Why you think running is too hard (and how to fix it)!
Running is something a lot of us aspire to do. We know that it is one of the cheapest, highest calorie burning 30 minutes to an hour you can have…  We know it torches calories, we know it tones muscle and improves cardiovascular fitness.
So why is it then that nearly everyone struggles to stay committed.
I would say there are several answers, but the biggest problem is that it’s physically VERY hard work to go out and run a mile if you have never done it before. It’s incredibly taxing on your body, requires huge amounts of energy and is something that NO ONE is used to if they are starting out as inactive or minimally condition. Here, I’m going to share my ONE major secret for staying in running shape for over 10 years now…
The Best of Intentions…
The biggest problem most new runners face is they aren’t patient…  they think they can run a mile or two without stopping and when they don’t hit their goals for the first run, they get discouraged. Too much ambition is a runner’s downfall… Please don’t fall down :-)
Instead of saying “I’m going to run 2 miles today” say to yourself, “I am going to go for 30 minutes today!” Start off walking, jog when you feel like you can, and stop when you feel too uncomfortable.  
If you have never been a runner, running will be hard… at least at first.
It doesn’t matter where you are starting… I used to run with my sister (80lbs heavier---go Jenn!) when going more than a few yards for her was an absolute chore! She would watch me (running 4-6 miles a day) and would get impatient when she went out to run for the first time in months.  It was something entirely foreign to her body.
I will never forget the disaster that was my first run in 9th grade… Never ran a day in my life and thought… “I’ll go run 3 miles, that sounds doable”… nope. I didn’t make it have a mile, was disappointed so I didn’t even try again months!
If you have an office job… be exceptionally patient!
I lived the office job life for 3 years… and I will admit… it was the hardest time to keep myself in shape! I would spend 8 hours a day or more sitting in ONE position and typing, or answering calls. I would walk, stretch, take the stairs or do whatever I could to stay active during the day…  but it is still hard to find the energy…
Days at work can be stressful and tiring in their own way. When I would finally get home, I would often feel to tired to cook, clean, play with our dogs – let alone go out running!
Then the times I would manage it, I would feel like I was really behind, try and run too much, suck at it, then feel disappointed! ß Don’t do this! It’s no wonder three times a week was a struggle!
The Solution
So what is the solution? The answer is to stop pushing yourself so hard and to stop expecting too much from your body.
Instead, aim to start slowly. Focus on learning to run and on learning to like running rather than trying to see immediate results! Set out on your first JOG at whatever pace is comfortable for you and stop when you’re done.
While it might not seem like much, this is enough to gradually start introducing you to the world of running. Even if you just do this once a week, you will begin to see the positive effect soon! 
Live Fit & Happy! 
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He got muddy while we were cleaning up from #hurricanemichael He so cute though... lol 😂 gets anything he wants! #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram (at Alligator Point, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpLX3kxnAyT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g3j69hwxotzf
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This about sums up my Saturday night!!! #passedout #bedtime #wornout #gameday #gsd #toomuchfun (at Alligator Point, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BonUB2HnDae/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12kj0uwyfiol4
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LAWD!!!! I needed to hear this when I was 17 years old 😳 Yes... 17... I'm a recovering ball of anxiety... worrying probably robbed me of years of sleep in my late teens and 20s --- FOR NOTHING! About 5 years ago... I started working on myself and my mind and my anxiety... I decided I WAS done robbing myself of the joy I deserved! This is my MANTRA! When I start worrying about not measuring up, or losing something important to me, or ______insert negative thing here ______, I read this statement out loud over and over! It helps! Stop robbing yourself of the joy of this moment! You deserve better
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If you are tired of starting over... stop giving up! 😮 When you give up the only person you are quitting on is yourself... and yourself doesn't want you to quit! Instead, try taking smaller steps! 👣 Need help looking and feeling confident? I can help! I've helped hundreds of women (and men) lose weight, get better energy, get their confidence back, you name it! Why not you??? 💪 Join my next challenge group here: www.onefithappyfamily.com/new-me ✉️ Fill your INBOX wisely (with great tips, tricks and inspiration from me)! Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/2ivFgQC 🌟 Most of all... Be Fit, Happy, & Healthy!
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Do the easy things in life, and your life will be "just okay". 😐 Do the difficult things, and your life will be astounding! 😍 It's easy to do what is comfortable, or to keep doing what we have gotten used to doing... but that doesn't create progress! That doesn't create greater success.... Let me help you make a difficult change a little easier! Join me in my next challenge group (I have just 2 spots left so hurry) here: www.onefithappyfamily.com/new-me Be Fit, Happy, & Healthy!
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Start giving ZERO DUCKS about what other people think 😜 Seriously... You can't pay your bills with other people's opinions! 👊 So go fearlessly and confidently in the direction YOU WANT TO GO and accept the support you get from others, and FORGET the nay-sayers! ✉️ Fill your INBOX wisely (with great tips, tricks and inspiration from me)! Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/2ivFgQC 💪 Join my next challenge group (I have just 5 spots left) here: www.onefithappyfamily.com/new-me 🌟 Most of all... Be Fit, Happy, & Healthy!
