pactsborn · 3 years
Shadow very gently puts one single paw on Annie's lap
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@pactsborn  --- Thank you .
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pactsborn · 3 years
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Everything about this knight remains as a mystery.
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pactsborn · 3 years
say what you will about dante being a himbo, he at least knows the difference between the staff of hermes/caduceus and the rod of asclepius
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pactsborn · 3 years
the party dont start till i crash through the wall and kill every living being there
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pactsborn · 3 years
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pactsborn · 3 years
the new VoV is giving me emotions both about V’s growth but also how griffon expressing protectiveness would mean so much to a person who has craved... protection
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pactsborn · 3 years
Five months after the annihilation of pretty much, the entire population that resided in Red Grave City. Vergil had been traveling on the road for a while now, and he was beginning to feel tired and weary. He wasn’t sure if it was his age, or because of the fact he hadn’t traveled like this in a very long time. The last time he had been on the road, was while he was trying to find information on the whereabouts of his trusted Dark Forged Blade the Yamato. The last thing he remembered during that time, was that his sword had shattered after his soul had been taken and corrupted by his late Arch Nemesis Mundus. 
Vergil had previously spent a few years wandering about with his body slowly beginning to deteriorate over time, as death would gradually creep up closer and closer to him with each year before he felt his body beginning to reach its limit, soon after, he found out the whereabouts after searching for what seemed like forever. After that, he went to retrieve his sword back. From there on out, a WORLD OF C H A O S unfolded and that lead up to Red Grave City Massacre, and everything that came after that. After losing the duel with Nero, he had honored his word and fixed the relationship between him and his younger brother, thus leading to his turning of his leaf on life.
Unfortunately, since he left, Vergil had no luck in finding a sense of living, yet he continued on despite being a little lost at what to do next. Upon reaching a small quaint little town, the half-devil began to feel the fatigue of his journey’s hit him. Suddenly, V’s voice would echo in his mind.
[{ 📖 }] - “You seem tired, why not take a rest? We should never push our limitations after all.”
Vergil was silent for a moment as he thought it over. He would of course, refuse to admit he was at his limit, but would agree regardless, V had a point, there was no need to overdo it, they had been traveling non stop as of late.
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[{ 🗡️ }] - “I am not at my limit!… though a rest does sound pleasant right now.. very well. Take it from here, bring me out in the morning.” Taking a quick check of his surroundings to confirm it was clear, he entered an empty alleyway, drew his sword and drove it into himself letting V out. Vergil reverts to blue energy that resides itself inside V who fully manifests as his feet touch the concrete, the Yamato transforming into V’s trusty cane. 
V fixes his collar around his sleeveless vest and exits the alleyway right away calling upon Griffon as he waits until he sees his trusted feathered partner would manifest. When he does, he holds out his forearm for Griffon to land.
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[{ 📖 }] - “So my feathered friend, tell me? Do you feel that energy too? It appears we have some company.” Just as he mentions it, several Hell Caina appear from the ground, their scythes at the ready as V prepares to send in Griffon to attack. Once the demons move in, V sends in Griffon to strike back.
[{ 📖 }] - “Eradicate them all!”
To be a demon is to have fluidity of form; the avian knows this. Even among species that lack the literal shape-changing abilities of his feline companion and ally, Shadow, they all carry something transformative. Be it turning into a devil arm, even lesser demons may possess things or become an amalgam, but by far the most curious to him is what lies inside the hybrids of Sparda’s line. 
Not only do they carry the power to become more visibly demonic, but Vergil’s own aptitude at splitting himself apart is something that, while well acquainted with the concept, still makes him marvel at times. It is impressive; perhaps even sets them apart from both man and demonkind.
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“Long time no see,  V.” Griffon remarks conversationally, keeping his musings to himself as he settles gently on the offered arm, taking the usual level of care with the placement of his talons.
An affirmative tilt of the head at the question. “Oh I feel them all right. These fools have no idea what they’re getting themselves into!” Smell of ozone accompanied by crackling sears the air as he takes flight, orbs and bolts of lightning manifesting as he circles, seemingly effortless. It feels good to stretch his wings and let loose, to have some of the freedom that comes with carnage again. Griffon laughs cruelly as the Hell Caina are overpowered with ease, prime pickings for V to finish off with a well-placed stab. “What do you think these small fry even want with you, V? Shouldn’t they know by now not to fuck with us?”
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pactsborn · 3 years
The Black Mages - The Extreme
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pactsborn · 3 years
Which Two Greek Gods Are Your Parents?
Ares & Nyx
Oh, sweet child of battle and night! Your father is the untamed idol of war, and your mother the mysterious primordial of Chaos. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by power, deserving, and secrecy. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of assassins and subterfuge as you grow into your power.
Tagged by: @darksonofsparda​ thank you! Tagging: steal it!
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pactsborn · 3 years
rest in peace brad venable. he gave us some really amazing, memorable performances and the va community seems rocked to the core by his loss. he was so well loved and my thoughts are with his family. 
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pactsborn · 3 years
Nine Inch Nails | Somewhat Damaged
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pactsborn · 3 years
'Ferocious eyes, terrifying claws and deadly teeth. Ah, magnificent. Beautiful!' He gives the demonic panther a good snack, she deserves it for simply existing. Of so shoot him, he's biast towards monsterous things. Large cats included.
@haevatein || 
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An affirmative purr. Though she lacks the capacity to form speech, she understands the words spoken well enough and acknowledges them with her deep rumble that seems to vibrate the length of her sleek form. Crimson eyes blink slowly as she accepts the offering, then nudges her nose against his hand. Respectful appreciation of her form and strength is certainly one way to get positive attention from the demon panther.
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pactsborn · 3 years
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my son is here! 
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pactsborn · 3 years
When I was just a baby my mama told me, “Son Always be a good boy, don’t ever play with guns” But I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die When I hear the whistle blowin’ I hang my head and cry
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pactsborn · 3 years
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Please, appreciate them.
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pactsborn · 3 years
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pactsborn · 3 years
"I may be whole again, but I shall never forget the great service you've all done me. Thank you.."
@darksonofsparda || <3 random asks
They regard him thoughtfully. Gone is the fragile human who had relied on them, needed them, and who they had come to care for. In his place is someone made anew, with enough strength to stand on his own. All had anticipated to varying degrees that the ‘reborn’ Vergil might reject them, that they could be, in his eyes, a reminder of his prior weakness. Gratitude comes as a surprise. Griffon, of course, is the first to recover. 
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“It’s nice to be appreciated. Not that I really get how this works or how much of V is still in there but you’re not gonna go falling apart on us again, are ya?”
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