ofashesandmoonlight · 6 months
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Name: Lyra Gisele Almeido Santos Gender/Pronouns: cis-woman & she/her Age: 59 - Appears 29 Date of Birth: 04/15/1963 Died: 1992 Resurrected: 10/31/2022  Occupation: Stock Broker Current Neighborhood: Downtown How long have they been in town?: 33 years Actual time - 2 years Witch Inherent Abilities: Telekinesis, Fire Manipulation, Familiar Manifestation  Position in the Coven: Estranged  Coven Ability: N/A Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario Bio TW: Abuse, Drug Use, Murder, Violence
Lyra was born to a loving mother. Doted upon from the minute she left the womb, life was warm and cozy. There was an older brother, Theo, to play with and a mom who did everything in her power to provide for her children. Even as a child the Almeido siblings knew that there was something special about their mother. She could make magical things happen. With a child’s wonder they simply believed it to be something everyone could do. Telling tales to their daycare friends about how their mom made it snow inside. It wasn’t until they were older that they learned the truth - their mother was a witch and as a result, so were they. Lyra was enthralled with the idea from the start. At five her mother began instructing her in the ways of witchcraft. Of course her powers would not come in for quite a few years, but that was no reason not to be knowledgeable in the practical applications. Their mom let each sibling be as involved as they wished. Her brother was always more hesitant, interested more in math and history than anything to do with magic. Still, he learned the basics at their mother’s insistence, but no more than that whereas Lyra wanted to soak up everything. Perhaps that is why her brother partially blames her for the accident. Lyra’s mother had been working on a potion, a unique recipe that mother and daughter were experimenting with together. Everything was going fine until one morning the ingredient Natalie added made the potion explode. It was a harsh blast, shaking the walls of their apartment. It had killed Natalie instantly, leaving her two children orphaned. 
Eighteen at the time, Theo defaulted to be eleven year old Lyra’s guardian. He struggled and eventually fell into gang activity in order to make ends meet and keep a roof of their head. Lyra, greatly saddened by their mother’s death and feeling lost, continued to explore magic. Perhaps somehow she could cheat death and bring her mother back. Her brother hated it and though he loved his sister, he resented her for continuing to study what killed their mom. When Lyra was thirteen a fight between the siblings led to him being sloppy on a job. As a result Theo was arrested and Lyra was shunted into foster care. Puberty was a delicate time for a young witch and Lyra was no exception. Stuck in homes less than desirable while coming into her powers led to several incidents that only ended badly for her. Lyra swore up and down that she hadn’t thrown the vase at her abusive foster-father’s head. In fact, she had been clear across the room from where she was sitting. Still, as the only other person in the room she was blamed and beaten before being sent to another family. Incidents like this continued, her powers getting the best of her in situations where she feared for her safety or experienced intense anger. After being bullied relentlessly by a foster-sister she accidentally set the girl’s curtains on fire. Again no one could explain how she had done it, just that she was responsible. The worst transgression of all came while living in the group home. It was the only place left to place her. With so many complaints and returns no one else would take a chance on bringing Lyra into their home. 
Lyra had bonded with a young stray dog. She did not realize she had conjured the dog to be her companion, unaware that having a familiar required a certain power. When a worker at the home discovered Lyra feeding scraps to the shaggy dog she scolded both Lyra and the animal. It was as her hand raised to smack her that the dog attacked, tearing out the throat of the worker. Not knowing what else to do Lyra left all her belongings behind and fled. Fifteen and alone, she relied on the dog for comfort. The dog did what he could for her and she lied on job applications to make money as a waitress. New York was a large city. No one cared about a runaway teen trying to make it in the world. Until the Santos’ came along. The wife, Maria, was able to sense about Lyra what others could not notice through her telepathy. She was a witch, just like Lyra. The couple had been unable to have children of their own and so took her in without question. Lyra discovered quickly that they were wealthy, a wealth brought on by Salador Santos’ job as a Brazilian consulate. Maria taught Lyra to hone her magic. To not be so controlled by her outbursts. She even helped Lyra practice some of Natalie’s spells from the family grimoire. Lyra spent a successful two years with the family, graduating high school with decent enough grades that she could attend NYU. Having seen what a struggle it was to not have money, Lyra went into a field that was all about money: finance. An extra year of schooling and at age twenty-three she was able to earn her master's degree before continuing on to work on wall street as a stockbroker. 
