oruphones · 11 months
Benefits of using ORUphones app for selling your old mobile phone online
Finding something relevant from the huge world of the internet is a tensed job in itself. Just search for a single service on the web and a plethora of results will pop out even before you blink. Now, the problem is not every result is a definite answer to a particular user. And, you have to look in-between these thousands of results to find the suitable one for you.
We can’t help you with all your problems, but if you are looking for a suitable medium to sell your old phone, then we have a perfect solution for you. No matter what kind of phone you are willing to sell, this app is always on the go. ORUphones app will assist you in all the possible ways to get a great deal for your used mobile. So, let’s discuss the features or factors which are in favor of calling the ORUphones app, the best app to sell your used mobiles on.
User-friendly and handy approach
ORUphones app has a very clean and static outlook. Unlike other used mobile phone selling platforms, it does not deal in various other technical and non-technical commodities and thus, has a focused attention on mobile dealings only. The appearance of the app is much sober and clean, even if a newcomer is willing to buy or sell a used mobile phone, he can use the app very easily and effectively.
Simple procedure of complex jobs
If you go by the traditional or generic method, then, you’d like to walk-in to your nearest mobile vendor and sell your old mobile hand-in-hand, but that way is not the simplest way to go. Even after a lot of bargains, you won’t get a satisfactory price and will return home dissatisfied. But, ORUphones app has simplified this process of selling your used mobile to a great extent. The app has broken down this job into a series of very simple steps.
First, you have to add your device into the list of mobiles to be sold. Just go to the app, select the sell mobile option. Now, answer a few simple questions related to your device and your mobile is added. Then comes the device verification, your device will be verified by taking it through a series of tests and finally your device will be graded and you can accurately price it. At last, wait for an interested buyer, set up a deal and get cash instantly.
No third party inclusion
There are many other apps which act as a third party between the buyer and seller and earn commission. ORUphones app, on the other hand, does not act as one, it rather can be taken as a platform. A transparent and free platform where used mobile phones buyers and sellers can interact and deal with mutual consent. After you get a suitable buyer for your device, the deal is all up to you and the buyer and ORUphones acts as no third party between the deals.
Best verification tech in the market
ORUphones app does not grade and price the mobile on its own free will. The app is backed up by a solid and advanced verification process. While adding your device, the app will ask you a series of relevant questions along with some photos of your device to get a clear outlook of the device.
And the verification process is also very helpful in grading your device accurately. A number of well-designed and effective tests are there, which check the overall performance of your mobile and give an accurate grading based on its present condition. You also get a suitable price range using which you can put a price tag on your mobile, so as to get great deals.
Safe, secure and reliable
ORUphones app swipes the market in the domain of safety and security. All the users and devices registered with the app are well-verified and checked before registration. No unverified device is listed on ORUphones. All the sellers and buyers are also verified.
You can truly rely upon ORUphones if you are willing to get a suitable price for your used mobile. After you get an interested buyer for your mobile, you can easily set up a meeting and negotiate the selling terms. Sell your mobile only after you find the buyer safe or back off at any time. That’s the kind of assurance the platform offers.
There are plenty of reasons like these which make ORUphones the best app through which you can Buy and sell phones online.
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oruphones · 11 months
Top features of ORUphones that you should know
ORUphones is a budding platform that surpasses the features of most online dealers trading used mobiles. It provides a multitude of services that make itself stand out in the market. The platform is designed to Buy and sell phones online and thus, provides the best user experience due to its dedicated approach and dynamic functionality.
The top features of ORUphones that you should be familiar with are listed below:
Complete diagnosis of the listed mobiles — The first and foremost thing that a buyer considers before buying anything is the condition of the device. Most online portals provide just a description and a few snaps of the device. ORUphones, on the other hand, provide the buyer with a complete picture of the ins and outs of the mobile device. The camera, mic, display, and speaker are a few of the aspects that are taken into consideration by the platform. This diagnostic report is created on the basis of the tests ORUphones mobile app does during the listing process of the device. The seller also sees the report of his listed mobile on his end.
Verified used phones — It is a deep-rooted misconception in the minds of normal users that the condition of the used devices is compromised. This is true to some extent because you can find plenty of websites selling you corrupted mobiles covered in lavish outer bodies. But, ORUphones believe in the transparency of business. And all the phones listed on the platform are well-verified before registration. No device listed at ORUphones.com is visible for sale before it is verified by the user’s credentials.
