Velero en Santa Marta
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Descubriendo el Parque Nacional Tayrona Santa Marta Una travesía en velero hacia el paraíso
A medida que el sol derrama sus dorados matices sobre las cristalinas aguas de la costa caribeña de Colombia, un selecto grupo de aventureros se embarca en una odisea marítima que promete trascender lo ordinario e sumergirlos en la belleza indómita del Parque Nacional Tayrona. Este cautivador destino, oculto entre los abrazos verdes de la selva tropical, llama a los intrépidos que anhelan un encuentro con el paraíso mismo. Prepárense para una experiencia de navegación sin igual, donde las maravillas de la naturaleza y el atractivo del mar abierto se entrelazan, ofreciendo un vistazo a un mundo cautivador y transformador.
A Bordo del Velero Abrazando el Espíritu de la Exploración
El viaje comienza al pisar el majestuoso velero, una embarcación impregnada de historia marítima, cuyas vetustas maderas susurran relatos de travesías pasadas. Cada crujido y balanceo evoca el espíritu de la exploración, encendiendo una chispa de aventura en los corazones de aquellos afortunados de embarcarse en esta extraordinaria expedición. El aire vibra con una anticipación electrizante, llevando consigo el olor fragante del agua salada mezclado con el perfume tropical de las flores cercanas.
El velero traza su rumbo hacia el tesoro oculto del Parque Nacional Tayrona, sus velas hinchándose al compás de la melodía del viento. A medida que la embarcación se desliza sobre la extensión azulada, los pasajeros encuentran consuelo en el ritmo cadencioso de las olas, un recordatorio tranquilizador del vínculo eterno entre la humanidad y el mar. La magnificencia de la naturaleza se desvela gradualmente, mientras imponentes acantilados engalanados con frondas verdes emergen en el horizonte, un testimonio de la resiliencia y grandeza de paisajes intocados.
Obra Maestra de la Naturaleza Revelada La Majestuosa Belleza del Parque Tayrona
El Parque Nacional Tayrona desvela sus tesoros lentamente, como una sirena seductora tentando a los audaces a adentrarse aún más en su abrazo. Las aguas turquesas invitan a la exploración, revelando un mundo submarino vibrante, rebosante de arrecifes de coral en kaleidoscopio y una deslumbrante variedad de vida marina. Fondeando cerca de la costa, los participantes son cautivados por la sinfonía de vida salvaje que llama a este refugio costero su hogar. Exóticas aves, adornadas con plumajes de tonalidades exquisitas, engalanan el cielo con su vuelo sin esfuerzo, mientras monos juguetones se balancean entre las densas frondas, sus ojos traviesos reflejando el espíritu aventurero en los corazones de quienes atestiguan esta maravilla natural.
Partiendo hacia el Paraíso
Al desembarcar en las arenas aterciopeladas, los participantes se sumergen en un tapiz de deleites sensoriales. Cada grano de arena acaricia sus pies, un suave recordatorio de su unión con la tierra. La selva tropical los atrae con su promesa de tesoros escondidos y el dulce murmullo de cascadas cristalinas. Aquí, se funden con la naturaleza, sumergiéndose en la belleza etérea de este Edén terrenal.
Al caer la noche, el dosel estrellado se convierte en el techo de la travesía, pintando los cielos con un tapiz de sueños. Reunidos alrededor de una fogata en la playa, las risas se entrelazan con los ritmos contagiantes de la música tradicional colombiana. Los paladares se deleitan con los sabores tentadores de los frutos del mar, una sinfonía culinaria que rinde homenaje a la generosidad del océano.
Pero recuerden, queridos navegantes, que la verdadera esencia de este viaje yace no solo en el esplendor de su destino, sino en las historias grabadas en sus almas. Reside en la emoción de dirigir el velero, en la camaradería forjada con compañeros aventureros y en el descubrimiento de la valentía y resiliencia que yacen en lo más profundo de ustedes mismos.
Así que, mis amigos, si anhelan una travesía que trascienda lo ordinario e inunde sus vidas de belleza indómita, el Viaje en Velero al Parque Nacional Tayrona les aguarda. Es una aventura que perdurará en sus memorias, un canto de sirena para aquellos que se atreven a buscar una vida fuera de lo común.
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There is New Paddle Board Hitting the Market this 4th July
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With this inflatable stand up paddle board, you can achieve exceptional stability and balance. This board, which is 10.5 feet long, 32 inches wide, and 6 inches thick, provides the best stability when standing. 
