ofwxtches · 2 years
Neville turned to look at her when she approached.  Usually when his mother offered him a smile, she couldn’t help but return it.  Alice was such a wonderful soul, and he longed to be more like her.  She always had such a bright outlook on things, and Neville often felt like the Eeyore to her Tigger.  He always had that rain cloud over his head making him feel like a worthless wizard.
He shrugged one shoulder and turned to look straight ahead of him rather than at her.  Tears pricked at his eyes as the tip of his nose itched.  He felt the need to cry, but didn’t want to be weak.  He was tired of being weak.
“I guess,” he lied.
Neville was her pride and joy. Being an auror had been a dream achieved, but it wasn’t until she’d had her son that she had realised that becoming a mother had been one of the best things she had ever done. And she would protect him with every fibre of her being. He was her little boy, regardless of how old he was. She saw how the other Longbottoms treated him, and sure, they probably didn’t think it was doing anything too bad, but she saw how it affected her boy.
“You sure?” She murmured, watching him for a few seconds, before she looked out ahead too. Alice would never force her son to talk to her about anything. She knew from personally experience, that forcing someone never achieved anything.
She was quiet for a few more moments, before she spoke again. “You know you can talk to me about anything right Neville? I’m your Mom. I’ll always be here for you”
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ofwxtches · 2 years
“Dawlish being unhelpful? Shocking.” Benjy itches his eye and frowns at the first case file, putting his glasses back on.
“Oh yeah I was on patrol for this first one…nasty business. Single male walking alone through a park…we thought it was a mugging. Took his wallet and wand.” He glances at the other two and checks. 
“Yep. Hang on-” He waves his wand, the similar details spring up out of the file, hologram style. He studies them. 
“Late 20s early 30s, walking alone-Merlin, I’m going to apparate now- stabbed….after the killing curse. Wallets and wands taken…” 
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He glances over his shoulder at her.
“So you said its all the same motive? What’s the motive, Fortescue?”
“And yet Im the idiotic that keeps trying to get him to help me.” Alice mused, rolling her eyes. She honestly just thought that maybe just maybe one time he’d give in and help her. But, she probably should just admit defeat, and come to terms with the fact that he was really not going to help.
“Yeah....” Alice had read through the files enough to know all the nitty gritty details. She’d wrote them out on post it notes, and spent hours trying to tie them altogether. Something in her gut was just telling her that they were connected. She just needed someone other than herself to see it too. “Makes me no wanna go out after dark....” Luckily it seemed that she was the wrong gender for this one. But, who knew.
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“Look at the names....” She murmured, leaning over a pointing at the three surname in general. “All sacred 28. I’m surprised they aren’t kicking up a fuss actually....” She mused, a little absentmindedly as if she didn’t think it was that important. “If it was only two I’d have said it was a coincidence.... but three? I tihnk someone is targeting them.”
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ofwxtches · 3 years
Emmeline groaned internally before she even opened her eyes. She’d promised herself the last time that this had happened that she wasn’t going to sleepover again. If she stopped acting like they were an actual couple, then the feelings she had for Kingsley would just disappear. But, despite all of her best habits, she’d still ended up falling asleep in his bed anyway. And before she could even open her eyes, she knew exactly where she was. She’d been here enough to know it wasn’t her bed, and it wasn’t her bed. And she could feel the familar warmth of him being in the bed beside her.
It was something that was becoming more and more familiar. if she was honest with herself, it was something that she was growing to like. And it scared her, which was exactly why she was trying to ignore her feelings. Of course, continuing to sleep with him, was probably not the best course of action. But Emmeline tended to be a little reckless outside of work.
She rolled onto her back, finally opening her eyes, and staring at the ceiling. She had no idea if he was awake, and also no idea what she was even going to say. Emmeline was positive that she had said she was not sleeping over again last night, just as she had the previous time, and she was preparing herself to have to make an excuse up for why she had failed to stick to her words yet again.
