nyanyaokayyyy · 6 hours
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nyanyaokayyyy · 2 days
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nyanyaokayyyy · 2 days
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lesbians for pride month
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nyanyaokayyyy · 5 days
theyre my favorite siblings in the world :(((((( :( :((((
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there's this trend going on twt and i wanted to make a yabusame siblings version bc they make me very ill
(template by @/teocrsh !!)
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nyanyaokayyyy · 6 days
The droning of the linoleum lights seemed ever loud as the silence of a graveyard shift sucked the life out of him. It was his third night in a row of nothing but night shift, not that he minded, and not that he didn't expect it, as he had asked his manager to give him as many as possible. Sleep through the day, then work through the night. Fit in as many freelance code jobs in between. Eat a cup of ramen if he felt hungry. Shower every day after work. Do the laundry at the end of the week to save the most money. His whole entire day, and the following, were all planned out to a T. All in order for him to just not think about it.
Yet luck was never on Shin's side. Through one way or another, something cropped up to disrupt his plans. 
The door opened up, the digital ding dong of the doorbell sounding. Shin instinctively turned to greet the customer.
"Welcome i-" 
His words caught in his throat at the sight. Of course. Of fucking course.
While it wasn’t the exact person he had been avoiding, it was the closest person to the person he had been avoiding. An alarming reminder of the problem he had been ignoring and trying to bury deep in his head. In fact, he would argue that this is worse, way, infinitely, terrifyingly worse than if the subject himself had walked through those doors. But how could Shin have not seen this coming? Because of course he would have vented their relatiosnhip problem to his sister, and of course he would then send her off to confront him after Shin had been ignoring all of his texts!
She turned to face him, their eyes locking onto one another. Shin could feel all the nerves in his body freeze as she looked at him with a grim expression, fists curled at her sides. She marched right over to the counter, Shin realizing that “Yeah, of course he sends her to visit him at work instead of his apartment, where he could easily just leave the door closed and hide in his room until she leaves.”
The only thing separating them now is the counter. Shin stares into her eyes as she stares back into his own. He can feel the sweat collect and trail down the back of his neck, his heart hitting rapidly against the front of his chest. Could she hear it? Did she know how terrified he is of her? Like the loud drums his boyfriend loved to play, Shin could barely hear himself think over his own heart. Maybe this was the rush she always felt on stage.
Her voice is deeper than most women he’s met. It commands you to listen, lest you get sucker punched in the face.
“Ah, Miss Reko? To what do I owe-”
“Cut the bullshit.”
Shin goes silent. Fuck. Did he already mess up? She could easily break his nose. Hell, she’d probably punch it into his face. He shouldn’t have feigned ignorance. Now he was gonna pay for it. God, he should’ve seen this coming. Why did he think ignoring his problems was going to solve them? He always did this to himself. He avoided all confrontation and just tried to go with whatever people wanted even if it hurt him. In fact, that’s how he even got into this mess in the first place. How could he be so stupid? He brough this upon himself, he deserves whatever is coming. She should just come around the counter and give him the punsihment he had been avoiding for so long. Maybe that’s why he sent her instead of coming to see Shin himself. She was always abrasive and tough on everyone, Shin knew she didn’t approve of him from the start. Wow, he really just decided to stay in this mess despite knowing how it always came out for him. He’s so stupid, he’s such an-
“Hey, so, uh…”
Her voice snaps him out of his spiral. Right, he’s just been silently panicking in front of her this whole time. He completely gave up his cool facade as soon as she snapped at him. What could he say to her though? His tongue felt sticky in his mouth.
She sighs, raking a hand through her hair. Her shoulders slacken, and she leans her weight onto one foot. It’s then Shin realizes something is off about this. She doesn’t look mad, in fact she looks…concerned? Wait, actually, now that he’s looking, he realizes she’s not wearing any make up whatsoever. She’s dressed fairly casually, actually, like she had just strolled out from her house to come here without any thought of what she might look like.
“Look, I’m just gonna say it. I don’t like butting into other people’s relationships, we’re all adults here, but I can tell when something’s up. You and Alice need to talk.”
“There’s nothing we need to talk about,” Shin tries to speak with an even voice. “Everything is fine.”
Reko waves her hand and shakes her head. “Don’t say that to me. You really think I haven’t noticed how mopey he’s been for the past week? All he does is sulk around the house, bemoaning the fact you keep leaving him on read. He doesn’t put any effort at all in our practices. Every time I try to talk to him, he either erupts into a bubbling mess of tears, or he just stays silent and broods in his room. I know something is up between you two, and I’m asking for both of your sakes to talk it out.”
