o-onikix · 1 day
i can now see why hyunjae is summer coded. 💕💃🏻
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How about you? (Lee Hyunjae)
Genre/Warnings: strangers to kind of friends (?), mentions of reader being drunk, office worker hyunjae and reader, fluff, comfort, Hyunjae is down bad for the reader :), if you guys want a sequel then let me know! I got butterflies writing this short story but idk if it would be the same for you guys lol
Word count: 1,389
Sana: of course I had to write on the song TBZ just released. I am totally NOT procrastinating on my series (I am) I promise I will write the next part soon but since I am in Goa I had to write something for Hyunjae since he is so summer coded for me <3 (this is not a summer based fic…) thank you @o-onikix for beta reading even tho you didn’t really add anything 😐 (she was so sweet. She said this fic is perfect). Proofread once so plz let me know if there are any mistakes lol
Tagging: @cloverdaisies @kimsohn @mosviqu special tag for @from-izzy (plz tell me you’re alive) @deoboyznet @a-dream-bookmark
Sitting in his chair, Hyunjae couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter every time he glanced at you.
This was something he never thought he would feel for you out of all the people from the office.
It’s not like you were bad or something, he just didn’t know you well enough to think he would catch such feelings for you.
You were not strangers nor were you both friends. You both just had a mutual understanding of each other’s existence and said hi or hello when passing by.
I mean yeah, you were pretty and you had a cute laugh but that's besides the point.
He only came to know about these feelings after having a proper conversation with you at the company dinner.
The way your drunk body kept on leaning against Hyunjae made his cheeks heat up as he held onto you tightly to make sure you didn't fall down.
He still remembers the way you kept on mumbling to yourself quietly with that small pout on your lips as you sat beside him with your red cheeks.
He never thought he’d be bothered about your muttering like this, but here he was, finding those small little things about you adorable.
Looking up from his computer screen Hyunjae could feel his heart take a leap when you looked up and made eye contact with him.
Immediately flashing you a nervous smile he could feel fire seeping out of his ears out of embarrassment for smiling so weirdly.
Bringing his hand up to his chest he held it over his heart as he felt his heart beating at a fast pace.
Leaning back in his chair, Hyunjae couldn’t help but let out a small squeal when he thought back to the moment when you looked him in the eye.
The way you just looked so effortlessly beautiful in your outfit with your hair tied up in your claw clip…
He admired you for putting so much effort and thought into your outfits everyday in the morning and coming all presentable.
He looked forward to seeing you everyday, that was one of the reasons he got out of his bed. Despite dreading the work piling up on his desk he couldn’t help but just think about you.
He hates to admit it to himself, but he totally does think about you every night. The way your face flashes before his eyes the moment he closes them makes him wide awake as he thinks about how it would be like to spend his days with you.
You were such a stranger to him but now? You were more than that. If you were to be a stranger to him then you were a pretty stranger for sure.
Despite the strong feelings he has for you, deep down he is afraid to even take a step closer towards you and make a move on you.
He’s afraid that he might make you uncomfortable, of course he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or anxious.
Standing up with a smile, he walked towards the lunchroom to make himself a cup of coffee. If he wanted to get through the dreadful day (not so much since he saw you) he would at least need a cup of coffee by his table.
Entering the area he could feel his heart stopping as he saw your struggling figure trying to grab the coffee box from the cabinet which was placed at the very back of the cabinet.
Taking slow and steady steps towards you he immediately caught onto you mumbling to yourself and cursing at the person who placed it in that place.
Chuckling a bit, Hyunjae stood behind you and grabbed the box for you.
Turning around you were immediately greeted by Hyunjae’s chest as he stared down at you with a smile while placing the box beside you on the counter.
“Thanks…” you mutter as you grab the coffee box and scurry away from there to make yourself some coffee.
Seeing the way you got embarrassed so quickly made Hyunjae giggle at your shy form.
He didn’t know where he got the confidence and courage to do that from but he knew he had to interact with you in some way.
Walking towards you he took a seat on the chair which was in front of you as he saw you making some hot cup of coffee for yourself.
Looking up at him you smile at him shyly and continue stirring your coffee, too shy to look him in the eye because of the moment back there.
“Isn’t this your second coffee of the day? And it’s only 2…” hyunjae mumbles to you as he stares in your eyes lovingly.
You chuckle shyly at his words and drink some of it, “I always drink a lot of coffee to get through the day.” You tell him while cleaning the place, not wanting to leave any mess behind.
“I don’t think that’s good for your health though.” He says while staring at your cleaning the place. Standing up from the chair, Hyunjae took it upon himself to help you clean as he told you to drink your coffee before it gets cold.
Seeing the hesitation on your face, Hyunjae gave you a small smile and told you not worry too much as he continued with what he was doing.
“Ah and I am sorry…” you mumble to him as you take a small sip of the coffee while staring at his broad shoulders.
Hearing you say those words Hyunjae’s ears immediately perk up in confusion as he stares back at you for a moment as he opens his mouth to say the obvious question, “What are you sorry about?” He questions as he dries his hands and sits in front of you.
“The night at the company dinner, I was all drunk and acting all clingy to you. I am sorry if I possibly made you irritated or uncomfortable.” You apologise formally as you look down in shame and embarrassment.
Hearing you say that Hyunjae couldn’t help but chuckle quietly. He couldn’t help but think just how adorable you looked while apologising for something he didn’t even mind.
In fact he was glad that he talked with you that night, you were drunk so you wouldn’t remember much of what you guys talked but just that small moment you guys shared at the dinner made him want to get to know you more and that was enough for him.
“It’s okay, I found you rather cute.” He said softly as he stared at you as your face turned a shade of pink because of his sudden compliment.
“Thanks I guess…” you mumble shyly as you scratch the back of your neck while looking away from Hyunjae.
“Uh…” Hyunjae stared at you anxiously as he thought back to the words he wanted to say to you, “Are you…free on Saturday night?” He asked shyly.
You look at him with your eyes widened slightly as you let out a small cough, Hyunjae couldn’t help but find that action of yours adorable as he giggled.
Maybe taking a step closer towards you like this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
“Uh yeah sure…I will send you my address.” You mumble in a hurry as you scurry off from there, too nervous to look at hyunjae.
He looked at your figure as you walked away, the way you stumbled on your way to your seat and the way you smiled slightly to yourself was just so effortlessly beautiful in a way that calmed his heart down.
He just couldn’t find it in him to take his off the small gesture you do, the way you always scratch the back of your neck when you’re embarrassed or when you always mutter under your breath when you’re annoyed or angry at something or someone.
Those little things stay in his mind all day, all circling around his head.
“She said yes…” he muttered to himself. Squealing like a small child Hyunjae couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of you. Again.
“I think I am in love with her. Argh…” yelling in a low voice Hyunjae brought his hands up to hide his face which was starting to flare up in a bright shade of red.
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o-onikix · 5 days
when am i gonna hv sm1 whose gonna call me cake warrior ‼️
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The (Lovely) Cake Warrior
Warning/Genre: curse words here and there, the reader+chanhee blushes? Kind of like enemies to lovers but not really so friends to lovers, fluff, it’s kind of like a past story about how they meet, making out, in present Chanhee is your fiancee, lemme know if o should add more
Word Count: 5,888
Sana: my first instalment for my series So sweet like nectar and for deoboyznet’s event! I had fun writing this because the reader is basically me but a more chaotic version:) thank you lovely beta readers @quaissants @from-izzy and @strayed-quokka a special thanks to @cloverdaisies for helping me out with the first half of the story ☺️. Love you loadssss (the nickname is all thanks to clo yall) Lennon and izzy sorry for not using the banner yall chose but it was three against two-
Tagging: @cloverdaisies @mosviqu @kimsohn @a-dream-bookmark @deoboyznet
“I am telling you, I never snuck out with my girlfriend!” A shrill, yet soft voice yells at the two men in front of him as he tries his best to defend himself from the accusations the two of them were throwing at him.
“Yeah yeah, tell that to yourself Choi Chanhee. We all knew the amount of trouble you went through just to save your girlfriend…” says Younghoon as he takes a bite out of his steak, tired by the fact that Chanhee kept on denying the truth.
Eric just laughs at their behaviour and takes a sip of water before setting the cup down. “How’s Y/N doing though? Isn’t she out of the country right now…?” He asked once both of them had calmed down.
Hearing the question from Eric, Chanhee immediately took out a letter from his back pocket as he placed it on the table with a small smile lingering on his lips.
“She is doing great. I received a letter from her a few days ago. She was talking about all the stuff from our high school…” he tells them with a sigh, “It used to be so peaceful when we were young, no? Reading the letter from her made me realise just how carefree and peaceful our teenage years were. We took it all for granted…” Chanhee says with a soft sigh escaping his lips yet again as he looks down at his fingers in thoughts crossing his mind.
“Remember when Y/N made you bunk your mathematics class because her homework was not done?” Eric says after a while of silence.
“Yeah, I cannot believe she made you agree on that knowing the fact that you were very much particular about your studies.” Younghoon comments on it before letting out a small laugh when he sees Chanhee’s cheeks turning a shade of pink.
“Only my Y/N could make me agree on something like that,” Chanhee says with a small nod before letting out a small laugh when he remembers all the times you both used to escape from the boring classes only to sneak into the rooftop of the school building to avoid learning (Chanhee was more than happy to learn. It was you who wanted to make a run for it and Chanhee just happened to tag along every time).
“Remember the time you met Y/N for the first time? The scowl you had on your face was so funny, we could all make out by just one glance at you that you did not like her.” Eric reminds him as he looks down at his almost empty plate.
“I mean…our beginning was kind of rocky but that was totally only because Y/N was just really stubborn. She still is though…”
“We can never forget that, now can we? Every time we would meet in the hallways your first sentence would be ‘Why is Y/N so stubborn?’ As if that’s the only thing you have in your vocabulary.” Eric says with a scoff as he stirs his drink with the straw before looking up in thought.
Year: 2018
Entering the empty hallways, the young (yet pretty tall) boy tries to look for his locker while still being aware of his surroundings. He knew just how crazy kids can be so the best he could do to save himself from getting wrapped in some crazy shit was to be aware of the people around him and the situation he’s in.
“MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! COMING THROUGH!” He hears a loud voice beam through the whole place, making his eardrums explode. Just how loud can someone be so early in the morning?
Looking up, the sight in front of him immediately made him widen his eyes when he saw someone running straight at him while holding a box of what seemed to be cake in their hand.
Before he could even react or even try to move away the person straight away crashed into him. The cake that was in her hands was now completely ruined.
All the buttercream was now on his clothes instead of the cake while the cake was lying on the floor in bits and pieces.
Letting out a scoff Chanhee looks up at the person with a huge scowl painted on his face, “Can’t you watch where you’re going?” He yells in disbelief as he tries to tidy his clothes but it is of no use since it’s already covered in cream and cake.
“I am so sorry, I was just in some hurry…” the girl apologises as she looks down at the cake which was on the floor.
Chanhee noticed how the girl did not even seem to be apologising properly, instead of giving a proper apology her whole attention was on the cake which made him slightly angry.
“Now what am I supposed to do with these ruined clothes…?” Chanhee says with annoyance and frustration lacing his tone.
Heaving out a heavy sigh, he turns around and starts walking towards the restroom, hoping he can get it cleaned up a bit (just so he can go on with his day without feeling disgusted because of the cake)
“I am so so sorry, I was just trying to get the cake to its place on time and I was not paying attention to my surroundings. I will do anything to make up for this.” Chanhee hears the girl pleading while following him to the restroom.
Stopping in his tracks he turns around to glare at her before opening his mouth to speak, “You cannot follow me inside the restroom, just make sure you don’t run around with a dead-ass cake in your hand.” He says before rolling his eyes and entering the restroom, not waiting for another second to even listen to her answer.
“Ah, what do I do now?” He says as soon as he enters the restroom and looks at the state his shirt is in.
There was cream all over it with pieces of cake still sticking to it. Heaving another sigh, he turns on the tap water to try and get some of the cream off him.
“That girl really didn’t care if the cake was all over me or not...” he mutters while scrubbing on his shirt with his wet hands, “If only I had that much confidence at that moment I would have stomped on her cake.” He says with a scoff escaping from his mouth when he recalls the moment that just took place. “Like who the hell runs around the hallways with a cake in their hand is going to be beyond me...”
Turning off the tap water, he looked down at his shirt which was now soaking wet, the stains from the cream were still there which made him look odd and on top of that the shirt was sticking to his skin which made it all the more uncomfortable for him.
Turning around, he unlocked the door and stepped out, “Is it still-” “AHH WHO THE HELL…oh it’s you again.” Looking down at her, he rolls his eyes before walking away, not being in the mood to even look at her.
“Hey! I did say that I am sorry! And look…I have a spare hoodie for you..” turning around Chanhee stops in his tracks and looks at the hoodie which was in her hand. “You can take this and in the meantime, I will get your shirt cleaned..”
“Just don’t ruin it more than it already is, Cake Warrior ,” Chanhee mumbles as he snatches the hoodie from her hand and enters the restroom again to change into it.
“What did you call me?” Chanhee heard the voice beam and for once, he felt the voice was more relaxed and soothing rather than a shrill annoying voice that ruined his poor clothes; and of course his whole day ahead.
“Cake…warrior? Do you have a problem with that, Cake Warrior ?” He says now with more confidence, taking a step closer towards her he leans down to get to the girl's height. “What’s your name, Cake Warrior ?” He says again, rather more in a taunting and mocking manner.
“Y/N…” Chanhee hears her mumble in a low voice, almost in a whisper-like voice. Standing up straight he looks down at her before letting out a small cough, “I will stick with Cake Warrior .” He says with a smile as he leaves the corridor after messing up Y/N’s hair.
It had been a few days since Chanhee came across Y/N or Cake Warrior (that’s what he liked to refer to her as). It was kind of weird how they never ran into each other again and considering the fact that she still had his clothes gave him another reason to worry about her ‘disappearance’.
While that was kept aside, Chanhee did make pretty good friends. He was an introvert and never really put himself out there to interact or talk but somehow he managed to make not one but four friends.
He did not know if he’d still talk with Sunwoo or Hyunjae (for him, those two were just way too annoying but still liked their company nonetheless) after graduation but he was sure that he’d try his best to keep in touch with Younghoon and Eric.
Finally entering the cafeteria, Chanhee looked around to spot his friends who were usually there before him. He just assumed that they didn’t enjoy their classes as much as he did.
Once his eyes meet with Younghoon, a smile immediately makes its way to his lips as he starts walking towards them—“Hey! Cake boy! Wait up!” Immediately halting in his tracks Chanhee slowly turned around to take a look at that loud beaming voice which made his ears bleed.
“Ah so she is alive…” he says to himself with a silent roll of his eyes before turning around to walk towards his friends again.
He knew that she would be following him either way so he didn’t have the need to wait back for her slow ass.
Placing his stuff down on the table, Chanhee takes a seat beside Eric as he looks at Y/N in amusement at the way you ran across the cafeteria with zero care in the world.
It’s as if you had no ounce of embarrassment in you. Of course, if it was him in your place, he would have slowed down or even screamed across the whole room.
“Ah…there you are! I have been looking around the whole school for you—can I take a sip of this?” Chanhee just stares at her as she cuts her sentence out in the middle and asks Younghoon, the one who was the closest to her if she could take a sip of his drink.
Not knowing what to do, all Younghoon does is give her a small nod and leans back in his seat (probably wishing he was invisible at that very moment.) “Phew…running around the whole school like that is not easy. Probably burnt some carbs.” She says once she had quenched her thirst.
“What are you doing here?” Chanhee finally speaks up once he has made sure that you’re not thirsty anymore and are ready to speak rather softly than having to speak in a loud voice while taking deep breaths from time to time to catch your breath.
“Your…Your clothes. They’re all neat and tidy again and ready to be used!” She announces with a proud smile spread across her facial features.
Chanhee notices how her cheeks have turned a light shade of pink, a direct indication and sign that she indeed has been running around the whole school in search of him.
