ofvcnellope · 4 years
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It was a relatively peaceful day, the sun was shining and the ocean's waves were small and calm as they lapped at the shore.
Vanellope was enjoying as she lounged on the rock right on the edge of the shore, still close to the ocean in case she needed to make a quick escape.
She heard someone walking towards and the mermaid craned her neck to see who it was.
" Are you hear to enjoy the day or for... other reasons?"
Vanellope trailed off for a moment before snapping out of it, everything was quite tense with the brewing war between Peter and Hook so it wouldn't hurt to be a little cautious.
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ofvcnellope · 4 years
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ofvcnellope · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 india eisley ✩ female ✩ she/her 』 ҉   have you seen [ VANELLOPE VON SCHWEETZ ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ mermaid princess  ] on the island.   [ VANELLOPE ] appears to be [ 18 ],  but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 200 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ PETER ].  there are rumors that they’re [ KIND ], but they can be [ ILL-TEMPERED].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO GET AWAY FROM RESPONSIBILITY ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『anna✩ 27 ✩ she/her ✩ est』˚*•✩
TW: parental neglect, bullying, forced engagement and running away from home
Before being brought to Neverland, she was originally from 16th century Scotland as the third daughter out of two other girls and three boys of nobles in Scottish court.
Of course she got everything she wanted growing up but Vanellope was the black sheep of the family for not wanting to serve the royal family and instead become a tailor without any status as to not have as much responsibility that came with the job her family wanted for her.
Her siblings bullied her for this dream, saying she would never amount to much unless she got a position as a lady in waiting to one of the princesses at the time.
Vanellope never actually listened to them but it still stung to hear her own siblings saying that about her.
As time went on, Vanellope just faded in the background but still thrived hard for her dreams up until her eighteenth birthday.
Vanellope's parents were suddenly paying attention to her a few days leading to you and she had her suspicions about why but brushed them off.
It was when her birthday party came to an end she realized that her parents arranged for her to marry a Duke in a bid to elevate her status.
Vanellope was furious and ran away from home in her fit of rage.
She passed out in the middle of the woods because of exhaustion and woke up on Neverland the next day.
At first Vanellope was confused and scared, wanting to go back home to Scotland.
But as the days passed, she settled down and adjusted to the island.
Now Vanellope has been on Neverland for 200 years and most of her memories of her past life are long gone.
She still feels uncomfortable in her position in her family just like before but for the most part, Vanollepe finds increasingly creative ways to get away from her duties as a princess.
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