outspokens-ar · 4 years
imessage   ⇢     𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧  .
east: this is important
east: squirrels or birds?
east: or fish?
devin: squirrels ?
devin: wait, no, birds
devin: no, squirrels
devin: no, birds
devin: wait i need context, what is this for ??? i can't choose without context
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text messages;
tessa: food is the greatest gift to...
tessa: simply exist
tessa: i would be fully lost without it
devin: food and chocolate, honestly
devin: i just can't think of any gifts that could possibly measure up if you're going for not-super-thoughtful gifts
devin: i'll be sure to offer food as a gift for you more often, though
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text: open
link: i know, right? i guess i’ll just wait it out until she names herself
link: thank you dev
link: and i promise to keep you out of the illegal shit
devin: that's such a good idea, though ?? i love the idea of being able to just name /yourself/
devin: you're very welcome
devin: i will happily always be around to offer snacks, advice for legal activities, and the occasional good joke between the millions of terrible jokes
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text messages;
tessa: i could and would not ask such of you
tessa: as much as i don't believe it, i am what they call...
tessa: an adult?
tessa: it would be pathetic for me to expect other people to complete such simple tasks on my behalf
tessa: i'm glad someone acknowledges
devin: please, i call food delivery a 'gift'
devin: and we all know that food is, in fact, the greatest gift to give
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text: open
link: i tried that, one of them said binky
link: i can’t name this poor girl binky
link: thats animal cruelty
link: she’s illegal to have in new york
link: if they catch her, she’ll die in a zoo
link: i would be concerned if you did, honestly
devin: binky is an awful, awful name
devin: right, right, obviously
devin: well, if there's anything i can do to help that's legal, i'm always here
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text messages;
tessa: yes to both
tessa: particularly the latter
tessa: forgive me
tessa: you are undeserving of such cruels threats but all still must be made aware
devin: should i have food delivered to you ? i will very happily do that
devin: i forgive you, i forgive you
devin: i have always been well-aware of your kickass abilities
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text: open
link: neither have i, to be honest with you
link: i just couldn’t leave her there
link: not gonna lie, dev
link: i didn’t think this through
link: i’ve always rescued american animals and been able to get them on a transport safely within the day
link: i don’t know how long she’ll be here
devin: oh, oh we should google it. something like 'cute koala names'
devin: you really do have the brightest heart, link, have i ever told you that ?
devin: really.. is there a downside to having her around ?
devin: as long as you make sure she's taken care of and you transport her as soon as possible
devin: and you accept the fact that koalas are now your mascot
devin: i, sadly, do not know how to help in this situation, i'm sorry
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text: open
link: it really is, she’s an absolute darling
link: it’s okay, i swear
link: i’m getting it home
link: someone was trying to sell it around here and i had to make sure it gets home
devin: just making sure, i got all worried for the poor thing
devin: as for a name, i have no idea
devin: never really had to help name a koala ??
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text messages;
tessa: just because i'm small doesn't mean i can't beat your ass
tessa: shit
tessa: wrong person
tessa: actually
tessa: no it's not
tessa: because i can beat your ass too
devin: tess
devin: sunshine
devin: you okay ??
devin: do you need food ?
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text: open
link: hypothetically
link: the “pregnant koala” kind of illegal
link: 🙃
devin: wait no wait
devin: pregnant koala sounds so adorable
devin: the scale for cuteness doesn't EXIST
devin: wait why would you hypothetically have a pregnant koala
devin: link what did you do
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
text: open
link: quick
link: let’s say you were to
link: hypothetically, of course
link: be harbouring an illegal exotic animal
link: what would you name it?
link: hypothetically
devin: it really depends on the animal, really
devin: hypothetically speaking...
devin: what kind of animal is it ?
devin: and just how illegal is it ?
devin: like, jaywalking illegal or robbed a bank level illegal ?
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
Superstore (2015 - present)
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
Devin Bahar | Elle Brazil.
