oldlondons-blog · 5 years
        “     we’re going to save lives,    ”     he says, in a voice that’s a little too confident.    he has always been steady, toeing the line between self - aware and self - assured  –  he finds that those two often overlap.    and that was when he was making his own decisions ; he sees now that he was being foolish.    this is what he is called to do.     “     some of the methods are still experimental, but that doesn’t matter.    blood lettings, prayer.    providing comfort, too  –  if we can make the sick feel better, it will be easier for them.    ”
               todd  squirms  at  the  mention                                 of prayer. blood doesn’t scare him much -- not now, when it’s become something of a neighbour, a houseguest he had to scramble to make room for -- but attempting to ask god for favours seems a little... impertinent. he fears he’ll only hear more silence. ‘easier for them to heal?’ even as he’s asking, he knows it isn’t true. they’d done all they could for john, and it hadn’t helped at all, but he needs to believe in something. 
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
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“What the boss don’t know, the boss won’t mind.”
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             ‘  i’m  not  so  sure  ,  ma’am  --                    but who am i to turn you down?’
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
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              a  lyric  call  while i battle my adhd for dominance
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
“i might not succeed, but i’ll survive.” ( from @hngrygrl ! hello
i play my part.
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            ‘  that  just  means  you  can                                  do better next time, innit?’ pulling at his guitar strap a little uselessly, todd skitters, pigeon toed. ‘better be alive and smarter than dead and right.’ he’s got experience in the former, after all, and those that left him behind in the latter. ‘then you can change.’ 
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
these quotes are taken from the theatrical concert things to ruin: the songs of joe iconis.  these sentences discuss war, alcohol, and abuse, among others; please use discretion. feel free to change pronouns / wording as desired!
“i was born this morning, and i’m gonna die tonight.”
“then i learned to cry.”
“then i sprouted wings and flew away.”
“loved up some girl, then left her high and dry.”
“things move fast when you are born on your dying day.”
“there are things to ruin.”
“i’m hopped up on blood and pheromones.”
“i feel like i haven’t felt a thing in days.”
“i think that i’ve run out of bars to raise.”
“no matter how i beg or what i do, i can’t get any help from you.”
“everybody thinks i’ve got time.”
“i might not succeed, but i’ll survive.”
“if i see i’m bleeding, then i’ll know that i’m alive.”  
“i think that i am ready and prepared, but the problem is i’m also fucking scared.”
“at least the hurt is proof of life.”
“i’m kind of strong, and my journey’s been long.”
“now i’m begging you, [name], help me make it right.”
“how am i ever gonna know if you don’t give me a chance?”
“really, how can i condemn if i can’t even feel?”
“i promise i can take it, i’ll survive.”
Keep reading
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
of course i have a lot of pent-up rage you fool i’ve been the same height since i was 12
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
Person: *angers me*
Me: that is it. the grudge has been formed and i will remember this on my dying day. ill see you in hell
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
‘ every year, it’s getting worse, hell on earth. ’ / from kelton !
he’s some kind of poet.
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             ‘  yeah  .  ’  he’s  easily                            influenced by the attitudes of others, but this he can decide on all by himself. ‘i don’t -- i just want it to get better, but i suppose that’s not exactly revolutionary.’ what he means is, he just wants everyone to be a hell of a lot nicer, but that feels a little hypocritical coming from someone with a temper as short as his. ‘kind of a basic thing for a lyricist to say.’ 
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
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            getting sad abt the fact that todd felt so lost after john’s death that he ‘called down’ john’s spirit to help him and then still gets surprised when he sees john’s spirit in play a song -- he explicitly asks for help and then is genuinely stunned to find that his call has been answered
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
hadestown lyric sentence starters.
