before snapping forward and burying himself back in. His hands trailed down your chest to your lower stomach, feeling himself inside you. His pace quickened, some feral part taking over as he grunted and moaned gripping you tighter.
"mine, mine. mine" He repeated with each thrust.
You weren't fairing much better. lost in your own pleasure, feeling him so deeply inside you. touching pleasure points you didn't even know you had. You moaned and cursed, incoherent half sentences falling out in Na'vi.
"Gonna fuck you silly huh?"He teased. You felt the familiar build up, digging your hand into Miles biceps. Pleads and moans tumbled out your mouth as he continued to pound into you, praising you between moans of his own. He shifted to hold your face, tenderly for a moment.
"Oel ngati kameie" he said, his pronunciation perfect. He moaned again, picking up speed again, gripping your neck now, not too tightly but with just enough pressure. It was all too much and you came around him, quivering and going limp, he didn't last much longer. His strokes becoming uneven, growling out and tucking his face down into your neck. He stuttered his hips against yours riding out an orgasm of his own, whispering your name over and over into your ear. You felt him release inside, he stayed inside. Cum leaked a little around him as he collapsed gently on top of you breathing heavily into the crook of your neck.
He kept his praises up. lazily kissing at you. Both overcome with exhaustion you just held him, rubbing circles into his shoulders, tracing the glowing freckles or stripes on his back.
"Oel ngati kameie" you finally repeated back as you held him against your chest.
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NSFW ? drabble , minors dni
pairing : lil bit of poly w/ quaritch and zdinarsk
in my head rn thinking abt being squished between quaritch and z dog, like listen, it’s literally bisexual paradise
quaritch being very stern, very dominant and protective n shit
z dog being more lenient, i’m headcannoning she’s a switch, and is way more gentle but can be stern if needed
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Quaritch holding your waist staring down at you with a lidded gleam in his eyes, ready to devour you.
Zdog popping her gum and walking towards the front of you, placing her hands on your shoulders and gently grazing her hand down your body while checking you out.
Both of their grips strong as fuck; they’re literally marines.
“I want to fuck the shit out of you, you know i’d make you feel good.” The colonel would tease.
Zdog humming in response, brushing his hand away from you. “Be gentle on the poor thing Quaritch, she’s fragile.”
Placing her hand on the nape of your neck, it being large enough to cover the entire crook of your chin, and she tilts your flushed face up to look at her.
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ohhh myyyy goDDDDDDDD 😩😩
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tsu’tey headcanons ✧˖*°࿐
headcanons of mine for tsu’tey bc i am so damn soft for him lol
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Keep reading
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I already did this a week ago - Can’t believe I didn’t post it yet
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Why so blue?
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Prologue, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven
tag list: @luciddasher @seashelldom @goblinerrant @belos-simp69 @d4rno
Chapter Eight
Beep boop action scenes are hard. Trying to maintain a gender neutral reader, please let me know if there's anything I can do to help with that. I think other than the earlier mention of the Na'vi word for mother I've done well.
Quaritch didn't know the last time he'd felt so content. You sat relaxed by his side, Spider to his left chatting away and his squad under his control. His only want was for Jake Sully's head, then everything would be perfect.
The fires heat had made you remove your shawl, Quaritch admired the sparkling dots that littered your shoulders. Lyle kept his eyes to Mansk and Zdog, obeying Quaritch's order and then some.
Spider began humming a tune, tapping his feet to an upbeat melody. Your voice joined in, adding lyrics to this song. Miles didn't know it, must have been in Na'vi though he couldn't pick out many lyrics. To his surprise however Zdog began drumming along, using the butt of her knife against an empty tin. You sang beautifully, Quaritch was enchanted, unable to tear his gaze away from your moving lips.
You stood passing him to stand in front of Spider, who feigned some resistance but allowed himself to be pulled up, grinning the whole time. You lead him forward, placing a raised fore arm to his, you began stepping in circles. The dance wasn't too hard to follow, and by the end of the song Miles felt he knew the steps. Zdog stood, passing off her 'drum' to Lyle to keep going.
You stood together, her teaching you a snaking hip movement. You followed easily, Zdog leaving to call Mansk to join her and hauling him off the ground when he didn't. You laughed lightly, singing another tune as you swayed and twisted silhouetted in the fire light.
Spider flopped down next to him again, Slightly out of breath. "You should get up there." He smiled, raising his eyebrows. Quaritch looked stunned but Spider just laughed at him. "I'll push!"
