oceanic-vampire · 11 hours
rb to poke the person you rebloged this from in their worst spot :3
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oceanic-vampire · 15 hours
can anyone speedrun a hysterectomy
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oceanic-vampire · 19 hours
Weird thought: how do goth people still look goth during hot weather? Like are there summer goth clothes and makeup I don’t know about?
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oceanic-vampire · 19 hours
If you swear while being tickled it’s only going to get you tickled even worse and I’m all for it~ Go on, try it! Let’s make it so you’ll be feeling those ghost tickles for HOURS after we’re done~🖤
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oceanic-vampire · 19 hours
I think one of my favorite things is when you punish someone for being teasy or being a little shit and then when they finally try to apologize, you say
"What's gonna happen if you do this again?" and make them explain, while being wrecked, how you'll tickle them if they try it again.
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oceanic-vampire · 19 hours
Guess who's cute and ticklish....
*hint* 🫵🫵🫵🫵
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oceanic-vampire · 19 hours
Being cute is more than enough reason for me to tickle you into oblivion.
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oceanic-vampire · 21 hours
i love you im glad you exist im so happy you’re alive
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oceanic-vampire · 1 day
A lee who swears while being tickled deserves to be tickled even more.
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oceanic-vampire · 1 day
I cannot get over tickling someone while they're playing a video game.
Like I love watching people play video games, it's like watching a movie without the anxiety of having to actually play the game lmfao.
But what are my poor restless hands to do hmm? Sure I can scroll through my phone but my hands want something more y'know. Maybe I can poke you everytime you try jumping platform to platform and watch as you flinch and flail. All the while, of course, pretending I'm not doing anything! Because I'm not!
Maybe you finally won a really hard level and I'm hyping you up by scribbling my fingers up and down your ribs. I know I'm such a nice friend.
Perhaps you're playing a more chill game and I can offer you a massage. Tracing shapes onto your back or trailing my fingers up and down your legs.
Maybe I can play a game of my own~. It's called how many fingers walking up and down your feet does it take before you kick them away~.
Anyways, gamer lees your days are numbered xoxo
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oceanic-vampire · 2 days
💙 Tickle Asks! 💙
🔞 No minors, please! 🔞
☁️ What are your favorite tickle tropes or scenarios?
⛈️ Is it difficult for you to say the word?
🌥️ Who are your favorite characters to see in tickle scenes, or who would you like to see?
🌦️ Do you have a preference for more fluffy, lighthearted tickling, or more serious/intense scenes?
🌩️ What kind of tickle content do you like to see/make the most? (art, stories, gifs, etc.)
🌨️ Do you have a favorite tickle experience from real life?
🌤️ Broadly, how does tickling make you feel?
☀️ Are there any tickling scenes from books, movies, or shows that you're a fan of?
🌈 Favorite tickle tools/techniques you like to see used? Any you don't like?
☔ Any songs or music that you associate with tickling, or that put you in a tickle mood?
⚡ Do you like teasing? Are there any teasy words/phrases you especially like to see or hear? Any you dislike?
🌪️ Are there any tropes/scenarios associated with specific seasons or holidays that you enjoy?
🌫️ Broadly, do you like pinning/bondage, or do you prefer to see free range of motion with lots of squirming?
💧 Are there any tropes, spots, or scenarios you think are underrated?
🌂 Are you open with your IRL friends about how you feel about tickling?
For Lees
🧁 Favorite spots to be tickled?
🍰 Most ticklish spots?
🍦 Do you like being teased? Do you have any favorite/most effective teases?
🍒 Are your death spots also your favorite spots, or are they different?
🍧 What is your tickle laugh like? Is it different depending on the spot?
🍨 Do you like being pinned/restrained? If yes, what methods do you like the most?
🍩 Favorite tools/techniques to have used on you? Are they different depending on the spot?
🍓 Do you have a “dream scenario” for being tickled?
🍪 Are there any characters you love to imagine tickling you?
🍫 Do you like a stern, serious ler, or one who laughs along with you? Perhaps some combination of both?
🎂 Are there any spots that make you melt?
🍯 Is there anything in real life that tends to make you more ticklish than usual? (wearing socks, being surprised, being sleepy, etc).
🍮 Do you like being surprised with tickles, or do you prefer to know it's coming?
🍭 Do you do anything other than laugh while being tickled? Begging, pleading, swearing, etc?
🍬 Are you able to ask for tickles? If you can't say the word, how do you usually indicate that you want to be tickled, or provoke someone into tickling you?
For Lers
❤️ Are there spots you especially love to tickle?
🧡 Does tickling someone fluster you?
💛 Are there any particular vocalizations/begging that you love to hear from a lee?
💚 Is there anything a lee could do, say, or wear that would make you want to tickle them, or want to tickle them more?
💙 Are you vocal while tickling someone, or pretty quiet? If vocal, what do you like to say?
💜 Are you ticklish? Do you enjoy being tickled, too?
🖤 Do you have favorite tools/techniques to use, provided the lee is okay with them?
💕 Do you like to use lotion or oil on a lee while tickling them?
💖 Is there anything you have found that seems to make a lee more ticklish? This could be teasing, clothing, tools, etc.
💗 Any “dream scenarios” as a ler?
💘 Any characters that you would just love to tickle?
💝 Do you like being provoked? If yes, how?
💟 Do you like to use blindfolds or gags, provided the lee is okay with them?
💌 Any particular positions you love to put a lee in for a tickling?
💞 Even if you do not daydream about being tickled, would you let a lee get revenge on you?
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oceanic-vampire · 2 days
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oceanic-vampire · 2 days
ok so you support the disabled, disordered, and mentally ill. but are you normal when someone takes long to respond to you? or if they have a hard time listening to you? when someone has a hard time giving you their attention? or when their manners aren’t perfect? or when someone makes mistakes that may be obvious or simple to you? or when someone talks loudly or “causes a scene?” are you normal when people have to think really hard to explain things? or when they have a hard time putting their thoughts into words?
are you normal when people’s hair is unkempt or oily or visibly unbrushed? or when their face might be full of acne? or when they don’t have deodorant on for one reason or another? how about if their clothes are dirty? 
are you normal about disabled/disordered/mentally ill people when they make you a little uncomfortable?
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oceanic-vampire · 2 days
There are no disabilities which are raised above ableism. The person in the wheelchair, the autistic person, the person with schizophrenia and the person with an invisible chronic illness may all experience society's ableism in different ways, but none of them can expect to avoid it. So the "you wouldn't say X to Y" advocacy needs to retire yesterday. They say all kinds of ableist shit to all of us and it's time to try out some actual solidarity instead of arguing about who has it slightly worse
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oceanic-vampire · 2 days
Moment of silence for all the heat sensitive disabled ppl as the world actively tries to kill us this summer
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oceanic-vampire · 2 days
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oceanic-vampire · 2 days
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