oldetimefuture · 9 years
Awesome! Will you be there both days?
Today we’re super happy to announce that Monsters & Monocles is heading to the Playstation 4! We’ll also be demoing the game at PSX in San Francisco this weekend, so be sure to stop by booth #1164 to check the game out and say hi! :D
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
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Temmie's back!!!! #Temmie #undertale #fanart #mecha
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
Re: Sick and tired of hearing “source?” or having to explain white privilege and systemic racism? [reformatted]
Hello all! This is a reformatted version of this post originally compiled by randymusprime​.
On Preparing for Arguments… Identifying and Avoiding Logical Fallacies
On White Privilege & Systemic Racism… 7 Facts That Prove White Privilege Exists On Racism and White Privilege The New Jim Crow Where White Privilege Came From White Privilege from Taking Action Against Racism Denying White Privilege White Privilege: An Insidious Virus 1 in 3 Black Males Will Go to Prison in Their Lifetime What is a ‘System of Privilege’? White Privilege 101 Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack 14 Examples of Systemic Racism in the US Criminal Justice System Black Student Graduation Rates Young Black Men and Gun Violence Operation Ghetto Storm Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color in the US Racial Profiling in Vermont DoJ Stats Show Clear Pattern of Racial Profiling OK, fine. Let’s talk about ‘black-on-black’ violence. Why Police So Often See Unarmed Black Men as Threats
On the Difference Between Racism and Prejudice… Toward an Understanding of Prejudice and Racism Ferguson Cops More Inept Than Strategic 10 Simple Ways White People Can Fight Everyday Racism Ferguson’s Massive Cover-Up How Moral Leaders like MLK Approach Neutrality Why It’s So Hard for Victims to See Justice America’s Stop-And-Frisk Policies Proof of Racism Examples of Institutional Racism in the US On Why White People/Americans Are Afraid to Admit Racism Exists… The Racism That Still Plagues America Why We’re Still Unwilling to Admit to Systemic Racism in America Why American Racism is Impossible to Defeat
On Reverse Racism… A Look at the Myth of Reverse Racism Why Reverse Racism Isn’t Real Why There’s No Such Thing as ‘Reverse Racism’ Enjoy my lovelies, and feel free to add to this post or to the original!
- Mod D
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
#blacklivesmatter #michaelbrown
On White Supremacy and the Anniversary of the Murder of Michael Brown
For the past year, since the murder of Michael Brown on August 9, 2014, the voices whom have always told us that black lives matter have been heard by those who had for too long tuned out the suffering and struggle of Others.
“Others” with a capital “O” because that is how our society and our laws have designated black bodies. As Other. As Less. As Dangerous.
But the real danger is not coming from black communities, it’s coming to them. The State has always tried to impose control over black bodies and despite generations of resistance, the racism with which we built our social and legal institutions has proven too strong, too deep, and ultimately too valuable to our system of heteronormative, capitalist, patriarchal, white supremacy.
Darren Wilson is responsible for the murder of Michael Brown; white supremacy is responsible for allowing him to murder without consequences; and white people are responsible for allowing white supremacy to continue in our modern day, long after we have told ourselves that we have moved beyond it.
You don’t need to call someone the n-word to be a racist- your silence and inaction in the face of a state-sanctioned black genocide- where a black person is killed by police every 28 hours- speaks for you.
The persistent, passionate, and relentless activism that I have witnessed be organized and carried out by black people over this past year is the best and most inspirational that I have ever seen.
They declare, simply and profoundly, that their lives matter and they aren’t going to politely or respectfully request your attention- they will rightly demand it. You will no longer be able to ignore their cries in comfort.
People are not just dying. They are being murdered. They are being murdered by those whom in theory are supposed to protect them. Their resistance to this injustice is effective because it makes you uncomfortable. Your comfort zone is the status quo and the status quo is white supremacy. You should be grateful that that is being disrupted. You should join in its disruption. To not challenge the status quo is to accept it, and to accept it is to accept white supremacy. It’s your choice, but you have to understand the significance of your decision.
It has been one year since the murder of Michael Brown. For one year, black activists and allies of all races have fought not only for their right to live but for their right to matter; for people to care about their lives enough to say that when they are murdered, that is a crime deserving of justice; that when they play in the park across from their house they are able to make it home safely; that when they are pulled over for a minor traffic violation they aren’t unlawfully arrested; that when they attend a pool party they don’t leave with a broken jaw, and on and on and on.
