ofnomadsncros · 7 days
#WCW #WCE @ofpetalsnlead
You are the love of my life. I know there are days you want to kill me, thank you for staying by my side. I love you.
Forever and Always 🩷 💜
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ofnomadsncros · 14 days
#WCW #WCE @ofpetalsnlead
You are my deadly assassin. I will always have your back. I love you more than there are stars.
Forever and Always 🩷 💜
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ofnomadsncros · 20 days
My beautiful daughter!
All About Dream
I'm a wild child, sorry, Daddy.
Daughter of @ofnomadsncros & @biteofchaos
Stepdaughter of @ofmayanchaos & @ofpetalsnlead
Goddaughter of @hellonaharley & @ofpetalsnash
Great Niece of Ron Tully
Living with my guardian @butcherofanarchy
Mature Content Triggers MDNI
Muse of #Paradox
21+ #SOA RP
Reblog if you wish
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ofnomadsncros · 21 days
#WCW #WCE @ofpetalsnlead
You are one special lady. I love and adore you. Thank you for not giving up on me.
Forever and Always 🩷 💜
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ofnomadsncros · 24 days
Happy Mothers Day
Thank you for raising our daughter. You always have a special spot in my heart.
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ofnomadsncros · 24 days
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Happy Anniversary 💕 @ofpetalsnlead
Every day with you is one more day for me to love you. I love you beyond measure!
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ofnomadsncros · 27 days
×I stay in the kitchen talking to many people coming in and out of the house. I see @biteofchaos and @gemmaroserp enter the house. Before I could say anything, Nan headed towards the bedrooms. Gemma went to the @ofmayanchaos and @sinsforsmiles. She spoke to them quietly, and then they left outside. A few minutes later, I see Nan again. She looks really pissed off. I followed Nan outside when she turned to me , and she gave me a light peck on my lips. Nan said to me.×
“Your woman is in deep shit. Are you good with whatever goes down?”
Hey Nan,whatever is going on between You and Vannah is between you two. I am smart enough not to get involved with other club matters. Just remember that I have your back. You aren't wrong in this situation .
×I go and sit at the picnic table just to keep an extra eye on things. I hear a loud roar of a car engine , I turn to look and see a cherry red mustang pull up. Then, to my surprise, I see my 14 year old get out of the car. Shit,this is going to piss off her mom. I quickly walked over to her and hugged her tight.×
Hi Dream. Whose car do you have? Please tell me you didn't drive down here by yourself. You aren't legal to drive yet. This is very reckless of you. 
“Daddy! It's Butcher's car. Ummm, he doesn't know I left with it down here. I talked to Grandpa Ronnie, and he said Auntie Mama was attacked and hurt. So I came right down.”
Dream Rose Quinn, you are going to put me in an early grave. Stay right here for just a moment.  
×I kissed the top of her head as I pulled my cell phone out. I dialed @thebutcherofanarchy. After a couple of rings, I heard×
Hey Butch, It's Rane. I guess you noticed my daughter and your car are gone. “
“ Yeah, I did, I let her talk to Ron, and then she was gone. I am sorry that I didn't call you. “
Yeah, it's okay. She drove down to Charming to see her godmother. I will make sure your car gets back to you. Dream is going to be here visiting for a bit. 
“Yeah, thanks, man. Also, send my love to Nan and Lexi. “
Will do. 
×I disconnect the call as I hug Dream a bit tighter.×
A Broken Plea
[I stepped inside my niece's room with @rebelofareaper and froze. I could feel the love pouring out of this room. What made me gasp was the framed photo of me with @ofpetalsnash when I was a kid. It’s no secret that Lexi and I were always close, but no one knew just how close. I looked at Chris and started to help him figure out where we were going to put everything.]
She talked about you a lot when she was in the hospital. Thank you for giving her a safe space when Jax was an asshole. She needed that. She loves you and Uncle Les a lot.
[The chuckle that came from Chris made me stop what I was doing and look at him.
“I’m glad she let you in her head, she shuts down on almost everyone else. I didn’t get it for the longest time, then Katie and my princess were taken from me. I get it, I get it now and I wish I didn’t.”
It made me sad to think that Chris understood Lexi’s pain. Just when I was about to say something a blood-curdling scream ripped through the house.
“What the hell was that?”
I dropped everything and ran down the hall only to find @ofpetalsnash being restrained by the very woman who took me away when I was six. I stood frozen in place as @rebelofareaper removed the woman from the house. Once Lexi was free, I walked over to her and spoke in a whisper.]
Lexi Grace, it’s me. She’s gone, it’s okay, come with me.
[As I carried my sister back to @ofreapersnroses’ room tears rolled down my cheeks. I sat in the rocking chair holding Lexi in my arms.
“My arms hurt Bubba; my arms hurt so bad.”
There was a knock on the door, and I tensed until I heard a familiar voice. @docofcrosnsins was here.
“Lexi it’s just me. It’s Tiki.”
I watched him come into the room and sit on the floor.
“Hey, Tommy, welcome home, Bubs. If I had realized who you were I would have brought you home.”