Or maybe she could sneak out. But that hadn’t worked so well either last time. @akingsransom​
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ofwxtches · 3 years
“Gotta get home before sunrise or you turn into a bat, eh, Vanity? It’s hot when you pretend to be nice to me, you should do it more.”
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He’s just drunk enough to look her up and down boldly.
“Want me to walk you home? Just cause you seem to be without your beaters bat?”
“Pretend to be nice?” Emma mused, a smirk on her face as she looked at him. “If it results in you finding me hot I might stop doing it.” Although, she had a feeling if she was mean to him that he would find that equally as hot. He was a frustrating person, and she honestly would do anything in her power to avoid him. It was a shame she couldn’t do that right now.
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“I could take you down with just my fist Fenwick” She assured him, a smirk on her face. And she hadn’t missed how he’d checked her out. “But join me if you wish. If it’ll stop you getting even more wasted”
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ofwxtches · 3 years
Andromeda looked up at her sister’s comment it seemed out of no where, but she knew it wasn’t. It was hard on Narcissa in a way, she had always felt more connected to their name and their family then Andromeda had. Inhaling Andromeda considered her next words carefully before speaking. “I know you do, and I miss her too sometimes.” It was true, she did miss Bella now then, but there was anger in Andy more then longing.
“Yes,probably for the best.” Andromeda looked over at her sister. “If you need to go back…” She stopped herself. “I-I know this is hard.”
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At times Narcissa wondered if she regretted her decision to leave with Andromeda. Life would have been a lot easier if she’d stayed, and done what her parents had wanted. But, she’d always be closest with Andromeda, and she just couldn’t imagine life without her. This had been easier than trying to have both. Sure, she missed Bellatrix too, but some things had to be sacrificed. If Bella wasn’t so caught up with the Dark Lord, then maybe they’d have been able to have a relationship. But it wasn’t too be.
“No.... I can’t....” She would never go back. Not on her own anyway. And she wasn’t going to give up either. She was Narcissa Black, and she did not give up easily.  “I like it just being us too..... It’s hard, but we’re together, and that’s all that matters to me”
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ofwxtches · 3 years
Mary threw her keys down, and began unbuttoning her coat as she entered the flat she shared with Alice. “Sorry my love, I had a few tables staying really late. Couple of drunks.” Mary said with a sigh, she liked her work at the leaky cauldron but it was unpredictable sometimes. “I could say you’re home early.” Mary added with a laugh.
“It smells amazing in here.” Mary said following the voice and smell into the kitchen. Leaning on the counter Mary looked over onto what Alice was working on. “You win the best roommate award for this week.”
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“How rude of people. Dont they you know ou have a bestie to be getting home too?” Alice mused, a little laugh on her lips as she grinned at her friend. She was joking of course. There were many more nights when it was actually Alice that was late home from work. She had a tendency to over work. “I am home early....” She murmured, turning back to the hob, and stirring the pasta. “I actually finished on tim e for once. Are you proud?”
She looked up from the stove, and just smiled at her best friend. “Only for one week? And then you’ll go back to winning every other week?” She mused with a laugh. “I’m glad to win just this once.” Because if anything Mary was the better roommate.
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ofwxtches · 3 years
“That’s right, only the best. And, I do believe you fall under that category.”  Lucius tosses some salad onto his plate, and drizzles dressing over it. There was no denying that Narcissa was the perfect match for him; beautiful, elegant, and from a strong pure bloodline. They’d be a force together and so would their children. He knew that, now it was his job to get her to. 
Lucius grins as he eats, finding Narcissa’s banter humorous. It was a welcomed change of pace having someone challenge him. Most of his interactions included people who were more than happy to agree with every word he said. Of course he’d rather her agree with him more often than not, but the occasional push back was refreshing.
“What’s there not to like? I’ll make you the happiest woman in England.” He wipes his mouth before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small black box. “In fact, I got you something.” He opens it, revealing a gorgeous gold necklace with an oval emerald pendant. Lucius places the box in front of her before leaning back into his seat. “That is your birthstone, correct?” If this was a test, he had certainly done his homework. 
