ofsilverhoney · 5 years
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“What’s wrong with alone time?” Astoria always needed her time to recharge. It was simply a part of her life. It was normal. Perhaps she took it for granted that she had surrounded herself with supportive people for so long now. She did love spending time with friends and family, but she didn’t think another person was always needed when going out. Sometimes it was nice to have a day out to oneself. She thought it helped all her relationships that they were able to have time apart. She always wanted to maintain her independence. It wasn’t about the perception of everyone else. She would prefer to be known more as a healer than a wife, but that didn’t mean she didn’t like being known as a wife. She was proud of her relationship and her husband. This was about her. It was for her. She never wanted to lose herself in anyone, or anything. Alone time was a necessity. “I stopped needing a chaperone many years ago.”
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ofsilverhoney · 5 years
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ofsilverhoney · 5 years
The aroma of tea and coffee and pastries mingled in the small shop tucked away on the bustling street. It was the odd day of the month that Astoria was working and her lunch was not shared with Draco. This was a day she’d reserved the lunch for an old school friend. Manicured nails tapped impatiently on a teacup while she waited. He was only a minute late, but Astoria didn’t like to waste time away from work. A small smile was flashed at the server dropping off her sandwich, but her eyes quickly moved back to the door at the sound of the bell in hopes it would be her company entering.
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ofsilverhoney · 5 years
The soft padding of bare feet on wood floors echoed throughout the house. Fingers were tangled in hair as Astoria attempted to pull up her unruly locks in a ponytail. It would be a much easier task if she’d pause in front of a mirror, but the screams of her toddler made that an impossibility in her mind. At least they were happy screams. Although that was little consolation when she had put Eurydice down to bed nearly an hour ago. The sight of her daughter surrounded by toys on the floor didn’t help either. Astoria scooped her up and placed a kiss on her forehead, opting to go with the playful response rather than reprimanding her. It must have been a miracle that she was able to get her tucked back in to bed without too much coaxing and she was overjoyed to see her eyes flutter closed as she drifted back to sleep. She’d been too distracted to hear her husband enter the room and looked up in surprise at finally hearing him in the doorway. One look was all that was needed to put the smile back on her face. She was careful to get up quietly and walk just as quietly over to him. “How long have you been watching?”
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ofsilverhoney · 5 years
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「 reese witherspoon, 45, female + she/her 」 ☆ is that ASTORIA MALFOY spotted in DIAGON ALLEY ?! as they walk along the cobblestone ground they seem to be quite DETERMINED, but also MANIPULATIVE, it makes sense given they are a HEALER and their patronus is a HEDGEHOG. mint ice cream in summer, dirt under manicured nails, pressed flowers in classic literature + JACK AND JILL by KATIE HERZIG make me think of them.
→ Name: Astoria Jasmin Malfoy (née Greengrass)
→ Face Claim: Reese Witherspoon
→ Age: 45
→ Birthday: February 17
→ Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
→ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
→ Blood Status: Pureblood
→ Height: 5'1"
→ Patronus: Hedgehog
→ Wand: 11" Rowan, Unicorn Hair, Flexible
→ Amortentia: apple, fresh linen, hawthorn, cinnamon
→ Career: Healer (Potion & Plant Poisoning Specialty)
→ School: Hogwarts
→ House: Slytherin
→ Positive Traits: Confident, Determined, Loyal, Compassionate
→ Negative Traits: Stubborn, Impulsive, Quixotic, Manipulative
→ Aesthetic: mint ice cream in summer, dirt under manicured nails, pressed flowers in classic literature
→ Song: Jack and Jill by Katie Herzig
Bullet Bio
Family comes before all for Astoria. She was raised with a strong sense of duty and loyalty. Friends come and go, but family is forever. The motto has been etched into her.
Her parents put pressure on their daughters to be the ideal pureblood specimens. They were raised with impeccable manners, and private tutoring, pushed to excel in everything.
However, they never encouraged her to pursue anything. Her role in life would be that of a supportive wife to a pureblood husband. She had aspirations to be a healer, but would never defy her parents. It created self-doubt, and inner-conflict, as she doesn’t see herself in her parent’s image.
