pain-and-pain · 4 months
Parallel I noticed in the new AVM 33 episode
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Whats does this mean
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pain-and-pain · 5 months
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Some takes are so wild honestly like no, Gwen wasn't trying hurt Miles. No, Miguel isn't evil. No, Canon events arent plotholes because they are intentionally flawed
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pain-and-pain · 5 months
This is actually foul. I'm sobbing now
What if Miles didn't save his dad and his universe collapsed anyway.
It'd happen so fast, one minute he's rushing to his dad and the next he's sprawled across the ground, shoved off course by someone.
(Miguel is an option but I like the idea it's just some random Spiderman.)
Miles 'canon' events happens but his universe still glitches, half of it falling into the Spot's holes as it does as the villain becomes more and more unstable.
1610 collapses in front of everyone, swallowed up by the ever growing pitch black holes, leaving only Miles Morales as it's lone survivor.
to say the boy would be a mess, would be more than an understatement, it wouldn't even come close enough to smell, let alone touch, the way Miles is feeling. but he wouldn't just be sad or gutted or hopeless or even broken after losing everything; he'd be angry.
if he allowed himself to be dragged from the glitching, fading rubble of his now barren dimension, he would rip HQ apart, piece by piece. he'd scream and cry and break down, his abilities turned up to 110, his electricity flowing out him without any control, lashing out at anyone who tried to invade his space, let alone tried to touch him or stop him.
I think he would come pretty close to taking down Miguel, he'd defiantly pin him, using his enhanced reflexes and sheer surprise to get the upper hand, before just snapping. he'd let loose on Miguel, physically yes, but he would scream at him. he'd shove his stupid canon theory back into his face, begging for an explanation; if he was supposed to let his dad die, if he was forced to, than why did he lose everything anyway?
he'd leave Miguel bloody, even in his fury, he won't kill him, he can't do it, but he will make him suffer. he wants answers, he wants so many answers, answers to questions he doesn't even know he has, and he needs Miguel for those.
once he burns up his anger and cries out his sadness, he's left numb and empty, frequently returning to his dimension to sit amongst what little remains of his home. it doesn't really hit him at first that everything is gone, he knows it is, but he just can't accept it, his mom, his dad, Ganke, his friends, the cashier at the bodega, all of them, they can't be gone. he didn't even get to say goodbye.
part of him knows, deep down, that he should have saved his dad, he should have been allowed to try, that they would be here if he had just gotten to try. call it insanity, desperate attempts at coping, grasping at straws, spidey senses, intuition, some higher intervention and knowledge, he has no fucking idea, he just knows, and it only fuels his anger.
he stops coming out of his "room" at HQ, stops letting people in, not even Pav and Hobie who have never wronged him, who were always on his side, let alone the others, who at one point or another abandoned him or saddled against him. he stops in general, stops eating, stops sleeping, stops trying to distract his mind with things like music. he loses it a few more times, tearing up whatever furniture he had been given to make up for his lack of a home, before turning to laying on the floor, looking up at the blank ceiling for hours, ignoring any of the desperate pleas from outside his door.
he cringes when he realizes he's just becoming Miguel. he ignores the thought. tries to at least.
he lies there and withers away until he can no longer fight the others off, till he's forced to let them take care of him, forced to listen to their apologies and their "it'll be ok"'s. he honestly doesn't care; everything that ever truly mattered to him is gone or tainted, he's lost his world, his people, his family, he lost his friends, he lost his purpose. he just floats through life, accepting that he's just gonna turn into someone like Miguel, cold and closed off, not really living, but not dead, and he's "ok" with that, more so, he doesn't have the care nor energy to be more than that anymore. he accepts his fate, for once, cause its clear that trying to do anything else only get him and the people he loves hurt.
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pain-and-pain · 6 months
Thinking about that one scene in the new ava short where RYGB get surrounded by the grey sticks and how perfectly it shows off their personalities.
Red immediately starts fighting them because they act on instinct and heroism. Bad guys surrounding me and my friends? Time to battle.
Green watches Red go forward and fight, and joins in the second Red gets hurt because they aren’t just a tough fighter, but a defender. Friends in trouble? Time to battle.