He raises his wine glass. “To having only the best.” 
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“Of course I fall into that category. You’d be a fool to think otherwise Lucius” Narcissa scolded, in a teasing way of course, as she looked across at him. Narcissa was a firm believer of her worth. If she didn’t love herself, and think she was great, then who else would? Although, she knew actually that she had a large circle of friends that adored her. But she did believe self-worth was important too. “But luckily....” She mused, after having taken a bite. “You fall into that category too.”
It was just as well really. Narcissa only liked the best, and the man sat before her was the best. Although, she supposed her mother would make her marry him regardless of her opinion. She was only surprised that her mother hadn’t pushed for the wedding sooner. Narcissa knew it would be coming soon. But Luckily, she wasn’t so fussed about it anymore. Lucius would indeed make a fine husband.
“Treating me already? I am a lucky lady” She mused, with a smile. She’d already heard the rumours of other jealous ladies who wished to be becoming Mrs Malfoy. She opened the box, an approving smile coming onto her lips. “It is....and this is beautiful.” Just like herself. But she assumed he already knew that. She took the necklace out, holding it delicately into her hand, so she could get a better look. With a smile, she placed it back into the box.
“Only the best...” She agreed, lifting her glass to clink it against his.
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ofwxtches · 3 years
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ofwxtches · 3 years
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ofwxtches · 3 years
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ofwxtches · 3 years
“Sure, yeah-”
One hand writing still, he uses his other to pull his wand out of mid air and summon a chair. Apparently he was feeling mustard yellow and lumpy today, which tracked.
He pushes the glasses he pretends he doesn’t need onto his forehead when he hears the chair land, putting his wand down beside him, moving so consistently and constantly that he’s sure he looks like a blur.
“You don’t care if I smoke do you? They’re charmed to smell like candy floss.” 
He doesn’t wait for an answer, finishing the last sentence of his incident summary and replacing his quill with a cigarette. Benjy lights it wandlessly as he replaces the tooth pick in his mouth with the pink wrapped tobacco. He pushes off with his left foot to spin slowly his chair, he rests on hand on his knee and the other fusses with his bangs, straightening them out and releasing them back into their curl as he talks. He takes a moment to focus on the act of smoke entering his lungs and then offers Alice a bright smile.
“I think in octagons so between the both of us, something will come to shape.”
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“What’s up, doc?”
The funniest thing about working with people who didn’t grow up around muggles was most of his references went over their heads and just came off as extensions of his own eccentricities. It was both very satisfying and annoying. 
“Catch me up in five sentences.”
It amused Alice that she worked with Benjy now, because she could remember the crush she’d had on him as a late teenager. Of course, all her friends had been fawning over him. And, even now as she sat down on the chair he conjured, she couldn’t deny that he was attractive. But, even though she was a huge flirt, she did try to contain herself at work. She had to keep a professional attitude after all.
“Not got much choice....” She mused, a little laugh on her lips as she reference how he’d just started smoking anyway. Luckily she didn’t mind, even if they didn’t smell like cand loss. To be honest, she would’ve asked for one herself. But she was trying to cut down.
“Hilarious....” She murmured, jokingly as she rolled her eyes. As long as he was helpful, then she didn’t care. She just needed to make a break with this case. Or well cases. They’d been sat on her desk for ages, and she wanted to get a ahead on them, hopefully solve the case. Then it would make her feel a little more successful as an auror.
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“I think these three cases are connected....” Alice murmured, leaning forward to drop the three case files onto the edge of his desk. “They seem to have the same motive, similar victim pattern, similar locations” Which was what had hit her as beacons that they might be connected. “I can’t quite put my finger on it though....” She murmured, sighing as she sat back in the chair.