With the help of its three fins, which offer great manoeuvrability, you have complete control over the direction. This board is ideal for developing your abilities whether you are a novice or an experienced paddler.
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What is A Walking Tour of Cartagena Like?
A walking tour of Cartagena, Colombia is a fantastic way to explore the city's rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning architecture. Cartagena is known for its well-preserved colonial old town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here's what you can expect from a walking tour of Cartagena.
Historic Old Town
Your tour will likely begin in the historic old town, known as the "Walled City" or "Ciudad Amurallada." The area is enclosed by centuries-old stone walls and features charming narrow streets, colorful buildings, and beautiful plazas. Your guide will lead you through the labyrinthine streets while sharing stories and insights about the city's past.
Plaza de los Coches
This lively square is one of the main entrances to the old town. It's surrounded by colonial-era buildings and is a hub of activity with vendors, street performers, and horse-drawn carriages. You can take in the bustling atmosphere and learn about the square's significance from your guide.
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San Pedro Claver Church
Your walking tour may include a visit to the San Pedro Claver Church, a stunning 17th-century church dedicated to the Spanish priest and saint, Peter Claver. The church's interior is adorned with beautiful religious art and sculptures.
Plaza de Bolivar
 Another notable square in the old town is Plaza de Bolivar. It features a statue of Simón Bolívar, the revered South American independence leader. The plaza is surrounded by important buildings such as the Palace of the Inquisition and the Cathedral of Cartagena. Your guide will provide historical context and share interesting facts about these landmarks.
Baluarte de Santo Domingo
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As you walk along the city walls, you'll reach the Baluarte de Santo Domingo, one of the fortified bastions overlooking the Caribbean Sea. It offers breathtaking views of the ocean and the modern skyline of Cartagena. This spot is perfect for taking memorable photos and appreciating the city's strategic defenses.
Getsemani Neighborhood
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A walking tour might also take you to the vibrant neighborhood of Getsemani, located just outside the walled city. Getsemani has a distinct character with its colorful street art, local eateries, and lively atmosphere. Exploring this neighborhood will give you a glimpse into the daily life of Cartagena's residents.
Throughout the walking tour, you'll have the opportunity to sample local cuisine, browse handicraft markets, and interact with friendly locals. The tour guides are often knowledgeable about the city's history, culture, and architecture, making it an enriching and immersive experience.
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What You Will See on a Santa Marta Walking Tour
A walking tour of Santa Marta City can be a fascinating and enjoyable way to explore the rich history, vibrant culture, and beautiful surroundings of this coastal Colombian city. Here's what you can expect on a Free walking tour of Santa Marta.
Historic Center
The tour usually starts in the historic center of Santa Marta, where you'll find well-preserved colonial architecture, charming cobblestone streets, and lively plazas. This area is the heart of the city and provides insights into its past.
Cathedral of Santa Marta
One of the prominent landmarks in the city is the Cathedral of Santa Marta. Built in the 18th century, this beautiful church showcases a mix of architectural styles and houses the remains of the city's founder, Rodrigo de Bastidas.
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Plaza de Bolivar
Located in the historic center, Plaza de Bolivar is a bustling square surrounded by important buildings such as the City Hall and the Governor's Office. It's a great spot to soak in the local atmosphere and observe daily life.
Museums and Cultural Sites
Santa Marta is home to several museums and cultural sites that offer insights into the region's history and indigenous heritage. The Gold Museum (Museo del Oro) displays an impressive collection of pre-Columbian gold artifacts, while the Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino is a historical estate where Simón Bolívar spent his final days.
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Local Market
Exploring a local market is a must on any walking tour. In Santa Marta, you can visit Mercado Público, a bustling market where you'll find an array of fresh produce, local delicacies, and traditional crafts. It's an excellent opportunity to interact with locals and immerse yourself in the local culture.
Beaches and Coastal Views
Santa Marta is renowned for its stunning beaches and scenic coastal views. Some walking tours may include visits to popular beaches like Playa de Rodadero or Playa Blanca, where you can relax, swim, or simply enjoy the picturesque surroundings.
Street Art and Graffiti: Santa Marta boasts a vibrant street art scene, with colourful murals adorning many walls throughout the city. Some walking tours may take you through neighborhoods known for their street art, providing an opportunity to appreciate the local artistic expression.
Throughout the tour, your guide will share interesting stories, historical anecdotes, and local insights, giving you a deeper understanding of Santa Marta's culture and heritage. It's a great way to explore the city at a leisurely pace, taking in the sights, sounds, and flavors of this charming coastal destination.
