omasumi-in-real · 1 day
i'm not much of a shipper however i have come to the conclusion that you can ship mincy with literally any other character her age and it would work well. sunny, basil, aubrey, kim, the maverick, charleen, cris, anyone.
bonus points to the maverick that one is the correct choice. extra bonus points if it's transfem the maverick.
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omasumi-in-real · 2 days
happy pride month once again
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omasumi-in-real · 6 days
oh! a2 with Kel from Omori? I think the colors suit him
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the people have asked,, I will deliver,,,
[Request an outfit + character combo!]
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omasumi-in-real · 7 days
being OCpilled is so fucking mortifying honestly. like oh... yeah..... heres my guy. i invented him. i can't think about anything else except for him this week. but he isn't cool or anything. he actually sucks. im just ill.
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omasumi-in-real · 9 days
okay i know i have a serious problem with coming up with au ideas then doing nothing with them, but i swear this one is still a cool idea that i might actually do something more with in the future.
with that being said, here's my idea for an undead monster au!
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the concept takes place after the neutral ending. a month after basil and sunny take their own lives, aubrey ends up taking her own as well. after that, kel isn't far behind.
hero, now the last of the six remaining, ends up being pushed past his breaking point after kel's death, and just ever so slightly loses it due to overwhelming guilt and regret. he proceeds to spend the next fifteen or so years continuing his medical studies whilst also delving way too deep into ancient rituals and rumors of dark magic, all to find out how to bring everyone back and correct what he sees as his egregious, unforgivable mistakes. and eventually, he's successful! much to the dismay of the newly revived!
- sunny is brought back as a ghoulish zombie, missing a good number of his organs due to an in-depth embalming process. he's unable to breath or speak, and has a hard time getting around due to general sluggishness.
- mari is brought back as an incorporeal ghost, due to being near completely decayed by the time hero started preserving their bodies. she's unable to physically interact with the physical world whatsoever.
- basil is brought back as a sorta steampunk cyborg zombie. with brass clashing with flesh and a ticking clock instead of a heart, he ends up dealing with a lot of chronic pain and stiffness.
- kel and aubrey's corpses were. both in really bad shape. aubrey had a natural burial, speeding up the decaying process, and kel had thrown himself into traffic. both bodies alone were near unusable. however, they did nearly fill in the missing pieces of the other... so hero decided the best course of action would be to bring them back by frankensteining them together with a few stray pieces from other corpses here and there. their minds and souls are only partially melded together as a result. while there may be moments they act as two people rather than one, any emotions or thoughts are shared across both sides, making the inevitable arguments very complicated... anyone who knows me well should not be surprised i included this fusion in this au as well.
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omasumi-in-real · 1 month
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omasumi-in-real · 1 month
Sunny, in Basil's hospital room with everyone: I killed Mari. On the morning of the recital I... I was upset, and broke my violin on purpose. Mari saw what happened, and she and I began to argue. I panicked and... and I pushed her down the stairs. She died. Basil saw everything. We didn't know what to do, so we tried waiting until she woke up but... she didn't. Basil had the idea to hide everything--I was scared, so I trusted him. I don't think I was even in my own head anymore, at this point. Basil was just doing what he thought was right...! He didn't want to lose anyone else, which is why things turned out... the way they did. I'm... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for hiding all of this from you, for lying for four years... Neither of us wanted anyone to get more hurt than they already were. It's... okay if you don't forgive us. You don't have to. I just... it's better if you know. Lying about it would just hurt more. I'm sorry. I'm sorry--
Sally in a daycare somewhere: my touys
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omasumi-in-real · 2 months
anytime a new au pops up in my mind, it's mostly just me thinking about an au i already came up with, my thoughts stray in random directions, and somehow a new au is born.
and most of the time it has to do with that damn fusion that's rotted my brain to unrecoverable levels. i think way too much about a character i haven't had the motivation to actually write about in nearly a year.
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omasumi-in-real · 2 months
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Flower Language...
Basil unknowingly aided in Aubrey's schemes HADGH
Based on this classic!!
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Hope you all enjoyed this silly comic, hehe <3
(My VA group and I will be dubbing it soon!! Keep an eye out ^^)
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omasumi-in-real · 2 months
MINCY and SUNNY friendship doodles,,
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omasumi-in-real · 2 months
dunmeshi is funny bc chilchuck is exactly the same as every other 'looks like a child but is an adult' anime character, people just don't recognize that because of his gender + the story tone. eventually someone somewhere will be called out for making porn of him though
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omasumi-in-real · 2 months
MINCY OMORI sketch dump part 2
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omasumi-in-real · 2 months
MINCY OMORI sketch dump part 1
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omasumi-in-real · 2 months
thinking about aus for ocs is so funny. like i already put this guy in a situation but what if i put them in another totally different one
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omasumi-in-real · 2 months
May I ask a question about your Mermaid AU...regarding Mari and Sunny's relationship?
Been in the fandom a long time, so this is something I usually as with AUs that feature her (especially ones where she lives).
Is this gonna be another case of Mari and Sunny having an abusive or otherwise intentionally harmful relationship...?
No. Not in the black-and-white sense, at least. 
Both in canon and this AU, I imagine that Mari is under a lot of pressure from her parents to be ‘perfect’ - and she’s doing her best to keep up with those expectations. When Sunny offers to join her for the concert, she’s delighted to have him - but as the date gets closer and her stress about everything (school, music, sunny, etc) builds up - she does take that out on him a little. I think the ‘fight’ is sort of the first (and, accidentally) the last time she really blows up at him. 
It just so happens that in the game, that fight happens on a staircase, and in the AU, that fight happens on the edge of a pier. 
Very similar to Sunny feels about her in the game, Mari didn’t mean for any harm to come to him. I truly think she loves her brother, and vice versa - however, they’re children. And as a result neither of them make the most perfectly rational decisions along the way. 
Also, pretty much everything in this AU so far has been from Sunny’s perspective. As a result, the flashbacks you see come with a bit of narrative bias. I hope that as this little AU grows, I can do Mari justice in terms of where she’s coming from as well!
In summary:
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Let me know if you have any more questions! You gave me some great stuff to think about. 
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omasumi-in-real · 3 months
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Expanding my lil Omori Mermay AU because it's rotting my brain >:)
[Click for high quality]
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omasumi-in-real · 3 months
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SPEEDRUNNING some Mer Omori designs for the last day of Mermay! 
The vague story I had in mind for this (au?) is that the headspace gang (Aubrey, Hero, Kel, Omori) are all Merpeople who have dedicated themselves to saving and taking care of humans that have been lost or otherwise abandoned at sea- including Basil and Sunny! What they don’t yet know is why Sunny ended up in the water that fateful day… and that Omori and this mysterious new human are more connected than they think…
(bonus doodle below)
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