[I knew @docofcrosnsins was being truthful and I loved him for it.]
I know, T, Sissy says her arms hurt can you help her? I see bruises and fingerprints. Help her, please.
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ofnomadsncros · 28 days
#WCW #WCE @ofpetalsnlead
You are my dream come true. I know we have ups and downs. Together, we will get through anything. I love you,gorgeous
Forever and Always 🩷 💜
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ofnomadsncros · 1 month
×When I got the call from @sinsforsmiles about @ofpetalsnash being attacked , I rallied the Nomads to head to Charming. There's nothing I wouldn't do for Lexi. Lexi is one of a few females that Itrusted in my life. My lovely lady @ofpetalsnlead as well as @biteofchaos and @ofsnarknflames were the others. I am not very close with @HellOnAHarley but since he was the pres of SAMCO, I have some respect for him.
Once the guys arrived at the clubhouse, I got on my bike and took off for Charming. Hopefully the law isn't out right as I looked down at my speedometer. I was already at 80MPH. I don't want the hassle of me and my guys getting tickets or getting arrested. We need to get to Lexi.
We made it to Charming in record time. As we all park our bikes, I get to the front door, I see @sinsforsmiles and nodded to him. He comes over and shakes my hand.×
Hey there brother, how are things around here? How is Lexi?
“Hey Rane. Things are a bit hectic , we have a few that have come back from the dead. Hey, be sure that you are here for Lexi.”
What do you mean,Happy? Why else would I be here?
“I am just saying that you and my sister want to resolve your issues. Do it away from here.”
Wait is Vannah here? When did she get out of prison? Dude,I didn't know she was here. But I assure you that whatever is going on between us won't effect anyone here. Especially not around Lexi. So no worries.
×I saw @hellonaharley on the couch next to a guy that look a lot like Esai. I nodded to Jax as I scanned the room for Lexi. @rebelofareaper saw me, he was walking towards me. I shook his hand and bro hugged him. ×
Hey Chris, how are you? How's your dad doin? Where's Lexi?
“Hey Rane, she’s in Gracelyn's room. You just missed some chaos. I am hanging in there. Dad is dad, he is handling things okay. “
If you or Les need anything, let me know.
“Will do man. “
×I walked over to the kitchen and sat in a chair waiting to see Lexi.×
A Broken Plea
[I stepped inside my niece's room with @rebelofareaper and froze. I could feel the love pouring out of this room. What made me gasp was the framed photo of me with @ofpetalsnash when I was a kid. It’s no secret that Lexi and I were always close, but no one knew just how close. I looked at Chris and started to help him figure out where we were going to put everything.]
She talked about you a lot when she was in the hospital. Thank you for giving her a safe space when Jax was an asshole. She needed that. She loves you and Uncle Les a lot.
[The chuckle that came from Chris made me stop what I was doing and look at him.
“I’m glad she let you in her head, she shuts down on almost everyone else. I didn’t get it for the longest time, then Katie and my princess were taken from me. I get it, I get it now and I wish I didn’t.”
It made me sad to think that Chris understood Lexi’s pain. Just when I was about to say something a blood-curdling scream ripped through the house.
“What the hell was that?”
I dropped everything and ran down the hall only to find @ofpetalsnash being restrained by the very woman who took me away when I was six. I stood frozen in place as @rebelofareaper removed the woman from the house. Once Lexi was free, I walked over to her and spoke in a whisper.]
Lexi Grace, it’s me. She’s gone, it’s okay, come with me.
[As I carried my sister back to @ofreapersnroses’ room tears rolled down my cheeks. I sat in the rocking chair holding Lexi in my arms.
“My arms hurt Bubba; my arms hurt so bad.”
There was a knock on the door, and I tensed until I heard a familiar voice. @docofcrosnsins was here.
“Lexi it’s just me. It’s Tiki.”
I watched him come into the room and sit on the floor.
“Hey, Tommy, welcome home, Bubs. If I had realized who you were I would have brought you home.”
[I knew @docofcrosnsins was being truthful and I loved him for it.]
I know, T, Sissy says her arms hurt can you help her? I see bruises and fingerprints. Help her, please.
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ofnomadsncros · 1 month
My ol lady. She is sexy and mine
All About Savannah
I can be many things, but trust me you don’t want to be on my list.
The little sister of @sinsforsmiles
Aunt of @romeocreeps
Explosive expert and assassin for the Roses
Best friend and protector of @ofpetalsnash
I’m extremely hotheaded and often find myself in handcuffs.
I earn hearts my brother earns smiles
Mature Content Triggers MDNI
Muse of #Paradox
21+ #SOA RP
Reblog if you wish
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ofnomadsncros · 1 month
☠️President of SAMCRO Nomads
☠️Father to the ever beautiful @croswildchild
☠️Forever connected to @biteofchaos
☠️Setting the world On fire w/ @ofpetalsnlead
☠️Banter and SLs encouraged
☠️Mature Content Triggers
☠️MDNI 21+ RP RTs appreciated
☠️Not New to RP
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