outtofjacob · 9 years
[ Jalia ]  Brief Interviews with Hideous Trees
“I know you said you wanted to spend the weekend in the woods but, ow, Julia this, ack, this isn’t really what I had in mind.”
Jake Leister trailed after his best friend, camera rolling as always, fighting his way through the trees one handed. Though, at this point, the trees seemed to be winning. Having lived most of his life through the tiny display screen of his digital camcorder, one would think he would be better at judging distances using it.
But no. He really wasn’t.
The footage was shaky as it captured Julia’s back, moving just before him as she made her way through the woods with far more precision. If they were animals, Julia would be the silent, stealthy cheetah, tailing her prey before, finally, attacking.
Jake would that one monkey who fell out of the tree, causing a stampede.
“If we could just, I don’t know, stop for a minute? Maybe regroup? We don’t even know where we’re going. Or I don’t know where we’re going. Do you know where we’re going?”
He paused for a moment to readjust the strap that had started to slip from his shoulder, threatening to send the folded tent crashing to the ground. “Also, this tent is really heavy. Just fyi.”
Let’s spend the weekend in the woods, she said. Let’s see if we can capture anything interesting, she said. It will be fun, she said.
Yeah. Right. Jake was feeling all the fun already.
It was at that precise moment that Jake tripped over a tree root and launched face first into a low hanging branch. As Jake grabbed it for support, the branch broke taking Jake all the way to the earthen floor, baggage and all.
A muffled “ow” was all he could manage as he lay prone on the forest floor, possibly never to move again. Well, maybe.
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outtofjacob · 9 years
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College Coven + Horror Movie Tropes
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outtofjacob · 9 years
I feel like Rose is always getting calls in the middle of the night like ‘x horrible thing has happened and your brother is there’ and she throws on her snakeskin slingbacks and runs out into the night in her silk nightgown and a trenchcoat and literally the ~outside is not her area hahahaha but she dredges through the mud without wincing to get to him.  And also, I do think alot of her strong emotions come out as tears and/or anger a lot????  Like,when she’s sick with worry - I mean at first it’s regular relief that he’s ok but then she starts crying and then yelling through her tears smh and this probs happens a lot.  Do you think, though, that since the coven, the other activities that used to get them into trouble have more or less stopped?  (In which case ignorance is def bliss for Rose hahahah)
Hahahahaha omg she def has sooooo much anxiety about his future (and hers tbh).  She’s got this elaborate plan I’m sure and she checks off things on it all the time and she’s like, “What’s your plan???????” and “Remember we can’t rely on the council!!!!!!”  Tbh she probs rants a lot about the Council and I’m so sorry in advance.  “Shouldn’t be this stressful,” is probs something she hears alot and rolls her eyes so hard they fall out of her head ;DD  No, but she just wants the best for him, I think she just has a v different idea of what ‘the best’ is than he does and I think that creates a lot of the problem.
Oh, yeah, that def makes sense!  Ok, let’s see.  So, Robbie took May off with him when May was 12, which would’ve been 2007-ish, so their parents were probs alive at least as recently as 2006.  In fact, do you think Rose was the one who hunted down Robbie and contacted him?  Bc yeah I def think she was overwhelmed when their parents died and felt like she couldn’t handle both Jake and May and her idea was probs that Robbie return and stay in Walcott and they raise their siblings basically together but yeah hahaha Robbie had other plans obv
Hahahahaha oh yeah she most def thinks that and tbh I also think she thinks they’re gonna get married one day and may even be dating and so she probs shouts things like, “Be safe!” out the door at him when he leaves and tbh who knows if she’s talking about the camping itself - which def worries her - or sex.  Tbh, she’s probs like ‘why choose?’   And she also thinks it’s sweet that he also visits their foster sister at her house and yeah it’d never in a thousand years occur to her that they’re trying to be witches????  during a witch hunt????? smh she’d sooooooooo freak the hell out if she knew.
Awwwww, she def appreciates him trying to help ease her stress!!  I mean tbh idk how super effective it is bc I feel like she has low key anxiety and just yeah but she def hugs him when she sees him trying and thanks him <3  And then they probs watch the walking dead and she has to run screaming out of the room during the first five minutes ;DDD   Hahahha, she probs jokes that she knows to start setting the table for dinner when she hears the fire alarm going off ;DDDD  And then they end up having a good laugh and some salad <3
HAHAHAHAHAHA Rose watching horror movies though she’s probs mostly covering her eyes, “is it over?”  No, but I think she’s gotten better over the years.  And esp if they’re watching a really old one that’s not too gory, she’ll sit through it and she probs knows all the tropes by heart and probs uses this to comfort her when she’s watching the really scary ones w him hahahahah but tbh she probs spends a lot of nights w the lights on hahahaha (and subsequently telling herself how ridiculous this all is bc she’s def the kind of person who doesn’t believe unless she can see and feel something, yknow?)