Verified buyers and sellers — All the users of the mobile app and website, whether they are buyers or sellers, are verified. The verification is the foremost thing done by the A.I. of ORUphones mobile app. The verification is done through the location access and login credentials of the users. Verification is essential for reliable and trustworthy mobile dealing.
Accurate resale value estimation — Other apps and websites provide free will to the seller in deciding the price of their articles. This results in making a lot of mobiles out of the reach of some buyers. ORUphones.com, however, tends to give a fair price estimation for the betterment of both parties. After the diagnosis is done, the seller is given a suitable price range for his used mobile based on the present condition of the mobile phone. Now, the seller gets a rough idea of the price range between which he should price his device, so as to sell the phone effectively.
Easy transactions and payments — As earlier said, ORUphones is more of a platform than a third party. Thus, all the dealings are done directly between the buyer and the seller with no third-party inclusion. Once the suitable clients interact, they can easily set up a meeting and discuss all the terms themselves. The payment and transactions are done in-between the buyer and seller only and thus, there is no chance of confusion in transactions.
These are the key features of ORUphones.com that help in making it the best platform to buy and sell second-hand phones. You can freely explore the platform through the app and website using the links given below
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oruphones · 11 months
Buy ORUphones-verified used phones in India
Many of us are not much interested in getting a brand-new mobile always. We, sometimes, just want to get ourselves a device that helps us get going with our work. Buying used phones is not always a risky and tough job, we can easily buy a used phone in India through various online platforms. But, one upcoming platform which has the best and safest features among these used mobile phone dealing platforms is the ORUphones app.
The app provides a plethora of features and used mobile phones to choose from. Let’s get a glance at all the facilities that ORUphones provides to the buyers of used mobile phones.
Best and affordable deals
Just surf once through the website and app of ORUphones and you guys will get to know what sort of affordability we are talking about. On the homepage only, ORUphones displays the best and the most affordable deals listed on the platform.
Dynamic search facilities
Although the site displays its best deals on the homepage for interested buyers, you can look for a suitable used mobile for yourself using the dynamic and effective filters available at ORUphones. We have a search bar on the top, just type your desired mobile brand or model on it and get the most relevant mobiles to choose from. Just below the search bar, ORUphones has a filter for the most popular mobile brands. Select from various brands like Samsung, Apple, and Nokia and the app will show you mobiles of the respective brand only.
Well-verified and tested mobiles
All the mobile devices listed on ORUphones are well-verified. During the registration of any mobile on the platform, ORUphones asks the seller plenty of questions which help in getting an overview of the device’s condition. After this, the latest A.I. tech takes the device through a series of well-planned tests. The device is tested on the grounds of various attributes like microphone, speaker, display, and camera. After a successful verification only, the mobile is given a slot in the listing and displayed on the platform.
A simple process of buying a used phone
ORUphones has managed to get the complex task of buying a used mobile into a much simpler and more convenient process. Just follow a series of basic steps and get yourself a great device at an affordable price.
First, you have to select a device to buy. Use the mobiles on the homepage, various filters, and the search bar to look for a mobile that best suits your needs. After you select a device, you will be led to a dialogue box showing the details of the device, select the contact seller option and find the contact details of the seller. Set up a meeting with the seller and verify your purchase by using the seller’s mobile. Once the purchase is verified, set up a deal and get a used mobile for yourself at an amazing price.
Safe, reliable, and secure
ORUphones app or website provides you with the best safety and security. All the buyers, sellers, and mobiles listed with them are deeply verified and tested before their registration. No device and seller are allowed to deal through ORUphones before they pass the verification.
For a buyer, the platform will get the best of mobiles and for a seller, ORUphones will provide the interested buyers with their mobiles. Reliability is one of the key features of Oruphones.
Thus, it is quite clear that you can easily get yourself a great mobile through ORUphones at an affordable price without any commission and interference.
Buy and sell phones online with ORUphones, your trusted platform for hassle-free transactions.
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oruphones · 11 months
Is it safe to buy a second-hand mobile through ORUphones?
This is a very legit question and the most concerned one as well because it’s in our culture that you have to think twice before buying a second-hand article. It’s partially true as well because not everyone supplying you with a second-hand device thinks of your benefit, some are just there to get rid of their old articles in any way possible.
The same scenario is going on in the market for second-hand mobiles. You just open apps like OLX and Quikr and you will get hundreds of second-hand phones piled on their homepage for a very long time. The problem is the lack of verification and awareness.
