organicdietguide · 4 years
Nutritionist’s List .. organic diet guide
organic diet guide Essential Grocery List
organic diet guide offers practical, no-nonsense advice that takes into account real-life budgets, real-life schedules, and real-life cooking skills. organic diet guide recommends adding fresh fruits and vegetables to the mix, but even with just his recommended staples, you’ll be within 15 minutes a tasty, healthy meal.
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These ingredients cook quickly and easily, and you can make hundreds of dishes from them.
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organic diet guide Essential Grocery List :
Instant brown rice Canned beans (unsalted) Canned tomato products (unsalted) Intact whole grains (quinoa, kasha/buckwheat, oats) Whole wheat pasta (or whole-grain corn pasta or brown rice pasta) Frozen vegetables Frozen soups Frozen fruit Dried fruit (for baking and seasoning) Almond butter Raw almonds
What Is The Paleo Diet?
Load your plate with vegetables.
Even the USDA has abandoned the confusing food pyramid in favor of a simpler “healthy plate” diagram. To build a healthy plate, fill half your plate with vegetables — and, no, French fries don’t count! Choose “crunchy” vegetables, such as broccoli, green beans, Brussels sprouts, and leafy greens like kale and Swiss chard. On the other side of the plate, but whole grains or legumes in one quarter and a serving of healthy, lean protein in the other.
Eat a balanced breakfast.
You’ve heard it before, and it’s true: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast is absolutely crucial to help kickstart metabolism, improve cognitive function, and help you make better food choices throughout the day. The ideal meal includes protein, healthy fat, and some complex carbohydrates.
The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn ugly belly fat…
Don’t starve yourself.
This strategy is not only unhealthy — it nearly always backfires. If you don’t eat enough calories throughout the day, you’ll be more likely to overindulge at night. When you focus your efforts all day on skimping on food, you set yourself up for an eating binge later on. And instead of sitting down to a healthy evening meal, you’re more likely to reward yourself for being so “good” all day by reaching for a calorie-bomb like a pint of ice cream or piece of cake.
Ask questions when you eat out.
Menus can be very deceiving, and even healthy-sounding entrées might be loaded with butter or smothered in a heavy sauce. Don’t be afraid to take control. Ask for details about how a dish is prepared, request sauces and dressings on the side, and make sure the server knows that you’re looking for a simple, healthy selection.
Belly Fat in Women 
Have a plan when you hit the grocery store.
You know it’s a bad idea to go to the store when you’re hungry, but that’s not the only key to smarter shopping. The biggest mistake people make is not knowing what they need and, instead, browsing the aisles for inspiration. That leads to buying more packaged foods and less fresh, whole foods. Go in with a list based on recipes you intend to cook for the week and focus your shopping on the store’s perimeter, which is home to the fresh produce, dairy, meat, and fish.
Cut down on processed foods.
Not all packaged or pre-made food is bad for you, but you’ll need to read nutrition labels carefully in order to choose wisely. Ideally, you should gravitate toward healthy options that make nutritious cooking easier, like frozen vegetables and canned beans, and skip the meals in a box that is loaded with preservatives, hidden sources of fat, and too much sugar and sodium.
Melt 7 Pounds Every 7 Days
Limit your sodium and sugar.
Putting down the salt shaker and skipping sugar in your coffee is a step in the right direction, but that’s not where most people get the majority of their salt and sugar. Sodium and sugar are rampant in most packaged foods from pasta sauce and mac and cheese to rice mixes and soups. Start by checking the nutrition label on your breakfast cereal (some pack up to 20 grams of sugar per serving!).
Don’t just count calories.
Not all calories are created equal. People eat those 100-calorie packs of cookies or other snacks and focus on the fact that it’s only 100 calories, but they don’t pay attention to what else they’re getting, especially in terms of sugar and fat. The better approach: Focus on healthy, nutrient-dense foods that are naturally low in calories and rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Switch to whole grains.
When it comes to carbohydrates, brown is better. Whole-grain foods (like whole wheat, brown rice, and oatmeal) contain more nutrients and fiber than their processed white cousins. Not only are these complex carbohydrates healthier for you (higher fiber intake has been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease), but they also help keep you full longer. So instead of shunning carbs in an effort to lose weight, start by swapping out the white ones for whole grains.
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Enjoy your food.
This may sound obvious, but many people think that healthy eating and enjoyment are mutually exclusive. Pretend you never heard the word “diet.”‘ Instead, work toward a lifestyle built on healthy choices that are going to work for the long-term. In order to achieve that goal, find nutritious foods that you enjoy eating. Food should be something you relish and that nourishes you. It’s not just fuel.
The Real Mom’s Guide
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Diet for Lose Weight at Home,Women’s Health
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Breastfeeding superfoods | Healthy Breastfeeding Diet
Nutrition Tips for Breastfeeding Moms!
Breastfeeding superfoods It isn’t always easy to get all the nutrition that you need. When you’re a mom, whether you have a newborn or toddler, you’re busy and tired. Plus, if you don’t have much help, it can be tough to take care of all you have to do in a day.
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The thought of cooking healthy meals and taking care of yourself can easily fall by the wayside. It’s understandable. But taking care of yourself is important. If you skip meals or don’t eat well, you’re likely to become more exhausted, lose excessive amounts of weight, and not feel well at all. But, if you do take the time to eat well and care for yourself.
The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn ugly belly fat…
you’ll feel healthier and stronger. That’s better for you and your baby. So, here are some healthy eating tips for breastfeeding moms.
Try to maintain a well-balanced diet. If you can, eat at least three full meals along with a variety of healthy foods and snacks each day. You may find that eating six smaller meals works better for you. Try to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.
lean proteins, and whole grains while limiting empty calorie snacks. Keep healthy snacks, fruit, and already cut-up veggies readily available, so you’ll be more likely to grab them as a snack instead of a cookie or a bag of chips.
What Is The Paleo Diet?
Add some fish to your weekly meal plans. If you enjoy eating fish, seafood is a healthy source of protein that also provides you with essential omega-3 fatty acids.
You can safely enjoy different types of low-mercury seafood such as salmon, light canned tuna, catfish, tilapia, cod, shrimp, crab, squid, and clams two to three times a week.
Get enough calories each day Breastfeeding and making breast milk uses up a lot of energy. So, while you’re breastfeeding, you should take in about 500 extra calories a day.
Now, what kind of calories are we talking about here? Junk food has lots of calories, but those calories aren’t nutritious.
Belly Fat in Women 
So that’s not the kind you need. You can still have some junk food once in a while, but try to get most of your extra calories through healthier meals and snacks.
Eat some milk-making foods. Many of the healthy foods and snacks that you can choose during the day also promote a healthy supply of breast milk.
Oatmeal, chickpeas (hummus), dark green vegetables, and almonds all have properties that support milk production while being an excellent addition to your healthy breastfeeding diet.
Stay hydrated.
Breast milk is made mostly of water. And, breastfeeding—specifically the let-down reflex—can make you feel thirsty. So, you need to drink plenty of fluids.
Drink enough to quench your thirst and try to get in at least eight glasses of water or other healthy beverages every day. A good rule of thumb is to have a drink of water each time you breastfeed your baby.
That should be about 8 to 12 times a day, so you’re sure to be covered. If you don’t take in enough fluids, it can lead to dehydration and constipation. It can also cause a decrease in your breast milk supply.
Breast feeding superfoods
Take your vitamins. While a healthy breastfeeding diet contains all the vitamins and nutrients that you need, you can still continue to take your prenatal vitamin.
However, you should keep in mind that vitamins cannot replace a healthy diet, they can only add to it.
On the other hand, vitamins may be necessary if you have a vitamin deficiency, you’re breastfeeding on a vegetarian or vegan diet, or you’ve had weight loss surgery.
Your doctor will let you know which additional vitamins you should be taking.
Consider any history of allergies in your family. If there is a strong history of food allergies, eczema, or asthma in your family, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian.
There may be some food items such as dairy products, peanuts, or shellfish that you should put off eating to prevent diarrhea, colic-like symptoms, rashes, and allergic reactions in your baby.
Be careful about dieting. If you’re worried about losing weight after the birth of your child, you’re not alone. It’s a common concern among mothers. However, you shouldn’t start a diet program too soon if you’re breastfeeding.
Melt 7 Pounds Every 7 Days
It’s not healthy to go on a strict calorie-reducing diet or to take diet pills and weight loss herbs while you’re breastfeeding. Doing so can be harmful to you and your baby.
But, once your body heals from childbirth and your breast milk supply is established, your doctor may recommend a healthy diet and exercise program to help you get to your target weight.
Of course, you need to be reasonable and remember that it took you nine months to get to where you are now, so be sure to give yourself at least that long to get back to where you want to be.
When it comes to breastfeeding, your baby will get everything compulsory for congruous magnification from your breast milk.
What you victual matters and breastfeeding superfoods should be your go-to. Good pabulum will avail increase your milk supply, give you more energy and avail you take off baby weight.
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The Real Mom’s Guide 
What to eat: APRICOTS Eating apricots can increase prolactin, which is the hormone that tells your body to produce milk. Apricots contain essential nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium. Fresh is better than canned. SALMON AND SARDINES An excellent source of protein, salmon is rich in vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids. It is also one of only a few sources that has natural vitamin D, and many women have vitamin D deficiencies. B12 and omega-3 are thought to help ward off postpartum depression. Salmon is great for breastfeeding moms because it contains large amounts of DHA, a type of fat important for the development of a baby’s nervous system. Wild-caught, farm-raised or canned salmon is good for you. Both salmon and sardines can increase breast milk production. BEEF Breastfeeding moms have more need for the mineral zinc. Choose grass-fed beef when you can because it has more omega-3 fatty acids and doesn’t have added antibiotics and hormones. EGGS Eggs are rich in protein, choline, lutein, vitamins B12 and D, riboflavin and folate. They are a quick, easy meal or snack. VEGETABLES Leafy greens are rich in vitamins A, C, E and K as well as fiber, antioxidants and minerals including calcium. Plus — drum roll — they are so low in calories you can eat them all day long and not have to worry about how many calories you have consumed.
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Just one medium sweet potato meets the daily recommendation of vitamin A for breast-feeding moms. Vitamin A is important for vision, bone growth, immune function and cell specialization. Your baby is dependent on your dietary intake to get the vitamin A required for growth and development. That’s another advantage of breast-feeding. Breast-fed babies are very rarely found to be deficient in vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of potassium too.
As great sources of protein, iron and fiber, legumes and beans belong in your diet. They also have lots of minerals and phytochemicals — naturally, non-nutrient chemicals a plant produces. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, studies on phytochemicals have shown they can stimulate the immune system, block bad substances we eat, drink and breathe from becoming carcinogens (cancer causing), reduce the kind of inflammation that makes cancer growth more likely.
(Breastfeeding moms should have 1,000 mg of calcium daily.)
Nuts and seeds contain protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
On the seeds side, try sesame seeds. They also are packed with calcium as well as fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Toast and sprinkle them over a salad or veggies.
Brown rice, whole-wheat pasta and oatmeal are all complex carbohydrates
We’ve told you that calcium is important. Get some of the required 1,000 mg a day from low-fat or Greek yogurt. It’s also a good source of protein. There are so many flavors available that you are sure to find ones you like. Add fruit or granola for an even yummier yogurt. (Caution: If your baby has been diagnosed with milk protein intolerance, dairy products like yogurt should not be part of your diet.) 
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol
Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol 
Here are a few tips for taking the next step. Go longer. If 20 minutes of activity a day feels good for a while, try for 30. Or 40. You can do this all at one time, or you can break it up into chunks. For example, get 15 minutes of activity in the morning before work, 10 more during your lunch hour, and 15 after work. Or break it into four 10-minute sessions. Go harder. Spending more time exercising is one way to increase activity. But it’s not the only way. 
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Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol
If you walk now, try walking faster, or walking on hills or stairs. Maybe even carry a couple of lightweights while you walk. The extra energy you use for the harder activity will increase your muscle mass and make you stronger. Try something new. Dust off that bicycle and go for a ride. Or try swimming. Going for a swim gives your body a great workout without any impact on your bones, joints, or feet.
Belly Fat in Women 
Add dancing to your routine, paddle a boat, or give yoga a try. Talk to your doctor about activities that might be right for you.
Lose weight if you need toIf you need to lose a few kilograms to reach a healthy weight, don’t think you have to try a radical fad diet.
The best way to lose weight is to eat better and move more. Eating smaller portions of healthier food will make you feel better. And along with exercise or even light activity, eating better can help you lose extra kilograms if you have them.
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Look back at the tips for healthy eating and staying active. Make these changes into a habit, and you’ll be on your way to a healthy weight.
If you smoke, quitQuitting smoking can help you raise your HDL. It’s one of the best things you can do for your health. But it isn’t easy. Here are a few tips for when you’re ready to quit:
Get ready. Set a date to quit. Pick a time when you won’t have a lot of stress in your life. Before that date, get rid of ashtrays and lighters. And don’t let people smoke in your home.
Change your routine. For example, if you smoke after eating, take a walk instead.
Use medicine. It can help with cravings and stress. Your doctor can prescribe medicine that can help you quit smoking.
You might have to make a few changes to follow a heart-healthy diet. The truth is that making lifestyle changes takes some work.And making lifestyle changes that become part of your normal routine is harder still. The key is to make small changes and make them a habit.
And when you’ve turned one small change into a lifelong habit, start again with another small change.Below you’ll find some tips for making small changes that can help you get started on healthy changes.Eat healthy foods.
Melt 7 Pounds Every 7 Days
Here are a few tips to get you started on making small changes at home:Eat one more serving of fruits or vegetables every day. 
Add an apple or some carrots at lunch, or double your helping of vegetables at dinner.Avoid deep-fried foods. Swap the fried chicken for baked chicken. 
Or skip the french fries and have a salad instead.Think of meat as a side dish, not the center of the meal. You can still eat meat. Just be smart about it. Eat leaner meat and less of it.
Try a vegetarian meal each week. You’ll be surprised at how delicious and filling a meal without meat can be.Switch to skim milk. If you’re drinking whole milk, try the step-down approach. 
Change to 2% milk for a month, then to 1% for another month, and then move to skim. Use it in your coffee too.Eat healthy fats such as monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. 
Monounsaturated fats are found in vegetable oils such as canola and olive oil. Polyunsaturated fats are found in fish and in vegetable oils such as safflower and corn oil.
At the grocery store:Buy less red meat and more white-meat chicken or turkey. Don’t forget to remove the skin before you cook or eat it.Buy more fresh fish and shellfish. 
When you cook it, try baking, poaching, or grilling. Don’t batter or fry it.Use soft or liquid margarine instead of butter or hard margarine. Check the label to make sure liquid (not hydrogenated) vegetable oil is the first ingredient.
The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn ugly belly fat…
Eating out:Don’t order deep-fried foods. Ask your server how the items on the menu are cooked. Avoid the chips and salsa, and skip the bread and butter too.Pay attention to serving size. Don’t eat everything on your plate just because it’s there. 
Restaurant portions very often contain too much food. Eat a reasonable amount, and take the rest home.
Watch out for high-fat salad dressings and toppings at the salad bar. If your salad comes prepared, ask for the dressing on the side.Order meats that are roasted, baked, blackened, broiled, or boiled. Trim off the fat. 
Ask for gravy or sauce on the side, or don’t get it at all. Avoid fried, grilled, sauteed, stewed, braised, or breaded meats.
The Real Mom’s Guide 
Stay active
You don’t have to run out and join a gym to get active. Start small, and try to make exercise a part of your daily routine.