“…Add that to the very long list of things I didn’t need to know” ~Rose about serial killers, probably.  But she probs is interested bc she knows he cares and hahahaha bc I can def see her trying not to make a face asking questions like, “Did he really make her into a lampshade?”
I mean tbh Rose probs joins him in those rants hahahahah  I mean, she also thinks her last boyfriend was an effort on the Council’s part to spy on her hahaha so yeah she’s got soooooo many negative feelings about the Council and she’s like, “We should disband them!  Who needs the Council!?  This isn’t 1693!”
COLOR CODING A PIE CHART <33333 But actually omg and tbh she probs does have basically a 50/50 track record of whether she’s a willing participant in said films or like, “get that out of my face” tbh hahahaha Depending on the kind of day she’s had ofc but lbr he probs has footage of both sides of Rose hahahah and later when she’s in a better mood and watching w him she’s like, “you’re just lucky my makeup was on point that day or I probably would’ve killed you” *winks*
Hmmm. So my gut reaction is that he’s been in more trouble?? And now he has even less explanation for why he’s in these situations??? Which probably helps Rose a lot since he can’t even explain things. But I feel like he might blame almost everything on his filmmaking and say it’s all in the name of art. Or even serial killer research or something??? So I don’t know if that would help?? Though I definitely think over the years he’s started to get rEALLY good at coming up with ways to assuage Rose. Because he really doesn’t like to worry her. But, at the same time, he’s definitely not goint to stop doing the things the worry her. Whoops.
Oh man. And I think Jake is the total opposite. I feel like he doesn’t have any kind of plan AT ALL??? Like he’s literally just playing it a day at a time and I don’t think he’s even considered his future at all. I don’t know if he’s really thought about if he’ll join the council either?? I mean, he hears her and I think he knows her fears so that will definitely factor into it at some point. But I feel like he doesn’t really have an opinion either way. Jake really doesn’t plan, like, at all. Which I’m sure drives Rose nUTS. *facepalm* He probably jokes about Rose’s planning tendancies a lot too. Like he’s leaving the house and picks up and apple and is like “oH SPONTANEITY. I didn’t plan to eat this apple. It just happened.” Before promptly flying out the door, laughing, hahahaha.
!!!!!!!! YES. I LOVE THAT. Actually we should also talk about Robbie and Rose. Maybe they were friends with they were younger?? I know Robbie is about ten years older but maybe Rose was friends with Priscilla so she knew the Harris kids pretty well?? And then she thought maybe she could persuade Robbie to come back??? And he did but not to stay? But I really love the idea of Rose being the one to track him down!!! And honestly if they were close before he left, he might have even left a way for her to reach him if, perhaps, there was an emergency?? BUT YES. LOVE ALL OF THIS.
THAT IS SO HILARIOUS. Jake is probably like facepalming and trying to run away as fast as he can because wow Rose embarrassing much??? And it’s probably eVEN WORSE when he starts realizing that he actually has feelings for Julia. Like oh man. He’s probably so mortified about this, ahahaha. AND I CAN SEE ROSE FINDING OUT. PROBABLY SMACKING HIM UPSIDE THE HEAD AND BEING LIKE “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!” And Jake is like *rubs his head* “Ow. Obviously we weren’t.”
SHE KNOWS TO START SETTING THE TABLE WHEN THE FIRE ALARM GOES OFF. BUT ACCURATE???? I feel like at some point they even end up with a grill just so the fires will be outside instead of inside, ahahaha. Or Jake goes next door and persuades Julia or one of the other Greenes to cook for him/help him, ahahaha. AND I LOVE THAT ROSE TRIES TO WATCH THE WALKING DEAD WITH HIM. Jake probably seriously appreciates the effort. And then suggests that they watch something a little tamer. Like the original Dawn of the Dead, ha.