Why is that such a difficult concept? A lot of people will say, “It’s not. That makes a lot of sense. Of course black people should be safe from harassment and brutality and murder.” But if so many people supposedly believe that, why is it still happening with such horrific and traumatic frequency?
It’s happening because racism is more than an idea. It’s more than a feeling. It’s more than an ignorant, personal prejudice.
Racism is institutional. It is coded into our laws, our public policy, school curriculum, employment practices, entertainment, language, in access to public services and housing, standards of beauty and respectability, etc.
You cannot get rid of racism by not using the n-word.
You have to fundamentally restructure the institutions which have held white supremacy in place so well for so long that it seems natural and inevitable.
And you cannot do that and maintain “respectability.” Falling into the trap of respectability politics means being obedient to white supremacy and it would be as dangerous as it is pointless to allow a system of oppression to dictate appropriate responses for your resistance of it.
White supremacy does not respect black people, so why should black people or their allies respect the institutions of white supremacy? You don’t change the rules by following them. You don’t start a revolution by asking for permission.
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
You wanna talk about the power of social media and using social media for good, so my ask, my family’s ask, close friends of Sandy’s ask, please keep tweeting. Keep tweeting, keep facebooking, keep instagraming, keep snapchatting, keep utilizing the hashtag #JusticeForSandy, keep utilizing #WhatHappenedToSandraBland, keep utilizing #SandraBland, and my all-time favorite, keep hashtagging #SayHerName. Because the minute that you forget her name, you forget her character and that she was a person. So that is my humble ask, on behalf of me and my family.”
Sharon Cooper, sister of Sandra Bland, asking that we continue to  #SayHerName (via iwriteaboutfeminism)
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
Super Dino Boys episode 4
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
Super Dino Boys episode 3
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
Super Dino Boys episode 2
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
Super Dino Boys episode 1
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
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Just put together this Once & Future zine! It'll be available on our west coast tour starting April 11.
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
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Greeb's Pondering
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oldetimefuture · 9 years
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Made these for each of the players in the D&D game that I DM. Hill Dwarf Cleric, Halfling Rogue, Elf Wizard & Human Fighter
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oldetimefuture · 10 years
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The band played and no one remembers
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oldetimefuture · 10 years
When a woman is attacked and people speak out against it, that is not "bullying".
Stance on the Zoe thing, do you refuse to express your opinion, or do you just not give a fuck?
you have no idea how retarded i think it is that people care or bother talking about stuff like this, like its a thing… the fact that “my industry” feels the need to talk about bs like this.. or about any social/personal bs is mind blowing and confirms my feelings about how much this is a scene of loser animals who have no artistic merit. 
this is less about one thing as it is everything, every week its a new story blown out of portion about how everyone is a slut/rapist/racist/misogynist who obviously have no idea what its like to have any of those things happen to them nor do they understand how life actually works, or when something is none of anyone else business.
we live in a pod of social justice implosion, all the extremest are at war with themselves, everyone is standing on one clear side of the street but the more this community grows  the more segregated it becomes and the more extreme peoples views become.
im in this to make games, i want no part of this scene of broken animals attempting to act human to make themselves feel better or important.
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oldetimefuture · 10 years
Ed, you write a lot of really insightful stuff. But your take on sexism/racism has always seemed like a disconnect to me. It seems like you're saying "People shouldn't get so worked up over these issues", which is a really privileged attitude to have. I feel like I've read you saying that you support the underdog. To me, this is a case where there is an underdog in need of some support!
Stance on the Zoe thing, do you refuse to express your opinion, or do you just not give a fuck?
you have no idea how retarded i think it is that people care or bother talking about stuff like this, like its a thing… the fact that “my industry” feels the need to talk about bs like this.. or about any social/personal bs is mind blowing and confirms my feelings about how much this is a scene of loser animals who have no artistic merit. 
this is less about one thing as it is everything, every week its a new story blown out of portion about how everyone is a slut/rapist/racist/misogynist who obviously have no idea what its like to have any of those things happen to them nor do they understand how life actually works, or when something is none of anyone else business.
we live in a pod of social justice implosion, all the extremest are at war with themselves, everyone is standing on one clear side of the street but the more this community grows  the more segregated it becomes and the more extreme peoples views become.
im in this to make games, i want no part of this scene of broken animals attempting to act human to make themselves feel better or important.
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