For some people, some forms of physical activity might be unsafe or should only be started after talking with a doctor. If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor before starting any exercise or fitness program.
Here are a few tips if you’re just starting out:To start, just walk more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park farther away at the grocery store. Walk your dog for longer than usual.
Then find times in your day when you can fit in a half-hour of exercise.And find something that you enjoy doing. Make it fun and easy for yourself to do it, and you will be more likely to keep doing it.
Work your way up to getting moderate to vigorous activity for at least 2½ hours a week. It’s fine to be active in blocks of 10 minutes or more throughout your day and week.Remember that getting more active is not a one-time thing. Activity is something to build into your daily life, for the rest of your life.
What Is The Paleo Diet? Snacks To Lower Cholesterol…
Benefits of Popcorn:
Improves Digestion
Lowers Cholesterol Levels
Regulates Blood Sugar
Rich in Polyphenols
Whole Grains
Benefits of Whole Grains:
High in nutrients and fiber
Lower your risk of heart disease
Reduce your risk of obesity
Lower your risk of type 2 diabetes
Support healthy digestion
Reduce chronic inflammation
May reduce your risk of cancer
Linked to a reduced risk of premature death
Benefits of Nuts Have Healthy Fats:
A Great Source of Many Nutrients
Loaded With Antioxidants
May Aid Weight Loss
Lower Cholesterol
 and Triglycerides
Veggies With Hummus
Benefits of Veggies With Hummus Are Vitamin-Rich:
Super Nutritious and Packed With Plant-Based Protein
Rich in Ingredients Proven to Help Fight Inflammation
High in Fiber That Promotes Digestive Health and Feeds Your Good Gut Bacteria
Contains Heart-Healthy Ingredients That May Reduce Heart Disease Risk
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Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol 
Benefits of Fiber-Rich Oatmeal Soaks up Cholesterol:
Improving cholesterol levels
Providing antioxidants
Improving insulin response and reducing blood sugar
Providing plenty of vitamins and minerals
Promoting healthful bacteria in the digestive tract
Managing weight
Reducing the risk of asthma
Having an inordinate quantity of things to do and too minute time on your hands, victualing salubrious may be low on the list of your priorities. On some days, full course repasts are neglected in favor of more expeditious, lighter snacks. Let’s face it snacking is natural. If you are hungry between repasts, your body is telling you that it requires alimentation now. Ergo, you should definitely victual something to curb your hunger until the next repast. Victualing the erroneous snacks, however, is what can get you into trouble. Snacks high in fats and carbohydrates can increment cholesterol levels, cause weight gain, and can ineluctably lead to complications such as heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
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Diet for Lose Weight at Home,Women’s Health
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Belly fat in women | What Causes Belly Fat in Women?!
Common causes of excess belly fat include the following :
Poor diet Sugary food, such as cakes and candy, and drinks, such as soda and fruit juice, can: cause weight gain slow a person’s metabolism reduce a person’s ability to burn fat Low-protein, high-carb diets may also affect weight. Protein helps a person feel fuller for longer, and people who do not include lean protein in their diet may eat more food overall.
What Causes Belly Fat in Women 
Trans fats, in particular, can cause inflammation and may lead to obesity. Trans fats are in many foods, including fast food and baked goods, for example, muffins or crackers.
The American Heart Association recommends that people replace trans fats with healthful whole-grain foods, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats.
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Reading food labels can help a person determine whether their food contains trans fats.
What Causes Belly Fat in Women  Too much alcohol Consuming excess alcohol can cause a variety of health problems, including liver disease and inflammation. A 2015 report on alcohol consumption and obesity in the journal Current Obesity Reports indicates that drinking excess alcohol causes males to gain weight around their bellies, though study results in females are inconsistent. Secret Anabolic Recipes | Cook Healthy | Muscle Building Meals Lack of exercise If a person consumes more calories than they burn off, they will put on weight. An inactive lifestyle makes it hard for a person to get rid of excess fat, particularly around the abdomen. Stress Asteroid hormone known as cortisol helps the body control and deal with stress. When a person is in a dangerous or high-pressure situation, their body releases cortisol, and this can impact on their metabolism. People often reach for food for comfort when they feel stressed, and cortisol causes the excess calories to remain around the belly and other areas of the body for later use. What Causes Belly Fat in Women  Genetics There is some evidence that a person’s genes can play a part in whether or not they become obese. Scientists think genes can influence behavior, metabolism, and the risk of developing obesity-related diseases. Poor sleep Too little rest can have an impact on well-being. A study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine links weight gain to short sleep duration, which could lead to an excess of belly fat. Both poor quality and short duration of sleep can play a part in the development of abdominal fat. Not getting enough good sleep may, potentially, lead to unhealthful eating behaviors, such as emotional eating. Belly Fat in Women  Smoking Researchers may not consider smoking to be a direct cause of belly fat, but they do believe it to be a risk factor. How to lose belly fat By considering the following changes, people may be able to lose their unwanted belly fat: Improve your diet A healthy, balanced diet can help a person lose weight, and it is also likely to have a positive effect on their overall health. Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol  People should avoid sugar, fatty foods, and refined carbohydrates that have low nutritional content. Instead, they should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. Reduce your alcohol consumption A person trying to lose excess abdominal fat should monitor their alcohol intake. Alcoholic drinks often contain additional sugar, which can contribute to weight gain. Increase your exercise A person can lose belly fat by exercising as part of their daily routine. A sedentary lifestyle brings with it many serious health problems, including weight gain. People trying to lose weight should include a good amount of exercise in their daily routine. What Causes Belly Fat in Women Get more sunlight A 2016 review in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health indicates that exposure to sunlight in animals could lead to a reduction in weight gain and metabolic dysfunction. The review highlights that few studies have looked at the effects of sunlight on humans, in respect of weight gain. It states that more research is required to support the findings so far. Reduce your stress Stress can cause a person to gain weight. The release of the stress hormone cortisol influences a person’s appetite and could cause them to eat more. Stress-relieving tactics include mindfulness and meditation, and gentle exercise, such as yoga. What Causes Belly Fat in Women Improve your sleep pattern Sleep is vital to people’s overall health, and too little rest can have a severe impact on well-being. Why do we get belly fat? Before we discuss how to naturally get rid of a flabby tummy, let’s first look at what led to the belly fat accumulating in the first place. There are three reasons women collect belly fat: Hormones Lifestyle choices and habits Dietary habits Hormones: The female body has been designed to naturally store fat in the hips, thighs, and buttocks to support childbirth and breastfeeding during childbearing years. But as you age, estrogen production decreases, and much of that fat is redistributed to the belly. This turns into visceral fat.
What Causes Belly Fat in Women 
Lifestyle choices and habits:
Lifestyle choices such as the amount of sleep you get, the amount of stress you carry, and your activity levels have a large impact on your belly fat and overall wellbeing. Are you active? How much TV do you watch in a given night?
Dietary habits:
Arguably more important than the previous two causes of belly fat, your dietary habits must be kept in check. Excess calorie consumption and the type of foods you consume are a large contributor to belly fat as well.
Now that we understand what has lead to the muffin top, let’s talk about how to get rid of it. I’ve compiled the top 22 ways to shed your belly fat naturally: that means no pills, no wraps, no surgery. Consider this your ultimate guide to naturally getting rid of your gut!
What Causes Belly Fat in Women
Avoid sugary foods
We all know that sugar isn’t healthy. It contains fructose, which has been linked to several chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and liver disease when consumed in excess.
Grab a hand full of nuts for your afternoon snack. These contain healthy fats and don’t contain sugar like most snack foods.
Avoid sugary drinks
Sugar-sweetened drinks are full of liquid fructose, which can lead to belly fat. And since your brain doesn’t process liquid calories the same as solid calories, you’re likely to end up consuming more than you should. And that’s why sugary beverages can even be worse than high-sugar foods.
What Causes Belly Fat in Women 
To lose and prevent belly fat, it’s a good idea to avoid those sugary beverages and alcoholic mixers containing sugar.
Exchange your soda for sparkling flavored water.
Consume soluble fiber
Consuming high-fiber foods each day has been shown to promote fat loss. Studies show that soluble fiber causes you to feel full and naturally promotes fat loss. In an observation study, soluble fiber was shown to help reduce belly fat. Soluble fiber has even been shown to combat belly fat.
What Causes Belly Fat in Women
“An observational study of over 1100 adults found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber intake, belly fat gain decreased by 3.7% over a 5-year period,” according to Healthline.com. Flaxseeds, Brussels sprouts, avocados, legumes, and blackberries are all excellent sources of soluble fiber.
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Belly fat in women | What Causes Belly Fat in Women?!
Make avocado toast for breakfast, sprinkle some blackberries onto your yogurt, or make a side of Brussel sprouts for dinner. What Causes Belly Fat in Women  Avoid trans fats Trans fats have been linked to fat gain along with several other diseases. A study conducted over six years found that monkeys consuming a high-trans-fat diet gained significantly more weight and abdominal fat than the test group. To avoid gaining belly fat, make sure you are proactively reading labels, and avoid products containing trans fats. Avoid large amounts of alcohol It’s called a beer belly for a reason. Research has shown that too much alcohol will lead to belly fat. Carefully monitoring, and cutting back if needed, can help reduce the size of your tummy. Begin your night with a number in mind. Then don’t surpass that number of drinks. Switch to sparkling water once you’ve hit your predetermined number of adult beverages. What Causes Belly Fat in Women  Eat protein Studies have proven that if you consume more protein you’ll be more likely to have less fat around your belly. When you consume protein your body releases a hormone called PYY. This hormone helps to decrease your appetite. Get a good protein powder: one without the added junk. I talk about my favorite protein powders and what I look for when buying protein powder in this post: Best Supplements for You and Your Family. Reduce stress When you are stressed your body produces cortisol (a.k.a. the “stress hormone”) and in turn, increases your appetite causing an increase in belly fat. Where you tend to gain fat depends on your genes, your hormones, your age, your birth weight (smaller babies more readily add belly fat later in life), and whether you’ve had children (women who have given birth tend to develop more visceral fat than women who haven’t). What Causes Belly Fat in Women As young adults, women on average have less visceral fat than men, but that changes with menopause. In a four-year study at Louisiana State University tracking healthy middle-aged women, every one of them put on some subcutaneous belly fat, but only those who entered menopause added significant amounts of visceral fat. Lowered estrogen levels (which increase the proportional influence of testosterone) contribute to the shift toward a male pattern. You can’t change your birth weight or your genes, and you can’t hold off menopause. (Studies are mixed about whether hormone replacement therapy influences visceral fat gain.) But there are several ways you can minimize the accumulation of visceral fat. The good news is that because it’s more readily metabolized into fatty acids, it responds more efficiently to diet and exercise than fat on the hips and thighs. Here are some approaches that may help: What Causes Belly Fat in Women  Keep moving. Exercise can help reduce your waist circumference. Even if you don’t lose weight, you lose visceral fat and gain muscle mass. In the Louisiana study, the women going through menopause (those who gained visceral fat) also became less physically active. Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity most days, such as brisk walking or bicycling at a casual pace. Also, Kahn suggests, create opportunities to add motion to routine tasks. For example, park farther from your destination and walk the rest of the way, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and stand while you talk on the phone. Studies have shown that you can help trim visceral fat or prevent its growth with both aerobic activity (such as brisk walking) and strength training (exercising with weights). Spot exercises, such as sit-ups, can tighten abdominal muscles but won’t get at visceral fat. What Causes Belly Fat in Women Exercise can also help keep fat from coming back. In a study at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, dieting women lost an average of 24 pounds and reduced both visceral and subcutaneous fat, with or without aerobic or strength-training exercise. In the following year, those who maintained their exercise programs — a modest 40 minutes twice a week — maintained their visceral fat loss, while those who didn’t exercise or abandoned their programs showed a 33% average increase in visceral fat. Eat right. Choose a balanced diet that helps you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Include plenty of calcium: according to another study from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, the more calcium a woman consumes, the less visceral fat she gains. Avoid products that seem to encourage belly fat deposition, including trans fats (hydrogenated vegetable oils) and fructose-sweetened foods and beverages. Don’t smoke. The more you smoke, the more likely you are to store fat in your abdomen rather than on your hips and thighs.
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What Causes Belly Fat in Women
Get your sleep. Too little is bad. A five-year study found that adults under age 40 who slept five hours or less a night accumulated significantly more visceral fat. But too much isn’t good, either — young adults who slept more than eight hours also added visceral fat. (This relationship wasn’t found in people over age 40.)
Mind your mood. In the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation, middle-aged women who showed more hostility and had more depressive symptoms also had more visceral fat — but not more subcutaneous fat. In other studies, higher levels of the stress hormone
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Is intermittent fasting a quick fix | Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting Surprising update! the main reason people try intermittent fasting is to lose fat. Intermittent fasting Weight Loss Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it’s a pattern of eating. It’s a way of scheduling your meals so that you get the most out of them. Intermittent fasting doesn’t change what you eat, it changes when you eat. Why is it worthwhile to change when you’re eating? Well, most notably, it’s a great way to get lean without going on a crazy diet or cutting your calories down to nothing. intermittent fasting is a good way to keep muscle mass on while getting lean. Intermittent fasting Weight Loss To understand how intermittent fasting leads to fat loss we first need to understand the difference between the fed state and the fasted state.
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Your body is in the fed state when it is digesting and absorbing food. Typically, the fed state starts when you begin eating and lasts for three to five hours as your body digests and absorbs the food you just ate. When you are in the fed state, it’s very hard for your body to burn fat because your insulin levels are high.
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss After that timespan, your body goes into what is known as the post–absorptive state, which is just a fancy way of saying that your body isn’t processing a meal. The post–absorptive state lasts until 8 to 12 hours after your last meal, which is when you enter the fasted state. It is much easier for you body to burn fat in the fasted state because your insulin levels are low. When you’re in the fasted state your body can burn fat that has been inaccessible during the fed state. Secret Anabolic Recipes | Cook Healthy | Muscle Building Meals Because we don’t enter the fasted state until 12 hours after our last meal, it’s rare that our bodies are in this fat burning state. This is one of the reasons why many people who start intermittent fasting will lose fat without changing what they eat, how much they eat, or how often they exercise. Fasting puts your body in a fat burning state that you rarely make it to during a normal eating schedule. Melt 7 Pounds Every 7 Days The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Fat loss is great, but it isn’t the only benefit of fasting. 1. Intermittent fasting makes your day simpler. I’m big on behavior change, simplicity, and reducing stress. Intermittent fasting provides additional simplicity to my life that I really enjoy. When I wake up, I don’t worry about breakfast. I just grab a glass of water and start my day. I enjoy eating and I don’t mind cooking, so eating three meals a day was never a hassle for me. However, intermittent fasting allows me to eat one less meal, which also means planning one less meal, cooking one less meal, and stressing about one less meal. It makes life a bit simpler and I like that.
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
2. Intermittent fasting helps you live longer.
Scientists have long known that restricting calories is a way of lengthening life. From a logical standpoint, this makes sense. When you’re starving, your body finds ways to extend your life.
There’s just one problem: who wants to starve themselves in the name of living longer?
I don’t know about you, but I’m interested in enjoying a long life. Starving myself doesn’t sound that appetizing.
The good news is that intermittent fasting activates many of the same mechanisms for extending life as calorie restriction. In other words, you get the benefits of a longer life without the hassle of starving.
Way back in 1945 it was discovered that intermittent fasting extended life in mice. (Here’s the study.) More recently, this study found that alternate day intermittent fasting led to longer lifespans.
