pancakefantasies · 3 years
tumblr tuesday: bread
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That’s it. That’s the post. 
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
A Love Letter Sealed with A Kiss
We are all wanderers of our dreams. Some other days we just tend to ask ourselves this, “What is really my purpose?” As every year closes, our perspectives in life widens, we set boundaries with ourselves, we meet new people that caters different stories just for us to learn, and we let go of the things that needs to leave us for our healing and betterment. So just keep wandering in the dreamland that you’ve built in your mind and always collect moments to boost your progress as every year passes. Remember that you’re capable of having a good life despite your flaws and your flawed principles because there’s still always a room for learning and improvement especially that you’re still young and still in the process of learning how to fly.
You’re too young to understand the lows and the highs and I understand why you’re doubting yourself if you can still survive. My young self, in spite of all the evil eyes that surrounded you, you remained strong. I thank you for being positive always and I admire you for mastering the art of covering—covering all your insecurities, frustrations, and pain with a smile and your jolly persona. I commend you for being a tough girl but please don’t forget that there’s nothing wrong in being vulnerable. There’s nothing wrong in showing what you feel and opening your doors to the ones who truly loves and understands you.
I know there are times that these people that you value the most are the ones who downgrades you and invalidate your feelings that’s why you just tend to believe that you only have yourself as your support system, but always find a reason to show the real you with your friends and your other love ones. We all have our inner demons, so it’s okay to shout all your pains and get tired of holding on too much with the patience you are trying to fill up in your system. I hope you can find someone who can embrace and love every inch of you.
Don’t give up on your dreams and encourage yourself that it’s normal to change plans and take another route because you’re still young. Yes, you made a lot of bad decisions but I know how pure your intentions were, and being indecisive and inconsistent doesn’t make you a less of a person. You’re not the best student out there, but you didn’t fail to fulfill your responsibilities as a student and as a daughter as well. We both know you did your best and that’s enough. You always radiated your smile despite the problems you didn’t chose to tell to anyone but only to yourself and to Him. I hope in the future, you will learn how to open your heart in sharing your sentiments because we are deserving to be consoled and heard.
Be friends to everyone around you, but please don’t feel offended when you don’t feel the belongingness in a certain group/s of people because they’re still lots of people who appreciates you and your company. Be kind to everyone even if they’re already hurting you, just always console yourself that maybe they have silent battles that they’re dealing with that’s why their acting that way, because they are too lured with their emotions that overwhelmed them. They say that Happiness is not something that you sit back and you wait for, that’s why find what makes you happy. You don’t have to worry too much about what others may say because some people always tends to guilt-trip you just for you to ruined the happiness that you are aiming for. What important is that you do what you do, you drive the passion in you, and you are enjoying the life you followed.
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
“Some words stay in your head long after they’re spoken.”
— Robin Roe
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
— Meister Eckhart
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
i apeachiate you
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
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There are lot of classical movies that I’m attached to, but this film impacted me for some unknown reasons. The kind of film that runs deep through your soul that you just let yourself be attached to it extremely.
I discovered this film two years ago. As I consider myself somehow an old soul, I knew Audrey Hepburn, one of the fashion icons that everyone admires. I decided to watch this as I run out of movies to watch for during the weekends or my free time. I enjoyed watching it because it’s a light-hearted type of film that doesn’t complicates the viewer’s state of stability and it delivers some deep real-life lessons in our everyday encounters as a normal human being.
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Cinematically, it appears to have that classic vintage vibes as it was filmed during the 60s. This film provided me so much lessons and also some inspirations. I’m really fascinated how Audrey Hepburn styled herself in this film. The elegance of her wardrobe is something that I cherish and loved. One of my favorite scenes is when she played “Moon River” using her ukulele and how Paul sneaks from his window to watch her play and sing, recognizing how he adores her.
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Digging deeply from my lenses, calculated moves are sometimes thrown out from the window and you just start being spontaneous. For instance, Holly were blinded with marrying rich men despite having feelings with his friend, Paul. She was upset when the man he supposed to marry ghosted her. Paul confessed his love for her for the second time and what she said struck me and it’s my favorite line on the film.
“people don’t belong to people.”
she even said that she’s like the abandoned cat that she adopted, she doesn’t know who she is and they’re both a no-name slobs. They don’t belong to nobody and nobody belongs to them. The things is, she is a free-spirited woman and considered herself a wild thing but ironically, she’s afraid to dive into love and take risk again because of her mentality that she will be caged. Without her knowing, she’s already been locked in the cage she built on herself.
This film opened my eyes on how important forming friendship is especially when we are in the middle of escaping and trying to remove something that was stucked inside of us that we just can’t pinpoint. When you’re in a good company with someone who you considered as your confidant, everything just feels so right. You instantly forgot the setbacks you’re dealing. One more thing is that, opening your heart to people is a difficult thing to do because you experienced something that made your faith shaken.
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Watching this film is a roller coaster ride of emotions in a fun and thrilling way while you’re in the comfort of your couch, slurping that freshly brewed coffee at midnight and eating your favorite edible treatment snacks. That’s why this would be the kind of ride that I tend to ride over and over again, betting the ticket of my free pass to have the thrill of riding it.
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
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Olivia Hussey & Dean Martin Jr at their 1971 Las Vegas wedding.
 The couple met in 1969 while she was staying at Cielo Drive, former scene of the Manson murders.
 Tragically, Olivia was raped and beaten by her abusive ex, actor Christopher Jones, who assaulted her so violently at Cielo Drive that the sheets were stained with her blood. 
 Dean was the first person she called, and he offered to have Christopher killed. Olivia became pregnant from the rape, and Dean stuck by her side and nursed her through an abortion and recovery. 
 She said that “Out of that horror came some of the brightest, happiest days of my life. I was very much in love”
 Unfortunately, Dean cheated on Olivia when she was 7 months pregnant with their baby. They divorced in 1978. He died in a plane crash on a mountain, at the age of 35.
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
Musicals are magical. When I’m watching musicals nothing matters. I don’t care about my failures. I don’t worry about my grades or my future. I’m not lonely, I’m not sad. I’m just completely content. They’re perfect. 
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
there are people you haven’t met yet who will love you
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
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my last polaroid of 2020
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
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Can I offer a coping meme in this trying time?
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
No matter how many people say that you are, you are not a burden or an inconvenience if you need help with everyday things. You are a human being who deserves to have their basic needs met, even if you can’t always meet them on your own.
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
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Hamilton: A very serious musical
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
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pancakefantasies · 3 years
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i sketched this comic a long time ago, tought it was time to give it a clean up
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