He kind of felt bad for making her do that just for her to return his clothes back to her but then again, serves her right for bumping into him with a whole cake in her hands (and it’s not like he asked her to search for him so he has no reason to feel guilty or anything, right? I mean yeah, Chanhee was petty like that and agrees to that but just don’t say it on his face).
“You could have just left it in my locker…” he mumbles quietly as he gently grabs the bag of clothes from your hands and sets them down on the table.
After getting the clothes from you, he thought that this would be it and that you’d leave once you were done delivering his clothes to him but you turned out to amuse him again when you decided to take a seat in front of him. This resulted in you making Younghoon move from his seat (he did NOT want to sit that close to Sunwoo but alas he had no choice). “Move aside please…” you say softly to Younghoon as you sit in front of Chanhee with a smile, “So…what are your plans?” You ask with a huge grin as you await his reply.
Getting caught off guard with your sudden question Chanhee just stares at you with his eyes slightly widened. Surely he expected a bizarre question from you but not this.
“Huh?” Was all he could get out of his mouth, his lips slightly parted from each other as he looked at you with widened eyes as if you were some kind of an alien.
“Let me put it in simpler words then, are you free?” You ask with much more confidence and boldness in your words as you look him in the eye.
It’s as if words were stuck in Chanhee’s throat and he was unable to get them out, I mean surely he felt that way when he first saw you too but he just assumed that it was because you were running towards him with a whole ass cake in your hand and he was just trying to process the whole thing.
“For you? Never.” Chanhee says that before he can even tell his brain to stop thinking like that and gets up from his chair to leave the cafeteria with his stuff in his hands.
He could hear some of his friends stifling their laughter, yet he clearly heard Sunwoo teasing you with his loud ass annoying voice which just made him chuckle at their behaviour.
Why did he reject you like that? He has no idea but what he does know is that he surely enjoyed the look of surprise which came across your face almost immediately when he said that.
“Cake boy! Wait for me!” He hears your shrill (yet not so annoying voice) scream loudly again.
He did not have to look back again to make sure of the fact that you were running towards him, a way for you to catch up with him, “Why the hell do you have such long legs?” He hears you speak once you finally catch up with him.
“Born with it, unlike you.” He replies with a snicker leaving his lips when he sees your lips pouting at his teasing.
“Did you do the maths homework?” You yell at Chanhee as soon as you enter the classroom.
He just looks at you in confusion and nods his head, “Obviously, did you not?” He questions.
You both knew just how scary the maths professor was so not doing the work (you had a week given to complete it but it just…slipped your mind) on time really just meant going to hell without an invitation.
You shake your head slowly at his question with worry and fear taking over your face, “It slipped my mind..” you tell him with a pout as you slump down beside him with a huge sigh escaping your lips, “Can I copy your work?” You plead as you hold his arm and shake it gently, hoping he’ll gain some sympathy for you and let you copy his work.
“And why would I do that? Not my fault you have a memory set on default mode that you seem to forget every little thing.” Chanhee retorts back as he takes the lid off his americano to drink the leftover coffee.
“Oh come on! I swear I’d do anything you say, anything.” You plead as you move your hands around while trying to prove your point.
While doing so you fail to notice the fact that Chanhee had kept his iced americano by his books (the lid was not closed) and in your excitement, you hit the cup of coffee and all the ice and coffee goes all over his maths copy ruining his work.
“Watch out!” He yells as he tries to stop the cup from falling over but he is already too late since the coffee was already all over his homework.”Look what you did.” Chanhee says with a sigh as he looks at you with a scowl painted on his face, “Now what do I show that ass professor?”
You look at him apologetically as you try to clean the mess only for you to make it worse by making the coffee spread all over and fall on the ground, “Stop! Stop! Don’t touch anything!” He yells at you in disdain as he immediately stands up from his seat and holds your hand in his firm grip.
“I am so sorry, I swear I didn't mean to do that!” You stutter out as you look up at him with guilty eyes, your eyes immediately getting filled with tears as you sniffle.
Hearing you sniffle, Chanhee immediately stops tidying (Well, at least that's what he was trying to do) his desk and stares at you in complete shock. He approaches you while panicking, he never thought he’d ever see you cry or even have tears in front of him.
If you ever happened to cry in front of him he always thought it would be because you ruined someone's clothes again with a cake. But he never expected to see tears forming in your eyes, ready to roll down your cheeks at any moment because of a mere Americano spilling on his sheets.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Why are you crying?’ Chanhee says in panic as he immediately comes to hug you, hoping it will make you calm or soothe you down at least.
‘I ruined your stuff again,” you sniffle as you wipe your runny nose with your sleeve and you stare up at Chanhee with glossy eyes. “I always ruin things for you. Gosh, how can I be so clumsy?” You scold yourself as you stare at the mess you created because of your clumsy ass. “What will you do now?” You ask him softly, your eyes still glued to the desk.
“I guess I will just have to apologise to the professor and request an extension,” Chanhee says while staring at his wet copies. You both knew it was humanly impossible to complete all the work given by the professor in a few hours.
Despite all the help given by every one of your friends, you still would not be able to make it. You were given two weeks for a reason.
“Or maybe…we could just sneak out of here right now and save our asses from getting in trouble,” you suggest quietly when you take notice of Chanhee’s worried expression.
You knew just how serious Chanhee was when it came to studies (especially with Maths since he was just exceptionally good at it) and seeing him so worried about the submission which was totally caused because of you made you feel guilty. I mean, how could you be so clumsy to hit the cup that was right in front of your eyes?
Chanhee just stares at you with a judging stare as if you were nuts or out of your mind (which you were, when it came to do something regarding him) to even suggest something like that to him, “Did you seriously lose it at this point?”
You just stare at Chanhee when he says that, a knowing smile spreading across your face, “What? Do you think this is my first time bunking a class? How do you think I managed to get out of trouble every time?”
Hearing you say that, Chanhee stares at you with wide eyes when he realises that this is not your first time sneaking out in the middle of the class to save yourself from a deadline that you obviously did not finish on time.
“So what did you do the next day? Did you submit your work or…?” he stops himself from finishing the sentence, waiting for you to give him the answer instead.
“Of course, I submitted my work. I mean…it was a day late, yeah but it was still complete. That's why you pull an all-nighter with a few cups of coffee by your side to accompany you.” you say with a giggle as you stare at Chanhee again, “So…wanna come with me or not? It’s nothing too crazy, we will just go on the rooftop.” You clarify as you put your hand forward to Chanhee, waiting for him to take hold of your hand in his (you just wanted his beautiful slender fingers to entangle in yours).
Looking down at your hand, an airy chuckle escapes his lips as he shakes his head softly but takes hold of your hand nonetheless. “You’re crazy, you know that?” he mumbles while walking out the door with you.
“I was never this crazy before you came,” You reply teasingly, your cheeks rising in a smile when Chanhee laughs at your answer.
“So, you’re saying that I made you like this?” He questions with an exaggerated scoff leaving his lips.
You just shrug your shoulders at him as you turn around, walking backwards with your eyes focused on his lean figure, “Maybe?”
“Hey! Watch out!” Chanhee yells in surprise. His instincts kick in fast as he immediately grips your arms and pulls you towards him. Only then do you take notice of the pillar which was in the way?
You could practically hear your heartbeat in your ears when your eyes travelled up to Chanhee, the proximity you both were sharing made your cheeks heat up when you realised, just how close you both were right now (You could feel his breath fanning against your cheeks but we won’t talk about).
Clearing your throat, you immediately pull away from Chanhee and start walking upstairs, to the rooftop while muttering a small ‘Thank you’ to him–too shy to look him in the eye.
“Hey! Wait up.” You hear Chanhee yell as his footsteps start approaching you and he walks beside you within a second. He and his damn long legs, you curse in your mind as you keep your eyes trailed on the ground, not having the courage to even look up at Chanhee.
“Don’t tell me you’re all shy because of what happened back there,” Chanhee says with a laugh as he pokes your shoulder lightly, having fun at your reaction.
“Oh shut it!” You say in a hurry as you enter the rooftop and close the door once he walks in with you.
Sitting on the floor you look up at the sky with your eyes closed as you hum to some random lyrics. The rooftop was what you called your safe space, even though you were always loud and fairly outgoing you had your moments too.
This place was where you preferred to be alone and in peace, you never really preferred anyone being with you at this time. So, bringing Chanhee here was a first for sure.
“Are you not cold?” Chanhee questions quietly as he stares at your bare arms and then back up at your face, waiting for your answer.
It was cold weather today so it was a given that you’d feel cold but he did not want to just give you his sweater without hearing your answer.
It’d be embarrassing for him if you declined his offer, “No, I like the cold weather!” You reply with enthusiasm as you look at him with a big grin.
Chanhee could see that you were shivering slightly but he decided to not push you ahead. He decided to stay quiet for a while when he remembered the question he wanted to ask you since you guys started talking.
“Can I ask you something?” You hear Chanhee’s soft yet gentle voice speak up, making you open your eyes and stare back at him with your curious round eyes.
You just nod your head at his question, motioning him to continue his question, “Where were you heading to with that huge ass cake in your hand?” Chanhee questions with sass lacing his tone as he looks at you with slightly judging eyes but there is this smidge of warmth and affection in his stare. It was not visible to the human eyes but you knew it was there.
“Ah, that…remember Sunwoo? So it was his girlfriend's birthday and I was assigned to bring the cake which I miserably failed at.” You tell him truthfully, slight guilt lacing your voice. Because of you, his girlfriend was not able to eat the delicious cake.
“Why the hell would you take it out of the box then? Isn’t it common sense to keep it in the packed box?” He asks, looking at you with a judging stare as he brings the back of his hand up to your forehead, acting as if he is checking your temperature, “Something really is wrong with you…” he says softly as he immediately pulls his hand back when you try to hit it.
“Don’t you dare,” he says with a glare as he immediately flicks your forehead and stands up from the floor to run away from you.
“Choi Chanhee!” You yell as you immediately start chasing after him
“Sorry ma’am, I don’t have your cake with me but you can surely check my clothes. You will find bits and pieces of the cake!” He yells while running away from you.
Entering the class, Chanhee furrows his eyebrows in confusion when he sees no sign of you.
You were always the first to be in the class (you always blamed your parents for waking you up early).
The entire day Chanhee couldn’t help but worry about you, he knew you wouldn’t just miss the day especially when you had to submit your overdue work.
“Ah finally!” Chanhee says to himself as he immediately packs up his bag to get to your house as soon as possible.
“Going to your girlfriend's house?” Chanhee hears Hyunjae’s annoying voice yell from across the room making him sigh at his childish behaviour.
“She’s not my girlfriend, Hyunjae.” He clarifies as he walks out the door with Hyunjae and his girlfriend trailing behind him.
“Yet. Just admit it, you like her, no? Your lovely Cake Warrior .” Hyunjae says as he pushes Chanhee’s shoulder lightly in a teasing manner as he looks at him with a knowing smile across his face.
Kicking Hyunjae’s shin, Chanhee just flips him off and walks away from there, knowing he would have to catch the bus to get to your house.
Ringing the doorbell, Chanhee waits for someone to open the door. Hearing no answer he presses the doorbell again and knocks on the door twice, getting slightly worried since he couldn’t hear any movement in the house.
Before he could knock on the door again Chanhee heard a faint voice coming from inside the house.
“Who’s there?” He hears your voice, it sounds a bit groggy as if you had just woken up from your sleep.
“Me, Chanhee.” Chanhee simply says as he leans against the wall, a cup of hot coffee in his hand as he waits for you to open the door.
“Chanhee who?” He hears your voice ask him, furrowing his eyebrows Chanhee scoffs at your question and heaves out a small sigh.
“The cake guy…” he mutters as he waits for you to open the door. “Real mature, Cake Warrior ,” Chanhee mumbles as soon as you open the door and let him in.
Entering the kitchen he places the cup of coffee on the counter and takes a seat on the chair, “Are you not well?” Chanhee questions as he settles his bag on the counter and looks at your tired figure.
You shake your head at his question and lay your head on the counter, too tired to even look up at him.
Looking at your state Chanhee, immediately stands up from his seat and sits down beside you.
Bringing his hands up to your forehead as he massages them gently, hoping the headache you were having would subside.
“You did not have to come here, you know?” You say softly, as you clear your throat when it starts paining.
“Who says I came here to take care of you? I am only here to give you the notes.” Chanhee defends himself as he immediately grabs his bag and takes out the notes to hand them to you.
A light shade of pink immediately creeps up his cheeks as he clears his throat and looks away from you, “Leave that, have some hot coffee. No cold drinks, you get that?” He warns you while handing you the cup of coffee.
Nodding at him, you immediately stand up from the chair and go into the living room to lay on the couch with Chanhee shortly following behind you once he took care of the mess in the kitchen.
Sitting opposite to you, Chanhee placed your legs on his lap as he massaged them for you.
Listening to the deafening silence you look at Chanhee curiously, “Why are you so nice to me?” You question him while staring at his face (you would never get tired of staring at that face).
Chuckling at your sudden question, Chanhee continues to massage your leg and looks down at you, “What is that supposed to mean?” He questions back with a cheeky smile on his face.
“I mean, you know…” you trail off, hoping he would understand what you meant to say.
“No, I don’t. Please elaborate.” You sigh at his answer and pull your leg back.
Sitting back up, you face Chanhee with your legs crossed.
“After what I did, I mean the cake, the Americano incident and all, I thought you’d resent me or something.” You clarify yourself while staring at Chanhee through your eyelashes.
“I don’t resent you. I mean yeah, I did hate you for ruining my clothes that day but you were a stranger at that time so it was a given, no?” You nod at his words and sigh again, “What’s bothering you now?” He asks with a smile.
“Why do you not hate me?” You ask him the same question again with your lower lip tucked out.
“Do you want me to hate you now?” Chanhee asks with a laugh as he pulls you closer towards him and places your head on his shoulder.
Patting your head soothingly, he hums softly, “If you don’t hate me, then do you like me?” You question after a while as you stare up at him.
You noticed how Chanhee stopped moving his fingers through your hair and just froze on the spot, his eyes widening slightly as he cleared his throat, “Why are you clearing your throat? I am the one who caught a cold.”
“You probably infected me, you germ-filled girl,” Chanhee says as he pushes you away slightly and sits up straight.
You snort at his words and look him in the eye, “Are you blushing? Hah, don't tell me you’re shy.” You say with a laugh, as you imitate his way of speaking.
“I don’t talk like that!” He whines as he stares at you with annoyance, “I never said you do!” You retort back as you mess his hair up and run away from there in your bedroom.
“Come back here!” Chanhee yells as he runs after you and follows you into the bedroom. Entering the room, he trips over the stuffed toy which was lying on the floor, resulting in both of you falling down on your bed with him on you.
Gulping, Chanhee stares into your eyes, only then does he realise just how beautiful your eyes are, “You have pretty eyes…” he mumbles in a whispery voice while looking down at your lips for a moment before diverting his eyes back up at you.
“You have such great lips,” you tell him as if you were in a trance with the way he was looking so captivating and ethereal.
You never told him but you always found him attractive, ever since you bumped into him with the cake in your hand (I mean, you asked him if he was free for a reason. You getting rejected was a different matter).
“Better than yours,” Chanhee says with a scoff as he tries to get back up only to get pulled down by you.
Grabbing a hold of his collar, you pull him down as you pull him in a slow, sensual kiss.
Being in shock, Chanhee didn’t know what to do so he stayed still yet he could hear his heart beating at a fast rate.
When you realise that Chanhee wasn’t kissing you back you try to pull away when he pulls you back in, his hands finding a way to your cheeks as he places one hand on your cheek and the other on the bed to support himself.
Pulling away slowly you look into Chanhee’s eyes, your face turning a shade of red as you clear your throat and push him away, making him fall down on the bed beside you.
“Your room is a mess,” he comments when you don’t say anything. Scoffing at his statement you grab your pillow which was beside you and hit his face with it.