3. Intermittent fasting may reduce the risk of cancer.
Belly Fat in Women 
This one is up for debate because there hasn’t been a lot of research and experimentation done on the relationship between cancer and fasting. Early reports, however, look positive.
This study of 10 cancer patients suggests that the side effects of chemotherapy may be diminished by fasting before treatment. This finding is also supported by another study that used alternate day fasting with cancer patients and concluded that fasting before chemotherapy would result in better cure rates and fewer deaths.
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Finally, this comprehensive analysis of many studies on fasting and disease has concluded that fasting appears to not only reduce the risk of cancer but also cardiovascular disease.
4. Intermittent fasting is much easier than dieting.
The reason most diets fail isn’t that we switch to the wrong foods, it’s because we don’t actually follow the diet over the long term. It’s not a nutrition problem, it’s a behavior change problem.
This is where intermittent fasting shines because it’s remarkably easy to implement once you get over the idea that you need to eat all the time. For example, this study found that intermittent fasting was an effective strategy for weight loss in obese adults and concluded that “subjects quickly adapt” to an intermittent fasting routine.
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How do I try intermittent fasting?
There are four popular fasting approaches periodic fasting, time-restricted feeding, alternate-day fasting, and the 5:2 diet. Time-restricted feeding, sometimes called daily intermittent fasting, is perhaps the easiest and most popular fasting method. Daily intermittent fasters restrict eating to certain time periods each day, say 11 in the morning to 7 at night. The fasting period is usually around 12 or more hours that, helpfully, includes time spent sleeping overnight. Periodic fasting will feel most familiar: no food or drinks with calories for 24-hour periods. Another type of fast, alternate-day fasting requires severe calorie reduction every other day. Lastly, the 5:2 method was popularized by author Kate Harrison’s book “The 5:2 Diet” and requires fasting on two nonconsecutive days a week.
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
Is fasting an effective weight-loss method?
If you are obese or overweight, fasting is an effective weight-loss method, if you stick to it. But it is no more effective than a diet that restricts your daily calories. We know this because there were no additional weight-loss or cardiovascular benefits of fasting two days per week, over an ordinary calorie-restriction diet, in a study of 150 obese adults over the course of 50 weeks.
But you should also consider how difficult the diet will be to stick to. In a study of 100 randomized obese and overweight adults published in 2017, the dropout rate was higher with those who were fasting, 38 percent, compared with 29 percent for calorie restrictors, and 26 percent for those who kept eating as they normally did.
“Some people really struggle with having to monitor their intake and constantly record food in an app every day. So the takeaway of the study was if daily calorie restriction doesn’t work for you, maybe alternate-day fasting would be a little easier,” said Krista Varady, Ph.D., professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the senior author of the study. “There’s nothing magical here. We’re tricking people into eating less food, in different ways,” she said in 2017.
There is some new evidence that shows different forms of fasting are not equal — in part because some are easier than others, but also because some forms of fasting better match our body’s natural circadian rhythm, thus lowering insulin levels, increasing fat-burning hormones and decreasing appetite.
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
Basically, because our metabolism has evolved to digest food during the day and rest at night, changing the timing of meals to earlier in the day may be beneficial.
In a study done in Dr. Peterson’s lab, 11 adults did time-restricted feeding (eating from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) and a control 12-hour eating period, for four days each. On the last day of each session, researchers measured energy expenditure and hunger hormones and found that time-restricted feeding improves the appetite hormone ghrelin and increases fat burning. “It’s shown to reduce the amount of fat in the liver, which is a risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease,” said Dr. Peterson.
Bottom line: If you want to lose weight and are someone who hates counting calories, you might consider fasting, as both methods offer similar weight-loss benefits.
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Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
Should I try intermittent fasting?
The most effective diet is the one you can stick to while still living your best life. It’s hard to know which will work best before trying, but doctors and recent studies offer some guidance. Dr. Peterson said that complete, zero-calorie fasts generally prove to be too difficult to maintain. “People stick with them maybe for the short-term, but they get quite hungry in the long-term,” she said.
Time-restricted feeding — fasting overnight and into the next morning — is likely the easiest form of fasting to comply with. A longer than normal fasting period each night allows you to burn through some of your sugar stores, called glycogen. That does a couple of things. It gives your body a little bit more time to burn fat. It also may help your body get rid of any extra salt in your diet, which would lower your blood pressure, Dr. Peterson said.
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Intermittent Fasting Plans | Intermittent Fasting for Beginners
Most people trying to lose weight should strive for 16 calorie-free hours, adding that “the easiest way to do this is to stop eating by 8 p.m., skip breakfast the next morning and then eat again at noon the next day.” (Caffeine-dependent people can have sugar- free black coffee or tea before lunch.) But don’t expect to see results immediately; it can take up to four weeks to notice an effect.
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Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
Weight loss 
As mentioned above, intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and belly fat, without having to consciously restrict calories.
Insulin resistance Intermittent fasting can reduce insulin resistance, lowering blood sugar which should protect.
Heart health Intermittent fasting may reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides, inflammatory markers, blood sugar and insulin resistance.
Cancer intermittent fasting may prevent cancer and Anti-aging.
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Brain health Intermittent fasting increases the brain hormone BDNF and may aid the growth of new nerve cells. It may also protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
Fat loss is great, but it isn’t the only benefit of fasting.
Intermittent fasting makes your day simpler.
Intermittent fasting helps you live longer.
Intermittent fasting is much easier than dieting.
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
What is intermittent fasting?
Many diets focus on what to eat, but intermittent fasting is all about when you eat.
It’s important to check with your doctor before starting intermittent fasting. Once you get his or her go-ahead, the actual practice is simple. You can pick a daily approach, which restricts daily eating to one six- to eight-hour period each day. For instance, you may choose to try 16/8 fasting: eating for eight hours and fasting for 16. Williams is a fan of the daily regimen: She says most people find it easy to stick with this pattern over the long term.
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Another, known as the 5:2 approach, involves eating regularly five days a week. For the other two days, you limit yourself to one 500–600 calorie meal. An example would be if you chose to eat normally every day of the week except Mondays and Thursdays, which would be your one-meal days.
Longer periods without food, such as 24, 36, 48, and 72-hour fasting periods, are not necessarily better for you and maybe dangerous. Going too long without eating might actually encourage your body to start storing more fat in response to starvation.
Mattson’s research shows that it can take two to four weeks before the body becomes accustomed to intermittent fasting. You might feel hungry or cranky while you’re getting used to the new routine. But, he observes, research subjects who make it through the adjustment period tend to stick with the plan, because they notice they feel better.
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
What can I eat while intermittent fasting?
During the times when you’re not eating, water, and zero-calorie beverages such as black coffee and tea are permitted.
And during your eating periods, “eating normally” does not mean going crazy. You’re not likely to lose weight or get healthier if you pack your feeding times with high-calorie junk food, super-sized fried items, and treats.
Belly Fat in Women 
Seven ways to do intermittent fasting
There are various methods of intermittent fasting, and people will prefer different styles. Read on to find out about seven different ways to do intermittent fasting.
1. Fast for 12 hours a day
Different styles of intermittent fasting may suit different people.
The rules for this diet are simple. A person needs to decide on and adhere to a 12-hour fasting window every day.
According to some researchers, fasting for 10–16 hours can cause the body to burn its fat stores into energy, which releases ketones into the bloodstream. This should encourage weight loss.
This type of intermittent fasting plan may be a good option for beginners. This is because the fasting window is relatively small, much of the fasting occurs during sleep, and the person can consume the same number of calories each day.
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
The easiest way to do the 12-hour fast is to include the period of sleep in the fasting window.
For example, a person could choose to fast between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. They would need to finish their dinner before 7 p.m. and wait until 7 a.m. to eat breakfast but would be asleep for much of the time in between.
2. Fasting for 16 hours
Fasting for 16 hours a day, leaving an eating window of 8 hours, is called the 16:8 method or the Leangains diet.
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During the 16:8 diet, men fast for 16 hours each day, and women fast for 14 hours. This type of intermittent fast may be helpful for someone who has already tried the 12-hour fast but did not see any benefits.
On this fast, people usually finish their evening meal by 8 p.m. and then skip breakfast the next day, not eating again until noon.
A study on mice found that limiting the feeding window to 8 hours protected them from obesity, inflammation, diabetes, and liver disease, even when they ate the same total number of calories as mice that ate whenever they wished.
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3. Fasting for 2 days a week
People following the 5:2 diet eat standard amounts of healthful food for 5 days and reduce calorie intake on the other 2 days.
During the 2 fasting days, men generally consume 600 calories and women 500 calories.
Typically, people separate their fasting days in the week. For example, they may fast on a Monday and Thursday and eat normally on the other days. There should be at least 1 non-fasting day between fasting days.
There is limited research on the 5:2 diet, which is also known as the Fast Diet. A study involving 107 overweight or obese women found that restricting calories twice weekly and continuous calorie restriction both led to similar weight loss.
The study also found that this diet reduced insulin levels and improved insulin sensitivity among participants.
A small-scale study looked at the effects of this fasting style in 23 overweight women. Over the course of one menstrual cycle, the women lost 4.8 percent of their body weight and 8.0 percent of their total body fat. However, these measurements returned to normal for most of the women after 5 days of normal eating.
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
4. Alternate day fasting
There are several variations of the alternate-day fasting plan, which involves fasting every other day.
For some people, alternate day fasting means a complete avoidance of solid foods on fasting days, while other people allow up to 500 calories. On feeding days, people often choose to eat as much as they want.
One study reports that alternate-day fasting is effective for weight loss and heart health in both healthy and overweight adults. The researchers found that the 32 participants lost an average of 5.2 kilograms (kg), or just over 11 pounds (lb), over a 12-week period.
Alternate day fasting is quite an extreme form of intermittent fasting, and it may not be suitable for beginners or those with certain medical conditions. It may also be difficult to maintain this type of fasting in the long term.
5. A weekly 24-hour fast
On a 24-hour diet, a person can have teas and calorie-free drinks.
Fasting completely for 1 or 2 days a week, known as the Eat-Stop-Eat diet, involves eating no food for 24 hours at a time. Many people fast from breakfast to breakfast or lunch to lunch.
People on this diet plan can have water, tea, and other calorie-free drinks during the fasting period.
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
People should return to normal eating patterns on the non-fasting days. Eating in this manner reduces a person’s total calorie intake but does not limit the specific foods that the individual consumes.
A 24-hour fast can be challenging, and it may cause fatigue, headaches, or irritability. Many people find that these effects become less extreme over time as the body adjusts to this new pattern of eating.
People may benefit from trying a 12-hour or 16-hour fast before transitioning to the 24-hour fast.
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Causes &Treatment Depression During Pregnancy
Treatment Depression During Pregnancy
If you have untreated depression, you might not seek optimal prenatal care, eat the healthy foods your baby needs or have the energy to care for yourself.
You are also at increased risk of postpartum depression and having difficulty bonding with your baby.
Depending on the severity of your depression, treatment options might include psychotherapy or antidepressants in addition to psychotherapy.
Causes &Treatment Depression During Pregnancy
If I take antidepressants during my pregnancy, will they hurt my baby?
talk to your doctor first, before stopping any medication.
Some newborn babies may have symptoms such as irritability, fast breathing, tremors and poor feeding if their mothers took antidepressants during pregnancy.
These symptoms are almost always mild and pass quickly, usually within 2 weeks. Serious problems are very rare.
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What causes depression?
We’re not exactly sure. It may be a combination of things, like changing chemicals in the brain or changing hormones.
Hormones are chemicals made by the body. Some hormones can affect the parts of the brain that control emotions and mood.
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Women with depression may not recognize they have it (especially if they have never had depression before).
Depression can have serious consequences for both you and your baby.
Early treatment is the most effective, and screening can detect symptoms early.
Ten to fifteen percent of women will be diagnosed with depression during pregnancy and in the postnatal period.
The most likely time for depression to begin is in the first few weeks after the baby’s birth. Common symptoms and signs of depression during and following pregnancy include:
Belly Fat in Women
feeling depressed or miserable consistently for most of the day and for most days of the week
feeling irritable, angry or anxious a lot of the time
increased crying, sometimes for no apparent reason
reduced interest in things that you would normally enjoy
not able to sleep (even when your baby is sleeping) or sleeping more than usual
reduced appetite or over-eating
excessive fatigue and tiredness
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difficulty concentrating and being forgetful
preoccupation with morbid thoughts or being anxious about multiple things, such as bad things happening to you, your pregnancy, your baby or your partner
feeling disconnected from your baby, that your baby is not really yours or that you do not have a bond with your baby
excessive feelings of guilt and/or failure, that you are a ‘bad mother’
thoughts of harming yourself
thoughts that things would be better for you and your baby if you (and your baby) were dead, leading to thoughts of suicide.
What causes depression? There are many things that can contribute to, or make you vulnerable to depression, including:
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a history of depression or anxiety
family members who have had or have depression or anxiety
stress during your pregnancy or if it was unplanned
your expectations of motherhood are unrealistic and you can’t meet them
a traumatic or complicated birth
relationship/marriage difficulties
lack of social support
your baby is sick or unsettled.
Causes &Treatment Depression During Pregnancy
Depression also may be caused by genes. Genes are parts of your body’s cells that store instructions for the way your body grows and works.
Genes are passed from parents to children. Depression is more common in people whose family members have depression. This is called a family history of depression.
Risk factors for depression during pregnancy include:
You’ve been physically or sexually abused. Or you have problems with your partner, including domestic violence (also called intimate partner violence or IPV).
Your pregnancy is unplanned or unwanted. Or you’re single or pregnant as a teenager.
You have stress in your life, like being separated from your partner, the death of a loved one or an illness that affects you or a loved one. Or you’re unemployed or have low income, little education or little support from family or friends.
You have diabetes. Diabetes can be preexisting diabetes (also called pregestational diabetes). This is diabetes you have before pregnancy. Or it can be gestational diabetes. This is a kind of diabetes that some women get during pregnancy.
You have complications during pregnancy, like being pregnant with multiples, birth defects and pregnancy loss. Multiples is when you’re pregnant with more than one baby. Birth defects are health conditions that are present at birth.
They can change the shape or function of one or more parts of the body. Birth defects can cause problems in overall health, how the body develops or how the body works. Pregnancy loss is when your baby dies before birth.
You smoke, drink alcohol or use harmful drugs. Anxiety and Life stress, family history of depression and Poor social support.
If I’m depressed, will it affect my children?
Depression is treatable. But if it is not treated, it will affect your children.
Depression can also affect attachment, which is important for your child’s development. Attachment is a deep emotional bond that a baby forms with the person who provides most of his care.
A “secure attachment” develops quite naturally. A mother responds to her crying infant, offering whatever she feels her baby needs—feeding, a diaper change, cuddling.
Secure attachment helps protect against stress and is an important part of a baby’s long-term emotional health. It makes a baby feel safe and secure, and helps him learn to trust others.
Can depression be cured?
With treatment, most people recover from depression. Treatment can include one or more of the following:
Social support: Community services or parenting education.
Family therapy: With your partner and/or children. This can help when children are older.
Individual therapy: Talking one-on-one with a family doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, or other professional.
Medication: Drugs used most often to treat depression are SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors).
What is the treatment for depression during pregnancy? If you feel you may be struggling with depression, the most important step is to seek help.
Talk with your health care provider about your symptoms and struggles. Your health care provider wants the best for you and your baby and may discuss options with you for treatment.
Treatment options for women who are pregnant can include:
Support groups
Private psychotherapy
Light therapy
Are there any safe medications to treat depression during pregnancy?
