omnihealthbridge · 9 months
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omnihealthbridge · 10 months
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omnihealthbridge · 10 months
Understanding Thigh Lift Surgery: A Detailed Overview of its Procedure and Process
Thigh lift surgery (thighplasty) is a cosmetic surgical technique to remove excess or sagging skin from the thighs (or sometimes fat). It is often sought as one of the most suitable techniques for weight loss to promote well-shaped, toned, and proportionate thighs.
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Thigh lifts can fall under the following subcategories to address a specific concern or to achieve a certain outcome.
·        Inner thigh lift
·   ��    Outer thigh lift
·        Combination of both
But that isn't all! It's also important to know the procedure for how it's done. In this blog post, we will provide an overview on this topic. So without wasting much time, let's proceed!
1.     Consultation
The first step in thigh lift surgery is a consultation with a board-specified plastic surgeon. This initial meeting is intended to discuss your health goals, medical history, any medications you take, health complications, and your expectations of this treatment. Following a careful examination, the surgeon will determine whether you are the right fit for a thigh lift.
2.     Anesthesia
Considering a thigh lift is surgery that alters the body and repairs the target part, anesthesia or intravenous sedation (for numbing the area) is done on the day of surgery.
3.     Incision Placement
An incision is a cut made in body tissue. Based on the type of thigh lift surgery you are having, the surgeon will carefully plan the incision. To achieve this, various techniques can be used, such as:
·        Inner Thigh Lift: Incisions are made along the inner groin crease.
·        Bilateral Thigh Lift: Incisions are made at the top of the thighs, usually along the bikini line.
·        Medial Thigh Lift: Incisions are made along the inner aspect of the thighs, extending from the groin to the knee.
·        Outer Thigh Lift: Incisions are made along the outer hip and buttock crease.
4. Excess Skin Removal:
The surgeon will then remove excess skin and fat after making an incision. You may also require liposuction to sculpt the area.
5. Muscle Tightening:
A surgeon may need to tighten and reshape the targeted underlying thigh muscles to achieve a more toned appearance.
6. Skin Redraping:
Skin redraping is the reshaping and repositioning of the skin over a specific body area. In a thigh lift, the remaining skin is redraped over the newly contoured thigh area, and the incisions are closed with stitches.
7. Drains and Dressing
After the procedure is completed, drains are made to prevent fluid accumulation. The next step is to dress and apply compression garments to support the healing process.
8. Recovery:
You may experience bruising, swelling, and discomfort in the first few days, and patients may return to light activities within a week or two.
Thigh lift surgery has revolutionized how cosmetic surgeries are performed, along with other procedures like face lifts, breast lifts, or laser augmentations. And the procedure described above is the standard one. It is possible, however, for advanced medical technologies to change them. Even so, the core procedure remains the same!
If you would like to know more, visit www.omnihealthbridge.com and follow us on https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093801003227 to avail this service from Omni Health Bridge!
Thanks for reading..........
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omnihealthbridge · 10 months
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omnihealthbridge · 10 months
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omnihealthbridge · 11 months
How to Prepare for a Facelift Surgery: Vital Tips
As we age, the desire to look younger and combat the signs of aging becomes increasingly common. Luckily, there are ways to address this natural process in today’s time, and one such trending method is facelift surgery, or Rhytidectomy.
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