orobinchwan · 4 years
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Loyalty // Part 9
Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7  Part 8
Summary : The relationship between Y/N and Doflamingo grows stronger and deeper, a pit and doom that Y/N can never crawl out of. The Heavenly Demon tells you of a observation he made about his dear brother. 
Warnings : slight nsfw
A/N : Ho ho ho. Its been awhile since I’ve come back to this fic and I managed to get the juice to write the new part. I’m really bad at writing chapter summaries omg ANYWAYS I hope y’all enjoy this. Once again, your feedback is highly appreciated. Sorry for the long wait! More drama coming soon!
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Corazon.” 
His baritone voice reached your ears, interrupting the comfortable silence between the two of you as you laid on top of him, your cheek pressed onto his muscular chest, listening to the calm beat of his heart. 
Doflamingo’s hand caressed along the smooth skin of your back as you with almost childlike curiosity, held his other hand in your own, amused at how his differed greatly in size from your dainty one. 
“He keeps me company,” you simply replied, interlacing your fingers with his and looking up at him, the small ray of late morning light peeking through the dark curtains of the cabin. 
“Am I not company enough?” His voice was teasing but you knew he was serious, when it came to you being around the children or anyone else really, he felt robbed of your attention. 
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orobinchwan · 4 years
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Silvers Rayleigh x Reader
Summary : A dream about the dashing Dark King Silvers Rayleigh made you change the way you look at the First Mate, but a single laid back confrontation from the an himself changes everything.Your little dream somehow turned into  reality.
Warnings : NSFW. Slight age gap. Virgin!Reader
A/N : So first Rayleigh scenario. I don’t know what it is about him but ugh young Rayleigh looks like a snacc. I hope you all enjoy this. I was pretty nervous about writing for a character that hasn’t been written about a lot and I wasn’t sure if a lot of people would even read about Rayleigh. Anyways, if you don’t want to read it then don’t, and don’t send any hateful comments. If you do enjoy it, then thank you :> and yeah, stay safe! Stay hydrated! And I’m hoping y’all are doing safe during this pandemic!
Your face was deep red as you glared at the apprentice. You could hear the muffled snicker and laughter from the blue-haired red-nosed troublemaker behind you.
“Y/N…I swear I didn’t—“
But Shanks never got to finish explaining when your palm met his cheek with a loud smack causing Buggy to double over with laughter.
“Ah!” Shanks palmed his stunning cheek and threw a glare at Buggy. “You’re so dead! How dare you do that to Y/N!?”
Shanks was just about to lunge at his friend who tried to get away but a familiar voice that had scolded them so many times before, made them freeze.
“What did you idiots do now?” Rayleigh crossed his arms over his chest as he observed the scene.
When his eyes looked over at you, your eyes widened and you felt your cheeks grow hotter which was a reaction that confused the first mate.
“Buggy framed me!” Shanks immediately snitched.
“Framed you?! You were the one who decided to slap Y/N’s ass!” Buggy defensively yelled back, making his statement almost believable.
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orobinchwan · 4 years
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Earned It
Request from @xxxotakuchanxxx :  Congrats on the 500 followers!! I’m going to request some Doflamingo smut. List 3 please with the line. “I want you to be rough with me, please leave marks on my skin,”
Summary: Whisked away by the Heavenly Demon from the party that he had hosted, Reader is in for a little disciplining for having receiving attention from the guests and even harmlessly flirting with one of them.
Warnings : NSFW. 
A/N : I hope you Doflaminghoes enjoy this one! Don’t forget to reblog, like or comment! They mean the world to me and with comments, I learn from the feedback. i managed to squeeze in this little one shot tonight huhu This is another one from the 500 followers request special long ago! IM SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! This was a little rushed but I did my best! I really hope y’all um…enjoy this filth once more.  STAY SAFE EVERYONE! STAY HYDRATED! Drink your water for realz. Pls. HAHA
“You shouldn’t have done that,” his voice was dangerously low.
He leaned close to your ear, the much taller man having to crane his neck down to your height, his hands on either side of your head, trapping you. 
His blood was boiling as he remembered how you were mingling with the guests in the party earlier, grabbing their attention and also receiving lustful gazes from the men that attended, especially one of the more prominent guests, his fellow Warlord, Crocodile. You flirted lightly with the man since Doffy was impressed by his achievements but that innocent flirting made your lover furious, especially when Crocodile flirted back. 
“Doffy…I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just chatting up the guests,” your voice quivered, wondering what as it that you did that made the Heavenly Demon grab you by the wrist and lead you away from the party only to his office in the palace. It was just harmless flirting and you out of  people knew better than to stir even a tinge of jealousy in your lover.
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orobinchwan · 4 years
Wet shirts look good on everyone
Oh boy here it comes… be prepared y'all this is my first smut fic!
The pic inspired me to write this fic and I want to thank Melon for posting it in our Discord group and Katie for her splendid work which served as a big help and reference for me!
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: RayleighxReader
Summary: When you spilled a drink over the dark king who would’ve thought that things would get even wetter.
Song I listened to: “What you need” - The Weekend
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: explicit sexual content, Daddy kink at the end, mentioning of being in a relationship
Kudos to @dontdierobb (the artist) for inspiring me!
