nyoheadcannonsaph · 1 year
Nyo!France vs. 2p!Nyo!France
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I've had some thoughts on both of these gals and I came to some conclusions in my little, tiny brain that I'm willing to share with you. They are more different than they seem at a first glance and boy, oh boy, so many people keep mistaking them for one another, as if they were twins.
Let's have some clarifications on that matter, shall we? Here are some of my headcannons about the two of them.
1.Nyo!France's human name is Manon, while 2p!Nyo!France uses Margot as her first name (it sounds a bit more sexy, especially properly pronounced~).
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2. While Manon acts like the motherly figure for Nyo!Canada, Margot is rather indifferent towards 2p!Nyo!Canada, although she apreciates her former colony's dedication to hunting poachers.
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3. Manon wakes up (almost) everyday to do something like Cinderella in animated Disney film, singing about her dreams before she starts work, just because she's fabulous like that; Margot goes to bed late and wakes up late, only to complain more about the pointlessness of life in general.
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4. Manon loves fashion, but isn't one to wear something risky, instead opting for more classy, conventionally stylish clothes; Margot cares little about what other people might say about her, so she wears whatever she feels like. She's got good sense of clothes, but is not fashion-obsessed or anything, and also more bold with her choice of clothes.
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5. While I imagine Manon to be the more traditional when it comes to relationships and orientation, she would likely be bi-curious, as long as she loves the idea of being admired by men and women alike. Unlike her male counterpart, she is more interested in romantic than physicial aspect of the relationship, making her fall into the demisexual definition. She just doesn't like using labels, as it's beneath her. Meanwhile, Margot is openly pansexual and aromantic, often struggling to stay faithul in a relationship, as she's afraid of long-term commitment (she hates life and only does things she feels like doing, without any particular reason). She's the type of person to keep saying "love is overrated", when someone in her proximity acts like they were in love.
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6. Manon likes teasing Rose (Nyo!England) and seeing her riled up, because she actually likes her as an old friend and former rival. They can even be quite cordial to one another. As for Margot and Olivia (2p!Nyo!England), they really can't stand one another... Olivia tries to cheer Margot up, which makes Margot cuss her out, and that annoys Olivia a lot. Sometimes Margot teases Olivia just to kill time, not for any genuine reason.
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That's all I got for now. I hope you found it interesting and I'm open to suggestions. I will create some more in due time.
Follow and comment for more (hopefully not so tragic) content like that, I'd appreciate that a lot~
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nyoheadcannonsaph · 1 year
Axis Powers [expanded] Human Names ( + my reasons for them)
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Here we go with the Axis countries' human names! I did some reseach, but again, as before, I believe we can agree to disagree, if you don't like my takes. Also, I'm using the last names from their male counterparts for the sake of integrity (like, if we had two Italies and the male had not-so-Italian last name that Hima invented for him, and then a female version with a more appropriate name, it would get a bit confusing, right?). I don't see them as family, but hey, they are one and the same country, we can't go too crazy with that.
Still, feel free to use any names you prefer. In this particular post there will be a lot of defense of Hima's choices, so brace yourselves. I really think he worked over the Axis characters long and thoroughly enough to make up his mind and some of his impressions were more correct than you could see it at face value.
So let's look at the names, shall we?
May the united powers of pasta, sake and wurst be with you!
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Germany (West) - Nyoitsu/Doiko
Monika Beilschmidt
I don't think it's a perfect name, but it's not bad either. I originally thought of leaving Nyo!Germany as Louise/Luise, but since I don't like copying male names for female characters, even in genderbend, I opted for Monika and found some good grounds for it. It is after all a name of the mother of St Augustine, a woman mostly known for patience and determination in her prayers, which are somewhat related to Nyo!Germany's character. Furthermore, the actual meaning of the name is lost to history, but it was associated with Latin word "moneo", which translates to "advisor; I advise" and Greek "monos", meaning "one". "One advise", is kind of reflective of a line in "I am German-made" about reading each word of the manual (yes, songs are part of canon too, and I will take it as such). So ethymology-wise, it makes sense for Nyo!Germany. Weird fun fact: in 1937 there was a premiere in Stuttgart of an operetta under the title "Monika", composed by an Austrian composer. Not sure if that is related to Hima's choice, but I thought it's worth mentioning.
