olivcnder-blog · 6 years
a seduction in three parts // olivargo - act i
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     the gallery’s soft opening had been a success, well, as long as success was measured by how many of the guests needed to catch ubers home. what had started off as a night to christen the showroom had slowly devolved to artists complaining about being undervalued and the full utilization of the open bar. as people begun breaking off in pairs and groups, olivander glanced down at his watch and it was nearing midnight. glancing around the room but not finding the blonde in question, his mood soured. making sure he hadn’t missed her, he spared the room another glance when a soft, warm light caught his attention just peaking over the stand alone walls of the gallery - much like a sunrise reaching up from the horizon. making a quick swing by the open bar he politely greeted and wove between the thinning crowd before ducking out of the main area towards the back of the offices.       “you would be working at your own opening.” he punctuated his arrival, leaning casually against the doorframe of margo’s glass enclosure. the one thing he could appreciate of his ex was consistency. she was all show when they dated and she was now, properly, framed and protected by the glass casing of her office. “this really suits you mar, but you need to learn to let lose - you can’t marry your work. i brought white.” he said, raising his left hand and waving the bottle in question up so she could see. "join me.” leaving no room for her to doubt that he wasn’t asking, olivander walked right into her office. // @saintmargo
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
The look on the blonde’s face became serious, nodding her head when he asked if he could ask her a personal question. “Of course. I’m not shy.” she laughed a little. “Well, my first pregnancy was unexpected. I was almost twenty when I had my son.” Lila shrugged. She was so used to people questioning the fact she already had two children at such a young age. “Don’t worry, I won’t go hunting people. I can think of a much more fun activity.”
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“Do you like both of your children equally or do you have a favorite? I always assume that parents do but they all tend to deny it.” He blinked thrice at her admission. “Sorry, I’ve just realized that neither of us are in our early twenties anymore and that it’s completely normal to have a kid or two. Now it appears that I’m the odd one out.” Shaking off the shock of childbearing being the norm now, Olivander carried on. “Well now you have my attention, just let me know when I can expect to cash in.”
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
Athena heard the faintest sound at her door. Whether it was a knock or simply just nothing, Athena had heard something and walked over to open it. She had a knack for not ever checking the peep hole of the door. Whether it was friends, family, strangers, she never bothered to check. She knew that would probably get her killed one day, but yet here she was still willy-nilly opening the door. A smile crept across her face as she saw Oli standing in front of her. Handsome definitely was not the only word that crossed the forefront of her mind. She blushed at his response. “I definitely don’t see why they’d seat us separately, you look handsome. I’ll come up with a better word when I pick my jaw up off the floor.” She grinned. His grin seemed like everything to her. There was just something about him that made him different than everyone else she’d been with. Now Athena believed he couldn’t have gotten anymore perfect in this very moment, but was shocked when she turned out to be wrong. He handed her a box. “For me?” She questioned. “You shouldn’t have
” She was about to open it when he mentioned their reservation. “I’ll open it at dinner?” She asked before turning to lock the door behind her. Sitting in his car, Athena wondered what could have been in the small, white wrapped box. Growing a little impatient as she did, she began to open it. She swallowed the lump in her throat. The feeling of surprise washing over her. A small, diamond pendent sat upon the fake velvet foam. She brushed her index finger over it. “Thank you
I could kiss you, but I won’t because you’re driving and that is not a distraction you need right now.” She trailed off. “But why?” She asked. She could never just take a gift without some sort of reasoning why. She felt bad if she just received gifts. Even on birthdays and Christmases she was always feeling terrible about others buying her things. Upon reaching the restaurant, Athena followed Oli inside and the pair were guided to their reserved table. Sitting opposite Oli, Athena got to really have a moment to look at him. To take in all his features. “I’m sorry if I’m not what you expected or I don’t look great. I mean, you look-” Athena couldn’t even think of a word. “I promise by the end of the night, I will find a word. You’re just leaving me speechless.” She admitted embarrassingly.