❝  flood will get you if the fire don’t.  ❞
❝  there ain’t a thing that you can do.  ❞
❝  it’s an old song.  ❞
❝  i’m the man who’s gonna marry you.  ❞
❝  i also play the lyre.  ❞
❝  i’ve met too many men like you.  ❞
❝  see the world? i’ll make it beautiful for you.  ❞
❝  are you always this confident?  ❞
❝  when you look at me, what do you see?  ❞
❝  lover tell me, if you can, who’s gonna buy the wedding bands?  ❞
❝  the sun is hot, so am i.  ❞
❝  i’m as free as a honeybee.  ❞
❝  what we have, we have to share.  ❞
❝  i’ll give you a song for free, ‘cuz that’s how life oughta be.  ❞
❝  he could make you see how the world could be, in spite of the way that it is.  ❞
❝  i was alone so long i didn’t even know that i was lonely.  ❞
❝  this is how it’s always been.  ❞
❝  all i’ve ever known is how to hold my own.  ❞
❝  i wanna hold you.  ❞
❝  takes a lot of medicine to make it through the wintertime.  ❞
❝  everybody’s hungry, everybody’s tired.  ❞
❝  kinda makes you wonder how it feels.  ❞
❝  if you wanna keep your head, you gotta keep your head low.  ❞
❝  in the coldest time of year, why is it so hot down here?  ❞
❝  it ain’t right and it ain’t natural.  ❞
❝  i recall there was a time we were happy, you and i.  ❞
❝  everything i do, i do it for the love of you.  ❞
❝  if you don’t even want my love, i’ll give it to someone who does.  ❞
❝  hey, little songbird, gimme a song.  ❞
❝  i wanna lie down forever.  ❞
❝  weren’t we birds of a feather?  ❞
❝  help yourself, to hell with the rest. even the one who loves you best.  ❞
❝  ain’t nobody but yourself to trust.  ❞
❝  aim for the heart, shoot to kill. if you don’t do it then the other one will.  ❞
❝  cast your eyes to heaven, you get a knife in the back.  ❞
❝  wouldn’t you have done the same?  ❞
❝  wait for me, i’m coming with you.  ❞
❝  when’s the last time you saw the sky?  ❞
❝  wipe away your tears.  ❞
❝  you sell your soul, you get your due.  ❞
❝  but don’t you see? it’s different with me.  ❞
❝  there must be some mistake!  ❞
❝  it was a mistake, alright. and now you gotta pay for it, for the rest of your life.  ❞
❝  a lot can happen behind closed doors.  ❞
❝  is anybody listening?  ❞
❝  nothing can wake me now.  ❞
❝  why are you getting on your knees?  ❞
❝  i’m asking you to marry me. marry me, say ‘i do’. i came all this way to ask you to.  ❞
❝  the two of us, you and me. that’s how it would have been, if the world was different.  ❞
❝  it ain’t no use; you’re bound to lose.  ❞
❝  is it true what they say?  ❞
❝  how long have we been married?  ❞
❝  i don’t mind if you look at other girls now and then.  ❞
❝  how does the sun even fit in the sky?  ❞
❝  love is not a gilded cage.  ❞
❝  soldier on and then the war will bring us peace.  ❞
❝  the heart of a man is a simple one.  ❞
❝  gotta think quick, gotta save face.  ❞
❝  what you gonna do now?  ❞
❝  men are fools, men are frail. give them the rope and they’ll hang themselves.  ❞
❝  with his kiss, the riot starts.  ❞
❝  you said that you would stay with me.  ❞
❝  can’t promise you fair sky above. can’t promise you kind road below. but i’ll walk with you, my love, any way the wind blows.  ❞
❝  just keep singing.  ❞
❝  the coldest night of the coldest year comes right before the spring.  ❞
❝  doubt comes in and my heart falters.  ❞
❝  you’re early.  ❞
❝  i missed you.  ❞
❝  pour the wine and raise a cup.  ❞
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
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              a  lyric  call  while i battle my adhd for dominance
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
“i don’t wanna seem ungrateful, or like i got too much nerve, but i won’t apologize for wanting what i know that i deserve.” also from cole :/
everybody’s at the bar without me.
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             ‘  oh  ,  of  course  ,  yeah  .                           i don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, y’know? it stops you getting twisted later down the line, say, if someone tries to fuck you around.’ he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about, but he’s jaunty and sincere, and that’s usually all he needs to be. ‘i don’t think anyone’s gonna slate you for knowing what you’re worth.’
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
‘ down there, it’s a bunch of stiffs. i’ll be bored to death. ’ / from anne
he’s some kind of poet.
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              ‘  so  don’t  go  ,  ’                              and he’s smiling like he’s joking. it’ll be easier to play along that way if he’s brushed off -- if he isn’t, though, he’s sure he’ll live. ‘stay and watch us play. you don’t have a show tonight, right?’
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
if the plague/etc hadn't happened, what do you think would've happened do the band later? like, years down the road--how long do you think the band would've lasted?
you know how to harmonise!
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              oh a good question... my thing is that there are clearly some members of the band that are more serious about being rockstars than others. i think john is well aware that what they’re doing is fun, a little hobby that brings them together as a unit -- i don’t think john ever fooled himself that they could bring their band out of their town, you know? when todd says ‘you were a rockstar,’ john counters with ‘i played songs to fourteen people in my girlfriend’s tavern’. as john’s the frontman, i think this, overall, mattered to why exactly they never expand pre canon -- no one ever put forward a plan for it. i assume colin is much the same; the band is fun, and they sound good together, but it was never a practical venture, was it? they’re ll going to have to find something else eventually.