That life ate away at the witch. She fell into the vicicious cycle of drug abuse that was prevelent in the high stakes finance world and began to use her powers, namely her telekneis, to participate in insider trading. They made it easy to steal a book of business from the desk of a competitor. To peek at messages from other companies. It was her boss's idea, her first love, a man she thought she could trust with her heart. In the end he sold her out and on the run from the police she ended up in Lunar Cove. She joined the coven there for a sense of stability and to further her education in witchcraft. The fascination she had with the art as a child never lost despite how jaded she had become. A year after moving to Lunar Cove she took a job opening as an accountant at the University of Rhode Island and began to piece her life back together. Until she died. Murdered in 1992.
What should have been the end of her story instead became a catalyst. She had awoken on Halloween, confused and in pain. The world around her had changed so drastically, the technology so different, that Lyra panicked. Her emotions heightened, the witch accidentally lit a passerby on fire as they had reached out to her. Just like that another tragedy had thrust her back into the world of the living. Everything is different. Those she knew had aged twenty-years while she still appeared to be a mere twenty-nine. Then the voices started. Lyra ignored them the best she could, disturbed by the tasks they were asking her to complete. Amid their requests she tried to get back to some semblance of a life, getting a remote job selling stocks and attempting to contact her adoptive parents, only to learn they had passed some years before. She found a routine fueled by partying and work, too scared of the voices to come back to the coven. 
Her decision felt validated after the disaster at the Ren Faire. Lyra was grateful she had chosen to ignore the voice, but now her life felt even more tethered to an evil that she cannot comprehend. She is trying to piece back together a new life and failing for fear of what else could be awaiting her. 
Lyra's current familiar is a raven named Poe.
She is confused by what it means for her to be wrapped up in the catalyst and is scared to form meaningful relationships for fear that her connection to the unknown could harm those she cares for.
Party girl. Lyra frequently parties and participates in whatever party drugs and alcohol are available. It helps to temporarily numb the trauma she has suffered but lately the habit has been getting out of control.
Has been known to still accidentally set things on fire or move objects when startled. She has control of her powers but with everything that's happened she's understandably a bit jumpy. Not that Lyra will admit it.
Her only scars are the ones from where she was murdered. Directly over her heart on both sides.
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
tag drop !!
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
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Alexia had always hated shopping. Growing up in a mechanics shop she had just never grown into the girly urge to dress in fine things and wear makeup. For her, shopping had always been a practical experience. The best quality for the smallest cost. After her accident her scars had made the experience even more harrowing. Still, the wolf needed new clothes that better fit the climate in which she now lived. Stuck in the fitting room debating on a soft cable knit dress that hugged her figure beautifully and exposed the heavy scarring on her legs. Fingers picking at the material she was debating on whether or not to add it to her yes pile when a commotion outside the fitting area drew her attention.
Perhaps commotion had been too strong of a word. She watched with thinly veiled disgust as this man appeared to show off for the simple pleasure of it. Annoyed at the heinous macho pride being displayed, all she could do was bark out a laugh at his words. She did not know why, but her own sense of pride had been wounded. How she would have loved still be able to show off how powerful her muscles were. "Amused with yourself, are you? Men who look like you in the army are a dime a dozen. I've seen better." Lips pursed her hip cocked to the side, "And you're awful confident for someone who can be out lifted by someone half your size."
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Open Starter @lunarcovestarters Location: Outside the Fitting Rooms at Blush Boutique
Wearing only an old Disney "Mouseketeer" hat, a gold pendant, and a pair of blue jeans, Rohan studied his reflection in a full-length mirror outside the dressing room doorway. Bringing up an arm, the witch flexed a muscle, flashing a grin at himself and then winking at his reflection. "Fuckin' A. Check out these guns. Damn, bro, I could deadlift, like, 200, 250, easy. Legit." Changing his pose, he dropped into a Terminator impression. "I'll be back. Man, I said it when I saw it. That shit was sick. Was gonna be a goldmine. Bitching." Giving something of a grunt, then, Rohan jumped upward to slap one of the ceiling beams with his palm. He landed as though he had accomplished something. And with that victory, he spun back around upon seeing someone behind him in the mirror. "Shit, dude. Am I in your way? My bad, my bad." He gave them a look up and down. "But, damn, are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you got fine written all over you. That was good, right? I just made it up."
