overlordspirit18 · 12 days
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My version of Murtagh in a sketchbook spread.
I like him, have you read Murtagh?
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overlordspirit18 · 12 days
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Been returning to old books and old methods
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overlordspirit18 · 27 days
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i promise i will stop laughing at this incident one day but it's not today
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overlordspirit18 · 1 month
Transformers Human AU: Humanityforged
Cybertion Biology
Core Differences
Energon: The lifeblood of Cybertronians is not blood, but Energon, a supercharged energon particulate stream that flows through a network of Energon veins throughout their body. This Energon nourishes their cells, granting them exceptional strength, speed, durability, and lifespans far exceeding humans.
Sparks: The essence of a Cybertronian's being is a spark, a complex energy core that houses their consciousness and personality. Unlike a human soul, the spark can be transferred between bodies, allowing for a form of immortality.
Cybertronium: While they lack the ability to transform fully, Cybertronians possess an internal structure composed of Cybertronium. a unique metal that can manipulate its density and configuration. This grants them the ability to alter their outward appearance to a limited degree, allowing for enhanced disguises, weapon formation, and self-repair.
Repair and Augmentation: Due to the nature of Cybertronium, Cybertronians possess an exceptional ability to self-repair. Minor injuries can mend rapidly, while severe damage might require external Energon infusions and spare parts for complex repairs. This also allows for extensive modifications and augmentations, creating a subculture of body customization.
Internal Restructuring: Cybertronian can manipulate their internal structure to a limited degree. This allows them to enhance their physical capabilities, such as increasing their strength or speed. Some can even form rudimentary bladed weapons from their living metal. However, this process is far less dramatic than the full-body transformations of their robotic counterparts.
Appearance: Cybertronians appear almost identical to humans, with the exception of subtle physiological differences. Their bodies may be slightly denser, their eyes can glow with various colours depending on their emotional state, and their lifespans can stretch into millennia.
Reproduction: Despite their alien biology, Cybertronians reproduce in a surprisingly similar manner to humans. Though the specifics may differ, they are capable of natural procreation and forming complex social bonds.
Psychology: Cybertronians exhibit a vast range of emotions similar to humans, including love, hate, anger, and compassion. Their long lifespans, however, can shape their mentalities in ways humans cannot comprehend.
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overlordspirit18 · 4 months
Vanir's Dirty Little Secret
Summary: after a long day of work, it's nice to come home to a elf who knows how to make proper food. Things get out of hand when said elf tries to get smart with you, leaving you to have to teach him a lesson.
Listen I hate Vanir. I want to punch the man. I want to deck him so hard he loses a hundred years off his life. Anyways here's a 2k+ fic of him being pegged because he's a little bitch. Also, blue text is your text messages, bold is Vanir.
@overlordspirit18 COME GET YOUR MAN!
Working. All you did was work. Sitting at your office desk as the squeaky chair drained the life from your very soul. Could you really complain though? You were paid more than enough and had a very handsome piece of work at home, who was probably doing absolutely nothing. You looked at your computer screen, each moment damaging your eyes and you will to live. 
   The money is good. The money is good. 
Ah, yes that little chant is always playing in your head nowadays, begging you not to quit and that, eventually, you will find that spark again. Focusing on the computer again, you noticed your lunch had just started so with a loud sigh, you got up and headed to the break room. You grabbed your lunch from the fridge, which was neatly packed inside a large tin container. This was the favorite part of your day as you opened the container to see what your 'piece of work' had packed you this time. It was all vegan of course, since elves never ate meat. Ever. Taking out your phone, you snapped a picture and opened your text messages, sending it to your elf mate who was leisurely eating the food in your house. 
Just opened the lunch you packed. Thank you! 😊
Anything for you, after all you are really just a frail bag of meat ❤
You eyed your phone, suspiciously. Vanir wasn't that friendly toward humans in general, you were the lucky exception though. Vanir used to teach sword fighting, but he must have switched careers, because you had met him at a company bonding exercise at a martial arts place. He was very into beating humans up. You held up against him, for a time at least. Then he got you in some sort of leg head lock and you were stuck with your face in his groin for a good three seconds. The ref had to count. You began typing again, spite filling the little text box. 
Alright, chill bitch baby before I come home early and kick your ass 😀
You closed your phone and began eating. You didn't have enough unpaid time to deal with this manchild. That could wait for the privacy of the bedroom. 
You enjoyed the vegan lunch to its fullest. Your soul was replenished and you were ready to deal with the soul sucking chair again.  Oh, the tortures you will suffer for a raise of a few cents. When it was the end of the work day, and you were packing your stuff to head out, you were stopped by a few coworkers who you knew casually. 
