onxcall · 5 years
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sentence starters from the video game gunpoint.          change pronouns as needed.
did you just get thrown out of a plate glass window?
someone just got thrown out of your apartment window.
i don’t want to talk about it.
i was actually about to call you about something else, but now i’m interested in this.
how do you know my name?
i see i’ve underestimated you.
i agree that i am boned.
walking through already open doors is my specialty.
that’s a slightly creepy level of micro-management, but OK.
thanks for giving my personal crisis a difficulty curve.
wow, that’s kind of a dick move by somebody.
get him in trouble? i’d want to get him in acid.
if you want me to shut up and stop asking stupid questions, just say the word.
you can’t hear a bug. it’s not the fucking nineties.
hack a thing. got it.
[ name ] , hat fancier.
you just went 3 sentences without an exclamation mark,  [ name ] .  what’s wrong?
you’re hiring me to investigate your own incompetence? cool.
people who throw themselves out of third story windows aren’t all bad.
the only thing this guy’s guilty of is great taste.
no, i’m not stealing footage of people making out for you.
i kinda lost the plot on mission 2. i just like getting paid.
i May have issues.
you’re OK with getting your husband arrested?
i mean it, if you say one word about this, anywhere, you’ll be dead before you leave the building.
yeah, that’s not a good thing to say the night someone’s killed.
i’ll tip off a journalist friend.
i cannot think of a third thing to tell you at this time.
you want to let an innocent man go down to catch a guilty one?
guess what! i’m fucking you back.
any last words before i finish ruining your life?
thanks, i’m off to commit a double homicide.
come and fucking get me.
the week echoed in my mind like a gunshot in an empty street.
i’ve had better weeks.
he played a dangerous game, and he didn’t have the cards.
in fact, i may have killed more people than i actually avenged here.
sometimes i think i picked the wrong side.
i guess i picked the least shitty of two incredibly shitty sides.
maybe that doesn’t matter. maybe all that matters is …   justice.
i think i need to get out of this city.
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onxcall · 5 years
“ i was too weak… and i… i couldn’t control the spirit’s power, so…”
“IT’S not the staff,” 
He won’t look at it.
The metal shaft holds the gleam of the overhead fluorescent lighting. Step around the table to the left and the light glides over the silver. Step around the table to the right and it continues to shine down like a wicked blade of light.
It puts the bah-jeebies straight into his heebies, and he says as much—
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      “NO OFFENSE—the staff itself is the love child of physics and black-as-fuck magic. It’d make a sorcerer cry... blood tears, to be sure,” He leans back on a stool a good foot away from the table, and that shine remains. It’s edged off onto the bottom of the shaft as a reminder of its dangerous standing. 
           “YOU’RE probably more dangerous at this point than it is, Nic.”   
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onxcall · 5 years
*: ・゚✧   phoenix wright: ace attorney starters. part one.
feel free to change pronouns, etc, as needed!
“ the situation is slipping out of my grasp.”
“ this just won’t do.”
“ do you understand what that means!?”
“ if it were me, i don’t think i’d want to go either.”
“ so… what would you like me to do about it?”
“ i want you to help me prove i’m innocent.”
“ um, you do realize i’m a __, not a private investigator, right?”
“ no, this is something only you can do.”
“ wow, i didn’t think you’d really show up!”
“ do you know the messy story behind it?”
“ that’s too scary, even for me.”
“ after i’m done, we can grill up some juicy burgers!”
“ i can’t believe they allow such misguided reports on the public airwaves!”
“ with a confession, the rain falling on my soul can finally stop.”
“ the past is the past though. let us speak of the present now.”
“ how dare you be so rude and disrespectful?”
“ so… how strong are you?”
“ it is also for your safety, if something were to go wrong.”
“ if you were to touch them, they would become cursed. yes, cursed.”
“ how ya been!? haven’t seen you in, what, a year!?”
“ ah, so i guess you’re still at it?”
“ you hear me!? they won’t be able to say a single bad thing about me after this!”
“ i won’t lose it, trust me!”