Miles stood and walked to you. He felt like a teenager, about to ask his crush out. Palms sweating and throat tightening. He thought with years worth of experience in memory he wouldn't feel so nervous. You continued swaying, turning to him, smiling lightly. At least you seemed to be equally blushing, your ears and tail twitching as your voice wavered slightly. He followed his memorized steps, dancing with you the way you'd done with Spider. You relaxed into it, changing the moves slightly to be closer to him. Shifting round to dance with your back pressed to his chest. He felt too hot but he couldn't leave your side, he didn't want this moment to end but it did.
Mansk began yelling, swinging his gun up to point out at the water. Miles pulled you behind him, drawing his own weapon and staring out into the inky water for the threat. The river flowing gently, he saw nothing churn the water, save the few larger rocks that broke the surface.
You gripped his bicep before pointing out. "There!" You whispered to him. He saw it now, the size of a bus, scaled and swimming fast towards them, spines cutting a smooth path. Spider was near, a few meters to his side, close to Lyle and the banshees. Zdog and Mansk where on his other side, guns readied.
The creature broke the surface, its momentum allowing it to leap into the air before crashing down in the middle of your semi circle. It was massive. Huge body dousing the flames, throwing the surroundings into their glowing state. Miles would have called it a crocodile. It was several times the size but with a very similar jaw and teeth. again just several times bigger. It's six legs where short and muscular and its tail was long, thin and ended in a spiked ball, like a medieval mace. It's body was an inky black, making it hard to see unless in front of the glowing shrubbery. Only its spines held a deep blood red colour.
He opened fire, aiming around its nose and eyes, hoping these parts wouldn't be as strongly protected. The other recoms followed suit, muzzles flashing light up the creature as it roared and reared back. It lunged suddenly towards Zdog and Mansk, who rolled under its bite. The sound its jaw made when it's teeth clashed together rivaled the gunshots.
Its long tail whipped towards him. He gripped the back of your neck, bringing you down to the ground with him. The banshees screeched, taking flight to avoid the beast, roaring up at them. It stood on it's hind legs to try reaching for them, snapping at the lowest flying ones. Lyle shot at it's exposed underbelly, finally seeming to draw blood. The creature screeched, flailing back, its tail thrashing around wildly. It struck Spider and sent him hurling back into the mud, before it slipped back into the water.
You scrambled up, running towards Spider's prone form. Quaritch kept his gun trained on the water a few more moments. The creature seemed to have fled, and the banshees had settled landing back down again. He followed over to Spider.
You had him cradled on your lap, wiping muck away from his torso. Quaritch's breath caught in his throat. Two large gashes ran across his chest, they were shallow, hardly bleeding but Spider wasn't conscious. You'd began raking through you're bag desperately, mumbling quickly to yourself.
"What is it? What's wrong with him." Miles felt his concern growing more every moment Spider's eyes remained closed. The hit was hard sure but not enough to leave him like this, not without hitting his head?
"Poison, it's barbs are poisonous!" You were frantic, openly crying as you kept searching. "I don't have it, I don't have anything to help." Miles felt cold, Zdog leaned forward.
"We gotta get him back to base, they've got everything, they fix him." Zdog was right, they kept anti-venoms for every creature on this planet. Accept even flying they were a day's ride from any base.
"How long does he have? Y'N! how long?" He had to kneel down to you, gripping your shoulder to get you to pay him attention.
"Hours, maybe less, I've never seen a human affected by this before." You were just holding him now, bag abandoned. His breath was quickening and a thin layer of sweat coated him.
"The tree..." You stopped, turning to grip Mile's arms. "We have to get him to the tree. Please." You looked pleadingly, lip quivering. Miles paused a moment, you meant the spirit tree, a sacred place, you wouldn't allow the others to come, hell he wasn't sure how close he'd be permitted. It could be a trick, to get him alone and attempt an escape but Miles didn't care. You wouldn't risk Spider's life, he could trust that.
"Come on." He took Spider from you, carrying him in his arms towards Cupcake. He felt so small in his arms, like he'd felt when he was still just a baby. He was so limp though, cold and pale. Nothing like his memory of his pink new born body. You followed along with him, mounting behind him. Wrapping arms around his waist.
"Follow that stream, the red ferns..." You were still panicking, your mind racing and making it hard to keep from speaking your mother tongue.
"I'll radio in, follow if I've not radioed by 0900." Miles ordered Zdog, she'd followed after you, taking her hand left from your shoulder to salute and Miles thought his commands to Cupcake.
He felt Cupcake's concern as well as his own as he flew. His own unsteady breathes echoing through his ikrans chest. The route he followed brought you both closer to the chemical spills, the plants loosing colour and density as you went. From up high it was easiest seen in the lack of light given off, as the living mosses that lit up the forest floors died in the sour waters.