Yellow was one I found interesting because of how they hesitated. You watch them flinch and even take a step back as they watch Red and Green go down. They were not prepared for this.
Blue was the first to surrender, and kept their hands up even after Red and Green were being beat up. It wasn’t until the gray sticks got a hold of Yellow that they joined the fight. They tried to get a hold of the bar, and it’s very brief but you can see them trying to grab the blue string that got flanged at them before they passed out. Blue was trying to play the situation to their advantage, and then when that didn’t work, tried to use the weapons against their attackers. Blue is resourceful.
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pain-and-pain · 7 months
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Sticktober Day 9: Bed
I’m sleepy today… ironic :>
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pain-and-pain · 7 months
Also theyre universes apart and if they get tgt it might fuck with the canon and shit idk how it would work
Thinking about Gwiles vs remembering that they're not even close to be canon
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pain-and-pain · 7 months
hold on tight to this time, this place ('cause everything you know will be erased)
Archive warnings ⚠️: Major Character Death, Minor depictions of violence
Teens and Up Audience‼️
Characters: Miles Morales, The Spot
Relationship tag(s): Miles Morales & The Spot
Additional tag(s): Angst, Hurt no Comfort, Blood and Injury, Hypothermia, Concussions, Character Death, Guilt, Self-Sacrifice, Miles Morales Needs a Hug, Hurt Miles Morales
Chapter(s): 1/2
Miles lifted his heavy head painstakingly slowly, agony rattling through his brain as his vision swam.
That is definitely a concussion, he thought off-handedly, trying and failing to stop the rising dread from consuming him whole. Miles blinked the hazy bleariness out of his half-lidded eyes, fixating on the swirling mass of black standing a few feet away from him.
Miles sacrifices himself to trap The Spot in the Spot Dimension. They sit in companionable silence as one readies himself for a lifetime alone, while the other slips into the cold hands eternal rest.
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pain-and-pain · 8 months
Holy shit
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Okay, let’s do this one last time, yeah? For real this time. This is it. My name is Miles Morales.
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pain-and-pain · 10 months
How i felt about this whole situation. I feel like we should wait for more news before jumping on the bandwagon. Plus, its not spiderverse was the first blockbuster to have these kind of working conditions, so honestly everybody is kind of overreacting at this point. Anyway, we should wait for more animators to confirm and come out or wait for Lord & Miller's response to this (if they ever will)
Imma be honest, this whole situation with the Vulture article about Spider-Verse and the working conditions behind it are saying less to me about the industry’s very real problems and more about Twitblr’s tendency towards absolutely ridiculous overreaction, jumping to conclusions, poor fact-checking, and tendency to care more about making themselves mad and upset then actually helping anybody. And also kinda makes me feel like “crunch” might be about to go up on the shelf of “words that Tumblr has made completely meaningless”.
Actually reading the article and not just pissing and shitting with rage in the comments over the headline leads to a somewhat nuanced and honestly not-especially-damning-or-dramatic context:
Four animators (on a team of over a thousand) claim that Sony asked animators to work bullshit hours on this project and lowballed them on pay, which is something Sony has been accused of before with other projects and is a common criticism of the big studios in general. However, they also say that a lot of these bullshit hours were made up of low periods where they weren’t really doing a lot of work.
There’s some complaining about Phil Lord’s loose and improvisational approach to filmmaking not gelling with an animation project of this size and nature, leading to dumb mistakes like redoing already completed sequences that exacerbated some of the deadline crunches that Sony pulled.
These four animators found it disheartening to have their work cut from the finished project, mainly because they couldn’t add a lot of it to their reels, but they also feel they were properly compensated for the overtime and down periods.
100 animators left the project for various reasons over the course of production, but this doesn’t actually say much because, again, the animation team had over a thousand people on it; this is actually an impressively small turnover rate for a production of this size.
All of this is presented without any actual proof of the claims beyond the word of these four animators, who it should be noted are giving it anonymously. Literally the only evidence they even exist is that the Vulture writer says. So, like, not exactly a smoking gun. Sony has denied the accusations, with Amy Pascal giving a rather snappish and testy response to it that pretty much amounts to “if these people are really who they say they are, they’re full of shit and need to get over themselves and accept how filmmaking works”. Phil Lord and Chris Miller have not commented at all to my knowledge.