“ how come we ain’t allowed in that room!?”
“ you have an impressive grasp of english. from where did you learn it?”
“ hey! th-that’s a gunshot!”
“ don’t try to stop me!”
“ that man… murdered me… so i killed… him.”
“ my cellphone doesn’t get reception way out here.”
“ the police are here! sorry to keep you waiting!”
“ well, time to check out the crime scene.”
“ i’ll have to question everyone here later on, so just sit tight, alright?”
“ shall i show you the scene of the crime?”
“ please stay calm, but… there has been a murder!”
“ um, so, like… a murder is that thing where, like, one person kills another, right?”
“ so i, like, felt sick, and came in here to, like, sleep.”
“ i totally feel like i’ve wasted my time ‘cause i, like, slept a long time.”
“ h-hey you! don’t touch anything!”
“ don’t look at me like i’m some sort of uncaring jerk…”
“ don’t scare me like that!”
“ what do you mean!? you’re the one scaring me!”
“ if i weren’t so tough, you’d have another dead body on your hands – mine!”
“ calm down, take deep breaths.”
“ it’s not your fault. you didn’t do it.”
“ i killed that person.”
“ i was too weak… and i… i couldn’t control the spirit’s power, so…”
“ you don’t have to be nice to me. i understand.”
“ you believe in us, don’t you?”
“ after a spirit comes into my body, i lose myself, my consciousness.”
“ you don’t remember a single thing?”
“ are you sure? i mean, i’m guilty! i’m a murderer!”
“ but i did! i killed that person… with these… two hands!”
“ but isn’t that extremely dangerous?”
“ our world is so different from yours.”
“ it’s so totally not for you.”
“ it will help you see people’s secrets.”
“ just this once, i wish i could be on your side.”
“ i don’t think you can win, pal.”
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onxcall · 5 years
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VOCABULARY  :  ◼◼◻◻◻ EMOTION  :  ◼◼◻◻◻ SENTENCE  STRUCTURE  :   ◼◼◻◻◻
FREQUENCY  :  ◼◼◻◻◻ CREATIVITY  :   ◼◼◼◼◼ WATCHFULNESS  :   ◼◼◼◼◻
arse.    ass.    asshole.    bastard.    bitch.    bloody.    bugger.    bollocks.    chickenshit.  crap.    cunt.    dick.    frick.    fuck.    horseshit.    motherfucker.    piss.    prick.    screw.    shit.    shit - ass.    son  of  a  bitch.    twat.    wanker.
christ  on  a  bike.    christ  on  a  cracker.    damn.    goddamn.    gods  damn.   hell.   holy  shit.   jesus.    jesus  christ.   jesus  h.  christ.    jesus,  mary  and  joseph.    sweet  jesus.
contractions or  enunciation  ?   straightforward  or  cryptic  ?    jargon  or  toned  ?   complexity  or  simplicity  ?    finding  the  right  word  or  using  the  first  word  that  comes  to  mind  ?    masculinity,  neutrality,  or  femininity  ?    formalities  or  abrasiveness  ?    insult  or  injury  ?    praise or  equivocation  ?   frankness or  lies  ?    excessive  or  minimal  hand  gestures  ?    name - calling  or  magnanimity  ?    friendly or  blunt  nicknames  ?
do  people  have  a  hard  time  understanding  or  hearing  your  character  :  almost  always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely /  never.
does  your  character’s  point  always  come  across  when  they  speak  : almost  always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never.
would  your  character  initiate  conversations  :  almost  always  /  frequently / sometimes  /  rarely  /  never.
would  your  character  be  the  one  to  end  conversations  :  almost  always  / frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never.
would  your  character  use  ‘whom’  in  a  sentence  :  yes  /  no  /  only  ironically.
your  character  wants  to  make  a  counterpoint,    which  word  would  they  use  :  but  /  though  / although  /  however  /  perhaps  /  mayhaps  /  maybe.