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“I am really really sorry”, you profoundly apologized while bowing deeply. “It just slipped out of my hand and…” You were awfully flustered and your face and neck were burning from shame. How could you spill a drink over a guest?! Shakky would fire you. But the victim just sat there with a soft and understanding smile. “It’s nothing, dear. It was just an accident.” He was trying to dry his now wet shirt with some napkins. “Yes it was! Of course it was an accident. I would never… I mean … I should .. ehm” you stuttered totally flustered and embarrassed. You let your gaze wander over his ruined shirt. Catching his futile attempt to dry his shirt. It was mesmerizing. The way his hand rubbed over the wet spots and the way some water droplets got stuck in his white beard had you throbbing. His booming laugh snapped you out of your inappropriate thoughts. You scolded yourself mercilessly for ogling after a guest. He must have said something funny because the whole table was laughing. But you were so deep in thought that you didn’t even notice that someone handed you a dishtowel. “Please good sir, let me…” The words and your hand were hanging in the air. His futile attempt had made it even worse and now the black fabric was clinging to his chest like a second skin. The way the shirt hugged his broad chest and chiseled abs made you gulp and lick you lips. You caught the mischievous glint in his eyes from behind his glasses as you stopped mid sentence and openly stared at him. The air was filled with a strange kind of tension. The table on which the white haired man sat with his friends didn’t dare to breathe. You couldn’t move a muscle, his silver eyes staring into your (y/e/c) ones. “Seems like the wet shirt thing is still working”, he huffed and with a swift motion grabbed your outstretched hand. This quotation was accompanied by his hand tenderly caressing your wrist. The building tension was electrifying the air and you could feel your neck prickle. “Guess I am not that old then.” He laughed out loud and let go off your hand. The intimate and almost sexual moment gone, the tension broken. As if time had stopped all the other guest and waitresses started to tend to their things and the bar was filled with cutlery clacking, glasses clinking and other noises once again.
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orobinchwan · 4 years
A Forbidden Affair
Doffy x Original Character
Adira’s POV
The loud noise coming from outside is giving me nothing but mixed feelings. These people I’ve served for many years are rejoicing. Morgan has finally released the newspaper for today and I honestly hate it, seeing my face on the front page.
“Adira-san!” A cheerful voice rang out
“What can I do for you, Coby?” I looked at him through my peripheral view showing no interest to talk.
He approached me with a big smile. “Have you seen the newspaper?!! It says that you’re the FIRST FEMALE ADMIRAL!! We should be celebrating!”
“I’d rather get back to work. There is no time to celebrate. The worst generation could be lurking around Sabaody as we speak.”
“B-but you’re the talk of the town!! Everyone’s waiting for you outside. This is big news, Adi—-
“Leave.” I reply with a stern voice.
I can tell he’s confused but still he obeyed and got out of my sight. First female admiral, huh? Sengoku really does live up to his words. I’ve dedicated my whole life to the Navy. But why do I still feel so empty? Being the first female admiral was the only thing I wanted in life.....or was it?
Flashback from a year ago
“That’s a great painting you have there.” I interrupted this man’s quiet afternoon.
“It’s not finished yet. What brings you here, stranger?”
I’ve trained day and night, I’ve been preparing for this moment. I know this man is not easy to deal with, after all he’s a shichibukai and the captain of the donquixote pirates. But if capturing him would give me the admiral position then I am willing to risk my life for this assignment.
“i-uh, I got lost. Would you mind showi—“
He interrupted me with a smirk. “You think you could fool me? Who sent you here? Sengoku?”
I broke into a sweat. “You of all people should know by now that the shichibukai system has officially been abolished.”
He laughed as if he’s not about to lose his alliance with the government. “So they sent you here? to arrest me? Darling, do you know who I am?”
His arrogance makes me ill. “I would take this seriously if I were you. I’m not one to mess around with.”
“You’re starting to get on my nerves.” He narrowed his eyes on me and began to position his fingers. Isn’t it too early for this? Would he really try to assassinate me in broad day light?
Before he can even attack me, “Soru” I was already behind him. I only needed to touch him to disable his devil fruit power.
“That doesn’t work on me, young master”
I know pirates like Doflamingo wouldn’t show any hint of fear but I knew right in this moment, he knew I had an extraordinary ability.
“Another devil fruit user, I see. What is it this time?”
“I can neutralize any devil fruit power simply by skin contact. So I suggest you stop playing games with me. Either you surrender or I’ll drag you myself.”
He smiled. “This confrontation excites me. What’s your name?”
“I don’t have to—-“ before I even finish what I’m about to say, he held my hand and kissed it. “What. is. your. name?”
“Adira.” It just came out of my mouth.
“Nice to meet you, Adira. I see there’s no point in exhausting our strengths here. I hope to see you again.”
And before I could even go after him, he was already out of sight. Does he really think he can get away?
Hi!! I’m Marie and I’m a big fan of One Piece. I hope you enjoy Part 1. Let me know if it deserves a second part or not 💖
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orobinchwan · 4 years
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In which Doffy has to deal with raising kids through puberty…
This turned into a huge project just because of a short conversation I had last night with @ask-strawhatluffy.
Thanks, buddy.
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orobinchwan · 4 years
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“The reason why the Grand Line is called the pirate’s graveyard is because there are three superpowers that exist there. One of those powers is… the Shichibukai.”
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