Shin was a bit taken aback at that. So…He didn’t vent to her? Then she came here of her own volition?
“I understand your concern, but…” Shin’s voice trails off. How is he supposed to tell her their problem? He can’t just brush her away, she’s very aware that there’s something going on between them. But how can he tell her given the fact Shin thinks he’s being ridiculous?
“But?” She questions, leaning onto the counter a bit. Shin takes a step back, trying to maintain their distance.
“But there really…isn’t anything to be worried about. It was just a misunderstanding. nothing serious. And I was just busy this whole week, you know? Working all the night shifts and stuff. I’ll respond to him when I get the chance. I’m sorry our relationship has been interferring with your band.”
She sighs, obviously seeing through all his bullshit. She looks up to him then, and he’s surprised to see just how less threatening she looks without all her makeup. 
“Shin,” she says, making sure to make eye contact with me. “I’m not asking this on behalf of Alice or something. Whatever you think is going on isn’t what it is. I want you to talk to me. Just me, right now, spill it out. Cause I can tell it’s bothering you the most, and if my hunch is right, it’s Alice’s fault.”
“Wait…huh?” Shin doesn’t know how to react to her statement. How does she know so much despite not knowing what this is about? How does she know it’s eating Shin up inside? That it is Alice’s fault, and that Shin is just trying to ignore it? She couldn’t possibly know. And Shin wasn’t really willing to tell her about it. “What are you talking about?”
“Hear me out,” She said, resting both elbows on the counter and leaning onto it. She waved her hands around as she spoke. “Three weeks ago everything was fine, right? You two were lovey dovey lovebirds. But then we had that concert and fan meet and greet on that Saturday. The following week, things seemed fine. Alice seemed to be doing well, he wasn’t bursting into tears every time he looked at his phone. Now we have this one, where he’s barely even leaving his room and won’t even talk to me about what’s going on. I don’t know how it’s been for you, I know we don’t talk much, but I can tell just from his behavior something must’ve happened, right?”
“So I think about these past few weeks and bingo, that’s when it hit me. The meet and greet. I was thinking what happened that night and that’s when I realized what it might’ve been. Towards the end of it, a fan came up and asked to kiss him on the cheek, right?”
Her words are throwing him back to that night. He’s been trying to shut it out for so long. To just ignore it and hope it somehow erases from his mind. Yet he’s reminded of it because of Alice. Every time they kiss, every time they held hands, every time Shin looked at him. He just couldn’t erase that interaction from his mind. And for what? How could he be so pathetic to let something like that ruin him so badly? Why does he feel such heartbreak every time he remembers that Alice let a stranger kiss him on the cheek? Shin knew it was normal for fans to exhibit this kind of behavior, he expected it going into a relationship with someone semi-famous. And yet…and yet…
“Shin,” she says, voice gentle. He doesn’t even realize he began crying. There’s a soft look on her face, her hand reaching out as if wanting to pat him on the shoulder. He looks up to her, his facade broken, emotions pouring out after weeks of trying to keep them held together.
“I’m sorry,” he says, breaking. “I”m sorry, I know, it’s stupid. I’m so stupid for getting so worked up about it. I don’t know why. It just hurt so much to see him agree to it. And I know it’s stupid, because he loves me, and it’s just a fan, and it shouldn’t mean anything, but I-I”
He hiccups, his tears blurring his sight. He stops speaking in favor of just letting the tears flow, so overcome with pent up emotion he’s speechless. Reko moves away for a moment, out of his sight, and he presumes that she’s finally just decied to leave considering how stupid Shin is being. Yet just as he’s in the middle of sobbing, he finds a packet of the convenience store’s tissues, opened and shoved into his hands.
“Hwha?” He looks up to see Reko with a gentle smile, a bottle of water in her other hand. 
“Do you mind if I come behind the counter?”
He pauses, taking a tissue to wipe his face. Does he mind? Some part of his heart tells him, no, not really. And so he nods his head. She comes behind the counter, and whispers to him to hold the tissues. He does so and continues wiping his face as she opens up the water bottle for him. She hands it to him, taking the tissues back and telling him to drink. Shin doesn’t know why, but he listens to her. Just as her normal voice commands people to listen, her softer one is similar. Yet there’s a distinct difference to it. It’s more like a gentle nudge, like a hand to guide the way. He didn’t think she could be so kind.
His tears are slowing down, and he’s stopped sobbing. He takes small sips from the water as he sits in the chair behind the counter. She’s sitting ontop of the counter, still holding the tissues as he collects himself. As soon as he looks a bit more calm, she begins to speak.
