nylainnoho · 3 years
Spend the day with me: first day edition!
Hello Friends, 
Here in Noho, us Smithies are just finishing up our first week of classes! In honor of finishing this first week I wanted to share a day in my life post for the first day of classes. Before we start, I also wanted to show you all my desk setup since this is where all of the magic happens. 
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8:00 am: Good morning! I am on the track team so my day started with a lift from 8:00 am to 8:45 am, this is something that I will be doing every Monday and Friday for the entire semester. It usually struggle with getting up, but since it was the first day, I had the first day jitters and didn’t have much difficulty getting up. 
9:00 am: After I finished lifting, I headed up the road to Tyler. Right now we are ordering all of our meals through GrubHub and you are able to grab and go once your meal is ready. I think I had to wait about 15 minutes for my breakfast to be done that day. 
9:15 am: There are a few public spaces that we are allowed to eat in, but I usually eat in my room and listen to a podcast or talk to friends and family. One of my friends put me on to NPR's Life Kit podcast and now I am putting you all on! After my breakfast I also like to spend some time writing in my journal really about anything that comes to my mind. I try to do this frequently (not every single morning), but on the mornings that I feel like it. 
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9:35 am: After breaking my fast I took a nice shower and really took my time to get ready. Some mornings I rush, but I wanted to feel extra good for the first day.
10:55 am: Finally, the golden time! This is when my first class, PSY269: Categorization and Intergroup Behavior started! This is a psychology course and some of the main things we will be discussing will be prejudice, discrimination and other things related to how groups interact with each other. I really enjoyed our first class. 
12:00 pm: Class finished a bit early this day, so after I went and grabbed lunch with my friends. I was able to snap a picture of my lunch and this meal is the Indian Curry Bowl from Lamont. I think they are pretty good and probably get this meal for lunch or dinner at least once a week. I usually like to have something to look at or listen to while I eat and on this day I watched Youtube and Facetimed a friend.
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1:40 pm: After lunch, I started my next class, AFR117: History of African American People to 1960. I also loved this class. We reviewed the syllabus and did a small breakout room activity where we looked at a few quotes and discussed what we thought about them. I think the quote my group looked at was really important so I will share it here. Let me know if you have any thoughts about it or questions about what I thought. Here it is: “This history continues to be mistaken by some as a burden when it should instead be recognized as a tremendous responsibility.” --Peniel Joseph
3:15 pm: I had my next class, PSY 202: Research Methods for Psychology. I have taken a class with this professor in the past and I really enjoyed it. Research Methods is also required for the psychology major, so that is part of the reason I am taking this class too.
4:30 pm: Once my Research Methods class ended I had a bit of time until dinner! I will use this time to let you all know that most classes (except labs and maybe a few others) last for an hour and 15 minutes. 
5:00 pm: There is a big dinner rush at five and I contribute to it. The most popular dining halls for dinner right now are Tyler and Comstock. This night I had pizza for dinner! 
7:05 pm: After dinner, I had my final class AFR289: Race, Feminism, and Resistance in Movements for Social Change. The professor for this class is amazing and I was so excited to take another one of their classes! This class--and pretty much all of my classes are discussion-based. We all came to class having read a piece by Meg thee Stallion and we discussed this as well as the syllabus and other things to expect from the class. 
8:20 pm: Finally, at 8:20 pm I was finished with all of my classes. I *try* to stop doing school work at 8:30 pm (although it does not always happen), so I was done for the night. I listened to some music, brushed my teeth and did my other night activities and was off to bed! That was my day!
Thank you, my loves for sticking with me in this post! I am so looking forward to the rest of this semester and I hope that you all are excited too. I am sending you my good energies. Chat soon. Tootles.
--xo, Nyla in Noho 
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nylainnoho · 3 years
Get to know me!
Hello Friends,
My name is Nyla Johnay Conaway and I want to welcome you to my blog! I will share some fast facts about myself, so get ready!
Preferred Name: I typically go by Nyla, but if you want to make me feel special you can call me Nyla Johnay or NyCon. Johnay is my middle name; I have been trying very hard to use it more often because I feel like it gets ignored. My second nickname NyCon is a combo of my first and last names and it also is a play on the word icon. 
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Hometown: New Haven, CT (clap it up, the home of lollipops, hamburgers, and me of course)!
Major: I have not declared my major yet, but I am intending on majoring in Africana Studies, possibly minoring in Psychology, and doing a concentration in Community Engagement and Social Change.
Fun Fact: I write with my left hand, but I do most other things with my right hand.
Things we can chat about: Honestly anything, but if you want ~super specialized info~ ask me about Africana Studies, playing sports in college (especially track and field), caring for your natural hair while living in a dorm, fashion, and the AEMES scholars or mentoring program
Now onto some bloggy things, this blog is called Nyla in Noho and the name was created with some help from our lovely blog manager Aneliz. There was also some inspo from the show Emily in Paris, we can talk about this in another post. I like how the N’s are matchy-matchy and I think it flows well. I do not do ~english~, but from some searching online I believe that this ~stylistic device~ is called consonance. Please do not quote me on that and if I am wrong, please correct me. I will try to not be embarrassed.
That is all for now loves, we will chat later. Tootles.
-- xo, Nyla in Noho 
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