              as for todd, he wants to strike out and find something for himself. he’s got buckets of passion for music, loves jamming with his best friend, but he also knows he’s got a solid career and a plan ahead of him, and he doesn’t... want that. i think it was always on the cards for tee to leave london, and i think him doing so when he’s 21/22-ish in a non-plague au means the eventual dissolving of the band. colin, perhaps, already found something more serious and is spending less time with them in terms of rehearsal, and john is acknowledging that okay, maybe he wants to settle with rosie and try getting a job, and todd is leaving to ~find himself~, which makes it easier to kind of break the news to ashton.
              ah, dear sweet ashton, who loves music more than anything, who wants to immortalise himself and his friends in their songs, in their art, in the messages they want to send. if it was up to ashton, they’d be making music until they died, but it isn’t. i’m sure he makes more on his own; he’s got enough talent and drive to be a solo act, but the fact is, he doesn’t get along with people. he’d never been the frontman, and having all the attention on him when he’s offstage is something he’s really going to struggle with. 
              short and short, they’d keep going for a little bit, until they all got a little older and realised they gotta be responsible -- life isn’t all just the whirlwind jaunts todd wants to celebrate when he’s sixteen. i don’t think the band ever ends for ashton, however -- it’ll be something he carries into his new material as he keeps making music. they last a good few years, four or five, and todd adores his friends long after they split (they’re not getting rid of him that easily), but it was never destined to be a huge thing.
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
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           hello everyone it’s me eli ready to talk. have a question abt this strange plague show that plays with time and suspension of disbelief? want me to talk abt lyrics and whatnot? want to learn more abt todd? indulge me and ask me things abt wwg!
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
a collection of starters from the musical when we’re gone. feel free to change pronouns/names when necessary. part one!
“is there a god?”
“he tortures those he claims to love.”
“it’s senseless.”
“we have music.”
“play a song.”
“the priests say we have gone astray, that’s why we suffer far and wide.”
“they told us, ‘close your eyes and pray’.”
“people prayed until they died.”
“so tell us why.”
“we don’t need them.”
“take a look around and make your mind up.”
“bodies on the ground, and the numbers grow every day.”
“i’d rather close my eyes and play.”
“i don’t want to fight with you.”
“i’m just sad.”
“you make me sad.”
“you were born on a sunday.”
“i don’t know what caused your hurry.”
“ i would savour every day for one moment of family.”
“then s/he/they slipped away.”
“you would wake, and you’d scream, and i’d panic.”
“it felt fake, a bad dream.”
“i’d hold you, and mumble prayers until we felt alright.”
“i know that you don’t miss her/him/them.”
“you can’t miss what you don’t know.”
“______ years, and i still don’t feel ready to let her/him/them go.”
“i ache.”
“the preacher reminds me i’ll see her/him/them one day.”
“how do i get by?”
“we can’t see eye to eye.”
“maybe our viewpoints don’t align.”
“won’t you wake up and start doing something?”
“i’m breaking my heart as i’m trying.”
“couldn’t you just try?”
“then we might see eye to eye.”
“you always told me growing up was hard to do.”
“you always told me i would learn how to obey.”
“you always told me that the perfect son/daughter/child was tame and clever.”
“those old rules aren’t how this perfect son/daughter/child will play.”
“no more, fuck this.”
“you can’t tell me what to do.”
“i won’t be a son/daughter/child to you.”
“no more, fuck that.”
“i will go out on my own.”
“you never let me entertain an option for my future.”
“you never let me dream about a different plan.”
“it feels all wrong.”
“i’m young and lucky.”
“i’ll dream while i still can.”
“you can’t tell me what do be.”
“you can’t be a dad/mum to me.”
“i’m not scared to be.”
“when i was born, it’s like you gave me an option: live your way, or i’m up for adoption.”
“it’s time to rise above you, it’s time to break away.”
“i’ll always love you, i just hate the shit you say.”
“i’ll ignore your condemnations and explore my aspirations.”
“i have plans in store.”
“i won’t stand one more belittling day.”
“you think you’re misunderstood?”
“it’s time to go out by myself.”
“no way, fuck this.”
“fuck you, i’m done.”
“i can’t bear to let you win.”
“it’s time to let my life begin.”
“fuck you, so long.”
“i swear i won’t look back.”
“i’ll find my way.”
“i’m scared to drown in silence.”