I also believe that in her youth (*cough* as HRE *cough*) she used other names, probably "Luise", or "Greta/Gretchen" in order not to clash with Nyo!Prussia at the time. She certainly used different aliases, as she's usually seen with her earpiece on, suggesting she works in intelligence during wartime. I can imagine her as a spy, but more of a communicator than actual secret agent. They still use aliases, don't they?
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Italy (North) - Veneziano - Itako
Alice Vargas
I can hear some Italian purists coming over to say this is by no means Italian name, only italianised one. Well, yes, but let me tell you what: North Italy shares more culturally with Switzerland and Austria than it does with Southern Italy. If you happened to watch Hetafacts, you probably know some theory behind it, but if you don't, then let me put it like this: Northern Italian kingdoms were much mostly founded by barbarians "from the North"... Yeah, kind of like Papa Germania got busy with supposedly Grandpa Rome's daughter and "dot dot dot" (forgive that "Mamma mia" reference, I just had to). I mean, North Italy is still very Italian, she interited Grandpa's (or Grandma's?) Rome talent for arts and most of his (hers?) architectural wonders. But it would make sense to have a more Germanic name by origins.
Ethymology: it comes from Proto-Germanic roots, "aþala-", meaning "noble" and "haidu-", meaning "appearance; kind", and it was originally "Adeleide" - a name that young Nyo!Italy could be using, especially when living with Nyo!Austria and Nyo!HRE (I mean, you know who that actually was, but shh). Likely, during the renaissance and later times, she used different names, as I imagine she was very involved with the trade of antique sculptures and so she needed to use various aliases; she also was known to meddle in political affairs, much more than her male counterpart (especially between Turkey and Venice matters), so she used names like "Caterina", "Felicità" or "Margherita", among others. Still, around the end of 19th century, she came back to her original name, using the italianised, shorter version of it, as "Alice" ("Ah-lee-che", for all English natives, who read it as "Ah-lys"; I see you in your sleep and I'm not even Italian myself).
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Italy (South) - Romana/Lovina
Chiara Vargas
First of all, that's the name Hima gave and for one of the few times I can wholeheartedly agree with his choices here. Secondly, it's the Italian form of the name "Clara", which derives from "clarus" in Latin, which in turn means "clear, bright", but also "famous, well-known". Well, that's ironic, if that's the name of Southern Italy and not the Northern one, isn't it? After all, South Italy often complains about being in the shade of her Northern sister - I think she would choose a wishful name, honestly, hoping to highlight her individuality even more. Finally, she's described by Hima as having a "strong image", which can be interpreted as "appearing to have a strong personality" - a very clear one, if I may say so.
I just love everything about this name, it suits her character and makes sense. If she ever used any other name than this one, I believe it could be "Marìa", "Giuvanna" or "Càrmina", all of which are Sicilian-Neapolitan forms of other popular Italian names (the last one is from Spanish one, "Carmen", obviously). By the way, "Ciara" is also correct spelling in the South, as far as I know, but correct me if I'm wrong.
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Japan - Nichiko/Nihoko
Honda Sakura --- 本田 桜
Here I must say I can imagine "Sakura" being Nyo!Japan's human name since forever. The fact that the country takes pride in everything related to cherry blossom and the Hanami season pretty much kicks off the school year over there speaks for itself. Interestingly, Himaruya was thinking of names like "Mameko" (豆子) , meaning something like "bean" and "child" combined together, and "Ponko" (I'm not sure, how to write it in kanji, I only know a bit katakana and hiragana, so there goes what I came up with: ぽん子), which common feature is that they are both ending with "-ko" syllable, which in Japanese is associated with more feminine names (and I put the Japanese names for Nyo!Country names here, you can see the pattern there too.) So I suppose the only thing he thought about Nyo!Japan is that she's like regular Japan, but a girl. I can't come up with anything more Japanese and more iconic feminine name in this language than Sakura, so I stick with that.