He felt your body rack with sobs against his back. He couldn't think, he had to focus on getting you there, something there must be able to save him. He couldn't loose him now, he'd only just won him back
He could have missed the dead tree. No light shone from its almost empty branches. He remembered photos of the place from his human life. It'd once been very similar to the tree of souls the forest clans had. Shorter but wider, like a willow, it had glowed the same purplish pink. Though that colour had faded and gotten more reddish as the water poisoned, before going dark. He'd never thought of it again until now, it was some savages stupid tree several clicks from any concern of his. Now here he was hoping against all odds that it would help.
You dismounted before Cupcake had even touched down. Reaching up to take Spider from him. He moved him gently into your arms, following after as you walked quickly to under the tree. You laid him gently at the root, before burying your hand in the deep roots. Miles hovered back, he wanted to come closer to hold Spider but it felt wrong to him. To even be this close, he felt at any moment you'd hiss him away, even dead this was an intensely important place to you.
You pulled out a carved wooden box, humming as you searched its contents.
"Miles please..." You held your hand out to him. eyes still down and searching with your other hand. He was over in a few strides, kneeling by Spider's side and putting his hand in yours. Your head flicked up and to your joined hands. You moved his hand to Spider's chest.
"How is he?" You opened a jar sniffing it before beginning whatever preparations you needed. Miles felt his neck for his pulse.
"His hearts hammerin', he's so cold, shakin'." He heard his voice quivering. He was trying so hard to keep it together, he didn't want you to see him weak. You moved to your human boy now, spreading something bitter smelling across his chest. You brought a strange spouted bowl to his mouth, pouring its contents in, then tipping Spider's head back to swallow it. You felt his forehead with your own now, hands still shaking against his cheeks.
You began whispering prayers, voice shaking. Tears still fell gently, dropping down into the mud beneath you. Miles waited by Spider's side, his breath still rapid. He felt anger rising in him, was this it? Was this all that could be done? Some back water witch doctoring!? He was going to start yelling when a flash caught his eye.
The roots around Spider strobed, light pulsing towards his form. He groaned, you grabbed his hand.
"Ma Spider?" You called to him. Miles watched as the roots close to his neck moved, tiny white tendrils shifted out binding around one another into a tight rope. It snaked to connect to where Spider's skull would meet his spine. Miles reached out.
"The hell are these things" He wanted to brush them off. This strange plant intended to grow into his son.
"No no!" You held his hand, stopping it. "she's helping, let her help." You looked him in the eye, you seemed so sure that he relented, pulling his hand back. You moved your braid in front of you, following down it's length to reveal the swirling tendrils of your queue. You placed it down on the root connected to Spider.
Miles watched your pupils dilate before your eyes fluttered shut. You smiled, tears still falling and reached out to touch Spider's face. He groaned again though he sounded less pained this time. You opened your eyes and looked over to him. Miles felt confused, this whole situation was beyond him but whatever was happening was helping Spider so he could live with it. You reached up to cup his cheek, your thumb moving across under his eye. He hadn't noticed when he'd started to cry, he just scoffed turning his head away from you. Your hand remained however, gentle stroking before moving behind to hold the base of his queue.
Miles breath hitched, the strange alien feeling of your hand running down the length of it as you brought it forward. It was so sensitive even through the braid. Your thumb pushed lightly at the base to expose his own tendrils before you moved it towards the root.
Quaritch snapped out of the moment. Pulling his queue from you, throwing it behind his back again.
"Don't you. ." You began.
"No." He interrupted. He did not want to do whatever this was. He'd let his thing save his son if he had too but he was not going to connect his brain to this half dead zombie tree god.
Your shoulders slumped slightly, you took your own queue from the root before gently stroking hair from Spider's face.
You weren't sure you would ever stop crying at this rate. Between fear and worry for Spider then elation at the anti-venom still being there you'd been exhausted from the emotional highs and lows. To top it all off the spirits of your people had awaken to assist you, accepting Spider as their own and connecting him to Eywa. You connected yourself, feeling her, feeling the echos of the past then Spider himself. It was fuzzy clearlystill affected by the poisoned waters. He was there though, with your parents, with your teacher, with all life that ever there was. Your son, finally connected the way he'd dreamed he could.
You wanted to share this with Miles. It felt right to have him here, he had every claim to Spider as you did. He was different now too, you could feel it. He sat here with you under in the heart of your home, in the most sacred place. He'd been hesitate to join you, treading respectively over the roots, but he'd pulled away. Rejecting communion with Eywa. You supposed it was likely just too far a step, too soon in his journey for that moment. Still he stayed by Spider's side as his breathing slowed to a restful pace. You poured water from his canteen into a bowl and began to wipe the sweat from Spider. His stripes were all but gone now and you made note to reapply them when he woke. From what you'd felt when connected it wouldn't be too long, by morning most likely and you'd said so to Miles.