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
Culver laughed heartily at that. "Hey now. It's all in the eye of the beholder. Besides, all that glitters absolutely ain't gold. Looks can be mighty deceiving, I reckon." Saying this, he gave the front of the bike a tap with the toe of his boot, as if physically demonstrating that it was not going to topple over. Sniffing a bit, then, he turned back and flashed a grin. "She don't usually sound that way, nah. More of a hum. Or maybe a sad song on a summer night. But...well, I mighta pushed a little too hard. Which was my fault, of course. How can we proper expect our shit to take care of us when we don't take care of it?" He gave an overly cordial bow of his head, pressing a hand to his heart, doing some sort of bit.
Dropping it, though, the witch raised an eyebrow. "That all? Whew, they musta been takin' me for a ride on the outside. No one even talked to me for less than a hundred." Thinking better of this train of thought, though, he pulled a wad of cash from his pocket and counted out a crisp ten. "No take-backs. Name's Blythe. You need a telephone number or somethin' in case she explodes? Calls only. I ain't good with the texting."
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"Anyone describing the sound their bike makes as 'sad' has got more issues than they think." Alexia let out a soft hum as she listened, "When I'm done with 'er she'll purr like a kitten. An she'll stay that way so long as you don't overwork the old girl again. Guaranteed." Her head shook, a reluctant smile softening harsh features. "Oh, you're a funny man are ya?" She tugged the ten spot from his grasp and held up a finger, "One more and I'll give this thing a once over."
Fingertips drummed against the seat, anxious in a happy way to get a look at what made this thing run. She could always lose herself in a good project and this one seemed more than up to the task of distracting her from this strange town. "C'mon now blondie. Another ten and I'll check her out. That's how an estimate works. Any problems I find will cost actual more than your lunch to fix."
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
Option B @silaschamberlain
"You hear that sir? She said no, and if we've learned anything over the past ten years, it is that no means no, now no need to apologize, love. I was actually on my out myself. Shall I get the door for you?" He offered up, motioning over to the door with this tilt of his head that as if on cue swung open thanks to the witch's telekinesis.
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In the mood the brunette was in, his joke did not even begin to lighten the heaviness resting in the pit of her stomach. "I can handle myself, thanks." Alexia would never allow it to show, but witchcraft still set her on edge. The possibility that not even a gun could keep her safe set already frayed nerves on edge. "I'd say thank you, but," her hand tugged open the other door, "As I already mentioned, I can take care of myself."
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
Option A @cantfightmoonlight
Jas had just wanted to get away. The telepath was tired of overhearing mentions of her father, the dark coven leader and ominous serial killer's, name in other people's thoughts. She just needed a breather. An escape. So, the last thing she had been expected when she parked her car at the edge of the cliff side, bottle of whiskey in hand was that she'd stumble upon someone else out in what she often viewed to be her spot. Oh daddy. I wish you hadn't had to go so soon. Alexa's voice snapped her out of her own thoughts. The words tugging lightly on her heart strings. She had wondered the same sentiment a million times when it came to her mom. But, as she took a step back in an attempt to give the other some privacy, Alexa turned to address her directly. "Last I checked, you don't own the cliffs and I wasn't watching you. Believe it or not, you're not the only person who comes out here to be alone. So, want a drink or?"
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Despite her bleak mood Alexia found an amused smirk beginning to spread across her melancholic features. "Everyone watches me." It was a statement of fact, one Lexi had come to loathe. Since her recovery any time she dared showed a bit of skin those around her stared. Often it felt like their gaze, redirected when she turned her own glare upon them, were burring holes into her skull. "It's not as vain as it sounds," a hand reached for the bottle, "If anything it's an ego crush." The whiskey is sharp as it slides down, a familiar and welcomed warmth. "I wouldn't mind the company. S'long as you keep your eyes from wandering." Another swig and the bottle is passed back, "We both know what I'm hiding from. So what's got you on the run?"
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
"Your excused," Elif offered back with a small shrug as she peeled the top cover off of the newspaper in hand, crinkling the page up as she handed the rest of the paper back over to the other with a dollar fifty which would be more than enough to compensate for the loss of a cover. "There was a misprint. These should have never gone out, but they unfortunately did, so I'm rectifying the problem. Now your newspaper should be good to read. Enjoy," She explained, as if she was someone who worked for the paper and not just some wolf who was doing her friends and pack a solid by trying to keep the news about Silas Chamberlain's escape under raps at least until the family who was directly affected could be notified.