“Way to go and ruin the moment, jerk.” You say as you stand up and walk out of the room with him following behind you while apologising.
You smile at yourself when you hear his frantic apologies, “Sorry, but seriously…do you need help cleaning-ACHOO!” He cuts himself off mid-sentence as he sneezes loudly making you look back at him with wide eyes.
“Great, you passed your flu to me, Cake Warrior .” He mumbles while wiping his nose with his sleeve.
“I am sorry but at least you like this lovely Cake Warrior , no?” You say with a cheeky smile as you go downstairs.
Back in the present
“See you guys soon! But don’t tell Hyunjae or Sunwoo that we met!” Younghoon yells as he leaves the restaurant since he has to go meet his wife at the coffee shop soon.
Giving an okay sign Chanhee turns to look at Eric as he sighs, “Do you still miss her?” He asks softly while paying for the bill.
Hearing his question all Eric does is click his tongue and shrug his shoulders.
Chanhee knew how much you both breaking up hurt him so he decided to leave the topic as it was and stood up to leave the place with Eric.
“See you soon.” He says as he pats erics shoulder
“Send us your wedding invitation!” Eric yells at Chanhee before parting ways with him.
Next instalment: tba
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o-onikix · 23 days
thank youuuu 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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o-onikix · 23 days
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Back 2 You (Kim Sunwoo)
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Too @o-onikix : happiest birthday to my ride or die, my Monica to my Rachel, my everything 🥺. I love you so so much and even tho I was not able to write for Wonwoo or Seungcheol I hope you like this little something I wrote for Sunwoo (which is totally not based on your character. Nope 👎). Again thank you for always being there for, you were literally there through it all (the days I was down, the time I was balling my eyes out and also when I was the happiest girl. It was truly only possible to be that happy because you were there by my side and it means a lot to me). I love how you’re always so protective of me and taking care of me through out all that has been happening nowadays:( I will always love you and cherish you. Thank you for always listening to me rant on and on about Chanhee and the detective from Revenant. I am definitely NOT gonna stop doing that anytime soon haha. Again a happiest birthday babes <3
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Warnings/Genre: situationship to lovers, they make out even tho they’re ‘enemies’, Sunwoo is a football player (pls don’t make me say soccer. I will never say that) while the reader is a cheerleader, it is said that he is toxic but he didn’t really show it, reader very much day dreams about Sunwoo, fluff, mentions of alcohol, they make out in the night sky, angst (a bit), hurt comfort
Word count: 2,407
Sana: hellooooo, back with a Sunwoo fic because it’s my besties birthday. Wasn’t able to write much because of lack of motivation but got some energy on Friday and was able to finish it till Saturday so yay me lol. A huge thanks to @deobienthusiast @sohnric and @jinnieboosworld for beta reading (and thanks to bar for helping me with the grammar and stuff). Sincerely sorry to @from-izzy for not letting her beta 😂 but here it is <3
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @kimsohn @mosviqu @a-dream-bookmark @deoboyznet
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It’s not like you hated Sunwoo (you did)–it’s just that most of the time that guy was just so full of himself, when in reality no one really cares about what he was saying (it was mostly him trying to flirt).
Sunwoo just had his own way of getting on your damn nerves just by a single smirk which makes its way to his face whenever he sees you in the hallways, in the class or even on the turf.
Typically, you wouldn’t mind his presence or anything. It wasn’t like you would be able to avoid him even if you wanted to.
Being the captain of the cheerleading team meant that you’d be practising on the ground while Sunwoo would be playing football (I mean, it’s not like you would steal secret yet frequent glances at him just to take a small look at him while he was busy playing. Of course not!).
I mean…of course, it’s kind of embarrassing (for you) if someone got to take a look inside your brain and all they would see are the fantasies you have about Sunwoo.
You find the fact that you’d like someone who’s just sooo cocky for their own sake that he just thinks that anyone who stares at him would go down on their knees, begging for attention or at least a glance from him, hilarious and hard to believe yourself.
But no, you were not like that. You were none of that, you were anything but that. You knew just how twisted Sunwoo was—I mean, of course you would… you were the one who was in the backseat of his car, making out with him when everyone was inside the house partying.
No matter how much you deny yourself, you cannot help but blush at the fact that you had made out with Sunwoo on numerous occasions.
Despite all of that you know that Sunwoo isn’t the one. Like the amount of times he had picked someone else over you made it clear that he is not someone who would be committed in a relationship (it’s not even like you were looking for a serious relationship yourself, but the thing is, deep down, you knew that whenever he would not prioritise you, you were of course hurt).
It's not even like you want to settle for the bare minimum, no! That is not who you are, but the times Sunwoo had taken care of you while you were drunk, the times he was there while you were at your lowest, really proved to you that he could be the one.
Only if you both were mature enough (and less egoistic) to realise your feelings for each other sooner, than maybe, maybe, you wouldn’t have been in this situation of push and pull anymore.
Heaving out a long sigh, you take your heels off as you sit on the footpath with regret and embarrassment.
Regret because you let some dumb fool take you out on a date a day before your birthday, and embarrassment for getting stood up like that.
If you would have known it would turn out like this, you wouldn’t have even agreed to this pathetic date. You knew he was just gonna use you like any other guy. That’s what guys do! But then again, you only agreed to this because your friends were forcing you to ‘live your life’ and to also move on from Sunwoo.
Their exact words would be: ‘Just get over Sunwoo.’ Like, when were you even under him to even get over him was the first thing to come to your mind; but then again…you did make out with him… maybe once? Or like twice (it was more than that for sure) but that’s not the case!
You were never even in love with Sunwoo to get over him or move on from him– they were just being ridiculous as always, was what you said to yourself.
But you knew better. You knew better than that, because of course, you always found yourself going back to him, no matter what the situation or state you were in.
And he was always there to cheer you up, or even just to make you laugh– even if it was just for a little while, that smile lasted you for a whole day.
That’s how Sunwoo was to you. Yes, he was an annoying jerk who was always full of himself and very much selfish, yet, he was also the one who was there for you when you needed him, no? I mean, yeah, he might have ditched you a couple of times, but what’s that gonna do when the amount of times he showed his support to you weighed more than the times he was being ignorant?
As a human, of course you would rather look at the bright side and the times where it was better than the ones in which you felt heartbroken or just…unwanted.
Now, that was also the exact reason why your fingers were automatically dialling Sunwoo’s number. Were you scared that he wouldn't pick up? Yes, but you knew he would. Because it was a rare occurrence for you to call him at this time of the day so he always made sure to pick up the call no matter what– that’s what you observed from him.
It was like an unspoken rule he had for you and only you. Maybe in that way you felt like you were special to him, because you both knew that he wouldn’t come running like that in the middle of the night for anyone but you.
“Can you come and pick me up? I will send you my location,” was all you said as you hung up on the call and sent him your current location.
You did not have to listen to his answer to know that he’s gonna come and get you, because you were more than sure that he will. That’s just how he is.
You stop looking down when you feel a presence standing in front of you. Slowly lifting your head up, you sniffle when your eyes make contact with the one who was standing in front of you, almost breathless.
“What’s wrong, hmm?” He asks gently while kneeling down, taking out a handkerchief from his back pocket and gently wiping the tears which were unknowingly flowing down your cheeks.
The tears were not there because of being stood up, but because of the fact that only now did you realise that you love him.
“Why are you so nice to me but you’re the same person whom I hate from the bottom of my heart?” You mumble quietly as you get up from the floor and hand your heels and purse over to Sunwoo, who held them without asking any questions.
Leaving him behind, you walk towards his car which was parked hastily, maybe because he was bad at parking (that’s a lie and even you knew that.). Entering the passenger seat, you look ahead with no certain thoughts circling your mind.
You just waited for Sunwoo to come in and drive away from here– and that’s exactly what he did, no questions asked. He knew better than to ask you anything about what happened.
With silence engulfing the two of you, you stare outside the window with some soft music playing in the background.
You could see Sunwoo’s reflection through the window– the way the night sky was shining its bright light on him andhis oh so fluffy hair which was a bit messy giving you the slightest urge to fix it for him, but you stopped yourself from doing so.
You stay quiet when Sunwoo stops the car by a small convenience store and leaves you by yourself to get something from there. You didn’t havethe slightest bit of energy in your body to even ask him what he was doing, so you just waited for him to come back.
The only thing which was on your mind right now was to go back to the comforts of your house with your favourite tub of ice cream (and a warm cup of coffee), laying in your bed as you watch your comfort film to ease your mind.
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear the door opening and see Sunwoo getting back into his seat with a plastic bag in his hand. You don’t pay much attention to him and just continue spacing out when you hear his soft, honey like voice again.
“Here.” That was when you realised Sunwoo was handing you chocolate ice cream.
Unknowingly, a small smile creeps up your face as you happily accept it with no further questions asked.
Just like that, Sunwoo started the car again as he drove off from there.
“You’re not in a hurry to go back home, are you?” He asks with his eyes solely focused on the road (with the occasional glances he was stealing at you, but we don’t talk about that).
“Why? You wanna take me out?” You ask teasingly as you take a bite out of your ice cream happily.
“Something like that… I wanna show you something.” You just stare at him when he says that and slowly nod your head. You trusted Sunwoo enough to know that he won’t do anything wrong, especially if you were there with him.
“Lead the way then, I guess.” You reply softly while finishing the rest of your ice cream.
“We’re already there, actually. Come out,” he says excitedly as he gets out of the car and goes to the front., Standing there, he waits for you to join him as he stares up at the night sky.
“The night sky is beautiful…” you say with amusement lacing your voice as you look up in awe.
“Right?” He replies back with a small laugh as he steals a small glance at you, “Do you… want to sit on the hood of the car? I can help you,” he questions softly while turning back to look at you.
Giving him a small nod, you yelp in surprise when Sunwoo lifts you up effortlessly and places you on top of the car.
After a moment of silence, you open your mouth to speak only to close it again, not knowing how to form the right words.
“Say what you want to say. I am all ears,” was all you hear from him as he keeps on contently staring up at the sky.
“Why are you doing all this?” You finally find the courage to ask him as you look down at your fingers, too afraid to look at the expressions he had on his face.
“Doing what? Being nice to you and only you?” He questions you back. There was no hint of teasing or mockery in his tone, yet, you kept on shyly playing with your fingers.
You stop playing with your fingers when Sunwoo gently grabs a hold of them. Looking up at him, you could feel your heart taking a small leap at the way he was so close, yet so far away from you.
He immediately turns around and points up at the sky, “You notice that one star over there? The most still and the clear one?” He asks before looking back at you. When you slowly shake your head, he looks back up again and continues. “That’s a North Pole star. It’s called Polaris and it’s known to be the constant star. It was used in navigation in old times,” he tells you before he hops on top of the car and sits beside you.
“What do you wanna say?” You ask softly as you stare at him in confusion. You did not know why he was talking in riddles like that, but it slightly amused you .
“I don’t want to be someone who is only there when you need me I want to be there when you’re happy, sad, or just… there. I want to be as constant as that star, Y/N. I might be ready to commit again,” he says softly as he takes your hand in his and kisses the back of your hand.
“What if you leave me?” You question him back. You were afraid that he might get bored of you and leave you– maybe that was one of the reasons which was stopping you from expressing yourself fully to him.
“What if I don't? I have been there for you even when we were sworn enemies… but then what if I am there for you not as your enemy, but as your boyfriend?” He explains himself before slowly inching closer towards you. “I want to be there for you Y/N, as your boyfriend and not just some guy you call when you’re in need.”
He says that as he slowly grabs a hold of your jawline,caressing it gently with his fingers while staring into your eyes. “Can I be your boyfriend?” He asks softly while stealing a small glance at your lips before quickly locking his eyes with yours.
When he sees the small glimpse of you nodding your head, he wastes no time and pulls you closer towards him, one hand still caressing your jaw while the other slowly creeps its way up your cheek.
You smile in the kiss when you sense the way he was being soft and gentle– unlike the times when you both had kissed before. This was different.
This kiss held everything which the others lacked– the soft, yet slow movements of his lips against yours as you slowly bring your hand up to his hair to entangle your fingers with the strands.
Pulling away from you, Sunwoo looks at you with a huge smile creeping up to his cheekbones. He goes back to his original position, licking his lips.
“You know what, Sunwoo?” You ask softly while your hands find his bigger ones to hold onto them.
Moving closer towards him, you place your head on his shoulder as you both look up at the sky, “I somehow always seem to find my way back to you,” you tell him with a gentle sigh escaping your lips.
You could hear a soft chuckle escaping his lips, which made you smile in return. “We are both on the same boat, then,” he whispers while placing his own head on top of yours.
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o-onikix · 1 month
Finally I can breath for a month now 🥹👌
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o-onikix · 2 months
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Magnetic (Eric Sohn)
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Too @sohnric : Happiest Birthday my Eric Stan 🥺. Omg you’re older now damn…okay to start off I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest and keep on being unhinged like always 🥺. Thank you for always being there for me and saving my ass from Izzy 🧍‍♀️. I love you loads and I hope you always know that. This is just something small I prepared for you since well…it’s your birthday. I hope you enjoy this even tho it’s not that good 🥺😭. Love you <3 and yes this is the reason why I did not ask you too beta read the Eric fic 🧍‍♀️💔. P.S don’t worry I did not stay up the whole night. I set an alarm clock to wake up sat 3:30 😚. I hope I wake up 🧍‍♀️. If it comes late then you know why that is! Well last but not least, enjoy your day to the fullest :) let’s keep on talking about Weak Hero Class 1 and what not in the future too <3
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Warnings/Genre: friends too lovers, cursing, making out, mentions of food, Eric is kind of flirty (I tried), sunshine x moon trope, reader is very oblivious, reader is a psychology major (idk if psychology majors have jury or no but I searched on google and google said arts students have jury so I think I am right but ik it’s wrong!), drinking but not really since they don’t drink in the scene (reader is just getting the after effects of drinking), reader likes to crochet! A small joke made out of the Shakespeare drama Julius Caesar 😭. I guess that’s it…lmk if I miss anything!
Word count: 6,077
Sana: Hihi, I am back with an Eric fic (I have more Eric fics than I have for my own bias wow). This is just a small something I wrote for bar so I hope you guys also like this. A special and huge thanks to @quaissants @strayed-quokka and @o-onikix for beta reading this and helping me in the process. And also a huge thanks to @sungbeam for making the banner for me 🥺🫶🏻. Love you. I was too scared to ask ally to beta because it was not my best work 💔. I was gonna add the other banner for this but then my friends moms said that it looks like he has a pacifier in his mouth so I was like nvm 😭.
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @sohnric @mosviqu @deoboyznet
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All this was new to you. These feelings, these butterflies wandering in your stomach, the feeling of love, those red cheeks, the feeling of falling in love and at last, him. He was new to you.
All these feelings you had were so new for you. Deep down you always knew and expected to love a man similar to you, and yet he was the complete opposite of what you could’ve imagined.
That is why it was a complete shock for you when you understood your true feelings for Eric Sohn, who was the complete opposite of what you expected your partner to be.
He was like the sun, always bright and drawing everyone's attention, annoying the hell out of them. And you were like the moon, lover of quiet places because they’d let you wander around your own world.
He was the polar opposite of you. You liked having your own space while he…well he loved getting into other’s space and annoying the hell out of them. That’s how you liked to describe him most of the time.
If anyone ever asked you what you thought about Eric,the first thing to come to your mind was ‘He’s a good guy but he’s noisy.’ Which is true! No matter the time or place,Eric would always have at least some energy to spare for you.
Sometimes you admire him for having that much energy in him. Like how can someone go a whole day screaming here and there without feeling tired or having a sore throat??
Blinking your eyes,you look down at the crochet you were working on, only to sigh in disappointment when you realise that you had messed up the pattern, again.
Still continuing with your work,you pay no mind to the people around you who were talking and screaming loudly with their fellow peers. You were fixated on finishing on whatever this was going to turn out to be.