THAT IS SO PERFECT. He honestly might save the really scary ones to watch with Julia and Maddie?? Just because he knows Rose would prefer to watch the older, less scary ones??? But oh man. I can see him laughing a little at Rose hiding and being like “Rose, it’s not even that scary?? Those cuts don’t even look real??? And you can tell that head they’re using for volleyball isn’t human. It definitely looks like wax.” And tries to persuade her not to hide??? And when she leaves the lights on he probably brings her a cup of tea and sits with her until she falls asleep and thanks her for watching something with him even if it did end up scaring her. Honestly, it’s probably like that part in Teen Wolf when Scott and Isaac decide to watch over Melissa and she wakes up to find them both asleep on her floor. That probably happens to Rose a lot, ahaha. Jake tries to stay and make sure she’s okay but totally falls asleep on the floor at the foot of her bed.
JAKE LIVES FOR THOSE KINDS OF QUESTIONS THOUGH????? Like oh man. Anyone taking an interest is enough to keep him talking for daaaaaays. And he probably tries to keep the really gory details a little calmer for Rose. But when he’s in his element he also forgets about things like that?? So it’s probably a 50/50 shot if it’s super gory or not. Whoops.
THAT IS SO GREAT. And I think Jake loves that??? Because he does like his candids because he feels like that’s how you get the best footage?? So he’s probably always trying to catch people off guard?? Though now that people are used to seeing Jake with a camera in his hand that probably doesn’t work as well. And I also feel like he narrates a lot while he’s filming. So he’s probably giving a running commentary of Rose and those pie charts. So a great number of his films probably end with Rose chucking a pillow at the camera, ahahaha. Though he think he also always lets her watch them so she at least knows what kind of footage he has of her??? But what he does with it after that is anyone’s guess. I kind of feel like their entire attic is full of VHS tapes from when they were younger and Rose is like “you should probably throw those out at some point” and Jake is like “yOU NEVER THROW AWAY PERFECTLY GOOD FOOTAGE.” *throws himself over a mountain of tapes that all promptly clatter to the floor* hahaha.
OOC | Rose & Jacob
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outtofjacob · 9 years
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“I will acknowledge that over the course of the evening there has been both breaking and entering. There was entering at Becca’s house. There was breaking at Jase’s house. And there will be entering here. But there has never been simultaneous breaking and entering. Theoretically, the cops could charge us with breaking, and they could charge us with entering, but they could not charge us with breaking and entering. So I’ve kept my promise.”
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outtofjacob · 9 years
!!!!!!! SO HERE FOR HIS JACK THE RIPPER DRAWING IN MADDIE. HE WOULD’VE BEEN ECSTATIC. HE WAS PROBABLY LIKE *hair flip* “oh, don’t even get me started on ted bundy. i could talk about him all day.” and that was probably the coolest Jake has ever felt in his life *facepalm* Tbh, I think the younger Maddie and Jake became friends, the better??? Because now Jake has more trouble talking to girls? So I feel like the ones he’s really good friends with have been around for quite a while. So maybe when Jake and Julia started the coven it was because of the footage they’ve been getting out in the woods and they told Maddie about it and May and Maddie told Alex and pretty soon it just spiraled into a whole bunch of people joining up and like they didn’t intend for it to be such a thing??? (Also outtofjulia, Lizzy your thoughts are needed here too.)
AND OH MAN. YES THAT. I CAN SEE THAT HAPPENING, AHAHAHHA. I feel like Jake has so completely scarred his friends for life that it’s not even an issue anymore. Speaking of which my friend Lindsey was over the other night and I found all these horror movie channels on the Roku and was downloading them all and sitting there going through them fangirling abOUT EVERYTHING and realized how much Jake is me. *facepalm*
yES. THAT. Oh man. I think Jake mostly does candid things right now and, like, takes his camera all around with him everywhere hoping that catching people in the moment will give him some good results?? But I feel like he’s definitely started branching into the scripted territory and is probs trying to make a film like in Super 8. So he’s probably trying to make his own horror movie tHAT’S BETTER THAN ALL THE AWFUL ONES. And oh man he totally would’ve asked all of his friends to be in it. Oh! Maybe that’s even the coven’s cover for why they spend so much time out in the woods?? Maybe they all tell their families that they’re working on Jake’s movie and sometimes they even pop up with footage as proof?? That could actually work really well??
BUT SO EXCITED FOR THESE TWO, OH MY GOODNESS. I feel like Jake/Julia/Maddie should also do themed costumes for Halloween and Jake always wants to go as serial killers???? That seems like a thing, ahahaha.