   "Man, your lunch is always smelling good and making everyone else in the breakroom jealous. Do you have a personal chef or something?"
You felt a little sheepish, but what could hurt from telling the truth? It's not like elves were a secret, just that they were known to be a little disrespectful and socially stunted. Like the French. 
   "Yeah, kinda. He isn't a chef but he cooks so that he can sleep on my couch. It's all vegan though… if you catch my drift."
Your coworkers were even more delighted. 
   "You have an elf cooking for you? I want to live your life. Is it possible he could make lunches for us too? I wouldn't even mind it being vegan, I've heard so much of how their food is irresistible!"
You shrugged your shoulders in response. Vanir was the worst person to ask to do anything for, unless of course, you were an elf. 
   "I- I could ask, no promises though!"
You left quickly after that, getting in your car and locking the door. Finally being alone and being able to breathe air that wasn't shared with a hundred other bodies. You pulled out your phone before you started driving and pulled up Vanir's texts. 
Empty threats, that is all your human words hold. 
Believe what you want. 
I'm on my way home now. See you in thirty minutes. 
You were going to start driving after the last text was sent, but you couldn't help yourself. 
Lil bitch baby
You closed your phone, ignoring the light indicating Vanir spam texting you. It put a smile on your face. 
Pulling up to your house, you always felt out of place. It was a rich person's house for sure, there were more rooms than you needed, and a lot of open space. The backyard was basically a forest, and the house had way too many floor to ceiling windows for your taste, but it was Vanir who liked it so much so being a good person you stuck with it when you were house hunting for a place close to work. Thinking back it feels like he was manipulating you into buying it. 'Only the best for Vanir' you suppose. Opening the beautifully wooden door, which looked like it was grown out of the ground (because it was) you were welcomed to a very sweet scent. Vanir was baking, lucky for you since you were a very good taste tester. 
   "I'm home!" You called out. It echoed uncomfortably, which made you wish you had more things in the room, something to add to your weekend shopping list. You didn't get a response, like you expected so you headed to the living room to relax. When you sat down on the soft, welcoming couch your gaze drifted into the kitchen briefly to register that Vanir was indeed there, you turned back to the TV which you had turned on. The only thing separating the two rooms were the differently tiled floors. 
   "Whatcha making today? Can I have a taste?"
The oven dinged and you heard Vanir's bare feet start walking over to you to offer whatever it was that had finished. He kneeled In front of you and offered a tray of steaming, hot, gooey brownies no doubt made from scratch. That was when you finally registered what Vanir was wearing, or really, lack thereof. 
Vanir was a beautiful elf, really. With his long black hair, and toned skin and lean body, but right now? The dude was basically naked. He wore a short, white apron that really probably did a better job as a dish towel for all it covered. Everything was hanging out. When you realized, you couldn't help but stare, a hot brush on your cheeks. 
   "What a nice thing to wear today. It is a bit hot isn't it?" You said, trying to act normal as you took a very hot piece of brownie and popped it in your mouth. You blew through your mouth to cool it down, but your tastebuds were already burned. The price you will willingly pay for any of Vanir's cooking honestly. 
   "How's it taste, any good? I added some extra chocolate chunks this time to see if I would like them more this way."
He was so nonchalant, and yet you couldn't take your eyes off of his very erect penis. Swallowing what was left of the brownie, you opened your mouth for Vanir to feed you another piece. You wanted to try your luck with his patience today. 
   "Something exciting you, Vanir?"
  "Just wondering how wide you can actually open your mouth." He shot back. 
   Oh today is going to be fun. 
You grabbed another piece of the brownies before he put the tray on the nearby coffee table. He then decided to climb on top of you, easily trapping you from going anywhere. Not that you would. He started to undress you, slowly, and as gently as he could. It left you enough time in case you wanted to say no, and you knew he would stop immediately if that was the case. Vanir was an asshole, not a monster. 
   "Hard day at work?" 
The way he was undressing you felt so safe and relaxing you really didn't wanna interrupt his handiwork. Yet, when he had successfully removed your top, and began to gently leave kisses down your neck, how could you refuse?
    "Soul crushing, as always."
You gave a small gasp as he cupped your breasts in each hand. He used his thumbs to tease your nipples, and you couldn't help but give an almost breathless sigh. He was working the stress right out of you. He stopped just as you were really enjoying it to begin to remove your pants, and everything else. You were fully naked, but God his hands traveled from your thighs back up to your breast, he finally cupped your face  and brought you in for a kiss. The kiss was long, and Vanir really enjoyed tongue. You giggled a little, causing the kiss to break. You could feel him smile against your skin as he started to kiss your neck again, this time leaving a hickey behind. One of his hands had found its way into your hair, having a handful of your locks in his hands, he took on a dominant role. 