“What’s that?” You hear a voice ask from beside you which makes you halt your hands and look up, only to give out a small grin when you realise that it was none other than Eric Sohn.
“Ah well…it was supposed to be a cute frog but I don’t know what it is anymore.” You mumble quietly as you go back to crocheting the now demonic frog (that was your personal assumption).
“I think it’s cute though.” He says softly as he looks into your eyes when you look up at him again.
You divert your gaze everywhere around the room, just to ignore his. Everything was now interesting, even the guy who was hogging the food. Your cheeks continue growing bright in colour as you try your best to avoid his intense gaze.
“You do not have a good taste then.” You say with sass as you elbow his stomach when he snorts at your reply.
“Really? But I am friends with you. Does that still mean I have bad taste?” He says cheekily and places his head on his hands which were placed on the table. Looking up at you he brings his hands up and pokes your cheek softly.
“That’s not what I meant! You know that!” You yell at him but soon a small smile comes up on your lips when you feel his fingers poking your cheek continuously.
“Your words, not mine but, let’s leave it like that. I came here to ask you something else..” Eric says that as he sits up properly while fixing his now messy hair.
You stop your hands from crocheting as you push Eric's hands away from his hair when you realise that he is just making them more messy than they already were.
“Your eyes are pretty..” Eric whispers softly. You momentarily stop fixing his hair, as you stare into his eyes for a moment, only to cough to hide your embarrassment.
“Stop that..” you say shyly as you fix his last strand of hair and move away from him to keep some gap between you two which you had closed without neither of you guys realising.
“Stop what? And you coughed on my face, thank you very much.” He says sarcastically as he grabs your handkerchief to wipe his face jokingly.
“Whatever,” you mumble as you snatch your handkerchief from his hand and go back to crocheting. “What did you want to talk about anyways?” You mumble as you again fix your gaze on the frog (which had these huge ass eyes and looked more like a demonic creature hence, the name.) you were crocheting again.
“I was wondering, since we’re free after our jury today and the sem is over now.. We would mostly be free, right?” He asks cautiously as he takes away your frog and places it on the table to have your full attention on him.
“Where are you going with this?” You ask in complete confusion when Eric takes ahold of your hand in his and places them on his lap making you face him.
“Promise that you won’t back out once I tell you about the plan.” He says while putting his pinky finger in front of you, urging you to lock yours with his as a way to keep the promise tact.
You stare at him and then at his finger for a moment before letting out a small sigh at his childish behaviour. “Fine, promise. Now tell me..” you say with a small grin when he breaks the fingers apart but still having a hold of your other hand in his large ones.
“We have a sealed deal, okay? This gesture means that I can break your finger if you don’t stay true to your word and break our promise!” He says while pointing his finger at you. You only smile at him and nod your head when he boops your nose with his finger.
“Everyone was planning to go to the amusement park tomorrow in the evening…I was wondering if you wanted to join us? Wait- no I want you to join us.” You stare at Eric when he says that.
You didn’t hate going out per se, but you would rather just stay at home on the last day of the sem,catch up on your lost sleep and the dramas—be a couch potato in general.
You had a lot more time to have fun with your peers and friends the day after. You just needed some alone time away from everything and just focus on yourself.
Before you could even back down you remembered how you had promised Eric to not back out of whatever he was about to ask.
“For how long?” You ask him as you stand up and grab your stuff to exit the cafeteria with Eric by your side.
“Just for a few hours. We were planning on going to the new restaurant which had opened up but if you get too exhausted we can just go over to your place and order some food. I know how you get when you’re exhausted..” he says with a smile as he grabs most of your stuff and carries them for you instead of you having to ask him to do so.
You smile at his gesture knowing how he would always step in first to help you out even when they’re just small things.
You liked how he was always so observant and not full of himself unlike some people you knew in the past.
It’s the little things he does which makes your heart beat grow faster. It makes you feel like you just came back from running somewhere or as if you dashed through the hallways to reach your class on time.
It’s as if your heart starts pounding whenever he is closer. You sometimes wonder if you can hide your feelings well or not. Because even from afar, he looks so…surreal. The only thing that comes to mind when your eyes meet his is ‘oh my gosh, his eyes are so pretty’. You do wish to drown in those deep eyes, sometimes.
If staring at him for the whole day was a paid job you’d probably be a billionaire by now because of how much you stare at him.
“Maybe we can go to the nearby club when I am more free? Just the two of us are fine.” You tell him as you grab your books from his hands and enter your class, not waiting back to hear his reply knowing he was just going to agree with what you just said.
Standing beside Eric you look around in awe amazed by the different kinds of rides in the park.
You notice Eric walking away for a moment saying he wanted to buy something urgently so you paid him no mind and just gave a small nod at him acknowledging his words.
you were so immersed by everything that you failed to notice his return. He came back, holding two cotton candies in his hands.
“Here.” You hear his voice beside you.
Looking at him your eyes gleam with happiness when you take notice of the pink coloured sugary sweet in his hand which he was offering to you.
“Thanks!” You say happiness evident in your voice and your features as you take a few bites out of the cotton candy.
“Woah, can we ride that?!” You shout in excitement as you grab Eric’s hand and pull him towards the queue to buy the tickets for the ride.
You look back at Eric when you see him just standing behind you with a straight face, no expression adorning his facial features as he smiles at you nervously when he notices your excited gaze looking back at him.
“What’s wrong?” You ask once you notice his nervousness.
“Are you sure…you want to ride that?” He asks while scratching the back of his neck while trying to look anywhere but you.
He could feel his cheeks heating up in embarrassment knowing he’s just ratting himself out by trying to avoid getting on the ride.
“Yes! I have always wanted to try this out with someone!” You say with excitement as you wave his hands around trying to convince him to get on the ride with you.
“Since you’re insisting and begging so much…I might as well get on the ride with you. Don’t worry, you can hold onto my hand if you get scared!” He says with fake enthusiasm (and probably even gaslighting himself into believing that he would be fine on the ride) as he grabs your hand and drags you towards the ticket counter. “Ticket for two please.” He requests the cashier.
“We don’t have to ride it if you’re scared or something..” you reassure him when he starts walking towards the first seat of the ride.
“No, I want to. I told you I am there to protect you, didn’t I?” He bluffs as he lets you settle down in the ride before getting in right after you.
After helping you fasten your seat belt,he looks around the area in wonder when he feels the ride moving slowly.
He could feel his palms getting sweaty with fear and nervousness when the ride started moving, but he tried his best to stay calm and collected.
Closing his eyes he pays attention to the sounds going on and off through his ears as he tries to drown them out when he feels your warm hands embracing his sweaty, colder ones.
Peeking through his right eye he could see you looking ahead with excitement when the ride came at the most exciting part.
“Can…can you hold my hand?” You hear his small voice squeak through his throat as he holds out his hand for you to hold it.
“And you said you were the one to protect me.” You tease as you immediately grab his hand in a tight grip to help him calm down.
“Woah okay…” you turn your head and look at Eric’s flushed face as you rub your thumb against the back of his hand in a way to give him some comfort. “Why is this going so sl-” before he could complete his sentence a loud scream escapes his lips as he pulls you closer to him with great force.
Letting out a scream you look ahead of you as you feel your heart thump in fear that’s what you hoped so when Eric clutched your hand tightly while pulling you closer.
You could feel his breath fanning your face making you shiver. Closing your eyes you look away from his face as you look around the view when the ride starts to slow down.
Loosening your hand which was gripping onto Eric’s, you slowly let go of it as you immediately undo your seatbelt and get out of the ride when the ride comes to a complete stop.
“Oh..let’s go to a restaurant or somewhere..” you mumble tiredly as you start walking away from him. Too embarrassed and shy to look at Eric’s face.
“Aren’t you tired though?” Eric mumbles once he catches up to you. Gripping onto your hand he takes hold of your purse so that you can walk more freely.
“You don’t have to do that..” you say softly as you try to take your purse back from him only for him to gently push your hand away in reassurance.
“It’s fine. I can handle that.” He says as he pulls you closer by your waist and leads the way to his car. “Oh…is this the frog you were crocheting?” He mumbles once his eyes catch the small crocheted item made by you.
Keeping it in the backseat, he helps you put your seatbelt on. “Let’s head back over to my house. You already look exhausted with all the activities you did.”
You look over at him when he says that. He really does pay attention to the small details related to you. “I thought you wanted to go out and have some dinner with the guys?” You say softly while eyeing his side profile.
His lips which always looked so kissable, you admit to yourself that there were times when you had thought about kissing Eric but he does not have to know that, now does he?
“Hmm no it’s fine. I would rather spend the night with you than listen to them talking about some stupid things.” He says with a chuckle as he gives your hand a light squeeze in reassurance. “Oh by the way, can I have the frog you crocheted?” Eric asks once he had stopped laughing.
Looking at you for a split second, his eyes travel down to your lips for a split second only for them to divert back to your eyes.
“Why would you want that?” You question back, your brows furrowing in confusion as you grab your purse from the backseat and stare at the crocheted frog which was handing on the chain.
You didn’t exactly like it because it was not your best piece, you were still learning and you just crocheted for fun and to help you with stress.
You made the frog crochet into a keychain because you did not want to throw it away despite it not being the best thing you made.
“I like it, it’s cute!” He says with a smile on his face. His cheekbones rising up making his cheeks look puffy (in a cute way of course).
“It’s so not cute, Eric..” you say with a sigh as you shake your head at his silliness when he whines at your answer.
“Why can’t I just have it? I like everything you crochet..” he replies back once the car comes to a halt at the red light. “Come on, let me have it. I will treasure it the same way I treasure you..” he says softly as he places his hand on your thigh to convince you.
Looking up at him you break eye contact almost instantly when you notice him staring at you intensely, “Look at me..” he whines as he places his hands on your cheeks and makes you stare at him. Squishing your cheeks together he lets out a small laugh while looking at your lips which were in an ‘o’ shape. “Give me the frog please.” He pleads while batting his eyes together in a fast motion to try and convince you (well hopefully).
You could feel your heart beating at a fast pace again. If you could, you would just kiss him but that’d be too reckless of you, no? Snapping out of your thoughts you clear your throat and speak up.
“I can make one for you especially..” you say, your words coming out a bit jumbled because of your cheeks getting squeezed together.
“You can?” Eric asks softly as he slowly pulls away from you and turns ahead when the light turns green.
“Of course, since you so badly want the frog I can just make something else for you. Something better..” you say with a nod as you keep your bag in the backseat again.
“But I would still be happy if you gave me the frog crochet..” he replies in a sing-song voice as he turns on the radio to play some songs.
You sigh when he says that, there’s no winning against Eric when it comes to something he wants. You knew how stubborn the latter was. Youjust couldn't argue with him, especially with those eyes of his, which would always sparkle when talking with you (it might be your delusion speaking, but you always saw his eyes sparkle when talking with you and you only).
You smile in delight when Eric plays Best Years by 5sos. He still remembers your favourite artist. He was also the one who accompanied you to the concerts and saw you going crazy, so it was kind of an unforgettable experience.
You sigh in satisfaction as you look out the window in content while humming and singing along to the lyrics of the song while Eric drives the car.
Entering the house you place your bag on the counter table as you go in the washroom to wash up.
Knowing Eric, he might already be ordering some food so that was least of your worries. The guy knew your favourite food all too well.
Turning on the shower you wait for the water to get hot as you strip off your clothes.
Once it is lukewarm, you enter the shower as thoughts start to occupy your mind.
Did you really like Eric? Or was your heart just not functioning properly? And….and those butterflies wandering in your stomach when he does or remembers something you like. Oh gosh! You never felt this way for any guy before, that’s for sure.
You and Eric are like the polar opposites, everyone knows that. They still wonder how you and Eric are still together as friends knowing how the other guy is.
You were someone who always preferred your own space, you liked being in your own shell and just being lost in your thoughts.
Eric was the opposite! He was always outgoing, just like everyone calls him the social butterfly and boy was he true to that name given to him.
He could instantly make anyone comfortable with him be it a small kid, an adult or someone older than him. He had that kind of charm in him.
Getting the bottle of shampoo which Eric had you start washing your hair with it as you think back to the time when Eric had approached you.
Sitting at the back of your stats class, you try your best to pay attention to what the professor was saying but it was not that easy.
The headache you were having since the morning was getting worse, now it was truly your fault for going to a club with your friends on a Sunday night knowing you had early classes the very next day.
But what could you do when you just wanted a few drinks to get your mind of all the stress the major you were majoring in was giving you?
To put it simply, it’s not easy being a psychology major. The amount of assignments which are piling on your desk at the dorm and at your house along with all the essays you have yet to turn in.
No matter how many times you stay up all night the work just keeps on increasing, as if you broke the stop button.
So when your friends offered you to tag along with them to the nearby club for a few drinks how could you even turn them down? So of course you went along with them and had a little bit too much.
Massaging your temples with your eyes closed you try your best to think of something else. Anything to distract yourself from the massive headache you were having.
“Here, take some painkillers.” You hear a voice say from beside you. Turning your head around you could feel your voice getting stuck in your throat when you see the man sitting beside you.
Messy blond hair, he had decent casual clothes on. A pair of a hoodie with a cap on top of his head which was now in his hands since he was trying to fix his strands of hair which were getting in his eyes.
“Let me help you.” You say softly as you lean closer towards him and help him fix his hair.
You don't even know where you got this confidence from but it’s as if your hands moved on its own before you could even comprehend what you were about to do.
Leaning closer to his face you fix his hair as your eyes stay focused on his hair. You try your best to not look anywhere else but the oversized hoodie was revealing his collarbones and you were oh so tempted to check him out but you stopped yourself.
“You have pretty eyes.” You hear him say. You did not even know his name and you were already blushing at something a stranger said to you? How could he have such a huge impact on you so quickly was beyond your imagination.
“Oh thanks haha.” You say with a shy voice as you move away from him before you do something you’d regret (example: kiss him).
“Oh here. Take it.” He says once you move away from him. Sliding the pills to you he grabs your bottle of water which was beside him and opens it up for you.
“How did you know I was having a headache? I don’t think we've ever met each other before.” You question him while taking a pill in your hand.
“Oh well we have a few mutual friends but we never talked with each other before. I was at the club yesterday and noticed you.” He explains himself while grabbing a random paper which was lying beside him to doodle on it.
“Ah I see..thanks for the medicine…?” You furrow your brows when you realise that he never introduced himself to you.
“Oh! It’s Eric but you can call me anything you’d like. Maybe…yours?” He says with a flirty and cheeky smile adorning his oh so handsome face. Standing up from the chair he gets ready to leave the classroom only to turn around to look at you again. “See you around..” he waits for you to complete the sentence.
“Y/N,” you say with a small smile. Scrunching up your nose, you close your eyes when he pats your head with his hand.
“See you around, Y/N.” Eric says as he starts walking away.
Flashback end
Turning off the shower you leave the washroom with a bathrobe wrapped around your body.
Opening up the closet of Eric’s you look through his clothes when your eyes catch the black hoodie off his. The same one he was wearing on the day you both met for the first time.
Grabbing the hoodie you slip into the clothes as you start drying your hair with the towel Eric had kept for you.
“Wait, let me help you.” You hear Eric’s voice say as soon as he walks in the room.
You look at him through the mirror as he helps you in drying your hair with the towel.
“You’re wearing that hoodie.” Eric says with a grin as he grabs the comb to untangle your hair.
“It’s comfortable..” you mumble with a small smile on your lips.
Sitting on the couch, you take a bite out of your pizza slice as you turn on the TV to watch the series.
From the corner of your eyes you notice Eric taking out a packet of ramen making you let out a groan in annoyance at his behaviour, “Why can't you just eat some of the food which is served right here instead of making some noodles which you inhale almost everyday?” You question him once you have swallowed your food.
Eric just shakes his head as he smiles at you sheepishly. You knew winning against him was useless since he won’t listen to you either ways so you just let him be and continue eating your food while sipping from your can of coke (very original 🙄).