He stood outside the boundaries of the tree now, where he'd gone to 'radio in'. He'd touched the thing around his neck and spoke to Mansk. Jake had one, so had Norm, they'd used them to speak from great distances. You'd liked the idea of having one for Spider and yourself but never asked. He stayed there now, looking around with his hand on the top of his gun, keeping a watch. Spider was clean and just resting now, so you shifted to kneel by the roots. There had been many treasures kept here, important medicines, personal artifacts of your teacher and your fingers grazed what you'd searched for.
You stepped out to join Miles, he didn't turn to you.
"He rests now, we're safe here. No thing can harm another here." Miles sighed looking back to say something. It didn't make it out however as he just stared at you. Suddenly bashful, you rocked on your heals making the skirt sway. You'd found your ceremonial garb, the one made for when you'd grown up. You'd never had the opportunity to wear it before now, though you remembered feeling the fabric in your tiny hands. The top was ridged lacing gold, it swirled patterns across your chest like creeper plants. Small jewel beads where woven into the ends of each stem, more concentraited at the high choker like neck. The skirts were long, to the ankle and white, with high slits right up to the top of your thigh. The belt was patterned with shining turquoise stones. You'd even found the earrings, beaded headdress and nose ring to match. It felt too much now, you tugged at the skirt and fiddled with the earrings. This was for ceremony, yours or any you would be called upon to perform.
"I was to wear this when I became Tsahìk..." You felt silly now, maybe you should just take it off. Miles reached out to you though, fingers meeting your arm, before traveling up. By your shoulder he'd placed his whole hand on you and the other had joined it on your other side. You looked into his eyes, they were half lidded, his face relaxed.
"You look..." He trailed off, hand coming up to cup your cheek. His eyes fell to your lips and he stopped, waiting. With a sudden rush of courage you closed the gap. letting your lips meet.
It'd been a long time since you'd kissed another and it'd been barely more than a peck. This was different, though you'd began slowly Miles had quickly deepened this kiss. His fingers tangled into your hair, tilting your head up and tugging you closer. You trailed your hands up his sides, letting them rest on his shoulders. He stopped suddenly, your mouth chasing after his slightly but he wasn't gone long. He lifted you up, hands behind your knees. You squealed. wrapping your legs around his waist for balance. He laughed at your response before diving back to you. His tongue grazed your lip, you parted them letting him in. It was intoxicating the way he kissed, like nothing you'd ever experienced before. You let your hands roam, across his broad chest, up his neck, into his hair. It felt nicer than you'd imagines, the close cropped hair like velvet. You felt Miles groan into your mouth, you gave it an experimental tug. His head rolled back as he groaned, smirking he looked back to you.
"You don't know what your doing to me sweetheart." You smiled leaning in to kiss him again. He moved to sit, keeping you straddled across his lap. His hands were free to move now and he wasted no time, exploring your body. Griping and pinching as he went, eliciting moans from you when he touched someplace sensitive.
The movement was quick, he tugged your kuru round in front of you and made to connect it with his own. You jumped up suddenly, taking quick paces back to create space.
"No! no, you can't do that!" Your voice between a whisper and a shout. You didn't want to disturb Spider but you needed him to understand the importance of what he almost did.
"I just thought..." He trailed off, still sat there with his own kuru in his hands. You held yours to your chest.
"You don't, You didn't think! This is sacred, sacred! Do you understand, you can't just! It's so important and you only do it once and..." You struggled to convey yourself properly in English, stumbling over your words unable to find just the right ones to explain it.
"Right. Don't touch." Miles dropped his kuru now crossing his arms. You didn't think he understood you, not properly. You stepped back over to him.
"Can touch here..." You took his hand again in your own, guiding it to your face, "Here..." You brought his palm down your neck to your chest again. His breath quickened again, eyes growing dark with something you couldn't place . "here" You moved his hand back to your hip again. He ran his fingers against the base of your tail making you shudder.
"Here?" He questioned back, running his fingers down to its base again. You just nodded swiftly, feeling like your voice would betray you somehow. He pulled you in closer again, resting his head against your stomach, breathing in your scent.
"Well alright then." He smiled against you. You dropped your hand to his scalp again, massaging it.
You spent most the night like this, gently caressing one another, staying close. Miles seemed to be trying to take it slower with you now. Laying down under the tree again and holding you tucked in beside him. You relaxed into him, feeling safer here than you had in weeks. You closed your eyes and slept.
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