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Experience the thrilling paddle boarding craze and immerse yourself in one of the UK’s most popular water sports with a stand-up paddleboard (SUP) taster session in Bristol. 
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These locations offer a range of experiences for stand-up paddleboarding enthusiasts, from calm and beginner-friendly waters to more adventurous coastal explorations. Remember to adhere to local regulations, respect the environment, and prioritize safety during your paddleboarding adventures in Oahu.
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Como Llegar a Playa Cristal Desde Santa Marta.
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#santamarta #tayrona #playacristal
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Take a Sailing Trip from Santa Marta to Tayrona Park
Sailing is a fantastic way to explore the natural beauty of a region, and one of the best places to do so is in Santa Marta, Colombia. Located on the Caribbean coast, Santa Marta is home to some of the most stunning beaches and landscapes in South America. One of the most popular destinations for sailors in the area is Tayrona Park, a beautiful protected area with pristine beaches, lush forests, and abundant wildlife. In this article, we will explore what it is like to take a sailing trip from Santa Marta to Tayrona Park, including the highlights of the journey and what you can expect along the way.
Preparing for the Trip
Before embarking on your sailing trip to Tayrona Park, it is important to make sure you have all the necessary equipment and provisions. This includes sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, insect repellent, and plenty of water. You should also bring comfortable clothing and footwear, as well as a camera to capture the beautiful scenery along the way.
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Getting Started
The journey from Santa Marta to Tayrona Park is approximately 20 kilometers long and takes about 3 hours by sailboat. Along the way, you will pass by several beautiful beaches, including Playa Blanca and Bahia Concha. These beaches are perfect for a quick swim or a relaxing break from the journey. You will also have the opportunity to spot marine life such as dolphins and sea turtles along the way.
Exploring Tayrona Park
Once you arrive at Tayrona Park, there is plenty to see and do. The park covers over 15,000 hectares of land and sea and is home to numerous species of plants and animals, including monkeys, sloths, and jaguars. The beaches within the park are some of the most beautiful in the world, with crystal-clear waters, white sand, and towering palm trees. There are also several hiking trails throughout the park that offer breathtaking views of the coastline and the surrounding mountains.
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Camping in the Park
For those who want to spend more time in Tayrona Park, camping is an excellent option. There are several campsites within the park that offer basic amenities such as showers, toilets, and cooking facilities. Camping in Tayrona Park is a great way to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the outdoors.
Returning to Santa Marta
After a few days of exploring Tayrona Park, it will be time to return to Santa Marta. The journey back can be just as enjoyable as the journey there, with more opportunities to spot wildlife and enjoy the beautiful scenery. If you're lucky, you may even spot a humpback whale during their migration season (July-November).
Final Thoughts
A sailing trip from Santa Marta to Tayrona Park is an unforgettable experience that offers a unique perspective on the natural beauty of Colombia's Caribbean coast. From the stunning beaches to the lush forests and abundant wildlife, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're an experienced sailor or a first-time visitor to the region, this journey is sure to be one of the highlights of your trip. 
For more ideas on what to do in Santa Marta check out
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¿Cómo es hacer kayak en Cartagena Colombia?
Kayak en Cartagena, Colombia es una experiencia verdaderamente única. Esta hermosa ciudad costera, ubicada en la costa norte de Colombia, ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de explorar las impresionantes aguas del Mar Caribe de una manera emocionante y relajante.
Mientras rema por las cálidas aguas del Caribe, estará rodeado de impresionantes vistas de la arquitectura histórica de la ciudad, playas bordeadas de palmeras y aguas cristalinas. Ya seas un kayakista experimentado o un principiante, hay algo para que todos disfruten en este paraíso tropical.
Uno de los destinos de kayak más populares en Cartagena son las Islas del Rosario, un grupo de 27 islas pequeñas que se encuentran frente a la costa. Estas islas albergan algunas de las playas más hermosas del mundo, así como una variedad de vida marina, incluidos peces de colores, tortugas marinas e incluso delfines.
Navegar en kayak por las Islas del Rosario
Navegar en kayak por las Islas del Rosario es una excelente manera de explorar de cerca la belleza natural de la zona. Podrá remar a través de calas y lagunas escondidas, explorar playas solitarias e incluso bucear en algunos de los vibrantes arrecifes de coral de la zona.
Para aquellos que buscan una experiencia de kayak más desafiante, las aguas alrededor de Cartagena ofrecen una variedad de opciones. Las corrientes alrededor de las islas pueden ser bastante fuertes, lo que lo convierte en un remo emocionante y desafiante. Sin embargo, si es un principiante, también hay muchas áreas tranquilas y protegidas para explorar.