OOC: Maddie & Jake
TINAAAAAAAAAAAA [heart eyes] hello hi you have no idea how much i love these dorks already. i also imagine they would have been friends when they were younger!!! *coughs* thatta way we can sneak in our gmw headcanon of julia/maya maddie/riley jake/farkle eheheh *coughs* or maybe they became friends in high school? oh wait! maybe after his presentation on jack the ripper in sixth grade maddie went up to him and was like “that was a pretty cool presentation jacob but what are your thoughts on ted bundy?” …AND THAT WAS THE BEGINNING OF A BEAUTIFUL BUT RLY WEIRD FRIENDSHIP! maddie wouldn’t have it any other way tho. normal is overrated. :-)
i feel like friday night movie marathons watching classic horror movies at jake’s house should be a thing?! one time they watched all eight of the children of the corn movies in a sitting and maddie was super weary of kids for a whole month??? jake: “mads it’s just a baby” maddie: “thAT’S HOW IT ALWAYS STARTS JAKE!”
can i also say how much i love that jake is an aspiring filmmaker?!? the first time he asked maddie to be in one of his films she was probably like *big wide doe eyes* “DO YOU WANT ME TO BE UR FINAL GIRL????” and then they went out into the woods to film a scene and julia was in charge of lights (basically a huge flashlight lmao) (they’re on a tight budget!) and basically maddie went home with fake blood (ketchup) all over her and abbie was probably like what the heck lmao. but it was worth it!!!! askldfjo i love these kids. <333
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outtofjacob · 9 years
I AM ALREADY ALL KINDS OF HERE FOR THIS. Also now picturing it as that part with the bunny from Tangled. Which also feels like aCTUAL DIALOGUE. I also feel like these two always manage to somehow get separated from the group and are then armed with only a flashlight and zero sense of direction and if that isn’t the start of the greatest horror movie ever I don’t know what is???
ooc / alex + jake
I just see Alex and Jake getting separated from the others and they hear rustling in the bushes and Alex starts screaming and literally jumps into Jake’s arms but it’s just a deer or something and then that awkward moment where Alex tries to play it off as nothing afterwards ;DDD
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outtofjacob · 9 years
OH. JAKE WOULD LOVE THAT. And also be like “yOU DARE TO QUESTION THE GODS OF HORROR.” But I think he also enjoys watching really bad horror movies and making fun of them. So I could totally see that being a thing he does with May?? And I also feel like he’s one of those people who wants to make his own horror movie and, like, gathering all of his friends together and being like wE SHOULD MAKE A HORROR MOVIE. WANT TO HELP ME?!?!
YESSSSSSS!!! And oh man. So here for early Scott and Stiles things. THAT SOUNDS PERFECT!!! Oh also, question. Do you think May’s hacking/computer things are what got her bumped from family to family?? Because I could totally see that being a thing. Anyway, wHICH SISTER WOULD WIN IN A FIGHT. THAT IS GLORIOUS. Jake would be like “Rose would probably meticulously plan her defense right down to the glorious victory. Rose would win. She has always planned three steps ahead and she always has a backup plan.” ... I kind of feel like Rose and Jake actually had sparring lessons, tbh? Do you think? Like I don’t know if Rose was teaching Jake or maybe their dad taught them both before he died?? But I kind of feel like that might have been a thing?
AND OH MAN. YES. I CAN TOTALLY SEE THEM BEING CLOSER SIBLING TYPES. Because they did go through a lot of the same things together and I can see how that would’ve made them closer. Like I know we haven’t really fleshed out Rose and Jake’s history yet so I don’t know quite how long it’s been just the two of them. But I feel like it’s been a little while?? And that immediately created a gap between them because suddenly Rose had to wear the provider hat and Jake still got to be a kid?? So I think that would make him closer to May because she was essentially in the same boat?? And as for how long May lived with them, that’s honestly up to you??? Maybe she moved out when their parents died? And then Rose passed her on to someone else because she couldn’t take care of both May and Jake?? Or if that doesn’t work (since didn’t we decide May traveled with Robbie for something like 8-10 years?) maybe the Leisters were the last family May stayed with until Robbie showed up? And he actually took May from the Leister house? In which case, they wouldn’t have seen each other for quite a few years.
