ofxiang-archive · 1 year
♔ !
it wasn't unlike nikolai to lose track of his belongings. more often than not, it caused more work — more trouble — for phoenix's manager; it was a bad habit that he had never been able to break. from spontaneous ubers back to stadiums and hotels on a search for a misplaced item, or forgotten luggage—not to even mention lost passports, a damn mess was a good way of explaining his very character.
he could've sworn that he left with his wallet, which was what stumped him the most. when he reached into an empty pocket at the till, a line of other customers behind him, he pulled a face, checking his other pocket before giving the employee a forced grin with an awkward chuckle. “ sorry, i'm sorry—one minute, ” antsy, now, he patted down his jacket with knitted brows, trying to ignore the sharp stare of the displeased cashier and the other sets of eyes that he felt. growing panic settling in his empty stomach, her tone of voice caught him off guard, and before he could even form a reaction ( which would have been another apology and then leaving the store to call it a day ), a familiar face appeared by his side. raising his eyebrows, he looked at her slightly dumbfounded at the unplanned meet, before smiling, delighted to see his good friend. “ ayoung ! waa, weird coincidence. you just saved my day. like, literally, ” the tension eased with her there, as it always did. “ thank you, i'll pay you back. i don't know where the fuck my wallet went. ”
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– – 。˚ ˚☽ @ofxiang
➜ ayoung wiggled in place, fingers drumming against the drink she clasped in her left hand. she was usually the type of person who had plenty of patience but she hadn't eaten in twenty four hours, though not intentionally, and she was starving. the london fog latte and fruit sando had her name all over them and she was ready to just finally sit down and let her brain and feet rest.
her eyebrows furrowed as time ticked away and she was still standing in the same spot in line, waiting to checkout what could be taking so long? she craned her head around the person in front of her, seeing a tall, slender man searching for something. the cashier eyed him warily, an impatient look on her face before snapping at him. "are you going to pay?" ayoung's eyebrows raised at her tone, surprised how she was speaking to him. cutting the line, she held out her assigned company credit card, one of the perks of being staff with infinite. "just charge him to my account, please." she interjected, offering a reserved smile to help cut the tension.
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
♔ !
a new stop meant a new adventure, and waking up to dark grey skies wouldn't be a hindrance to their trip to what was decisively the most popular landmark in the rainy city — the space needle. nikolai had suggested it to the other earlier in the week after hearing some of the staff talk about it, and it seemed like a great idea at the time, running off of post-show adrenaline. now, however, as they stood in line for the elevator that zipped up a whopping 520 ft, the nerves were at the forefront. arms crossed over his chest, nikolai watched with squinted eyes as another group took their turn, shortening the queue by so much. drawing a breath as everyone shuffled forward a few feet, he looked over at seungho, cracking a small smile. “ is it too late to be having second thoughts ? not that i'm having any. i'm not worried at all, ” said the man with a definitely nonexistent fear of heights. @lvminosityy
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
what was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: omw with coffee NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: bulgogi NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: do u want some???? NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: attachment: image NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: im bringing some back for u
what was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours?
NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: did i leave my key card there NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: or is it with doyun idk NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: attachment: image NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: i will not get lost in seattle tonight NIKOLAI → SEOJOON 🌹: do you wanna go for a drive
what was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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what my muse saved your number as?
seojoon 🌹
what contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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what ringtone my muse has set for yours?
shut down by braveheart
how many times my muse has called your this week?
how many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
📱- doyun
what was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: i got in the elevator after minjae and all the buttons were pressed attachment: image NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: do you know where my jacket is NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: no different one NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: i think i left it at soldier field fml NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: attachment: image
what was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours?
NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: attachment: voice memo NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: i accidentally just took a 5 hour nap NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: do you wanna do something tonight??? NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: 🥚 NIKOLAI → DOYUN 🕺🎆: why is tthere an egg
what was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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what my muse saved your number as?
doyun 🕺🎆
what contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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what ringtone my muse has set for yours?
lights up by harry styles
how many times my muse has called yours this week?
how many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
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David Bottoms, from “Black Horses,” Otherworld, Underworld, Prayer Porch.