how  would  your  character  pick  up  the  phone  :  hello /  hey  /  hi /  yello  /  yo /  yeah  /  [name]  /  what’s  up  /  who  is  this  /  what  do  you  want  ?  /  can  I  help  you  ?
how  does  your  character  end  conversations  :  walk  away  /  ask  if  that’s  everything  /  say  that  that’s  everything  /  give  a  proper  goodbye  /  tell  their  company  they’re  done  there  /  remain  quiet  /  they  don’t.
how  does  your  character  address  others  :  titles  /  first  names /  surnames /  full  names  /  nicknames.
what  social  class  would  others  assume  your  character  belongs  to  by  hearing  them  speak  : upper /  middle  /  lower.
in  what  ways  does  your  character  speak  stand  out  to  others  :  accent  / vocabulary  /  tone /  level  /  politeness  /  brusqueness  / it  doesn’t.
TAGGED  BY  :  originally by @ineveryvein​ |  TAGGING  :  N/A
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onxcall · 6 years
criminal minds --- sentence meme
I thought I was calling the office of supreme genius.
Well, gorgeous, you’ve been rerouted to the office of too frickin’ bad.
Try to look less official.
Medical school, schmedical school!
You ready to do some work?
Why not? I haven’t slept this week, might as well give up eating too.
You should see what comes up when you type “death” into a search engine.
No wonder you can’t find a date.
Finding new ways to hurt each other is what we’re good at.
See, my code of survival says never mess with a woman who carries a gun.
I don’t know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do.
I never said that. When have I ever said that?
Anybody ever heard of sarcasm?
You kick like a nine year-old girl.
You find baldness and wrinkles attractive?
Nobody gets therapy these days without a healthy dose of medication.
Are you hacking into the government’s HMO database? Is that legal? 
Of course not. We’ll both go to prison and you’ll be someone’s bitch.
Yeah, movie night. I’ll go make popcorn.
Easy there, tough guy. Have some coffee with your sugar.
‘Sometimes what we don’t do is every bit as powerful as what we do.
You have a lovely smile. But you don’t smile much.
Where else would any of us be on a Saturday night? It’s not like we have lives or anything.
Speak for yourself. 
Is there anything worse than cop-shop coffee?
Day-old cop-shop doughnuts?
She’s answering every question with just her name and Social Security Number.
Like a prisoner of war.
Captain America here shot number five.
Did you know that experts credit Confucius with the advent of the chopstick? He equated knives with acts of aggression.
It’s like trying to forage for dinner with a pair of number two pencils. It’s absolutely incredible. 1.3 billion people stay nourished because of these things.
If I weren’t a lesbian, I’d jump your bones.
Hanging out with you can be really depressing.
Serial killers make lousy tourist attractions.
In my experience, evil is not a cultural phenomenon – it’s a human one.
You really don’t know someone till you take a road trip with them.
Call me cynical, but considering it’s 2 a.m., I doubt it’s good news.
Please don’t tell me you have a crush on a fictional character.
What the hell was that?
He had a bomb.
You didn’t think we needed to know that?
Come on, genius, do something genius-like.
I’d call him an ass.
Trust me, you don’t want to model your social life on mine.
You are a goddess, woman.
I know what it’s like to be afraid of your own mind.
A magician doesn’t reveal his secrets.
Beauty can cover a multitude of sins, but underneath we all look exactly the same.
The world is pretty screwed up.
I’m gonna put this guy’s head on a stick.
You all right?
I’m fine.
What is the matter with you?
I have never seen you act like this.
You look like hell.
I’m trying to be more conversational.
I’m not scared. I don’t wanna be in an elevator with you, to be honest.
This is crazy.
You should have listened to me.
Do not make me smack you in front of all these people.
There is really no acceptable excuse for violence, but for you I am making an exception.
No, no… I’m talking evil twin, eviler twin… just think…
I’ll put on the coffee.
Okay, smartass, you drive.
Well, “roadside hotels” definitely go on my list of things to never do again.
Remind me to have her drug tested.
What are you guys doing here?
My dry-cleaning is more important than you.