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Having spent nearly her entire adult life a member of the armed forces, Lexi liked to think that she had a good bullshit detector. "I hardly think the paper would send you to fix such a thing." Her lips pursed, "If anything, were the issue big enough, they would simply print an addendum in tomorrow's paper." The blatant lies made the wolf curious. Disbelief clouded brown eyes as she studied the top of the papers the woman carried. "So the local big bad managed to escape. Silas Chamberlain." A brow quirked, "Who's he to you that you're going around pilfering the morning news?"
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
There had not been a coherent thought as Alexia had attacked the stranger. All that resonated was the intense sensation that she to defend herself. Fueled by alcohol it could have turned deadly. Thankfully some coherent thought managed to slip through her snarled mind and she let the man fall to the floor with a dull thud. "That will be the last time he grabs a woman's ass without permission." Words murmured to herself as a small justification for the force of her actions. Any moment she expected to be booted from the bar for the trouble she had caused. Instead there was someone offering to buy her a drink.
"It's bad ass to grossly overreact to a creep?" Despite the sentence a rueful smile curved up her lips, "Whiskey, neat."
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closed starter for Lexi @justcruzing
"You know, you're pretty badass." Noel said with a smile as they approached Lexi. They weren't the type of person to start many physical fights, so they had just stared in awe as Lexi dropped a guy with her sick moves. Lately, they were more interested in physical fights since there was nothing they do magic wise. And with imminent threats looming over them and their family, they had started kick boxing. But still, that felt so little compared to the absolute force of nature Lexi appeared to be. So Noel approached her to try and see if the other would teach her. Who didn't love a fight club? But they wanted to be smooth with it, so they put their arm on the bar and looked at Lexi. "Can I buy you a drink?"
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
Option A -@icexpackxjc
Júlio César detested the feeling of uselessness. And really, some part of him knew that this whole routine of logging the poisonous fungi of Lunar Cove (lest young werewolves eat them) was only to feel less useless. He walked along the beach now with his nose buried in his field guide, unsure, truly, if mushrooms could even grow in sand. Most full moons, they all confined themselves to the woods anyway. But JC found no solace in the trees these days. The bubble of safety had been shattered; the den had been invaded. And he had witnessed the very foundation of the pack rattled without a care by overzealous witches. Even if no one else seemed to think so. He looked up at the voice, raising an eyebrow. "No offense, but this is a public beach. Weather's getting colder, but it's hardly ever free from eyes." He looked out at the surf, giving a weak sigh. "My bad. Didn't mean to...interrupt whatever you got going on here, though. I'm the least of your worries in any case. Some of the vampires have discovered hand gliding." He pointed to the sky as if one was going to swoop down.
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Closer now, his scent flooded her nostrils. They flared for a moment, shoulders tensing as Lexi realized it was a member of the pack who had stumbled upon her. She still remembered her first interaction with them. A pack member, she did know who, though she was sure that their scent would be easy to recognize, had charged her. Perhaps it was because of the burn scars, even present in her wolf form that had startled them. Either way, the alpha retaliated against her for defending herself. So much for the words of welcome she had received upon arriving in town.
Lexi laughed. A harsh bark that was almost inhuman. "Eyes always find me." Her scars were on display from the athletic shorts that donned her frame. At least her top half was covered. "Vampires. Witches. Fae." Dark hair ruffled as her head shook. "I feel like I've stepped into a damned fairytale." A nightmarish one at that. "Hang gliding can be a rush. The free feeling of falling while still being in control. Almost as good as jumping out of a plane." Somehow she managed to keep the loathing from her voice. To make conversation. Her beef was not with him, yet, but the alpha. "Don't you have woods you'd rather be guarding?"
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
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Name: Alexia “Lexi” Cruz Gender/Pronouns: She/Her Age: 32 Date of Birth: 10.30.1991 Place of Origin: El Paso, TX Occupation: Mechanic at Casey’s Current Neighborhood: Shadow Lake How long have they been in town?: 2 weeks Have they triggered their curse: Yes Wolf Classification: Beta Position in the Pack: Non member Faceclaim: Lindsey Morgan
Born to a werewolf mother who left her shortly after birth and human father, Alexia Cruz spent her childhood living above her daddy’s auto body shop; more often than not falling asleep to the sounds of drill bits and saws. For as long as she could remember they had been the symphony to her life. A single dad after the death of her mother, Jorge Cruz struggled to make life livable for his little girl. The money the shop brought in was enough to keep them afloat, but left very little excess. As a result Alexia often wore hand-me-downs given to them by the local church and before each school year a trip was made to the thrift shop one city over. There little Lexi could pick out the fashions she wanted in an attempt to blend in at school. It was never successful. When she was young it was easy to blend in, but growing older meant that those who were ignorant started judging her for participating in activities that were typical “boy” things along with her more worn-out clothes. She never cared. Her father taught her that no matter her gender she should do what she found the most joy in and that money did not make someone happy, love did. 