     "You don’t think so? I wouldn’t put it passed them to think I was just your very cozy chauffeur. Oh, you’re just buttering me up and it’s completely working - now I wish I drove a convertible to help aerate my massive head. Thank you, I do look good, but nothing compared to you darling.” Taking the time of their brief exchange to take a look around what he could see of her dwelling, he sort of wished he hadn’t as they only fueled his curiosity of the veterinarian and he just wanted to know more. “Of course, I don’t think it would suit me well and I told you I would. A man is nothing without his word, Athena.” Stopping himself from getting too ahead of himself, he nodded letting her walk past him initially back out towards the car but still managing to swoop in to open the door for her. The car ride itself was a jumble of lights and quick glances in the brunette’s direction. Taking the time to talk up the Midi, he could physically see the intrigue clouding her mind. That, he was certain, was the best part of giving gifts - the delicate dance of anticipation between knowing of the gift and the breath of relief upon discovering what it was. He had his nana to thank for the love of gift giving and though it occasionally had a backwards reaction to the one he had hoped - it was still the intentions that counted.       Time slowed as she unwrapped the gift and it was like watching a sloppy stop motion film trying to catch her reaction and focus on the road - already too engrossed in the experience to let the car drive itself. A kaleidoscope of emotion seemed to flit across her face before she settled on awe. His rich laughter filled the space between them, “I can’t say that anyone’s ever offered to thank me in kisses before, I’ll mark this under a job well done.” Cataloguing her question for later in the evening as they pulled up to the valet, he shot her a curious look before exchanging keys and letting themselves be swept up to the second floor to overlook their enclosed miniature remake of a french garden. It was an odd mix of parisian cuisine and cafe aesthetic that seemed to wow whomever he brought along for the experience.       Letting the sommelier steal his attention for only as long as it took to clarify that he wanted an aged chianti, Olivander settled into his seat just in time to realize Athena had been looking at him rather than the menu. Interest turned to disbelief as the tide rolls and he found himself shaking his head. “Are you kidding me? You don’t have to think or find anything - I own a mirror and I did my best - but maybe we should get you one too. You’re gorgeous, as it’s becoming evident, I wasn’t an English major but if you don’t want to take my word for it at least turn this into a democracy and listen to the masses. In case you missed it, you were turning heads as we walked in here, I could have been a walking stick for all that I mattered.”       It wasn’t until the sommelier had returned that he realized that she most likely couldn’t share the wine with him. Instead, they had water poured into her glass and he gave her an apology in smile form. Habit, he mouthed as the waiter came by to take their order. Fairly confident that the bistro du midi would meet her standards of fancy food, Olivander waited for them to be alone - or as alone as a pair could be in a crowded restaurant before carrying on. “I’m glad you were able to pick up on the fact that I’m just one FoodNetwork invitation away from being a master chef and you trust me enough to guide you on a food journey unlike any other.” 
Twinkling Lights and... -Athena and Olivander
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
“Well, they sort of do? It’s kind of hard to explain that part of the process.” she laughed. Lila grinned when he told her she looked great for having a child only a few months ago. “Thank you. Perk of breastfeeding. You lose pregnancy weight fast.” she laughed a little. “My daughter is two months old, and my son is seven.” she nodded. “No limits, hm?” That’s a very dangerous game.”
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“I’ll just take your work for it.” he assured her, it wasn’t like he knew anything about the matter to speak one way or the other about breastfeeding. “You don’t have to thank me for the truth, though if this topic ever comes up in another conversation I’ll be sure to let them know of your childbearing life hack. Can I ask you a personal question?” Unsure of what exactly he had expected, Oli imagined that the time period of even wanting children was typically pretty narrow - within just a few years. “That’s quite the age gap, but maybe the wait period is needed. I can’t imagine juggling two infants could go anyway other than south.” There was no other way to take her words than as a challenge. “Well the limit doesn’t exist, so we’ll tread cautiously. Just do me a favor and don’t go hunting for people, okay?”