Kayak en Cartagena es una Gran Oportunidad
Una de las mejores cosas de navegar en kayak en Cartagena es la oportunidad de ver la ciudad desde una perspectiva completamente diferente. Mientras rema por el puerto, podrá contemplar las vistas de la famosa torre del reloj de la ciudad, así como de las imponentes murallas de la ciudad vieja. Es una experiencia verdaderamente inolvidable que no se puede perder.
Si está interesado en navegar en kayak en Cartagena, hay una variedad de empresas de turismo que ofrecen visitas guiadas por la zona. Estos recorridos generalmente incluyen todo el equipo necesario, así como un guía experto que puede ayudarlo a navegar por las aguas y señalar lugares interesantes en el camino.
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Además del kayak, hay muchas otras actividades acuáticas para disfrutar en Cartagena, como vela, moto acuática y paravelismo. También hay muchas playas para explorar, así como una variedad de restaurantes, bares y tiendas para disfrutar.
En general, navegar en kayak en Cartagena es una experiencia verdaderamente única e inolvidable. Ya sea que esté buscando un remo relajante a través de aguas tranquilas o una emocionante aventura en mar abierto, hay algo para que todos disfruten en esta hermosa ciudad costera. Entonces, ¿por qué no planear un viaje hoy y experimentar todo lo que Cartagena tiene para ofrecer?
Para mas informacion Kayak en Cartagena.
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Ciudad Perdida Santa Marta, also known as the Lost City,
Ciudad Perdida, also known as the Lost City, is an archaeological site located deep in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range in Colombia. The site was first discovered in the 1970s by treasure hunters and was subsequently studied by archaeologists. The city is believed to have been built by the Tayrona people, an indigenous group that inhabited the area before the arrival of the Spanish.
The Ciudad Perdida Santa Marta is made up of a series of terraces carved into the mountainside, connected by stone paths and stairways. The city was likely a political and religious center, with temples, plazas, and living quarters for the ruling elite. The site is estimated to have been inhabited between the 11th and 14th centuries, before being abandoned for reasons that are still unknown.
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Visiting Ciudad Perdida requires a multi-day trek through the jungle, crossing rivers and ascending steep mountainsides. The journey can be challenging and physically demanding, but the reward is a chance to experience one of Colombia's most unique and fascinating cultural sites.
The trek to Ciudad Perdida typically takes 4-6 days, with hikers staying in basic camps along the way. Along the trail, visitors can see the diverse flora and fauna of the region, including monkeys, birds, and butterflies. The local indigenous communities also offer a glimpse into the traditional way of life in the area.
In recent years, the Colombian government has made efforts to promote tourism to Ciudad Perdida while also working to protect the site and the surrounding area. Visitors are required to go with authorized guides, and there are restrictions on the number of people who can visit the site each day. The proceeds from tourism help support the local communities and fund conservation efforts.
In conclusion, Ciudad Perdida is a fascinating and unique archaeological site located deep in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range in Colombia. While visiting the site requires a challenging multi-day trek, the opportunity to experience this ancient city and the natural beauty of the region is well worth the effort.
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Exploring the Palomino River, North Coast Colombia
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Paseo en Velero Santa Marta a Tayrona
Aquí hay algunas opciones diferentes para un Paseo en velero Santa Marta
Velero Con Luis
Zarpe hacia el Tayrona en un yate de 56 pies (17 metros) con este viaje. Luis, tu patrón bilingüe, te transportará a ti y a hasta 25 personas más al parque junto al mar. Tendrá tiempo en el parque para nadar, bucear, tomar el sol o relajarse en la playa antes de regresar a Santa Marta al final de la tarde. Crucero al Tayrona con guía multilingüe. Se proporcionará almuerzo y refrescos. Habrá alquiler de equipos de snorkel y tablas de paddle. El precio del viaje incluye seguro de pasajeros.
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Velero con Tayrona Sailing
A las 9:30 hrs, arribo a la Marina de Santa Marta. Di SONATA en la puerta. El Sonata es un ketch cúter de 58 pies y capacidad para 26 personas construido en Taipei, Taiwán, en 1979. El barco se dirigirá contra el viento hacia Baha Concha en el Parque Tayrona, pasando cerca de Taganga, Playa Grande e Isla Aguja. Son vecinos de Baha Concha. Puede nadar hasta la orilla o tomar el bote para llegar allí. Snorkel, SUP y tomar el sol son todas alternativas. SOLO ACTIVIDADES RELACIONADAS CON EL AGUA EN UN ÁREA ESPECÍFICA Aproximadamente una hora después de la llegada, a cada persona A BORDO se le servirá el almuerzo y una bebida. Teniendo en cuenta los vientos en contra, todos deberían estar de regreso a bordo a las 3:30 p. m. Regreso a la Marina para el atardecer a las 5 p.m.