“I mentioned it to Dawlish but he just blew me off.” Which was frustrating. She just wanted a bit of help, which hopefully she would find in Benjy. “I feel like something similar is going to happen.... like a gut feeling, but I can’t prove it. And it’s frustrating me to no end.”
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ofwxtches · 3 years
“Aren’t I always?” Lucius raises a glass of red wine to his lips and takes a sip before crossing his legs. He’d decided to arrive at the restaurant early for their ‘date’ this evening. He wasn’t nervous, he just had an odd feeling this was some sort of test, and one he’d be well prepared for. In fact, he had the entire  back section rented out just for them.
 “I hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of ordering appetizers.”
He lifts his finger, gesturing toward a nervous looking waiter, who immediately adorns their table with a large salad, prawn cocktail, and dinner rolls. “Wine?” Lucius repeats his gesture and the server fills Narcissa’s glass without hesitation. “A well-aged bottle of the family recipe, of course.” Lucius smirks and takes another sip of ‘Superior Red’.
While he didn’t find it necessary that Narcissa and himself should bother themselves with this courtship, he was very curious about where her head was. After all, it was her who requested this meeting. Lucius was skeptical at first. He was ready to get on with the marriage and honor the wishes of his late parents. In fact, he was prepared to slide his mother’s ring on her finger even if he absolutely hated her. At the end of the day, he only agreed to be civilized because things would surely go much smoother with, “a happy wife”.
“So, tell me, Narcissa Black. Do you find me unfit to marry?” Lucius smirks before poking a large prawn with his fork and taking a bite.
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Narcissa sometimes wondered how far she could push this. How long she could push the wedding back. But then she also knew that they couldnt afford the Malfoys to come out. Marrying Lucius was ging to be very beneficial to her, especially after the Black Scandals. And he wasn’t that bad looking either. She could do a lot worse. But that didnt mean she was going to suddenly pretend that she was lesser than him, because she was not. And she refused to let anyone make her that.
“I mean. Time for everything?” She mused, a little smirk on her lips as she settled into the seat opposite him. But so far, he’d been lovely. Narcissa had actually been enjoying the time that they spent together. And it really did help that he liked the expensive things in life as much as she did. He really was the perfect match for her, but she wasn’t going to let him know that. Not just yet.
“Only the best for Mr Malfoy right?” She teased, taking the wine glass once the waiter had finished pouring. She took a sip, and nodding in an approving manor. “Your family receipe is good.” it was more than good actually, but she was continuing to tease him. What was a futre marriage without a little banter? Along with not being lesser than her husband, she also really did not want a marriage that was boring, and lifeless.
“Well....” She mused, tilting her head to the side, as if really thinking about her answer. Her mother would murder her if she found out they were talking like this, saying Lucius could easily change his mind. But somehow, Narcissa didn’t think that was going to happen. Narcissa delicately picked up a prawn with her fork, and ate it before she spoke again.
“No. You’ll make a fine husband Lucius.” She mused with a shrug. “I’m just making sure I actually like you first. I’d hate to be trapped in a marriage where I can’t stand my husband. Luckily.... I don’t think that will be the case.”
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ofwxtches · 3 years
Worthless (Alice/Neville)
Neville excused himself from the dinner table without dessert, even if Gran made him his absolute favorite.  Hell, he barely ate dinner, his appetite ruined by an offhand comment his great Uncle made when Neville was helping Gran in the kitchen.
By this point, he was two years out of Hogwarts and still felt like he hadn’t done anything productive with his life.  He worked in a small shop in Diagon Alley selling books.  It felt as if he’d never be the person that he was supposed to be.  He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life, but he would never live up to the people that his parents were.  They were perfect in his eyes, and he was an absolute failure.
The sun was setting as he walked out to the dock and sat down, staring off into the distance.  When it was just him and his parents, the demons in his mind didn’t attack him.  Throw in his father’s side of the family, and they fed those same demons.  All he wanted was to make his family proud. 
And he was failing.