Giving him a slice of pizza which was in your hand you rest your body against the armrest of the couch as you place your legs on his lap so that you can be more comfortable and relaxed.
Heaving out a sigh you look at the TV screen when a question pops into your mind. You give Eric a look as you notice how his whole attention was on the TV.
You always wondered why that man was never dating anyone when so many girls out there were quite literally dying for him. Even the slightest bit of attention given by that man to them made them feel accomplished.
Well technically in their eyes you were the one person who has accomplished their dream. Which was too close with Eric and well…you might be the only girl who would get his whole attention whenever you want it.
The man would quite literally drop whatever he was doing just so he could talk with you. That was also the reason why everyone used to call him a simp and a lovesick puppy for running around everywhere just to be with you.
“Why are you not dating anyone?” You ask suddenly while staring at Eric’s side profile. You widen your eyes when Eric starts coughing while holding his chest.
Immediately sitting straight you grab the glass of water which Eric had brought along with him. Standing up you walk beside him in hurry as you help him drink the water while rubbing his back soothingly hoping it’d help him calm down.
“Feeling better?” You asked nervously once Eric had stopped coughing. Once he gives a slight nod to your question you sign in relief as you go and take a seat beside him.
Taking a seat you grab ahold of Eric’s hand while massaging them gently.
“Why did you ask that question so suddenly?” Eric mumbles as he takes a big gulp of water while trying to control his breathing.
You just simply shrug at his question as you look away from him, anywhere but him. You did not have it in you to look him in the eye after asking such an absurd question.
“I was..I don’t know. Curious maybe?” You say in a hushed tone as you slowly bring your gaze back at him. If someone saw you right now, they’d think you dreamt about something scary because of the way your eyes were shaking. “I mean don’t get me wrong! It’s just that…everyone wants you as their boyfriend but you never pay attention to them. Why’s that?” You question him slowly.
“Do you want me to be your boyfriend?” Eric asks softly as he fully turns his body towards you to face you.
You could feel yourself choke at his choice of words as you immediately let out a nervous laugh when he says that.
“What are you talking about? I am serious Eric…” you say with a shy chuckle as you slap his shoulder gently. Trying to play it off coolly.
“Well then what about you then? A lot of guys I know like you, they even asked you out but you always turned them down. Why’s that?” He asks the question with his brows raised, waiting for you to answer his question.
You look down at the ground in wonder. Why did you turn them down? It’s not like you were waiting for someone else or were you? You immediately shake your head when you realise how Eric was avoiding your questions.
“Don’t change the subject!” You say with a glare as you flick his forehead gently.
You smile softly when he acts as if the flick hurted him knowing damn well that he was just acting to tease you.
“Do you just not see it?” Eric says while rubbing the back off his neck shyly.
You stare at him in confusion when he says that.Notice what? The way he pouts whenever he’s eating something he likes? Or the amount of tattoos he has on his body? Or maybe the fact that he's always having the same heart eyes when talking with you? Well of course you would ignore the last bit! But he doesn’t have to know that, now does he?
You just shake your head at his question, waiting for him to make himself clear so that you can assure yourself that whatever your hunch was telling you was in fact correct! “I like you silly..” Eric finally says with a small airy chuckle leaving his lips.
He moves closer towards you so that he can pull you closer, “I have never paid this much attention to someone before but you. It’s like…I am magnetised whenever I am with you. I cannot feel myself wanting to leave your side whenever we both are together. I always try to play it cool when it comes to you but I just seem to fail at that. Everyone knows that but you..everything about you sticks to my heart. It’s like…it’s something I cannot express in words.” He says softly while pulling you closer.
All you could ever think about at that moment was, ‘Oh my god?’ You couldn’t get yourself to believe it when Eric brought himself closer towards you, you immediately snapped out of your thoughts.
“Is it fine…if I?” You give him a small nod when he asks that.
And there it is, the spark you always felt whenever he did something oh so small but it always somehow made you feel special.
The way he gently grabbed a hold of your chin slowly moving to the back of your neck while his other hand gripped onto your waist, squeezing it lightly he pulled you closer while moving his lips in sync with yours.
You could feel yourself shiver at his feather light touches, especially when his hands started to travel up towards your spine. The lingering sensation stayed there even when his hand was already engulfing in your hair.
You immediately entangle your hands in his hair while kissing him to deepen the kiss.
You wrap your arms around Eric as you pull him closer towards you. You never thought you’d ever be cuddling with Eric like this.
I mean you never thought of Eric as someone who’d enjoy being the one being cuddled but looking at the man right now you could tell that he was enjoying this more than anyone.
You slowly snuggle closer to Eric as you listen to his calm breathing. You never thought that this day would come but here you are, laying on the same bed with Eric Sohn, cuddling together.
To say the least, you were content with what you had at the moment. This is all you could ask for.
Entering the auditorium you sigh in embarrassment when you see Eric, Sunwoo and Haknyeon playing around with the props which were lying on the stage.
It’s been a few months since you both made your relationship official. Everyone around you was obviously more than delighted to hear it, I mean the lovesick boy's love was finally accepted by you.
And ever since you guys made the relationship official, of course you guys were named for being the cutest couple and for making the singles in the group more single than ever because of how you and Eric flirt all the time when together.
You walk towards them with your hands behind your back as you let out a chuckle when Eric falls on the ground dramatically.
“Et tu, Brute? Wait no…Et tu, Sunwoo?” Eric says with hurt as he looks up at Sunwoo who was holding the sword in his hand with a crazy smile on his face.
You widen your eyes when Haknyeon pours some water on the floor as a way to depict the blood shed by Sunwoo.
You notice how Chanhee, who was sitting on the edge of the stage, starts hiding his face because of his friends behaviour.
You just go and take a seat beside him while you wait for Eric to take a notice of your presence.
You were about to open your mouth to speak with Chanhee when a loud voice beams through the whole auditorium making you laugh, “Y/N!” You immediately stand up from your seat and open your arms, waiting for Eric to hug you like always.
“When did you get here, sweetheart?” Eric mumbles, his face being placed on the crook of your neck as he melts in your warm embrace.
“Just now while you were imitating about being stabbed. I was about to talk with Chanhee when a certain someone came running here.” You say with a teasing smile.
You laugh when Eric glares at Chanhee playfully before holding you closer, “Mine!” Eric says to Chanhee before sticking his tongue out at him.
Chanhee just sighs and nods at the younger’s behaviour as he stands up from the seat to walk away from you both.
“Where are you going?” Eric questions in confusion when Chanhee starts walking away towards Sunwoo and Haknyeon who were, well…throwing water at each other.
“Not interested in looking at you both being all lovey dovey in front of me!” Chanhee shouts back as he gets on the stage which was a great mistake because he apparently became the boy's next target.
“You’re just jealous because you don’t have a girlfriend like Y/N!” Eric teases and laughs loudly when Chanhee throws a middle finger at him while trying to save himself from the two boys.
Diverting his attention back to you he offers you a smile as he takes your hand in his while walking towards the exit door only to stop when you start looking through your bag.
“Here..” you take out a small crocheted keychain which was of a flower. It was abit tiny in size but it’s something Eric would cherish so you were more than happy to make something so special for him.
“For me?” He asks in astonishment while gently taking it from your hand. Scared it might fall apart if he grabs it aggressively.
“Sweetheart, it’s beautiful.” He mumbles while immediately attaching the keychain on his bag.
“You like it?” You ask with happiness. You were glad he liked the item you crocheted. When he gives you a nod you immediately hug him tightly. “I am glad you do! I was gonna crochet something else but then it turned out to be Sunwoo in evil form so I discarded it.” You say with a smile as you pull away from him.
Eric laughs at your choice of words while holding your hand tightly in his grip.
“Want to get some ice cream?” He asked once you were out of the auditorium.
Seeing you nod enthusiastically, he immediately starts dragging you towards his car.
Well as they say, opposites do attract and you were glad you found Eric. He was kind of like your other half, you never thought or even dreamt about this moment but here you were, going on an ice cream date with your boyfriend.
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o-onikix · 2 months
your welcm sani sana. but lmao the pacifier 😭😭😭
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Magnetic (Eric Sohn)
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Too @sohnric : Happiest Birthday my Eric Stan 🥺. Omg you’re older now damn…okay to start off I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest and keep on being unhinged like always 🥺. Thank you for always being there for me and saving my ass from Izzy 🧍‍♀️. I love you loads and I hope you always know that. This is just something small I prepared for you since well…it’s your birthday. I hope you enjoy this even tho it’s not that good 🥺😭. Love you <3 and yes this is the reason why I did not ask you too beta read the Eric fic 🧍‍♀️💔. P.S don’t worry I did not stay up the whole night. I set an alarm clock to wake up sat 3:30 😚. I hope I wake up 🧍‍♀️. If it comes late then you know why that is! Well last but not least, enjoy your day to the fullest :) let’s keep on talking about Weak Hero Class 1 and what not in the future too <3
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Warnings/Genre: friends too lovers, cursing, making out, mentions of food, Eric is kind of flirty (I tried), sunshine x moon trope, reader is very oblivious, reader is a psychology major (idk if psychology majors have jury or no but I searched on google and google said arts students have jury so I think I am right but ik it’s wrong!), drinking but not really since they don’t drink in the scene (reader is just getting the after effects of drinking), reader likes to crochet! A small joke made out of the Shakespeare drama Julius Caesar 😭. I guess that’s it…lmk if I miss anything!
Word count: 6,077
Sana: Hihi, I am back with an Eric fic (I have more Eric fics than I have for my own bias wow). This is just a small something I wrote for bar so I hope you guys also like this. A special and huge thanks to @quaissants @strayed-quokka and @o-onikix for beta reading this and helping me in the process. And also a huge thanks to @sungbeam for making the banner for me 🥺🫶🏻. Love you. I was too scared to ask ally to beta because it was not my best work 💔. I was gonna add the other banner for this but then my friends moms said that it looks like he has a pacifier in his mouth so I was like nvm 😭.
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @sohnric @mosviqu @deoboyznet
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All this was new to you. These feelings, these butterflies wandering in your stomach, the feeling of love, those red cheeks, the feeling of falling in love and at last, him. He was new to you.
All these feelings you had were so new for you. Deep down you always knew and expected to love a man similar to you, and yet he was the complete opposite of what you could’ve imagined.
That is why it was a complete shock for you when you understood your true feelings for Eric Sohn, who was the complete opposite of what you expected your partner to be.
He was like the sun, always bright and drawing everyone's attention, annoying the hell out of them. And you were like the moon, lover of quiet places because they’d let you wander around your own world.
He was the polar opposite of you. You liked having your own space while he…well he loved getting into other’s space and annoying the hell out of them. That’s how you liked to describe him most of the time.
If anyone ever asked you what you thought about Eric,the first thing to come to your mind was ‘He’s a good guy but he’s noisy.’ Which is true! No matter the time or place,Eric would always have at least some energy to spare for you.
Sometimes you admire him for having that much energy in him. Like how can someone go a whole day screaming here and there without feeling tired or having a sore throat??
Blinking your eyes,you look down at the crochet you were working on, only to sigh in disappointment when you realise that you had messed up the pattern, again.
Still continuing with your work,you pay no mind to the people around you who were talking and screaming loudly with their fellow peers. You were fixated on finishing on whatever this was going to turn out to be.
“What’s that?” You hear a voice ask from beside you which makes you halt your hands and look up, only to give out a small grin when you realise that it was none other than Eric Sohn.
“Ah well…it was supposed to be a cute frog but I don’t know what it is anymore.” You mumble quietly as you go back to crocheting the now demonic frog (that was your personal assumption).
“I think it’s cute though.” He says softly as he looks into your eyes when you look up at him again.
You divert your gaze everywhere around the room, just to ignore his. Everything was now interesting, even the guy who was hogging the food. Your cheeks continue growing bright in colour as you try your best to avoid his intense gaze.
“You do not have a good taste then.” You say with sass as you elbow his stomach when he snorts at your reply.
“Really? But I am friends with you. Does that still mean I have bad taste?” He says cheekily and places his head on his hands which were placed on the table. Looking up at you he brings his hands up and pokes your cheek softly.
“That’s not what I meant! You know that!” You yell at him but soon a small smile comes up on your lips when you feel his fingers poking your cheek continuously.
“Your words, not mine but, let’s leave it like that. I came here to ask you something else..” Eric says that as he sits up properly while fixing his now messy hair.
You stop your hands from crocheting as you push Eric's hands away from his hair when you realise that he is just making them more messy than they already were.
“Your eyes are pretty..” Eric whispers softly. You momentarily stop fixing his hair, as you stare into his eyes for a moment, only to cough to hide your embarrassment.
“Stop that..” you say shyly as you fix his last strand of hair and move away from him to keep some gap between you two which you had closed without neither of you guys realising.
“Stop what? And you coughed on my face, thank you very much.” He says sarcastically as he grabs your handkerchief to wipe his face jokingly.
“Whatever,” you mumble as you snatch your handkerchief from his hand and go back to crocheting. “What did you want to talk about anyways?” You mumble as you again fix your gaze on the frog (which had these huge ass eyes and looked more like a demonic creature hence, the name.) you were crocheting again.
“I was wondering, since we’re free after our jury today and the sem is over now.. We would mostly be free, right?” He asks cautiously as he takes away your frog and places it on the table to have your full attention on him.
“Where are you going with this?” You ask in complete confusion when Eric takes ahold of your hand in his and places them on his lap making you face him.
“Promise that you won’t back out once I tell you about the plan.” He says while putting his pinky finger in front of you, urging you to lock yours with his as a way to keep the promise tact.
You stare at him and then at his finger for a moment before letting out a small sigh at his childish behaviour. “Fine, promise. Now tell me..” you say with a small grin when he breaks the fingers apart but still having a hold of your other hand in his large ones.
“We have a sealed deal, okay? This gesture means that I can break your finger if you don’t stay true to your word and break our promise!” He says while pointing his finger at you. You only smile at him and nod your head when he boops your nose with his finger.
“Everyone was planning to go to the amusement park tomorrow in the evening…I was wondering if you wanted to join us? Wait- no I want you to join us.” You stare at Eric when he says that.
You didn’t hate going out per se, but you would rather just stay at home on the last day of the sem,catch up on your lost sleep and the dramas—be a couch potato in general.
You had a lot more time to have fun with your peers and friends the day after. You just needed some alone time away from everything and just focus on yourself.
Before you could even back down you remembered how you had promised Eric to not back out of whatever he was about to ask.
“For how long?” You ask him as you stand up and grab your stuff to exit the cafeteria with Eric by your side.
“Just for a few hours. We were planning on going to the new restaurant which had opened up but if you get too exhausted we can just go over to your place and order some food. I know how you get when you’re exhausted..” he says with a smile as he grabs most of your stuff and carries them for you instead of you having to ask him to do so.
You smile at his gesture knowing how he would always step in first to help you out even when they’re just small things.
You liked how he was always so observant and not full of himself unlike some people you knew in the past.
It’s the little things he does which makes your heart beat grow faster. It makes you feel like you just came back from running somewhere or as if you dashed through the hallways to reach your class on time.
It’s as if your heart starts pounding whenever he is closer. You sometimes wonder if you can hide your feelings well or not. Because even from afar, he looks so…surreal. The only thing that comes to mind when your eyes meet his is ‘oh my gosh, his eyes are so pretty’. You do wish to drown in those deep eyes, sometimes.
If staring at him for the whole day was a paid job you’d probably be a billionaire by now because of how much you stare at him.
“Maybe we can go to the nearby club when I am more free? Just the two of us are fine.” You tell him as you grab your books from his hands and enter your class, not waiting back to hear his reply knowing he was just going to agree with what you just said.
Standing beside Eric you look around in awe amazed by the different kinds of rides in the park.
You notice Eric walking away for a moment saying he wanted to buy something urgently so you paid him no mind and just gave a small nod at him acknowledging his words.
you were so immersed by everything that you failed to notice his return. He came back, holding two cotton candies in his hands.
“Here.” You hear his voice beside you.
