oscopic · 12 days
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"women didn't invent anything"
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oscopic · 18 days
genderist: why do terfs believe New Mexico isn’t a real state
radfem: actually I don’t know a single radfem who believes that
genderist: ok I’m deleting this post cause it got some really hateful commentary and I don’t want terfs interactin with my posts
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oscopic · 18 days
The whole 'porn is bad because you never know when you are watching an underage girl' argument is completely correct, but is the fact that it is a literal database of videos of women being abused, raped and degraded not enough? Why do we need to skip straight to cases of child rape, rather than the rape of adult women, to even attempt to convince porn consumers that porn should be criminalized?
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oscopic · 18 days
man im having a bit of a mental health crisis i just cant fucking deal with this shit
it is so fucking hard being a lesbian and having grown up in your teenage years as a butch lesbian and told all your Normal Puberty Problems are because you are Actually Trans! Hating your body and the way you are treated in society because your parents ridicule you for being yourself and not adhering to feminine beauty standards and being treated by every male as a sexual conquest ESPECIALLY when you tell them you are a lesbian because they think they can "turn" you and you go to a community for safety just to be told all of this is because you are just Trans and a Boy and thats why you hate your body and the way you are treated and you can just fix it with a slap of new pronouns and gender and being told by everyone around you in your "community" that being Gay is Bad Actually and gay people are Evil and Transphobic! i fucking tried so hard to force myself to be bisexual and i labeled myself bisexual for years even though i was only ever attracted to the same sex because no matter where i went im Evil for being a lesbian and same sex attracted or when "trans" Evil and ridiculed for being a "straight man" and i hated myself so so much and now im an Evil Fucking "Terf" everywhere i go for the crime of being detrans and gay and a feminist and theres nowhere to go because no matter what i am not safe. the lgbt "community" is not safe for me and NOWHERE is safe for me because everywhere i go i am an Evil Lesbian for the crime of being fucking gay and still having to deal with men who think that being lesbian isnt even fucking real and that they can magically "turn" me somehow. i want to die
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oscopic · 18 days
literally drives me insane to, in discussions of mental health, hear someone talk about a little kid they know with xyz disorder who is actually acting like an ABUSED child. when I was 5 years old my teachers were concerned with my behavior so they had me talk to a male psychologist that reminded me of my abuser (dad). I would scream for help when alone with this psychologist and try to run away and hide whenever I was brought to him.
the conclusion?
"we have never seen such a severe case of generalized anxiety disorder in a child".
one reason so much abuse goes unnoticed is we label victims mentally ill for responding to it. and that label will haunt them when they try to get justice.
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oscopic · 19 days
I hate how common it is in internet lingo to refer to the vagina and anus as a “hole” and to treat every vaguely phallic object as interchangeable. This has often been used against homosexual people- the idea that gay men should be comfortable with vaginas if they like anal, or should be fine with being penetrated by a female wearing a strap if they like penis, and the idea that lesbians should be similarly fine with penis if they like strap-ons and dildos. It’s a very simplistic view of sexuality and anatomy. While this may seem like an odd comparison to make, it also strikes me as very heteronormative and conservative in the sense that genitals are reduced to a very simple function. Penises are anything that can penetrate, and vaginas are anything that can be penetrated. It is promoting heterosexuality to gay people, but also taking on patriarchal, heterosexual views of genitals, where they’re not actual organs that people engage with fully, but objects.
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oscopic · 19 days
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oscopic · 19 days
A post on pinterest was talking about Saint Agatha, how she was raped, imprisoned and tortured for refusing a suitor and during that time her breasts were cut off in the most gruesome way and the comments were what you'd expect
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oscopic · 19 days
This tr&ns-identified man claims he was falsely accused of abus3 by his ex and that she moved into a woman’s shelter, not to get away from him, but to experience the wonderful loving place that a woman’s shelter is, where they’re showered with unconditional love and affection.
He thinks that the reason false reports are so high is because women are so desperate to go to shelters to get this love and support, and he wishes he could experience this but is just TOO MORAL of a person to lie about being abus3d so that he can stay in a shelter with batt-red women.
I don’t even have to hear his exes side. I’m 100% sure that this man abus3d her beyond what most of us can comprehend.