I never have any normal fans…
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onxcall · 6 years
gemina sentence starters
❝ if you guys can roll out any kind of cavalry, now’s the goddamn time ❞
❝ if it was the last saturday night before the destruction of the universe, i’d still have plans to wash my hair ❞
❝ it’s hard to believe a criminal mastermind could be this gullible ❞
❝ damn your blinky eyes and condescension ❞
❝ please excuse me. i’m off to end my pointless existence in the dark void of space. tell mother i love her ❞
❝ i brought you here to see a whole sky of different stars ❞
❝ whatever has you chasing me, it’s nothing to do with who i am. because you have no idea who i am ❞
❝ you haven’t angered any goddesses recently, have you? ❞
❝ for a guy who asks me out a lot, you’re pretty good at standing me up ❞
❝ for a girl who turns me down a lot, you’re awfully good at pretending like we’re married ❞
❝ this is not the time to quote crusty old war strategists ❞
❝ i’m gonna stomp his jelly beans so hard his kids will be born crooked ❞
❝ how can you be one of us if you’re cut in two? ❞
❝ whom do you serve, your ego or your mission? ❞
❝ fuck the smartest move. they’re going to kill us. i’m not volunteering to be next ❞
❝ i’m going to take them apart piece by piece ❞
❝ i can’t see tomorrow from here, can’t imagine anything after this ❞
❝ patience and silence had one beautiful daughter, and her name was vengeance ❞
❝ strike the shepherd, the sheep will scatter ❞
❝ this is not a democracy. this is a war ❞
❝ odds are we’ll get killed and nobody’ll know we tried, but we can’t just leave all these people here to die ❞
❝ i’m gonna get shot, you know that right? and when it happens, just so you’re aware, i’m gonna expect a kiss as i die in your arms ❞
❝ there’s this moment, this tiny moment, in between the time you decide to pull a trigger and the time the death arrives. there’s just you and everything you’re about to take away. it’s too big. it goes forever ❞
❝ you don’t have to pretend it’s okay, you don’t have to find a joke about it ❞
❝ don’t become the monster ❞
❝ i am not what i once was ❞
❝ i’m told bravado is impressive under certain circumstances, but i’ve yet to find them ❞
❝ i have no enemies, only obstacles, and it’s time i start removing them ❞
❝ if the guilt attack you got right now was warranted, you’re goddamn right i’d be the first one to call you on it. this shit isn’t on you. none of it is ❞
❝ everyone in this thing has lied to me except you ❞
❝ if ever under god there was a time not to fuck with me, now is it ❞
❝ hold your breath. listen. and i will show you the components of calamity ❞
❝ i was thinking, and i realize now might not be the time and all, but i was thinking when this is over, maybe you might want to go out somewhere? dinner. or coffee. or something ❞
❝ you are quick witted and as beautiful as your are deadly ❞
❝ you ever get the feeling you forgot something real important? ❞
❝ you want to get your head in the fucking game or keep cracking wise? ❞
❝ fuck your apologies. people are dead because of you ❞
❝ there is no us, do you understand? there’s nothing between us. nothing ❞
❝ you cared about me. i know you did. and i still care about you ❞
❝ it’s not about what you say. it’s what you do that matters here ❞
❝ probably safer to say ‘screw the drama’ and just kill the bitch ❞
❝ you might get only one shot. so shoot ❞
❝ no, don’t you dare ask me that. i’m not kissing you goodbye ❞
❝ look, i don’t mean to sound like a bitch, but i’ve got his blood all over my hands from where he died in my arms ❞
❝ i know this is an impossibly stupid question, but are you…is there anything at all i can do? ❞
❝ say “please” you little bitch ❞
❝ i don’t want to shoot you, but- scratch that. i do want to shoot you. feel free to give me a reason ❞
❝ we can’t stop. i want to. i just want to lie down and wait for it to be done. but we can’t ❞