Looking at him your eyes gleam with happiness when you take notice of the pink coloured sugary sweet in his hand which he was offering to you.
“Thanks!” You say happiness evident in your voice and your features as you take a few bites out of the cotton candy.
“Woah, can we ride that?!” You shout in excitement as you grab Eric’s hand and pull him towards the queue to buy the tickets for the ride.
You look back at Eric when you see him just standing behind you with a straight face, no expression adorning his facial features as he smiles at you nervously when he notices your excited gaze looking back at him.
“What’s wrong?” You ask once you notice his nervousness.
“Are you sure…you want to ride that?” He asks while scratching the back of his neck while trying to look anywhere but you.
He could feel his cheeks heating up in embarrassment knowing he’s just ratting himself out by trying to avoid getting on the ride.
“Yes! I have always wanted to try this out with someone!” You say with excitement as you wave his hands around trying to convince him to get on the ride with you.
“Since you’re insisting and begging so much…I might as well get on the ride with you. Don’t worry, you can hold onto my hand if you get scared!” He says with fake enthusiasm (and probably even gaslighting himself into believing that he would be fine on the ride) as he grabs your hand and drags you towards the ticket counter. “Ticket for two please.” He requests the cashier.
“We don’t have to ride it if you’re scared or something..” you reassure him when he starts walking towards the first seat of the ride.
“No, I want to. I told you I am there to protect you, didn’t I?” He bluffs as he lets you settle down in the ride before getting in right after you.
After helping you fasten your seat belt,he looks around the area in wonder when he feels the ride moving slowly.
He could feel his palms getting sweaty with fear and nervousness when the ride started moving, but he tried his best to stay calm and collected.
Closing his eyes he pays attention to the sounds going on and off through his ears as he tries to drown them out when he feels your warm hands embracing his sweaty, colder ones.
Peeking through his right eye he could see you looking ahead with excitement when the ride came at the most exciting part.
“Can…can you hold my hand?” You hear his small voice squeak through his throat as he holds out his hand for you to hold it.
“And you said you were the one to protect me.” You tease as you immediately grab his hand in a tight grip to help him calm down.
“Woah okay…” you turn your head and look at Eric’s flushed face as you rub your thumb against the back of his hand in a way to give him some comfort. “Why is this going so sl-” before he could complete his sentence a loud scream escapes his lips as he pulls you closer to him with great force.
Letting out a scream you look ahead of you as you feel your heart thump in fear that’s what you hoped so when Eric clutched your hand tightly while pulling you closer.
You could feel his breath fanning your face making you shiver. Closing your eyes you look away from his face as you look around the view when the ride starts to slow down.
Loosening your hand which was gripping onto Eric’s, you slowly let go of it as you immediately undo your seatbelt and get out of the ride when the ride comes to a complete stop.
“Oh..let’s go to a restaurant or somewhere..” you mumble tiredly as you start walking away from him. Too embarrassed and shy to look at Eric’s face.
“Aren’t you tired though?” Eric mumbles once he catches up to you. Gripping onto your hand he takes hold of your purse so that you can walk more freely.
“You don’t have to do that..” you say softly as you try to take your purse back from him only for him to gently push your hand away in reassurance.
“It’s fine. I can handle that.” He says as he pulls you closer by your waist and leads the way to his car. “Oh…is this the frog you were crocheting?” He mumbles once his eyes catch the small crocheted item made by you.
Keeping it in the backseat, he helps you put your seatbelt on. “Let’s head back over to my house. You already look exhausted with all the activities you did.”
You look over at him when he says that. He really does pay attention to the small details related to you. “I thought you wanted to go out and have some dinner with the guys?” You say softly while eyeing his side profile.
His lips which always looked so kissable, you admit to yourself that there were times when you had thought about kissing Eric but he does not have to know that, now does he?
“Hmm no it’s fine. I would rather spend the night with you than listen to them talking about some stupid things.” He says with a chuckle as he gives your hand a light squeeze in reassurance. “Oh by the way, can I have the frog you crocheted?” Eric asks once he had stopped laughing.
Looking at you for a split second, his eyes travel down to your lips for a split second only for them to divert back to your eyes.
“Why would you want that?” You question back, your brows furrowing in confusion as you grab your purse from the backseat and stare at the crocheted frog which was handing on the chain.
You didn’t exactly like it because it was not your best piece, you were still learning and you just crocheted for fun and to help you with stress.
You made the frog crochet into a keychain because you did not want to throw it away despite it not being the best thing you made.
“I like it, it’s cute!” He says with a smile on his face. His cheekbones rising up making his cheeks look puffy (in a cute way of course).
“It’s so not cute, Eric..” you say with a sigh as you shake your head at his silliness when he whines at your answer.
“Why can’t I just have it? I like everything you crochet..” he replies back once the car comes to a halt at the red light. “Come on, let me have it. I will treasure it the same way I treasure you..” he says softly as he places his hand on your thigh to convince you.
Looking up at him you break eye contact almost instantly when you notice him staring at you intensely, “Look at me..” he whines as he places his hands on your cheeks and makes you stare at him. Squishing your cheeks together he lets out a small laugh while looking at your lips which were in an ‘o’ shape. “Give me the frog please.” He pleads while batting his eyes together in a fast motion to try and convince you (well hopefully).
You could feel your heart beating at a fast pace again. If you could, you would just kiss him but that’d be too reckless of you, no? Snapping out of your thoughts you clear your throat and speak up.
“I can make one for you especially..” you say, your words coming out a bit jumbled because of your cheeks getting squeezed together.
“You can?” Eric asks softly as he slowly pulls away from you and turns ahead when the light turns green.
“Of course, since you so badly want the frog I can just make something else for you. Something better..” you say with a nod as you keep your bag in the backseat again.
“But I would still be happy if you gave me the frog crochet..” he replies in a sing-song voice as he turns on the radio to play some songs.
You sigh when he says that, there’s no winning against Eric when it comes to something he wants. You knew how stubborn the latter was. Youjust couldn't argue with him, especially with those eyes of his, which would always sparkle when talking with you (it might be your delusion speaking, but you always saw his eyes sparkle when talking with you and you only).
You smile in delight when Eric plays Best Years by 5sos. He still remembers your favourite artist. He was also the one who accompanied you to the concerts and saw you going crazy, so it was kind of an unforgettable experience.
You sigh in satisfaction as you look out the window in content while humming and singing along to the lyrics of the song while Eric drives the car.
Entering the house you place your bag on the counter table as you go in the washroom to wash up.
Knowing Eric, he might already be ordering some food so that was least of your worries. The guy knew your favourite food all too well.
Turning on the shower you wait for the water to get hot as you strip off your clothes.
Once it is lukewarm, you enter the shower as thoughts start to occupy your mind.
Did you really like Eric? Or was your heart just not functioning properly? And….and those butterflies wandering in your stomach when he does or remembers something you like. Oh gosh! You never felt this way for any guy before, that’s for sure.
You and Eric are like the polar opposites, everyone knows that. They still wonder how you and Eric are still together as friends knowing how the other guy is.
You were someone who always preferred your own space, you liked being in your own shell and just being lost in your thoughts.
Eric was the opposite! He was always outgoing, just like everyone calls him the social butterfly and boy was he true to that name given to him.
He could instantly make anyone comfortable with him be it a small kid, an adult or someone older than him. He had that kind of charm in him.
Getting the bottle of shampoo which Eric had you start washing your hair with it as you think back to the time when Eric had approached you.
Sitting at the back of your stats class, you try your best to pay attention to what the professor was saying but it was not that easy.
The headache you were having since the morning was getting worse, now it was truly your fault for going to a club with your friends on a Sunday night knowing you had early classes the very next day.
But what could you do when you just wanted a few drinks to get your mind of all the stress the major you were majoring in was giving you?
To put it simply, it’s not easy being a psychology major. The amount of assignments which are piling on your desk at the dorm and at your house along with all the essays you have yet to turn in.
No matter how many times you stay up all night the work just keeps on increasing, as if you broke the stop button.
So when your friends offered you to tag along with them to the nearby club for a few drinks how could you even turn them down? So of course you went along with them and had a little bit too much.
Massaging your temples with your eyes closed you try your best to think of something else. Anything to distract yourself from the massive headache you were having.
“Here, take some painkillers.” You hear a voice say from beside you. Turning your head around you could feel your voice getting stuck in your throat when you see the man sitting beside you.
Messy blond hair, he had decent casual clothes on. A pair of a hoodie with a cap on top of his head which was now in his hands since he was trying to fix his strands of hair which were getting in his eyes.
“Let me help you.” You say softly as you lean closer towards him and help him fix his hair.
You don't even know where you got this confidence from but it’s as if your hands moved on its own before you could even comprehend what you were about to do.
Leaning closer to his face you fix his hair as your eyes stay focused on his hair. You try your best to not look anywhere else but the oversized hoodie was revealing his collarbones and you were oh so tempted to check him out but you stopped yourself.
“You have pretty eyes.” You hear him say. You did not even know his name and you were already blushing at something a stranger said to you? How could he have such a huge impact on you so quickly was beyond your imagination.
“Oh thanks haha.” You say with a shy voice as you move away from him before you do something you’d regret (example: kiss him).
“Oh here. Take it.” He says once you move away from him. Sliding the pills to you he grabs your bottle of water which was beside him and opens it up for you.
“How did you know I was having a headache? I don’t think we've ever met each other before.” You question him while taking a pill in your hand.
“Oh well we have a few mutual friends but we never talked with each other before. I was at the club yesterday and noticed you.” He explains himself while grabbing a random paper which was lying beside him to doodle on it.
“Ah I see..thanks for the medicine…?” You furrow your brows when you realise that he never introduced himself to you.
“Oh! It’s Eric but you can call me anything you’d like. Maybe…yours?” He says with a flirty and cheeky smile adorning his oh so handsome face. Standing up from the chair he gets ready to leave the classroom only to turn around to look at you again. “See you around..” he waits for you to complete the sentence.
“Y/N,” you say with a small smile. Scrunching up your nose, you close your eyes when he pats your head with his hand.
“See you around, Y/N.” Eric says as he starts walking away.
Flashback end
Turning off the shower you leave the washroom with a bathrobe wrapped around your body.
Opening up the closet of Eric’s you look through his clothes when your eyes catch the black hoodie off his. The same one he was wearing on the day you both met for the first time.
Grabbing the hoodie you slip into the clothes as you start drying your hair with the towel Eric had kept for you.
“Wait, let me help you.” You hear Eric’s voice say as soon as he walks in the room.
You look at him through the mirror as he helps you in drying your hair with the towel.
“You’re wearing that hoodie.” Eric says with a grin as he grabs the comb to untangle your hair.
“It’s comfortable..” you mumble with a small smile on your lips.
Sitting on the couch, you take a bite out of your pizza slice as you turn on the TV to watch the series.
From the corner of your eyes you notice Eric taking out a packet of ramen making you let out a groan in annoyance at his behaviour, “Why can't you just eat some of the food which is served right here instead of making some noodles which you inhale almost everyday?” You question him once you have swallowed your food.
Eric just shakes his head as he smiles at you sheepishly. You knew winning against him was useless since he won’t listen to you either ways so you just let him be and continue eating your food while sipping from your can of coke (very original 🙄).
Giving him a slice of pizza which was in your hand you rest your body against the armrest of the couch as you place your legs on his lap so that you can be more comfortable and relaxed.
Heaving out a sigh you look at the TV screen when a question pops into your mind. You give Eric a look as you notice how his whole attention was on the TV.
You always wondered why that man was never dating anyone when so many girls out there were quite literally dying for him. Even the slightest bit of attention given by that man to them made them feel accomplished.
Well technically in their eyes you were the one person who has accomplished their dream. Which was too close with Eric and well…you might be the only girl who would get his whole attention whenever you want it.
The man would quite literally drop whatever he was doing just so he could talk with you. That was also the reason why everyone used to call him a simp and a lovesick puppy for running around everywhere just to be with you.
“Why are you not dating anyone?” You ask suddenly while staring at Eric’s side profile. You widen your eyes when Eric starts coughing while holding his chest.
Immediately sitting straight you grab the glass of water which Eric had brought along with him. Standing up you walk beside him in hurry as you help him drink the water while rubbing his back soothingly hoping it’d help him calm down.
“Feeling better?” You asked nervously once Eric had stopped coughing. Once he gives a slight nod to your question you sign in relief as you go and take a seat beside him.
Taking a seat you grab ahold of Eric’s hand while massaging them gently.
“Why did you ask that question so suddenly?” Eric mumbles as he takes a big gulp of water while trying to control his breathing.
You just simply shrug at his question as you look away from him, anywhere but him. You did not have it in you to look him in the eye after asking such an absurd question.
“I was..I don’t know. Curious maybe?” You say in a hushed tone as you slowly bring your gaze back at him. If someone saw you right now, they’d think you dreamt about something scary because of the way your eyes were shaking. “I mean don’t get me wrong! It’s just that…everyone wants you as their boyfriend but you never pay attention to them. Why’s that?” You question him slowly.
“Do you want me to be your boyfriend?” Eric asks softly as he fully turns his body towards you to face you.
You could feel yourself choke at his choice of words as you immediately let out a nervous laugh when he says that.
“What are you talking about? I am serious Eric…” you say with a shy chuckle as you slap his shoulder gently. Trying to play it off coolly.
“Well then what about you then? A lot of guys I know like you, they even asked you out but you always turned them down. Why’s that?” He asks the question with his brows raised, waiting for you to answer his question.
You look down at the ground in wonder. Why did you turn them down? It’s not like you were waiting for someone else or were you? You immediately shake your head when you realise how Eric was avoiding your questions.
“Don’t change the subject!” You say with a glare as you flick his forehead gently.
You smile softly when he acts as if the flick hurted him knowing damn well that he was just acting to tease you.
“Do you just not see it?” Eric says while rubbing the back off his neck shyly.
You stare at him in confusion when he says that.Notice what? The way he pouts whenever he’s eating something he likes? Or the amount of tattoos he has on his body? Or maybe the fact that he's always having the same heart eyes when talking with you? Well of course you would ignore the last bit! But he doesn’t have to know that, now does he?
You just shake your head at his question, waiting for him to make himself clear so that you can assure yourself that whatever your hunch was telling you was in fact correct! “I like you silly..” Eric finally says with a small airy chuckle leaving his lips.
He moves closer towards you so that he can pull you closer, “I have never paid this much attention to someone before but you. It’s like…I am magnetised whenever I am with you. I cannot feel myself wanting to leave your side whenever we both are together. I always try to play it cool when it comes to you but I just seem to fail at that. Everyone knows that but you..everything about you sticks to my heart. It’s like…it’s something I cannot express in words.” He says softly while pulling you closer.
All you could ever think about at that moment was, ‘Oh my god?’ You couldn’t get yourself to believe it when Eric brought himself closer towards you, you immediately snapped out of your thoughts.
“Is it fine…if I?” You give him a small nod when he asks that.
And there it is, the spark you always felt whenever he did something oh so small but it always somehow made you feel special.
The way he gently grabbed a hold of your chin slowly moving to the back of your neck while his other hand gripped onto your waist, squeezing it lightly he pulled you closer while moving his lips in sync with yours.
You could feel yourself shiver at his feather light touches, especially when his hands started to travel up towards your spine. The lingering sensation stayed there even when his hand was already engulfing in your hair.
You immediately entangle your hands in his hair while kissing him to deepen the kiss.
You wrap your arms around Eric as you pull him closer towards you. You never thought you’d ever be cuddling with Eric like this.
I mean you never thought of Eric as someone who’d enjoy being the one being cuddled but looking at the man right now you could tell that he was enjoying this more than anyone.
You slowly snuggle closer to Eric as you listen to his calm breathing. You never thought that this day would come but here you are, laying on the same bed with Eric Sohn, cuddling together.
To say the least, you were content with what you had at the moment. This is all you could ask for.
Entering the auditorium you sigh in embarrassment when you see Eric, Sunwoo and Haknyeon playing around with the props which were lying on the stage.
