outlaws-of-orre · 1 year
possible characters I'm thinking of adding
This au is a mashup of canon pokemon characters and OCs - a lot of OCs. Here's some ideas I have for the canon side of the cast
N - because, y'know... he's N. Pokemon Go Team Leaders - I just like them, y'know? I don't know how they'd fit into this story but I want to do something with them. Silver - no major reason, I just think he'd be fun to write Team Rocket Trio - yes, the three from the anime. Again, I don't know how it'd work, but I think it'd be hilarious Mewtwo - yes, that Mewtwo. I actually do have an explanation for how he works! Sort of!
No, I'm not sure what I'm doing. Yes, I'll take suggestions.
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outlaws-of-orre · 2 years
Hello, I'm Coffee! Welcome to Outlaws of Orre, a Pokemon au blog. Set five years after Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness and ten years after Pokemon Colosseum, this au follows the adventures of a small group of trainers - some you know, some you don't - as they battle to protect Orre from evil. Standard Pokemon stuff, but nothing is really standard in Orre…
If you're not familiar with the Orre games, you're not alone. Most people I run into have never heard of them. They were released on the GameCube waaaaaay back when. In these games, you go around stealing people's Pokemon - yes, really! - because the resident bad guy organization, Cipher, is giving trainers dangerous Shadow Pokemon. Yup, just like in Pokemon Go! The first game, Colosseum, is fairly dark for a Pokemon game, with probably the most objectively badass protagonist in any of the games - a reformed villain team member who turns on his old crew and uses the skills he learned to save the region. There's a reason I love these games.
This blog will contain spoilers to the two Orre games and any other of the Pokemon games I choose to pull in. If you want, Chuggaaconroy on YouTube has excellent playthroughs of Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, 100% completion on each.
This blog will have fics, in character asks, headcanon, and stuff like that. Any content warnings will be tagged on each post but like… I'm not writing some edgy grimdark "realistic" story here. It's Pokemon. It's not all Butterfrees and daisies, but this story is gonna be safe for work and suitable for most users of this site.
This post will be updated as needed.
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outlaws-of-orre · 2 years
The desert stretched for miles, starting at ocean shores and vanishing into the distance. A barren wasteland, with scattered ruins and settlements, a no man's land without laws or limitations beyond the desperate attempts of tiny police forces in the bigger cities. Who would live here willingly? Who would fight for years to claim it for their own?
Well, he would. And Outlaw was far from the only ones who would die to control this so-called useless region.
He stood at the front of his flagship, hands in the pockets of his pants. For once, he was wearing a uniform, not unlike the ones worn by his underlings. Deep red and black from head to toe, the only thing he was missing was the mask, which rested on the table beside him. Through the windows of the ship, he could see almost the whole region, from the oceanside Gateon Port, to Mount Battle, and even Pyrite far away. The ship flew above the empty, unlived lands, catching only the rare traveler off guard with its shadow. No one knew where the headquarters of Outlaw was, and no one ever would. No one knew he was here, had always been here, preparing, thinking, planning…
He smiled.
This land was his. No one would take it away from him. No one.
One last time he looked at the data on the tablet. He ran through it again, again, and looked up to the horizon. Lowering the tablet, he ran a hand through his hair, and laughed, the sound echoing within the airship.
Orre wouldn't know what hit it.
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outlaws-of-orre · 2 years
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