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Tome un Yate Privado al Parque Tayrona.
Descubre la magnificencia del Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona mientras te diviertes. einsteiner subido con. Pase el día buceando, nadando, practicando esnórquel y tomando el sol en una de las numerosas bahías del parque nacional frente a la costa caribeña. Estas vacaciones personalizadas pueden acomodar hasta 8 personas. Navega desde Santa Marta al Parque Nacional Tayrona en un crucero. El término "nadar" se refiere al acto de nadar en un cuerpo de agua. Cada persona recibe un refrigerio y una bebida gratis. En este viaje a medida, puede pasar el día como desee.
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Here are a few things you might be interested in if you are planning a trip to Santa Marta, Colombia. There is so much to do you will not want to leave.
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Paddle around an Abandoned Island in Colombia.
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Important Tips For Stand Up Paddle Boarding for Beginners
How is the paddle adjusted? Use your arm above your head to draw the handle to the proper length (it should reach the very top), then close the clasp. You are now prepared to float on water.
Take Your Board to the Water
You will need to carry your board, whether it is from the car or the beach shed. Use the handle in the centre of the majority of rigid and inflatable boards to assist you. Then, much like a surfboard, you can carry your SUP under your arm. Is the wind an issue? You have a far trek to go? Bring your board forward to it. Place the board on your head. Put your head in the middle of the SUP for balance and wear the slipcover as a hat.
When you're close to the water, carefully set your board on the beach with the fin facing land and the nose towards the water. When your board no longer touches the bottom of the water, attach your leash, bring the tail to the level of the keel, and push it into the water.
Start On Your Knees When Starting to Learn to Paddle Board
Take use of being on your knees while riding your board to regulate your balance. To steady the board, hold your paddle perpendicular to it in front of you. Do you have faith in your ability to help? So take out your paddle and begin kneeling in the water. You will be able to practise your paddle movement while sitting down, which will offer you greater stability. Your paddle should be raised as soon as it reaches your knee level. Try to reach far ahead with it.
Stand in the Centre of the Paddleboard
Put your feet in the centre of the board, one next to the other, along an axis perpendicular to the board's axis, in order to paddle effectively. To make the most of your stroke, dive in with your paddle. Leverage is gained by bending your torso slightly forward and spreading your arms. While the lower arm pulls, the top arm pushes. Stop moving the paddle when it reaches the level of your feet and start again. Every three to four motions, switch sides.
Use All of Your Body to Paddle
Use your entire body, rather than just your arms, serves as the link between the paddle and the board. Thus, the energy you require to advance is transmitted by your body. as long as it is positioned appropriately. After establishing a solid base while standing, start by gradually flexing your knees to assume an efficient paddling stance. Good balance will be assured by sturdy legs. Keep your back straight even while you're moving forward to improve your paddle stroke. Your pelvic region, which transfers the forward motion to your back, causes the curvature rather than your back. Avoid reaching too far forward of yourself if you are new to SUP or have back issues since you run the risk of injuring your lower back.
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How to Go Straight
To move straight, you should paddle on both sides. Your right hand will be lower and on the paddle shaft if you begin paddling to the right. The top of the grip is covered by your top hand. The paddle faces away from you at an angle. Attempt to maintain straight arms. With your upper hand, press down on the paddle grip. Push the paddle blade all the way under the water to plant it, then draw it back to your ankle before removing it from the water.
1. Keep your first strokes brief and near to the board.
2. Paddle for about 4 or 5 strokes on one side, then switch to the other, to go in a pretty straight path.
3. Your hands will be in the opposite positions when you transfer sides.
Falling Off is Part of the Fun
On a SUP, falling off is not a huge issue and is really part of the fun, especially if you are wit a group it always makes people laugh. However, you must be aware of safe falling techniques. Avoid diving forward or backward to avoid hitting your SUP. To avoid getting wounded by your paddle, try to fall to the sides while maintaining forward momentum.
Keep hold of your paddle's handle as well to prevent losing it
To remount the SUP? Put your paddle on the board, then take up position in the middle of it. After then, set the paddle parallel to the board and stand up.
A great place to practice is Cartagena, Colombia and good company to learn with is paddle board Cartagena.
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