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PLEASE, girl! Break up with DIETING! 💔 💔 💔 If you have tried "EVERYTHING" to feel and look your best... but nothing seems to be working... STOP dieting! STOP worrying about carbs, and sugars, and calories... SKIP all of that and save yourself the heartache! Eating for HEALTH does not mean drinking skim milk, having special K for breakfast, and a Lean Cuisine for lunch... AND... Fiber One bars are junk food! 🙌 Eating for HEALTH means filling your plate (and body) with mostly (90%) fruits and non-starchy vegetables, beans, whole grains, seeds and nuts. Then enjoy small amounts (10%) of the special occasion stuff! Put good in 📥 and you'll get good out! 📤 ✉️ Need better news? Fill your INBOX wisely (with great tips, tricks and inspiration from me)! Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/2ivFgQC 💪 Dreaming of looking and feeling your best?!?! Join my next challenge group (I have just 8 spots left) here: www.onefithappyfamily.com/new-me 🔆 Most of all... Be Fit, Happy, & Healthy!
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"I'll get started next week." "I'll be better in the New Year." "I'll start eating better when my life slows down." ⏰⏰⏰ The RIGHT time will never come... It's never the perfect, convenient time to do something that is difficult, new, but oh so needed! 🌱 Start today! Right now... let the next thing you put in your mouth be something that serves you --- water, a green vegetable, a whole grain. Decide you won't watch any more TV until you have moved for 20 minutes! YOU CAN DO IT, and TODAY IS YOUR DAY! ✉️ Fill your INBOX wisely (with great tips, tricks and inspiration from me)! Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/2ivFgQC 💪 Join my next challenge group (I have just 5 spots left) here: www.onefithappyfamily.com/new-me 🌟 Most of all... Be Fit, Happy, & Healthy!
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There's nothing you can do about the past and the future isn't even guaranteed... All we REALLY have is right now --- so make it count! Do the little things that are going to make tomorrow a little better! Get moving, eat a fruit or vegetable, and FORGIVE someone --- NOW! 🙌 Your future self with thank you! ❤️ ------------------------- ✉️ Fill your INBOX wisely (with great tips, tricks and inspiration from me)! Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/2ivFgQC 💪 Need to make health changes? Join my next challenge group (I have just 5 spots left) here: www.onefithappyfamily.com/new-me ⭐ Most of all... Be Fit, Happy, & Healthy!
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Could you imagine what the world 🌎 would be like if we all did more helping and less complaining?
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This! 1000X this! 🙌 I bet... You have cut out "carbs" and all the foods that breathe life into your existence but you are still frustrated because the weight wont come off... You have tried every diet out there and nothing seems to work... You feel like eating what you want is just a dream and a wish that will never be possible for you... Well listen to this... I used to be there... and feel hopeless about my body... and feel like life was always gonna be a struggle between "good and bad" foods and days.... IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! I have cured my IBS. I have cured my constant anxiety. I have kicked the need to obsess about my weight, calories, and food to the CURB, and I can TEACH YOU how to do this for yourself TOO. Join me for a month and let me show you my secrets. Let me help you change your life. Fill out your applications so you can reserve your spot in my next group. SAVE YOUR SPOT HERE: www.onefithappyfamily.com/small-business-saturday
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Do you WANT to get up in the morning? ⏰ ⏰ ⏰Newsflash-----> You don't get the butt you want by sitting on it! If you want something you have never had, you have to make changes that you are still making excuses about! You know, the things you know you should do but you are waiting for the perfect timing!! I am going to tell you this! There will never be the perfect time, there will be right now- you- and a lot of sweat! But I can tell you that it's worth it! The confidence, the energy, the feeling of accomplishment is worth the hard work!!! It's go time!! Is now your time to make a change? Is it time to throw away the things in the pantry that are distracting you and get to work?!? Just because it's a certain season doesn't give you an excuse! You can make a lot of progress In 30 days and still enjoy life!! Are u in!?! Let's do this... Put good in 📥 and you'll get good out! 📤 ✉️ Need better news? Fill your INBOX wisely (with great tips, tricks and inspiration from me)! Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/2ivFgQC 💪 Dreaming of looking and feeling your best?!?! Join my next challenge group (I have just 8 spots left) here: www.onefithappyfamily.com/new-me 🔆 Most of all... Be Fit, Happy, & Healthy!
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You can't pour from and empty cup! Take care of yourself first! Need help learning to put your health first? Join us for our next challenge group here: http://www.onefithappyfamily.com/new-me
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If I had listened to a lot of the people around me, I would have given up on my dreams of time and financial freedom because people close to me told me "you can't have both". Well, I'm glad I didn't listen because 3 years later, I do! And you can too! Stop struggling and start living!
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Are you acting like you're awesome? 😍 If you're not then you should be! Thoughts become things, so don't let your mindset hold you back!
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Read, re-read, internalize, and repeat! 🙏 Do not underestimate the power of nutrition! It is 80% of the equation that determines how you look and feel! Nutrition is extremely powerful! Even if you have never eaten well in your life, it is never too late to start... The body is resilient and is VERY good at healing! Do you need help forming lasting healthy habits? Get back on track (or on track for the first time ever) with me! There is never a bad time! Learn more about my next challenge group here: http://www.onefithappyfamily.com/new-me
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