There is a lot of debate over the safety and long-term effects of antidepressant medications taken during pregnancy.
Some research now shows that certain medications used to treat depression may be linked to problems in newborns such as physical malformations, heart problems, pulmonary hypertension and low birth weight.
Causes &Treatment Depression During Pregnancy
A woman with mild to moderate depression may be able to manage her symptoms with support groups, psychotherapy, and light therapy.
But if a pregnant woman is dealing with severe depression, a combination of psychotherapy and medication is usually recommended.
Women need to know that all medications will cross the placenta and reach their babies.
There is not enough information about which drugs are entirely safe and which ones pose risks.
But when treating major depression, the risks and benefits need to be examined closely.
The medication that can offer the most help, with the smallest risk to baby, should be considered carefully.
If medication seems like the best treatment for your depression, forming a collaborative treatment team is the best course of action.
This would include your prenatal care provider and your mental health provider.
Ask both health care professions about what treatments will be best for you and your baby.
Find out if you have options for medications and do research on them.
What long term effects do they have? Is your baby likely to deal with withdrawal symptoms after birth? Is this medication linked to health problems in the newborn or developmental delays in the future? Also, always remember that you need to weigh the possibilities of problems in the future versus the problems that can occur right now if your depression is not treated appropriately.
Are there any natural treatments?With the controversy regarding the use of some antidepressants during pregnancy, many women are interested in other ways to help treat depression.
As mentioned above, support groups, psychotherapy, and light therapy are alternatives to using medication when treating mild to moderate depression.
In addition to these, you may want to talk with your health care providers about some of the other natural ways to help relieve the symptoms of depression.
Exercise – Exercise naturally increases serotonin levels and decreases cortisol levels.
Get adequate rest – Lack of sleep greatly affects the body and mind’s ability to handle stress and day to day challenges.
Work on establishing a routine sleep schedule that has you going to sleep and getting up at the same time.
Diet and Nutrition – Many foods have been linked to mood changes, the ability to handle stress and mental clarity.
Diets high in caffeine, sugar, processed carbohydrates, artificial additives, and low protein can all lead to issues regarding your mental and physical health.
Make a conscious decision to start fueling your body with the foods that can help you feel better.
Acupuncture – New studies report acupuncture to be a viable option in treating depression in pregnant women.
Causes &Treatment Depression During Pregnancy
Omega-3 fatty acids – For years it’s been known that omega-3 can help with a number of health issues, but the newest studies are showing that taking a daily supplement of omega-3/fish oils can decrease symptoms of depression.
Pregnant women would want to make sure to take a mercury-free version of fish oil and check with their care provider or nutritionist on a recommended amount.
Herbal remedies – There are a number of herbal and vitamin supplements known to affect moods and the hormone serotonin.
Talk with your health care provider and nutritionist/herbalist about whether to use St John’s Wort, SAM-e, 5-HTP, magnesium, vitamin B6 and flower remedies.
Many of these can not be used in conjunction with antidepressants and should be evaluated on the dosage for pregnant women.
If you do not feel comfortable talking with your health care provider about your feelings of depression, find someone else to talk with.
It is important that someone knows what you are dealing with and can try to help you.
Never try to face depression alone. Your baby needs you to seek help and get treatment.
Causes &Treatment Depression During Pregnancy
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organicdietguide · 4 years
The Mind Diet That Can Help Fight Dementia & Prevent Alzheimer’s
Should You Try the Mind Diet to Preserve Your Brain's .
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Although there are similarities among all three diets, the Mind diet is the only one that encourages the consumption of foods that have been found to promote cognitive health.
Foods like leafy greens, berries, and salmon have been linked to improved cognition. Therefore, these healthy foods are staples in the MIND diet.
But not everyone on a diet is looking to lose weight. Different diets can achieve different results.
And if you’re hoping to improve your brain health and prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, you may consider trying the MIND diet, which has been linked with slower cognitive decline.
Alzheimer’s disease — a progressive and devastating neurodegenerative disease causing memory loss and confusion — affects 5.8 million Americans and is the most common form of dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.
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It’s the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States, with 1 in every 3 seniors dying with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia.
Although there is no research linking the MIND diet with reversing Alzheimer’s, there’s plenty of evidence supporting the connection between this dietary approach and preventing the disease.
Mind (an acronym that stands for the Mediterranean-DASH intervention for neurodegenerative delay) is a “hybrid of the Mediterranean diet and DASH diet, and research suggests it may reduce the risk of developing dementia or slow the decline in brain health.
The good news is you can reverse dementia and cognitive decline. To do that, Should You Try the Mind Diet to Preserve Your Brain’s
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you must control your insulin and balance your blood sugar levels, which will allow you to overcome diabesity and balance your mood, help your focus, help boost your energy level, and prevent all of the age-related brain diseases including Alzheimer’s.
Balance your blood sugar with a whole-foods, low-glycemic diet. You can achieve this by taking out the bad stuff (refined carbs, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, dairy, and inflammatory, omega-6 rich oils such as vegetable and seed oils) and putting in the good stuff (healthy fats like avocados, walnuts, almonds and cashews, grass-fed meats, pastured chicken and eggs, olive and coconut oil).
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Eat healthy fats that make your brain happy. These include omega 3 fats in wild fatty fish, as well as coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, avocados, whole eggs, nuts, and seeds.
Exercise daily. Even a 30-minute walk can help. More active readers might want to incorporate high-intensity interval training or weight lifting.
Studies show physical activity can prevent and even slow down the progression of cognitive decline and brain diseases like dementia.
Supplement wisely.
At the very least, take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, an omega 3 fat supplement, extra B6, B12, and folate, as well as vitamin D3.
And, a good probiotic will enhance the brain-gut relationship. You can find all of these and other supplements in my store.
Check your thyroid and sex hormone levels. If they are out of balance, you will want to treat them.
Detox from mercury or other heavy metals, if you have high levels, by doing a medically supervised detox program.
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Control stress levels. Chronic stress takes a toll on your body and brain. Relaxation isn’t a luxury if you want to prevent or reverse dementia.
Whether that involves deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, find something that helps you calm down. Many patients find my UltraCalm CD helps them relax and reduce stress and anxiety.
Get 8 hours of sleep every night. Studies show poor sleep becomes a risk factor for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Aim for at least 8 hours of quality sleep every night.
A Mind Diet Food List With the Best and Worst Foods
To help improve your cognition, you’ll need to reach for and avoid the following foods:
Here are the 10 foods the Mind diet encourages:
Green, leafy vegetables: Aim for six or more servings per week. This includes kale, spinach, cooked greens and salads.
All other vegetables: Try to eat another vegetable in addition to the green leafy vegetables at least once a day. It is best to choose non-starchy vegetables because they have a lot of nutrients with a low number of calories.
Eat berries at leasttwice a week. Although the published research only includes strawberries, you should also consume other berries like blueberries,
raspberries and blackberries for their antioxidant benefits (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).
Try to get five servings of nuts or more each week. The creators of the MIND diet
don’t specify what kind of nuts to consume, but it is probably best to vary the type of nuts you eat to obtain a variety of nutrients.
Olive oil:
Use olive oil as your main cooking oil. Check out this article for information about the safety of cooking with olive oil.
Whole grains: Aim for at least three servings daily. Choose whole grains like oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta and 100% whole-wheat bread.
Eat fish at least once a week. It is best to choose fatty fish like salmon, sardines, trout, tuna and mackerel for their high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.
Include beans in at least four meals every week. This includes all beans, lentils and soybeans.
Poultry: Try to eat chicken or turkey at least twice a week. Note that fried chicken is not encouraged on the MIND diet.
Wine: Aim for no more than one glass daily. Both red and white wine may benefit the brain. However, much research has focused on the red wine compound resveratrol, which may help protect against Alzheimer’s disease (7 Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).
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organicdietguide · 4 years
The Flat Belly Fix Review | Your Complete Guide
The 21 Day Flat Belly Fix System!
In “The 21 Day Flat Belly Fix program you’ll learn…
How to elevate your levels of “The Master Fat Burning Hormone” by 1300% in women so your body becomes a raging fat-burning furnace every night… burning away unwanted fat while you sleep without even having to set FOOT in a gym.
The “White Fat Fuel” secret that forces your body to stop feasting on sugar as your primary energy source and has your body and cells gobbling up your white fat like pudding so only your lean, beneficial brown fat remains…
The “Thyroid Accelerator” technique anyone with at least a 4th grade education can use to turn your thyroid dial up to 11 almost-automatically, dramatically increasing your rate of weight loss…
How to “turn back the clock” on your skin so you have the same clear, vibrant skin you had as a teenager… even if you’re decades past your prime and have smoked a pack a day for years…
The Flat Belly Fix Review | Your Complete Guide
Sick of being “tired and grumpy” all the time? I’ll teach you a simple dietary trick that reduces the “depression chemicals” in your brain almost instantly… leading to a dramatic improvement in your mood in just 1 or 2 days.
Are you suffering from Type 2 Diabetes (or has your doctor warned you that you are “Pre-Diabetic”) and need to take action NOW?
You’ll discover how to reduce your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes by 33%… by doing nothing more complicated than drinking this tea…
What the “Satiety Switch” is… and how to “flip” the switch on your hunger so you never get the “munchies” or the desire to “cheat” on your diet ever again…
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I barely have time to tell you about…
How to “feed” your libido with one cheap, abundant and decidedly “Un-sexy” food…
The “Insulin Time Machine” method to completely reverse any level of insulin resistance…
The real reason for “boomerang dieting”… why you ALWAYS seem to get Fatter and LESS HEALTHY after doing any kind of “fad” diet… and a method as easy as counting to ten that almost-guarantees you will never “gain back the weight” again…
One simple trick you can use to increase your bone density without ever having to pick up even a light set of weights…
How to reduce cancer-causing inflammation throughout your body without dangerous and expensive drugs…
Just $37! And much, much more…
First I’ll give you my 7 Minutes To A Slim Belly System…
The Flat Belly Fix Review | Your Complete Guide
In The 7 Minutes To A Slim Belly System I’ll teach you my “secret” methods learned in 17 years on the police force that help elite law enforcement officers stay slim, strong and ready for action in just 7 minutes 4 or 5 times a week…
No “sit ups” allowed, you’ll be shocked at how gentle and simple these movements are…
And how you’re able to get a flat, strong belly that puts the “gym bunnies” to shame without ever feeling like you’re “working out” at all…
Your second present is your special collection of Flat Belly Fix “Done For You” fat burning smoothie recipes…
Listen: We all know the worst part of going on any kind of weight loss program is having to read labels, figure out what you’re “allowed” to eat every day, and grind through preparing the right meals…
That’s why I’ve created a special book of quick, easy, delicious and almost-done-for-you meal replacement smoothie recipes…
Balancing the “male” and “female” hormones, testosterone and estrogen, respectively, is just as crucial for fat loss. Progesterone, a secondary female sex hormone, also plays an important role.
Using Food to Burn Fat
Put simply, hormones tell the body what to do – and food impacts the messages that hormones send.
Perhaps the best way to maintain proper hormone balance is to eat the right foods. We’ve put together a list of 9 foods that are both nutrient-dense and contain hormone-supporting properties. All 10 foods aid proper hormone regulation.
Sugar, in it’s refined form, is very bad for your health. ‘Refined’ means any kind of sugar that isn’t natural, while natural sugars – such as those contained in fruits – are fine in moderation.
Ground flaxseed provides a nice dose of fiber, which helps you feel full. Flaxseed contains other weight-loss benefits, such as a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids and lignan, a substance that may help stimulate metabolism.
3. CINNAMON Women, pay attention: cinnamon provides some potent weight-loss properties just for you. An organic compound called cinnamaldehyde helps balance hormones by lowering testosterone production while increasing progesterone levels.
care for your body 4. CRUCIFEROUS VEGGIES
Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, and mustard greens are some of the best foods you can eat to burn fat.
That’s because c-veggies are both low-cal and high in fiber. Additionally, they’re mostly made of water, which promotes satiety.
Dietary fat is utilized by the body for hormone synthesis, critical for maintaining hormone balance. Healthy and essential fats, such as those found in avocados, egg yolks, fatty fish, nuts, oil, salmon, and seeds will do the trick.
An omega-3 supplement is serviceable, but whole foods containing healthy fats are optimal.
A shot of apple cider vinegar is perhaps the quickest way to help correct hormonal imbalances between estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone – essential to fat loss.
Yes, we understand this recommendation isn’t one specific “food,” but hear us out. The unfortunate truth is that we live in a culture that is continuously stressed-out. This stress saturates our body in cortisol, which – as we’ve mentioned – promotes fat storage.
The best way to counteract our body’s stress response is to eat snacks rich in whole grains, lean proteins, and heart-healthy fats throughout the day. In turn, this regulates cortisol production.
Drinking moderate amounts of red wine is a healthy dietary choice. Red wine contains a polyphenol called resveratrol, which is a potent anti-inflammatory and hormone-balancing substance.
Before hitting the hay, make sure to have a small, protein-rich snack, such as some cottage cheese or some nuts. Both contain a good dose of amino acids and magnesium, which will encourage a deeper sleep throughout the night.
The Flat Belly Fix Review | Your Complete Guide
WHAT IS FLAT BELLY FIX? The 21 Day Flat Belly Fix as it’s called is a weight loss program that teaches you the simple secret to losing weight without any more exercise than you’re getting now and without ever feeling like you’re on a diet at all. So does that means dieting is not covered in the program? No, dieting is part of the program, however, the program access to delicious recipes and meal plans that you can use that totally feel like your regular normal meal.
Part of the recipe you will be receiving in the program is what the author calls “Fat Burning Tea” recipe” included also is the EXACT ratio of spices, tea, and other ingredients designed to massively boost your metabolism and turn your body into a white-fat destroying machine.
WHAT DOES FLAT BELLY FIX PROGRAM CONTAIN? The program gives you access to The 21 Day Fat Belly Fix Manual which is the core of the program and reveals more on dieting, exercising and steps to follow. Included also are 7-Minute Flat Belly Protocol, Fat Belly Fix Smoothie recipes which contain delicious recipes, Elite Personal Coaching that gives you one-month access to a personal trainer, and access to a closed Facebook group where you get to meet other users for support and feedbacks.
So what can you learn from the Program?
How to elevate your levels of “The Master Fat Burning Hormone” by 1300% in Women and 2000% in men so your body becomes a raging fat-burning furnace every night… burning away unwanted fat while you sleep without even having to set FOOT in a gym…
The “White Fat Fuel” secret that forces your body to stop feasting on sugar as your primary energy source and has your body and cells gobbling up your white fat like pudding so only your lean, beneficial brown fat remains…
How to “turn back the clock” on your skin so you have the same clear, vibrant skin you had as a teenager… even if you’re decades past your prime and have smoked a pack a day for years…
Sick of being “tired and grumpy” all the time? You’ll learn a simple dietary trick that reduces the “depression chemicals” in your brain almost instantly… leading to a dramatic improvement in your mood in just 1 or 2 days.
The “Thyroid Accelerator” technique anyone with at least a 4th-grade education can use to turn your thyroid dial up to 11 almost-automatically, dramatically increasing your rate of weight loss… and more.
SHOULD YOU BUY THE FLAT BELLY FIX PROGRAM?If you are tired of all the complex weight loss program online and looking for a simple yet effective system that shows you the right food to eat with the right minimal exercise to to in order to lose weight in short period of time, then yes this program is for you. However it’s important to note that this program requires a great amount of commitment on your part and it’s not a quick fix program.
The Flat Belly Fix Review | Your Complete Guide
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Cholesterol & Blocked Arteries – Causes and Treatments
What Is Coronary Artery Disease?