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
view the exclusive interview with phoenix's main vocalist, nikolai xiang, below !
when’s your birthday? and what’s a significant memory you have about it?
 “ july 5th. i don't really care a lot about the day anymore, but one of my favourite memories is my tenth birthday, where my mom took the three of us to hong kong disneyland. i loved disney. she saved up for so long for that trip. we watched the parade and i remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever. i don't remember how i lost my ears but i did, and i was so upset about it — like crying upset, until jianyu gave me his. i still have them at my house. ”
what’s a song you have on repeat recently?
 “ right now ? 'omg' by yumi and jinnie. listen to it, by the way, if you haven't yet. ”
who is your role model?
 “ my older brother, jianyu. it'll always be him. ”
do you believe in ghosts? if so, do you have any paranormal experiences?
 “ i don't know. i do like watching ghost adventures, though. ”
what was your first kiss like? when was it?
 “ oh, man. i was like fifteen. you know, teenage romance, whatever. i never saw him again after we left for seoul. ”
what is something you get told all the time?
 “ a lot of the time it's that i'm late for something, or that i slept in and we need to hurry. i get told to get more sleep, but it's not that easy. mostly, to take care of myself, especially from flames. ”
do you have any regrets?
 “ oof, yeah. too many. is there anyone who doesn't have any regrets ? ”
how would you describe how you feel right now?
 “ honest answer ? like i can't breathe. like, suffocating, almost, and it takes so much effort just to get a breath into my lungs. you know those nightmares where you're lost, running from a certain thing or some unknown thing that you just know is bad, and each door you try to open is locked ? or the doors that do open are just loops of the same hallway with the walls closing in, no escape ? i feel that. i'm tired. ”
what is something you do and don’t like about yourself?
 “ next please. ”
do you have any fears?
 “ heights, spiders and the dark. ”
when was the last time you talked to your family?
 “ i talked to my brother, i think... like, five hours ago ? we talk a lot, and we're on the same tour, so obviously we see each other a lot too. it's like, ugh, this guy again, are you serious ? ”
what city are you most looking forward to on the tour?
 “ hong kong, definitely. but busan is also up there, and i always love visiting singapore and manila. ”
do you have any allergies?
 “ fish and pollen. spring is a nightmare for me. ”
what are some habits or mannerisms that you have? good or bad.
 “ anyone who knows me knows this one is coming — being late. losing things. leaving without putting my contacts in. squinting because i can't see anything. there's definitely more, but i can't think of them. ”
what are your hobbies?
 “ sleeping. my number one hobby. ”
how was your school life as a kid like?
 “ i don't remember a lot of it, haha. probably normal, for the most part ? i stopped... i guess it would be caring ? in seventh grade, though. i dropped out when i was fourteen to take care of my brother. ”
do you have any pet peeves?
 “ when someone makes me do aegyo. being woken up from naps. when people talk over others. just rudeness in general i really don't like. ”
do you consider what you’re doing right now your dream job? if not, what is it instead?
 “ i think i do. i don't know what else i'd be doing with my life. i honestly was sort of just floating before. ”
what motivates you?
 “ family — my mom, my brothers, my group. flames. i wouldn't be here without any of them. ”
what’s something you can’t live without?
 “ family again. ”
do you have a celebrity crush?
 “ i have a huge crush on nam joohyuk. ”
what is your go to karaoke song?
 “ can you feel the love tonight, or into the unknown. ”
what type of drunk are you?
 “ what type of drunk am i ? i like fun. happy ? talkative ? i don't know. the type that doesn't wanna think about shit and just have fun. ”
do you collect anything?
 “ probably just anything the lion king. flames gift me a lot of lion king stuff, the phone case i'm using right now actually is a really cute baby simba one that somebody gave me in buffalo. ”
when you’re sad, what do you do to cheer yourself up?