But, tbh, I don’t see the time gap making much difference for these two. The moment she showed up in town again Jake probably would’ve pulled her into a bear hug and been like “well, it took you long enough” and basically it was like no time had passed??? And I think that also makes a lot of sense for Jake sometimes staying over at May’s house since they have that ~sibling thing going on. I don’t think he would really want her to be alone??? And he’d probably offer to let her stay at his house a lot too. Because May’s house is probably pretty big and creepy and he’s like “who knows what could happen there with you by yourself??!?!” ... He also probably rigs up ~intruder alarms for her with, like, tin cans and things. AND HEADCANON ROBBIE AND PRISCILLA BOTH SET THEM OFF WHEN THEY RETURN. Oh man. That would be actually gold. They’re both like ?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT IS THIS?!??? *falls on the floor laughing*
[ ooc ] May & Jake
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outtofjacob · 9 years
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outtofjacob · 9 years
[ ooc ] Julia & Jake
I AM SO EXCITED FOR THESE TWO AHHH. And I feel like we might actually just be able to start them ic??? But where we would like to start them out?? Like out in the woods or something?? ... So yes. Your thoughts??
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outtofjacob · 9 years
[ ooc ] May & Jake
So I feel like these two could actually be quite good friends?? Since May is one of the only other ~true believers, she probably spends a lot more time with Jake and company than the rest of the coven? And since these two both have lots of computer knowledge maybe that’s actually how they became friends?? And maybe the Leisters were actually one of the families that took May in after her parents died and before Robbie showed up?? Since their parents were probably still alive then? So maybe May is actually a kind of surrogate sister to Jake??? Thoughts??
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outtofjacob · 9 years
[ ooc ] Maddie & Jake
JENN. HEY. HI. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THESE TWO AHHHH. So let’s chat about them, yeah?? I feel like they’ve been friends for a long, long time?? Maybe as long as Jake’s been friends with Julia? Or maybe these two met when they all started school?? But I feel like the three of them are actually really close and hang out together a lot.
And Jake is a total nerd so he probably wants to have movie marathons a lot and his idea of a party is ordering pizza and watching horror movies all night. *facepalm* But I think he’s up for any other ideas Julia and Maddie might have?? Like I can see them all traipsing around in the woods and Jake is at the back holding the flashlight looking around and going “okay doesn’t anyone else think this is a bad idea? You remember when we watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Any minute now a guy in a leather mask is going to pop out and try to saw us apart, I just know it.” Yeah he’s basically all horror references all the time, haha.
So, thoughts??
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outtofjacob · 9 years
[ all about that ]  Jacob Carlton Leister
[ age ] twenty [ occupation ] college student, comic book/video store manager in next town [ relationships ] Rose Leister (sister), Julia Greene (best friend / fellow sass master / future crush / fellow coven member), May Harris (surrogate sister / fellow coven member), Maddie Winslow (best friend / fellow coven member), Alex Thompson, Zack Gardiner, Sam Eaton, Hannah Clarke, Anna Black & Alice Cooper (fellow coven members)
[ a brief history ]
Jake has always been that weird nerd who liked serial killers just a little bit too much
his dad once read him a book on Jack the Ripper and while everyone else was dressing up as pumpkins and vampires for Halloween, Jake went as Jack
he did a project on Jack when he was in sixth grade (much to Mrs. Collins’s dismay) and has been obsessed with serial killers ever since
now he spends a good chunk of his time researching them
he used to basically live at the library and he still does to some extent but now that computers are a thing he does most of his research that way
he also loves history which is what he’s studying in college
mostly he’s just fascinated by all of the supernatural history in New England
especially Walcott’s history
there are a lot of things people can’t explain and just sweep them under the rug???
Jake wants to explain them
he’s also an aspiring filmmaker and basically carries his camera with him everywhere
if you have ever seen Jake, he probably has footage of you
but most of his films star Julia, Rose and Maddie
even though Jake basically grew up surrounded by three women, he really can’t talk to girls at all???
he basically has zero game and has like never dated anyone ever
most people think he’s super weird but Jake has embraced it
he loves his sister more than anyone else in the world
they are completely and totally a team
though one of these days he might actually worry her to death
though it’s not his intent, he just doesn’t know how to not find himself in all kinds of crazy situations???
Jake has been neighbors with Julia Greene for his entire life and they’ve been friends pretty much that entire time
she basically just decided they were going to be friends and Jake went along with it
that also kind of describes their entire relationship
Jake is always up for one of Julia’s crazy schemes no matter what kind of trouble it gets them into
and they’ve been in some really crazy situations
and now he’s started getting some weird footage out in the woods so they’ve been camping and trying to investigate it
Jake isn’t a scaredy cat, per say, but he definitely gives his lungs a high pitched workout sometimes
he also wouldn’t trade his experiences with Julia for anything in the world
the same goes for Maddie who has also been there for as long as he can remember
[ i haven’t talk to jenn about maddie yet so info about their relationship goes here when i do ]
Jake is basically that really weird and lovable nerd
he’s great with computers and knows his way around coding
he can argue comics like nobody’s business
and never ever get him started on horror movies because that’s a five hour conversation you might not have time for
he’s always full of film references and basically believes that life is a horror movie
every single supernatural thing ever has probably been referenced in a horror movie
so in some ways he’s basically been preparing his whole life for this witch hunt
which he still doesn’t believe should be happening
why kill witches?? every single horror movie ever will tell you that’s a bad idea
do people learn nothing from cinema?!?!
