ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
Kensei: I hope you have a good explanation for this.
Shuhei: We have three actually.
Mashiro: Pick your favorite.
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
control | halsey | lyric starters for multi-muse blogs, specify which muse.
โ€œthey send me away to find them a fortune, a chest full of diamonds and gold.โ€
โ€œthe house was awake, the shadows and monsters, the hallways they echoed and groaned.โ€
โ€œi sat alone, in bed till the morning crying,ย โ€œtheyโ€™re coming for meโ€.โ€
โ€œand i tried to hide these secrets inside me, my mindโ€™s like a deadly disease.โ€
โ€œiโ€™m bigger than my body.โ€
โ€œiโ€™m colder than this home.โ€
โ€œiโ€™m meaner than my demons.โ€
โ€œiโ€™m bigger than my bones.โ€
โ€œand all the kids cried out,ย โ€œplease stop, youโ€™re scaring meโ€.โ€
โ€œi canโ€™t help this awful energy.โ€
โ€œgoddamn right you should be scared of me.โ€
โ€œwho is in control?โ€
โ€œi paced around for hours on empty, i jumped at the slightest of sound.โ€
โ€œand i couldnโ€™t stand the person inside me, i turned all the mirrors around.โ€
โ€œiโ€™m well acquainted with the villains that live in my head.โ€
โ€œthey beg me to write them so theyโ€™ll never die when iโ€™m dead.โ€
โ€œand iโ€™ve grown very familiar with the villains that live in my head.โ€
โ€œthey beg me to write them so iโ€™ll never die when iโ€™m dead.โ€
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  teeth grit together as he followed after the sixth division captain, soaking up the advice given like a sponge. it wasnโ€™t every day he would be blessed with an opportunity such as this to be given advice from one of the most respected captains of the gotei thirteen. the fact that he even seemingly cared to gift him with this advice was enough to leave shuhei in awe.ย 
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  his head nods in understanding, sure to check his breathing to keep himself leveled. he shouldnโ€™t be so afraid, he has served as a lieutenant for quite some time now and has seen more than his fair share of battles. he couldnโ€™t afford to continue to freeze every time a minour inconvenience popped up that he wasnโ€™t prepared for. it was just as captain kuchiki had stated, when he froze not only was he putting his own life in danger, but the lives of his comrades as well. and he wouldnโ€™t be able to live with himself if he was the cause of anotherโ€™s death.ย โ€œright, thank you, captain kuchiki.โ€
A Touch of Panic | Closed
Continued from HERE
Panic was something that the Kuchiki head had dealt with quite intently as a teen and he knew the signs in others. He needed the scarred man to be focused and helpful rather than lost to the feeling that told you that you couldnโ€™t breathe because of the beat of your heart. When he saw Shuuhei start to calm, he turned on his heel to continue on to where he was needed. Hearing the scrambling steps catching up behind him, Byakuya had to admit, at least to himself, that he was somewhat proud of the lieutenant. โ€œIf you freeze during battle you not only risk your life but that of your comrades. Remember to breathe and focus not on the final out come, but the current fight.โ€ Voice flat, it was still more advice than heโ€™d offered most any person that heโ€™d seen in quite some time.
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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Have you ever wondered โ€œWhere are all the ____ players?โ€ Now you donโ€™t have to! The Bleach RPC Hub or BRH is a Directory and positivity driven blog for the Bleach RPC.
Hereโ€™s How To Join:
SINGLE-CHARACTER CANON BLOGS: Reblog this post & tag it with the character you play. Multiple blogs? Do this on ALL of them please!! Thank you!
