omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
The great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is the largest architectural monument. The length of the wall from edge to edge is 21,196 kilometers. The thickness of the Great Wall is mainly about 5-8 meters, and the height is most often about 6-7 meters (in some areas the height reaches 10 meters).
The wall of China was built to protect the Qin Empire from the threat from the north. Then in the 3rd century AD Emperor Qin Shihuandi ordered the construction of an incredibly massive defensive fortification, the construction of which involved more than a million people (slaves, peasants and prisoners of war). During the construction of the wall, tens and hundreds of thousands of people died, so it is also considered the largest cemetery in the world.
Today, the Great Wall of China is one of the most popular attractions in the world. Every year, more than 40 million people come to China to see an architectural monument. And the Chinese say that without visiting the wall, it is impossible to truly understand China itself. The most popular section of the Chinese wall among tourists is located in close proximity to Beijing - only 75 km away.
In 1987, Unesco took the wall under its protection as a World Heritage Site.
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
The Colosseum or Amphitheater Flavius is an amphitheater, an architectural monument of Ancient Rome, the most famous and one of the most ambitious buildings of the Ancient World, which has survived to our time.
The Colosseum in Rome was built in 80 AD under the Roman emperor Titus of the Flavian clan. The building itself was called the Flavian Amphitheater. The place of construction was chosen the Golden House of Nero, located in the city of Rome. The construction of the building lasted only 8 years.
The dimensions of the building are impressive. The oval-shaped arena occupies an area of 86 by 54 meters, the entire building has a diameter along the axes of 156 and 188 meters, the wall height is 48 meters. 80 entrances and 50 thousand places.
The architect of the building was Quintius Aterius. For the construction of such a huge structure used the labor of slaves. The construction went on both day and night.
In its original form, the Colosseum amphitheater had 3 floors. On the first floor was the emperor’s box and marble seats for the senate. Marble benches designed for the citizens of ancient Rome were installed on the second floor. On the third floor were places for all other spectators, made in the form of wooden benches and just standing places. In the II century, the last fourth floor was completed.
The main purpose of the Coliseum in Rome was to conduct gladiatorial battles. The amphitheater arena allowed to accommodate up to 3 thousand fighters. History celebrates the opening of the Coliseum, which lasted as long as 100 days. In addition to gladiator fights, hunting scenes were also arranged here, with special decorations pushed from the wooden floor. Another date in the history of the Flavian Amphitheater is the celebration of the millennium of Rome in 249. Thousands of gladiators and animals also died here. The end of the bloody reprisals was laid only in 405.
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
Temple of Artemis of Ephesus
According to the ancient Greek faith, Artemis was the goddess of hunting and fertility, the patroness of all life on earth. She looked after the animals in the forest, herds of pets, plants. Artemis provided a happy marriage and help with childbirth.
In honor of Artemis, a temple was built in Ephesus. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was so large that it immediately fell into the list of seven wonders of the world of the ancient world.
The construction of the temple of Artemis of Ephesus was completed in 550 BC. Residents saw a beautiful temple, this was never built.
In 356 BC, Alexander the Great was born. In the same year, Herostratus set fire to the temple of Artemis. This act was explained by the fact that Herostratus longed for fame and wanted to go down in history as the most powerful destroyer. Unfortunately, the building could not be saved. Due to the fact that the internal work of the temple was made of wood, the fire quickly spread. Immediately put out the fire was not possible, since the building was too large. Therefore, from the majestic temple there were only columns and walls of white marble.
The authorities wanted to punish Herostratus and decided to delete his name from all the documentation, and also forbade residents to mention Herostratus. But, despite this, he was able to go down in history thanks to the mention in the writings of the historian Theopomp.
By the end of the third century BC, the temple of Artemis was restored with the help of Alexander the Great. Despite all his efforts to revive the building, its destruction began in 263, when the Goths sacked it. And after 100 years with the advent of Christianity, this temple was completely destroyed, and marble was used to build other buildings.
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
The Colossus of Rhodes
Over the island of Rhodes stood the Colossus of Rhodes - the largest bronze sculpture in the world.The colossus of Rhodes was more than 30 meters high, it was made of bronze, that the builders used a metal frame filled with stones and clay, only the finger of the statue was the size of an adult.
In the 4th century BC, a rich Greek policy was located on the territory of the island of Rhodes. Having been besieged by enemy troops for over a year, the inhabitants of the island won. The islanders considered the reason for the victory to be the patronage of the sun god Helios, so a decision was made to erect a majestic statue in his honor to glorify their patron. A large-scale project was taken by a sculptor named Hares. 
The giant sun god did not last long - about 50 years. Rhodes earthquake 227 BC e. destroyed Kolos. Although the inhabitants of the island and had a desire to build a new statue, however, the Delphic priests forbade this, explaining the ban by the fact that in this way it is possible to anger the sun god even more.
The ruins of Kolos lay in the Rhodes harbor for more than 8 centuries, until the Arabs, who captured the island, sold the wreckage to an unknown merchant. If you believe the descriptions, the bronze plates melted into ingots were transported using almost a thousand camel teams.
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Hanging Gardens of Babylon - a castle, a palace, which was surrounded by a variety of vegetation: shrubs, trees, flowers.
The building appeared a very long time ago - back in the seventh century BC (and this is three thousand years ago).
Whose name did the gardens of Babylon bear?The Greek writer Diodorus created a legend. The secret woman, in whose honor the gardens were named, was the Assyrian ruler Shammuramat. This woman was the daughter of a goddess and an ordinary person. Parents left her. But she was saved. She was adopted by the caretaker of the garden and named her Semiramis, then the adviser to the ruler married her, and after a while the ruler noticed her and married her. After his death, Semiramis became the ruler. She conquered Persia, Egypt and many other lands. It was she who founded the city of Babylon on the banks of the Euphrates. Hanging gardens began to bear the name of the woman who founded the city of Babylon. But the building was not built by her, and not even during her reign. This wonder of the world was built by the ruler Nebuchadnezzar the Second after more than two centuries since the founding of Babylon.