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
Athena had asked a few guys on dates in her 30 years of living, but never had she been so shy as to not ask in person, and to question herself after? She felt a little ashamed but had been shocked by the man’s reply. Oli certainly seemed to improve her moods. She needed someone with his fun, jokester, caring demeanor. Someone who would cheer her up no matter what her mood. She’d anticipated Friday rolling around quickly after she’d asked him to dinner but instead it did the complete opposite. Maybe it was because she was excited, but as she stood and looked at herself in her bedroom closet door mirror. She wondered what she would even wear. Her breasts huge, her whole body barely fitting in anything she wore. She sighed heavily. What did he even see in her? She was growing a human life in her that wasn’t even his. She always assumed that made men run in the opposite direction. Opening her closet door she opted for a short, black dress that showed the tops of her shoulders. The top of the dress soft, while the rest felt somewhat silky in her mind. She gave a sigh of relief when she realized she hadn’t popped yet and could still fit.
Double checking herself in the mirror, she reapplied her lipstick and patiently waited. She had no idea what to expect or how the date would go. She really wanted it to go well. Oli was the first man she’d been interested in and had fallen for since meeting her babies Father. She imagined what the restaurant would be like. Her perfect idea of a first date was an outdoor setting with twinkling christmas lights, lots of laughter and just a genuine good time.
     Setting the car on autopilot, Olivander turned the rearview mirror downwards to give himself a chance to adjust his tie. This would be, perhaps, the last time he accepted a facetime from his nana and then honestly tell her that he had planned for a date later that evening. She had refused to end the call until he had the silk noose tied to her liking and he was already in the car. Unknotting the smooth material he balled the silk in his fists and lent across the center console to pop it into the glove compartment. He wasn’t too sure what the modern parameters for a fancy dinner included, but he opted for presentable and comfortable in the presence of his company tonight. Olivander had never been the type to turn down a reason to go out and with Marcello out of town on family matters and Zach having a real job good company was hard to come by. The GPS beeped for his attention, a turn coming up before he pulled up outside Athena’s downtown flat and he popped open the first two buttons of his freshly steamed white shirt and he signaled, waiting for a car to pull out so he could park right out front. Oli would have said that the opportune parking spot was fate and was reminded of Athena’s aversion to that sort of thing. Perhaps aversion was a strong word but she certainly didn’t seem the type to bank on it, while he was rather fond of the idea of the universe simply falling into place for him. Letting the car park itself, he double checked her address before stepping out of the car and sliding on the suit jacket the completed his classic look. Picking up the parcel he had had prepared earlier that day, he made his way to knock on the vet’s. For someone in such a serious field, in a more than stressful period of her life, Athena was curiously easy to talk to. Though his own experience with those carrying a life had been mostly scattered throughout high school and college they had all, over time, become less than engaging conversationalists - not that he was ever in the position to blame them. As a general rule, he made sure to give anyone pregnant all the space they needed, but something about Athena - perhaps a mixture of the way she seemed sure of what she wanted ( a quality he could appreciate in himself ) and how she carried on the picnic bit was a sure sign of a solid sense of humor.      The door cracked open and he was greeted by a different but not an unwelcome side of Athena. She looked stunning and though a part of him was fully aware that she was pregnant he wasn’t sure if that was an okay qualifier - gorgeous for a pregnant person - and instead, opted to keep that to himself. “This is unfair, Athena, pretty was way too much of an understatement for this. I’m glad I dressed up, though promise me that you’ll vouch that we’re together if the wait staff tries to seat us separately.” His lips parted in a grin, just the hint of laughter pulling at his lips. “Oh, and this is for you.” He held up the white wrapped parcel just slightly larger than his own palm into view. “I thought you’d enjoy it but you might be perfect without it. Your choice, though I’d say make it pretty quickly because we have a reservation to make.” 