It’s been a few months since you both made your relationship official. Everyone around you was obviously more than delighted to hear it, I mean the lovesick boy's love was finally accepted by you.
And ever since you guys made the relationship official, of course you guys were named for being the cutest couple and for making the singles in the group more single than ever because of how you and Eric flirt all the time when together.
You walk towards them with your hands behind your back as you let out a chuckle when Eric falls on the ground dramatically.
“Et tu, Brute? Wait no…Et tu, Sunwoo?” Eric says with hurt as he looks up at Sunwoo who was holding the sword in his hand with a crazy smile on his face.
You widen your eyes when Haknyeon pours some water on the floor as a way to depict the blood shed by Sunwoo.
You notice how Chanhee, who was sitting on the edge of the stage, starts hiding his face because of his friends behaviour.
You just go and take a seat beside him while you wait for Eric to take a notice of your presence.
You were about to open your mouth to speak with Chanhee when a loud voice beams through the whole auditorium making you laugh, “Y/N!” You immediately stand up from your seat and open your arms, waiting for Eric to hug you like always.
“When did you get here, sweetheart?” Eric mumbles, his face being placed on the crook of your neck as he melts in your warm embrace.
“Just now while you were imitating about being stabbed. I was about to talk with Chanhee when a certain someone came running here.” You say with a teasing smile.
You laugh when Eric glares at Chanhee playfully before holding you closer, “Mine!” Eric says to Chanhee before sticking his tongue out at him.
Chanhee just sighs and nods at the younger’s behaviour as he stands up from the seat to walk away from you both.
“Where are you going?” Eric questions in confusion when Chanhee starts walking away towards Sunwoo and Haknyeon who were, well…throwing water at each other.
“Not interested in looking at you both being all lovey dovey in front of me!” Chanhee shouts back as he gets on the stage which was a great mistake because he apparently became the boy's next target.
“You’re just jealous because you don’t have a girlfriend like Y/N!” Eric teases and laughs loudly when Chanhee throws a middle finger at him while trying to save himself from the two boys.
Diverting his attention back to you he offers you a smile as he takes your hand in his while walking towards the exit door only to stop when you start looking through your bag.
“Here..” you take out a small crocheted keychain which was of a flower. It was abit tiny in size but it’s something Eric would cherish so you were more than happy to make something so special for him.
“For me?” He asks in astonishment while gently taking it from your hand. Scared it might fall apart if he grabs it aggressively.
“Sweetheart, it’s beautiful.” He mumbles while immediately attaching the keychain on his bag.
“You like it?” You ask with happiness. You were glad he liked the item you crocheted. When he gives you a nod you immediately hug him tightly. “I am glad you do! I was gonna crochet something else but then it turned out to be Sunwoo in evil form so I discarded it.” You say with a smile as you pull away from him.
Eric laughs at your choice of words while holding your hand tightly in his grip.
“Want to get some ice cream?” He asked once you were out of the auditorium.
Seeing you nod enthusiastically, he immediately starts dragging you towards his car.
Well as they say, opposites do attract and you were glad you found Eric. He was kind of like your other half, you never thought or even dreamt about this moment but here you were, going on an ice cream date with your boyfriend.
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o-onikix · 2 months
💌Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome.💌
awwww dora. i def will!!!! <3
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o-onikix · 2 months
kinda mad for the main song. i wont not agree.
BUT badtmeez dil has my heart just like yeh ishq hai.
i can relate everything she said to everyone on the basis of how she describes them.
Assign your moots bollywood songs and why?
Stop I love this so much 🥺😭. I haven’t been listening to Bollywood music much nowadays so this is totally on my old knowledge since idk any new songs.
@sohnric : Hey Ya! From the movie Karthik calling Karthik
This is totally because bar just genuinely radiates the kind of energy where you stop whatever you’re doing and just stare at her once she walks in the room.
@from-izzy : Haule Haule From the movie Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
Hmm so basically to sum it up Izz is someone who will make you feel comfortable in an instant even when you just started talking with her. That’s just how she is tbh and I love the vibes of this song so much 🥺
Bonus I assign Chammak Challo from the movie Ra.One to @from-izzy because I can and I will 🥰🫶🏻
@kimsohn : What Jhumka? From the movie Rocky aur Rani Kii prem kahani
I think this is self explanatory. Shru and me had talked about pretty jhumkas and what not when it comes to Indian culture. I totally think of Shru when I listen to What Jhumka now 🥺.
@winterchimez : Love You Zindagi from the movie Dear Zindagi
At first I was planning on giving Cham Cham to Als but then when I remembered the song love you zindagi I knew it was for ally because to be fair 1. She was one of the first moots I got close with 2. Girlie is still thriving despite everything 🥺🫂
@cloverdaisies : Saturday Saturday from the movie Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania
Plz don’t judge this song yall ☹️. This is like the song you will hear at a dance party in India and clo fits this so well 🥺. Like yes girl go and get your drinks after the tough week 😭. (I was gonna give Party all night but I don’t want clo to get mad at me 🥰)
@strayed-quokka : Garmi from the movie street dancer 3D
Hmm I will say it. Lenlen makes me blush all the time hence this song so yes but lemme remember more oh yes! Subha Hone Na De because I just know if me and lenlen meet we would stay up all night just talking, eating, dancing and what not 🥰.
@astrae4 : Ratta Maar from the movie Student of the year
Poor baby has back to back exams nowadays hence this song 🥺😭. All the best non 🫶🏻 but if not that song then Tum Se Hi from Jab We Met because she just meets these vibes so well ☹️🥺. Literally one of my favourite movies and songs <3
@o-onikix : Paisa from the movie De Dana Dan
Hmm 🥰 because this girl is always in some need of money (us girl us) but like Nara is the depiction of Ye Ishq hai from Jab We Met so yes that song too because coughs 🥰 but also Badtamerz Dil because YJHD is her favourite movie and it’d be a crime if I don’t assign any song from that movie
@quaissants : One Two Three Four (Get On the dance floor) from the movie Chennai Express
Because I can and I will, as in the movie the actor (SRK) is drunk and Mona is drunk without drinking anything most of the time so yes. Other than this song I assign Kashmir Main Tu Kanyakumari simply because i think it fits Mona.
@itsbeeble : Senorita from the movie Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara and Sooraj Dooba Hain from the movie Roy
It’s always chaos with Reese 🥰 and because she is always awake and is pretty much busy with everything most of the times so she needs these type of things in her life.
@hcuyk : Uff Teri Adaa from the movie Karthik calling Karthik
Have been a huge fan of her since I read Kidult and if I say that this is the biggest compliment I could give as an Indian then? Because the way we all scream to these lyrics when it plays and also she is so these lyrics 😭 (btw plz let me know what emoji you want 🥺😭)
@stealanity : Param Sundari from the movie Mimi
Marty is soooo these lyrics 🥺. Like yes guys she is my param sundari 😍. I don’t have much to say but yes 👏
@juyeonszn : High Heels ke Nachche from the movie Ki and Ka
Omg tbh I don’t know why I chose this song but Dawn is so this song. Idk why but yes.
I think that’s all 😭. Plz let me know if you want a part two with the rest of my moots because I used all my brain juice for this one.
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o-onikix · 3 months
my heartuuu 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. im on the verge of crying. istg ily to sana. sana is definitely the best thing that has happened to me. like she is the sweetest. she knows me a bit too well 💀. she has always been supporting me no matter what. like once a girl she ill mouthed me n i hated her n sana was like, "same. i hate her too." her smiles the best.....whenever i see her irl i automatically smile. i love you 😽😽😽😽😽
spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
I am only tagging the mutuals who I talk on a daily basis. I truly love, respect and look up to every single mutual of mine and I am really grateful to have them in my life because I don’t think I would have come this far without them :)
@o-onikix : Nara is literally my closest and dearest friend I could ask for. She literally knows everything about me, she is also someone who pays close attention to me and always remembers the littlest things I say. Like once we were talking and I mentioned about me liking butterscotch cake and a few days later when we were on call and I was eating a cake Nara went “Is that butterscotch cake?” Without even me having to tell her. It made me genuinely so happy because tbh she might be the only irl friend who pays so close attention to me and my well being. Not only that you will always see me running to her whenever I am in some kind of misery and she would always be there for me and listen to me. I still remember how I was there with Nara when we were talking about ghosts 😭. Poor baby was shaking 💀 but tbh…she’s cute like that haha. I love you so much Nara 🥺
@from-izzy : ironic how it’s about to be a year since I sent you that flirty text as our first conversation. Omg glad I got this ask now. So yesterday I had this huge argument and was upset but do you know what izz does? She call me to check on me to know if I am okay 🥺. Like that made me realise that I truly am surrounded by such lovable and caring people and that also especially someone like izzy knowing she was herself freaking out over her assignments yet she called me :( it made me want to cry (happy tears yall). And tbh even though me and izzy argue most of the time her silly stuff at the end of the day I always go to her knowing I cannot live a day without hearing her rant about uni. Mine and Izzy’s friendship cannot be described in one paragraph tbh 😭. Like we have way too many dynamics for that 😭. We can be flirting on one app, bickering on another and having a deep conversation on some whole another app. To sum it up, I trust izzy a loads and I always go to her when I have to talk about something :) love you 🥺
@winterchimez : my Als, mu Sabrina Carpenter enthusiasts, the one who bears my crazy ass 🥺. We literally bonded over Sabrina Carpenter and I love that for us. I always go to ally when I see something negative or just to talk about something I get stressed about and you know what fills my heart? She is always there for me. Despite everything she’s been going through, she still manages to have a talk with me and I admire her for that. Not only that she might be one of the strongest people out there for still doing what she’s doing despite the struggles. Me and ally are someone who would always be together (as she said, we’re Kyunyu) she’s also ig the third mutual I made on this app which is really important for me because it wasn’t easy for me at that time knowing my writing was always dark and it made me kind of reluctant on making friends, scared people might judge me but Ally just out here accepting me as her gremlin. (I will always send you Sangyeon stuff. Once you see this expect that Sangyeon video in your DMs mam). Love you despite all the stuff I pull up with hehe.
@strayed-quokka : me and Lenlen met just this year, in feb but we got insanely close so fast it’s crazy. If you are a moot of Lennon you can expect some adventures from her side which will always make you go “WHAT? HOW ARE YOU? EVERYTHING ALRIGHT??” Like no kidding. I used to also read her TBZ work (by that I mean that Sunwoo fic) before I became her moot and I still cannot accept the fact that we’re now moots 😭🥺. She has my heart and we’re married I believe. The one thing I always look forward to is “Good morning Sana” from lenlen which just makes me smile like a kid 🥺. Me and lenlen also have such chaotic moments together, she’s always up to something in the DMs tbh 😭. And when you see me and lenlen together expect some crazy flirtings from both sides haha cause it’s never gonna stop. I still admire how lenlen and @from-izzy were there for me when I was scared and hid myself in the washroom:( it made me feel so much more better and safer knowing they are there for me no matter what.
@mosviqu : despite me and Boo starting off on some..meh terms (it’s not my fault you thought I was bullying you 😐) we grew so close after that tbh 😭. Me and bar from talking about her Sunwoo fic to me making a doc of Eric fic which only she has the access to 🥺. The words are not enough, because there’s so much to talk about her, from her writing, to her sweet personality, to her chaotic energy which just explodes out of nowhere. She also never fails to amaze me with her choice of words sometimes…
@cloverdaisies : we haven’t talked talked lately because (fuck your job and uni. They’re taking you away from me 😭🥺) life happened but I look up to clo and her writing so much it’s unimaginable. I remember how I was fangirling about her to ally and ally going “oh she’s my mutual” and me not believing it until clo started following me which made me want to scream and die out of happiness + embarrassment because hello?? Your favourite author just followed you 😭. And now when it comes to clo…I don’t trust her (jk) but I love her. She is…she makes me question reality with what she says everytime 😐. But I will never forget how clo was there for me when I needed her the most. She was listening to me talk when I was scared and I was truly glad because there was someone who was there to listen to me.
@astrae4 : Gill is like my child who always gets herself in trouble 😐😭. We always simp, sob, cry and scream over the one and only Choi Chanhee but despite that she gives some of the great advices when you need it. And no I am not gonna play that restaurant game ever again child-
@quaissants : my gremlin, my pudding 🥰. I trouble her like…everyday which makes her want to kill me (enemies to lovers?-) but despite that she helps me a loads when it comes to writing 🥺. We mostly interact on the server but nowadays I talk with her in DMs too which I am grateful for <3
@itsbeeble : hmm…I love you but I won’t stop bullying you (I don’t even bully you. You just think I bully you and it’s just your mind playing games with you because it’s always filled with Eric and Sunwoo…) jk but because of her busy schedule we don’t get to talk much but whenever she comes back from her disappearance those days might be one of the best ones because I have fun with her and izzy. Hope you’re alright and healthy since you disappeared. Again.
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o-onikix · 3 months
sana i hate you for gatekeeping the best part of this and leaving me on cliffhanger. but,
THIS IS ZO FUCKING GOOODD. and you def should be proud of thiss. ily. i hate you
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Shades of kisses (Choi Chanhee)
Warnings: best friend Chanhee x reader, making out, fluff ig, friends to ??, Chanhee is taller than the reader because duh, size difference ig..
Word count: 1,114
Sana: this was my 2:00 AM delusions skyrocketing because of @quaissants mentioning about this and then I wrote this because yes. I can. And it’s Chanhee. Also thanks to @from-izzy and Mona for beta reading this sweet thing of mine which I am very much proud of.
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @kimsohn @mosviqu @deoboyznet
Standing by the aisle you look at all the different shades of Lipstick shades placed on the shelves.
You must have been at the store for more than half an hour, you were looking for the perfect shade of lipstick which would be perfect for daily use.
You were never really a big fan of putting on lipstick for daily use as you mostly just stuck to lip tints or lip gloss. But since you wanted to try out some different products and explore more in makeup you decided to look for a lipstick that is affordable but also something that would suit you on any occasion or outfit you decide to wear.
“Chanhee, I cannot seem to find any good lipstick…” you mutter with a pout playing on your lips as you turn around to face Chanhee, your best friend who was looking for a lip tint for his younger sister.
“Let me see what you have so far then,” Chanhee says as he walks towards you and takes a look at the back of your hand which was filled with different shades of red and brown.
“How am I supposed to know what looks good on you by the back of your hand…?” He says with a confused look adorning his facial features.
“I don’t know, isn’t this how people look for the right shade?” You question him back as you take a look at another shade of liquid lipstick only to be stopped by Chanhee.
“Woah there missy, you don’t even know what you’re looking for. Stop wasting the product.” Chanhee says with an attitude as he keeps the lipstick back on the shelf and makes you face him.
“Well, you know what I can do? I can make you wear the shade I like the most and you tell me if it suits you or not.” You say with a smile as you immediately grab the shade you loved the most and open it only to be stopped by Chanhee. Again.
“Everything looks good on me but it’s not the same for you sweetheart.” He says with a sigh before snatching the lipstick from your hand.
“So what am I supposed to do?” You say with a scowl as you look up at him through your eyelashes.
You noticed the way Chanhee’s eyes stared at your lips for a moment before he looked into your eyes. You knew his cheeks were turning a shade of red but you did not point it out knowing he would only disagree and whine about it.
“Let me put it on you. Maybe you see it for yourself since you obviously cannot apply lipstick on your own…” Hearing him say that, you let out a scoff as you just parted your lips a bit and let him put on the lipstick.
“Did you just scoff at me?” Chanhee takes a step back in offence as he gives you a look.
Taking this as a chance you snatch the lipstick back from his hand and go on your heels before you start applying the lipstick on his lips without giving it another thought.
You could see that Chanhee was taken aback by your sudden heistyness but he could not help but notice how kissable your lips looked. They were just so close to his face that he could just grab your face and kiss you without giving a damn about the lipstick on his lips which would obviously get smudged.