The main task of the builders of that time was one - to create an oasis, park, garden. For this, fertile soil, many plants were brought. And the highlight of all this was the specially invented irrigation technology: through many canals, water was supplied to all floors of the gardens. Thus, plants could live without drying out and not dying.
The gardens themselves were a pyramid-shaped structure: four floors were built, and slabs of each tier rested on columns that were more than 20 meters long. Inside were cool and comfortable rooms.
Unfortunately, the structure did not survive to this day, and there is no exact information about its location. However, historians attribute the location of the gardens on the territory of modern Iraq, because it was there that the remains of Babylon were found. 
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
Mausoleum in Halicarnassus
The fifth wonder of the world is the mausoleum in Halicarnassus. If you want to visit this historical area - go to the Turkish resort city of Bodrum.
In the 4th century BC, King Mavsol, together with his wife, Queen Artemisia, decided to perpetuate their memory following the example of the Egyptian pharaohs. For these purposes, a grandiose structure was erected, which became a wonder of the world.
Halicarnassus Mausoleum was a building decorated with 36 columns, 11 meters high. Between the columns were statues of heroes of myths, and the roof resembled a pyramid with 24 steps. The height of the building was very impressive for that time - 46 meters. The building was divided into 3 levels.
The building was built solidly and stood for 19 centuries. In the XV century, it was partially destroyed by an earthquake. The building was built solidly and stood for 19 centuries. In the XV century, it was partially destroyed by an earthquake. Then the castle was destroyed. Now from the mausoleum in Halicarnassus there are only ruins. Although some of the frescoes and statues are among the relics of the British and Istanbul museums.
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
Zeus statue in Olympia
Unfortunate were the inhabitants of ancient Greece, who did not see this statue of Zeus in Olympia. The main decoration of the temple of Zeus, Antipater Sidonsky in the III century BC, attributed to the list of 7 wonders of the world. This is the most memorable sculpture.
The author of the statue was the famous Athenian sculptor Phidias.The statue of Zeus appeared before the public in 435 BC.
Since the creation of the statue, it had to be restored several times. Statue of several, an earthquake. There were times when they tried to steal the expensive details of the statue. The Roman ruler Caligula wanted to transfer the statue of Zeus to his home in Rome. This attempt was unsuccessful. According to eyewitnesses, the statue began to laugh out loud and led the workers into fear and horror.
In 475, due to a severe fire, the statue was completely destroyed.
The statue is made of gold. On the throne were paintings with scenes from ancient Greek mythology. The throne itself was made of ivory, ebony, as well as precious stones.
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
The lighthouse of Alexandria
Today I want to tell you about the lighthouse of Alexandria.
The Alexandria or Pharos lighthouse is one of the seven Ancient wonders of the world. Construction was started under Alexander the Great, and completed under Ptolemy I. The lighthouse had an important functional significance-to illuminate the location of stones, guide ships, and warn of an enemy attack. The structure on Pharos stood for almost a thousand years. But in 796, an earthquake destroyed the lighthouse.
Some interesting facts: 1.The lighthouse was about 135 meters high. The lowest part was square, the middle part was octagonal, and the top was round.
2.The light of the lighthouse could be seen from various sources at a distance of 60 to 100 km.
3. 4 statues of the God Triton stood at the four corners on top and a statue of Zeus or Poseidon in the center.
4.A huge curved mirror reflected light during the day, and at night a fire burned at the top.
Now on the site of the lighthouse is the military fortress of Kite Bay.
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
Pyramid of Cheops
The Cheops Pyramid is one of the seven wonders of the world and the only one that has survived to this day. The first of the seven wonders of the world is located in the southwest of Cairo, the capital of Egypt. The Cheops Pyramid was built in 2650 BC. This is the largest pyramid in the world, its height is 139 meters. Interesting facts:
 1. The second name of the Cheops pyramid is Khufu.
2. In the pyramid you can find 3 burial chambers (pyramids - tombs).
3. The temperature in the pyramid is 20 degrees.
4. The pyramids of Cheops were visible from space.
5. In the pyramid of Cheops there was never burial of the pharaoh. Many consider the Pyramid of Cheops the burial place of the pharaoh. In fact, the remains of the rulers were buried in the Valley of the Kings. And inside there were things that, according to the ancient Egyptians, helped the ruler in the afterlife.
6. The pyramid was built in 20 years. It is very fast, because now it will be built 50-200 years. Now the pyramid is included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. 
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
In this blog I will talk about the wonders of the world. There are only seven wonders of the world, they are from the ancient world. Unfortunately, these wonders of the world were not preserved, but only the pyramids remained.
 Philo Aleksandriiski is the person who created the first list of the Seven Wonders of the World. In his work “Seven Wonders of the World,” Philo of Alexandria included: Alexandrian lighthouse; Hanging Gardens of Babylon; Halicarnassus Mausoleum; Pyramids of Egypt; The Colossus of Rhodes; Statue of Zeus Olympic; Temple of Artemis of Ephesus.
 Why he chose exactly 7 objects, historians certainly do not know. The most common explanation: the “seven” was considered a magic number, which the ancient Egyptians noted in their observations of the world around them. 
There are also other wonders of the world, but this is our time. There are seven of them too.This is: Great Wall of China; Petra; Taj Mahal; Colosseum; Statue of Christ the Redeemer; Machu Picchu; Chichen itza.
Let's get to know some of the wonders of the world! I hope you will like it.
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