But, ORUphones has covered all the aspects of making the selling and buying of second-hand mobile phones safer and more reliable. It has proven that buying used mobiles can also be made safe with the use of many of its up-to-date features. Some of them are listed below and those willing to explore the complete possibility can freely surf through the ORUphones app and website.
Complete verification of the included parties – ORUphones app does not allow every seller to post his used mobile on the platform. A security check is equally necessary at each and every step to ensure maximum safety. In the registration stage only, your credentials are deeply verified through calls and emails to ensure the authenticity of the buyer or seller.
Even after the virtual interaction between the buyer and the seller, the verification is kept intact. Once the seller and buyer set up a physical meeting to look at the mobile’s condition and discuss further terms, the buyer first verifies the deal using the seller’s mobile. The verification is done through the same device to be sold to ensure that it’s the same device which was to be sold and the deal is truly legit and can be proceeded further.
You can buy the mobile only after successful verification and when you feel that the deal is safe.
Complete analysis of the device – Once you open the ORUphones app or website to look for mobile deals, you will be served with the best deals on the homepage only. You can also use the filters and the search bar to look for a device of your choice. Once you select a device, you have to click on it and get a complete analysis of the device. A whole diagnosis-like report will be presented on the screen showing the present condition of various parts of the mobile. This analysis is based on the tests made by the app when the seller lists the device.
The device will also be labeled with a grade and a suitable price tag made by the seller. The grade will tell you, precisely, about the condition of the phone. Go through the complete analysis and the price and contact the seller only when you feel that the deal is safe. This analysis helps you to get a complete picture of the ins and outs of the device and make your decision accordingly.
Buy and sell phones online through ORUphones is a very smooth and seamless experience, just look for a model at Oruphones and its dynamic features are there to assist you at every step of buying a great and affordable mobile phone.
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oruphones · 11 months
Verified Used Phones: A pocket-smart choice
It is a deep-rooted misconception among common consumers that, if an article is used, refurbished or second-hand, then it has to be flawed in one or more aspects. This is the reason why people find it risky to buy used goods. They, rather, prefer to invest some more money and get themselves a brand new article for their use. But, it should be noted that if the purchase has been done cautiously, then, even a used article may prove to be fruitful and functional and friendly for your pocket.
This misconception is more frequent in the field of technical goods as gadgets are prone to be damaged, either the hardware or software, if not handled properly. That’s why used phones don’t find many buyers. In this scenario, verification and security are two key features that help buyers in investing their time and money in used mobiles. If a used mobile is well-verified and checked before being available for sale, then, the buyer gets only what he has been told and there is total transparency in the deal.
ORUphones for Absolute Verified Deals
The next task for the buyers is to look out for some reliable and trustworthy source from which they can get a verified used phone. We are calling this a task because the market is full of fraudsters looking for unaware buyers to sell the corrupted or misused mobile phones. These types of mobile dealers are found both online and offline and it’s a much tiresome task to find genuine deals among such counterfeit deals.
But, you don’t need to worry, we have a perfect solution for your need for verified used phones. ORUphones is the most genuine and reliable platform for buying verified used mobile phones. ORUphones make it trustworthy for us that even used mobile phones can be a smart choice if verified cautiously. It does the job for you and presents the best of verified deals at your fingertips.
Verification and security procedure of ORUphones
ORUphones has a dynamic process of verifying each and every deal and used mobile. The verification and security checks are done at every step of the deal to ensure the best of user experience.
The verification of users, both buyer and seller, begins when they login to the app or website. The user verification is done through mobile number, location access and email. Only after all the details are genuine, are the users given access to the platform.
Diagnosis of the used device is a very important part of providing verified deals. ORUphones check the quality of each vital part of a used mobile to give an accurate grade to the mobile and then, a suitable price range using which the seller may price their second hand mobile.
The buyer also gets to see the best and verified deals on the homepage and may look for further deals by using the filters and the search bar.
Once the buyer and seller set up a physical meeting, the buyer has to first verify the purchase using the mobile of the seller to ensure that the device is the same one listed on ORUphones. After a successful verification, the deal can further proceed.
Thus, it can be well assured that verified used mobile phones are indeed a smart choice. You just need to have a safe and reliable medium by your side. And ORUphones do this job quite effectively. Buy and sell phones online with ORUphones, your trusted platform for hassle-free transactions.
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