obeyroughly · 2 years
soooooo uh i might disappear for a while I evidently need to buy a new laptop charging cord as mine just sparked and I dont have my password for this account saved anywhere else and it takes a few weeks to get anything shipped to the store here
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obeyroughly · 2 years
I kept the strings tied from 10 am till 4pm tightening them a little at 3pm photos will be incoming I’m thinking of trying to find a different way to share the pictures while still keeping nsft(not safe for tumblr) content hard to view by accident incase someone stumbles upon my blog by accident or any of you are feeling brave and scrolling through in public like I often do with my main blog
found some shoelaces the other day and tied them as close to the base of my breasts as i could and will be keeping them bound for as long as I can I’ll take a picture roughly every hour and will update this post with pictures when I finally untie them
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obeyroughly · 2 years
found some shoelaces the other day and tied them as close to the base of my breasts as i could and will be keeping them bound for as long as I can I’ll take a picture roughly every hour and will update this post with pictures when I finally untie them
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obeyroughly · 2 years
we always hear about fucking subs until they can't speak and I love it, that's great, pure perfecttion...but what about doms feeling so good while using their cute little toys that they can't form words? it's just broken sentences that turn into primal grunts and moans while fucking their sub like they can't get enough of them.
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obeyroughly · 2 years
update on my radio silence a mixture of stress and an increase in temperature pushed me into a flare up as I was recovering from hurting my shoulders, I'm starting to get better in that I can manage actually get out of my bed more than twice a day but even typing this physically hurts so I wont be back until I'm feeling a lot better than this.
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obeyroughly · 2 years
I have been brutally reminded why I dont use the line outside to hang my laundry and I only use the dryer or the rack inside for stuff that cant be put in the dryer I hung my sheets earlier in the week and my shoulders have been causing me debilitating pain off and on ever since thought I’d finally recovered today only for it to return full force this evening and force me to lay down, which sucks I was looking forward to having more fun with my tacks this week but thats off the table until my muscles calm down again so I dont push myself into a full blown flare up and end up bed bound. Ugh chronic pain conditions are the worst
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obeyroughly · 2 years
hmmmm I’m considering wearing my tack inserts for a long period of time on Sunday I have from whenever I wake up which will likely be between 8 and 10 am until 6 pm that I could have some fun but I don't know how long I should aim for or if I should do anything specific during that time, I’m taking suggestions.(vetoing anything directly involving the public like I’ll go for a walk with it on under my clothes but nothing more than that and also a temporary veto on anything to do with my lower half, maybe if there was a bathroom in the basement but having to go upstairs through the entire house to clean any inevitable blood that would come with anything down there right now is a hard no)
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obeyroughly · 2 years
here they are NSFT under cut
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Well this feels even nicer than I hoped it would I made two little beds of tacks and sandwiched them between two layers of duct tape then I put one on each side of a push up bra that I have, I might try them in a sports bra I have that is to small for me.
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obeyroughly · 2 years
Well this feels even nicer than I hoped it would I made two little beds of tacks and sandwiched them between two layers of duct tape then I put one on each side of a push up bra that I have, I might try them in a sports bra I have that is to small for me.
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obeyroughly · 2 years
the chutzpah some people have my goodness, had someone roll up into my DMs (on a different website)  and ask if I was looking for a dom... like my dude that is not how this works, I did not ask for this technically I specifically requested any response to the post I made be placed in the comments and not sent via DM so strike one right their buddy strike two through three are you coming out of nowhere and asking a rando on the internet who you know nothing about and have only said hi to if they are looking for a dom, even if I was (which I’m not I dont know enough about my preferences nor am I in the right place to even consider if that would be a dynamic I’d be interested in) no way in hell is that how I’m finding myself a dom 
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obeyroughly · 2 years
Call me Sage I’m a 22 year old non binary person (they them pronouns only thanks) this is a mature blog which means if you are under 18 do not interact if you don't have your age somewhere in your blog ( you don't have to be specific just indicate you are above 18 be that by putting 18+ or saying you are in a certain age range I’m not picky) when you follow me please message me with your age I will keep it private otherwise I will block you. More details under the read more this is being inserted so if someone stumbles onto this and doesn't want to scroll past mature content they can avoid it. 
Having said all of this I’m just kinda dipping my toes into this kind of thing I’ve lurked already for years and have a few ideas of things I like though being on the ace spectrum I haven’t been able to try a lot of things out. I do some self bondage and pain play and am open to suggestions and asks please keep any asks respectful I may be into pain but that doesn’t mean I accept degradation or harassment from strangers on the internet without directly asking for it.
I have few hard nos simply due to not knowing what I dislike I do not like or interact with age play content and don't like unhygienic stuff such as scat, I am at least in fantasy interested in some darker stuff and may post about things such as CNC in the future so if that is a thing you dislike either do not follow or be absolutely certain to block the tag if at any point I post something you dislike and don't have it tagged as anything let me know I will do my absolute best to tag it in the future but I am human and do have some memory problems so a few things may slip through the cracks so weigh if that is a risk you are willing to take.
Also as I said further up I am a non binary person I do not accept any kind of misgendering not even in a kink context so get out of here with that, if you are not attracted to non binary people also get out of here regardless of what bits I may or may not have I am non binary and if you are not attracted to that I do not want you here this is a place for me to explore what I am interested in and I will be liberal with my use of the blocking function if you or your content make me uncomfortable in any way and I invite anyone viewing my blog to do the same thing curate your experience and you will have a much nicer time on the internet.
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obeyroughly · 2 years
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got something special for myself today while I was in town, now the question is what should I do with them first? I’m open to suggestions.
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obeyroughly · 2 years
gonna leave myself full while I sleep and hope for some interesting dreams
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obeyroughly · 2 years
If someone ever chocked me I think I would bluescreen in the best way possible had a friend pretend to choke me once, she barely even put her hand around my neck and my mind blanked. Alas the closest I can get is wearing my chokers so tight they leave an indent in my skin when I take them off and that is a crime
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