⚜      “I’m well aware of 9S’ enjoyment of the nickname, giving me one is a trivial act at best. 2B will suffice.” Meaning she didn’t really want it and was hoping 9S hadn’t heard Jackass say it. Knowing him he’d be all for calling her Twobs, even if he respected her wish not to be called it she was certain it would slip every now and then. Shaking her head, she gave off a defeated sigh, glad to hear the topic change.
⚜      “Yes, it’s only a concept but I have an idea. You used these explosives to open a path, I was wondering if you’d do the opposite. There has been an increase in enemies nearby the resistance camp, perhaps if pod can locate where they’re coming from, we can close off their entry route.” While 2B had no problem cutting down the robots as they came, it was becoming a tedious task and she’d rather a permanent solution over a temporary one.
Oh, you were sure 9S heard, if the YorHa android had thought that grin he was trying to hide had escaped your notice, he was wrong, and he knew you had caught him. You give 9S a quick wink as if giving him silent permission to use that nickname you came up with on the fly, before your attention quickly returned to the android in front of you.
“I’ve spoken with Anemone about this, the only problem is Anemone is worried about the possible damage those explosives could cause to certain routes in and out of the city area.” You tap  your chin in thought. “But maybe, if you can pin point the exact route, I could rig up a system I’d been meaning to test in one of the desert caverns. A series of mines that could collapse the entire tunnel. You find me that entryway, I can help you convince Anemone to let me do this, better to have bombs in a more controlled environment than me just blowing up random buildings.”
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Send 🎼 to witness my muse singing to themselves
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2B stopped in mid-stride as Jackass warned her and 9S not to go into the bomb-rigged cavern. Although the combat android could probably get out of the cave before it did any damage to her, but it was better to be on the safe side. After all, there could be an alternate entrance to where she had to go.  “I appreciate it. Is there an alternate entrance into the cave?” The android inquired, turning to face the other. 2B could hear the sound of machines moving about in there- they were probably nearby the entrance she was trying to get into.  There had to be a way to get in there, as she had to get to the location in order to proceed with her mission.  “I have a mission that requires me to go in, but if I can’t this way..”
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“Not that I want to interfere with your job.” You begin, crossing your arms and trying to be somewhat stern. “But I wouldn’t use this particular network of caverns. One machine triggers a bomb, or I decided to detonate them all early, then this entire cave goes down.”
An a collapsed cavern would definitely make it harder to 2B to reach her objective.
“Much as I trust you wouldn’t trip the bombs by accident, your pod could probably pick up their frequency... I can’t let you guys go into this particular series of caves.” You’re prepared for 2B to either insist, or get angry, you’re already prepared with a rebuttal. “However, my and my men spent weeks mapping these caverns before I decided on which one to rig with mines... I might be able to find you an alternate route.”
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Sorry for infrequent updates, I’ve been more active on my marvel blog. I’ll try to reply to the threads I owe soon, I swear.
I owe
@battlecontracted @fightforcurlives
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“I’ll never understand why humans would have a special day marked for getting high on stupid grass. Why are we even fighting for humanity when it’s pretty clear the whole damn race was comprised of morons who enjoyed harming themselves for their own entertainment.”
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“Oh well. Who wants some E-drugs?”
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Show my Muse a Youtube video and ask their opinion!
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If your studies of the ancient world are correct, this weekend, humans celebrate something called ‘Easter’. All texts you’ve read on this seem inconsistent. On the one hand, it’s a day celebrating the death and resurrection of some fabled ‘savior’. On the other hand, it’s about consuming chocolate eggs that are somehow associated with a rabbit.
You’re not sure if the chocolate eggs are actually supposed to be turds, or if humans simply forgot that rabbits don’t lay eggs...
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⚜      “You should be more careful with those things. We have no need to eat, even if it was tasty.” If it hadn’t killed her, maybe 2B would put some time into enjoying another, but dying again was nowhere near worth it.
⚜      “Your prior detonation had me curious, I was going to ask if you would …wait, what did you call me?” Her arms cross, finding herself unamused with the new name. Nicknames seemed more of a 9S sort of thing, 2B had no need for one.
You had to wonder, if Androids did not require any kind of sustenance, then why were we built with an ability to taste, to enjoy certain flavors. Why eat like humans do when most of what humans consumed would likely damage our insides or gum our circuitry, potentially even kill us? Maybe that was what drove you to try and see what would happen if 2B and 9S ate the mackerels you caught.
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“Twobs.” You repeat, a small grin spread across your face, you know 2B does not care for such things, ‘emotions are prohibited’ being one of the things she frequently insists. “I mean, if 9S likes to be called ‘Nines’, then it seemed like the perfect thing for you two, Nines and Twobs.”
Back to business. “You wanted to know about my explosives?”
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“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” You say as you watch the YorHA android attempt to advance into one of the many caverns that make up the desert area. “I just finished rigging it with a new kind of mine, wanna see how long it takes before one of those machines sets one off.”
You’ve set the mines up in a chain, detonate one, and it will set the others off in a series of fiery explosions. Honestly, the last thing you want is for 2B and 9S to go wandering into a cavern and setting one of those explosives off.
Life would be boring without those two...
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“Nothing, just experimenting with fish again.” You shrug, no point in trying to see if the YorHa android would try eating the fish again, considering last time ended with the mackerel gumming up her insides and causing her and 9S to ‘die’.
And yet YorHa had no shortage of backups, considering you saw the pair again a day later. “What can I do for you Twobs?”
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Nier Automata
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Send me one "Dear---" and I'll write a letter to this person
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This is how route C went, right?
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In a modern universe, Jackass would totally be THAT High school science teacher who makes things blow up just to entertain the class.
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"Are you kidding me? We could breed an army of those feathered fuckers and then send them right at the machines and end this war!" Jackass was already drawing up plans for a feathery death to the machines.
"We just borrow Pascal's chicken coup. Breed a bunch of them, then lure the machines into an ambush and rain feathery death on them!"
“Reeeereally?” Jackass says with a smirk, mischievously stroking their chin and looking at the flapping fowl in Linkle’s arms.
“How deadly are we talking here? And do you have any for breeding purposes?”
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"Reeeereally?" Jackass says with a smirk, mischievously stroking their chin and looking at the flapping fowl in Linkle's arms.
"How deadly are we talking here? And do you have any for breeding purposes?"
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