obviously not
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outtofjacob · 9 years
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W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   C O V E N
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outtofjacob · 9 years
I FEEL LIKE ROSE HAS SO MANY REASONS TO WORRY THOUGH??? Like Jake and Julia are pretty much an actual hurricane of bad decisions and they’re probably always doing something and I feel like Rose is probably like *facepalm* what did you people do now???? And Jake probably constantly gives her all the anxiety about what on earth he’s doing with his life?? Which is hilarious because deep down he’s a little comic book nerd and he shouldn’t be this stressful. Goodness.
But, anyway, I def think their parents are dead and maybe they have been for a few years?? So it’s probably been Jake and Rose against the world for quite a while. And oh man. I feel like Jake probably tries to talk about stuff with her but at the same time leaves out important details that he knows will upset her (like about the coven). So Rose might think he goes camping with Julia every weekend (and tbh, he kind of does???)
AND OH MAN. I LOVE ROSE READING TO HIM THINGS. And I think Jake can definitely see the toll life has taken on Rose after their parents died?? So I can see him really trying to ease some of Rose’s stress?? So he probably gives her, like, back rubs when she gets home. And I think he tries to cook a lot (even though he’s an actual terrible cook so I could also see him, like, bringing food home with him after work??)
And he will probably want her to watch horror movies and things with him. And I feel like he’s constantly like “this is just a movie, Rosie. Imagine what horrors there are in real life.” before promptly launching into some serial killer tidbit or something. He’s such a problem, oh my goodness. He def needs some kind of off switch, hahahaha.
But he loves Rose so so much and he would literally do anything for her and he hates that the council gave Rose this lot and that they didn’t want to believe in her?? Because I think he believes in her a lot and he thinks they should all have the option to do whatever they want with their lives and that the council should’ve given Rose that option. So I think Jake actually rants about that a lot???
Oh and Jake is an ~aspiring filmmaker so he basically carries a camera around at all times and records everything. So he probably has lOTS of footage of Rose and has lots of fun little videos about her. And I feel like part of the time Rose is like “Jake get that thing out of make face” and he’s like “bUT THE CAMERA LOVES YOU???? *continues to record her color coding a pie chart*” Yeah??? hahaha.
OOC | Rose & Jacob
Ok, so Rose loves Jake sooooo much like he’s literally the most important person in her world now that their parents are gone (or I assume they are since they’re not on the council and she was offered a seat?  Hahahah) but like I’m actually really sorry about her????????????  Bc she worries so much and it’s just bc she loves him but I feel like she’s probs pr overbearing and like omggggggg she would FLIP OUT if she knew he was investigating witches, little less trying to ~be one in a town where there’s an actual witch hunt plus *exasperated sigh*  “Don’t be ridiculous, Jake, there’s no such thing.”  So yeah no support from big sis smh
But there are good times, too.  Like, she will tear apart anyone who hurts him, not to mention I def feel like she would read to him and tell him stories etc growing up.  I def think she was more laid back as a kid and stress has made her hella tense hahaha  And also if he has like any masks or pictures or things it’s probs reallllly ridiculously easy to make her scream with his horror movie fascination hahahahaha
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outtofjacob · 9 years
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outtofjacob · 9 years
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– NAME: Jacob Leister – AGE: Twenty – OCCUPATION: College Student – FACE: John Karna – COLLEGE COVEN MEMBER
– RELATIONSHIPS: Rose Leister (sister)
Even growing up in a strange town like Walcott, Jake was always the weird kid. He knew too much about too many strange things. He has an usual fascination with serial killers, the occult and all the best horror films. It’s, perhaps, these traits that lead to his friendship with Julia Greene. She has always been fascinated with history and Jake has spent his life studying witches and their history. Together, the two came to the conclusion that witches could very well live in Walcott, right under their very noses. And if they study hard enough, they might be able to summon them. Or figure out who they are. Or even become witches themselves. So Jake does believe, completely, that there are witches in Walcott. But he doesn’t believe they should be brought forward and killed but that they should start training the next generation.
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