Alice had noticed recently that Neville didn’t seem like himself, and it was worrying her. To be honest, she spent the entire time worrying about him. Before he’d been born she’d spent her time worrying over Frank, and then Neville had come along and she’d switched over to her son. Before then, she hadn’t really been a worrier. She’d just carried on with life, ignored the bullies, and just lived her best life. But then she’d become a wife and then a mother. And it had all changed.
So, she’d been worried when she’d noted Neville had been not really eating. That wasn’t usual, especially when she’d noted that Augusta had cooked his favourite. Alice had helped clear away the dinner plates, and then gone out to find her son.
“Nev....” She murmured, sitting herself down next to him. She nudging his side, and just smiled at him. “Everything okay?” Alice would never force him to talk about anything, but she wanted him to know she was there if he needed her. She was his mother. She would always be there.
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ofwxtches · 3 years
“I thought I saw Bella today....” Narcissa murmured, from her seat across from Andromeda. It had made her sad actually. As much as she didn’t regret her decision to join Andromeda, she was still missing Bellatrix so much. She’d always been closer to Andy, but Bella was their sister too. The blonde sighed, glancing back down to her book for a moment, before she looked up, and over at Andromeda. “I miss her....” Her voice was quieter this time. Sometimes it was hard, and she did miss her old life. But, she hadn’t wanted to give up her relationship with Andromeda. Of course it had meant she’d given up her relationships with some of her other friends, and family.
“It wasn’t her...” She murmured, referring back to her first words. “Probably just as well. I didn’t fancy dying today.” @trish-thephoenixrp​
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ofwxtches · 3 years
“I thought you were never coming home” Alice called out as she heard the front door go. Of course, it was a highly hypocritical thing for her to say really. it was rare that Alice was ever home from work earlier than Mary was. Alice just had the huge habit of being a workaholic. She had been that way her entire working career. Alice just wanted to make a difference, and even now that she’d been qualified a few years she still felt like she was having to prove that she was good enough. Of course, she was pretty naturally gifted in being an auror, but she wanted to make sure she always did a good job.
But today, she’d actually managed to finish on time, and was currently making them both some dinner. “I’m cooking, which I have to say I’ve missed.” Since she mostly survived on take out. @trish-thephoenixrp​
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ofwxtches · 3 years
There was only so much human interaction that Emma could take after a long day training on the quidditch pitch. She was pretty much an extrovert, but there was only so much talking she could do, especially when it was with a group of women all day. So, she tended to just go straight home on days when she’d been training all day. But her team mates had managed to convince her to come have a few drinks at the leaky. So, she’d done that, but now she was totally over any conversation, and had excused herself.
Only to practically walk straight into Benjy. “Oh you have to be kidding me” The brunette murmured with a roll of her eyes. “Good evening Benjy” @seekingbenjy​
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ofwxtches · 3 years
OPEN || Aurory Office || 1978
Benjy plays with the toothpick between his teeth, rolling it around with his tongue as he works. 
He senses someone behind him but doesn’t turn around, his quill scratching along at a speed that’s not quite fast enough for his brain, and his penmanship is suffering for it. 
“You know, after the first three minutes of staring, I start charging.”
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He pulls the mangled piece of wood out from beneath his teeth and switches sides-sucking on the cinnamon flavor as he crosses out his terrible attempt at spelling “beneficiary” 
“What’d you need?”
Alice had to admit, she hadn’t intended on standing behind him, and staring. But she had just gotten a little distracted by the case that she was working on, and had ended up in her own thoughts. She couldn’t even blame it on being distracted by his good looks considering he was actually facing away from her.
“Don’t think I could afford it.” She mused, a smirk on her face as she moved from him, so that she could actually see his face. That was helpful when she wanted to talk to him.
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“Can you help me with something?” She mused, holding the case file up to show him. “I need to run my thoughts pas someone. I feel like I’m just going around in circles.” And if she didn’t get somewhere soon with it Moody was going to kill her.
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