All in all, it seems like kind of a nothing burger story. More talk about the crappiness of the entertainment industry’s way of doing things and how poorly the big studios treat animators, more talk of the importance of unionizing, but nothing especially major, not very dramatic compared to other horror stories that have come out over the years, and there’s not even any REAL evidence the claims are true (sorry if my standards of proof are a bit higher than “anonymous person said so!”).
The main conclusions to draw are that Sony sucks, there’s a lot institutional problems in the animation industry that need to be fixed, unions are good, and Lord and Miller can be major pains to work with when put in the wrong environment. Pretty much all of which was well-known prior to this.
And yet, the reaction has been so needlessly strong. Like, I understand that people are fed up with this kind of shit and it’s justifiable to be annoyed about crunch or to sympathetic to the supposed plight of these animators… but Jesus Christ. The way people are despairing and throwing sobbing fits in comments about not being allowed to enjoy anything and “no ethical consumption”. The way these somewhat mild problems are being described as “ANIMATORS MADE TO WORK TO DEATH IN SWEATSHOP CONDITIONS”. The way Lord and Miller are being instantly turned on and called narcissistic abusers (something the article never even ONCE approaches). The hyper-cynical, masturbatory, and snooty “disappointed but not surprised” pessimism. The exaggerated crying for the animators like they’re dying crack babies made to toil in a radium mine and not normal people complaining about a crappy job.
It all feels very… well, pathetic at best. Performative at worst. Because I genuinely don’t know how many of these people complaining are actually gonna, like, do anything about it, nor how this complaining into the void without doing anything is helping anyone. And it’s plainly apparent from a lot of the comments that many of the people posting these rants have not actually read the article, just the headline and other comments. At the very least, it says some very bad things about the internet’s current, corporate-and-social media-encouraged zeitgeist of constant misery porn, melodramatic hysterics, purity culture, needlessly angry and confrontational activism, and convicting by public opinion before all the facts are in (or even willfully ignoring facts for the sake of fueling the complaining train).
I also feel like this is all very counterproductive to the effort of workers rights, as it’s kind of making the people involved look bad and making their complaints look petty and overblown, when in reality there’s absolutely a lot of real problems that need to be addressed.
I also also feel like we’re really reaching a ridiculous point with the whole “no ethical consumption under capitalism” bullshit, where people are acting like even the slightest bit of pain in any industry taints everything about it and means every person who buys the product is complicit and there’s “no escape from the sin” which is a completely batshit stupid way of viewing the world. But I digress.
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pain-and-pain · 1 year
Living in a place where we get 34c nearly everyday so 26c would be literal heaven to me
Personality test, is 80f/26c too hot for you?
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pain-and-pain · 1 year
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Found this in my files
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pain-and-pain · 1 year
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I was gonna draw this but I decided I'm too tired
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pain-and-pain · 1 year
Which episode was this screenshot from?
I’m currently rewatching AG and I completely forgot how goddamn precious Meowth’s and Max’ friendship is.
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pain-and-pain · 1 year
Who broke it.
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pain-and-pain · 1 year
You really just had to go there and shatter my heart
Y'all wanna hear a depressing take?
This episode gives more meaning behind Moxxies desperation to be accepted by Millies family. After his mom was killed, that was the last good family relation he had until them.
He loves Millie with all his heart but even still he's desperate for a real family again, one that doesn't hate his guts.
Yeah, anyone could tell that Millies parents don't care for him but Moxxie knows they don't hate him, he knows what a parents hatred feels like and for all their objection to him its still nowhere near Crimsons hatred and loathing for him.
That means that he still has a chance of getting that happy family again, that love that his mother gave him. Blitz joking about Moxxie ruining his chances because of the hell-boar probably struck harder than he knows because Moxxie wants that family.
Moxxie just wants a real family again.
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pain-and-pain · 1 year
Bro said guess I'll die 💀
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pain-and-pain · 1 year
My first time editing, so forgive me if it isn't good.
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