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Breakthrough Discovery Reveals How Cutting Out ONE Hidden Ingredient Lowers Cholesterol Level Below 100 And Clears Out 93% Clogged Arteries – Starting Today!
Coronary artery disease (CAD), also called coronary heart disease (CHD), develops when the major blood vessels that supply the heart with blood, oxygen and nutrients become damaged or diseased.
The condition is usually caused by cholesterol-containing deposits called plaque. It is a waxy substance with a combination of cholesterol, fat and other substances which stick to the walls lining the blood vessels.
Overtime they make arteries become harder and narrower and may cause a condition called atherosclerosis.
Plaque buildup narrows coronary arteries, thereby decreasing the blood flow to the heart which eventually causes chest pain, shortness of breath or other signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease.
Uncontrolled coronary artery disease or a complete blockage of arteries can cause a heart attack.
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Coronary artery disease progresses over the years and it may remain unnoticed until the plaque buildup results in a blocked artery in heart leading to a heart attack.
Regular health checkups can help in identifying the condition early and following a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the condition.
Once the coronary arteries become narrow due to plaque buildup, the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart is disrupted. The demand increases during periods where the heart is beating hard, such is during exercise, climbing stairs or any other strenuous activity.
Blocked artery symptoms will not be evident in the initial years but as plaque continues to build up in the arteries, patients may develop certain signs and symptoms including the following:
Chest pain (angina)
Shortness of breath
Heart attack
Sedentary lifestyle
Diabetes or insulin resistance
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Belly Fat in Women
Risk factors
Family history
Blood Pressure
Breakthrough Discovery
Starting Today!
Preventing Diseases Such As Stroke and Heart Attack!
This video reveals a little-known secret to tackle cholesterol plaque, previously only available to the rich and famous.
You’re about to learn how to:
Completely clean out the plaque buildup in your arteries
Drop your cholesterol to a healthy level
Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol
And boost your physical and mental energy to levels you didn’t think possible
all by cutting out just ONE hidden ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming.
This video reveals one single ingredient responsible for all cholesterol plaque buildup in your arteries. And how to completely eliminate it without medications.
Causes Many factors determine whether your cholesterol is high or low, including:
age (cholesterol levels increase with age)
alcohol consumption
cigarette smoking
gender (men have higher cholesterol)
level of physical activity
Ethnicity (South Asian and Indigenous individuals are more likely to have high cholesterol)
Best Diets Weight loss Diet plans
High cholesterol symptoms There are no symptoms for high cholesterol so many people are unaware they have it. The only way to find out is to have a blood test.
What causes high cholesterol?We don’t always know what causes high cholesterol. For some people, their liver makes too much cholesterol. This condition often runs in families, which means that a close blood relative (such as a parent) may have it as well. For those people, no matter how much they modify their diet, they may still have high cholesterol.
The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn ugly belly fat…
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Other factors that contribute to high cholesterol and heart disease are what you have been eating and drinking, how much you are moving each day, and being overweight.
Types of cholesterol – ‘good’ and ‘bad’There is only one type of cholesterol, but it is carried around the body by different ‘carriers’ (lipoproteins) that have different tasks. There are two types of carriers: LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (high-density lipoprotein).
Known as ‘bad’ cholesterol The role of LDL in the body is to transport cholesterol to all organs for use in building cells
LDL is like a large ‘dump truck’, and dumps cholesterol in the artery walls.
HDL cholesterol is like a ‘pick up’ truck that picks up and transports cholesterol from the bloodstream to the liver, which gets rid of it
The role of HDL in the body is to carry extra cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver
Known as ‘good’ cholesterol.
Triglycerides are the most common form of fat in your body. The role of triglycerides is to store and transport fat in the blood. Extra energy from food and alcohol that your body does not need is changed to triglycerides. High triglycerides increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Total cholesterol is a rough measure of all the cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood.
The total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio is the ratio of your total cholesterol to your HDL cholesterol. This ratio is used to measure your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Treatment and Prevention Lowering cholesterol levels with treatment reduces the risk of developing coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, and other disorders.
A healthy lifestyle is the best defense against high cholesterol. This also helps against other risk factors that increase your risk of heart and blood vessel disease. The following lifestyle changes are an important part of overall treatment in managing high cholesterol:
follow a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol eat a wide variety of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds
Adopt a healthy dietary pattern (e.g. Mediterranean diet, Portfolio diet, or DASH diet)
boost your level of physical activity (at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity)
maintain a healthy body weight limit your alcohol consumption to:
no more than 2 drinks per day (or no more than 3 drinks on special occasions) to a maximum of 10 drinks per week for women
no more than 3 drinks per day (or no more than 4 drinks on special occasions) to a maximum of 15 drinks per week for men
If you quit smoking and keep your blood pressure down, it will help lower your risk of developing angina, heart attack, and stroke.
For people who are at high risk for heart and blood vessel disease, drug therapy is started immediately along with lifestyle changes. For those at moderate or low risk, lifestyle changes may be started first. Medication may be added if the cholesterol targets are not reached within a few months or if there are additional risk factors.
Medications used to treat high cholesterol include the “statins” (e.g., atorvastatin*, rosuvastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin), resins (e.g., cholestyramine, colestipol, colesevelam), fibrates (e.g., fenofibrate, gemfibrozil), cholesterol absorption inhibitors (e.g., ezetimibe), PCSK9 inhibitors (e.g., alirocumab, evolocumab) and niacin. Medications have been shown to lower the chance of further clogging of the arteries and treat cholesterol problems by lowering levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and raising the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. These medications must be used in addition to, not as a substitute for, healthy lifestyle changes.
Some people think that it’s too late to change your habits if you’ve already had a heart attack or stroke, but this is not true. It’s vital to reduce your cholesterol to help prevent it from happening again. Some patients with heart and blood vessel disease are now treated with a “statin” even if their cholesterol level is normal. Your body is constantly producing cholesterol, so you must take your medication and follow lifestyle changes as recommended by your doctor to prevent cholesterol levels from rising.
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Cholesterol & Blocked Arteries – Causes and Treatments
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Simple Healthy lifestyle | Teaching The Body To Use Fat As Energy
The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn program will completely reprogram your body to burn ugly belly fat...
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The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn program will completely reprogram your body to burn ugly belly fat… However, if you’d like to 10x how fast you lose weight, you have the option of using this super simple — do anywhere — exercise program… And because it doesn’t require ANY gym equipment you can do it without ever leaving your house…
You will lose belly fat just by following the lessons in Eat Sleep Burn…
Yet if you enjoy exercising then the “28-Day Metabolic Reset” gives you the fastest weight loss in the least amount of time… Because most folks are wasting their time spinning their wheels on a treadmill or elliptical trainer… we want to make sure YOU have access to the scientifically proven most efficient way to exercise for weight loss…
It takes just 21 minutes a day… It uses body weight exercises only…
Not only will this exercise program burn off your belly fat, iti s also strategically created to reset your hormones to reduce hunger and eliminate cravings… You’ll be shocked at how gentle and simple these movements are…
And you’ll able to get a flat, strong belly that puts the “gym bunnies” to shame without ever feeling like you’re “working out” at all…
Your second present is your Eat Sleep Burn “Limitless Potential” System ……
What if a few extra tweaks to your daily routine could help you tap into just 10% more of your mind and body’s boundless potential… What about 20% or 50% or more…
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Not only is it possible. It’s actually easy to do if you know the simple “hacks” Dan has assembled in the Limitless Potential System… And it’s all down to simple little habits you can add to your daily routine designed to help your body recover from the strains of daily life, exercise, work stress, environmental pollutants and more…
By engineering rapid mental and physical recovery using these scientifically proven “hacks”… Dan has easily doubled or tripled the athletic potential of his clients… and slashed in half the time it takes for his movie star clients to get in shape for the camera…
And now, for the first time, you can enjoy the massive boost to your own mental, physical, and professional performance…
Maybe you’re wondering what that might look like… Well, Dan’s new client Julie did nothing except apply the habits in the Limitless Potential System and lost 4 lbs of belly fat… just by allowing her body to recover so that her fat burning metabolism could perform at 100%…
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg… I don’t even have time to get into the amazing effects these habits will have on your immune system, your ability to quickly heal from an injury, and the near-miraculous restorative effects on your health…
Your third present is something special. In fact, I can’t do this for everyone…
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It’s easily the gift I’m most excited about giving you!…
Because it’s 21 days of FREE access to Dan’s award-winning online coaching program…
Listen: No matter how hard we work to make Eat Sleep Burn the most complete and easy-to-follow system it can be, there are always going to be questions and particular situations that come up that we just can’t cover in the material…
That’s why we want to give you 21 days of PERSONAL coaching with Dan and his staff…
First, you’ll be getting exclusive emails from Dan where he shares his most important new insights and discoveries with you. Plus…
As soon as you finish your enrollment you’ll instantly be added to our secret closed Facebook group where you can ask any question you want, network and bond with other folks going on the exact same journey and get the motivation and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to stick to the program and get the amazing results I’ve promised you here today…
So let’s add this all up just so you can see for yourself what a great deal you’re actually getting…
With your special discount you’ll get the complete “Eat Sleep Burn” program for just $37… We already agreed that “Eat Sleep Burn” is worth at least $97 all by itself… so that’s already a pretty great deal…
But then, at no additional charge at all, you’re also getting:
The Eat Sleep Burn “Limitless Potential” System…
…the 28-Day Metabolic Reset program…
AND 21 days of our ELITE Personal Coaching…
And each of those should probably sell for $97 or more all by themselves too… If you were at the supermarket that would all add up to… $287!
But using your special discount you’ll get everything for just $37…
I don’t know about you, but if I was at the store, swiped my “membership card” and saw my bill for $287 worth of stuff plummet to less than $40 I’d feel like I won the lottery…
Or like there was some mistake…
But no matter what I’d rush to claim my discount before anyone tried to take it away…
And all you have to do to claim your discount and take advantage of this amazing deal is click the big button right on this page right now…
In the “Eat Sleep Burn” system you’ll learn…
The precise Shutdown Sequence required to guarantee the exact form of potent sleep that will naturally melt away all your excess body fat…
The 3 key Sleep Switches that make it easy to reclaim your energy and vitality…
How to reset your “Circadian Rhythm” so that your body intuitively knows the most healthy time to drift off to sleep and to wake you without an alarm or any morning grogginess…
How to control a powerful “neurotransmitter” in your brain that instantly lets you shut out anxious thoughts and power down your spinning brain…
Which means as soon as tonight you can enjoy a deep, relaxing and restoring sleep while
your body goes to work burning ugly belly fat…while deep in your cells you immediately start laying the foundation that will help
prevent the potential for disease that lurks in your body…
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I barely have time to tell you about…
The “Bat Cave” method to virtually guarantee you fall easily into a deep and restorative sleep…
The 2 rules you must NEVER break if you take a nap. I mean never…
One simple trick you can use to double the amount of fat-burning deep sleep you get every single night…
How to reduce cancer-causing inflammation throughout your body without
dangerous and expensive drugs…
And much, much more…OK… CAN YOU FEEL THAT? Your heart beating… The dryness in your mouth… That incredible desire to know this… OK, it’s time to take action… Regularly $197 JUST $37! (Immediate Action Discount) CLAIM YOUR DISCOUNT NOW
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However, leading a healthy life doesn’t need to be complicated.
To gain optimal health, lose weight, and feel better every day, all you need to do is follow these 5 simple rules.
Do Not Put Toxic Things Into Your Body
Many things people put in their bodies are downright toxic.
Some, such as cigarettes, alcohol, and abusive drugs, are also highly addictive, making it hard for people to give them up or avoid them.
If you have a problem with one of these substances, then diet and exercise are the least of your worries.
While alcohol is fine in moderation for those who can tolerate it, tobacco and abusive drugs are bad for everyone.
But an even more common problem today is eating unhealthy, disease-promoting junk foods.
If you want to gain optimal health, you need to minimize your consumption of these foods.
Probably the single most effective change you can make to improve your diet is to cut back on processed, packaged foods.
This can be tough because many of these foods are designed to be extremely tasty and very hard to resist.
When it comes to specific ingredients, added sugars are among the worst. These include sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup.
Both can wreak havoc on your metabolism when consumed in excess, though some people can tolerate moderate amounts.
In addition, it’s a good idea to avoid all trans fats, which are found in some types of margarine and packaged baked foods.
Lift Things and Move Around
Using your muscles is extremely important for optimal health.
While lifting weights and exercising can certainly help you look better, improving your appearance is really just the tip of the iceberg.
You also need to exercise to ensure your body, brain, and hormones function optimally.
Lifting weights lowers your blood sugar and insulin levels, improves cholesterol, and lowers triglycerides.
It also raises your levels of testosterone and growth hormones, both associated with improved well-being.
What’s more, exercise can help reduce depression and your risks of various chronic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and many more.
Additionally, exercise may help you lose fat, especially in combination with a healthy diet. It doesn’t just burn calories, but also improves your hormone levels and overall body function.
Fortunately, there are many ways to exercise. You don’t need to go to a gym or own expensive workout equipment.
It’s possible to exercise for free and in the comfort of your own home. Just do a search on Google or YouTube for “bodyweight workouts” or “calisthenics,” for example.
Going outside to hike or take a walk is another important thing you should do, especially if you can get some sun while you’re at it (for a natural source of vitamin D). Walking is a good choice and a highly underrated form of exercise.
The key is to choose something that you enjoy and can stick in the long run.
If you’re completely out of shape or have medical problems, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor or a qualified health professional before starting a new training program.
Exercise doesn’t just help you look better, it also improves your hormone levels, makes you feel better, and reduces your risk of various diseases.
Sleep Like a Baby
Sleep is very important for overall health and studies to show that sleep deprivation correlates with many diseases, including obesity and heart disease.
It’s highly recommended to make time for good, quality sleep.
If you can’t seem to sleep properly, there are several ways you can try to improve it:
Don’t drink coffee late in the day.
Try to go to bed and wake up at similar times each day.
Sleep in complete darkness, with no artificial lighting.
Dim the lights in your home a few hours before bedtime.
It may also be a good idea to see your doctor. Sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, are very common and in many cases easily treatable.
Getting quality sleep can improve your health in more ways than you can imagine. You’ll feel better both physically and mentally and lower your risk of various health problems down the line.
Avoid Excess StressA healthy lifestyle involves a wholesome diet, quality sleep, and regular exercise.
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organicdietguide · 4 years
The Vertigo & Dizziness Exercises Treat | Balance Problems
How in the World Could Snoring Exercises Treat Vertigo?
It is actually quite simple.
You see, traditionally, vertigo is caused by three major factors:
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Pressure on the inner ear (water buildup, in the case of Ménière’s disease, and infection with vestibular neuritis).
Lack of blood flow to the brain. Low blood pressure is often blamed for this. But bad blood circulation is a more common cause. This is what often leads to stroke.
Miscommunication between the balance system in the ears and eyes. The ears tell you to move in a certain way, and the eyes in another way. That’s why people sometimes fall down when they close their eyes.
The snoring exercises loosen up and strengthen the muscles around the head.
This does three things:
It increases blood flow to the head. Most people think the heart is the only source of blood circulation. But all muscles act as mini-pumps that help the heart. The muscles in the neck are especially important to get blood flowing up to the brain.
It triggers the lymph system to remove toxins and extra fluids from the head area. It also fights infection in this area. Almost everyone, for example, has stiff jaws. When you begin to loosen up your jaw, it triggers the lymph system around the inner ear (very connected).