She loves singing as an outlet for any mood. It is not uncommon to find her quietly singing to herself. She was too timid to sing in front of people outside family and close friends.
The gardens were often where she was found. All the plants were put to memory. She greatly prefered being in the gardens, barefoot and in a summer dress, to being in her lessons, or dressed up for an event.
The sorting hat wanted to put her into Hufflepuff, but she pleaded to be in the same house as her sister and parents. He conceded to her wishes.
Her family held the ideals of pureblood superiority. They were tolerant of everyone as polite society requires. It almost creates an air of acceptance, but don’t be fooled. Astoria held these views when she arrived at Hogwarts, but they have evolved. She has seen the strength of half-bloods, and muggleborns, and could no longer justify looking down on them. Her parents were unaware of this evolution of thought.
Astoria was in the dungeons during the battle of Hogwarts. She could not bring herself to fight with the death eaters, but would not betray her family and fight with the order.
She did not have many close friends. It was hard to get to really know her. She lacked the confidence to reach out to people, and was too reserved. It often was mistaken as being cold, or elitist. Her friends told the story of a girl who cared deeply for others, but had trouble expressing herself.
Immediately after the was she was brought home to help restore the image of her family. It was a summer of  playing messenger between business connections, attending social gatherings, and aiding in rebuilding the war-torn world to be the perfect advertisement for their brand image.
Astoria was much happier getting back to school. She had the freedom to do as she liked and continue to pursue the studies she needed to become a healer. Everyone around her was pushing back for what they wanted and it inspired her to do the same.
Once she completed her schooling she went behind her parents’ backs to apply for healer training and find a place to stay. It was only when it was all lined up that she told them. It didn’t go over well, but there was little they could do to stop her.
Her mother decided the best way to handle this was to start setting up dates for Astoria in hopes that the right guy and a marriage would be able to pull her back. It had no hope of working as Astoria was so determined to prove herself.
However, it did result in her formally meeting Draco. He’d been a family friend, someone she knew of in school, but never a close friend. So while she was completely unreceptive to it all, it did end well for her. It started as a friendship and slowly turned into a romance that was not at all what their parents imagined. Neither wanted the other to conform. They could pursue their own lives while still sharing their lives. She feels blessed to have found a supportive relationship.
It wasn’t long before they were engaged and throwing a huge wedding. It was an absolute mandate that the joining of two prominent families would be the social event of the year. However, Astoria much preferred the second, smaller and more intimate ceremony they had for themselves.
Astoria never wavered from the goals she set. She worked hard to become a healer and specialized in plants and potions. It’s been the major focus of her adult life and she’s never regretted the decision. Though it has made for long and inconsistent hours.
She still doesn’t have a large group of friends, but she’s more true to herself. She’s more genuine and while her attitude has become more present so has her kinder nature.
However, she has earned a more fiery reputation among some now as she refuses to ignore anyone who dares to insult her husband. She can accept the mistakes their families, and they themselves, made in the past. She can’t accept the judgement being carried on to present day. Her family is off limits.
Scorpius was a surprise. He wasn’t unwanted, but Astoria had recently found out that she would have a hard time conceiving. They were planning an adoption when they found out that she was pregnant, leaving them with two children to love.
Even though she was often busy with work she always found time for her family. She was determined to be present and loving and supportive for them. She limited their time spent with her parents. Her children did not need to be subjected to the judgement.
Astoria had grown so accustomed to the liveliness of her home that when both her children were leaving home it left her heart aching. It wasn’t a hard decision to adopt again. A beautiful baby girl, Eurydice, was brought into the family.
Eurydice is recently three and Astoria is back to balancing career and family time. At least she’s finding it easier this time now that she is more established in her career. She’s pouring her heart into Eurydice just as she did with her older two children.
It would be rare to see Astoria outside of work without Eurydice. However, she is quite the homebody, preferring her own gardens to being in town. Though she encourages friends to visit often.
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ofsilverhoney · 5 years
tag dump.
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