onedayanauthor · 5 days
Nicky thinks the twins don’t love him, but then they both get ejected from a game for beating the shit out of a guy who illegally hits Nicky hard enough Nicky breaks his wrist.
Nicky thinks the twins don’t love him, but when Eric visits during Christmas, they lock him outside until Nicky stops crying because they fought.
Nicky thinks the twins don’t love him, but when it comes time for Nicky’s wedding, they look at him like he’s stupid because, of course, they are the ones who will walk him down the aisle. Once they are at the end, Aaron shoves Andrew out of the way so he can stand in the best man's spot. Andrew is just about to slam Aaron into the ground before Wymack loudly clears his throat from his spot in the front row (where the parents would usually sit), and they both straighten up. Andrew still kicks Aaron in the shin, and Nicky turns purple, trying not to laugh.
Nicky worries the twins might forget about him, but every week, they hold a group video chat to catch up, and once, when Nicky’s just had an awful day and can’t seem to keep it together, they don’t immediately hang up because he’s started crying.
Nicky worries the twins don’t care about him, but when he and Eric get in a minor car accident that lands Nicky in the hospital for a few days, they fly to him and camp out in his room until he’s cleared to go home.
Nicky worries the twins don’t love him, but Andrew sends him pictures of Neil and the cats, and Aaron sends him photos of the twins and Katelyn.
Nicky doesn’t think the twins love him, but he gets to stand next to Andrew at Aaron’s back when he gets married, and he is put in charge of organizing the not party for Andrew and Neil’s not wedding.
Nicky knows that the twins love him when they stop acting like they hate him and start treating him like they love him.
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onedayanauthor · 12 days
Just a lil innuendo black out poetry that I think Nicky would write based off real life DQ hot dog advertising:
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Hair color this, first name that, those are the weak questions about your own OC.
The real thing I'm still trying to figure out about my OC Smith is what he would order at a Dairy Queen. I lean towards a vanilla milkshake, but I am reveling in the accidental innuendos of a banana split.
I know for certain it would never be a blizzard because he'd have an anxiety attack when they flip it upside down.
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onedayanauthor · 12 days
He's GOT to have a hot dog!! He thinks they do an awesome job advertising for them! (He unironically thinks it's good advertising.) Meanwhile the advertising looks something like this:
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Like you CANNOT tell me that Nicky wouldn't make the most obscene jokes about this type of advertising!! (I literally keep seeing the "bun" as "bum" and it is sending me!! 😂😂)
Hair color this, first name that, those are the weak questions about your own OC.
The real thing I'm still trying to figure out about my OC Smith is what he would order at a Dairy Queen. I lean towards a vanilla milkshake, but I am reveling in the accidental innuendos of a banana split.
I know for certain it would never be a blizzard because he'd have an anxiety attack when they flip it upside down.
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onedayanauthor · 15 days
ok but what if the murder crabs didn’t happen and ronan did move to cambridge. and adam goes to his new apartment one night and finds ronan, collapsed on the floor in a pool of nightwash. what then?
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onedayanauthor · 20 days
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I commissioned the EVER TALENTED @emry-stars-art to draw my sweet baby boy (Redacted) Theodore Smith. They were the one that I spoke with for figuring out who he most resembles.
They took so much care in crafting my lil guy and I'm so grateful for the heart they put into it.
Thank you again!!!!!!! Sometimes I just pull him up and stare at his lil face.
Chibi Smith (internal Smith) under the cut also by Emry
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onedayanauthor · 22 days
Just a little BCBP Marriage AU as a treat
Fun little AU where each character is married to at least one other party member. Sorry @bcbparty I can't help it, you made me think about weddings.
-Janni and Zelf married for love. Obviously they were made for each other! No explanation necessary.
-Patty and Janni married because Patty wanted to "appease" her parents, but then dropped the "actually, I married into a gay relationship and thus turned it into a polyamorous relationship, so suck on that!!" And that pissed her parents off a ton.
-Janni married Astra because he didn't want her to feel left out and Astra agreed to it because Janni made some good points about how being married to a paladin of Gavelyne could get her into lots of places where then she could find all sorts of reading materials (that she may or may not want to profit off of later).
-Astra married Zelf because she thinks you should keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. There is no love or romance in this marriage at all. But it's fun to piss off people who want to get one of them alone at any given time and they like to go, "WHAT?!?!? You want me to go talk to you without my WIFE/HUSBAND!?!?!"
-Patty married Zelf on a whim because once he cooked a really good recipe for Janni and Astra and would not make it vegan for Patty stating that he would only cook for a vegan if he was married to them. Zelf now cooks sooooooo many vegan dishes.
-Surprisingly, Patty and Astra are not married. Patty doesn't want to be tied down (she only sees her marriages to Zelf and Janni as events she completed to make her life easier (getting her parents off her back and getting more delicious meals daily)) meanwhile Astra does not like the idea of completing the "everyone is married to everyone else" circle because she's scared that something magic will happen if the connect all the links together (also she's scared of commitment... even though she's already married two other people)
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onedayanauthor · 22 days
pour one out for kevin day, queen of exy, for fumbling both jeremy knox AND jean moreau. personally i would never recover
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
Absolutely no one needs to know how many tabs I have open as I continue on my journey to make memes for every single episode of Burnt Cook Book Party (@bcbparty) but it's 18... and 10 of them are just templates that I cannot WAIT to use, but have no clue what they fit with yet. Why am I like this? lol
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
Potential Spoilers for BCBP
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
Potential Spoilers for BCBP
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
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onedayanauthor · 23 days
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