Looking into his eyes, you stop your hand mid air as you lean back from him and clear your throat, “I think the shade looks quite alright…but I don’t know if it’s smudge-proof” you mutter as you look away from Chanhee once you notice his intense gaze on you.
Hearing you mention that his ears immediately perked up as he leaned down to come eye-to-eye level with you, “Maybe we can test that out…” he whispered slowly.
Letting out a small hum of confusion you just stare at him as he slowly leans closer towards your face. Bringing his hand up he slowly places them on your cheeks and comes closer.
You could feel his hot breath fanning your face but you did nothing to stop him. You knew this was wrong---hell he was your best friend---but at the moment, you wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on yours.
“Do you want me to stop?” He says quietly as he stops himself from coming any closer to you, too afraid to make you uncomfortable or afraid.
Chanhee hears nothing from you and he takes the silence as your answer, slowly attaching his lips on yours.
You started moving your lips in sync with his and his hands slowly guided themselves to the back of your neck to push your face closer to his face to deepen the kiss more.
Letting out a small whimper, you let Chanhee take control of the kiss as you bring your hands to his neck and entangle your fingers in his hair.
Letting out a small giggle, you take in the air when he pulls away for a second. You could feel Chanhee placing his hands on the small of your back as he deepened the kiss more if that was even possible anymore.
Pulling away, you both take in deep breathsas you stare at each other before looking away at the same time.
Slowly bringing your attention back to him, you notice the smudged lipstick stain on the corner of his lips as you let out a laugh when you see it, “Well I guess the lipstick is not smudge-proof after all.” You say with a laugh as you take out a wet wipe and help Chanhee wipe the stain.
“Glad I could come to your rescue sweetheart.” Chanhee says with a grin as he takes the lipstick from your hand, “Let me buy this for you. Consider this my gift.” He says before he starts walking away without giving you achance to speak.
You knew this kiss might have changed a few things, or maybe quite a lot of things in your friendship but maybe…it wasn’t so bad?
You would do anything to kiss your best friend, Choi Chanhee again but oh boy were you afraid to ask him about it? Yes. Yes, you were. But did you enjoy the kiss you two just shared? Yes. Yes you absolutely did.
You could confidently say that this was one of the best kisses you ever experienced with a guy. It had everything you ever dreamed about and it was just a little kiss you two shared to see if the lipstick is smudge proof or not.
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o-onikix · 3 months
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Heartbeat Pounding (Lee Sangyeon)
Warnings: cursing, friends to lovers (kind of) fluff, very cute, Sangyeon just being the best man out there. Nothing else I can think of but lemme know if I should add anything ;)
Word count: 2274
Sana: hiii so like a very cutesy fic for Sangyeon is here and tagging my Sangyeon enthusiast @winterchimez (hope you’re doing well hon) and @strayed-quokka <3 hope you both enjoy this small piece of mine hehe.
Taglist: @kimsohn @cloverdaisies @mosviqu @mars101
Heaving out a long sigh you keep staring out the window with your thoughts all jumbled up. Who would have thought or guessed that a small date like this would mess you up so bad??
You just thought that going on a date a few days before your birthday would be a great idea. It would help you socialise more but instead you were now in this depressive slump because of that jerk of a date.
Throwing your head back in anger you let out a frustrated groan as you mess up your already messy hair.
That date was such a jerk, you should have known about that the moment you entered the restaurant. The more time you spent with that jerk the more you realised, he was single for a reason and that’s clearly showing.
Not only was he belittling other women he dated but he had the audacity to think that they were the problem in the relationship when he clearly was the one.
Rolling your eyes, you stand up from your place and go towards your doorway to open the door for your friend Sangyeon.
You have known him since you both were in middle school, he knew almost no cut that he knew everything about you.
Yes, there were times when you would think what it would be like to date him, have him as your life partner but they remained as thoughts within would be left unanswered and unknown.
No matter how close you are with him, no way in hell are you going to risk ruining your friendship with him over a stupid crush or attraction you had towards him when you were young.
“What are you doing here?” You ask him as soon as you open the front door and lean against the wall so that he can enter the house.
“Oh, nothing. I am here to pick you up.” You hear him say from the kitchen as you sit down on the couch comfortably as you wrap yourself in a huge blanket to keep your body warm.
“Pick me up? I am not going anywhere though..” you say in confusion as you lift your blanket up when you see Sangyeon walking back towards you with a glass of juice in his hands.
“Oh we’re going out..” he says softly as he gets in the blanket and makes sure to tuck you both in it tightly.
Placing his hands on your shoulders he lets you snuggle close towards him as if it was not a big deal.
I mean it wasn’t, being close with each other like this was a normal occurrence when it comes to the two of you. So you don’t know why it feels so different suddenly.
“Going where?” You ask, your voice coming out mumbled as your head was placed on the crook of his neck. You could feel Sangyeon’s soothing hand patting your head gently which made you feel better than before.
“Oh that’s for you to find out. Now get up and go get ready, will ya?” He says as he pulls your head away from him and makes you stand up.
Scowling at him you throw him a glare as you walk away from him and go into your room to get ready.
“For how long are we gonna be here for?” You ask with boredom as you let out a small sigh with your cheeks puffed out because of tiredness.
“Till your mood gets better..” Sangyeon says as he chuckles when he sees you rubbing your eye, “What’s wrong, hmm?” Sangyeon asks once he notices that you were still rubbing your eyes with your hand.
“I think something got in my eye..” you whisper as you continue rubbing your eye. You could feel it sting and burn but you could not help but keep on rubbing it.
“Here, let me see.” You hear Sangyeon say as he takes a hold of your hand and pulls them away from your eye.
He lets out a sigh in concern when he notices your eyes turning red. Grabbing a hold onto your cheeks he makes you look up slightly as he blows air in your eyes hoping it would help.
“Come with me. Let’s wash your eyes..” he says softly as he grabs your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours as he drags you towards the washroom.
Entering the washroom he stands in front of the basin and turns on the faucet, “Wait, let me tie your hair back..” he says in a hurry, taking your hair tie from your hand he gently pulls your hair back in his hands as he strokes them carefully trying not to pull them.
Tying your hair back he makes sure it’s tight but not tight enough to hurt your scalp or pull them too hard.
“Good?” Sangyeon asks softly as he walks towards the basin again and turns on the faucet. “Bring your face here..” he says softly as he helps you wash your eyes.
Grabbing a hold of your neck he gently brought it closer to the water, washing your face with the water he made sure your eyes got better.
Turning off the faucet, he grabbed a few tissues and tapped them on your face, careful to not mess up your makeup which was not much but in his eyes you looked pretty either way.
“Feeling any better?” He asks softly as he removes your hair tie gently and fixes your hair for you.
Nodding your head you give him a small smile. You could feel your smile widening when he grabs your hand and starts walking ahead.
“Where do you want to go first?? The arcade or the toy store?” Sangyeon asks once you were on the escalator going on the second floor.
“Why would we want to go to the toy store?” You ask in confusion as you stare up at Sangyeon. You noticed him give you a grin as he messed up your hair slightly.
“To buy you a stuffed you, of course. We will just go to the toy store and get you a stuffed toy, yeah?” He says once you guys reach the second floor.
You just shake your head knowing there’s no way he’s going to listen to you if you say no.
Reaching the toy store you both stroll around the shop abit when you come across a plush toy of Sylveon.
You had liked that Pokémon since you were a kid, it was one of the eighth evolutions of Eevee.
Picking it up you checked the price only to place it back down, it was expensive and you did not want Sangyeon to pay so much over a stuffed animal just because you like it.
Walking away from there you fail to notice when Sangyeon himself takes the toy in his hand and goes towards the counter to buy it.
“Do you like anything?” You hear Sangyeon whisper behind you, flinching as you drop the small stuffed animal of a panda which was placed in a bamboo.
“Hmm, this panda stuffed animal..” you say as you show him the one which was in your hand.
“You like it? Then let’s buy it..” saying that he snatched the animal from your hand and walked away to pay at the counter again.
Skipping your way out of the shop you look back at Sangyeon when you notice the paper bag in his hand.
“What’s in that?” You mutter in confusion as you try to take a peek inside only for Sangyeon to hide it behind his back.
“Nothing, let’s go to the food court to buy some food for you. You must be hungry after walking the whole day, yeah?” He says that as he walks away with fast steps leaving you behind as you just stare at his back in confusion.
Settling down on the table you keep staring at the paper bag which was in front of you. You knew Sangyeon took notice of that but he chose not to speak on it knowing how stubborn you can get, “Just tell me what’s in the bag..” you say as you shake his arm which was holding a piece of pizza.
“No way, it’s a secret. Now let me eat my food in peace.” He says with a scowl as he continues eating the pizza with a smile on his face.
You knew he was enjoying your distressed behaviour over wanting to know what’s in the bag but it’s for you so you’re gonna know about it sooner or later so that’s what matters.
“Ah, I am so tired. I am gonna head off to bed. You can leave or stay over.” You tell him as you remove your coat and place it on the couch.
Not having the energy to place it on the hanger properly, you just leave the living room and go in your room.
You could hear Sangyeon nagging at your untidy behaviour from the living room but you just rolled your eyes. Being used to this at this point.
Getting under the covers you cover your body with your thick blanket which has been a source of comfort for you, it was gifted to you by Sangyeon so of course you would never let go of it even when it’s old and rough.
“Are you sleeping?” You hear a small, gentle voice ask from your door. You knew it was Sangyeon but you kept your eyes closed waiting for him to continue with what he was about to do.
“Okay good, you will probably see this once you wake up so I will just place this here beside you..” he talks to himself as he places a stuffed toy between your arms.
Peeking one of your eyes open you could feel your heart warming up to his kind gesture once you process the fact that it was in fact the Sylveon stuffed animal you had your eye on.
“I hope you hold this stuffed toy I bought for you whenever you feel down…” he whispers as he pats your forehead in a rhythmic manner.
You could feel your cheeks turning up in a smile but you tried your best to hide it. You could not believe that Sangyeon still remembers this small thing you like.
It must have been long ago when you mentioned in a conversation that you liked when people would pat your forehead in rhythm. It would help you calm down and feel better. You never thought that Sangyeon paid such close attention to it but now you.
“I hate that guy you went on a date with, the way he made you feel made me upset. Well I was also upset over the fact that I did not take you on a date but what can I say? I am a coward like that.” He says with a chuckle as he stops patting your head. “I like you…I like you Y/N..I have liked you since the moment I saw you dating that guy in high school. I thought of confessing to you a numerous times but I always backed out last minute. I was afraid, you know? Afraid that you might reject me or I might just not reach your standards. I was scared that I might lose this friendship we have built over the years over my feelings. I don’t want that..you’re probably the only friend I have kept in touch with and I am glad I did because I don’t know what I might do without you in my life Y/N..” he says in a hushed voice as he leans down and gives your forehead a small kiss, “I love you Y/N, I always have and I always will.” Saying that you hear him close the door.
Clutching onto your chest you let yourself breathe again. Looking back at the closed door you heard Sangyeon close your main door.
‘Think fast stupid. It’s now or never’ saying that in your mind you immediately get out of the bed and dash out of the house with the Sylveon plush clutched tightly in your hands.
“Sangyeon! Wait!” You scream at the top of your lungs when you see Sangyeon walking out of the complex. You knew tomorrow morning a complaint would be at your door the first thing in the morning but that was your least of your worries at the moment.
“Y/N? What are you still doing up? I thought you were sleeping?” Sangyeon mutters under his breath but you catch onto it quickly.
“I heard what you said..” you said once you were standing in front of him, “You idiot…I..I like you too..” you mutter as you take another step closer to him.
“I knew I liked you but I just could not accept the fact that I was liking my own best friend. I was in that denial for too long..I tried everything. I tried to distance myself from you so that my feelings don’t grow but in return it hurted both of us. I tried to bury my feelings away by dating but none of them felt right and most of the dates turned out to be huge jerks anyways…” you say with a chuckle as you take a hold of sangyeon’s hand in yours.
“I think it’s about time we give this new relationship of ours a chance..” you say with a smile adorning your face.
You could hear your heartbeat, it was pounding so loud that it reached till your ears. You were pretty sure Sangyeon heard it too.
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o-onikix · 4 months
go away
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What @o-onikix does to me the moment she meets me in school:
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o-onikix · 5 months
i love you, thts y i wont tell. hehe
I cannot believe you are not telling on what you have prepared for my birthday…
hehe. i won't tell
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o-onikix · 5 months
I cannot believe you are not telling on what you have prepared for my birthday…
hehe. i won't tell
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o-onikix · 5 months
so apparently @heemingyu is going to be flying from my floor and then crawl into my bed at night and sing random ass songs in my ears.....
(it's discussed)
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o-onikix · 6 months
thenk yew beyach....luv u tooo 🤧🤧
your moots as tbz members? :DD
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Now I am only tagging the moots with whom I interact on a daily basis. Even if I did not include you plz don’t mind me 😭 it must have just slipped my mind because of the exams. But I love every single moot of mine.
Nara @o-onikix : Kevin
Hear me out, she is the literal definition of Kevin, the way this girl always spams me with the most random things on insta 😭. And she like listens to more western artists then me so that’s a plus on top of that her sense of humour makes me want to punch her sometimes (lovingly). Just like Kevin she is always screaming man 😭.
Ally @winterchimez : Sangyeon
Let’s be for real, if I don’t give Als Sangyeon then idk who else would it be (maybe Jacob? Kind of. She is very caring and calm when on call 💀😭) but then whenever we both talk it’s like chaos is always with us. Like my Sabrina girlie <3 I can always count on ally tbh, like I always see myself talking with her about my exams and shit and she is always there to comfort and support me 😞.
Izzy @from-izzy : Sunwoo
I know I once said it was Kevin or Jacob but the more me and izzy talk the more o understand just how much of a danger she is to the society with her craziness…and the way she flirts with me all the damn time?? Like damn girl..(she outdid me in that and I am scared) but then again izz is also like so sweet like Sunwoo (and delulu like him but let’s keep that topic for later). We both can go from talking about something random to something serious or calm in a snap of a finger.
Clo @cloverdaisies : Changmin
This girl, do you see her?? She is batshit crazy. Like the way she says the most unhinged things out of nowhere always gets me and I always see myself laughing whenever with clo. Like not even kidding man and then when we have those deep conversations I always see myself so invested and I just feel like protecting clo and just hugging her 😞. (And me and ally coming at your place to tuck you in bed and to take care of you ‼️)
Bar @sohnric : Eric
No please, if I don’t give bar Eric it’d be like a huge ass crime let’s be for real. Like the amount of energy this girl has all the damn time??? She would be running around the house at 2 am and I won’t even be surprised because that’s normal…but then again when me and bar are together it’s absolute chaos and madness (I am still gonna drive the car)
Gill @astrae4 : Chanhee
Ahh my fellow Chanhee girlie <3. I stand by what I said, Chanhee girlies are so pretty and gill is the definition of pretty. She is also so sweet all the damn time, and I just feel like saving her from all the chaos which goes on in the gc :)
Maya @kimsohn : Haknyeon
Ohh my fellow desi girl <3 this might seem very different but yes. I don’t even remember how we both started talking tbh. We just clicked so well when together 😭. And yk how you feel when you see Hak on the screen? All smiley smiles, that’s how I feel when me and Maya talk hehe. Like I love Maya so much yall 😞‼️
Fawn @juyeonszn : Juyeon
Man do I love her?? Yes I do. Do I simp over the way I simp over Juyeon? Yes I do. Do I love both of them loads? Yes I do. Sometimes fawn is so crazy (most of the times) but then we can have such calm conversations outta nowhere…it’s scary tbh.
Dora @littleroaes : Jacob
You guys don’t get it. Dora is literally so cute 😭. Like the way whenever I interact with her I always find her so cute. And the way I adore Jacob so much as an individual but also as a TBZ member is the way I adore Dora <3 and she is also so hardworking 😞‼️. Like the amount of efforts she put into her fics 😭. She deserves everything man
Special note: me, Sana, am announcing that I would be the one to drive the car when we meet 😼
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