oamshark · 6 years
So they decided the gay guy and chubby girl should be the popular ones for a change, but only if they’re bullies, so the skinny bitch can get upset about it, rub her heterosexuality in everyone’s faces then kill everyone so she can take her rightful place as rude cow that no one likes. The original was mean girls if the bullied kids had guts/psychopathic tendencies, this is just some right wing misunderstanding what we meant when we said we wanted representation.
im just saying that if i see any of you supporting that new “heathers” movie remake im going to hit the fucking ceiling
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oamshark · 6 years
My kitten has been screaming at me for 10 minutes, I tried to tell her you loved her but she just carried on.
Fun fact about me. I love every cat in the world
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oamshark · 6 years
Only the best companies take this much detail into consideration when making characters
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I want everyone to know that Nintendo of America has a Waluigi conference room
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oamshark · 6 years
From @myfosterkittens: “Quiche is trying to tell me something, but I don’t speak dolphin.” #catsofinstagram [source: http://ift.tt/2EY9fcK ]
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oamshark · 6 years
She’s so cool
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🌹❤️💫HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY to KELLY MARIE TRAN aka my favorite Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, all-things-books, feminist, fangirly nerd. 💫❤️🌹
You’re out there living your best life and I’m so happy for you. 😘💃🏻🔥
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oamshark · 6 years
6 weeks is minimum for changing
Yes you can change it earlier, but it can cause damage or you might just not be able to get it back in if it’s still a little swollen.
If it hurts still, wait. Typically if I’ve changed any piercings before the 6 week mark and they hurt still, it would hurt for months after.
I have a question for any of my followers/mutuals with a septum piercing: when do y’all think is a good time to change ur jewelry? I don’t plan on doing it any time soon as I’ve only had mine pierced for like 2 weeks but what is the minimum amount of time I should wait
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oamshark · 6 years
The mightiest boop.
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oamshark · 6 years
Of all the things that aren’t realistic in Wonder Woman, this is not one.
Other People: “I liked Wonder Woman, but it’s so unrealistic that Steve Trevor would fall in love with her over what was basically a weekend.” Me: “Dude, I just spent 141 minutes of a movie with her and if she were real I’d propose on the spot.”
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oamshark · 6 years
Bah no human shoo *mentally adds to list of things to do “pee on their face while they sleep”*
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oamshark · 6 years
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fluffy holiday cow spreading cheer
Click here for more adorable animal pics!
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oamshark · 6 years
When you lock your phone instead of turning up the volume
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oamshark · 6 years
I can’t believe people are still trying to say the Switch is bad, this is not the fight between PC/Xbox/PlayStation, and it’s not because Nintendo is irrelevant, it’s because Nintendo have been years ahead for decades. They have very few fails throughout their long history, they’ve literally had the Wii U and some minor flops, but even those minor flops are now immortalised by sky rocketing prices. want to buy a eReader? Tough shit it’s well over £100 now despite it being a failure at launch. In about 15 years, Wii Us will probably be worth hundreds despite being a failure.
But regardless of their other successes and failures, Nintendo have never stuck with the crowd the first time they changed to disks was with the Wii, they were so determined to be different and make sure everyone was treated fairly (so the cartridges are harder to pirate so developers don’t have money stolen by pirates and gamers aren’t being treated unfairly by buying full price games when they could pirate it) and the Switch just went back to cartridges. They have gone back to their routes and they’re supporting third party developers so people can just have fun.
What other set of people do that in gaming? Is it the PC companies selling you overpriced equipment every year, so you can play those games that have been made way too beefy so most people couldn’t play it? Was it Microsoft with the Xbox One S update that isn’t even compatible with some Xbox One games? Was it PlayStation releasing all the games you just bought for you PS3 onto PS4 with all the DLC you’ve already paid for either for free or ready to be paid for again?
Even though Amiibo can be seen as another cash grab like Skylanders and Disney Infinity, it’s one that doesn’t fuck you over as much. Amiibo are compatible with nearly every game on the Switch, even if your Amiibos don’t do much in the games you have, the fact that you don’t need add ons to play it on the consoles they were made for AND they gave you the option to buy a £20 add on rather than a £300 New 3DS so you could play with Amiibo on your original 3DS, goes to show how much they actually care about the people playing their games.
That should be all that matters, not the new graphics card that does fuck all when it stops the games you’ve already bought working, and isn’t worth whatever extra you paid for it when it’s a few frames faster. If Nintendo do a Switch 2.0 it will be just like the Wii and all their previous consoles, where it makes absolutely no difference it’s just a tiny bit better, you can buy it if you want they won’t make a big deal.
And if I ever have to pay for my online play on Switch, or whatever Nintendo does next, I think it would be a last ditch effort to shock some omnipotent being out of destroying Earth like Link pulling out the fishing rod in the Ganon boss fight.
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oamshark · 6 years
Can we please stop the White Feminist™ idea that naked = empowered?
Because I had to watch the Muslim girl in my history class lucture the class on Islam’s treatment of women and why she wears her hijab to feel closer to god, because some new girl in our class tried to coerce her into taking it off, and then proceeded to try to take it off her.
I made sure she was alright after class and she told me she’s used to it. I. Got. Pissed. Because this sweet girl is used to other people trying to rip her hijab off. I’m not Muslim, but from what I understand, that’s like being used to people trying to rip your shirt off of you.
Also, this idea doesn’t just threaten and offend Muslim women and girls. Because a lot of women and afab people don’t like being naked. It’s not empowering to them, it’s demeaning. For example, I don’t like being naked, because I just don’t feel comfortable with it. But still, my family still forces me to wear bikinis to the beach and thinks I’m self conscious just because I don’t want to wear the least amount of clothes possible.
So, in summary:
Destroy the White Feminist™ idea that Naked = Empowered
Destroy the White Feminist™ idea that Naked = Empowered
Destroy the White Feminist™ idea that Naked = Empowered
Destroy the White Feminist™ idea that Naked = Empowered
Destroy the White Feminist™ idea that Naked = Empowered
Destroy the White Feminist™ idea that Naked = Empowered
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oamshark · 6 years
Also no one ever says it but there’s a lot of other issues that come with anxiety as side effects of being so anxious. For example, sometimes I can get stomach issues when I have anxiety and I literally was so severely dehydrated for about 2 days due to anxiety about a phone appointment, because literally anything that went it would come out immediately. My heart rate is normally a little high and my testing heart rate can be over 100 if I’m anxious rather than the 70s rage that I normally have. My mum has the same anxiety (ours is obviously a genetic issue) and she gets the same stomach issues.
I would not be surprised if I had a heart attack because of my anxiety.
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Thank you ☺️
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oamshark · 6 years
Section 377 that criminalizes same-sex relations is going to be reviewed TODAY and might be overturned by the Indian supreme court! Please keep my country and its LGBT folks in mind today. Send prayers, good vibes, anything to keep us strong!
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oamshark · 6 years
I mean we had something similar at our jungle gym, I think this kid’s back is broken
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Your web has too many holes in it, Billy.  My website – My Facebook page – See me on LINE Webtoon!
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oamshark · 6 years
every time I watch this, I fucking lose it (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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