This is the only reliable way to remove fluid and fight inflammation in the inner ear.
These exercises position your head in the right way. If you look in the mirror, I guarantee your head doesn’t sit completely straight on the neck. I never met a person suffering vertigo or dizziness that had his or her head positioned 100% correct.
Your neck joints are like a cabinet door with wrongly adjusted hinges. They either bang into the other doors or won’t close properly.
This blocks blood flow.
But more importantly, it skews the balance between your eyes and ears. Your ears feel like your body is positioned in one way while your eyes perceive your position in a different way.
When you work on the muscles around your balance system, your head will be rightly positioned. Your ears and eyes will agree.
and when that happens, you won’t experience the vertigo and dizziness symptoms anymore!
As much as the medical system would like to cash in on costly, “cutting-edge” surgeries, these operations are almost always useless.
More importantly, it’s scary to learn how often these surgeries lead to serious hearing loss (even total deafness), damage to the inner ear, infection and other complications.
What Does NOT Cause Vertigo and Dizziness!
There are many myths about vertigo and dizziness and other balance problems, and I need to tell you about the more serious ones…Myth Number 1:
Vertigo and dizziness is just a normal part of aging.
Absolutely not.
You shouldn’t accept vertigo just because you’re getting older.
It sets on people as they age because of an underlying factor that commonly affects older people.
I’ll tell you more about this in a second.
However, if you tackle this underlying vertigo and dizziness factor, your vertigo will be gone in minutes – never to return – no matter what age group you belong to.
Myth Number 2:
Vertigo is a direct cause of another disease.
Ménière’s, vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis are commonly blamed.
Yes, these diseases are associated with vertigo. But they aren’t the real underlying cause.
In fact, doctors have no idea what causes these diseases. They say Ménière’s causes vertigo and then state that vertigo is the main symptom of Ménière’s.
Like a dog chasing its tail, this just leaves you dizzier than ever and without a real solution.
Myth Number 3:
Medications and surgery cure vertigo and dizziness.
If they don’t know what causes vertigo, how are they going to cure it?
Now, I’ll always encourage everyone to listen to their doctors and follow their advice.
But if yours is not open to alternative methods, get a second opinion.
And when you have a doctor who is truly educated and honest, he or she will tell you that very few people benefit from vertigo medications and surgery.
In fact, the side effects are usually horrible. They’ll make your problems worse in the long haul.
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Common side effects of vertigo and dizziness medications are:
Dry mouth
Nausea and vomiting
Blurred vision
Click Here to Order Now…
The food we eat has important influences on our health. Dietary choices can alter or influence disease patterns & progress.
For vertigo patients, a little tweak in their dietary choices can either raise or lessen their risk of a vertigo attack and the discomfort causing associated symptoms.
Some people start feeling dizzy after eating certain food while others experience improvement in vertigo condition after going on a vertigo diet.
Belly Fat in Women
Vertigo or dizziness is just a symptom that can be caused by over 40 diseases of the inner ear, the nervous system or the brain.
It is very important to diagnose the actual cause of vertigo or dizziness by conducting diagnostic tests and then the specialist doctor will be able to prescribe medicines, rehabilitation therapy & diet based on the underlining disease.
Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol
The vestibular disorders stem from the inner ear, causing imbalance or dizziness. It may also cause visual or hearing disturbances as well.
It is important to diagnose the cause of vertigo to manage vertigo conditions. It is necessary to understand, what are the best foods for vertigo and what are those foods that trigger vertigo and should be completely avoided.
Best Diets Weight loss Diet plans
If you are suffering from vertigo attacks, you may try some of the food tips mentioned hereafter consulting your doctor.
How food affects vestibular problems
Vertigo is a consequence of certain problems in the inner ear.
It can be an infection, mechanical problems like dislodgement of calcium carbonate particles (otoliths), inflammation, functional disorders, weak immune response, increased inner ear pressure, etc.
The Vertigo & Dizziness Exercises Treat | Balance Problems
The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn ugly belly fat…
The underlying pathological conditions need proper medication and treatment. Dietary modifications may augment the effect of medical management.
Foods to control vertigo Avoid These:
If you are experiencing vertigo conditions, here is a list of foods to avoid with vertigo:
Avoid consuming fluids that have high sugar or salt content in it such as concentrated drinks and soda. These are the foods that trigger vertigo.
Caffeine intake. Caffeine is present in coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks, and colas.
It may increase the ringing sensation in the ear of the person who has vertigo issues.
Caffeine has been reported to cause cell depolarization making the cells more easily excitable. Caffeine intake should be regulated in patients suffering from Meniere’s disease and vestibular migraine. Caffeine is strictly restricted in the vestibular migraine diet.
Excess salt intake. Salt causes retention of excess fluid in the body affecting the fluid balance and pressure. High salt in the diet interferes with the internal homeostasis of the vestibular system.
Patients with Meniere’s disease and vestibular migraine are asked to limit their salt intake or you may start feeling dizzy and trigger symptoms even further.
Food rich in sodium like soy sauce, chips, popcorn, cheese, pickles, Papas, and canned foods is to be avoided.
You may replace your regular salt with low sodium salt as sodium is the main culprit in aggravating vertigo.
Nicotine intake/Smoking. Nicotine is known to constrict the blood vessels. Vestibular problems arising due to vascular constriction will worsen by nicotine ingestion/smoking.
Nicotine reduces blood flow to the brain and hampers in recovery by vestibular compensation.
Alcohol intake. Alcohol adversely affects the metabolism, dehydrates the body, and its metabolites are harmful to the inner ear and the brain.
Alcohol may trigger severe vertigo attack, migraine, vomiting, and nausea in a vertigo prone person.
Alcohol may interfere with the central processing of the brain hampering vestibular compensation and affect cognitive functions negatively impacting the recovery of the patient.
It may also aggravate vertigo by altering the inner ear fluid dynamics. Wine is a known trigger of migraine attacks.
Processed food & meat are some of the foods to avoid with vertigo.
Bread and pastries can even trigger vertigo conditions.
Fried foods should be completely avoided when you go on a vertigo diet.
Pickles and fermented foods may aggravate symptoms of vertigo.
The above foods are shown to aggravate the conditions leading to vertigo. Avoiding these foods can help stabilize your condition.
Include These:Incorporate foods that are anti-inflammatory and detoxifying. They reduce the swelling of the tissue in the inner ear, repair the cells, and ensure healthy cell regeneration.
Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
Rich in potassium; tomatoes help flush out excess fluid from the body. Include tomato in your diet, it is counted as the best vertigo or dizziness treatment food.
These are rich in antioxidants, micronutrients and are anti-inflammatory too. Nuts are counted as one of the best foods for vertigo as they are rich in vitamins.
Nuts improve blood circulation in the body and inner ear, thereby reducing the inner ear pressure build-up due to excess fluid. However, in a vestibular migraine, nuts should be avoided.
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Mayo Clinic’s Diet unique food pyramid
What is Mayo Clinic Diet?
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This diet has been reviewed by U.S. News’ team of expert panelists.
Weight loss and a healthier lifestyle go hand in hand on the Mayo Clinic Diet. You recalibrate your eating habits, breaking bad ones and replacing them with good ones with the help of the Mayo Clinic’s unique food pyramid.
By sticking with the Mayo Clinic Diet, you’re expected to shed 6 to 10 pounds in two weeks and continue losing 1 to 2 pounds weekly until you’ve hit your goal weight.
This spin on the standard eating plan is designed for people with prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes, and its advice is specific to lowering blood sugar and keeping levels stable.
The Official Mayo Clinic DietAs you do research on the Mayo Clinic diet, it’s important to be aware that there are some fad Mayo Clinic diets as well.
One of the fad diets with the Mayo Clinic label argues you should eat grapefruit with nearly every meal as part of your weight loss plan. This fad diet, however, has not been officially linked to the Mayo Clinic.
The official Mayo Clinic diet, meanwhile, is espoused by the medical center and consists of two phases: Lose It! and Live It!
Phase 1 of the diet is designed to help you take charge of your diet and weight loss plan within two weeks and is a good way to jump-start the diet.
It involves cutting 500 to 1,000 calories a day and may result in losing 6 to 10 pounds within two weeks.
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Phase 2 is the long-term plan, which provides you with techniques to sustain the diet over the long haul (which is often the hardest part).
Eventually, the diet will have you losing weight at a slower but healthier pace, at about 1 to 2 pounds a week.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the diet relies heavily on major behavior changes rather than a quick, instantly gratifying loss of pounds in a week.
That means you’ll be required to figure out what your motivation is, learn to handle obstacles, and follow through on goals.
Melt 7 Pounds Every 7 Days
The diet is one “you can stick with for life, not a fad or quick fix,” the Mayo Clinic states.
Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid
Your guide to the diet is the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid, which shows you exactly how much of each food group you should be eating daily.
The base of the pyramid, or the biggest part, consists of daily physical activity as well as fruits and vegetables.
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A July 2019 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that increasing fruit and vegetable intake actually reduces long-term weight gain for people who are genetically predisposed to a higher body mass index.
Above the fruit and vegetable based, as each section gets smaller, are carbohydrates, protein/dairy, and fats. At the very top is a small section allotted for sweets.
You’ll notice that the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid doesn’t require you to cut out any specific foods or food groups, but rather it aims to teach you how to balance what you’re eating.
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This way, your diet may be sustainable in the long term once you learn how to eat less of the unhealthy things and more of the healthy options.
How does Mayo Clinic Diet work?
Part one focuses on 15 key habits – ones to add and ones to ditch. You don’t count calories, and you can snack all you want on fruits and veggies.
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After two weeks, you begin part two, learning how many calories you should eat to either lose or maintain weight and where those calories should come from.
No food group is completely off-limits – you’re developing a pattern of healthy eating you’ll follow for life.
you’ll use what you learned in the first phase but be allowed to occasionally break the rules. You’ll also calculate the number of calories you can eat while still losing a couple of pounds a week.
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But instead of counting the calories in every grain of (brown) rice you eat, you’ll focus on servings. On a 1,400-calorie plan, for example, you’re allowed four or more servings each of fruits and veggies, five servings of carbs, four of protein/dairy and three of fats.
What’s a serving? For fruit, it’s the size of a tennis ball; for protein, no bigger than a deck of cards. Round out “Live it!” with regular physical activity and you’re set for life.
If you’re interested in following the Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet, it’s heavy on food that’s naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories, and the diet emphasizes fruits, veggies and whole grains. Recommended foods include healthy carbs (think fruit, legumes, vegetables, whole-wheat flour and wheat bran); fiber-rich foods such as nuts and beans; heart-healthy fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna; and “good” fats, which include avocados, almonds, olives and walnuts. Foods to avoid include saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol and sodium.
The Mayo Clinic Diet is usually three to seven days in duration. On the Mayo Clinic Diet, you are allowed to eat an unlimited amount of grapefruit, meat and poultry.
The Mayo Clinic Diet uses meat and fat to stop hunger, and insist that eating more fat in your diet will result in weight loss.
This Mayo Clinic diet concept works on the premise that eating fat allows your stomach to feel full, which results in a reduced appetite. On the Mayo Clinic diet, you can actually eat fried foods and as much meat as you want.
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organicdietguide · 4 years
The Best Diabetes-Friendly Diets to Help You Lose Weight
The Worst and Best Foods in Diabetes Diet
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The Best Diabetes-Friendly Diets to Help You Lose Weight
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Diet for diabetes People with diabetes can manage their blood sugar levels by making beneficial food choices.
Living with diabetes does not have to mean feeling deprived. People can learn to balance meals and make healthy food choices while still including the foods they enjoy.
Both sugary and starchy carbohydrates can raise blood sugar levels, but people can choose to include these foods in the right portions as part of a balanced meal plan.
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For those with diabetes, it is important to monitor the total amount of carbohydrates in a meal. Carbohydrate needs will vary based on many factors, including a person’s activity levels and medications, such as insulin.
A dietitian can recommend specific carbohydrate guidelines to best meet a person’s needs. However, as a general rule, people should try to follow the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ MyPlate guidelines and include no more than a quarter plate of starchy carbs in one meal.
For people who have diabetes, the key to a beneficial diet, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), is as follows:
Include fruits and vegetables.
Eat lean protein.
Choose foods with less added sugar.
Avoid trans fats.
Below is a list of some fruits, vegetables, and foods with less added sugar.
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What Should You Eat If You Have Diabetes?In truth, a diet aimed at reducing the risks of diabetes is really nothing more than a nutritionally-balanced meal plan aimed at supporting maintaining blood sugar levels within range and supporting a healthy weight.
For those with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, the main focus of a diabetes-focused diet is being attentive to your weight.2 That said, a diabetic diet is simply an eating approach that works to keep you healthy, and so is not reserved only for people with diabetes. Your whole family can enjoy the same meals and snacks, regardless of whether others have diabetes or not.
Yes—there are a few food decisions that will matter more if you do have diabetes. We provide you with some general guidelines to help you understand how much and how often to eat in order to maintain steady blood sugar levels. And, these recommendations hold true for anyone who has diabetes: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, as well as prediabetes and gestational diabetes.1
Intermittent fasting Weight Loss
Diet really does matter, a lot!
In fact, if you were recently diagnosed with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, by decreasing your weight by about 10%, you may even reverse your diabetes, putting it into remission.3,4
Adopting a Diabetes Diet Plan for Long-Term Health
By becoming a bit savvier about the effect that foods, especially carbs, can have on your blood sugar, you will want to know how and why to adjust your food choices; you can feel so much better in the process.
It may ease your mind to know you will be able to incorporate your favorite foods into a healthy diet while being mindful of your diabetes diet goals (eg, healthy weight, steady blood glucose levels, good blood pressure). For many people, at least initially, this may seem harder than it should be and that’s understandable; after all, it can seem very, very challenging to change current eating habits and find the right food rhythm to fit your lifestyle.
“While the idea of changing your diet can be confusing and overwhelming at first, research shows that making healthy lifestyle choices can help you manage your blood sugar levels in the short term and may even prevent many of the long-term health complications associated with diabetes,” says Lori Zanini, RD, CDE, and author of The Diabetes Cookbook and Meal Plan for the Newly Diagnosed.
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Although you can include most foods in a diabetic diet, you do need to pay the most attention to particularly to the types of carbohydrates you choose in order to prevent spikes, or unhealthy increases, in your blood sugar.
Foods high in simple carbohydrates—mostly from added sugars (ie, cane sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, honey) and refined grains (especially white flour and white rice)—as foods containing these ingredients will cause your blood sugar levels to rise more quickly than foods that contain fiber, such as 100% whole wheat and oats.
“Everyone is different and, ultimately, you know best how your body responds to different types of foods, so you may have to make individual adjustments when cooking at home, eating out, or attending celebrations,” Ms. Zanini points out. “You may find that some processed, high-carb foods, like commercial breakfast cereals and plain white rice, are just too “spiky” for you and it’s best to stay away from them and find reasonable substitutes.”
Diabetes superfoods
There are many foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber that you can make part of your daily eating plan that are good for your health. Supercharge your meal plan with these ten foods full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Healthy Diet Plant-Based Diet On your grocery list include vegetables to put on the list:
Bell peppers
Brussels sprouts
Carrots (1 baby carrot has about 1 gram of carb)
Greens (spinach, kale, collards, etc.)
Onions, garlic, scallions, leeks
Snow peas, sugar snap peas
Green peas
Potatoes (white and sweet)
Polyunsaturated fats:
Corn oil
Cottonseed oil
Pumpkin seeds
Safflower oil
Soybean oil
Omega-3 fatty acids:
Fatty fish, including albacore tuna, herring, mackerel, rainbow trout, sardines, and salmon
Tofu and other soybean
Flaxseed and flaxseed oil
Low-Fat Dairy
Although dairy foods contain carbs, they also are a prime source of calcium and vitamin D and should be part of a diabetes-friendly diet.