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oldlondons-blog · 5 years
taken from the original cast recording, feel free to change pronouns/etc!
part ii || part iii
‘ don’t ask where. ’ ‘ it was hard times. ’ ‘ it was a world of gods and men. ’ ‘ it’s an old song. ’ ‘ it’s an old tale from way back when. ’ ‘ it’s a sad tale. it’s a tragedy. ’ ‘ it’s a sad song, but we sing it anyway. ’ ‘ it’s a tale of a love that never dies. ’ ‘ it’s a love song about someone who tries. ’
‘ i’m an outdoor girl. ’ ‘ i’m trying to enjoy myself. ’ ‘ when the sun is high, so am i. ’ ‘ when my man comes around, i know he’s gonna bring me down. ’ ‘ why would a man of his own free go to work all day in the mine and mill? ’ ‘ you think i give a damn? ’ ‘ why would you trade the sunshine for a couple of nickels and dimes? ’ ‘ no one here’s a millionaire. ’ ‘ we’re living it up. ’ ‘  what we have, we have to share. ’ ‘ give me a lyre, and a campfire, and an open field at night. ’ ‘ give me the sky that you can’t buy or sell at any price, and i’ll give you a song for free. cause that’s how life outta be. ’ ‘ anybody want a drink? ’ ‘ let the poet bless this round! ” ‘ if no one takes to much, there will always be enough. ’ ‘ let the world we dream about be the one we live in now. ’
‘ i was alone so long. ’ ‘ i was alone so long, i didn’t even know that i was lonely. ’ ‘ this is how it’s always been. ’ ‘ all i’ve ever known is how to hold my own. ’ ‘ all i’ve ever known is how to hold my own, but now i wanna hold you too. ’ ‘ you take me in your arms, and suddenly there’s sunlight all around me. ’ ‘ and for a moment i forget just how dark and cold it gets. ’ ‘ i don’t ever wanna have to let you go. ’ ‘ i don’t wanna go back to the lonely life. ’ ‘ say that you’ll hold me forever. say that the wind won’t change us. say that we’ll stay with each other, and it’ll always be like this. ’ ‘ i’m gonna hold you forever. the wind will never change on us. as long as we stay with each other, then it will always be like this. ’
‘ better go and get your suitcase packed. ’ ‘ i guess it’s time to go. ’ ‘ those who go, they don’t come back. ’ ‘ winter’s nigh and summer’s over. ’ ‘ down there, it’s a bunch of stiffs. i’ll be bored to death. ’ ‘ give me morphine in a tin. give me a crate of the fruit of the vine. ’ ‘ everybody dresses in clothes so fine. ’ ‘ the wage is nothing and the work is hard. ’ ‘ an eye for an eye. ’ ‘ a lie for a lie, and your soul for sale. ’ ‘ you’re early. ’ ‘ i missed you. ’ ‘ seems like you own everything. kinda makes me wonder how it feels. ’
‘ king of diamonds, king of spades. ___ was king of a kingdom of dirt. ’ ‘ the river styx was a river of stones. ’ ‘ ____ laid them high and thick with a million hands that were not their own. ’ ‘ and stone by stone, row by row, the river rose up. ’
‘ keep your head low. ’ ‘ if you wanna keep your head, you gotta keep your head low. ’ ‘ in the coldest time of year, why is it so hot down here? ’ ‘ it ain’t right, and it ain’t natural. ’ ‘ lover, you were gone so long. ’ ‘ lover, i was lonely. ’ ‘ lover, when you feel that fire, think of it as my desire for you. ’ ‘ i’ll sing a song of a love gone wrong. ’ ‘ every year, they have this fight. ’ ‘ lover, while you sing your song, winter is coming on. ’ ‘ all the pretty songs you sing ain’t gonna shelter us from the wind. ’ ‘ why is it so bright down here? ’ ‘ when you see that glare, think of it as my despair for you. ’ ‘ when the gods are having a fight, everybody else better hold on tight! ’ ‘ everything i’ve saved is gone. ’ ‘ fire ain’t gonna light itself. ’ ‘ every year, it’s getting worse, hell on earth. ’ ‘ did you think i’d be impressed? ’ ‘ i recall there was a time we were happy, you and i: in there garden where we met. nothing was between us yet. ’ ‘ lover, everything i do i do it for the love of you. ’ ‘ if you don’t even want my love, i’ll give it to someone who does. ’ ‘ harbor me. ’
‘ hey, little songbird, give me a song. ’ ‘ i’m a busy man, and i can’t stay long. ’ ‘ cat got your tongue? ’ ‘ always a pity for one so pretty and young when poverty comes to clip your wings and knock the wind right out of your lungs. ’ ‘ i want to fly down and feed at your hand. ’ ‘ i want a nice, soft place to land. i want to lie down forever. ’ ‘ the choice is yours, if you’re willing to choose. ’ ‘ you’ve got nothing to lose. ’ ‘ suddenly, nothing is as it was. ’ ‘ wasn’t it gonna be the two of us? weren’t we birds of a feather? ’ ‘ let me guess: he’s some kind of poet and he’s penniless? give him your hand, he’ll give you his hand-to-mouth. he’ll write you a poem when the power is out… hey, why not fly south for the winter? ’ ‘ look all around you: see how the vipers and vultures surround you. ’ ‘ they’ll take you down, they’ll pick you clean if you stick around such a desperate scene. ’ ‘ people get mean when the chips are down. ’
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