If I were to comd with other names, I would go for something like "Akira" (明), which means "bright", or "Haruka" (遥), meaning "remote, distant", anything that describes more of Nyo!Japan's character.
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Prussia - Germany (East) - Puroiko (?)
Maria/Luisa/Julia Beilschmidt
Okay, I know some people like to use "Maria" for 2p!Nyo!Prussia, and some of you will be confused why I didn't put "Julchen" instead of "Julia". Well, there's a good reason for both. "Maria" would likely be the name Nyo!Prussia would use as part of the Teutonic Order, and while 2p!Nyo!Prussia seems to embody that peried of Prussian history, I think it is more likely that during that time, Nyo!Prussia was acting more "feminine", you know, emobodying the more diplomatic side of the order compared to her male counterpart. Also, one of the names the Teutonic Knights used was "Marienritter", meaning literally "(St) Mary's Knights".
Upon the conversion of the order's Grand Master, Albert of Brandenburg, to Luteranism in 1525, Maria changed name to "Luisa", which was a common name in Northern and Central Germany at the time. There's a famous character she shared that name, Queen Luise of Prussia, of whom Napoleon spoke in high regards ever since meeting her in person (just so you know, she was pretty smart and badass). Finally, as she was separated from her sister, Nyo!Germany, she started to use "Julia", with the diminutive of "Julchen" ("-chen" is a form of endearment, like "small Julia" in this context) to differentiate it from more typically Slavic-sounding "Julia". It's still very popular name in Germany now, so I imagine it being the final version as for now (not like Prussia exists XD Sorry, I had to, I got Polish-Prussian heritage, so I can make that joke).
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nyoheadcannonsaph · 1 year
Allied Forces Human Names (+ my reasons for them)
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Here is my take on the human names of the Nyotalia Allied countries.
Mind you that I've not been able to do a very thorough research on on each character, but I've tried to do each one of them justice - and I also included the way their names should be written in their native languages.
Feel free to argue, debate and suggest changes, if you want to. I just tried to get some of my opinions and ideas accross.
Also, a small disclaimer: I imagine human names exist for countries only when they need to pass as regular humans, and they are used by other humans mostly. Countries call each other by their country/nation names, because they identify with them. They also use nicknames and aliases (especially when spying on each other), so it's just something that was constantly changing through the years for some of them. At least, that's my theory.
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America - USA - Ameriko
Amelia L. Jones
The eternal question of "Emily" or "Amelia" for Nyotalia fans must be addressed first. "Amelia" is a more English form of a Germanic name "Amalia", the root of which, "amal", translates to "unceasing, vigorous, brave". "Emily", however, is the anglicized version of the "Aemilia", from the Latin genus (family name) of "Aemilius", which is translated to "enemy". The beggining of USA as a country are those of the Anglo-Scottish and Dutch colonisers, so it would historically make more sense for Nyo!America to be called "Amelia" - but there is one more obvious reason for this name: Amelia Earhart. The famous female pilot is certainly someone young country such as Nyo!America would definitely look up to.
As for the mysterious "L." in the name, I wanted to pay homage to both how many American politicians and public figures use their middle names as sole letters in their official names, but also to a lesser known historical figure of Lucretia Mott (nee Coffin). She was a white abolitionist and women's rights activist, back in the 19th century. I thought Nyo!America, who is just as keen on freedom and heroism as her male counterpart, would like to pay homage with her name to someone like Mrs Mott.
With that said, I believe before Amelia and Lucretia, Nyo!America was given various names (especially by Nyo!England, while under her care, and later under various governments); but I would imagine that since 1940s she opted towards making Amelia her official name and it stuck with her.
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China - Chugoko (?)