 “ it depends. sometimes i just sleep, sometimes i drink, other times i just don't do anything. it's something that's just there, most of the time, i've learned to live with it. ”
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
Send me a “📱” and I will answer the following:
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
What my muse saved your number as?
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
How many times my muse has called your this week?
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
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photo by neekaisweird
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
“whoa~” seungho watches in awe as the stingray swam by. he knew they were big but he hadn’t really realized just how big they were until now. although he has to admit their little faces were kinda cute. they looked friendly enough to swim with- not that he’d ever dare to do that. “no clue but here it says theres about 5,000 creatures.” he says, reading off an information board to the side. “lets name them for ourselves.” he suggest and begins looking around to find one he liked. “that one is now named niki- after you.” he says pointing to a little seahorse to tease the other. “he looks like a cool dude.”
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♔ !
when seungho read out how many creatures were in the waters that surrounded them, nikolai raised his eyebrows, his jaw dropping slightly in surprise. it was almost hard to believe that that much sea life was right before them. “ wahh, ” with a hum of amazement, he tried to note how many different species he recognized, only getting up to five before his attention was grabbed by his friend. a smile flickered across his face as he looked at the seahorse that now shared his name. “ cute. if i was a sea creature, i probably would be one of him, ” he responded, searching the tank for a few seconds before pointing to a vibrantly coloured starfish. “ that one over there, on the rock— that’s seungho 2. he seems pretty stylish. ”
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
“ doyun ! hi. do you remember the jacket from the other day ? the black one that you gave back to me at rehearsals ? you're not gonna believe this, it's really out of pocket and barely ever happens to me, but it's missing again. crazy... [knock at the door] ah, oops, gotta go — i slept in and i'm running late. [tired groan] i literally don't want to do anything, man... i need a 48 hour sleep. [another knock] fuuuck. okay. let me know if you see it anywhere, yeah ? thank you~ ”
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
“ why won't they pick up ? ahhh... [shuffling noises, sounds like the phone's in a fucking blender] wait, hello ? iseul-ah ? [incomprehensible mumbling] are you there ? i can't hear you, i'm gonna try a- [calls ends] ” “ yah, your voicemail tricked me. so... funny story. [long pause] actually it's not really. i just lied. [sniffs] uh... i've had. i've been having. i am having ? yeah. a bad night. [silence] i'm back at the hotel now, anyway, but i lost my key card somewhere and i'm too much of a mess to ask the front desk, and manager-nim's already unhappy with me [jumbled words; something about always] so i don't- [phone's in a tornado now, then thuds] aish, i dropped you, iseul, i'm sorry. why am i- [pause] i don't even... know what i'm saying. [deep breath] if you're hearing this in the morning, please pretend you didn't, okay ? ... okay. ”
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
“ we're kind of professionals at missing each others calls, aren't we ? [laugh] it's been really exciting ! i can't wait for the release, the fans are gonna love it. [pause and shuffling] i think there's still some kimbap from earlier if you wanna hang out and help me finish it ? let me know. ”
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
📞 + 😃
“ seojoon ! do you remember the other day when i was whining about missing home ? someone told me that there's an h mart here in chicago, so obviously i had to go, but they were sold out of the kimbap, and i've really been craving kimbap. so i decided [plate clatters] why not make my own ? it's going great, i'm excited. anyway, i'll be sharing with my members, and you're more than welcome to come have some too. [knock at the door] ah, manager-nim thinks i'll burn the place down. i don't know why he never trusts me. [sigh and pause] um, kay. see you later. ”
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
😃 : a happy voicemail 
😍 : a loving voicemail
🤪 : a goofy voicemail
😞 : a disappointed voicemail
😔 : a sad voicemail
😟 : a worried voicemail
😠 : an angry voicemail
😳 : an embarrassing voicemail
😨 : a scared voicemail
😯 : a surprised voicemail
🥱 : a sleepy voicemail
🥴 : a drunk voicemail
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
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