On your grocery list include:
Nonfat or low-fat milk
Low-fat cottage cheese
Plain, unsweetened yogurt
Low-sodium cheeses (eaten in small quantities), including mozzarella, Emmental, and neufchatel
Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol
Add any dried or canned beans to your grocery list, including (but not limited to):
Black beans
Cannellini beans
Chickpeas (garbanzo)
Fava beans
Kidney beans
Pinto beans
Whole Grains
Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber, which can play an important role in metabolizing carbohydrates and lowering cholesterol.
They also are rich in magnesium, B vitamins, chromium, iron, and folate.
Put any of these on your list:
Brown or wild rice
Whole-grain bread
Whole-grain, no-sugar-added cereal
Whole-wheat pasta
Monounsaturated fats:Avocado
Canola oil
Almonds, cashews, pecans, peanuts
Olives, olive oil, butter-flavored olive-oil spread
Peanut butter
Peanut oil
Sesame seeds
Polyunsaturated fats:Corn oil
Cottonseed oil
Breastfeeding superfoods How Many Carbs are In Your Fruit?
Healthy Fats
The most important thing to consider when factoring fat into a diabetes-friendly diet is to limit saturated fat, which can cause blood cholesterol levels to soar. However, there are several types of healthy fats that actually help to lower cholesterol and should be included on your list.
The fruit is naturally sweet, but because of the type of sugar it contains (fructose) and its high fiber content, most have a low glycemic index and can be an easy and nutritious way to satisfy a sweet tooth or round out a meal. Which fruit and how much fruit you include in your daily diet will depend on the approach you’re taking to managing your diabetes, but in general, fruit can be eaten in exchange for other sources of carbs such as starches, grains, or dairy.
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Top fruit choices to include on your list:Apples, unsweetened
Cantaloupe and other melon
Dried fruit
Fruit cocktail (packed in natural juices)
Oranges and other citrus fruits
Peaches and nectarines
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Top Nutrition Tips for Everyday Health | Healthy Eating Tips, Eat Right
A balanced diet for you... The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn ugly belly fat…
Eating Right, Nutrient-rich foods provide energy for women’s busy lives and help to reduce the risk of disease. A healthy eating plan regularly includes:
At least three ounce-equivalents of whole grains such as whole-grain bread, whole-wheat cereal flakes, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice or oats.
Three servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products including milk, yogurt or cheese; or calcium-fortified soymilk. (Non-dairy sources of calcium for people who do not consume dairy products include calcium-fortified foods and beverages, canned fish and some leafy greens.)
The Real Mom’s Guide
Five to 5-and-a-half ounce-equivalents of protein foods such as lean meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, beans, lentils, tofu, nuts and seeds.
One-and-a-half to two cups of fruits — fresh, frozen, canned or dried without added sugars.
Two to two-and-a-half cups of colorful vegetables — fresh, frozen or canned without added salt
A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet.
A healthy diet comprises a combination of different foods. These include:
Staples like cereals (wheat, barley, rye, maize or rice) or starchy tubers or roots (potato, yam, taro or cassava).
Legumes (lentils and beans).
Fruit and vegetables.
Foods from animal sources (meat, fish, eggs and milk).Here is some useful information, based on WHO recommendations, to follow a healthy diet, and the benefits of doing so.
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Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit:
They are important sources of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, plant protein and antioxidants.
People with diets rich in vegetables and fruit have a significantly lower risk of obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer.
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Eat less fat:
Fats and oils and concentrated sources of energy. Eating too much, particularly the wrong kinds of fat, like saturated and industrially-produced trans-fat, can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Using unsaturated vegetable oils (olive, soy, sunflower or corn oil) rather than animal fats or oils high in saturated fats (butter, ghee, lard, coconut and palm oil) will help consume healthier fats.
To avoid unhealthy weight gain, consumption of total fat should not exceed 30% of a person’s overall energy intake.
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Limit intake of sugars:
For a healthy diet, sugars should represent less than 10% of your total energy intake. Reducing even further to under 5% has additional health benefits.
Choosing fresh fruits instead of sweet snacks such as cookies, cakes and chocolate helps reduce consumption of sugars.
Limiting intake of soft drinks, soda and other drinks high in sugars (fruit juices, cordials and syrups, flavoured milks and yogurt drinks) also helps reduce intake of sugars.
Reduce salt intake:
Keeping your salt intake to less than 5h per day helps prevent hypertension and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke in the adult population.
Limiting the amount of salt and high-sodium condiments (soy sauce and fish sauce) when cooking and preparing foods helps reduce salt intake.
What came first the chicken or the egg? We may never know, but we do know there are many reasons to make eggs an essential part of your diet.
Eggs have been a dietary staple since time immemorial and there’s a good reason for their continued presence in our menus and meals. Not only do they offer culinary variety — hard-boiled eggs, omelets, deviled eggs, and then some — they are also a source of protein, calcium and several vitamins and nutrients. Here are some of the benefits of incorporating eggs into your diet.
Healthy Diet Plant-Based Diet
1. It’s a nutritious treat
Though relatively small in size, eggs pack a lot of nutrition and can be an important staple in a well-balanced diet.
One large boiled egg has about 77 calories and contains:
Vitamins A, B5, B12, D, E, K, B6
Six grams of protein
Five grams of healthy fats
“Eggs are a good source of protein (both whites/yolk). They also contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats and are a great source of important nutrients, such as vitamin B6, B12 and vitamin D,” says Kurt Hong, MD, clinical professor of medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.
2. Eating cholesterol affects different people, well, differently
Yes, it’s true that eggs — specifically egg yolks — are high in cholesterol. A single large egg has approximately 186 mg of dietary cholesterol. However, before eliminating eggs from the menu, it’s worth investigating the dietary guidelines provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). One study suggests that eggs don’t raise cholesterol at all for about 70% of people. According to the researchers, cholesterol in the diet doesn’t necessarily raise cholesterol in the blood. The remaining 30%, who are called “hyper responders,” can mildly raise total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by consuming eggs.
3. Eggs raise good cholesterol
Eating eggs leads to elevated levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as the “good” cholesterol. People who have higher HDL levels have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and other health issues. According to one study, eating two eggs a day for six weeks increased HDL levels by 10%.
4. Get some choline
Choline is a water-soluble vitamin that is often grouped with the B vitamins. It’s used to build cell membranes and helps produce signaling molecules in the brain. One hard-boiled egg has about 147 mg of choline, which is 27% of the daily value recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
5. Eggs help maintain your eyesight
As we get older, we need to take better care of our eyes. Egg yolks contain large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, helpful antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration in the eyes. Eggs are also high in vitamin A, which is beneficial for eye health.
Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol
6. Some eggs are better for you
Omega-3 helps reduce triglycerides, which are a type of lipid fat in the blood. That’s why eating Omega-3 enriched eggs may be an option, particularly if you don’t enjoy other foods (fish, nuts, seeds) that are naturally rich in Omega-3. (If your triglyceride level is below 150, you’re doing well; 150-199 is borderline high; 200-499 is high; and 500 and above is considered very high.)
7. Get enough proteins and amino acids
Getting enough protein in our diets is an important way of helping our body’s health. Each egg contains about six grams of protein as well as helpful amino acids. Getting our share of protein for the day can help with weight management, increase muscle mass, lower blood pleasure, and help our bones, as well.
8. They’re not bad for the heart
Despite what was believed in previous decades, there is no direct link between egg consumption and heart disease or stroke. But some studies show that people with diabetes who eat eggs increase their chance of heart disease. People who follow a low-carbohydrate diet and eat eggs have less of a chance of developing heart disease, some studies suggest.
9. It’s a filling meal
You might have noticed that eating eggs for breakfast may keep you feeling fuller for longer — that’s generally attributed to the high protein content in eggs. Whether you have an omelet for breakfast or a hard-boiled egg as a snack, eggs can help you stay satisfied after or between meals.
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Change Your Eating Habits
Keep to a regular eating schedule
Eat together as a family most days of the week
Eat before you get too hungry
Make sure every family member eats breakfast every day
Drink water before a meal
Stop eating when you’re full
Don’t eat late at night
Try a green salad instead of fries
Ask for salad dressing “on the side”
Chew slowly every time you eat and remind others to enjoy every bite
Serve water or low-fat milk at meals, instead of soda or other sugary drinks
Pay attention to flavors and textures
Instead of eating out, bring a healthy, low-calorie lunch to work and pack a healthy “brown bag” for your kids
Provide fruits and vegetables for snacks
Ask your sweetie to bring you fruit or flowers instead of chocolate
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organicdietguide · 4 years
A Week-by-Week Stages of Pregnancy | Stages of pregnancy
A Week-by-Week Stages of Pregnancy
The Real Mom’s Guide
Week by Week Pregnancy Week 1 & 2 During the first two weeks of pregnancy, you are technically not pregnant yet. During these weeks, you will menstruate, after which your body will prepare to ovulate.
Pregnancy Week 3 The third week is around the time that ovulation and conception occur. During this week, fetal development will begin, including the development of the brain and spinal cord.
Pregnancy Week 4 Between the fourth and seventh weeks of pregnancy is when many women discover they are pregnant. You may begin to experience various pregnancy symptoms.
Pregnancy Week 5 During the fifth week, you will want to schedule your first prenatal appointment. At this point, you may also begin to experience morning sickness.
6 Weeks Pregnant At this point, you may experience nausea, breast changes, and heartburn, among other symptoms. Your baby’s vital organs are also developing.
Pregnancy Week 7 By the seventh week, every vital organ has begun to develop in your baby’s body. Also, while morning sickness is unpleasant, there are steps you can take to find relief.
Pregnancy Week 8 During the eighth week, you will probably experience morning sickness, and your baby is growing. You will also probably have your first prenatal appointment this month.
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Pregnancy Week 9
At nine weeks, your baby is about the size of a grape and may start sucking on his/her thumb. Find out how you can prevent heartburn and get a better night’s sleep.
Pregnancy Week 10
While most of your baby’s organs are present by the 10th week, they will continue to mature throughout your pregnancy. Also, find exercises to stay healthy during pregnancy.
Pregnancy Week 11
At 11 weeks, you only have a couple of weeks left in the first trimester. While you may not be able to feel any movement at this point, your baby is becoming more active.
Pregnancy Week 12
You have almost completed the first trimester! Your baby is continuing to grow, and you want to eat well to get the proper nutrients for both you and your baby.
Pregnancy Week 13
As you finish your first trimester, you will begin to notice many changes with your body, including stretch marks. Also, your baby now has a unique set of fingerprints.
Pregnancy Week 14
Congratulations on beginning your second trimester! You and your baby are continuing to grow. Learn how to manage stress in a healthy way.
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Pregnancy Week 15
By the 15th week, your doctor may begin measuring your fundal height to monitor growth. Also, discover the best sleeping position for pregnancy.
Pregnancy Week 16:
Your developing baby As you enter your 16th week, your blood volume has increased, you may have a pregnancy glow, and your baby is getting ready for a growth spurt.
Pregnancy Week 17
By the 17th week, you are well into your second trimester. Your baby is developing adipose, your abdomen is growing, and you may experience sciatic nerve pain.
Pregnancy Week 18
By 18 weeks, your pregnancy bump is starting to show more. You may need to take time to rest during the day. You may also have your third prenatal appointment soon.
Pregnancy Week 19
During the 19th week, you may experience round ligament pain and dizziness. Talk with your doctor before using any medication or herbal remedies.
Pregnancy Week 20
Congratulations on making it half-way through your pregnancy! Now is a great time to start creating a birth plan. Also make sure you are consuming enough iron.
Pregnancy Week 21
At 21 weeks, you are well into your second trimester. For many women, this is the most enjoyable trimester. Enjoy this time as your baby continues to grow.
Healthy Diet Plant-Based Diet
Pregnancy Week 22
By 22 weeks, your baby is looking more like a newborn, although there is much more growing to do. This is a good time to sign up to take a childbirth education class.
Pregnancy Week 23
At 23 weeks, your baby is continuing to develop. This is also a great time to finalize plans for maternity leave and begin discussing options for paternity leave.
Pregnancy Week 24
By the 24th week, your baby’s brain is developing rapidly, and the lungs are maturing. You may be experiencing heartburn and changes in your skin.
Pregnancy Week 25
At 25 weeks, your uterus is about the size of a soccer ball. Your baby is gaining fat, and you may be able to find out your baby’s gender at this point.
Pregnancy Week 26
At 26 weeks, you have almost reached your third trimester! At your next appointment , you can expect your doctor to perform some routine screenings.
Pregnancy Week 27
At 27 weeks, you have begun your third trimester! At this point, you can feel your baby move more. This is also a great time to pick out an infant car seat.
Pregnancy Week 28
Around the 28th week, you will begin having more frequent prenatal appointments. This is also a great time to make plans for your trip to the hospital.
Pregnancy Week 29
At 29 weeks, it is important that you are getting adequate amounts of nutrients and rest. This is a great time to discuss you birth plan with your partner.
30 Weeks Pregnant At 30 weeks, you may be feeling more tired, and your joints may feel looser. This is the time to think about your pain relief options for when you deliver.
Pregnancy Week 31 At 31 weeks, you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions and start leaking colostrum. This is a great time to decide whether to breastfeed or bottle-feed.
Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol
Pregnancy Week 32
By your 32nd week, you will probably have prenatal appointments every two weeks. Look into making a decision on whether or not to keep your baby’s cord blood.
Pregnancy Week 33
Starting in the 33rd week, you may notice leaking amniotic fluid. You will also want to take preventative measures to reduce your chances of needing an episiotomy.
Pregnancy Week 34
By the 34th week, your baby’s lungs are well-developed. At this point, your doctor may recommend that you begin massaging your perineum to prevent an episiotomy.
Pregnancy Week 35
At 35 weeks, you may feel short of breath. You may also notice a change in your baby’s movements. Around this week, it is important to start tracking your baby’s kick counts.
Pregnancy Week 36
At 36 weeks, you only have a month to go. You may experience an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions. This is a good time to go ahead and pack your bag for the hospital.
Pregnancy Week 37
During your 37th week, your cervix will begin to dilate and efface. You may also pass your mucus plug. Take time to finish any preparations before your baby arrives.
Pregnancy Week 38
At 38 weeks, most of your baby’s organs are fully functional, and you could go into labor at any time. Try to rest, and enjoy these last few days before you meet your baby.
Pregnancy Week 39
At 39 weeks, you may not have noticed many changes over the past couple weeks. Your baby could arrive at any point, so make sure to rest and enjoy this time.
Pregnancy Week 40
Congratulations on reaching the end of your pregnancy! You will probably meet your baby this week. Learn some helpful tips for when you are in labor.
Severe morning sickness or hyperemesis gravidarum causes persistent nausea and vomiting, particularly during the first 12 pregnancy weeks. This may lead to first trimester symptoms of weight loss and dehydration, requiring IV fluids and antinausea medication.
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Pregnant women should be aware of the possibility of developing gestational diabetes. It causes symptoms like excessive thirst and hunger, frequent urination, and fatigue. Obesity and excessive weight gain are possible, especially as the pregnancy progresses.
Women are supposed to gain weight during pregnancy.
A Week-by-Week Stages of Pregnancy | Stages of pregnancy
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First Trimester: Week 1– Week 12:
The early changes that signify pregnancy become present in the first trimester.
