oh-natures-mother · 4 years
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I am 33 weeks today... and I was 31 weeks when this picture was taken. I feel lovely and I don’t care for the comments of people discriminating my body because im pregnant. I think every man & woman should appreciate the body they were given and learn to love it. It’s hard.. but it’s apart of who you are.
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
I don’t know.
I don’t know what to feel.
How to feel.
If I’m feeling right..
If I’m feeling wrong
Or if this feeling is right to feel wrong
Or wrong to feel right?
Should I avoid these emotions that bottle?
Do I even want to touch bases with what’s it about?
How do you let feelings not control you?
I feel alone and afraid because I can’t speak up about it.
I’ll cry. I’ll cry so hard that I can’t share what I’m feeling...
I’ll just be told “it’s okay”
When you don’t even know what’s wrong because I can barely breathe through my tears.
And for the ones that ask me “what’s wrong” I tell you everything and you look at me like I’m a test you didn’t study for.
You make me feel a lot better. THANKS.
But I don’t think I am okay when I’m trying to hold my mask up everyday to make it seem I’m OKAY.
To make myself believe that we are OKAY.
Are we?
Am I healthy or am I hurting myself without realizing?
Tired of trying to be OKAY.
I don’t want to accept the way things are.
I don’t want to accept what’s happened.
I want to turn back on the choices I made to make others happy.
Because honestly
I’m scared.
I’m sad.
I’m concerned.
I am fighting a constant battle with my mind, my emotions & reality all at the same time.
It’s exhausting.
I care too much about someone else’s feelings
And I feel guilty for caring about my own.
But if I act on my own feelings
Am I setting myself up for failure or success?
What if that failure & heartbreak leads to my success?
The fear of the unknown.
The fear of trusting the unknown.
The fear of dying inside or the blessing loving life again when the unknown comes.
I. Do. Not. Know.
I don’t know if I can trust my emotions.
I don’t know if I should talk to myself again?
Should I trust what I say today then say something different tomorrow?
How Do YOU FEEL!?!?
What are feelings. What the fuck is fear? Why do I feel like exploding of tears? This tightness in my chest kills me.
Why can’t you just be open with me about everything so i can feel comfortable with doing the DAMN SAME.
When do I get to breathe again?
When am I going to let myself start being me again?
Thank you for reading.
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
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7 Months Pregnant
27 weeks pregnant. Last week of the 2nd trimester and then will be introduced to the 3rd trimester! The last part of the journey of being pregnant. It’s exciting & yet so nerve-recking!
To find out I am having a boy is the most mind blowing yet greatest blessing of my life! I cannot wait to meet my son! I love feeling him kick, stretch, hiccup. I enjoy how he responds to his father’s voice & his grandmas touch. I love how he wakes me up in the middle of the night so I can release my bladder. I love how pregnancy makes me feel immaculate! I’m admiring how my body changes for my baby.
Overall, being pregnant is a beautiful experience SO FAR. Still have 2 1/2 months to go! I’m so blessed! Thank you lord. Everything I do, I do through him.
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
“I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.”
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
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Sea inspired sculptures in Pembrokeshire,
Which is your favourite?😍
Photos & sculptures by @sculpttheworld from @oceans247
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
The fact that I'm silent doesn't mean I have nothing to say.
— Jonathan Carroll
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
It’s okay to grow. You don’t have to be the same person you were 2 years ago, a year ago, or maybe even a month ago. Give yourself permission to evolve, don’t be afraid of it. You are here to learn and grow, you are here to become the greatest version of yourself. You don’t have to identify with your old self. Bless your past, let it turn into wisdom, and then let go of it. 
If you work on yourself every single day, you’re going to notice changes. Changes in your attitude, changes in the way you perceive the world, and it’s completely normal. As long as your new mindest empowers you and gets you closer to your goals, cherish it. Stop building the future based on the past.  Stop repeating old patterns that no longer serve you. Life always happens for you; life will serve you, it will help you flourish and discover your true strengths and talents. So follow your path and don’t look back.  
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
“Your age doesn’t define your maturity, your grades don’t define your intellect, and rumors don’t define who you are.”
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
I’m going to be a momma ❤️
“Make it a december to remember.”
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
I can’t believe what you say, because I see what you do.
(via naturaekos)
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
Anyone who takes the time to be kind is beautiful.
(via naturaekos)
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
How to strengthen your brain outside of school:
Maybe you’re not in school anymore, or you’re taking a gap year to save for school and you’re worried about keeping your brain fast and not getting too lazy. Well, here are a few helpful ways to make sure that you keep thinking:
Read books daily. Always have a book on the go. Reading keeps your brain active and it’s a cathartic activity. If you’re feeling up to it, read self-improvement books, or informative books.
Watch Ted Talks. Not only are these videos filled with so much great information, they are also inspiring.
Think about where you want to be in the future and start preparing for that. If this means that you need to spend hours of your life prepping the perfect resume so you can get a job or internship that takes you a step closer, then so be it. If you want to start your own business I’d highly recommend that you research the hell out of entrepreneurship. 
Exercise. Exercise is important for the brain. It also keeps you happy, which in turn keeps you motivated.
Expand your vocabulary. Write down the words you don’t know in books and look them up, keep them on flashcards and memorize them. Big vocabularies are so important and they do come in handy.
Learn a new language. You can do this for free on apps like Duolingo or you can actually go and take courses somewhere. This could help you so much if you plan on doing University abroad or even getting a job there.
Watch documentaries. Netflix can currently teach you about the Vietnam war, World War II, the Earth, the global food trade etc. Learn. 
Watch the news, listen to it or read about it. It’s important that we know what’s happening right now and memes can distract us, but try to be informed. Maybe you can make a difference.
Learn a new skill. It’s time to learn something you’ve always wanted to, whether it’s cooking, sewing, art, photography, yoga, mechanics etc. Teach yourself.
Do online classes to boost your grades for University. 
Do online classes because you’re curious. Don’t stifle your curiosity. Curiosity is an asset.
Challenge yourself to do one productive thing every day. Don’t let yourself go to bed without mental stimulation for the day.
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
“When we are asleep in this world, we are awake in another.”
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
“You’re always haunted by the idea you’re wasting your life.”
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oh-natures-mother · 4 years
You are not defined by your past. You are prepared by your past.
(via naturaekos)
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