onibaitkat · 3 years
I love BaBs
If you are a battle axe bi, or any other exclus, know I love you and you don’t deserve the hate ya get
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onibaitkat · 3 years
!! for people who miss flying !!
(for winged therians/otherkin, for those who just want to feel like a bird, etc)
this one is in Norway, relatively fast and includes lots of low dives and skimming across mountains. there’s one backwards shot lol- I’d recommend for hawks, eagles, etc
Switzerland, super fast paced and lots of quick twists and turns. might make you feel motion sick!! best for falcons and other fast birds.
filmed in Madiera, absolutely stunning: jungles, rivers, mountains, blue lakes- for parrots, tropical birds, swallows, but good for all birds!
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onibaitkat · 3 years
Bird theriotype guide
Aka fuck tumblr he is ornithophobic and I already spent more an hour trying to make this hellhole work so screenshots are my last resort.
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onibaitkat · 4 years
fanfic tropes i love
ugh i can’t believe i got paired with you of all people for this school project
we’re at a sleepover and i forgot to bring a sleeping bag and since we’re both idiots who don’t want to sleep on the floor we have to share your bed
we’re awkward friends who really didn’t know much about each other but things happen and they have to work together and oh my your eyes are so pretty
i’m failing math and i need someone to help me study and we meet at a café and i hate them because ugh maths but actually now that i think about it your laugh when you tease me about not knowing 2+2 is really cute
we’re playing truth or dare with some friends and they dared you to make out with me but no worries bro!! it’s just a dare!!!! no homo!!!!!!!
i’ve been crushing hard on you since forever but i know i don’t have a chance :( our friend in common says you’re crushing on me too but they’re just saying to make me feel better right
something happened and we have to hide together in a really small place!!!!! we make out for 10 minutes but don’t worry we said no homo at the end
i’ve been flirting with you since last year please just notice it already
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onibaitkat · 4 years
Hey I just found out that apparently fascists and the like are using cottagecore to subtly recruit people, by disguising fascist rhetoric with cute cottagecore/trad femme aesthetics. So I just wanted to say that this blog is not, and will never be in support of fascism or anything resembling fascism in any way.
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onibaitkat · 4 years
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an old botanical spread in a sepia fineliner + pressed sunflowers.
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onibaitkat · 4 years
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studio ghibli + nature scenario
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onibaitkat · 4 years
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Photography by ukgardenphotos
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onibaitkat · 4 years
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50 age regression journaling ideas!
🌸 make a list of your favourite little space snacks!
🦄 what would be in your dream playroom/bedroom?
🌸 wha is your favourite colour? why do you like it? how does it make you feel? what are 5 things that are that colour?
🦄 can you draw your favourite animal or put a picture of it here? what sound does it make? what does it eat?
🌸 what is your favourite season? why?
🦄 do you have any rules to follow? write them down!
🌸 create a picture using your favourite colouring tools! (example: stickers, markers, crayons, paint, etc.)
🦄 do you have any stuffies? what are their names? can you write what you like about them?
🌸 what do you like the most about yourself? don’t forget how amazing you are ever!
🦄 draw a picture of your favourite little space supper!
🌸 draw a picture of you in your favourite outfit!
🦄 write down what makes you sad, beside each thing write what can make you happy!
🌸 what made you feel happy today?
🦄 if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and who would you take with you?
🌸 decorate this page with glitter and beautiful colours! maybe make a rainbow! just experiment! (be careful if you use scissors though and make sure everything dries before you close your book!!)
🦄 do you have a caregiver or someone you trust a lot? write your favourite things about them. (you don’t have to show them if you don’t want to!!)
🌸 what puts you into little space?
🦄 write a play and act it out using toys, stuffies, sock puppets, or even paper dolls! get creative!
🌸 tell me about what you did today!
🦄 do you like going to the dentist? what helps you stay calm? do you get a treat after if you did good!
🌸 think of a country you wanna visit. google it and see what comes up. are there any cool tourist spots you could go to? what language do they speak? draw the flag of the country!
🦄 do you have pets or want pets? how do they look? do they have names?
🌸 are you in school or do you have a job? what is your favourite part of it? what don’t you like?
🦄 make a page all about you! tell me everything! when’s your birthday? how tall are you? what age do you regress to? what colour are your eyes? what about your hair?
🌸 this page is for anything. you can colour on it, write a story, or just put cool stickers here. it’s up to you kiddo!!
🦄 do you like chocolate or sour candy or all of it? draw your favourite candy!
🌸 what is your favourite holiday? why do you like it? does your family do anything to celebrate?
🦄 do you have a favourite super hero or princess? draw them out! what do you like about them? is it their bravery or kindness? tell me everything!
🌸 how would you spend one million dollars if you had it?
🦄 what do you do to get ready for bed? write out your routine so you always remember it!
🌸 what do you like to pack for lunches?
🦄 make a playlist of songs you can have a dance party to with your stuffies and friends!
🌸 find a recipe for something easy to bake, write it out, and make it! (be careful using the stove or oven, get help if you need to! remember to be safe i love you)
🦄 what are some thing little you wants to go do?
🌸 tell me all about something nice you did for someone today! maybe ask a caregiver if you can have a treat for being so good!
🦄 what do you do first when you wake up? write a list of everything you need to do in the morning to start your day! (don’t forget to drink some water!)
🌸 draw a picture of you in your pj’s! do you sleep with a paci? what about a bottle or sippy cup?
🦄 what’s your favourite book? why do you like it? do you have anything in common with the main character?
🌸 make a list of 20 things that always make you smile. look at it whenever you are sad!
🦄 come up with five ways to help around the house every week! keep track of your progress and reward yourself with a small treat at the end! (making your bed, cleaning you toys up, doing homework, clean the kitchen, etc.)
🌸 draw a picture of your favourite season?
🦄 tell me about your favourite tv shows!
🌸 what’s on your wish list?
🦄 do you play video games? what’s your favourite game?
🌸 make a list of little work out activities! (tag, hide and seek, hula hooping, twister, etc.)
🦄 draw a picture of a friendly monster, give it a name. tell everyone about the monster, what does he eat, what does he do for fun?
🌸 what is your dream job?
🦄 do you have a favourite planet? or a favourite constellation? research it and write out 5 facts about it! (if you can!!) also draw it out!
🌸 draw a picture of your house! (or your bed room!!)
🦄 write a list of your favourite nicknames!
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onibaitkat · 4 years
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Sleep over ideas:
- watch Invader Zim
- eat pizza (and other junk food)
- make kandi
- blast MCR (and other bands)
- stay up until 4AM dying each other’s hair
- Be kids again...
Who wants to come?
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onibaitkat · 4 years
💛👀 What’s this? ✊💓🎀 it’s the 👍🚌☝Up With Trans☝🚌👍 bus! 💓💝 Here to give all 💪💖trans people💖💪 all the 💛Love and Support💛! ✊🚌 doot doot 💛
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onibaitkat · 4 years
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onibaitkat · 4 years
ok so future quinn here pocket camp was being a bitch and tricked me into thinking my game restarted it didn’t :)
whoever deleted pocket camp and my
fun time
with all my villagers are going to die by my blade.
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onibaitkat · 4 years
whoever deleted pocket camp and my
fun time
with all my villagers are going to die by my blade.
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onibaitkat · 4 years
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dont care didn’t ask
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onibaitkat · 4 years
my lord
God gave me a limited amount of time on this earth and by-darnit, I'm going to spend it like it should be spent.
So anyway—
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onibaitkat · 4 years
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god damnit
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