Twinkling Lights and... -Athena and Olivander
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
“Well, some women choose to breastfeed their kids longer, but I think six months is a pretty decent halfway mark. But, I’ll probably do what I did with my son and end up pumping for a couple of months before I completely cut her off of boob milk.” she laughed. Lila’s brow remained raised when he told her to surprise him. “Surprise you, hm? Is there anything off limits?” she asked, replying with a smirk of her own.
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“Oh, well as long as it’s a choice. For some reason I thought they just.. dried up. I’m sure you could buy some if you want pumping sounds like a pretty dreadful time.” It was already a lot to take in that the human body could morph into this incubation sack for children and it was probably amiss that he made little to no effort to understand it. “You look great for someone who had a baby a few months ago. How long is your little... child? Wait, you have two children? God bless you.” Taking in the new found mother of two, Olivander couldn’t even begin to imagine what she may have in store. “No limits - anything and everything.”
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
â†Ș incoming msg ✉ athena
Athena: Crossed paths? I'm sure she could be talking about anyone.
Athena: It's not that I have little faith, it's that... I don't know...
Athena: Are you wanting me to be all over the hummus or you?
Athena: I was thinking dinner? Food has been on my mind a lot lately. But not fast food, like real food. Fancy food.
Athena: I just want an excuse to feel pretty...
Oli: hm, i'm not so easily convinced but if you're willing to brush off an oracle maybe so
Oli: well what do you believe in then? where's your faith lie?
Oli: have you seen that little girl in those taco shell commercials?
Oli: why would you need an excuse if you're already pretty? but for good food, i got you.
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
Lila couldn’t help but laugh at his suggestion of her using breastmilk as a way to stop thugs and things. “While that is a great thought, it would only be good for the next four months. Once my daughter reaches six months old, it’s time to be weened to the bottle.” she said, shaking her head. The blonde rose an eyebrow at his next statement. “A fair trade? Such as?”
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“What? I didn’t know that there was a time limit on that kind of thing. Women are really getting the short end of the biological stick - temporary eggs, temporary milk, what a drag.” Giving her an easy smirk and a half-hearted shrug, he hadn’t actually thought that far ahead. “Surprise me.”
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
â†Ș incoming msg ✉ athena
Athena: And who are you saying has a bright future?
Athena: I wouldn't trust a Psychic you meet over Instagram there, Oli.
Athena: I will be all over you and that hummus if you bring it over.
Athena: Does Friday work for you?
Oli: well i doubt its me, she mentioned something about crossed paths
Oli: oh ye of little faith, there's a bit of truth in everything otherwise how would she have been able to find me in the first place?
Oli: a promise is a promise now.
Oli: sure, i'll clear my schedule. is it appropriate to ask what's the plan? i've never been on this side before
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
Lila laughed, her cheeks still tinted pink from embarrassment. “I wish I could control it!” she said, shaking her head. “Do you know how much easier my life would be?!” she laughed. She tried to dry up as much as she could with the handkerchief, looking back to Olivander. “I can wash this and get it back to you
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“If you could, that would be the most discreet yet useful superpower of them all.” He nodded. “If anyone ever tried to mug you, you could squirt milk right in their eyes and they would be so stunned they would probably give up. There’s no way to recover from getting breastmilk in the eye and it’ll be more convenient than carrying around pepper spray on your keys and making sure its full all the time. No, you’re fine I never use them anyway, more decoration than anything - unless you want to make a fair trade of course.”
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
â†Ș incoming msg ✉ athena
Athena: You've been expecting me? What did this Instagram Psychic say?
Athena: I'll eat it. I'll eat anything and everything right now...
Athena: Saving animals, one life at a time!
Athena: Actually, I had a question for you...
Athena: I was wondering if you'd want to go out with me? Like a date... Yeah, a date. Definitely a date.
Oli: well, maybe not specifically but there aren't that many new people in my life. or at least, not too many with bright futures
Oli: i'm not sure, its very confusing because her profile is private but i just can't say no you know?