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
“You know…I usually think of myself as a glass half full typ’a gal, but then I get around you and I start to think that I’m the world’s biggest pessimist. You just see the glass as full, no matter the circumstances. -It’s admirable, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t know how you don’t exhaust yourself with such endless positivity.” The words, as most that left her lips, were light in nature; but there was an air of genuine concern somewhere within, sure that such positive views of the world around her led to only more hurt and heartbreak - after all, she knew all too well what came from expecting good from someone. “Doesn’t everyone share a love for the triangular slice? If not, they can surely be branded a psychopath. That is a not person I can put any semblance of trust in.” Her head dipped from one side to the other as lips pursed, careful consideration on her features. “I mean it’s kind of harsh to do to even your fans to but I suppose if you did it in a way that made it clear it was a joke or game of some kind. Like Blake Lively did before her movie release, when she cleared all her pictures and unfollowed everyone except for a handful of girls with the same name as her character? Do it around Halloween, throw out some little oddball Instagram stories to bait people and then just disappear until someone can crack the case. It’d be riveting and your name would be all over the internet. -In fact, it’d be a great way to launch a new project or line.” 
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                    Lips pressed together, pushing to one side as thoughts danced around her head at the other’s words. It took what felt like hours ( though just moments in reality ) for the brunette to turn her focus away from her thoughts and back towards the other. ❝I wouldn’t say no matter the circumstances,❞ the female responded. Positivity was always the choice she decided on whenever it was an option, not wanting negativity around if she could help it. It could be exhausting and difficult, but positivity was always easier to handle. ❝I know this is insane to think about, but can you believe there are some people that don’t love pizza? They just — don’t share a love for the triangular slice like we do, can you believe that? I just don’t understand it. There are so many variations, it practically appeals to everyone no matter their tastes.❞ Her head was shaking by the end of her words to add to the dramatics of it all, knowing well it was probably a silly conversation to find themselves in. ❝Wait, but that sounds interesting if you do it that way. Cruel if you just drop off the face of the planet and don’t leave something to make it clear it’s a joke, but that sounds like it could be interesting. Just make it clear it’s a big joke and game, that’s an amazing idea.❞
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
She wanted to invite her to lunch, to sit down across from the face she had used to know so well and find out how her life had been, of the things she had been up to since they had last spoken. She wanted to know how she was doing and that it was well, to see her smile light up the entirety of her face when she talked about the things that she loved the way she had seen it in the past. She wanted a great many selfish things, things that she knew she didn’t deserve. “Beautiful days can be a rarity here in New York.” There was a faint smile upon her features as her gaze examined the femme’s features yet again, as if trying to read all of what she was feeling from her expression alone. “It was nice to see you, pri…Devin.” There was a desire to stay where she was, but Natalia simply nodded her goodbye before starting back down along the sidewalk. It didn’t feel as if she deserved to ask for more of Devin’s time because she didn’t - still, speaking the truth seemed to be the one thing she had left in her life, the one human thing of which she was capable. So she stopped seconds later, turning back to face her, her voice raising as to be sure she could hear her over the bustle of the city. “I would enjoy the chance to take you to lunch.” The words were sudden, bold even, a hesitation before she continued. “If you would have me, that is. Perhaps it’d be healthy to get anything you feel the desire to say off your chest.” 
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                    The brunette had always been filled with questions when it came to the smallest things, wanting details, and as much information as possible to fill her mind. Unsure if it was because of a curious nature or all in some twisted attempt at distracting herself with facts most would likely describe as ‘useless’ and details no one needed. But with the destruction of the pair’s relationship and friendship — she didn’t want to know anything. In the end, she had asked herself more questions about it than she had asked the other, though never expecting actual answers. The questions were always more like the barely caught mumbles the brunette would fall into while her focus was fully on a project in front of her, talking to herself as if that would help her find the solution to a problem. Just like her mumbles, the goodbye she offered the other was quiet, nothing more than a slight nod before tugging her attention towards her sketchbooks to shift her grasp on the items. The conversation over the situation had always been shoved off, something made easier by the fact that contact had been cut as soon as possible. It’s what caught the other slightly off guard when the other’s voice filled her ears once more, tugging her focus up and back to the other once again. ❝I happen to consider complete radio silence quite healthy in our situation, actually,❞ the female offered with a slight shrug of her shoulders. Though even she knew healthier and easier were two separate things, it’s what had teeth nipping at one corner of her bottom lip, thoughts twisting briefly before she pulled her attention away from her mind and back to the female she now considered a stranger. ❝I suppose lunch wouldn’t be a terrible idea.❞
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outspokens-ar · 4 years
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I like to present the realest “me” possible. If I’m working, I’ll post a photo of me working. But if I’m sitting home on a Saturday night watching TV and eating pizza, I’ll post that, too.
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