A missed period may be the first sign that fertilization and implantation have occurred, ovulation has ceased, and you are pregnant. Other changes will also occur.
Some signs of early pregnancy in many women include symptoms like:
Extreme fatigue
Tender, swollen breasts. Nipples may protrude.
Nausea with or without throwing up (morning sickness)
Cravings or aversion to certain foods
Mood swings
Frequent urination
Weight gain or loss. Breastfeeding superfoods
First Trimester: The Baby at 4 Weeks Development of embryo at approximately 4-6 weeks.
At 4 weeks, your baby is developing:
The nervous system (brain and spinal cord) has begun to form The heart begins to form Arm and leg buds begin to develop.
Your baby is now an embryo and 1/25 of an inch long.
First Trimester: The Baby at 8 Weeks.
At 8 weeks, the embryo begins to develop into a fetus. Fetal development is apparent:
All major organs have begun to form.
The baby’s heart begins to beat.
The arms and legs grow longer.
Fingers and toes have begun to form.
Sex organs begin to form.
The face begins to develop features.
The umbilical cord is clearly visible.
At the end of 8 weeks, your baby is a fetus, and is nearly 1 inch long, weighing less than ⅛ of an ounce.
First Trimester: The Baby at 12 Weeks.
The end of the first trimester is at about week 12, at this point in your baby’s development:
The nerves and muscles begin to work together. Your baby can make a fist.
The external sex organs show if your baby is a boy or girl.
Eyelids close to protect the developing eyes. They will not open again until week 28.
second trimester: Week 13 – Week 28 Changes a Woman May Experience
you will also notice more changes to your body.
That “baby bump” will start to show as your abdomen expands with the growing baby.
By the end of the second trimester you will even be able to feel your baby move!
some changes you may notice in your body in the second trimester include:
Back, abdomen, groin, or thigh aches and pains
Stretch marks on your abdomen, breasts, thighs, or buttocks Darkening of the skin around your nipples.
A line on the skin running from belly button to pubic hairline (linea nigra)
Patches of darker skin, usually over the cheeks, forehead, nose, or upper lip. This is sometimes called the mask of pregnancy (melasma, or Chloasma facies).
Numb or tingling hands (carpal tunnel syndrome)
Itching on the abdomen, palms, and soles of the feet. (Call your doctor if you have nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, yellowing of skin, or fatigue combined with itching. These can be signs of a liver problem.)
Swelling of the ankles, fingers, and face. (If you notice any sudden or extreme swelling or if you gain a lot of weight quickly, call your doctor immediately.
This could be a sign of a serious condition called preeclampsia.)
Second Trimester: The Baby at 16 Weeks.
The human fetus at about four months showing the head and upper limbs and the umbilical cord which connects the fetus (at the navel) to the placenta.
As your body changes in the second trimester, your baby continues to develop:
The musculoskeletal system continues to form.
Skin begins to form and is nearly translucent.
Meconium develops in your baby’s intestinal tract. This will be your baby’s first bowel movement.
Your baby begins sucking motions with the mouth (sucking reflex).
Your baby is about 4 to 5 inches long and weighs almost 3 ounces.
Second Trimester: The Baby at 20 Weeks:
Human fetus near his fifth month of development.
At about 20 weeks in the second trimester, your baby continues to develop:
Your baby is more active. You might feel movement or kicking.
Your baby is covered by fine, feathery hair called lanugo and a waxy protective coating called vernix.
Eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails, and toenails have formed. Your baby can even scratch itself.
Your baby can hear and swallow.
Now halfway through your pregnancy, your baby is about 6 inches long and weighs about 9 ounces.
Second Trimester: The Baby at 24 Weeks
Human fetus at approximately 24 weeks showing details of his closed eyes, nose, mouth, and facial hair.
By 24 weeks, even more changes occur for your growing baby:
The baby’s bone marrow begins to make blood cells Taste buds form on your baby’s tongue.
Footprints and fingerprints have formed.
Hair begins to grow on your baby’s head.
The lungs are formed, but do not yet work.
Your baby has a regular sleep cycle.
If your baby is a boy, his testicles begin to descend into the scrotum. If your baby is a girl, her uterus and ovaries are in place, and a lifetime supply of eggs has formed in the ovaries.
Your baby stores fat and weighs about 1½ pounds, and is 12 inches long.
Third Trimester: Week 29 – Week 40 Changes a Woman May Experience
In the third and final trimester you will notice more physical changes, including:
Swelling of the ankles, fingers, and face. (If you notice any sudden or extreme swelling or if you gain a lot of weight really quickly, call your doctor right away.
This could be a sign of a serious condition called preeclampsia.)
Tender breasts, which may leak a watery pre-milk called colostrum
Your belly button may protrude.
The baby “dropping,” or moving lower in your abdomen.
Contractions, which can be a sign of real or false labor Other symptoms you may notice in the third trimester include shortness of breath, heartburn, and difficulty sleeping.
Third Trimester: Changes as the Due Date Approaches.
A doctor examines a pregnant woman’s belly.
Other changes are happening in your body during the third trimester that you can’t see. As your due date approaches, your cervix becomes thinner and softer in a process called effacement that helps the cervix open during childbirth.
Your doctor will monitor the progress of your pregnancy with regular exams, especially as you near your due date.
Third Trimester: The Baby at 32 Weeks The human fetus at 8 months, almost full term.
At 32 weeks in the third trimester, your baby’s development continues.
Your baby’s bones are soft but fully formed
Movements and kicking increase.
The eyes can open and close.
Lungs are not fully formed, but practice “breathing” movements occur.
Your baby’s body begins to store vital minerals, such as iron and calcium Lanugo (fine hair) begins to fall off.
Your baby is gaining about ½ pound a week, weighs about 4 to 4½ pounds, and is about 15 to 17 inches long.
Human fetus in utero at approximately 36 weeks.
At 36 weeks, as your due date approaches, your baby continues development:
The protective waxy coating (vernix) thickens Body fat increases.
Your baby is getting bigger and has less space to move around. Movements are less forceful, but you will still feel them.
Your baby is about 16 to 19 inches long and weighs about 6 to 6½ pounds.
Third Trimester: The baby at 37 to 40 Weeks A mom looks at her newborn child.
Finally, from 37 to 40 weeks the last stages of your baby’s development occur:
By the end of 37 weeks, your baby is considered full term.
Your baby’s organs are capable of functioning on their own.
As you near your due date, your baby may turn into a head-down position for birth.
Average birth weight is between 6 pounds 2 ounces to 9 pounds 2 ounces and average length is 19 to 21 inches long.
Most full-term babies fall within these ranges, but healthy babies come in many different weights and sizes.
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organicdietguide · 4 years
Flexitarian Diet Healthier | Add Years To Your Life | The Flexitarian Diet
Flexitarian Diet Benefits: for Your Health...
What does being flexitarian involve?
Becoming flexitarian is about more than simply eating fewer animal foods and more plants. It’s also about optimizing health. The quality of your food choices is also important. Here are the main principles to follow:
Eat mostly vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds plus minimally processed oils.
Choose plant sources for most of your protein needs. You can also use protein powders made from pea, rice, hemp and soya combination of different plant proteins is best.
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Incorporate some or all the following animal-origin foods into your diet from time to time: red meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products including milk, cheese, and yogurt. I’ll look at this in more detail later.
Eat the least processed, most natural form of foods. As an endurance athlete, you might want to look at switching to sports nutrition brands that use natural ingredients and are vegan. In the UK I recommend Tribe and 33 Fuel.
Limit refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice, as well as cakes, biscuits, pastries, and confectionery. Do this in the context of your sporting life, of course, sometimes low fiber foods are just what you need. And there may well be a time and place for a good quality cake!
Avoid junk food, poor quality fats too much added sugar, and highly processed meal options.
Plant sources of key nutrients
Flexitarian Diet Healthier | Add Years To Your Life | The Flexitarian Diet
Being flexitarian is not the same as being an omnivore (someone who eats all food groups) as, by definition, a conscious effort is made to reduce animal foods and increase plant foods. So, it’s important to know which are the best plant sources of key nutrients and incorporate these regularly into your meals, as you are unlikely to meet your requirements from animal foods alone if you significantly reduce the latter in your diet.
Protein: needed for strength, muscle recovery and to support almost every system in your body. Plant sources: beans, lentils, chickpeas, tofu, quinoa, nuts, and seeds plus the proteins found in wholegrain foods. Choose a wide range as not all plant proteins contain the full range of essential acids needed by your body.
Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol
It is generally recommended that endurance athletes consume 1.2-1.6g of protein per kg of body weight per day, compared with 0.8g/kg for the general population.
This should be spread across your various meals or snacks each day, so the smaller amounts of protein found in plant foods can help you to do this. You can see the amounts of protein per 100g in various plant foods and compare this with foods of animal origin here.
Iron: needed to make red blood cells for oxygen transport and for energy production. The iron in plant foods is called non-haem iron, which is harder for the body to absorb than the haem type found in animal foods. But iron is found in a wide range of plant foods.
Belly Fat in Women
Some of the best sources are tofu, beans, lentils, chickpeas, cashew nuts, various seeds, dried apricots, dried figs, and green leafy vegetables.
Eat or drink a source of vitamin C (found in most fruit and vegetables) with these foods to improve how much iron you absorb.
Calcium: essential for bone health and also plays a role in muscle function. Plant sources include nuts, seeds, chickpeas (including hummus), tahini (made from sesame seeds), tofu, beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables, and seaweed.
Plant “milk” is usually fortified with calcium as they contain much less than cow’s milk. Check for this when choosing a brand.
Zinc: Important for the immune system and a healthy gut, as well as many other processes in the body.
Meat and dairy are the primary sources of zinc, but it is also found in the nut, seeds, beans, lentils, tofu, and chickpeas so some of these foods should be included in a flexitarian diet every day.
Omega 3 fats: these anti-inflammatory fats are found in certain plant foods but unlike those found in oily fish, the fats must be converted by the body to a form that can be absorbed.
This means that quite large quantities are needed. Sources include chia seed, hemp seed, flaxseed, seaweed, walnuts and pumpkin seeds.
What Is The Paleo Diet
If you are going to follow a flexitarian diet but exclude fish and seafood, I recommend that you take a vegan omega 3 supplement made from marine algae, such as this one.
Flexitarian Diet Healthier | Add Years To Your Life | The Flexitarian Diet
a great option for anyone who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle because it emphasizes plants without being anti-meat.
Belly Fat in Women
Lowers Risk of Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes..
74 participants consumed the same number of calories for six months. Some went on a vegetarian diet, and others went on a diet that emphasized reducing sugars, refined carbs, cholesterol, and saturated fat.
Interestingly, people on the vegetarian diet lost more subcutaneous fat (the fat under your skin), subfascial fat (the fat that lines your muscles), and intramuscular fat (the type stored inside your muscles themselves).
The fat stored in your muscles can impact your metabolism and lead to insulin resistance (and even type 2 diabetes).
A study published in Diabetes Care cited specifically, flexitarians had a lowered risk of type 2 diabetes compared with nonvegetarians.
In addition, being overweight is one of the biggest risk factors for type 2 diabetes, and this same study showed that flexitarians had lower BMIs than nonvegetarians.
Helps With
Weight Loss
If you’re trying to lose weight, there a seemingly infinite number of eating plans and diets to choose from, and the Flexitarian Diet can be considered one of the most credible.
The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn ugly belly fat…
For one, if you emphasize the plant-based component of this diet by eating lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains, you’ll likely feel full on fewer calories than you’re accustomed to, which makes shedding pounds almost inevitable.
Decreases Your Risk for Heart Disease..
The researchers concluded that substituting some of the meat in your diet with vegetables may be a simple way to lower the risk of heart-related death.
However, it’s worth noting that this study was not published in a peer-reviewed journal, and therefore credibility is limited.
It’s also worth noting that one case report and literature review published in the Journal of Geriatric Cardiology found that plant-based diets may be effective in preventing and treating heart failure.
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Contributes to a Longer Life..
Research also suggests that Flexitarians may live about 3.6 years longer than their carnivorous counterparts, likely as a result of the reduced risk of disease.
Adds to Feelings of Fullness.. Keeps You Well Nourished.. What is the Flexitarian Diet?
Before getting into the specific benefits of a flexitarian diet, it’s important to be clear on what it actually is.
The flexitarian diet was devised by a dietitian called Dawn Jackson Blatner, and the name is a combination of the words “flexible vegetarian.” This tells you the key fact about the diet: it’s similar to being a vegetarian but much less strict. You limit your consumption of meat but not entirely.
There are really no hard rules to follow or anything like that; it’s a more general approach that keeps some key principles in mind.
Mainly eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
Get most of your protein from plants rather than animals.
Eat meat from time to time.
Stick to the most natural form of foods, avoiding overly processed foods.
Try to keep any added sugar to a minimum.
This is really the core of the diet, but what it boils down to is that you’re essentially a vegetarian but you eat meat when it takes your fancy. In theory, this should offer many of the benefits of a vegetarian diet while being much easier to stick to in the long-term.
Flexitarian Diet Healthier | Add Years To Your Life | The Flexitarian Diet
The Benefits of a Flexitarian Diet
1 – Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Research has found that vegetarian diets are better for reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes than “diabetes-friendly” diets. This is expected to carry over to flexitarian diets to some extent, and indeed the review article mentioned above confirmed that there is a reduction in the risk for type 2 diabetes for flexitarians.
Since the classification of “flexitarian” is relatively new, there hasn’t been too much research on it specifically, but the results so far are strongly suggestive of a benefit.
2 – Better for the Environment Livestock is a huge source of greenhouse gas emissions, and going vegetarian or vegan is one of the best things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. While this would undoubtedly be better, switching to a flexitarian diet still provides some of the same benefits to the environment, depending on how much you reduce your meat consumption.
When you do eat meat, avoiding beef and lamb is a particularly good idea because farming these animals contributes the most to greenhouse gas emissions.
3 – More Affordable Although there is a lot of variation in how much people spend on food shopping, flexitarian diets don’t rely on special, hard-to-find ingredients or anything more expensive than what you’ll ordinarily buy. If you currently eat meat, it’s likely that you’ll actually save a bit of money by switching to a flexitarian diet, because you’ll be replacing the most expensive part of most meals with something more affordable.
Research has backed this assumption up, too, with vegetarians saving up to $750 per year on food. Of course, as a flexitarian, your savings won’t be quite this big but you will still save money.
4 – Benefits for Weight Loss Losing weight can be very challenging to achieve, and this difficulty has spawned a whole industry of fad diets and “one simple trick” type claims to help you get the body you want.
A flexitarian diet is an ideal solution in a lot of ways, though. The basic reason for this is that plant-based foods tend to be lower in calories, so incorporating more into your diet helps you feel full but still keeps your calorie count low.
Studies have confirmed this too, although the focus is ordinarily on vegetarians and vegans. For example, one review of existing research found that people who cut out meat lost 4.5 pounds/2 kg more than people who didn’t, over an 18 week period. Another review found that people with plant-based diets weigh about 15 percent less than meat-eaters on average.
The review article on flexitarian diets mentioned earlier also covers weight loss and finds suggestive evidence of benefits for weight loss. As expected, vegetarian and vegan diets were associated with lower weights and more weight loss, but flexitarian diets were better than ordinary omnivorous diets.
5 – Potentially Reduces Risk of Heart Disease As with many of the entries on this list, there isn’t much evidence on the benefits of a flexitarian diet for your heart, but there is a lot more research on vegetarian diets. The studies looking at vegetarians tend to find a reduced risk of heart disease.
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