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oscopic · 19 days
black women & girls still heavily struggle to even come forward to speak about the abuse they face from men due to the backlash they'll receive but two rappers can use it as insults at each other for rap beef & everyone claps & cheers for them
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oscopic · 19 days
One way people have normalized kink/fetish is calling every type of attraction a kink/fetish. You think people who wear glasses are attractive? You have a glasses kink. You find some people's hands attractive? You have a hand kink. You want to have children with your spouse? You have a breeding kink. These people will call anything a kink. And it's because of porn. Sex is no longer a mutual act of attraction and desire, it's deconstructed into specific actions that you play out on another person. That's what porn is like: you watch a "genre" of porn, where a specific action is done to a person (usually woman), or the person has a certain trait. It doesn't matter who that person is, they are just embodying an attribute or action. So these porn consumers aren't attracted to individual people, they're attracted to these attributes or actions, they have fetishes. And they project that onto other people. I once was talking to two friends very casually after we had seen a movie together. There was a scene where an attractive man was barefoot. I mentioned that I thought the guy was hot, and listed reasons why: his long hair, nice pecs, defined hands, nice arms, and cute feet in that one scene. And one friend was like, “You have a foot fetish??” At first I laughed, and explained that no, I don’t have a foot fetish; I don’t have a sexual fixation on feet. But he continued to insist that I had a foot fetish, and that pissed me off. My other friend also joined in and said there’s no shame in having a fetish, no matter how many times I explained that I’m not sexually attracted to feet, I just thought that someone had nice feet - the same way one would think someone has nice hands or arms or legs. I don’t want to suck on someone’s toes, or watch someone step in mashed potatoes and squish it between their toes, or have anyone’s feet come anywhere close to my genitals during sex. I just thought someone’s body looked nice. If I think someone’s hair is attractive, does that mean I have a hair fetish? No. If I was obsessed with hair to the point where I only wanted to focus on someone’s hair during sex, or was only attracted to people’s hair instead of their entire person, that would be a hair fetish. A fetish/kink isn’t just “liking a specific attribute of someone”/“liking a certain action during sex,” it’s a fixation on an attribute or action. I’m tired of people trying to normalize fetish and kink by pretending that everyone has their own fetishes and kinks. No, it’s not normal to obsess over an attribute or sex act to the point where you are using your partner as a vehicle for your fetish or kink instead of being wholly attracted to them. I’m not gonna pretend there’s no nuance, maybe you and your partner just loveee being mutually sexually fixated on each other’s armpits and are still super healthy and love each other or whatever but most fetishes and kinks are dysfunctional and when left to develop usually lead to dehumanization of other people (usually by men to women, or in women’s case they dehumanize themselves for the purpose of kink). The normalization of fetish and kink in this way is insidious and honestly has groomed many young, sexually developing people of my generation (and gen alpha sadly…). Is it any surprise that of the two friends who were insisting I have a foot fetish, one of them was a zoomer male, who frequently would casually mention fetish lingo in jokes, and the other was a zoomer girl who identied as asexual? they have obviously been exposed to porn, fetish, and kink on the internet. It's almost impossible for a young person with internet access to not have been exposed to porn. Throughout my childhood and teenage years I was exposed to absolutely horrific, stomach-churnning sexual content on the internet, and I’m not alone. This shit is affecting people's entire perceptions of sex. They think fetish and kink IS sex. And you either lean into it, or think you must be asexual for not wanting to participate in it.
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oscopic · 19 days
we’re just gonna have to start straight up killing these grown ass men dating teenagers since the families of millie bobby brown, billie eilish, and olivia rodrigo obviously arent gonna do it
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oscopic · 19 days
I think what’s attractive about liberal feminism is that it gives women the illusion that empowerment is a choice, that they can make individual choices that will help them combat the individual instances of misogyny they encounter.
radical feminism, on the other hand, seems disempowering from a distance because it acknowledges sexism on a systemic level and recognizes that women cannot choose to not be oppressed. it’s unattractive because, at first glance, it makes women feel powerless and completely impotent standing as individuals against such a huge system that has survived for thousands of years.
I’m not going to romanticize radical feminism and tell women they’ll eventually get over the crushing weight of knowing how pervasive and evil the patriarchy is. what I want them to know is that the burden, whether or not they realize they’re carrying it, is heavy, but standing with other women helps us realize we’re not standing alone, and together women have and will continue fighting for real liberation.
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oscopic · 19 days
A computer science student named Priyanjali Gupta, studying in her third year at Vellore Institute of Technology, has developed an AI-based model that can translate sign language into English.
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oscopic · 19 days
A lot of women need to stop confiding in their male partners about past trauma or SA because some of these men get off on that and will try to exploit it to be your savior, or use it as ammo to hurt you emotionally.
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oscopic · 19 days
Acting like men and women commit the same amount of crimes or are "just as bad as each other" is not "equality", it's literally just lying.
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oscopic · 19 days
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i don’t know how anyone can watch as all the girls and full-grown women around them claim nb identities, can read all these comments and the thousands like them on the thousands of tiktok videos exactly like this, and not realize that the answer is that womanhood is in fact... not an identity. it was never something you need to “feel like” in order to be.
some of my favorite (aka the most depressing) comments are “you know it [feeling like a woman] when you feel it. you are comfortable with your assigned gender and sex. you like everything about your gender and sex.” and “for me i think it’s because womanhood is portrayed as docile fragility and i don’t vibe with that” and “yes. it’s like i don’t think about my gender until someone makes expectations of me based upon it.”
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