Oli: really? i hope you like roasted red peppers because if so i'll come drop it off once its done
Oli: oh. definitely a date? you really had me at like a date but definitely a date crosses the line
Oli: IM KDDING, i would love to. this weekend?
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
â†Ș incoming msg ✉ athena
Athena: Hey. Oli? It’s Athena! How are you doing?
Oli: hello hello!
Oli: i've been expecting you, a psychic hit me up on instagram and i've been having a time and a half since
Oli: im making hummus but part way through i've remembered that i dont really like hummus. what are you up to? saving lives i hope
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
Lila couldn’t help but laugh at the man’s question, shaking her head. “No, definitely not. It’s just breast milk and my fault for not putting nursing pads in my shirt before I left the house.” she said, eyeing the handkerchief before taking it from him to at least attempt to dry her shirt.
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Olivander attempted to play it cool, how successful his rouse was, however, was unclear. She mentioned pads ( and weren’t those for periods ) and how it was her fault and how aware he was that he most certainly could not ask for his handkerchief back. Tearing his eyes from her chest - he hoped that his concern wasn’t misconstrued - he gave her a weary grin. “Are you telling me that you can’t control that? You can’t mentally flip the milk switch off and on?”
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
Athena laughed. “Edna and Gerard? What year are we in? 1940â€Čs?” She chuckled and shook her head when he offered her popcorn. “Fae seems very magical that’s why I enjoy it! Everly? Or, it’s just a name I’ve had floating around for years.” She smiled at the man. “Well, Oli
 I mean, Picnic. Nice to meet you. I’m Athena.”
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“My point exactly, you can’t send a defenseless baby out there with a name like that. Picnic is new, its fresh and way better than Apple because nothing rhymes with picnic. You’re welcome - I just saved your kid’s life and I’m pretty sure that makes me its god father.”  Unfazed, he continued to munch on his snack knowing damn well he had never thought of baby names in his life much less kept an ear out for names for years. “Wow, it sounds like you really wanted a baby.. at least now I feel confident in congratulating you. What present would you like for creating life?” Grinning back as a reflex, Oli extended his clean hand towards her. “The pleasure is mine, I’m sure. That’s a good name, like the goddess and the hotel in ‘nam where I almost lost an arm. You’re forever in my memory.” He assured.
Olivander & Athena
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
“Oh, fuck.” Lila frowned, looking down at her shirt. She was out at the store, picking up groceries and she had forgotten to put nursing pads in her bra before she left. “Uhm, excuse me?” she asked the nearest person in the store. “Do have any tissues or napkins?”
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Picking up a few last minute groceries was supposed to be a simple in-and-out mission but the last thing he expected was to be face to leaky tit. Pulling the handkerchief from his breast pocket he handed it to her, slightly put off. “Do you need to go to the hospital or something?”
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
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Elena looked at him quietly and bit her lip. She looked at the paper and to the specific name and shook her head. “Oh yeah no. They are going to summer school. It’s already been talked about” She sighed. “Always has their head in the clouds or on their cellphone.”
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"It’s already been decided huh? It must be rough facing a kid every day knowing that they’re a failure how do you do it?” Oli pulled up the seat opposite, it was clear that his drink wouldn’t be done anytime soon with how package the cafe was. “You can’t discipline them or anything?”
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olivcnder-blog · 6 years
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   “i’m hearin’ you i really am, and i’m most definitely in but like
” marcello takes a moment to clear his throat, watching oli practice his future vandalisms. “you know i’m all for possession, ya boy loves him some ghosts, but i feel like those briefs you bought me might put off the wrong impression.” 
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“what do you mean? they’re polite, cordial if you will, they’re inviting without being too.. without overtly offering yourself up to them - like an rsvp instead of an option invitation.” olivander assured as he made his way through the planks boarding up the door. making a hole just big enough for them to climb through, he gave up on using the crowbar for its intended purpose, he swung haphazardly at the lock until it clattered to the sidewalk. “do you want to go first? if not you have to film.” 
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