onlythemostinsane · 5 years
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onlythemostinsane · 5 years
A “Little” Update since my last post about a year ago...
So... I’m like 99% sure no one saw or cared about my last post and the same will happen with this one and any others I may post (even though I don’t even know how to look a comments cause I haven’t been too good at figuring out this site but oh well I guess)
Anyway, basically my last post from a year ago went like this... Omg I’m suddenly DMing a D&D campaign for my friends and I haven’t even the slightest clue what on earth I’m doing all I wanted to do was show off my nerdy knowledge about how messed up the fae are and how carful you have to interact with them omg please help..
So yeah that’s pretty much how it went and I think I’m happy to say it didn’t go all that badly, kinda.
So, First campaign: Everyone was themselves and we hadn’t really figured out the whole “Character Sheet” thing and I was doing combat completely wrong as I was so overwhelmed I forgot every fight the monsters had a turn to attack, whoops... the whole “story” if you could call it that was going to be that the party was taking out a ton of goblin and orc and lizard folk camps that had raided and destroyed the kingdom they had been traversing and getting paid for the relics from a dimensional shopkeeper Sayter named Cassie. But of course the heavy hitter got bored and died and just left the campaign, and soon after I thought “how about a one shot so I can get better practice at this DMing thing” So then we make character sheets for the new campaign, and they like these characters more, so then they’re like “Can this just be the campaign?” And I’m like “um... sure”
So, Campaign two: We have our characters- The Woodelf Druid named... Rick... we were new. -Then, our Half Elf Bard.... Zelda (The only girl btw) -The Blue Dragonborn Paladin Rhino (The player who had quite the last campaign) And finally (for now) our fighter of the group... Rony the Aarocockra (hope I spelt that right cause I’m not checking)
And so, we start off with the characters meeting! And we have Rony and Rhino lost in the woods stumbling on the Druid Rick, who’s a hermit, since birth.... We later realized he was only wearing a robe.. and nothing else.. so classic D&D. He guides the others to the nearby very small “town” (really a village) where they go to the Tavern/Inn and find of course the bard performing and most people being too drunk to notice. Own band of heros of course all meeting with the bard suddenly gaining the social skills to talk to these strangers they didn’t have in real life. They all meet with a contact of Rhino’s who had brought him and rony in for job, to kill a necromancer.... I was REALLY new at this OK? I at least home brewed up some simple stats for the necromancer and some easy as pie zombies so it’s not like the party had a bad time, in fact the party really liked an actual challenge for once were the enemies finally fought back. And so with the necromancer defeated the party decided to ransack the delapedated church like any respectable PCs do, and who do they happen to find sleeping under under one of the benches? None other then a goblin, who the Druid promptly wakes up and tries to stab. Now you see I was told by my sis that I should make a character that I control to help guide them becuause they’re new.... and this goblin was the character I was going to use... so obviously I wanted him to NOT die the second he met the party. I thought him sleeping was good enough but no I should have realized PCs stab before asking questions, so of course with some oh so subtle “no initiative because he’s not attacking you” and some bard being the only person that’s the voice of reason in the group (somehow) the Druid finally stops. And so the new Chaotic Neutral Rogue Goblin named Smit joins the party. Yeah he only existed for both guiding and party balence, but the party grow quite fond of his character, who quickly became a running joke of being a D&D goblin equivalent of Deadpool in of the fact that he could respond to anything you said Out Of Character because he “Had points in meta gaming” and the bard found it particularly funny how after Smit became fully aware of the fact that he was numbers on a paper he began a downwards spiral of alcoholism and constantly being drunk and carrying wine in his bag of holding. Now the Fighter rony didn’t actually last that long, you see his character was run by a guy that was a bit... memey let’s say. He decided that while the party was in the blood church of a werewolf town that eating the mound of pulsating flesh on the alter was a good idea, it wasn’t. So I have him possessed by the blood “goddess” that is trying to take power in the region. And the party is stuck in her “domain” of flesh and blood in a kind a twisted stasis. So he goes and saves both the bard and Smit and goes and stabs a giant talked heart that promptly has him speared by many bone spikes... then they wake up, along with the rest of the party. Now, a couple things, first that heart was supposed to be his, second he was having to contain the power of multiple artifacts and many countless souls in his body at once. I wanted him to roll to see how bad a shape he was in, nat 1, I tell him to roll again, another nat 1... all I could say was, “yeah, I think you’re dead.” Their response? “Yeah that seems fair.” Bard:”This is why we don’t eat random flesh alters!” So the fighter is saved by the very high level Druid NPC that the party saved from the werewolf town, and I’ll pick up there because I’ve alright had to go back cause I hit max character limit....
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onlythemostinsane · 6 years
So I'm apparently DMing a DnD campaign?
(First off, this is my first time posting anything, so yeah this is new to me.) Ok so apparently I'm now verbally hosting a verbal DnD game... agh. Yeah at lunch I was just like; "hey (friend1), how about I use my useless fae knowledge and you try not to die or get inslaved." And or course they go with it. So one second they're failing miserably and then they managed to walk away. They meet a couple other creatures and oh hey now (friend2) is decidedly speaking for who (friend1) was talking to, well I'll drag them in then! So now (friend3) wants in too so... I'm Dming now, in a game I didn't intend to start but don't really want to end. So um, yeah, guess I gota make character sheets for the first time and find a twenty sided die and learn DnD mechanics so this doesn't crash and burn. Good thing I have SOME prior knowledge of what I got myself into, soooo... any ideas for my new champaign?
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