octopus-thoughts · 4 years
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
Found thousands of tadpoles on my hike, thought tumblr would enjoy bustling tadpoles in these uncertain times.
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
As a seeker, this is all I want.
Harry Potter au where everything is the same except that the Snitch is a yellow worm on a string
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
How to make a 紫砂壶 zishahu (Chinese boccaro teapot/ Yixing clay teapot)
cr: 拾七紫砂
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
We really have harmed a whole generation of trans and gnc children by failing to communicate how serious a decision binding actually is, how there’s no ACTUALLY safe way to bind, how it permeneantly damages the body, how it can make top surgery more difficult in the future. I don’t think we should be keeping trans kids from binding (we let kids do all sorts of things they’re really not old enough to understand the potential consequences of) but we owe them the ability to make informed decisions at LEAST
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
Gender Dysphoria Isn’t What You Think
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Cassie LaBelle has an interesting take on gender dysphoria over at Medium.
She argues that the traditional descriptions of gender dysphoria may not make sense to trans people who are still in denial or exploring their sense of self:
The more I read, the more certain I became that I wasn’t trans. I had only cross-dressed a few times as an adolescent, and never as an adult. I didn’t feel intense distress about having a penis. I didn’t even feel like I was “trapped in the wrong body.” I didn’t exactly LIKE my body, but it’s not like I looked in the mirror every morning and thought to myself, “hmm, this should be a girl!” And if that wasn’t at the heart of being trans, then what was?
Telling a trans person that they aren’t trans — or aren’t “trans enough” — serves no purpose other than cruelty, Cassie argues.  She also points out that lot of “unhatched or newly-hatched” trans people suffer from gender dysphoria without actually realizing it. 
Gender dysphoria appears as a different experience once you fully accept the fact that you are transgender.  Mirrors were distressing for Cassie, but she did not understand why. “..early on, you can come up with an alternate explanation for almost every symptom,” she writes.
Talk to trans women about their pre-transition experiences with women’s clothing, or with playing female characters in video games, and you’ll get a similar range of answers. Some trans people gravitate toward expressing their true selves using clothing or digital avatars early on, perhaps not even realizing why. Others (like me) felt too much frenetic energy bound up in these things, and shied away from them — not because I didn’t want to be seen as more feminine, but because I had a lot of shame and confusion and anxiety bound up in these things, and I wasn’t ready to face it yet.
Read the whole article including “Cassie’s Incomplete List of Things That Were Actually Gender Dysphoria The Whole Time!” here!
Illustration: Ponomariova_Maria
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
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pink label congo collection by hanifa
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
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Calling my trans siblings that do injections (and anyone else that does regular self-injections)!
This is a ShotBlocker. It’s perfect if you have a fear of needles, injections, injection pain, or any other kind of injection anxiety. You place the plastic spikes on your skin and firmly press them down while doing your injection. Having many different points of pressure distracts you from injection pain and I’ve found it helps mentally as well.
I’ve been doing T injections for about a month now and tonight I didn’t have to work myself up to it like I’ve had to in the past. AND it wasn’t as painful as my other injections! I highly recommend getting one of these if you’re struggling to do injections. You can get them for $5-$7 online and they are reusable.
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
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(ID: the trans, genderqueer, androgyne, nonbinary, genderfluid, agender, demigirl, demiboy, bigender, and neutrois pride flags with the words “radical acceptance not conditional tolerance” centered in white text.)
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
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This Pride, don’t forget about us
ID: “This Pride remember to respect all trans people : Trans women who don’t shave with a drawing of a woman whit a yellow and pink beard, trans men who don’t bind, masculine trans women and feminine trans men with a drawing of a trans woman with short pink hair wearing a yellow baseball T-shirt holding hands with a trans man with a yellow crop top and short curly blue hair, fat trans people with the drawing of a fat trans woman with short white hair, dark skin and a pink cropped top, disabled trans people with a drawing of a wheelchair and a walking cane in the color of the trans flag, neurodivergent trans people with the symbol of the autistic community, trans people who are sex worker with a drawing of blue bra and pink underwear, poor trans people who can’t afford transition, trans people who aren’t out yet with a drawing of a closed door, trans people who don’t plan on transitioning, black trans people with a black fist holding a trans flag, and any trans people who isn’t white with multiple hands of different skin tones, muslim trans people with a drawing of someone wearing a hijab in the color of the trans flag, jewish trans people with a drawing of someone wearing a white shirt and a kippah in the color of the trans flag, non binary people even those who don’t identify as trans with the non binary flag, those whose identity you might not understand with the genderfluid flag, the agender flag, the demi gender flag and the genderqueer flag, trans people who don’t pass and don’t want to with a drawing of a trans woman with a beard and dark skin raising her fist, every pronouns with dialog box in which are different sets of pronouns, trans people of every identity with the gay flag, the lesbian flag, the ace flag, the bi flag, the pan flag and the aro flag, every trans person is beautiful and deserving of so much love so don’t forget the T.” End ID
P.S. : can someone tell me if I did the image description right cuz I have no idea
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity
brooklyn bail fund
minnesota freedom fund
atlanta action network
columbus freedom fund
louisville community bail fund
chicago bond
black visions collective
richmond community bail fund
the bail project inc
nw com bail fund
philadelphia bail fund
the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
george floyd’s family gofundme
reclaim the block
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.
please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
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(Image description: four images of the trans flag with white text, the text reads: 1. “The first pride was a riot”. 2. “Stonewall was a riot against police brutality”. 3. “Celebrate queer and trans resistance”. 4. “Respect trans women of color”.)
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
Reminder that it really doesn’t matter what ways you’re marginalized, if you’re not black you’re just as capable of anti blackness as white cishet people. No amount of “but I’m gay!”, “but I’m trans!”, or “but I’m not white!” changes that.
And being neurodiverse/disabled isn’t an excuse for anti blackness either.
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
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We Exist- we go waaaaaay back
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
This is probably the reason I couldn’t look at a picture of a T-Rex without having nightmares as a child.
Ever been to the science center right across the way from the stl zoo?
Yes, and as a child I was frightened and fascinated by the hyper-realistic animatronic T. Rex and its triceratops prey. It was SO lifelike when I was a kid that I’m half-convinced they secretly swapped it out for the cheesy thing they have now when I was a teenager.
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octopus-thoughts · 4 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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