❝ i wanted to tell our story. i wanted people to know ❞
❝ so you’re saying there’s another universe where i took my mother’s advice, and i’m a professional musician living it up in new vegas right now? ❞
❝ keep running that mouth, i’ll show you what fucked up feels like ❞
❝ i already kicked your ass and tied you up, i can gag you too ❞
❝ first, i want you to remember that i have a history of disobeying your direct orders and turning out to be right… ❞
❝ not to be a brat about it, but let’s just reflect on the fact that i’ve been right a lot of times ❞
❝ jesus, this is insane, i shouldn’t be talking with you at all ❞
❝ do you still believe in god? after everything that has happened? ❞
❝ to protect you is all i have ever wanted ❞
❝ your word is worth absolutely nothing ❞
❝ you really want to insult the only one of us who’s getting on top of them? ❞
❝ the universe itself depends on you…no pressure ❞
❝ it may comfort you to know that your death, while astonishingly violent, will likely be mercifully swift ❞
❝ you’re kind of an asshole, you know that, right? ❞
❝ your pep talks fucking suck ❞
❝ you must be strong, the price of failure is incalculable ❞
❝ never really learned when to fold, but you can win with a pair of 2s if you act like you’ve got aces ❞
❝ it’s great to be good, it’s better to be lucky ❞
❝ so, what’s a girl gotta do to get a lift around here? ❞
❝ it’s not about what i say, right? it’s what i do that matters here ❞
❝ you really think “impossible” was going to be a problem for us after all that? ❞
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onxcall · 6 years
❛ once again, science beats magic. ❜ - spencer
“M-MY—oh, fuck — all my raw sodium,”
NEVERMIND that there are bits of smoking ’lizard-gargoyle-thing’ stuck to his back and the trees in this corner of the Pelham Bay—that’s two pounds of Himalayan, fifty-year old raw sodium tossed into a poor naiad’s pool.
He’s reverse crab-walking back, pretty sure parts of his elbows are skinned and bruised, even though he wants to cackle from VICTORY; there’s no getting that two pounds back, those bags were inherited. 
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   “Hastings, that shit was BLESSED by MONKS.”
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onxcall · 6 years
❛ you’re a fool. you always have been. ❜ - spencer
“Mmhhm—hold on, gotta… gotta catch my BREATH a sec’ here.”
Did she scare the crap out of him? Yes. Effectively so which isn’t out of the norm for anyone with Hastings as a surname. The jackrabbiting heart held inside his chest taps out a death knell. He half-snorts— the aborted mix of a snort and genuinely clogged sinuses— trying to coax his magic into bringing the dimmed external lights back on. 
Leans a hand against one of the porch’s support beams.
“Can’t a dude PRUNE nightshade at an ungodly hour in peace?”
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“But tell me—  WEATHER WITCH. What’s a fool done to get a visit from you?”
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onxcall · 6 years
❛ have you asked the guys that question, or just me? ❜ - julia
He’s never looking—not really—at the people he talks to. 
Mostly because they talk AT him. Illusionists? Rarely, but they play too many games with too many faces to gain more credit than physicals do. Ronnie closes the book before him, and tosses it up afterwards to send back to the appropriate shelf.
     “To ATTAIN knowledge, add things every day. Lao Tse.”
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      “Wicker—what do you propose to ADD for that?”
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onxcall · 6 years
learn rules carefully before you  b r e a k them.
(via antolcgias)
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onxcall · 6 years
(     *     NOW YOU SEE ME 2 PROMPTS   !    
feel free to change pronouns / titles as needed !
