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Hullo everyone! 🌙 
Here is an illustrated set of instructions I made on how to make a Positivity Spell Jar for my illustration class this past quarter. 
What you’ll need:
A Jar
Salt- for protection
Glitter-for fun
Candle- light and let melt around edges of jar to Cast Spell
Rosemary- for mental strength
Lavender- to keep calm
Citrine- for abundance
Rose Quartz- for love
Blue Thread- for harmony
As you set each item into the jar focus on what they represent to you. Your magick and energy melding with each, coming from inside you and around you. Close off the jar and wrap the thread round the top of the jar. Light the candle, visualizing the flame as the energy casting the spell.  
This can be modified to make absolutely any type of spell jar. Use different ingredients and colors to symbolize different things.
*Please do not delete caption or take credit for illustrations* 
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it's 2022. donald trump has died in disgrace days after being impeached and jailed. my chemical romance's new album is coming out the same day as the new spiderverse movie. the lizzo and janelle monaé collab song is blowing up the radio. lil nas x has a verse in it. you and your partner have time and energy for dates after work after jeff bezos' assets have been seized and distributed to the public in the wake of his arrest for keeping employees in unsafe working conditions.
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‘Race and racism is a reality that so many of us grow up learning to just deal with. But if we ever hope to move past it, it can’t just be on people of color to deal with it. It’s up to all of us – Black, white, everyone – no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out. It starts with self-examination and listening to those whose lives are different from our own. It ends with justice, compassion, and empathy that manifests in our lives and on our streets.’ — Michelle Obama
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This is serious. We’re living a constitutional crisis with Americans being stripped of their rights by an authoritarian president. He’s supposed to lead our people not target them as enemies or terrorists.
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What the fluff is Witchcraft? (Beginner Masterlist)
Beginner Witch Tips
Types of Witchcraft (and how to know which one you are)
Simple Exercises for Baby Witches
Advice for Beginner Witches, Spirit Workers, Magickal people, etc.
Keeping Yourself Protected
Book of Shadows Series
Research Ideas
Research Ideas #2
Textbook Links (PDF)
Broke Witch Hacks
Witch Apps
Witchy Self Care
Uses for Moon Water
Discipline in Witchcraft
The Witches Alphabet
Types of Magick
Glamour Magick
Warding Guide
Knot Magick
Spirit Guides
How to find your Spirit Guides/Guardian Angels
Ways to Use Sigils Masterpost
Ideas for Cheap Witchcraft Tools
Crystals for Beginners
Making an Altar Masterpost 
Mabon Altar Tips
Centering yourself and connecting to your divination tools
Altar Ideas
How To Make a Yule Altar
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Skyrim NPC: Are you with the Imperials or the Stormcloaks?
My Dragonborn: Skyrim is stolen land drenched in the blood of its indigenous peoples and both factions of this supposed "civil war" are fighting over something that never belonged to them in the first place. I support returning the land and returning sovereignty to the Reachmen and the Falmer.
NPC: So are you with the Imperials or the Stormcloaks?
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Ok ok ok ok I know the episode destroyed us but why is nobody talking about hOW BEAUTIFUL MY MANS REX LOOKED IN THIS EPISODE
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Reblog if you’re a clone, you support clones, or if you’d throw chancellor Palpatine off a very tall building
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How to Close a Reading, as My Grandma Taught Me
“Interpreting the last card does not mean you are done. You have ten more things to do before the reading is through.”
1. Count the major arcana.
The more there are, the stronger the reading’s predictions will impact the querent’s life. If there are none or just one, almost none of it will matter in the long run.
2. Note the sequence of the major arcana.
If the querent is asking about someone, and the major arcana are between 0 and 16, that person is not meant to stay in their life. If the question is about a dream or an opportunity, and the cards fall between 17 and 21, it will manifest completely.
3. Count the cards from each suit.
The presence of all suits predicts a balanced outcome. More Wands means strong passion. More Swords means anxiety or manipulation. More Cups means the heart is running the show. More Pentacles means wealth is about to diminish or grow.
4. Mind the aces and the tens.
Two or more aces means the situation is only just beginning. Two or more tens means it is now coming to a good or bad ending.
5. Note the multiples between two and nine.
Twos mean clever thinking is of paramount importance. Threes speak of infidelity or the need for cooperation. Fours guarantee stability, just as sixes do harmony. Fives and sevens spell difficult challenges, but eights and nines promise that the labor is almost over.
6. Regard the ruling colors.
A dominant black predicts burdens and hindrances. Red and yellow combined ensure passion, clarity and manifestation. Blue and white together advise that the solution can be found through spirituality and intuition.
7. Count the court cards.
Nine times out of ten, court cards are people, not influences. They are doing the manipulation or they need to be manipulated.
8. Notice the suits of the courts.
Wands and Swords are friendly. So are Cups and Pentacles. Any other combination spells rivalry and obstacles.
9. Watch where the cards are facing.
“Is the woman in The World looking at The Tower? A tragedy has to occur before success can take over. Is the King of Cups facing away from his Queen? Their relationship is suffering. His love for her has begun fading.”
10. Look at the bottom of the deck.
If the outcome is good, embodying this energy will make it even better. If the outcome is bad, this is the hidden connection that needs to be severed.
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