“I don’t think you’re stupid. You know, I actually came to him after the meet and told him that was a bit inappropriate. Not just because of your relationship, but because it was a bit too personal to do with fans. In the heat of the moment, right after our concert, I guess he just wasn’t thinking. He can be a little stupid sometimes.”
She laughs at that, and Shin let’s out an amused huff of air. His tongue feels sticky in his mouth, but it seems like right now Reko is gonna do all the talking. Shin found he didn’t really mind.
“From what you said, I’m guessing it really tore you up, but you decided to tell him that was fine. And I guess if you look at it objectively, it could be seen as fine and normal for most people. But you’re not most people, right? That’s why Alice loves you. That’s why I think you should tell him.”
Shin takes a drink from the water bottle. He’s really glad she went to grab this. The cool refridgerated water helps to cool him down after getting so flustered and worked up. 
“I think you’re right to be mad at him. You’re right to feel upset. I don’t know exactly where you’re coming from, but it was a stupid move on him. It doesn’t really matter to me if there’s a deeper reason as to why it upset you or not, because what matters is it upset you, and he should know that. Right now, he doesn’t realize that that’s the reason you’re ghosting him. He can be a little dense, but you and I both know he’s good. He just needs a little guidance.”
“Yeah,” Shin replies, voice a little weak from crying. “I’m just…scared. I feel like he’s gonna be upset with me, just for making such a big deal about it…”
Reko rolls her eyes. “Trust me, if he tries anything, I got your back. If it’ll make you feel better…I can help you say it to his face. I really don’t think he’ll be upset, but I want you to know I support you. You two…You really make Alice happy. And I know how much he loves you. I want you both to get better from this. You shouldn’t be afraid to say you want in your relationship.”
Shin sighs, her words erasing all the fears and doubts in his mind. Right, this was his relationship. A good one, one filled with love and care. Alice always did his best for Shin, and Shin appreciated the man’s patience whenever Shin acted a little unexpectedly. Plus, hearing how Reko came out of concern for Shin rather than just to berate him for how he’s been treating Alice…Shin can’t help but feel touched. He didn’t expect this side of her. He didn’t realize just how sweet and kind she could be. No wonder Alice looked up to her so highly.
“Thanks,” he said with a small smile. “That means a lot, really.”
He shifted in his seat a bit, fidgeting with the bottle in his hands. Would it be inappropriate to ask-?
She slid off the counter, her arms opening up as she seemed to read his mind.
“Now come on, I know you need it.”
He blushed a bit in embarrassment, but all the same walked into her arms. She wrapped her arms around him, giving him a gentle squeeze as he sniffed. He was glad he was wrong about her. And glad to know she gave a pretty good hug. 
yeah idk lol
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nyanyaokayyyy · 7 days
Help black disabled 🦽 diabetes person get insulin.
Hi! It's kinda shameful to go this route , but being diabetic person .Now over 6 months my unemployment still pending This has been the worst couple of years of my life. Our house was destroyed in a storm. Then I am desperately in need for help. I need my insulin to bring my blood sugar back down. It’s $300 That’s all I need. I’m not asking for a windfall, just a little help, please.
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financial problem is the number 1 reason.
hoping to get some help in here.
GOAL: $209/$300
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nyanyaokayyyy · 7 days
your naoreko is so amazing…..thank you……
Do you reckon she'd dye that lighter part of her hair pink to match with Nao?
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DAY 326: if she asked, i don't see why not!
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nyanyaokayyyy · 8 days
I had this sudden vision while I was drifting off to sleep one night (or maybe slowly waking up one morning, I'm not sure), but Reko if she was turned into Kirby or whatever the heck kind of creature Kirby is (idk i never played Kirby I just like some of the soundtracks)
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DAY 324: meta knight reko
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nyanyaokayyyy · 13 days
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miss Nao you are always in my head
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nyanyaokayyyy · 16 days
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must be some kind of a ... prototype !
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nyanyaokayyyy · 16 days
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nyanyaokayyyy · 16 days
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frolicking in da fields with the bff
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nyanyaokayyyy · 16 days
happy birthday to best fem protag ever
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DAY 319: happy birthday sara!
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nyanyaokayyyy · 16 days
news flash
it's believed by FFTF that KOSA may get a vote + house markup as early as next week PROOF: Axios, Blumenthal, Bloomberg
find you senators here
stopkosa call tool here
fax tool here
call scripts here
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nyanyaokayyyy · 16 days
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nyanyaokayyyy · 17 days
i need to see these two have more goofy interactions cuz i just know reko would beat the shit out of stronghold
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DAY 318: old stronghold teasing reko sketch
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nyanyaokayyyy · 18 days
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“ Your friends are wrong about you. The person they love isn't you at all. ”
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