MULTI-MUSES: Please reblog this post & tag ALL BLEACH CHARACTERS you have on your blog, as well as โ€œ#multi museโ€
OCS: Reblog & Tag this post โ€œ#OCโ€
CROSSOVERS W/ BLEACH VERSES: Reblog this post & tag it โ€œ#Crossoverโ€
SIDE BLOGS: Please reblog this post & tag your muse as well as #sideblog
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
[ calm ] your muse telling mine to โ€˜ just breathe โ€˜ . [For Shuuhei from your choice]
meme | @captainshollownquincy
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  the last person that shuhei expected to come to his aid was the captain of the sixth division. the last thing heโ€™d expected for the superior officer to say was for him to breathe; a means to calm his erratic heart rate. kuchiki byakuya was known to be one of the most aloof of the captains that made up the gotei 13. so imagine shuheiโ€™s surprise when heโ€™s saved by the very last person heโ€™d expected to see. he doesnโ€™t speak, a simple nod of his head the only thing he offers as he watches his superior move to leave. heโ€™s scrambling to his feet a moment later to keep up with his long strides.
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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Masakiโ€ฆ was like the sun. She attracted everything, forgave everything, illuminated and spun everything around. I was just happy to be in her orbit.ย 
For Faatima.
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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Ducking her head with a sigh and shifted eyes, Rukia has already regretted her outbursted request; how assuming of her to think that he has free time for her. Even as she thinks she is glancing at a wall, she has kept him in her peripheral, desperate and always seeking his reaction to her. As she steps forward, as she is whimmed to, his words shock her enough to forget to place the papers altogether. She actually hadnโ€™t thought that she would get this far.ย  Which was why she didnโ€™t quite have a plan of how to go about this, and that fact leaves her with a fluster, her grip upon the edges of the paper now crisping them slightly in her excitement.ย โ€œOh! Okay! We could go out to a restaurant or I could run back to the manor and have the chefs prepare something for usโ€“โ€ If she had time she could even prepare something herself, but surely he would not be patient enough for something like that.ย โ€œ Er, whatever you would like!โ€ She would just be pleased to be in his company at all.ย 
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  her reaction was not one that he had been expecting; nimble fingers digging into the edges of the documents she still held within her grasp. they were bending, slightly, under the pressure of her fingertips. a fact that he would point out as he grasped his pen, his signature written with grace on yet another file to be stored away. sheโ€™s easily flustered, he can tell, from the way that sheโ€™s rambling ever so slightly. he can feel the edges of his lips curve upward; a ghost of a smile gracing his features as he signs yet again.ย โ€œpublic scrutiny is not of interest to me. we shall return to the manor, i will send ahead to have a meal prepared.โ€
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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outofbleach: do you enjoy bleach and all of itโ€™s characters? do you not give a shit if the blog is a multi-muse or not? well, if youโ€™ve answered yes to either of those questions, why not give us a chance? iโ€™ve been in the game for a while now so i know how these things go .and iโ€™m always happy to make new friends. so if you donโ€™t mind various muses being thrown at you from every which angle, give us a follow and see what weโ€™re all about! you wonโ€™t be disappointed.
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
outofbleach:ย sorry for my impromptu absence this week. i had quite a bit going on with school and work. since itโ€™s almost the end of the semester, itโ€™s crunch time. finals and stuff will be upon me before i know it. but then it will be summer vacation and all iโ€™ll have to do honestly is work so iโ€™ll have more time to myself (kinda) to be online. until then, forgive my slow replies!
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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ishida uryuu requested by anonymous
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ofbleachmuses-blog ยท 6 years
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โ€œNii-sama, Iโ€“โ€œ It almost felt like she walked right into a interrogation, being questionedย as soon as she entered.ย  โ€œThere were some papers to deliver, so I wanted to drop them off.โ€ It wasnโ€™t the only reason, but the other one takes a bit more courage to muster up, head lowered and voice starting quiet. โ€œMaybe, I was thinkingโ€“โ€ย Then the words burst out far quicker, as she just wants her request out there already.ย โ€œWe could have lunch together or something! If you hadnโ€™t already!โ€
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  brows rose in surprise at her request, slate grey eyes widening a fraction of a millimeter. his hand paused in his writing, a ghost of a smile gracing the nobleโ€™s lips. while it was no secret anymore that byakuya cared for his sister, but it was rare that they were seen together unless they were on a mission. the offer was tempting and he found himself gesturing for her to step forward.ย โ€œno, i have not taken a lunch break. leave the papers on the desk, i will join you for a midday meal.โ€
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