The demand shouldn't have made you as excited as it did. You were eager to do whatever he asked, for now. You carefully moved from the couch, and kneeled so that you were between his legs, as he was now sitting, pretty smugly on the couch. Looking down on you like you were some whore. It was very hot. 
You gently took his dick in your hands, pumping slowly up and down to tease him. A groan escaped him, making you feel accomplished. You moved closer, to run your tongue along it, causing his grip in your hair to tighten, but he was always very careful to not hurt you. When you were ready to finally take him in, you felt a presence in your mind. A very slight feeling, like someone was gliding their fingers over something delicate. Vanir had entered your mind to feel everything you were feeling, and to also know your limits. 
You put the tip in your mouth, and then with the coaxing of Vanir's hand in your hair, slowly added more, your nails were gently scratching his thighs making goosebumps appear on his skin. You tried to take him all in, you really did, but you were at your limit. 
   Too much. 
That was all he needed to know as he kept the length in mind as he brought you up, and then harshly back down on him, right to the limit you had set before. You could have done it yourself, but he liked the control. 
   "Remember, eyes up here, human."
The way he looked down on you, ignited a defiant fire within you. Yet, as you bobbed your head up and down you couldn't help but feel small compared to him. You moved your tongue in the ways he liked, slowly, and more toward the tip I'd where he's most sensitive. A salty taste coated your tongue, but it was oddly pleasing. Vanir could try his best, but even he couldn't hold back against the feeling of an orgasam. His head was laid back against the cough and his eyes were shut tight, his hand was still tangled in your locks of hair, pushing you as far as you could go. When you felt his body go stiff, you knew he was close. With a few more long, teasing licks he came. You tried your best to swallow it all, but a little had dribbled down your chin. 
   "Such a shame you wasted some of it."
When you had removed your lips, he held your chin up and watched as some of his cum dribbled down. What a prick. 
A few moments pass where you catch your breath and still your heartbeat. A needed break from him, honestly. When you indicate you're fine he picks you up like a child and all you can do is wrap your legs around him as he carries you out of the living room and to the bedroom where all of your… toys were. He gently places you on the bed as he searches the drawers for lube. 
   "Wait," you say, getting up and removing the dumb apron that he still had tied around his back.
   "It's my turn now."
You step in front of him and point to the bed. You motioned for him to lay down, and after a few questionable seconds he obliged. You grabbed a few things from the drawer: lube, a viborator, and your favorite object to use, a strap on dildo fit for an ass just like Vanir. You turned back to the bed and placed the items on the nightstand. They will all be used, but first you used the apron he so proudly wore earlier today, and tore the straps from the fabric. 
   "Hey! That was my favorite-"
   "Quiet, elf."
The shock on his face was worth every punishment you were sure he would deliver to you when he could. You tied his hands above his head, and got the vibrator ready. You started it off at the lowest setting and then moved it slowly over his dick, which was already becoming hard. 
   "Tell me how much you hate me, Vanir."
When he got tense you pulled it away until his body relaxed. 
   "Tell me how much you hate being at the mercy of a human."
When his body relaxed, you placed the vibrator back on his dick and enjoyed how he squirmed and struggled.  
You waited patiently, and then when he kept quiet, you upped the setting a notch, and moved it, up and down. He said something that must have been a swear in his elf language before he finally broke. 
   "All you humans know is trickery."
His eyes were shut tight as you moved the viborator in a quicker motion. 
   "You wouldn't be able to be where you are without your tricks, you are nothing compared to elves."
You upped the viborator another notch and watched as Vanir hopelessly bucked against the toy practically begging to cum, but you pulled it away again. 
   "God- fuck! You are worthless! Spineless creatures!" 
You put the vibrator away and roughly gripped his erection, tugging just the way he liked until he came all over your hand. His moans were loud, and pained with a few tears threatening to fall from his eyes. You might have gone a little too far, but he didn't say to stop, so you continued to the last two items, the lube and the dildo. As you moved the strap-on into place you ordered Vanir on his hands and knees, to which he followed without complaint. You used the lube and graciously placed it on the strap-on. When you were satisfied, you did the same to Vanir. You waited for him to give the 'ok' and once he did you slowly inserted the dildo. 
The way he groaned sent shivers up your spine. You were enjoying this too much. All of this power was so easily taken from him as you moved at a rough pace. Oh how you wanted to see his face, no doubt he was drooling. His face was hidden from view as he tried his best to silence his moans into a pillow. 