Lexi excelled in sports, playing both softball and track. Her grades were never anything to write home about, the only subject that did not completely allude her was math. Her experience of helping her father work on the cars and needing to know the dimensions of various parts for the perfect fit was a big help in geometry. Of course, her biggest passion came from assisting her father. She was as handy with a wrench as any of the guys, perhaps even more than some, a skill carefully crafted under her father’s tutelage. By the time she was sixteen Lexi could change out a transmission in no time flat. Sixteen was also the same year her father had his first stroke. 
It devastated the pair and though Lexi tried her best to keep the shop afloat, the amount of work piled too high. The money wasn’t there to hire a full-time manager and the employees they did have quit when their paychecks stopped clearing. Without health insurance the bills from the hospital took too much, until finally the shop itself was sold to keep creditors at bay. In an effort to assist her father, rather than go to a trade school as she had initially intended, Lexi enlisted into the army on her eighteenth birthday and rolled out for basic training as soon as she’d graduated. Initially the army was just a way for her to send money home to her father, so that he could rest easier. 
Lexi however quickly found being in the army was an environment in which she thrived. A talented military mechanic with a keen mind for strategy, she rose quickly through the ranks. Her unit was her family, only away from them on short leaves to visit her ailing father. All of her money went towards his hospice care, a second stroke had ravaged the stoic man, leaving him incapable of caring for himself. Things shifted slightly after her first confirmed kill. Lexi did not know her mother was a wolf. The first time she shifted terrified her, and she struggled to keep the secret. She thought herself a freak. Only a talk with her father calmed her down, he had known. Lexi was angry that he had not thought to tell her before she enlisted, knowing that it was likely she would activate the curse. He told her that he had been stubbornly hanging onto hope that what he feared wasn’t true. 
For thirteen years she served faithfully within army ranks, doing her best to hide her condition. Until one day, horror struck. A dog had missed an IED. The explosion killed every man and woman within her unit. 
To this day, Lexi believes the only reason that she survived was because of her werewolf genes. Still, the blast had left its mark on her as well. The left half of her body was severely burned, her left eardrum ruptured from the force of the blast. Her right leg had needed to be reconstructed, and though healed now, she still walks with a bit of a limp. Certainly much less severe of a one than it would have been were she human. Hearing never returned to her left ear, and though her burns healed well, they still scarred thickly. The only saving grace there was that thanks to her lupine genetics she had not needed skin grafts. She spent six months in rehab, only to learn upon her release that her father had passed. Apparently his heart had not been able to handle the thought she might not survive. 
Alone, truly and utterly alone for the first time in her life, Lexi was terrified. Angry. Constantly getting in drunken brawls and fights. During one such fight she nearly killed the man, unable to temper her wolf strength while she was so inebriated. On the run from the cops is when she stumbled upon Lunar Cove. She’s been here for two weeks now and having gotten a job at the local mechanic and a house far enough away from others that she is sure they can’t hear her scream at night. Things are bleak. But maybe here she can learn to live again. Learn that the thing she has had to fight so hard to hide is a blessing rather than a curse.
Until she moved to Lunar Cove, Lexi had no idea that other super natural creatures existed, and was very limited in her knowledge about her own species.
Deaf in her left ear and walks with a limp on her right side.
Glares at anyone who stares at her scars for too long. She doesn’t feel it is her obligation to hide the damage caused to her fighting for her country because they make the people who look at them uncomfortable.
More to come as I get to know her!
A map of Alexia's burn scars
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
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ofashesandmoonlight - a multi-muse blog for the rp lunacovehq!!
written by bird (she/her)
[ 𝟎𝟏 ]  ──  *  ALEXIA CRUZ {  keep the wolves away }
[ 𝟎2 ]  ──  *  LYRA GISELE ALMEIDO SANTOS {  dinners & diatribes }
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ofashesandmoonlight · 7 months
tag drop !!
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