王  春艳 --- Wang Chun-Yan
That's a country that has been using a hell lot of names in her long history - either names inspired by important women from her past like Wu or Xian, but also names that reminded her of some happy memories. Around the time of British and French colonialism knocking on her doorstep, she settled on the name Chun-Yan, written with signs "春" (chūn), meaning "spring" and "艳" (yàn), meaning "beautiful, gorgeous", but also "fascinating". It was meant a bit to be a lucky charm type of name for her, as she wished for rebirth as a fully capable country (and spring is associated with new beginnings in Chinese culture). It stood the test of time under communist revolution, as it correlated with the theme of reforms and she kept it in the current state up to this day.
Obviously there is more than just one Chinese culture and this is why I leave all her possible names and nicknames a mystery - I'm not skilled or knowledgable to make an informed opinion on that. I can only imagine it is one of the most complex characters here and her story deserves more digging into it. I just did the most modern human name option here.
As for nicknames, I can imagine some other countries (*cough* Nyo!America for once *cough*) calling Nyo!China "Mulan", as it's much easier to properly pronounce than "Chunyan", but also because of Disney movies, which fairly enough annoys Nyo!China. That's one more reason why countries prefer to use their country names over the human names.
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England - UK - Igiko
Rosamund/Rose Kirkland
No, not Alice. Deal with it. Maybe it was one of her aliases for spying, but the first name Nyo!England ever used for herself was historically "Rosamund" or "Rosamond", which was popularised upon the Norman conquest. Before that, she was a young nation and called herself "Anglia", as that's what people called England at the time. After some time, she tried to differentiate herself from the French, so she began to use name Elizabeth, which the French used as "Isabelle" (and that was how Nyo!France sometimes called her). During the 19th century and the Victorian era in particular, she began using Rose as her name again, inspired by the Victorian floral code and different meanings of different flowers in it (she was quite keen on that btw).
So thus Rosamund finally became Rose, and as you probably know, white and red rose is one of the symbols of the UK as a whole (a.k.a. the Tudor rose and all that history stuff). It makes a lot of sense, when you think about that name in this context.
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France - Franiko
Marion/Marie/Manon Bonnefoy
The big sister of Europe, and Nyo!Canada's motherly figure, France happened to grow up earlier than some of her neighbours and thus she adapted the name Mary, or rather Marion in medieval French, after the mother of Jesus Christ. You know, the oldest Catholic country, older than Italian siblings and so on... But since the time is changing and so changes the fashion, she adapted her name to different eras. And so during the renaissance and early baroque she used "Marie", then she swiched to "Marie Anne" or simply "Marianne" under Bourbons and then in revolution, she then used "Mariette" for some time in 19th century, and finally in the most recent times, she began using "Manon", making this a cultural phenomenon as the name got popular shortly after (and she wholeheartedly believes it's her claim to fame).
Btw, one of the theories says the name Mary, depite coming from Hebrew to European languages, is of Egyptian origin and meands something like "love" or "beloved". Quite fitting for Nyo!France, I must admit.
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Russia - Kolko/Roshiko
Аня Брагинская --- Anya Braginskaya
Last, but not least, we got Russia and as we started with a young, ambitious nation, we're ending with another relatively young and also quite ambitious nation, which shows in the name. The name "Anne" or "Anna", from which Russian form "Аня" (Anya) comes, is of Hebrew origin, in the form of "Channah" (חַנָּה) meaning "favour, grace". This is a name which is technically a religious one in Russian orthodoxy, although it has been popularised to a degree most people don't even acknowledge it as such. My idea is that under tsarist times she was using "Соня" (Sonya), a Russian diminutive of "София" (Sofiya), meaning "wisdom" from Greek, as this was the name rather popular in medieval and early modern Russian elites, but after the revolution, she would differentiate herself from a typical "kulak" name and started using much more regular name like "Anya" instead.
And no, I don't think she would use "Anastasia" as her name, given how unpopular tsarist family was right after the revolution. I mean, she was likely told to change her name, so it wasn't up to her, and Sonya or Natalya were much more popular among the nobilty around the time of Peter the Great, as that is when I think she first had the need to use a human name.
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