   "Let me hear you, Vanir. I want to hear your shame as you scream my name."
He turned his head just enough for you to see the hatred in his eyes. His beautiful black hair was stuck to his shoulders and forehead from the sweat, yet he still moved back and forth against the dildo, desperate for another orgasam. You heard his moans crystal clear now, like a hypnotic song that would completely consume you, and that also told you to move faster. You could see him go rigid, you didn't stop, you pounded into him, and enjoyed every strained noise he made. When he came it was like music to your ears. And as you removed the strap-on, you made sure he didn't completely collapse onto the sheets. 
You removed the strap-on and turned to see a sweaty Vanir beckoning you to join him in the bed, so you did. You let him pull you close, and hold you there as you both came down from the high. 
    "Oh, by the way my coworkers want you to make lunches for them."
He gave a laugh that sounded like bells, and looked at you half-serious. 
   "Do they want to fuck me too?"
   "No, I doubt they have the balls to peg you."
He laughed again, and after some time the two of you fell asleep, completely exhausted but fulfilled. 
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overlordspirit18 · 4 months
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eragon & saphira
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overlordspirit18 · 4 months
dragons in inheritance cycle: we have a secret heart of hearts… its the manifestation of our soul…. the essence of our being….. and we have to hack it up like a hairball when we give it to someone
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overlordspirit18 · 4 months
I've reached Inheritance in my reread, and Nasuada's chapters are as heartbreaking as I remembered 💔
So here are Murtagh and Nasuada in the hall of the Soothsayer.
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I'm not quite happy with how this has turned out, but I'm also tired of messing with it, so this is what it looks like for now.
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overlordspirit18 · 5 months
First off have to say I love everything you post it’s so entertaining! Since you given thoughts on Drift and lots of thoughts about Rodimus I would love to hear all your thoughts on Ratchet 🚑😌
SSOOOOO GLAD YOU ASKEd sorry i took a edible before answering this ask but okay okay
SO!!! I think personally i subscribe to the idea that ratchet had a slut era in college, like a big slut era. like. A VERY VERY BIG SLUT ERA. like i think ratchet can name sex positions most people have never heard of, i think head from ratchet could have fixed every problem and probably ended the war, i think getting ridden by ratchet can cure every illness, etc etc
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however the most important part of my subscription to slut era college ratchet is that HE! IS! TIRED! and he doesn't fuck around like that anymore because he doesnt have the time. like i think hes still into the stuff he was and its not like hes trying to hide that, but hes just... like. Old. and tired. and riding someone amazon style is fucken hard on his joints and he doesnt want to bother.
I feel also that Ratchet forgets that his slutting it up isn't common knowledge anymore, and he mentions stuff he's done in conversation sort of casually and every time he does roddy and drift are like 'YOU WHAT????' and hes like 'calm down, everyone knows how to do the upside down quintesson its practically part of the curiculum in med school, haha'
I think he gets to be a slut as a treat, as a reward for his service o7
[feeling nosy?? send me some headcanons in my inbox!]
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overlordspirit18 · 5 months
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More overprotective Breakdown
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overlordspirit18 · 5 months
Some more doodle of the Prime Trio! I really need to draw these guys more (not just Miko)
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overlordspirit18 · 5 months
My favorite enemies to lovers
In my version of tfp shattered glass, Megatron does manage to take the matrix of leadership and becomes a true prime.
But with Optimus Prime it was different, since he was forcibly subjected to a surgery by Alpha Trion to accept a replica of the matrix with dark energon. His scar on his face is from old battles
Inspired by this:
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overlordspirit18 · 5 months
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Old art: How They First Met
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overlordspirit18 · 5 months
(122) The first prize scholarship for the Extra Planetary Alliance beauty contest is sixty million credits, which is enough to buy a new battle cruiser if you're a cash strapped exiled warlord.
Megatron sends Knock Out, escorted by his partner, assistant and conjunx Breakdown. But then when the pair arrives, it becomes quite clear that the locals' idea of beauty—and therefore the judges'—looks a lot more like Breakdown than like Knock Out!
Knock Out is flattered by the compliment to his taste, tickled by the novelty of a role swap now that he gets to hold the rotary buffer. Megatron doesn't care which of them wins as long as someone brings those credits back to him. As for Breakdown? Breakdown is so nervous he's purging energon in the backroom. Thank you for asking.
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overlordspirit18 · 5 months
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they are so small
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overlordspirit18 · 5 months
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overlordspirit18 · 5 months
actually crying at my auntie's commentary on Transformers prime. the fandom could never. this 63 y/o Haitian woman has all the right takes.
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