❛  in matters of the heart, so difficult to tell.  ❜
❛  it’s all in the wrist.  ❜
❛  now you want to see a thing of beauty?  ❜
❛  god, you cannot trust anybody in this city anymore, can you?  ❜
❛  you got this far in life by listening to one voice, the voice in your head.  ❜
❛  you have taught me that i’m not cut out for this kind of work!  ❜
❛  if you’re nervous, it can be really helpful to picture each other naked.  ❜
❛  hey, sorry, i don’t mean to gloat, but i told you so.  ❜
❛  magic is about controlling perception.  ❜
❛  apparently we’re now surrounded by chinese food.  ❜
❛  how does it feel to lose everything? your job. your identity. your reason for living.  ❜
❛  you’re a fool. you always have been.  ❜
❛  hey, i burned you once, i’ll burn you again. i’m not playing.  ❜
❛  you pulled a hat out of a rabbit. that was very colourful.  ❜
❛  you might not be having fun, but i am.  ❜
❛  why are we here then? beside you getting to show off how adorably clever you are.  ❜
❛  you can dispense with the tough guy act to begin with.  ❜
❛  i believe in an eye for an eye.  ❜
❛  don’t do anything i wouldn’t enjoy.  ❜
❛  oh, i’m sorry, did you think that i was like those other girls?  ❜
❛  seriously, is it weird to have more hair in your nose than on your head?  ❜
❛  there’s always, always more than what’s on the surface.  ❜
❛  my eyes are up here, man.  ❜
❛  something about a big white dance floor, makes me want to boogie.  ❜
❛  did you actually think i’d let you go?  ❜
❛  trust that your unique talents will not go unrecognised.  ❜
❛  once again, science beats magic.  ❜
❛  you had me at ‘hell’.  ❜
❛  i wish i could dredge from the muck of my soul one speck of remorse, but i can’t.  ❜
❛  either way, we’re left holding a whole sack full of nada.  ❜
❛  a magician’s greatest power lies forever shrouded in his empty fist.  ❜
❛  you know they’re playing you, right? leading you into a trap?  ❜
❛  that guy had a bird in his pants. that’s disgusting.  ❜
❛  hey, broski-whaddya-knowski!  ❜
❛  have you asked the guys that question, or just me?  ❜
❛  get your last words in quickly, everybody!  ❜
❛  i came into the world with the wrong family, but i’m leaving with the right one.  ❜
❛  hurry up and shut that door! it’s getting cold in here.  ❜
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onxcall · 6 years
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RON ??? ( now )
       Ok, but like how many limbs does it have? 🐙
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onxcall · 6 years
blurb on the writer? blurb on.
This is pretty simple. Ronnie is a sideblog off of ANTOLCGIAS. Why a sideblog? Easier, simpler, switch back and forth is better than between whole accounts. Also means I’d like to write with you on this blog and my main blog.
I’m on AST / EST, am a fucking meme fiend, and if I like the scenario you propose then trust I will start that thread upon given green light. Literally, just send me an IM to get things cooking.
100% will write with: canon muses, original muses, multimuses (which i adore), conceptual muses, similar face-claims, people in way different timezones, slow replies, fast repliers, users of normal text / small text / holy crap tiny text. 
Ah, smut: listen, you’re not over 18 and it’s not happening. cool the heels.
Canon / Alternate / Twisty universes: Ronnie is written as an original muse that blends in with the world canon established for other muses. His own world is normal with a deep undertone of the supernatural. That being said, he can and will be adapted to whatever muse utilized to write as a counterpart (so hit my inbox to plan or just jump right in).
For the love of Sarenrae, just ask: just send me an IM. Do it. Just. Do it. Do It. Or send me an ask, or a meme and specify.
Shipping / Chemistry: Ask! I’m most likely gonna be fine with it unless something about the context (age / power dynamics / etc) is off for me.
Oh, fuck no: No abuse storylines; by that I mean, I write Ronnie as a sweetheart with a tinge of asshole but I’m not writing an abuser. Do your thing if you want to; I don’t write that, or sexual assault, or incest. 
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onxcall · 6 years
When you start doubting yourself, remember how far you have come. Remember everything that you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.
Anonymous  (via wnq-anonymous)
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onxcall · 6 years
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onxcall · 6 years
the first tags
RONNIE [ is just a face in a crowd ]
MEMES [ simply write and rewrite ]
ASK [ madness prompts and reason writes ]
MISC [ a bucket to throw it in ]
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onxcall · 6 years
that night?
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    AND in the end, with your back against the wall,
    and the fire consuming all,
    there was a moment of peace.
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