owenlennox · 6 years
“Welcome to the party, buckaroo. That is, the party none of us are having. At least you’ve got whatever that is to work on.”
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“Yeah, this shits almost done though and then ill have nothing. I dont think ill mind though... you know... being nothing for awhile.” 
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owenlennox · 6 years
“What does matter in the grand scheme of things?” Milo asked, shaking his head lightly and frowning in confusion at his words. “It’s something you enjoy, right? And something you’re good at  that you do? I think that matters,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “Maybe just find something you’re passionate about? Or a certain subject you’re passionate about.” 
“Like who gives a fuck if I make some shit sculpture or several shit sculptures or if Im here or in New York or.... it doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things.” Owen stated again before moving to stand, touching the last thing he had been working on. “You think this shit is good? You think Im good at this?” His voice louder now as he turned to Milo. “Its all fucking shit. Its always been shit. And Ive convinced myself it was good or that it meant something to someone and its not and it doesnt.”
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owenlennox · 6 years
I wanna go away until I'm gone. It takes so much less energy to not exist than it does to exist and get burned.
― Neil Hilborn, Our Numbered Days
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owenlennox · 6 years
“Oh. So, you’re not going to be working on more? Not even just for yourself?” Milo asked, genuinely surprised by that. “Not as a project, or more like a passion project?” 
Owen shook his head, looking over the other before back to his sculpture. “They dont matter. Not in the long run. Not in the grand scheme of things.” Owen replied before biting his bottom lip. “Kinda have to have passion to have a passion project.”
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owenlennox · 6 years
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“Whoa… That’s so cool, thank you, Owen!” Excitedly, she looked over the sculptures before gently placing her hands over two of them and smiling brightly at the blond. “I really like these two- they actually matched my bedroom’s theme. If I can’t pay you back in cash, could I potentially pay you back in treats? I was planning on baking in a bit and am looking for suggestions.”
“You are welcome. You really like them, huh?” He asked after a moment watching her weigh her options before picking out two of them. Both about Jessie but Owen figured that didnt matter anymore. Not much mattered anymore. “Uh... what?” He asked missing what she had said before nodding, feeling that it probably made more sense than him just standing their. “I dont really know much about baking.” 
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owenlennox · 6 years
“I mean, considering the fact you’re working on a sculpture right now, kinda proves you wrong.” 
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“Yeah i mean, its like my last one so. Once its done, no plans.” Owen mumbled looking up at Milo. 
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owenlennox · 6 years
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“Oh wow, are you sure?” She tuck some hair behind her ears, looking at the sculptures then back at Owen. “You spent a lot of time and energy on them. Should I pay you some money for one?”
Moving to stand, he looked over his works as he shrugged. “Nah... no. Uh, you dont have to pay me or anything.” Brushing his hands off on his pants, he smiled. “Like I said, Im getting rid of them so like, feel free to take what you want.” 
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owenlennox · 6 years
Her brows furrowed a little as he stopped himself. She wanted to ask him why but unsure if that’d be a good idea or not. “Oh, okay. I still think that they’re really good, Owen. I liked them a lot.”
Playing around with the hammer in his hand, he huffed slowly as she talked about liking the sculptures. “You want one? You can take one if you want or some shit. Im keeping them so like you can take your pick.” 
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owenlennox · 6 years
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“Yeah, no problem! I hope that you’ll figure something out soon.” Jamie couldn’t help the grin that appeared on her features before excitedly saying, “A plus, ninety-nine percent. If you want to see the pictures I have of you and your sculptures, I can email them to you.”
“I was thinking about possibly heading to the beach but then...” He stopped himself, shaking his head as if to get rid of the idea altogether. Ducking his head, he looked back to his new work and then at Jamie. “Uh no.... no thank you. I... Im throwing out those pieces anyway so it doesnt matter.” 
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owenlennox · 6 years
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“Not even a summer job or something?” Jamie’s brows furrowed in question. “If you need one, I can ask my brother if he has an opening anywhere. He owns Champions Auto Shop.”
“Yeah, I dont need a summer job but thank you for the offer.” He brought the hammer in his hand down on the sculpture denting the metal from where it was struck before looking back to Jamie. “How did you photography project go?” 
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owenlennox · 6 years
“Why not? Everyone has summer plans, come on you gotta have something?” 
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“Yeah but Im  not everyone so.” His voice low as he tightened the wire down on the glass enough to crack it but not cause it to fully break. 
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owenlennox · 6 years
“Why don’t you want to go anymore? You seemed really excited about it.“
“Because there is no point to go. I was being stupid applying and then being excited.” 
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owenlennox · 6 years
“It’s not too late to find some, is it?” Brandon answered with a shrug. “There’s gotta be something you want to do.”
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“There are some things but nothing that I should take part in.” Owen stated after a moment looking up from his sculpture at Brandon.
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owenlennox · 6 years
“What happened to New York? I thought you were taking an art class over the summer.“ 
“Uh yeah no. I need to call them or email them and let em know Im not coming. They can give my spot to one of the wait listed kids.” 
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owenlennox · 6 years
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“Right, well good luck with that” Fletcher quickly lost interest in the matter, questioning why he even asked in the first place. “It looks like trash anyway”
Owen let the pliers drop back onto his work table before turning around sharply. “Of course it looks like fucking trash. I made it. Now if you would kindly fuck the hell off.” 
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owenlennox · 6 years
“Well it sounds like your summer is about to be as entertaining as mine.” Tommy shrugged as he tried to figure out what the other was making from afar. “My dad is making me go to this tech club camp thing though since I was the VP this year. He said I need to stay involved.” 
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Sanding down one of the tips of the wave a bit, Owen turn the sculpture from where it sat on the dolly to get a better look at it from every angle. “Yep.” His voice low as he looked up from his piece. “Seems like he has your life all planned out for you then. Must be exciting or some shit, right?”
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owenlennox · 6 years
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“That sucks, even I have plans” Fletcher looked at the sculpture “what is that supposed to be?”
Looking up at Fletcher, Owen bit his bottom lip before shrugging it off. “Nothing. Its not suppose to be anything.” Turning back to the piece, Owen grabbed up his pliers to twist some of the wire a bit closer into the center, “Not everything has to mean something.” 
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